german divisional emblems usa 1945

AAIRS(D)-EMB-I/4S 'r BY ^UTHORITV OF m i nTE {. RESEARCH S £CTIOn Lonoon 1945 AUG 1946 •to HT^e.^^^'giTjf

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Alfabetical list and emblems of german divisions guring Second World War


  • AAIRS(D)-EMB-I/4S 'r


    m i n T E {. R E S E A R C H S C T I O n

    L o n o o n

    1945 AUG 1946


    HT^e.^^ '^giTjf

  • Tho purpose of this publication is to make available to

    intelligence personnel of the Allied Forces, and to U.S. and

    British agencies concerned with the demobilization of the

    C-erran Army a handbook containing all the available information

    concerning German divisional Emblems. It presents, in Section

    I, the principles govern! 7 the use and application of emblems,

    Section II brings all identified emblem designs of German

    divisions. An alphabetical index of designs contained in this

    book is furnished In Section III, and. examples of application

    aro appended.

    It must be remembered that not all emblems likely to be

    encountered, are necessarily divisional, since a great number

    of independent (GT"Q) units as well as some higher formations

    possess their individual designs. However, particularly in the

    case of smaller units, such designs aro apt to undergo very

    frequent changes, and. can only be collected at an actively

    operational level. In addition, there is a wide variety of

    emblems in use by tho l:rrian Air Force and 1'avy, but since

    they often contain design elements characteristic of these

    services such emblems will probably not be a source of


    Requests for additional copies of this publication

    should, be made through channels. Comments, including

    corrections of factual detail should, be transmitted promptly,

    and may be addror-sod directly to MILITARY IITTELLIG-ENCE

    RESEARCH SECTION, 4? Hyde lark Sate, London, S.W.7

  • T A


    GJR;AIJ " IVIJIC'VJ., E^ELP^S i - vi

    1. 3-cr err 1 I 2V Appearance

    a) lesion I b) Color . . , . , . . . II

    3 Display I l l 4. Changes raid. Variatlona IV 5 Security rcasurca

    r V 6 c Emblems and Tactical Symbols . VI



    Introduction 1

    1. Panzer Divisions ..., 2 - 6 2, Panzer G-renadier Divisions ... 6-8 3* So I-ivisions 8 ~ 11 4. Parachute Divisions 12 - 13 5. Li :ht Divisions .. 13 - 15 6. rountcin Divisions 15 - 17 7. In*p.ntry Divisions

    1 - 100 17 - 26 101 - 200 27 - 31 201 - 300 32 - 40 301 - 400 41 - 43 401 - 700 49 - 51 700 up 52-53

    8. Reserve Divisions 54 - 56 9. LOC (Sichorungs) Divisions ... 56 - 58 10 . OA? Divisions 59 11. Static Divisions , 60 12. "iscullanoous and STOP PKESS , 6 0 - 6 1


    IFI'EX OF DESIGNS 62 - 7 1


    . . . . i "^ {j

  • . / ' ; .

    - , \ - ' ] - .

  • 1 General

    So far as is "mown almost every Gorman division has or

    has had its own distinctive emblem, regardless of wether or

    not it is displayed in the combat zone. Irior to 1942, emblem

    designs and allocations were rather closely controlled, by tho

    OKW but it is proscrtly evident that their choice and applica

    tion dopond suoo&t en/lirc'ly en the decision of divisional

    comr.anclers, subject to approval by the GIC7 in order to avoid duplications

    Emblems form a practical rcthod of narhin.3 divisional

    equipment, and are often used to deny numerical identification

    of units. Another important reason for the widespread use of

    emblems by O-ernan divisions is their value as an element of

    morale since they often trite on the importance of citations,

    and are frequently selected with regards to the tradition,

    exploits or hone station of the unit. They are proudly dis

    played, and divisional nrres, which arc permitted to pass the

    censorship imposed on German newspapers, have often been

    derived fron particularly characteristic designs.

    2a Appearance

    a) Design

    Emblems, in contrast to tactical symbols, are individual

    designs alloted to specific units, and represent almost any**

    thins that can be encountered in the way of pictorial represen

    tation. Although it was a pro-194-3 rule that panzer divisions

    carried emblems baesd on variations of simple geometrical

    designs or runic symbols, while infantry and other divisions


  • II

    showed a more representative type, it 'is'no longer possible to

    classify a division solely jy the of its emblem. In case of highly specialized divisions, such as parachute or

    mountain divisions, the er.blem is likely to contain certain

    "trade" characteristics, tut even in these instances a general

    rule cannot bo established.

    Altl.0u.3h all c-'folors "re distinctly different, certain

    similarities between dcsjjr.s ^rc unavoidable, euj., "a windmill" has been identified for three different divisions: 9 SS Iz,

    198 Inf and 437 Inft The came applies to a nurbcr of divisions

    usin.3 "crossed swords"o As e result, reports on designs which

    arc not accurately 3r?w*ri or specifically described should be

    treated with caution*

    It would servo no practical pvrpose to present a

    list of reasons underIyin3 the vrricus designs or dosisn types,

    therefore, v/ith a few exceptions, such explanations have been

    omitted from section II. In view of rather frequent chair^ es of

    emblem designs (see prra^raph 4) it oust be emphasized that only

    documentary c-vidence furnic-hos positive proof of an emblem

    identification, and teat the date of the information is of nore

    than the us un1 ir'p0rt arc e for ev aluat ion purposes.

    b) Color

    The original conception of many G-crrnan divisional

    emblems called for the use of specific shades or the combination

    of various colors, and this idea is still carried out in certain

    cases. Generally ,howevor, the shortage of paint has reduced,

    practical application to a single color within the range of the

    six basic colors,

    Yellow is the color of most panzer division emblems,

  • ..,,,, ..aMrltu green seems a favorite wltTi paratfRutc divisions, while white,

    red or black are predominantly in use with SS, infantry and

    all other types of divisions. (See also paragraph 4 ) .

    3. Display

    Emblems are not arbitrarily used, specific orders being

    issued from division headquarters concerning their size, colors,

    placing (sec Appendix A) etc** Tbcy are usually displayed, in

    the following places:

    a) On tanks, all types of motor vehicles, horse-drawn vehicles, motorciycles and bycicles,

    b) On directional signs leading to headquarters, billets* bivouac areas or designating march routes, often in conjunction with the sub-unit commanderfs initial,

    c) On divisional newspapers, official correspondence of an unusual character, certificates etc. Social correspondence, unit folders, note books and other documents are often found, (unofficially) decorated with the divisional emblem.

    It should be noted that contrary to the practice in the

    U.S and British Armies divisional emblems are not worn on the

    uniform. The few exceptions to this rule are specifically

    noted in section II.

    Another deviation of a more interesting nature is the

    recent introduction of divisional emblems in form of cap badges

    by a limited number of divisions. This new practice is illus~

    trated by a document of the 3 Para Div, dated 24 May 44 and

    signed by the divisional commander, in which the follov/ing

    statement appears:

    11... I intend to this emblem made of metal as

    a cap badge, and to keep its size within such dimensions as to mpke it suitable as a lapel decoration in civilian life.. It is also planned, to use this emblem in enlarged size as decoration

  • Mf! RSSIFlffl Siia*M.68WM Is 'ioSh as available the badges

    will be for cale in poGt exchanges, and it is intented to have a. limited nunber of such badges in silver for distinguished cervices within the division


    Although this plan is based on ly on the decision of

    this particular compandor, it is quite likely that other

    divisions with a distinguished combat record will have similar

    plans. As the creation of cs.p badges by a number of divisions

    (marked specificially in section II) furnishes supportins

    evidence for this tendency, it deserves particular attention

    in the light of post-war use of divisional emblems

    4O Changes and Variations

    Tho identification of emblems has boon rendered some

    what difficult by the fact that they have been changed from

    time to time with the object of confusing Allied Intelligence. A wide-spread change of this kind was made at the end of 194-2.

    Although it would, therefore, seen? that pre-194-3 identifications

    (as narked in section II) would servo little more than histo

    rical interests, it is by no means certain that some of these

    emblems have not been reintroduced, particularly in the

    of divisions of famous standing. In other instances the change

    of emblem has coincided with the transfer of a division from

    one theatre to another, and, more recently, with its conversion

    or change of coi zander. Adaptation of new emblem designs are

    still frequent but not as wide-spread as they were prior to


    A rather elaborate and varying system of color and

    design application to denote different divisional sub-units by

    arm or branch of service or numerical progression has been

  • found to be in uso, particularly by highly mobile divisions,


    ARMY, Auguct 1944)a Those practices will in Doat cases consist

    of minor additions to the original color scheme and can, although

    they are of tactical value, be disregarded from a divisional

    point of view since the// rre usually not of a permanent

    character, and will not charge the basic elements of an indivi

    dual orab1en.

    3. 3ocu

    Prior to i-arch 1943 the 3-eiran Amy used emblems without

    any but local restrictions. An OKW order of that time directed

    the paint ins ou^ f emblems, either generally or In specific

    areas, but this order found only United compliance by the

    individual divisions, particularly on the Eastern front. Appa

    rently motivated by the consideration that the elements of

    morale and of divisional control over its equipment outweighed

    that of security, the display of emblems was reinstated by an

    order of the Chief of the General Staff, dated I larch 1944. This

    order directed, the display of emblems as outlined in paragraph

    3, and divisional emblems (DivIs ionskonnzeichon) are again in

    full use since summer 1944. During largo-scale movements emblems

    as well as unit nunbors (Truppentcilbozoichrump-;) are temporarily

    obliterated. Some divisions have also carried out similar

    security measures in combat zones, but all divisions, according

    to the order, oro required to mark their vehicles with emblems

    in the communication zones and roar areas.

    It is doubtful that large-scale deceptions, using a

    fictitious onblem or that of another division, wore ever carried

    out. Possibly, such disguises may have boon used locally by

  • t -VIsmallor units, but it is not Irnown if intelligence stunts of

    that type have been or,ployed on a divisional scale*

    6 Srblems and Tret leal Symbols

    The- most frequently encountered types of vehicle or

    post markings rside from divisional or other unit emblems

    are tactical symbols to derisnatc the a m or branch of service

    (see: G-ERi:AIT I'lLITAT-iY SYI:.:JC'LS, 1 April 1944), In contrast to

    emblems, tactical symbols do not furnish clues towards divisio

    nal identifications as all units in the G-c.rman Array employ

    uniform tactical symbols. If used in conjunction with a divisional emblem, the tactical symbol is always distinctly

    separated Iron it, and does not form part of its design. Only

    the color of the symbol may, under certain conditions (see

    paragraph 4) furnish information towards the numerical

    designation of divisional sub-units.

    1 5 s 'i d

  • Introduction

    The rttochod l i s t of Illustrations has been prepared in accordance with tLo fo.llcwin.:; principles:

    1 All G-c-rran divltiions are listed, and grouped in nun 3r iG r, 1 or ji er v; i th 1 n each c at c.3ory , D ivi s ions "v/ho s e status or existence ic Uiiccrt'iin ." n*grkod with * Only positive or reasonably cortrin orabloin Identifications are ^iven, but spaces for a l l divir.icii3 are provided to permit inclusions of newly id

  • Division


    I T z Liv

    V r t ic : 1 Leaf,

    2 p z r i v prir I z I iv

    DO Z

    4 I-, "iv Letter Y in a circle ov ,r 2 crossed swords in black

    7 5 I

    6 I i v

    \ /7




    b) Jun 44 Unconfirmed

    a) lov 44 ellow, white ar

    blacl: 3epijndins on b-ac> :rour,d

    a) Jul 43 Yullow

    a) J-l 43 Yellow. Known as "j&ren Div" because of bear painted on tan!: turrets in add to div omblein.

    ") A;T 44: Unconfirmed

    a) Yellow

    b) pre-1943 Yellow

    a) Jvl 43 Yellow


    ^ . .,..f


  • ton

    8 I?, Div

    j D . ' .s i ' n B _Do s i riio *_i>T Altornat

    a) Jun Dts in various colors, probably colors of sub-units

    u) rra-Jul 43 Yellow

    9 Pz Div


    a) Get 44 Yellow. Known as "Hunan Division11

    bj pri.^1943 Yellow

    10 I s Div a) .- 4; Yellow

    a) Jun 44 "ai to and. black

    ~.ho s tIT , k now n a a M

    3-espenster Division" prc^Jul 43 Yellow

    b-2) J u l 43 Jun 44 Vr.ryin.T. colors


    14 1z Div

    i i iH! J

  • 16

    ivisiion M fil 1 ; t un t b) Alt-mate

    a) Yollov;

    I Z -IV u l

    lo I z Div * T U"

    a) Jul 43

    ) J il 43 Yell


    21 Ir "?iv

    ) i:i-'Z:u v,with

    2) Glv\r in-: C-vr.lryri:aii with i aiacd

    oi I j TT




    Get 43 'tellov;

    : r y 44

    1) and 2 ) : Unconfirmed

    ,-si.iltc of divl. contzzt jf Apr 44 for ncv; enblen unknown

    43 ellow

    22 I- Tiv (Disbanded)

    a) 1942 Yellovi

  • or sjurr- Altornat

    2? Iz Div a) Jul

    l z Div


    ,) or b) Unidentified

    26 Iz Div !

    -vr Xc. i 1 ov.T dGc i r nblack "round


    21 1^_- i v /7 Yclloi,

    IK G-rcyhcund leaping over S 11"' 1 j_ 0 1 j C U S XlC S V."hi t G or i n c omb i n ations of various colors aonot i n r sub-unit s CalledffWindhund Div."

    1 z

    r e

    DO T |



    i V

    a) Jun 44 V.'hitc. The German s t e e l helmet i s the trr,di~ tlon?.l : T M C : I of t h i s d ivir ion, the "track" lcslr:rj i s r, 1944 i on .

    B lti ',.

  • - '

    Division J e i r^ 1 Currant p) A.lUrnat< / O i. ) Jul 44

    - i -L + . O" j?h-j basic enblcir la a circle represen\ ting; a cloc;; faco. A clock hand points j to the hour, indicating the nur.ber of (Soo r.lso: the sub-unit. The color of tho hand . . . ^ denotes tho ty):o of sub-unit, accorpa-e 61) d livr to r,.r ?. or 3 or vie o.

    Iz. T.\"R Div a) Cct 44 Varvin.3 colors, also frcqu ently observed in open-top hoxason*


    I ' n s : r C-i'J n"/q ir-r ";1 vir.ion3

    ") I T G-ren : ' i \ o) TV^ v 4 4 Yollow

    (D 10 Iz G-ron I)iv a) 1943

    v 1 Yellow


    HiMpI A CO I t H I 11^1 i u^ If If:

  • ivleion

    15 Iz Iron Liv

    1: iz >-; .-17


    ront A "

    X 1 7 \".




    4 a)b)



    './hit s, cont ainin.3 div or sub-unit comrrander's i n i t i a l

    Jnn :^4 Uncor.firmcd cLr.nT .G

    pro-1943 Y a low

    20 1:, Zren ^:v

    \\ A ,) Ju l 43

    Die;.nonJ. black, l e t t e r V y c 11 ov/. Both d c s I s n s app c q,r together

    25 Iz Iron 2i Yellow

    29 lr Iron Tiv


    a) o^ m 44 White i'alcon, henc "Falkon Division"

    60 i? I V n a) -Jv.n

    V/hit 43 . or v el lev;

    90 Iz C-r-;r Div


    a) T--y 44 1robably whito

    0 RLpr csonts out l ino of Sardinia where d ivis ion was roformod after i t s destruction in Tunisia.

    a ; ! f ! r 'j

  • . ." n i.'-.ns -Division ; JlWfH A

    n \ n,


    a) Fov 44 Whita

    b) Got 44 LA.E Monogram (as v;orn on s hou 1 de r G t r ap s) also used on vehicles

    a) Oct 44 : Yellow


    .... |B 11

  • T is ion

    5 ^ U Div |

    _ a; ^ ar 43 T>T T ^ ''T T V


    ._ . , I 6 SS Irtn Div G-E3 IR JSDIV IS IC1' NCl:cD !

    7 SS I P ~ ?


    horse vrithout ridor, rvr;

    9 SS I z Div HC:-:EL:3TAUF:.:I'


    10 SS Iz Div

    11 P5 IG Div

    w i t h rirr ar;n v i a 3 i n . DU, CU

    Yellow 3word pointing obliquely to ri^ht under a horse!s head, DU

  • -31->. H

    Division' a) Ourrout1

    airsna ID) Altcrnat Remarks

    183 Inf Liv a) unidentified

    189 Inf Civ Jun TWO Unconfirmed

    green or,k leaves b) I:ar 43

    DU W h i t e , Euiblc-m of 189 Res Div prior toconversion

    196 Inf Biv a) Unidentified

    197 Inf Dlv a) 194; CU

    198 Inf Div a) 194; Red

    r3rp. DU

    1QQ Inf Div a) Unidentified

    1.: I

  • -32

    Designs Division R;marks

    c) Current b) Alternate

    205 Inf DlY

    206 Inf Dlv

    203 Inf M v

    O O

    211 Inf Ply

    212 Inf Dlv


    Q n11


    D --4

    a) Jan 44 White with dots in


    a) Unidentified b) pro-1943


    p.) Jun Black letter (which may vary according to cor;, and or) on white ground* Outline in varying; colors.

    a) Pink and white, unconfirmed

    a) pro-194-p CU, Represents Fraucnkircho, Kunich.

  • Remarks .vision a) Current b) Alternate

    214 Inf Div a) Unidentified

    215 Inf Div a) Unidentified b) pr0-1943

    White with black design

    216 Inf Div * a ) Cot-V/hito

    a) Unidentified 217 Inf Div * b)


    218 Ini Div

    n j


    a) Wii i t o | r o pr e s e nt s Brandonbur^cr Tor, Berlin

    225 Inf LivP f! n tr 44- a) Unidentified b) pre-1943

    Blacl; swords on blue shield

    225 Inf Div t StoelhelEetod

    infantryman, running with sloped rifle, DU

    a) Unidentified b) pro-1943


  • -34

    '1 vis ion Remarks o.) Current b) Alternate

    226 Inf Div a) Unidentified

    OO7 Tvrf 27 Inf l iv

    232 Irf Zlv

    237 Inf Div ! i -.-HI ! [

    239 Div (Destroyed)

    242 Irf Div

    3' Inf Div *

    a) Unidentified b) pre-1943

    a) r'ov 44 CU, probably vrhite

    a) Doc 44 Black and white, unconfirmed

    a) Unidentified b) prc-1943

    Black and white

    a) Unidentified

    a) Jul 44 Yellow lions on red shield. To longer in operational use

    f ,-. .:v:.r. : : :

    \ . - : I ::

  • -35

    Designs Division Remarks a) Current b) Alternate

    a) Unidentified lv

    245 Inf Div a) Unidentified

    246 Inf PiV a) Mar 43 Black on white shield with red border

    250 Irix Div a) 1941 (Disbanded) < V:-'' Red-Yollow-Red.

    HOTS: This emblem was worn on r igh t upp er arm.

    251 Inf Div a) Unidentified

    252 Inf Dlv a) 194; Cross GU

    with two leaves1 DU

    a) Unidentified 253 I Hi' Di b) prc-1943


    ":. w " ' ."n . . 1


  • si "-.-is a) Current b) Alternate Remarks

    254 Inf Dlv a) Uniclontificd b) pre-


    255 Inf Div a) 194; Green on white, therefore called "G-rilnpunkt Division"

    a) Oct. 44 Blac'v le t te r V, cross bar (Y/olf3Ci.n~el) in varying colors, on whito ground

    257 Ir.f Div a) Arr 43 White

    01 a:;

    o Inf Div a) 194? cu

    260 Inf Ply Crescor.t

  • -37

    Designs Division ,) Current b) Alternate

    263 Inf Div

    264 Inf Div

    26- Inf Div


    Inf Liv (destroyed)

    267 I'^ r L'lv *

    26? Inf D


    a) o'un 44

    White bunch of 3rapes Known as "vv'cintrauben Div'r

    a) Unidentified

    a) Jan 44 CU, Unconfirmed

    a) Unidentified

    a) Jul 43 White, Referred to as "pferdekopf Div"

    a) 1944 Unconfirmed

    b) rrc-1943 Blac]. on white circle

    a) Unidentified b) prc-1943



  • Iesigns v.) Currert b) Alternate V'-'V-il

    271 *

    272 Inf Div


    275 Inf Zlv

    276 Inf D:

    277 Inf

    27" inf riv

    a) AU Blue and red haratnors on white Ghield

    aj Uttioe^.i; lea

    a) Jul 44 *~> U f "Teissner Schwerter" (plus 0onr;ander ' s init ial)

    a) Unidentified

    a) Jul 44 Slack church (repros enti ng 31.S10 phen's cathedral1 Vienna), blue waves, on blue-

    bordered White circle

    a) Sop 44 Black figure of lo^oranian grenadier (probably in red-bordered white shield

  • -39

    Designs Division u) Current b) Alternate Htbl

    282 Inf Div * 1943 Not in operational Two white use tulipfl in

    red rectangle DU

    290 Inf Div a) Jul 43 White

    291 Inf Div a) Jul 43 CU

    Elk's b) 1943 head,

    Green leaf in red*DU bordered white shield. Unconfirmed

    292 Inf Div a) 3ep 43 Black or blue circle on white ground

    293 Inf Div a) 194j Brown bear. Known as "Baren Division"

    a) Mar 43 294 Inf Div Clover leaf of varyin.3 colors on white circle

    295 Inf Div a) Jun 43 CU

    ^ ,A

    'Ml ' illuL/ii -39

  • ~4o~

    D. alms V i7.i en -I ?r ccinm

    a) Current b) Alternate is

    296 Inf Div

    ~ ,i U W :. 1 L' " concentric rirr'3,

    297 Inf Div

    293 Inf Div

    \ /

    299 Inf Div .' "~t'r iri*

    ' 'i i, iK.[jll



    a) ?ei nconfirmed

    a) Unidentified

    a) Jun 43 Vv'hlte. Known as "Kirschgeweih Div"

    a) Unidentified b) -pre-1943

    3-roen border, lovrer half of inner \ C::'M rectangle white, upper half vehicle color

  • 502 Inf Div *

    White and black, l;nown as "Dieppe Division"

    504 Inf Div a) Kar 45 CU

    505 Inf Div a) Jun 44 Green pine tree, white ws,ves on white-bordered black circle. Knov/n as !l3odensee Div"

    506 Inf Div * a) Apr 45 Wild boar, CU

    519 Inf Div a) Jun 44 F(ed and. white

    20 Inf Div a) 1945 Red heart on white ground

    521 Inf Div a) 194; CU


  • -42

    Designs Divif irn

    a) Current b) Alternate 523 Inf Div * + Jun 45

    CU9 unconfirmed


    526 Inf Liv * a) Jem 44 White

    327 Inf Div F? a) i-'ev 43

    Red Imperial eagle

    328 Inf liv }; ,) Ji.l 43 31acl: on v;hite

    329 Inf liv


    a) 1?43 Design approximated, "black on white. Known as MHammer Div"

    330 Inf Div a) Unidentified b) pro-1943

    Green flower in white broken circle

    331 Inf Div White coffee nrll on black ground DU

    a) 44 CU( probably V'hite, Referred to as "Tarmenbaum DivisionTarme

    b) Oct 4444 Unconfirmed


  • -43

    ' .

    a) I-iar 43 White


    Black and white

    334 Inf Div a) Get 44 Ring varies in color for arci or cervice, arrow yellow. Palm trc (probably green) in conr*'1 enoration of service in Tunisia

    335 Inf T:iv * a) 1943 Black on white

    336 Inf Div * a) Apr 43

    CU, probably in circle. Known as II ;Hundskopf Division"-

    337 Inf * a) 194;

    White shield with

    sword, DU

    338 Inf Div a) Dec 43 CU, unconfirmed

    A heart, DU

    b) pre-1943 Blue and white diamond pattern, black swords on white groun

  • Divis 3 on a) Current b) Alternate

    339 Inf Div * White or brown

    b) 1943 White

    34-0 Inf Div a) 1943 Lamp

    shining with white light,


    b) pro-1943 V,rhite seastull over blue waves, white border

    342 Inf Div a) 1941 Lamp CU

    wi th EonoTa::' ML, " DU

    343 Inf Div



    II II


    a) I'.a.v 43 White

    a) Jun 43 White

    b) Aur, 44 31ack, unconfirmed

    6 Inf Div a) Unidentified

    347 Inf Div a)


    Mar 44 Yellow

    pre-1944 Hawk's head, white


  • -45 r i\

    Division a) Current b) Xltornate

    Ini -'i a) Unidentified

    34-9 Inf Div ) Juii Letter L crossed by "ihit c, unconfirrced upright sword| DU

    a) Unidentified

    353 Irf Div a) Unidentifir ri

    Div a) Unidentified

    356 Inf r-iv a) S^

    Green on white

    "557 Inf r-iv a) Unidentified

    f ;n

  • Division a) Current b) Altornat

    359 Inf Div a) Jun 44 Two Unconfirmed black

    bear cubs, DU

    36I Inf Div a) "Unidentified

    362 Inf Div a) I'C'T 44 White or black, depending on background.

    363 Inf Div a) Oct- 44

    VJhite; Design approximated

    a) U11 i d o nt i f i o d 364 Inf Div

    a) Unidentified! 367 Div

    369 Inf Div a) i;ar 44 (Croatian) Known as "Tcufols Div" w

    ": b) Fob 44 dcvil> W.

    Rod and white, worn as DU V sleeve emblem. Thcroforc; "Schachbrett Div


  • -47>

    Division a) Current b) Alternate

    370 Inf Div* v.) 1943

    Bear or. hind.

    CU, knovm as "3&r Division"

    less, DU

    371 Inf Div a) ,'iin 4

    Yellow car of corn in white shield

    373 Inf Div a) IJ^ -C 43 (Croatian)

    SCO CU, known as "Tijcr Division"

    tig or DU

    19 In: b) soc: 369 Inf Div

    T^-r r-iir *37c Inf Div To) Jun 43 White on srey ground

    377 Inf riv* AS


    Unidentified pr-c-19^3

    363 mf Jiv * a) Un i d cnt i f i cd b) pro-19->3


    384 Inf Div White

  • it'-, u


    385 Inf Div

    387 Inf Div

    389 Inf Pi

    392 Inf Div (Croatian)

    a) Current b) Altornate

    A crouching

    lion, DU

    I a


    n) 19^ White. Known as "Rhoinfold Diviaion"

    a) Jun i^-3 CU

    b) Kov 43 G-rccn arrow on rodbordorod white circle Unconfirmed

    a) Unidentified b) sec: 369 Inf Div

    , -48

  • 416







  • - 5 0

    ivis ion Remarks a) Current b) Alternate

    p47 Inf Div a) Unidentified






























    Oct 44



    ilMfil fl-

  • - 5 1

    ivision a) Currer.4:

    Dosi ;ns b.) Alternate

    559 Inf Div a) Un i 0 L n t i f i c d

    560 Inf Div a) U n i d c n t i f i ed

    561 Inf Dr a) Unidentified

    562 Inf Div a) U n id on 11 fi ed

    563 a) Unidentified

    571 Inf Div a) Unidentified

    ,* i..' ... v ,.

  • -52

    Designs Diviaion Remarks

    a) Current b) alternate

    702 Inf Div a) Unidentified

    707 Inf Div a) Unidentified

    708 Inf Div a) Qct 44 Black or white depending on "background

    709 Inf Div a) I"ar 43 (Destroyed) Black on white

    a) Unidentified 710 Inf Div b) pre-1943


    711 Inf Div a) Ju l 43 Red diamond on white ground

    712 Inf Div a) Jul 43 Black swords on white shield


  • -53


    713 Inf Div (Destroyed)

    Design* a) Current o) Alternate Remarks

    a) Sep 43 White

    715 Inf Div o o o

    a) Juno 44 Three red dots

    15 Inf Div o /?ATi

    * f

    a) Nov 43 CU, known as "Kroml Division"

    719 Inf Div a) DocCU



  • -54

    Division a) Current I o) Alter nat

    - HGserve Divisions

    141 R- s Div a) Unidentified

    a) May 43 Black sitting bear

    151 Res Div a) Unidentified

    154 Res Div a) Unidentified

    160 Res Div a) Unidentified b) pre-1943


    165 Res Div* a) Apr 43


    166 Res Div a) Unidentified

    i '

  • -55

    Designs Division Remarks a) Current Alternate 173 r?es Div a) Unidentified

    174- Hea Div Unidentified

    176 Res Div a) Unidentified

    180 Res Div a) Unidentified

    183 Res Div a) Unidentified

    188 Res Mtn Di a) UnidGntified

    190 Res Div a) UnidGntified


  • Division

    233 Res lz Div

    406 Res Div

    462 Res Div

    Designs ^ Remarks

    a) Current b) Alternate

    a) Jan 44 Black bear, DU

    a) Unidentified

    a) Unidentified


    LOC (Sichcrun^s) Divisions

    201 Sich Div a) Unidentified


  • -57

    Division a) Current f b j"

    203 Sich Div

    207 Sich Div *

    213 Sich Div *

    221 Sich Civ

    281 Sich Div

    284 Sich Div *

    285 Sich Div *

    Str^'s head,

    a) Unidoritifi od

    ) Unidentified ) pre-1943


    a) Unidentified b) pro-1943


    a) Jun 44 CU, unconfirmed

    b) pro-1943 White

    a) Unidentified b) pre-1943


    a) Unidentified

    a) Unidentified

  • -58

    Division _e3irn: a) Current b) Aitornate Remarks

    286 Sich Div * a) Unidentified b) pro-1943

    White outlines - !

    325 Sich Div a) Unidentified

    442 Sich Div .) Unidentified

    444 Sich Div a) Unidentified b^ - pre-1943

    Black and white

    454 Sich Div b) 1943 A Whits on black 3round r.) Unidentified

  • ] . \ '' ' :

    Division a) Current 1 b) Alternate

    10 GAF Divisions NOTE: In view of tlie doubtful existence of most GAF divisions,

    only those have bee", listed whose emblems were identified at one time or another.

    11 G-AF Div

    1 V /__

    15 OAF Dlv *

    U 16 3-;.F Tiv

    Green four leaf


    ,) Cul 43 Black letter D on red shield

    a) 2S4 cu

    Red oasis holding rifle in his claws, over letter L

    a) :.Tar 44 Red with yellow border

    b) Doc 43 Unconfirmed

    a) Fcb 44 Black on white

  • -60

    Designs Division Remarks a) Current I b) Alternate

    11. Static Divisions

    NOTE: This category comprises the following types of divisions:

    Fortress Divisions Coast?1 Divisions Frontier (G-rcnzwach) Divisions

    There has be 2ft no documentary evidence pointing to the use of emblems by these divisions. This is probably due to their stationary status and lacl: of motor transport.

    12, Miscellaneous and STOP PRESS

    SA Pz Div a) Hay 44 FELDHERREHALLE Worn on shoulder

    straps, but probably rlso used on KT, CU

    SS Div a) Dec 44 Unconfirmed Yellow

    star, DU

    Assault Div a) Unidentified RHODES *


  • -61- 31 " i *

    - .v- v^' M,, i

    Division Designs Remarks a) Current b) Alternate

    Pz. Diy a) Unidentified

    HERTANN a) Unidentified, but it gOBRIKQ is likely that the Para Pz Div 2 emblem is the same or

    an adaptation of the one of KG Para Pz (page 6)

    90 PG Div Doc "Sarcinienschild" (for design see page 7) worn aa'oap

    KIP -61- .

  • Designs Division Remarks a) Current b) Alternate

    i fii fi

  • Designs Division Remarksa) Current b) Alternate

    4 % H % 1 , ^ . ' - , #

  • I ;;'

  • -62

    I N D E X C F E 1: 3 L 2 M

    NOTE: The"fdllcwing is an alphabetical index of all designs or design descriptions listed in section II. The shortest possible descriptions are given, and color is mentioned only in case of similarities in design. Where a design applies to more than one division, listing is made according to their numerical sequence in section II. .

    ;esign IParce Design Ldv - A

  • -63

    Designs BranJen^urrc *


    C, crossed by arrow

    Cannon barrels, two, crossed .,..

    Cap, military

    Castles: with two square towers .

    with two oriental towers, over waves


    Cathedral over waves

    Cavalryman, charging

    Chimney sweep ,,

    Circles: with vertical cross stroke ... f f divided in quarters

    with clock hand

    blue en white suare

    red on white square

    white, with dark c ent er ..., ,

    green on white squar

    small black, on white rectangle .,

    two concentric, whit red and. white cerrated halves

    DIv 216 Inf

    213 Sic!4

    132 Inf 16 Inf

    ^ Irf

    323 Inf

    98 Inf 277 ttot

    20 Pz tL04 Li3h

    11 3?*

    13 I s HG Iz 11 Inf

    21 Inf

    132 Inf

    i 255 In

    292 Inf

    b 296 Inf




    30 18


    42 26 38 4










    Lesions DiV throo, over two

    387 Inf

    Clew, griff ink , . . . . 122 Inf

    Clover leaves: 3~leaf, black 47 Inf blue, DU 88 Inf

    in square, DU .. 169 Inf

    blue, DU 181 Inf

    4-leaf, var, col. 294 Inf

    Coffee mill ,. . ^ . 331 Inf

    Golosne Cathedral 26 Inf

    Conet 4 lara

    Crescantfii with diamond

    62 Inf or cross

    with cross and 102 Inf

    With Lorraine cross .,,... 260 Inf

    Crosses: two plus pl'g 60 i&

    St. Andrew's 10 SS Pa

    iron, black ....) 1 iara 28 Light

    in shield with 2 oak leaves ,, 114

    iron, with swastika in center, over oak leaves 17 Inf

    blue-2rni wi th e r.31 e in c e nt er 44 Inf

    p lu s c isn, yell ov.r 72 Inf

    Lorraine cross , straight cross bfjia 7-9 Inf Lorraine cross, slanted cross barq S.t. ^ ndrcw -s, on black, 2 paraXXol arrows on right 129 Inf
















    12 14








    -65-. .

  • 1



    Designs Div Crosses (cont)

    Maltese, white ... 168 Inf 28

    DU, with 2 leaves 252 Inf 35


    Clover, 4-leaf green, DU 17 GAF 59

    Corn, ear of 371 Inf 47

    i 5

    - D-

    D, with horizontal 21 Pa 4

    stroke, "block lette 302 Inf 41

    with sailboat .... 321 Inf 41

    cursive type 363 Inf 46

    in diamond ....., with spurred down stroke 376 Inf ,

    eld 11 GAP black, in. rod. shi (also see: Swords)

    crossed 21 Inf 19

    sirgle, pointin to o'clock .. 131 Inf 28

    1 Death head 3 SS Pz 8

    Devils: 1

    1 Pe^ ra 12 with trident 2 Para 12 green, DU , <

    5 Light 13 head only>.rod,.SU

    head only, red

    27 Pz 5Diagonal stroke ...

    Diagonal line with square * 207 Sich 57

    Diamonds: with letter R 2 Para 12

    Dorians Div Page hori zont al ly d iv i ded in black and white halves 82 Inf 24

    yellow, en black rectangle 111 Inf 27 < * . . . with letter P . , . 208 Inf 32

    Dog's hepd 336 Inf 43

    Dots, three, red vertically .

    715 Inf 53



    3, on ends, ....... 20 Pz

    in circle ...... 38 Inf 20

    with "hook" on 268 Inf 37 left, in circle-

    two (l reverse) joined to form geometrical deals: 7 SS Ktn 9

    Eagles: diving, stylized, 12 in wreath 3 Para

    white, With sword ill claws 121 Inf 27

    on rock 125 Inf 28

    imperial, red ... 327 Inf 42

    red, with rifle in claws, over letter L 16 GAF 59

    Edelweiss: white, with. yellow canter . . . 1 Ktn 15

    CU 2 Ktn 16 Red 3 Ktn 16

    Yellow . . . . . . . . . . 6 Mtn 16

    . i ; i

  • -65


    Eiffal tower

    Elephant, white ....

    Elk's head:

    vl th large antlers


    DU, CU 1

    - F

    F, yellow block lette

    slanted, in frame

    ft with two cross bars t.


    Feather ,



    in yellow circle

    Fist, armored Flour de lis, in


    Flowers: branch ,.)

    sin3le, green, in broken circle ...

    red, in shield ..

    Frauenkirche, Munich

    Div Pase 339 Inf

    20 Pz 4

    I ?:tn


    163 Inf 30 291 liif 3?


    10 SS 9

    16 SS PG| 10

    blacl: on red shield 2 Mtn 16

    CU, Ions antlore 3 Mtn 16

    G-rapes, bunch of ... 263 Inf 37

    Q-r onr.di er, at anding j with rifle 278 .Inf 38

    Grena&ierf s c ap .... 76 Inf 23

    G-r cn c.5 i er f s hG ad . 26 Pz 5

    29 KJ

    97 LiS^t

    35 Inf

    161 Inf

    17 SS PG


    16 211





    Inf Inf










    18 32

    42 1




    G-, crossed by d e ^ o r (12 o'clock) .... crossed by sword (6 o'clock)

    G-o lit i an, b luo

    G-host with sword ..

    G-oatr3 head:


    - H

    H, traversed by sword| (6 o'clock) in shield

    with addXtional horizontal bar on t op


    Halbcrd, curv cd handle

    short handle ...


    slanted ,. singlp.,

    L"iv Pane

    13 S3 Mt 10

    92 Inf 25

    4 Mtn 16

    11 Pz 3

    116 Pz 5

    9 SS Pz 9

    126 Inf 28

    32 Inf 20

    268 Inf 37

    344 Inf 44

    137 Inf 29

  • -66"

    two, crossed in shield

    single, in shield with lightning flash *.

    Hand, holding upright sword ,


    Hawk's head

    Hearts: yellow,,pierced by two swords .......

    in outline of Germany

    green with white outline ,

    red on white .....


    Helmet, steel


    galloping without rider ..,

    rearing without rider



    three .. *

    single ,

    House, In circle ....

    Horses' heads I two, crossed in 4-leaf clover .....

    two, crossed in circle


    two, joined at nee]

    2?2 Irf

    329 Inf 42

    326 Inf 42 65 Inf 22

    347 Inf 44

    9 Inf 17

    87 Inf 25

    134 Inf 29

    320 Inf 41

    338 Inf 43


    8 S3 Ca

    110 Inf 27 254 Inf 36

    117 Llgh

    89 Inf 25

    167 Inf 30

    71 Inf 23

    216 Irf

    267 Inf

    295 Inf



    - *

    ir-' J

    Infantryman: u< ..-'. X ^J l.-L.u.j . a .


    a #^ I -.

    < ;?%3hiJ.




    .. 96 Inf 26

    running with sloped rifle . 225 Inf 33

    T M

    J, white 221 Sich 57

    - li ~

    708 Inf 52

    Key, in hexagon Inf 709 52

    Kr era 1 i n 1 lne 716' Inf 53

    - L -

    Pz Lnbr 6

    with "ball" ends 206 Inf 32

    crossed by sw crd (12 ofclock) 349 Inf 45

    LAH ::.o>io^ ram ... 1 S3 Pz 8

    Lamp, DU 340 Inf 44

    Lamp, with no nog ram "L, (DU) .... 342 Inf 44

  • -67

    Designs I-iv Page Deal

  • -68

    Designs _

    - R

    R, in rectangle .f...


    Rabbit, sitting

    Rectangle with wide green border

    with slanting top

    diagonally divided in black and white halves ..,......,

    Rock, on blue circle

    Runic symbols: downstroke with "split ends"

    square on edge,with 2 protrudinglines (runic "o") resembling lottcr

    one downstroke with three cross bars, SA symbol in center

    S, crossed by picklock


    416 Inf

    15 ~AF

    719 Inf

    299 Inf

    160 Res

    444 Sich

    262 Inf


    19 Pz












    12 SS P2 10

    Des Shield

    point up, 3 cqlori 12 Inf













    46 47 48


    16 16







    over fir tree .. 100 Light 14

    Sabers, crossed in shield ,,..,.,

    Seagull, under tower

    over waves

    Shield, yellow with 2 crosses, DU


    56 Inf

    5 Light 13

    340 Inf 44

    9 Inf 17

    with 3 vertical, stripes


    with 3 horizontal stripes

    white, with blue diagonal

    blue and white diagonal halves

    blue and white diamond pattern

    cerrated halves, red and. white ..

    white with brown diagonal .....

    white, with black outline

    black and white diagonal halves

    red-yellow-red horizontals ....,

    red and white checks ^ -.

    white, with two black diagonals

    Shoe, mountain, blacl facing left

    CU, facing right

    Spokes of wheel ...

    Square with 5 dots .,..,

    with elongated base

    eight, black and white, in rectangular block ,..,t


    with "hook" on right ..........

    22 Inf

    30 Inf

    34 Inf

    48 Inf

    57 Inf

    73 Inf

    112 Inf

    148 Inf

    237 Inf

    250 Inf

    369 Inf 373 Inf 392 Inf

    18 G-AF

    7 Mtn

    8 Mtn

    4 SS PG

    8 Pz

    4 SS

    1 Inf

    383 Inf

    281 Sich

  • -69

    Designs Div Parse Designs Div Page Stag 11 o'clock, and

    white, junpingt.. 46 Inf 21 dot, in shield .. 94 Inf 26

    257 Inf 36 3 o'clock, in . sheath 123 Inf 28

    standing 265 Inf 37 12 o'clock, over Stag's head stylized letter W 170 Inf 30

    on shield 11 Inf 17 12 o'clock, in shield, white .. 215 Inf 33

    with cross between antlers J298 Inf 40 12 o'clock, white 290 Inf 39 DU 221 Sich 57 in shield, DU .,m 337 Inf 43

    white on black 12 o'clock, over ground 454 Sich 58 oak leaf 377 Inf 47

    Star, 3 or 5 pointed 15 PG- 7 Swords, crossed:

    4 pointed, black 227 Inf 34 straight .,.,..... 169 Inf 30

    yellow, DU ,,,,.. SS Div black on blue SAARLAND 60 shield ,. 223 Inf 33

    Stripes, 2 yellow on black, curved. f.... 275 Inf 38

    white semi circle, DU 6 Inf 17 in shield with

    letter R 328 Inf 42 Sun, rising 106 Inf 27

    in right half of Swastika shield (left half:

    diamond pattern) 338 Inf 43 with rounded, arms 5 SS Pz

    black on white with r ight arm ; shield ....,.,.. 712 Inf 52 missing, DU i l l SS PG- 9

    with curved arms 8 Light 13

    white 50 Inf 21

    in circle over 2 48 waves

    389 Inf Swords, single;

    12 o'clock, over outline of Sordini 7

    90 PC2 o'clock, under horses' head. ..... 8 SS Cav 9

    6 o'clock crossing S lying on its side 16 :i:; K1"- 10

    2 O'clock, in circle ...... 52 Inf 21

    6 o'clock, in runic symbol .,..' 59 Inf 22


  • .


    Jesirais lav Pa ;e iv crossed by spurred vertical bar 256 Inf

    T, crossed by arrow 162 Inf 29 with laurel branches 713 Infwhite , ?53 Inf 35

    Viking ship 110 InfTiger, DU 573 47 Tower, 3-pointed ..,. Ir.f 24

    tliree 258 Inf 35

    cerrated top . I65 Kes 54

    Trident 2Iz 2 W f s , tv/oin circle . 83 Infwith crescent on

    S t GIT. . 232 Inf JaG:~cn, red, DU . 14 Inf

    Triangle, inverted .. 181*G 7 7/easel 125 Inf

    yellow 75 Inf 23 Wheel with.6.spokes 332 Inf

    white, containing j black inverted VJindralll triangle , 159 Inf 29 red in yellow

    square 9 33 pzthree, in trian^u1ar ar r anrj o^.en t ..197 Inf 31

    red, DU 198 Inf two, forming "hour yellow .. 347 Infpclass" , *.. 239 Inf

    Wolves' heads, two,

    with three dots .,. 43333 joined at neck . 710 Inf

    Inf 44 \!oin an ' s h Gad., with 23 Infed heliaet . .red, with yellow

    border 17 59

    Tulips, two 232 Inf 39

    X, yellow .... 5 Pz

    two, yellow 6 Pz - V

    crossed by vertical stroke, onV, under horizontal black ground ... 6 S3 Mtrbar 5 Pz 2

    wfth dot 2 0 3PG 7

    inverted, with dot 25 IG 7
















  • -71

    Designs Div Par - Y

    Inverted, yellow 1 Pz

    ditto, with 2 vortical lines ... 3 Pz

    ditto, with 3 vertical ] i*ios . 4 Pz regular, yellow .. 7 Pz ditto, with 1 vertical line .... 8 Pz ditto, with 2 vertical lines ... 9 Pz ditto, with 3 vertical lines ... 10 Pz 3

    in circle, yellow 12 Pz 3

    yellow, with 1 horizontal line accross shaft ... 16 Pz 4

    ditto, with 2 lines 17 Xz 4

    ditto, with 3 lines 18 Pss 4

    - Z

    Numerals - Roman

    lip with horizontal line at "base 2 SS Pz

    III, with horizontal line at base ... 11 Pz

    Div Page Combination of IX and XI * . . . 269 Inf 37

    Numerals Arabic

    1, reversed, in circle


    81 Inf

    113 Inf





  • -72

    : 1 P. E y ,D I X -A


    The following drawi^s purport to Illustrate the usual application of divisional emblona and tactical symbols on motor and horse-drawn veh ic les . In many instances the order of placement may bo four/ revfcreoA, In addition, some d ivis ions also apply their -arkir.38 on motor vehicle doors or other prominent pl-ces on the sides,

    Totor Vehicles

    Front viev;

    Tac t ica l symbol Emblem

    Roar view

  • I'.oi :: V'ircTO vehicles

    i\cc.r view

    Side view

    _ # _ -li- -.

    / '-fj DISTRIBUTION// 40 Hyde lark Gate London, Sc"..: .7 KSrsin-rton 8131/40 31 December 1944
