generic “drugstore”!


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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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For full prescribing information, please consult the package insert.

It’s about time.P07-1045-Sep., 07

iSecure Syringe: All the components you need—broughttogether in one prefilled, ready-to-use syringe


00409-1120-62 1120-62 Ondansetron Injection, USP, 4 mg/2 mL (2 mg/mL) 10

00409-2288-21 2288-21 Ketorolac Tromethamine Inj., USP, 15 mg/1 mL (15 mg/mL) 10

00409-2287-21 2287-21 Ketorolac Tromethamine Inj., USP, 30 mg/1 mL (30 mg/mL) 10

00409-2287-22 2287-22 Ketorolac Tromethamine Inj., USP, 60 mg/2 mL (30 mg/mL) 10

00409-2306-22 2306-22 Midazolam HCI Inj. 4, 2 mg/2 mL (1 mg/mL) 10

00409-2307-21 2307-21 Midazolam HCI Inj. 4, 5 mg/1 mL (5 mg/mL) 10

00409-1316-25 1316-25 Heparin Sodium, 5,000 units/0.5 mL (10,000 units/mL) 10



Welcome To The Henry ScheinGENERIC “DRUGSTORE”!

Over 75 years ago, a young pharmacist with irrepressible entrepreneurial spirit borrowed$500 and opened a pharmacy in Queens, New York. The young man was Henry Schein.

Our Company’s heritage is deeply tied to the generic pharmaceutical industry. Early on,Henry Schein promoted the use and acceptance of generics. Later, his son Jay Schein, formerHenry Schein CEO, was one of the driving forces behind federal legislation to increase the useof generics as well as supporting the creation of the forerunner to what is now the industry’smost recognized trade group—the Generic Pharmaceutical Association (GPhA).

Today, the generic pharmaceutical industry plays a major role in our country’s ability to offeraffordable healthcare. IMS Health analysis indicates that two-thirds of all prescriptions filledin the U.S. are generics, the highest rate ever.

At Henry Schein, we are committed to delivering our customers the most comprehensiveand competitively priced generic pharmaceutical program available in our market segment. Our product offerings will provide you with more than 2,700 line items and represent over950 chemical entities. We are Approved Distributors of Record (ADR) with over 90 genericpharmaceutical manufacturer partners, which allows us to source products from themwhenever possible, ensuring compliance with state and federal pedigree regulations.

We look forward to being your preferred supplier for all your generic pharmaceutical needs.Our diverse products options include injectables, tablets, liquids, topicals, OTCs, and vitamins.We strive to continuously provide you with outstanding value, dependability, and unparalleledcustomer service—earmarks of Henry Schein’s dedication to our customers’ success. Pleasedo not hesitate to contact us with specific product requests or any questions about our services.

Thank you for choosing Henry Schein as your complete resource for generic pharmaceuticals!



Brand / Generic Cross Reference________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


BRAND NAME GENERIC NAME BRAND NAME GENERIC NAMEA.P.L.® Chorionic GonadotropinA/T/S® Erythromycin Topical Sol

A & D® OINTMENT Vit A & D OintmentACCUNEB® Albuterol SulfateACCUPRIL® Quinapril HclAccuzyme® Ethezyme

Achromycin V® Tetracycline HclAclovate® Alclometasone DipropionateActifed® Triprolidine/Pseudoephedrine

Actifed® w/Codeine Triprolidine/Pseudoephedrine/CodeineActigall® UrsodiolActiq® Fentanyl Citrate

Adalat CC® Nifedipine ErAdderall® Dextroamphetamine ComboAdenocard® AdenosineAdipex-P® Phentermine HclAdoxa® Doxycycline Monohydrate

Adrenalin® Epinephrine HclAdriamycin® RDF Doxorubicin Hcl

Adrucil® FluorouracilAdvil® Ibuprofen

Afrin® Spray Oxymetazoline Hcl Nasal SprayAgrylin® Anagrelide HclAlcaine® Proparacaine HclAlcohol Dehydrated Alcohol

Aldactazide® Spironolactone W/HctzAldactone® SpironolactoneAldomet® MethyldopaAldoril-15® Methyldopa W/Hctz 250/15Aldoril-25® Methyldopa W/Hctz 250/25Aleve® Mediproxen

Alka Seltzer® Effervescent TabletsAllegra® Fexofenidine Hcl

Alpha Redisol® HydroxycobalaminAlphagan® P Brimonidine TartrateAlupent® Metaproterenol SulfateAmaryl® GlimepirideAmbien® Zolpidem TartrateAmicar® Aminocaproic AcidAmidate® EtomidateAmikin® Amikacin Sulfate

Am-Lactin® Lotion Ammonium Lactate Lotion OtcAmoxil® Amoxicillin

Amphadase®, Wydase® Inj Hyaluronidase InjAmphojel® Susp Aluminum Hydroxide SuspAnafranil® Clomipramine HclAnaprox® Naproxyn SodiumAncef® CefazolinAndrucil® FluorouracilAnsaid® FlurbiprofenAntivert® MeclizineAnusol HC® Proctozone-HcApresoline® HydralazineAralen® Chloroquine PhosphateAredia® Pamidronate Inj

Aristocort® TriamcinoloneAristocort® A Inj Triamcinolone Acetonide InjArmour Thyroid® Thyroid

Artane® TrihexyphenidylAscriptin® Aspirin-AntacidAsendin® AmoxapineAtarax® Hydroxyzine HclAtivan® LorazepamAtropen® Atropine Sul Lifes Abbojt SyrAtrovent® Ipratropium BromideAugmentin® Amoxicillin/Clavulanate PotAuralgan® Antipyrine & BenzocaineAxid® Nitazidine

Azo-Standard® Azo-GesicAzulfidine® SulfasalazineBaciguent® BacitracinBactocill® Oxacillin SodiumBacitracin® Bacitracin Zinc OphthBactrim® DS Smp-Tmp Tablets DsBactrim® SS Smp-Tmp Tablets SsBactrim IV® Inj Sulfameth/Trimethoprim InjBactroban® Mupirocin OintBayer® Tabs Aspirin TabletsBenadryl® Diphenhydramine HclBenemid® Probenecid

Ben-Gay® Oint Analgesic Balm GreaselessBentyl® Dicyclomine HclBenzac® A Benzoyl Peroxide Aqueous Base Gel

Benzac® AC Wash Benzoyl Peroxide WashBenzoin Compound Tincture Benzoin Compound Tincture

Berocca® Berplex (Vitaplex)Berocca Plus® Berplex Plus (Vitaplex)Betadine® Povidone-IodineBetagan® Levobunolol HclBetapace® SotalolBetoptic® Betaxol Ophth SolBiaxin® ClarithromycinBicitra® Citric Acid / Sodium CitrateBleoxane® Bleomycin SulfateBlocadren® Timolol MaleateBonine® Meclizine

Bontril PDM® PhendimetrazineBrethine® TerbutalineBretylol® Bretylium TosylateBrevibloc® Esmolol Hcl IsotonicBSS® Balanced Salt Solution

Bufferin® Tabs Aspirin Tablets BufferedBumex® BumetanideBuprenex® Buprenorphine InjBurn Spray Burn Pump SprayBuspar® BuspironeCafcit® Caffeine CitrateCaffeine Caffeine/Sod BenzoateCafergot® Ergotamine Tartrate/CaffeineCaladryl® Calamine/Diphenhydramine4


Brand / Generic Cross Reference________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


BRAND NAME GENERIC NAME BRAND NAME GENERIC NAMECalamine CalamineCalan SR® Verapamil SrCalan® VerapamilCalcijex® Calcitriol Inj

Calcium Chloride Calcium ChlorideCalrate-200® W/Vit D Calcium Softgels

Caltrate®-600 Calcium Carbonate TabletsCaltrate®-600 w/Vit D Calcium Carbonate W/ Vitd Tablets

Capoten® CaptoprilCarafate® SucralfateCarbocaine® Mepivacaine HclCardene® Nicardipine HclCardizem® Diltiazem

Cardizem® CD Diltiazem Hcl ErCardizem® SR Diltiazem Hcl SrCardura® Doxazosin MesylateCarmol 40® Urea CreamCataflam® Diclofenac PotassiumCatapres® ClonidineCeclor® CefaclorCeftin® Cefuroxime Axetil

Cefzil® Oral Suspension Cefprozil Oral SuspensionCelexa® Citalopram Hydrobromide

Cepacol® Lozenges Sepasoothe LozengesCephulac® Syrup Lactulose SyrupCerubidine® Daunorubicin Inj

Cetaphil® Soap Nu Soap Hypoallergenic SoapCefotan® CefotetanCefzil® CefprozilCentrum® Abc Plus Multi Tablets

Centrum® Senior Abc Plus Senior TabletsCerebyx® Fosphenytoin Sod InjCevalin® Ascorbic Acid

Childrens Bayer® Aspirin Child’SChloromycetin® Inj Chloramphenicol Sodium Succ InjChlor-Trimetron® ChlorpheniramineChromium® Inj Chromic Chloride InjChronulac® LactuloseCiloxin® Ciprofloxin Ophth SolCipro® CiprofloxinCitroma® Citrate Of MagnesiaClaforan® Cefotaxime Sodium InjClaritin® Loratidine

Claritin D-24® Loratidine/PseudoephedrineCleocin® ClindamycinClinoril® SulindacClomid® Clomiphene CitrateCocaine Cocaine Hcl

Codimal DH® Hycomal DhColace® Docusate SodCogentin® Benztropine Mesylate

Colbenemid® Probenecid W/ColchicineColchicine Colchicine

Coly-mycin® Inj Colistimethate InjCompazine® Prochlorperazine

Cordarone® AmiodaroneCoreg® CarvedilolCorgard® NadololCortaid® Hydrocortisone CreamCorlopam® Fenoldopam Inj

Cortef® Tablets Hydrocortisone TabletsCortisporin® Otic Neomycin/Poly/Hc Otic Sol/Susp

Cortisporin® Ophth Oint Bacit/Poly/Neo/ Hc Ophth OintCortizone® Cream Hydrocortisone Cream

Cortone® Cortisone Acetate TabletsCoumadin® WarfarinCrolom® Cromolyn Sodium Ophth SolCupric® Inj Cupric Sulfate InjCutivate® Fluticasone Cream/Ointment

Cyanide Antidote Cyanide Antidote KitCyanocobalamin® Cyanocobalamin InjCyclocort® Cream Amcinonide Cream

Cyclogel® Ak-PentolateCyclogyl® CyclopentolateCylert® Pemoline

Cylert Chew® Pemoline ChewableCytosar-U® CytarabineCytotec® MisoprostolCytovene® GanciclovirCytoxan® Cyclophosphamide Inj

D.H.E. 45® INJ Dihydroergotamine Mes InjDacriose® Solution Eye Wash Solution

Dalmane® FlurazepamDanocrine® DanazolDantrium® Dantrolene SodiumDarvocet-N® Propoxyphene Nap W/Apap

Darvon Compound® Propoxyphene CompoundDarvon® PropoxypheneDaypro® OxaprozinDDAVP® Desmopressin Acetate

Debrox® Drops Carbamide Ear Wax DropsDecadron® Dexamethasone

Deca-Durabolin® Nandrolone DecanoateDeclomycin® Demeclocycline

Deconamine-SR® Chlorpheniramine/Pse Er CapsDelatestryl® Testosterone EnanthateDelestrogen® Estradiol ValerateDelta-Cortef® PrednisoloneDeltasone® Prednisone

Demadex® Tabs Torsemide TabletsDemerol® Meperidine

Depacon® Inj Valproate Sodium InjDepakene® Valproic Acid

Depo-Estradiol® Estradiol CypionateDepo-Medrol® Methylprednisolone AcetetateDepo-Provera® Medroxyprogesterone AcetateDepo-Testadiol® Test Cyp & Estr Cyp

Depo-Testosterone® Testosterone CypionateDermatop® Cream Prednicarbate Cream

Desferal® Deferoxamine Mesylate Inj Sdv 5


Brand / Generic Cross Reference________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Desogen® Desogestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol Oc TabsDesowen® Lotion Desonide Lotion

Desyrel® TrazodoneDextorse® W/Lact Ringers Dextrose 5% Lact.Ringers

Dextrose® Inj Dextrose Inj Abboj Syr 50Ml 18Gx1.5”Dextrostat® DextroamphetamineDexedrine® DextroamphetamineDiaBeta® GlyburideDiabinese® ChlorpropamideDiamox® AcetazolamideDidrex® BenzphetamineDiflucan® FluconazoleDilantin® Phenytoin SodiumDilaudid® Hydromorphone Hcl

Dimetane-DX® Liquid Dextromethorphan Hb/P-Ephed/BpmDimetapp DM® Elixir Bromphen/Pseudo/Dextro Elixir

Diprivan® PropofolDiprolene® Betamethasone Dipropionate (Aug)Diprosone® Betamethasone DipropionateDisalcid® SalsalateDitropan® OxybutyninDiuril® Chlorothiazide

Dobutrex® DobutamineDolobid® DiflunisalDolophine® Methadone

Domeboro® Otic Acetic Acid/Aluminum AcetateDonnatal® Antispasmodic ElixirDopram® Doxapram HclDostinex® Cabergoline

Dramamine® Inj Dimenhydrinate InjDTIC-Dome® Dacarbazine Inj

Duadacin® Tabs Ccp Caffeine Free TabletsDulcolax® Bisacodyl SuppositoriesDuragesic® Fentanyl Transdermal

Duratuss DM® Liquid Ht-Tuss Dm LiquidDuricef® CefadroxilDyazide® Triamterene & Hctz

Dynacin® Tabs Minocycline TabletsDynacirc® Caps Isradipine CapsulesDynapen® Dicloxacillin Sodium

EC Naprosyn® Naproxen Ec TabletsEcotrin® Aspirin EcEES® Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate

Efferdent® Denture Cleansing TabletsEffexor® Tabs Venlafaxine Hcl Tablets

Elavil® AmitriptylineEldepryl® SelegilineElder Tonic® Ellis Tonic LiquidElimite® PermethrinElimite® Acticin

Elixophyllin® TheophyllineElocon® Mometasone

Emetrol® Liquid Nausatrol LiquidEmla® Lidocaine W/Prilocaine

Empirin w/Codeine® Aspirin W/CodeineEndosol® Balanced Salt SolutionEndrate® Edetate Disodium

Enfamil® Natalin Tabs Prenatal Rx TabletsEntex LA® Guaifenesin & PpaEntex PSE® Guaifenesin/Pseudoephedrine

Ephedrine® Sulfate Inj Ephedrine Sulfate Inj AmpulesEpi-Pen® EpinephrineEpsom Salt Epsom SaltsEquanil® Meprobamate

Erygel, Emgel® Erythromycin Topical GelEry Pediatric® ErypedErythrocin® Erythromycin Stearate

Erythrocin® Inj Erythromycin LactobionateErythromycin® Erythromycin Base Filmtabs

ESGIC® Butalbital/Apap/CaffEskalith® Lithium CarbonateEstrace® Estradiol

Ethyl Alcohol® Alcohol EthylExcedrin® Pain-Off

Famvir® Tabs Famciclovir TabletsFastin® Phentermine CapsulesFeldene® PiroxicamFeosol® Ferrous SulfateFergon® Ferrous Sulfate

Fer-In-Sol® Drops Ferrous Sulfate DropsFibercon® Polycarbophil-Calc LaxatvFioricet® Butalbital/Apap/Caffeine

Fiorinal w/Codeine® Butalbital Compound W/CodeineFiorinal® Butalbital Compound

First Aid® Cream First Aid Cream W/ AloeFlagyl® Metronidazole

Fleet® Enema Phosphate EnemaFleet® Glycerin Adult Supp Glycerin Adult SuppositoriesFleet® Glycerin Ped Supp Glycerin Pediatric Suppositories

Flexeril® CyclobenzaprineFlonase® Fluticasone Nasal SprayFlorinef® FludrocortisoneFloxin® OfloxacinFludara® Fludarabine InjFlumadine® RimantadineFluorescite® Fluorescein SodiumFluorets® Fluorescein Sodium StripsFluracaine® Fluorescein/ProparicaineFluress® Fluorescein/Benoxinate

FML Liquifilm® FluorometholoneFolex PFS® MethotrexateFolvite® Folic AcidForane® IsofluraneFortaz® CeftazidimeFudr® Floxuridine Inj

Fulvicin® GriseofulvinGamma-P® Immune GlobulinGantrisin® SulfisoxazoleGaramycin® Gentamicin6


Brand / Generic Cross Reference________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Glucophage XR® Metformin ErGlucophage® MetforminGlucotrol® GlipizideGlucovance® Glyburide/Metformin

Glynase® PresTab Glyburide MicronizedGoniosol® Hydroxypropylene Ophth. Sol.Green Soap Green Soap Tincture

Gyne-Lotrimin-7 Cream® Clotrimazole Vag Cream 7-DayHabitrol Patch® Nicotine Transdermal Patch

Halcion® TriazolamHaldol Concentrate® Haloperidol Concentrate

Haldol Inj® Haloperidol DecanoateHaldol Tablets® Haloperidol Tablets

Halls® Medikoff DropsHeparin Heparin

Humibid DM® Guaifenesin DmHycodan® Hydrocodone W/HomatropineHycodan® HydrometHycotuss® Hydrocodone Bitartrate & GuiafenesenHydergine® Ergoloid MesylateHydrea® Hydroxyurea

Hydrocortone® Tablets Hydrocortisone TabletsHydrodiuril® Hydrochlorthiazide

Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen Peroxide Pump SprayHygroton® Chlorthalidone

Hypotears®, Lacrilube® Pet White, Min Oil, Lanolin OintmentHytone® (Rx) Hydrocortisone (Rx)Hytrin® Terazosin Hcl

Iberet® Folic Tabs Iron-Folic TabIchthamol® Ointment Ichthamol OintmentIdamycin® PFS Idarubicin Inj

Ilopan® DexpanthenolIlosone® Erythromycin EstolateIlotycin® Erythromycin Ophth OintImdur® Isosorbide Mononitrate Er TabletsImodium® Loperamide HciImuran® AzathioprineInapsine® DroperidolInderal® Propranolol HclInderide® Propranolol W/HctzIndocin® Indomethacin

Inflamase Forte® Prednisolone Sodium PhosIndigo Carmine® Indigotindisulfonate

INH® IsoniazidIntal® Cromolyn Sodium

Intropine® DopamineIonamin® Phentermine Capsules

Ipecac Syrup Ipecac SyrupIsmo® Isosorbide Mononitrate Er

Isoniazid® Tabs Isoniazid TabletsIsopropyl Alcohol Alcohol IsopropylIsoptin SR® Verapamil SrIsoptin® Verapamil

Isopto Atropine® Atropine Sulfate

Isopto Carpine® Pilocarpine HclIsopto Homatropine® Homatropine Hbr

Isordil® Isosorbide DinitrateIsuprel® Isoproterenol

J&J Baby Oil® Baby OilJ&J Baby Powder® Baby Powder

Kantrex® Kanamycin InjKaon CL® Potassium Chloride Liquid

Kaopectate® Syrup Kaopectolin SyrupKay Ciel® Liquid Potassium Chloride Liquid

Kayexalate® Liquid Sodium Polystyrenesulfonate SuspentionK-Dur® Potassium Chloride ErKeflex® CephalexinKefzol® Cefazolin Sodium InjKenalog® Triamcinolone AcetonideKeralac® Urea Gel/Lotion

Keri Lotion® Moisturizing LotionKerlone® BetaxolKetalar® KetamineKlonipin® Clonazepam

K-Lyte® Tabs Potassium Bicarb Tab EffervesK-Lor® Potassium Chloride PowderK-Tab® Potassium Chloride 10 MeqKwell® Lindane

K-Y Jelly® Lubricating Gel TubeLac-Hydrin® Ammoniun Lactate Cr

Lacrilube®, Hypotears® Pet White, Min Oil, Lanolin OintmentLactated Ringers® Lactated Ringers

Lamisil® Terbinafine HclLanolin Hydrous® Lanolin Hydrous

Lanoxin® DigoxinLariam® Mefloquine HclLasix® Furosemide

L-Cysteine Inj L-Cysteine Hcl InjLevbid® Hyoscyamine Sulfate Er

Levothroid® Levothyroxine SodiumLevoxyl® Levothyroxine SodiumLevsin SL® Hyoscyamine Sulfate SlLevsin® Hyoscyamine SulfateLevsinex® Hyoscyamine Sulfate Sr CapsLibrax® Chlordiazepoxide/ClidiniumLibrium® ChlordiazepoxideLidex® FluocinonideLincocin® Lincomycin HclLioresal® Baclofen

Liquifilm Sol® Artificial Tears Ophth SolutionListerine® Mouthwash Antiseptic Amber

Lithobid® SR Tabs Lithium Carbonate Er TabletsLMX5® Cream Lidocaine CreamLocoid® Cream Hydrocortisone Butyrate Cream

Lodine® EtodolacLomotil® Diphenoxylate W/AtropineLoniten® MinoxidilLO-OVRAL® Norgestrel/ Ethinyl Estradiol Oc TabsLopid® Gemfibrozil 7


Brand / Generic Cross Reference________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


BRAND NAME GENERIC NAME BRAND NAME GENERIC NAMELopressor® Metoprolol TartrateLoprox® Ciclopirox

Lorcet Plus® Hydrocodone W/Apap 7.5/650Lorcet® 10/650 Hydrocodone W/Apap 10/650

Lortab® Hydrocodone W/Apap 2.5/500Lortab® 5/500 Hydrocodone W/Apap 5/500Lortab® 7.5/500 Hydrocodone W/Apap 7.5/500Lortab® 10/500 Hydrocodone W/Apap 10/500Lotensin® Benazepril

Lotensin/HCTZ Benazepril/HctzLotrel® Capsules Amlodipine Besylate/Benazepril Caps

Lotrimin® ClotrimazoleLotrisone® Clotrimazole/BetamethasoneLOXITANE® LoxapineLozol® Indapamide

Lupron® Depot Leuprolide AcetateLuride® Sodium FluorideLuvox® Fluvoxamide

M.V.I.-12® Inj Mvi Inj (Multi-Vitamin)Maalox® Liquid Antacid LiquidMacrobid® Nitrofurantoin Monohy Macro Caps

Macrodantin® Nitrofurantoin Macro CapsulesMagnesium Chloride Magnesium Chloride

Mag-Ox® 400 Magnesium Oxide TabletsMandelamine® Tabs Methenamine Mandelate TabletsManganese® Sulfate Magnesium Sulfate Premix

Mannitol MannitolMarcaine® W/Destrose Bupivacaine Hcl W/Dextrose

Marcaine w/Epi® Bupivacaine Hcl W/EpiMarcaine® Bupivacaine HclMavik® Trandolapril

Maxidone® Hydrocodone W/Apap 10/750Maxitrol® Neomycin/Poly B/DexMaxzide® Triamterene & HctzMeclomen® Meclofenemate SodiumMedrol® MethylprednisoloneMefoxin® Cefoxitin InjMegace® MegestrolMelanex® HydroquinoneMellaril® Thioridazine

Mepergan Fortis® Meperidine W/PromethazineMesnex® Mesna Inj

Metamucil® Powder Natural Vegetable LaxativeMethadone® Liquid Methadone Hcl Oral ConcentrateMethotrexate Inj Methotrexate InjMethylene Blue Methylene Blue AmpuleMetipranolol® OptipranololMetrocream® Metronidazole CreamMetrogel® Metronidazole Topical GelMetrolotion® Metronidazole LotionMevacor® Tabs Lovastatin TabletsMexitil® Caps Mexiletine CapsulesMiacalcin® Calcitonin-SalmonMicatin® Miconazole Nitrate Cream

Micro-K® Caps Potassium Chloride Er Capsules

Micronase® Tabs Glyburide TabletsMicrozxide® Caps Hydrochlorothiazide CapsulesMidamor® Tabs Amiloride Tablets

Midrin® MidchlorMiltown® MeprobamateMineral Oil Mineral Oil HeavyMinipress® Prazosin HclMinocin® Minocycline

Miralax® Powder Polyethylene Glycol 3350 PowderMobic® Meloxicam

Moduretic® AmilorideMonistat®-7 (otc) Miconazole Vaginal Cream 7 (Otc)

Monodox® Doxycycline MonohydrateMonoket® Isosorbide Mononitrate ErMonopril® FosinoprilMotrin® Ibuprofen

MS Contin® Morphine Sulfate IrMSIR® Tablets Morphine Sulfate IrMucomyst® AcetylcysteineMURO 128® Sodium Chloride HypertonicityMutamycin® MitomycinMycelex® Clotrimazole

Mycelex® Troche Clotrimazole TrocheMycolog-II® Nystatin & TriamcinoloneMycostatin® NystatinMydriacyl® TropicamideMylanta® Simethicone

Mylicon® Drops Gas Relief DropsMysoline® PrimidoneNafon® Fenoprofen CalciumNalfon® Fenoprofen Calcium

Naphcon Forte® Naphazoline HclNaprosyn® Naproxen

Naprosyn EC® Naproxen EcNarcan® Naloxone Hcl

Nasal Decongestant® Medi-Phenyl DecongestantNasalide® Flunisolide Nasal SprayNasarel® Flunisolide Nasal Spray

Natalins® RX Tabs Prenatal Rx TabletsNavane® Thithixene

Navelbine® Inj Vinorelbine Tartrate InjNebcin® Tobramycin Inj

Neo-Calglucon® Syrup Calcionate SyrupNeo-Decadron® Neomycin-DexamethasoneNeomycin® Neomycin SulfateNeoral® Cyclosporine

Neosporin® Ophth Oint Triple Antibiotic Ophth OintNeosporin® Ophth Sol Triple Antibiotic Ophth SolNeosporin® Topical Oint Triple Antibiotic Topical Oint

Neptazane® MethazolamideNesacaine® Inj Chloroprocaine InjNeurontin® Gabapentin

Nicobid® Caps Niacin Cr CapsulesNitro-Bid® Capsules Nitroglycerin CapsulesNitro-Bid® Oint Nitroglycerin Ointment8


Brand / Generic Cross Reference________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


BRAND NAME GENERIC NAME BRAND NAME GENERIC NAMENitro-Bid® INJ Nitroglycerin InjNitrostat® Nitroglycerin Sl Tablets

Nix® Lice Treatment Permethrin LotionNizoral® KetoconazoleNoctec® Chloral HydrateNolvadex® TamoxifenNorco® Hydrocodone W/Apap 10/325

Norcuron® Vercuronium InjNorflex® Inj Orphenadrine Citrate

Normodyne/Trandate® LabetalolNorpace® Caps DisopyramideNorpramin® DesipramineNorpramine® DesipramineNorvasc® Tabs Amlodipine Besylate TabletsNovafed-A® Chlorpheniramine/Pse Er Caps

Novahistine® DH Elixir Dihistine Dh ElixirNovocain® Procaine HclNubain® Nalbuphine Hcl

Nupercainal® Ointment Dibucaine OintmentNyquil® Syrup Nyte-Time Cough SyrupOcean® Nasal Saline Nasal SprayOcufen® Flurbiprofen Ophth SolOcuflox® Ofloxin Ophth SolOcupress® Carteolol Ophth SolOgen® Estropipate

Omnicef® CefdinirOmnipen-N® Inj Ampicillin Inj

Oncovin® Vincristine SulfateOne-A-Day® Daily Multi Vitamins

One-A-Day® W/Iron Daily Multi Vitamins W/IronOphthaine® Proparacaine HclOpticrom® Cromolyn Sodium Ophth SolOraseptic® Mouthwash AntisepticOrganidin® GuaifenesinOrinase® Tolbutamide

ORTHO-CEPT® Desogestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol Oc TabsOrtho Tri-Cyclen® Norgestimate/Ethinyl Estradiol Tabs

Orudis® KetoprofenOS-CAL® Oyster Shell Calcium

OS-CAL® W/Vit D Oyster Shell Calcium W/Vit DOsmitrol® Mannitol Hcl

Osteocalcin® Calcitonin-SalmonOvral® 28 Day Tabs Norgestrel/ Ethinyl Estradiol Oc Tabs

OXY- 5® Benzoyl PeroxideOXY-10® Benzoyl PeroxideOxycontin® Oxycodone Hcl ErPamelor® Nortriptyline Hcl

PAMINE FORTE® Methscopolamine BromidePanlor® SS Tabs Apap/Caff/Dihydrocodeine Tabs

Parafon Forte DSC® ChlorzoxazoneParaplatin® Carboplatin InjParlodel® BromocriptineParafon® ChlorzoxazoneParegoric Paregoric Tinture

Pavabid® Capsules Papaverine Timed Capsules

Pavabid® Inj Papaverine Hcl InjPavulon® Pancuronium BromidePaxil® Paroxetine

Pediacare® Cough-Cold Chlorpheniramine/Dm/PseudoPediapred® Prednisolone Sod PhosPediazole® Ees/SulfisoxazolePEN-VK® Penicilln VkPentothal® ThiopentalPepcid® FamotidinePepcid® IV Famotidine Iv

Pepto Bismol® Pink Bismuth Chew TabletsPepto Bismol® DiotamePercocet® Oxycodone/ApapPercodan® OxycodonePercogesic® PhenagesicPeriactin® Cyproheptadine HclPeri-Colace® Docusate Sod/SennaPeridex® Chlorhexidine GluconatePeriogard® Chlorhexidine GluconatePeriostat® Doxycycline HyclatePersantine® Dipyridamole

Pfizerpen-G® Inj Penicillin G InjPhenergan® Promethazine

Phenergan® DM Promethazine W/DmPhenergan® W/Codeine Syrup Promethazine W/Codeine Syrup

Phenergan® VC SYRUP Promethazine Vc SyrupPhenergan® VC W/Codeine Syrup Promethazine Vc W/Codeine Syrup

Phenobarbital PhenobarbitalPhillips® Milk Of Magnesia Milk Of Magnesia

Phrenilin® Butalbital/ApapPhysostigmine® Inj Physostigmine Salicylate InjPhytonadione® Inj Vit K Inj Ampule

Pitocin® OxytocinPitressin® VasopressinPlaquenil® HydroxychloroquinePlatinol-AQ® CisplatinPlegine® Tabs Phendimetrazine Tablets BluePlendil® FelodipinePletal® Cilostazol

Polycillin® AmpicillinPolycillin-N® Inj Ampicillin InjPolymyxin® Polymyxin-B Sulfate LyophPolysporin® Bacitracin/Polymy Topical OintPolytrim® Trimethoprim Sulf/Poly B Sulf

POLY-VI-FLOR® & Iron Drops Multi-Vit/Fluor DropsPontocaine® Tetracaine

Potassium Phosphate Inj Potassium Phosphate InjPravachol® Tabs Pravastatin Sodium TabletsPred Forte® PrednisolonePregnyl® Chorionic GonadotropinPrelone® NifedipinePRELU-2® Phendimetrazine

Preparation-H® HemorrhoidalPrilosec® OmperazolePrimacor® Milrinone Lactate 9


Brand / Generic Cross Reference________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


BRAND NAME GENERIC NAME BRAND NAME GENERIC NAMEPrinivil®, Zestril® Tabs Lisinopril Tablets

Prinzide® Lisinopril/HctzPro-Banthine® Propantheline Bromide

Procan® ProcainamideProcardia® Nifedipine

Procardia® XL Nifedipine ErProctocort® Hydrocortisone AcetateProfasi® Chorionic Gonadotropin

Progesterone Inj Progesterone Oil InjProlixin® Fluphenazine Hci Inj

Prolixin® Decanoate Inj Fluphenazine Decanoate InjPronestyl® Inj Procainamide InjPronestyl® SR Procainamide Sr TabletsPropine® DipivefrinProscar® FinasterideProsom® Estazolam

Prostaphlin® OxacillinProstatin® VR Ped Alprostadil InjProstigmin® NeostigmineProstin® Alprostadil

Protamine® Protamine SulfateProventil® AlbuterolProvera® Medroxyprogesterone AcetateProzac® Fluoxetine HclPsprcpm® DiflorasonePTU® Propylthiouracil

Puralube® Puralube Petroleum OphthPurinethol® MercaptopurinePyrazinamide PyrazinamidePyridium® PhenazopyridineVIT B6 INJ Pyridoxine Hcl InjQuelicin® SuccinylcholineQuestran® Cholestyramine

Questran® Light Cholestyramine LightQuibron® TheolateQuinaglute® Quinidine Gluconate ErQuinidex® Quinidine SulfateQuinidex® Quinidine SulfateRefresh® Lubrifresh

Regitine® Inj Phentolamine MesylateReglan® Inj Metoclopramide Hcl

Reglan® Syrup Metoclopramide Hcl SyrupReglan® Tablets Metoclopramide Hcl Tablets

Relafen® NabumetoneRemeron® MirtazapineRenova® Tretinoin Emollient CreamRestoril® TemazepamRetin-A® TretinoinRetrovir® ZidovudineRevia® Naltrexone Hcl

Rheumatrex® Methotrexate TabsRifadin® RifampinRitalin® Methylphenidate

Ritalin-SR® Methylphenidate SrRobaxin® Methocarbamol

Robinul® Glycopyrolate InjRobitussin® AC Guaifenesin & CodeineRobitussin® DAC Guaifenesin/Pseudoephed/Codeine

Rocaltrol® CalcitriolRocephin® Inj Ceftriaxone Sodium InjRogaine® Minoxidil

Rogaine® Extra Strength Minoxidil Extra StrengthRomazicon® Flumazenil InjRondec® Bromphen/PseudoRowasa® Mesalamine Rectal Susp

Roxicodone® OxycodoneRubramin PC® Vit B-12 CyanocobalaminRyna-12® S Susp R-Tanna 12 SuspensionRynatan Ped Susp® Triple Tannate Pediatric SuspRynatan® Tablets R-Tannate

Rynatuss® Ped Susp Rentamine Suspension PedRythmol® PropafenoneSalagen® Pilocarpine

Saline Normal Normal Saline .9%Sandimmune® CyclosporineSandostatin® Octreotide AcetateScleromate® Morrhuate SodiumScope® Mouthwash & Gargle

Scopolamine Inj Scopolamine Hydrobr InjSectral® Acebutolol Hcl

Selenium Inj Selenium InjSelsun® Selenium Sulfide

Senokot® Tabs Laxative Natural Senna TabletsSeptra® Inj Smz-Tmp TabletsSerex® Oxazepam

Serophene® Clomiphene CitrateSilvadene Cream® Silver Sulfadiazine Af

Sinemet® Carbidopa/LevodopaSinequan® Doxepin

Sinutabs® NNEEWW FFOORRMMUULLAA Non-Pseudo Cold Relief TabletsSlow K® Potassium Chloride 8 Meq

Sodium Bicarb Inj Sodium BicarbSodium Chloride Inh Sodium Chloride Inh NebulizerSodium Sulamyd® Sulfacetamide

Sodium Thiosulfate Inj Sodium Thiosulfate InjSolganol® Gold Sodium Inj

Solu-Cortef Inj® Hydrocortisone Sodium SuccinateSolu-Medrol Inj® Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate

Soma Compound® w/Codeine Carisoprodol/Aspirin/CodeineSoma Compound® Carisoprodol/Aspirin

Soma® CarisoprodolSpectazole® Econazole NitrateStadol® Butorphanol

Stadol® NS Butorphanol Nasal SprayStresstabs® Stress Formula

Stuart Prenatal® Prenatal TabletsSublimaze® Fentanyl CitrateSudafed® PseudoephedrineSultrin® Triple Sulfa Vaginal CreamSumycin® Tetracycline Hcl10


Brand / Generic Cross Reference________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Surgeons Skin Secret Surgeons Skin SecretSwim-Ear® Drops Swim-Ear Otic DropsSymmetrel® Amantadine HclSynalar® Fluocinolone AcetonideSynthroid® Levothyroxine SodiumT-Stat® Erythromycin Topical SolTacrium® Atracurium BesylateTagamet® CimetidineTalwin NX® Pentazocine/NaloxoneTambocor® FlecainideTapazole® MethimazoleTavist® Clemastine FumarateTaxol® PacitaxelTazicef® Ceftazidime

Tears Naturale® Artificial Tears (Isotonic Boxed)Teldrin® Chlorpheniramine ErTegretol® CarbamazepineTemovate® ClobetasolTenex® Guanfacine

Tenoretic® Atenolol & ChlorthalidoneTenormin® Atenolol

Tenuate Dospan® Diethylpropion Tablets 75 Mg.Tenuate® Diethylpropion Tablets 25 Mg.

Terazol 3 & 7® Terconazole Vaginal CreamTessalon Perles® Benzonatate

Theo-Dur® TheophyllineTheragran® Liquid Thera Plus LiquidTheragran® M Theravite M Plus Tablets

Thiamine® HCL Inj Thiamine Hcl InjThioplex® Thiotepa Inj LyophThorazine® Chlorpromazine

Throat Lozenges® Trocaine Throat LozengesThyroid® ThyroidTiclid® TiclopidineTigan® Trimethobenzamide

Timoptic® Timolol MaleateTinactin® TolnaftateTobrex® TobramycinTofranil® ImipramineTolectin® Tolmetin SodiumTolinase® TolazamideTopicort® DesoximetasoneToprol® XL Metoprolol Succ XlToradol® Ketorolac

Trace Elements® Inj 4 Trace Elements InjTracrium® Atracurium Besylate Inj Mdv 10Ml

Transderm Nitro® Transdermal NitroglycerinTranxene® ClorazepateTrental® PentoxifyllineTricor® Fenofibrate

Tridesilon® DesonideTrilafon® Tabs Perphenazine TabletsTrileptal Tabs Oxcarbazepine TabletsTrilisate® Tabs Choline/ Mag Tris Tablets

Trimpex® TrimethoprimTriphasil® 28 Day Tabs Levonorgestrel/Ethinyl Etrsadiol Tablets

TRI-VI-FLOR® Tri-Vit/FluorideT-Stat® Erythromycin Topical Sol

Tucks Pads® Hygienic Cleansing PadsTums® Calcium Carb Chew

Tums® Tabs Alcalak AntacidTussend® Detussin

Tussi-Organidin® NR Guaifen/Codeine LiquidTylenol® OTC Acetaminophen

Tylenol w/Codeine® Apap W/CodeineUltane Gas® Sevoflurane Inhal Bottle 250MlUltracet® Tramadol Hcl/ApapUltram® Tramadol HclUltravate® Halobetasol PropionateUnasyn® Ampicillin/SulbactamUnipen® Nafcillin SodiumUniphyl® Theophylline Sr

Urecholine® Bethanechol ChlorideUrised® Urinary AntisepticValisone® Betamethasone ValerateValium® DiazepamVancocin® VancomycinVantin® Cefpodoxime ProxetilVaseline® PetrolatumVaseretic® Enalapril/HctzVasocidin® Sulfacetamide Sod/PrednisoloneVasocon® Naphazoline HclVasodilan® IsoxsuprineVasotec® EnalaprilVasotec® IV Enalaprilat

V-Cillin K®; Veetids Penicillin VkVeetids® Penicillin VkVelban® Vinblastine SulfateVelosef® CephradineVentolin® AlbuterolVepesid® EtoposideVermox® MebendazoleVersed® Midazolam Hcl

Vibramycin® Doxycycline Hyclate CapsulesVibratabs® Doxycycline Hyclate TabletsVicodin® Hydrocodone W/Apap 5/500

Vicodin ES® Hydrocodone W/Apap 7.5/750Vicodin HP® Hydrocodone W/Apap 10/660

Vicodin Tuss® Hydrocodone Bitartrate & GuiafenesenVicon Forte® Caps Therapeutic Vit&Min Capsules

Vicoprofen® Hydrocodone W/IbuprofenVI-Daylin® Dailyvite LiquidVioform-HC® Hydrocortisone/IodochlorViroptic® Trifluridine

Visine® Drops Tetrahydrozoline Hcl DropsVisken® PindololVistaril® Hydroxyzine Pamoate

Vistaril® Inj Hydroxyzine HclVitamins/Nutritionals Abc Plus Multi Tablets 11





Brand / Generic Cross Reference

Vitamins/Nutritionals Abc Plus Senior TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Antioxidant Plus SoftgelVitamins/Nutritionals B- 50 Complex TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals B-100 Complex TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals B-Complex W/Vit C Tr TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Beta Carotene SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Biotin TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Calcium Carbonate TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Calcium Carbonate W/ Vitd TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Calcium Lactate TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Calcium SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Childs Chew Vits TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Childs Chew Vits/Iron TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Chromium Picolinate TabsVitamins/Nutritionals Cod Liver Oil CapsulesVitamins/Nutritionals Coenzyme-Q10 SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Daily Multi Vits/Minerals TabVitamins/Nutritionals Echinacea CapsulesVitamins/Nutritionals Ferrous Gluconate TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Garlic Oil SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Ginkgo Biloba CapsulesVitamins/Nutritionals Glucosamine Chondroitin TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Glucosamine Sulfate CapsulesVitamins/Nutritionals Lactase Enzyme CapletVitamins/Nutritionals Lecithin SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Lysine TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Mega 80 Vitamin TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Melatonin TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Niacin TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Niacin Er TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Omega-3 Epa SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Omega-3 Epa SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Opti-Multi TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Oyster Shell CalciumVitamins/Nutritionals Oyster Shell Calcium W/Vit DVitamins/Nutritionals Potassium Gluc TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Potassium Gluc TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Prenatal TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Saw PalmettoVitamins/Nutritionals Selenium TabsVitamins/Nutritionals Stress FormulaVitamins/Nutritionals Thera Plus LiquidVitamins/Nutritionals Therapeutic Vit&Min CapsulesVitamins/Nutritionals Theravite M Plus TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Ultra Vita-Min TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit A Natural CapsulesVitamins/Nutritionals Vit B-1 TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit B-12 TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit B-6 TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit B-6 TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit B-6 TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit B-6 TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit B-12 TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit C TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit C Tablets

Vitamins/Nutritionals Vit C TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit C TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit C W/Rose Hips TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit C Tr W/Rose Hips TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit C Tr W/Rose Hips TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit E CreamVitamins/Nutritionals Vit E D-Alpha (Natural) Soft GelsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit E Dl-Alpha SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit E Dl-Alpha SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit E D-Alpha (Natural) Soft GelsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit E D/Dl Alpha Blend Soft GelsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit E Dl-Alpha SoftgelsVitamins/Nutritionals Vit E OilVitamins/Nutritionals Vitamin W/Mineral TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Zinc TabletsVitamins/Nutritionals Zinc Tablets

Voltaren® DiclofenacVosol® Acetic Acid

Vosol® HC Acetic Acid W/HcVospire® Albuterol Sulfate ErVytone® Hydrocortisone/Iodoquinol

Water, Bacteriostatic Water For Inj BacteriostaticWater, Sterile Water For Inj AmpuleWellbutrin® BupropionWellcovorin® Leucovrin CalciumWestcort® Hydrocortisone Valerate

Wydase®, Amphadase Inj Hyaluronidase InjWygesic® Tabs Propoxyphene/Apap

Xanax® AlprazolamXylocaine® LidocaineYocon® Tabs Yohimbine Hcl TabletsZantac Ranitidine Hcl Tablets OtcZarontin® Ethosuximide

Zebeta® Tabs Bisoprolol Fumarate TabletsZestril®, Prinivil Tabs Lisinopril Tablets

Ziac® Tabs Bisoprolol Fumarate/Hctz TabletsZinacef® Inj Cefuroxime Sod Pwd For Inj

Zinc Chloride Inj Zinc Chloride InjZinc Oxide Oint Zinc Oxide OintZinc Sulfate Caps Zinc SulfateZinc Sulfate Inj Zinc Sulfate Inj Pf

Zithromax® (Tri-Pak) Tabs Azithromycin TabletsZithromax® (Z-Pak) Tabs Azithromycin Tablets

Zithromax® Inj Azithromycin For Inj SdvZocor® Tabs Simvastatin TabletsZofran® Ondansetron HclZoloft® Sertraline

Zonegran® Caps Zonisamide CapsulesZovirax® AcyclovirZyloprim® Allopurinol



650 generics to market.350 more under development.One of the industry’s strongest generic pipelines.

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Carafate®is a registered trademark of AventisPharmaceuticals Inc.

Uniphyl®is a registered trademark of The PurdueFrederick Company.

Product Reference Drug Strength Bottle Size NDC 29033-

Sucralfate Carafate® 1g 100 003-01Tablets, USP 1g 500 003-05

Uniphyl® 400 mg 100 001-01 600 mg 100 002-01

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Proud to bring you 2 important generic pharmaceuticals!

1800 N. Topping Avenue, Kansas City, MO

At Nostrum, we focus on difficult-to-developgeneric pharmaceuticals — such as our latest 2 additions, Sucralfate and Theophylline ER,extended-release products, and improvedbrand products.Our mission is to develop and market competitively priced quality pharmaceuticals.

To support this mission, Nostrum is targeting 33 products for development, ofwhich 21 are oral, controlled - release drugs.


Bar-Coded * Latex Free * Preservative Free * AP Rating

Carafate®is a registered trademark of AventisPharmaceuticals Inc.

Uniphyl®is a registered trademark of The PurdueFrederick Company.

Product Reference Drug Strength Bottle Size NDC 29033-

Sucralfate Carafate® 1g 100 003-01Tablets, USP 1g 500 003-05

Uniphyl® 400 mg 100 001-01 600 mg 100 002-01

Theophylline(Anhydrous)ER Tablets

Proud to bring you 2 important generic pharmaceuticals!

1800 N. Topping Avenue, Kansas City, MO

At Nostrum, we focus on difficult-to-developgeneric pharmaceuticals — such as our latest 2 additions, Sucralfate and Theophylline ER,extended-release products, and improvedbrand products.Our mission is to develop and market competitively priced quality pharmaceuticals.

To support this mission, Nostrum is targeting 33 products for development, ofwhich 21 are oral, controlled - release drugs.


CorePharma LLC — in business since 1998 —is a manufacturer of generic pharmaceuticalprescription and OTC products. We havefocused our efforts on immediate -and controlled-release solid oral dosage formsand controlled substances.

In less than 10 years, CorePharma hasalready received 29 ANDA approvals, 54 dosage forms, and numerous pendingapprovals.

Building on this solid foundation, we are continuing to move forward with the launchof additional products from our own ANDAsunder the CorePharma label.

CorePharma: emerging as a premier, reliable generic pharmaceutical and OTCsupplier.

215 Wood Avenue Middlesex, NJ 08846



Mixed AmphetamineSalt (DextroamphetamineSaccharate, AmphetamineAspartate Monohydrate,DextroamphetamineSulfate & AmphetamineSulfate) Tablets

Acetaminophenand CodeinePhosphate TabletsUSP


Tylenol® with Codeine


Zonegran® 25 mg 50 mg100 mg100 mg

300/30 mg #3

300/60 mg #4



5 mg10 mg20 mg30 mg






Zonegran® is a registeredtrademark ofDainippon Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

Tylenol® with Codeine isa registered trademark ofOrtho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Adderall® is a registeredtrademark of Shire US Inc.

Now Available

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©WOCKHARDT USA, 2008 WU 01/0107

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WU 01/0107 2008 ©WOCKHARDT USA,


Hi-Tech has been part of the generic pharmaceutical landscape for

more than twenty-fi ve years. As we’ve evolved from a modest — but

determined — manufacturer of generic liquids to a highly diversifi ed

pharmaceutical fi rm, many things have changed, but some have

remained the same: our commitment to you, and our appreciation for

all that you’ve done to help us grow — and thrive.

Established and Thriving.


CorePharma LLC — in business since 1998 —is a manufacturer of generic pharmaceuticalprescription and OTC products. We havefocused our efforts on immediate-and controlled-release solid oral dosage formsand controlled substances.

In less than 10 years, CorePharma hasalready received 29 ANDA approvals, 54 dosage forms, and numerous pendingapprovals.

Building on this solid foundation, we are continuing to move forward with the launchof additional products from our own ANDAsunder the CorePharma label.

CorePharma: emerging as a premier, reliable generic pharmaceutical and OTCsupplier.

215 Wood Avenue Middlesex, NJ 08846



Mixed AmphetamineSalt (DextroamphetamineSaccharate, AmphetamineAspartate Monohydrate,DextroamphetamineSulfate & AmphetamineSulfate) Tablets

Acetaminophenand CodeinePhosphate TabletsUSP


Tylenol® with Codeine


Zonegran® 25 mg 50 mg100 mg100 mg

300/30 mg #3

300/60 mg #4



5 mg10 mg20 mg30 mg






Zonegran® is a registeredtrademark ofDainippon Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

Tylenol® with Codeine isa registered trademark ofOrtho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Adderall® is a registeredtrademark of Shire US Inc.

Now Available

Hi-Tech has been part of the generic pharmaceutical landscape for

more than twenty-fi ve years. As we’ve evolved from a modest — but

determined — manufacturer of generic liquids to a highly diversifi ed

pharmaceutical fi rm, many things have changed, but some have

remained the same: our commitment to you, and our appreciation for

all that you’ve done to help us grow — and thrive.

Established and Thriving.


Generic Brand

(108-6636) 4 Trace Elements Inj Trace Elements Inj 5mL/VL 2X25/Case INJ(102-7053) ABC Plus Multi Tablets Centrum 100 OTC(102-9091) ABC Plus Multi Tablets Centrum 250 OTC(104-9698) ABC Plus Senior Tablets Centrum Senior 60 OTC(248-9082) Acebutolol Capsules Sectral Caps 200MG 100 RX(102-3703) Acetaminophen Caplets Tylenol Caplets 500MG 100 OTC(102-3704) Acetaminophen Caplets Tylenol Caplets 500MG 1000 OTC(108-9589) Acetaminophen Caplets Tylenol Caplets 500MG 10X10UD OTC(102-3072) Acetaminophen Drops Tylenol Drops INFANT 15mL OTC(102-3177) Acetaminophen Elixir Tylenol Elixir 160MG/5mL 4 oz. OTC(102-6349) Acetaminophen Elixir Tylenol Elixir 160MG/5mL 16 oz. OTC(102-6482) Acetaminophen Gelcaps Tylenol XS Gelcaps 500MG 100 OTC(102-5987) Acetaminophen PM Caplets Tylenol PM Caplets 325MG 50 OTC(108-5731) Acetaminophen Suppositories Tylenol Supp 80MG 6/Box OTC(108-5733) Acetaminophen Suppositories Ped Tylenol Supp 120MG 6/Box OTC(472-4712) Acetaminophen Suppositories Ped Tylenol Supp 120MG 12/Box OTC(108-8998) Acetaminophen Suppositories Ped Tylenol Supp 120MG 100/Box OTC(108-5737) Acetaminophen Suppositories Adult Tylenol Supp 325MG 6/Box OTC(421-5698) Acetaminophen Suppositories Adult Tylenol Supp 325MG 12/Box OTC(108-4237) Acetaminophen Suppositories Adult Tylenol Supp 325MG 50/Box OTC(472-4812) Acetaminophen Suppositories Adult Tylenol Supp 650MG 12/Box OTC(108-4619) Acetaminophen Suppositories Adult Tylenol Supp 650MG 50/Box OTC(108-9026) Acetaminophen Suspension Tylenol Suspension 80MG/2.5mL 120mL OTC(406-4330) Acetaminophen Tablets Chew Fruit Tylenol Childrens Tabs 80MG 30 OTC(102-2201) Acetaminophen Tablets Tylenol Tabs 325MG 100 OTC(102-2203) Acetaminophen Tablets Tylenol Tabs 325MG 1000 OTC(151-4684) Acetaminophen Tablets Tylenol Tabs 325MG 125X2/Box OTC(100-6861) Acetaminophen Tablets Tylenol Tabs 325MG 250X2/Box OTC(108-4668) Acetaminophen Tablets Tylenol XS Tabs 500MG 100 OTC(102-5308) Acetaminophen Tablets Tylenol XS Tabs 500MG 1000 OTC(101-0724) Acetaminophen Tablets Tylenol XS Tabs 500MG 50X2/Box OTC(151-0706) Acetaminophen Tablets Tylenol XS Tabs 500MG 125X2/Box OTC(100-8618) Acetaminophen Tablets Tylenol XS Tabs 500MG 250X2/Box OTC(102-6186) Acetazolamide Sod Inj SDV 10mL Diamox Inj 500MG Each INJ(102-7070) Acetazolamide Tablets Diamox Tabs 125MG 100 RX(102-0001) Acetazolamide Tablets Diamox Tabs 250MG 100 RX(102-5574) Acetic Acid Otic Solution Vosol Sol 2% 15mL RX(408-0246) Acetic Acid w/HC Otic Solution Vosol HC Sol 2%/1% 10mL RX(102-9190) Acetic Acid/Alum Otic Solution Domeboro Sol 2% 60mL RX(102-9716) Acetone Liquid Acetone Liquid 16 oz. OTC(102-9799) Acetone Liquid Acetone Liquid 1 Gallon OTC(110-0477) Acetylcysteine Solution 4mL Mucomyst Sol 10% 25/Box RX(110-0478) Acetylcysteine Solution 4mL Mucomyst Sol 20% 25/Box RX(102-9094) Acetylcysteine Solution 10mL Mucomyst Sol 10% 3/Box RX(108-4224) Acetylcysteine Solution 30mL Mucomyst Sol 10% 3/Box RX(102-6655) Acetylcysteine Solution 10mL Mucomyst Sol 20% 3/Box RX(107-7346) Acetylcysteine Solution 30mL Mucomyst Sol 20% 3/Box RX(102-4431) Acyclovir Capsules Zovirax Caps 200MG 100 RX(104-8627) Acyclovir Oral Suspension Zovirax Oral Susp 200MG/5mL 480mL RX(748-4941) Acyclovir Sod Inj Lypho SDV 10mL Zovirax Inj 500MG 10/Box INJ(102-2237) Acyclovir Tablets Zovirax Tabs 400MG 100 RX(102-9932) Acyclovir Tablets Zovirax Tabs 800MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(748-2727) Adenosine Inj SDV 2mL Adenocard Inj 3MG/mL 10/Box INJ(726-4941) Adenosine Inj SDV 2mL Adenocard Inj 3MG/mL Each INJ(104-6577) Adenosine Inj SDV 4mL Adenocard Inj 3MG/mL Each INJ(209-1075) Adenosine Inj Syringe 2mL Adenocard 3MG/mL 10/Box INJ(151-1849) Alamag Plus Tablets Maalox Plus Tabs 200/200/25 100X2/Box OTC(151-0721) Alamag Plus Tablets Maalox Plus Tabs 200/200/25 250X2/Box OTC(151-8760) Alamag Tablets Maalox Tabs 300/150MG 50X2/Box OTC(151-7242) Alamag Tablets Maalox Tabs 300/150MG 250X2/Box OTC(106-0240) Albuterol Aerosol Kit Proventil/Ventolin Sol 90MCG 17 GM RX(108-8028) Albuterol Neb Sol Sterile Proventil/Ventolin Sol 0.083% 25 x 3mL RX(108-2288) Albuterol Neb Sol Sterile Proventil/Ventolin Sol 0.083% 60 x 3mL RX(425-3055) Albuterol Neb Sol Sterile Proventil/Ventolin Sol 0.5% 20mL RX(108-8643) Albuterol Sulfate ER Tablets Vospire Tabs 4MG 100 RX(108-6282) Albuterol Sulfate ER Tablets Vospire Tabs 8MG 100 RX(109-3443) Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution Accuneb 0.63MG/3mL 25/Pack RX(102-2216) Albuterol Syrup Proventil/Ventolin Syr 2MG/5mL 480mL RX(102-6364) Albuterol Tablets Proventil/Ventolin Tabs 2MG 100 RX(108-7232) Albuterol Tablets Proventil/Ventolin Tabs 2MG 500 RX(102-9444) Albuterol Tablets Proventil/Ventolin Tabs 4MG 100 RX(151-2857) Alcalak Antacid Tablets Tums Tabs 420MG 50X2/Box OTC(831-0564) Alcalak Antacid Tablets Tums Tabs 420MG 100X2/Box OTC(151-8093) Alcalak Antacid Tablets Tums Tabs 420MG 250X2/Box OTC(108-8869) Alclometasone Dipropionate Cream Aclovate Cream 0.05% 15GM RX(108-2570) Alclometasone Dipropionate Cream Aclovate Cream 0.05% 45GM RX(108-6113) Alclometasone Dipropionate Oint Aclovate Oint 0.05% 15GM RX(108-2581) Alclometasone Dipropionate Oint Aclovate Oint 0.05% 45GM RX(108-8152) Alcohol Ethyl Ethyl Alcohol 70% 16 oz. OTC(102-8806) Alcohol Isopropyl Isopropyl Alcohol 70% 16 oz. OTC(102-0810) Alcohol Isopropyl Isopropyl Alcohol 91% 16 oz. OTC(108-4754) Alcohol Isopropyl Isopropyl Alcohol 99% Gallon OTC(471-7088) Alcohol Isopropyl Wintergreen Isopropyl Alcohol 50% 16 oz. OTC(248-0000) Alcohol Isopropyl Wintergreen Isopropyl Alcohol 70% 12X16 oz. OTC(104-9120) Allopurinol Tablets Zyloprim Tabs 100MG 100 RX(104-9123) Allopurinol Tablets Zyloprim Tabs 100MG 1000 RX(104-9125) Allopurinol Tablets Zyloprim Tabs 300MG 100 RX(104-9130) Allopurinol Tablets Zyloprim Tabs 300MG 500 RX(102-6547) Alprazolam Tablets Xanax Tabs 0.25MG 100 RX(102-7711) Alprazolam Tablets Xanax Tabs 0.25MG 500 RX(102-6367) Alprazolam Tablets Xanax Tabs 0.5MG 100 RX(102-6369) Alprazolam Tablets Xanax Tabs 0.5MG 500 RX(102-6368) Alprazolam Tablets Xanax Tabs 1MG 100 RX(102-6370) Alprazolam Tablets Xanax Tabs 1MG 500 RX(102-3740) Alprazolam Tablets Xanax Tabs 2MG 100 RX(102-4390) Alprazolam Tablets Xanax Tabs 2MG 500 RX(108-9159) Alprazolam ER Tablets Xanax Xr Tabs 0.5MG 60 RX(108-2712) Alprazolam ER Tablets Xanax Xr Tabs 1MG 60 RX(108-5783) Alprazolam ER Tablets Xanax Xr Tabs 2MG 60 RX(108-5047) Alprazolam Oral Solution Xanax Oral Sol 1MG/mL 30mL RX(104-4040) Alprostadil Inj Ampule 1mL Prostin Vr Pediatric 500MCG/mL 5/Box INJ(104-8938) Aluminum Hydroxide Suspension Amphojel Susp 320/5mL 360mL OTC(104-8937) Aluminum Hydroxide Suspension Amphojel Susp 320/5mL 480mL OTC(108-4358) Amantadine Hcl Capsules Symmetrel Caps 100MG 100 RX


Generic Brand

(104-4167) Amantadine Syrup Symmetrel Syrup 50MG/5mL 480mL RX(104-9231) Amcinonide Cream Cyclocort Cream 0.1% 15GM RX(104-9232) Amcinonide Cream Cyclocort Cream 0.1% 30GM RX(108-2586) Amcinonide Lotion Cyclocort Lotion 0.1% 60mL RX(108-9437) Amcinonide Ointment Cyclocort Oint 0.1% 30GM RX(102-5570) Amikacin Sulf Inj SDV 2mL Amikin Inj 250MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-6819) Amikacin Sulf Inj SDV 4mL Amikin Inj 250MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9287) Amiloride Tablets Midamor Tabs 5MG 100 RX(102-6374) Amiloride/Hctz Tablets Moduretic Tabs 5MG/50MG 100 RX(258-8632) Aminocaproic Acid MDV 20mL Amicar Inj 250MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6980) Aminophylline Inj Ampule 10mL Aminophylline Inj 250MG 25/Box INJ(104-7187) Aminophylline Inj Ampule 10mL Aminophylline Inj 25MG/mL Each INJ(104-7003) Aminophylline Inj Ampule 20mL Aminophylline Inj 500MG 25/Box INJ(104-9495) Aminophylline Inj SDV 10mL Aminophylline Inj 25MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9578) Aminophylline Inj SDV 10mL Aminophylline Inj 25MG/mL Each INJ(258-2201) Aminophylline Inj SDV 20mL Aminophylline Inj 25MG/mL 25/Box INJ(258-4213) Aminophylline Inj SDV 20mL Aminophylline Inj 25MG/mL Each INJ(400-0401) Aminophylline Tablets Aminophylline Tabs 100MG 100 RX(400-0402) Aminophylline Tablets Aminophylline Tabs 100MG 1000 RX(400-0501) Aminophylline Tablets Aminophylline Tabs 200MG 100 RX(400-0502) Aminophylline Tablets Aminophylline Tabs 200MG 1000 RX(104-7056) Amiodarone Hcl Inj Ampule 3mL Cordarone Iv 50MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-7558) Amiodarone Hcl Inj SDV 3mL Cordarone Iv 50MG/mL 10/Box INJ(107-5450) Amiodarone Hcl Inj SDV 9mL Cordarone Iv 50MG/mL Each INJ(104-9860) Amiodarone Hcl Inj SDV 18mL Cordarone Iv 50MG/mL Each INJ(600-7197) Amiodarone Hcl Inj Syringe 3mL Cordarone Iv 50MG/mL 10/Box INJ(248-3911) Amiodarone Hcl Tablets Cordarone Tabs 200MG 60 RX(104-9144) Amitriptyline Tablets Elavil Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-9916) Amitriptyline Tablets Elavil Tabs 10MG 1000 RX(104-9146) Amitriptyline Tablets Elavil Tabs 25MG 100 RX(104-9917) Amitriptyline Tablets Elavil Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(104-9147) Amitriptyline Tablets Elavil Tabs 50MG 100 RX(104-9921) Amitriptyline Tablets Elavil Tabs 50MG 1000 RX(104-9153) Amitriptyline Tablets Elavil Tabs 75MG 100 RX(104-9148) Amitriptyline Tablets Elavil Tabs 100MG 100 RX(104-9149) Amitriptyline Tablets Elavil Tabs 150MG 100 RX(110-0493) Amlodipine Besylate/Benazepril Caps Lotrel Capsules 10/20MG 100 RX(110-0490) Amlodipine Besylate/Benazepril Caps Lotrel Capsules 2.5/100MG 100 RX(110-0491) Amlodipine Besylate/Benazepril Caps Lotrel Capsules 5/10MG 100 RX(110-0492) Amlodipine Besylate/Benazepril Caps Lotrel Capsules 5/20MG 100 RX(108-3808) Amlodipine Besylate Tablets Norvasc Tabs 2.5MG 90 RX(108-3816) Amlodipine Besylate Tablets Norvasc Tabs 5MG 90 RX(108-3819) Amlodipine Besylate Tablets Norvasc Tabs 5MG 100UD RX(108-3822) Amlodipine Besylate Tablets Norvasc Tabs 10MG 90 RX(108-3796) Amlodipine Besylate Tablets Norvasc Tabs 10MG 100UD RX(108-9066) Ammonium Lactate Cream Pump Bottle Rx Lac-Hydrin Cream 12% 385GM RX(102-6194) Ammonium Lactate Cream Rx Lac-Hydrin Cream 12% 2X140GM RX(108-9878) Ammonium Lactate Lotion Otc Am-Lactin Lotion 12% 225GM OTC(102-7725) Ammonium Lactate Lotion Otc Am-Lactin Lotion 12% 400GM OTC(108-5266) Ammonium Lactate Lotion Rx Lac-Hydrin Lotion 12% 225GM RX(108-3104) Ammonium Lactate Lotion Rx Lac-Hydrin Lotion 12% 400GM RX(729-3932) Amoxapine Tablets Asendin Tabs 100MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(110-0482) Amoxapine Tablets Asendin Tabs 150MG 50 RX(102-7386) Amoxicillin Bid Tablets Amoxil Bid Tabs 500MG 20 RX(408-0042) Amoxicillin Bid Tablets Amoxil Bid Tabs 875MG 20 RX(108-5908) Amoxicillin Bid Tablets Amoxil Bid Tabs 875MG 100 RX(408-0067) Amoxicillin Capsules Amoxil Caps 250MG 100 RX(420-4005) Amoxicillin Capsules Amoxil Caps 250MG 500 RX(420-4150) Amoxicillin Capsules Amoxil Caps 500MG 50 RX(408-0074) Amoxicillin Capsules Amoxil Caps 500MG 100 RX(408-0075) Amoxicillin Capsules Amoxil Caps 500MG 500 RX(102-7941) Amoxicillin Chew Bid Tablets Amoxil Bid Chew Tabs 200MG 20 RX(108-4059) Amoxicillin Chew Bid Tablets Amoxil Bid Chew Tabs 400MG 20 RX(108-3201) Amoxicillin Chew Bid Tablets Amoxil Bid Chew Tabs 400MG 100 RX(108-8094) Amoxicillin Chew Tablets Amoxil Chew Tabs 125MG 100 RX(425-6901) Amoxicillin Chew Tablets Amoxil Chew Tabs 250MG 100 RX(108-2068) Amoxicillin Suspension Amoxil Susp 125MG/5mL 80mL RX(108-2315) Amoxicillin Suspension Amoxil Susp 125MG/5mL 100mL RX(108-8744) Amoxicillin Suspension Amoxil Susp 125MG/5mL 150mL RX(108-3198) Amoxicillin Suspension Amoxil Susp 250MG/5mL 80mL RX(108-9886) Amoxicillin Suspension Amoxil Susp 250MG/5mL 100mL RX(108-3549) Amoxicillin Suspension Amoxil Susp 250MG/5mL 150mL RX(108-7488) Amoxicillin Suspension Bid Amoxil Susp 200MG/5mL 50mL RX(108-2530) Amoxicillin Suspension Bid Amoxil Susp 200MG/5mL 75mL RX(108-7428) Amoxicillin Suspension Bid Amoxil Susp 200MG/5mL 100mL RX(108-5981) Amoxicillin Suspension Bid Amoxil Susp 400MG/5mL 50mL RX(108-9721) Amoxicillin Suspension Bid Amoxil Susp 400MG/5mL 75mL RX(108-5085) Amoxicillin Suspension Bid Amoxil Susp 400MG/5mL 100mL RX(104-4677) Amoxicillin/Clavul Chew Tablets Augmentin Chew Tabs 200/28.5MG 20 RX(104-7941) Amoxicillin/Clavul Chew Tablets Augmentin Chew Tabs 400/57MG 20 RX(108-3214) Amoxicillin/Clavul Suspension Augmentin Susp 200/28.5MG 50mL RX(108-6551) Amoxicillin/Clavul Suspension Augmentin Susp 200/28.5MG 100mL RX(108-8588) Amoxicillin/Clavul Suspension Augmentin Susp 400/57MG 50mL RX(408-0147) Amoxicillin/Clavul Suspension Augmentin Susp 400/57MG 100mL RX(108-7246) Amoxicillin/Clavul Suspension Augmentin ES Susp 600/42.9MG 75mL RX(108-4046) Amoxicillin/Clavul Suspension Augmentin ES Susp 600/42.9MG 200mL RX(102-5515) Amoxicillin/Clavul Tablets Augmentin Tabs 500/125MG 20 RX(102-5512) Amoxicillin/Clavul Tablets Augmentin 875/125MG 20 RX(108-4603) Amoxicillin/Clavul Tablets Augmentin 875/125MG 100 RX(600-9701) Ampicillin Capsules Polycillin Caps 250MG 100 RX(104-9937) Ampicillin Capsules Polycillin Caps 250MG 500 RX(104-6701) Ampicillin Capsules Polycillin Caps 500MG 100 RX(104-9216) Ampicillin Capsules Polycillin Caps 500MG 500 RX(110-0468) Ampicillin Inj SDV 3mL Omnipen-N Inj 125MG 10/Box INJ(104-6906) Ampicillin Inj SDV 10mL Omnipen-N Inj 250MG 10/Box INJ(104-9390) Ampicillin Inj SDV 10mL Omnipen-N Inj 500MG 10/Box INJ(104-8861) Ampicillin Inj SDV 10mL Omnipen-N Inj 1GM 10/Box INJ(104-3969) Ampicillin Inj SDV 20mL Omnipen-N Inj 2GM 10/Box INJ(104-9795) Ampicillin Suspension Polycillin Susp 125MG/5mL 100mL RX(104-9514) Ampicillin Suspension Polycillin Susp 250MG/5mL 100mL RX(106-0599) Ampicillin Suspension Polycillin Susp 250MG/5mL 200mL RX(104-9183) Ampicillin/Sulbactam Inj Lyoph Vial 10mL Unasyn Inj 1.5GM 10/Box INJ(104-4199) Ampicillin/Sulbactam Inj Lyoph Vial 10mL Unasyn Inj 3GM 10/Box INJ(104-7853) Ampicillin/Sulbactam Inj Lyoph Vial 100mL Unasyn Inj 15GM Each INJ


Generic Brand

(104-7747) Anagrelide Hcl Capsules Agrylin Caps 0.5MG 100 RX(408-0062) Anagrelide Hcl Capsules Agrylin Caps 1MG 100 RX(108-5429) Analgesic Balm Ben-Gay Original 1 oz. OTC(423-5209) Analgesic Balm Greaseless Ben-Gay Oint 3 oz. OTC(108-4439) Analgesic Balm Greaseless Ben-Gay Oint LB OTC(104-4798) Antacid Liquid Maalox Liquid 12 oz. OTC(110-0467) Antacid Plus Liquid Maalox Plus Liquid 12 oz. OTC(102-5551) Antioxidant Plus Softgel Vitamins/Nutritionals 60 OTC(104-2181) Antipyrene/Benzo Sol Otic Auralgan Sol 15mL RX(151-4814) Antiseptic Pump Spray Antiseptic Pump Spray 3 oz. OTC(108-4314) Antispasmodic Elixir Donnatal Elixir 16MG/5mL 480mL RX(108-7249) Apap/Caff/Dihydrocodeine Tabs Panlor SS Tabs 712.8/60/32MG 30 RX(108-4656) Apap/Caff/Dihydrocodeine Tabs Panlor SSTabs 712.8/60/32MG 100 RX(104-8935) Apap/Codeine Elixir Tylenol w/Cod Elixir 120/12MG/5mL 120mL RX(104-7115) Apap/Codeine Elixir Tylenol w/Cod Elixir 120/12MG/5mL 480mL RX(104-9252) Apap/Codeine Tablets Tylenol w/Cod #2 300/15MG 100 RX(102-6353) Apap/Codeine Tablets Tylenol w/Cod #3 Tabs 300/30MG 100 RX(102-9970) Apap/Codeine Tablets Tylenol w/Cod #3 Tabs 300/30MG 1000 RX(102-6352) Apap/Codeine Tablets Tylenol w/Cod #4 Tabs 300/60MG 100 RX(102-7193) Apap/Codeine Tablets Tylenol w/Cod #4 Tabs 300/60MG 500 RX(102-6515) Artificial Tears (Isotonic Boxed) Tears Naturale 0.5 oz. OTC(102-3286) Artificial Tears Ointment Refresh PM Oint PET WHITE, LIGHT MIN OIL 3.5GM OTC(102-0293) Artificial Tears Ophth Solution Liquifilm Sol 15mL OTC(104-9253) Asa/Codeine Tablets Empirin #3 Tabs 325/30MG 100 RX(104-9255) Asa/Codeine Tablets Empirin #4 Tabs 325/60MG 100 RX(102-0138) Ascorbic Acid Pres Free Vial 50mL Cevalin Inj 500MG/mL Each INJ(102-9719) Aspirin Adult Low Dose Tabs Ecotrin Low Dose Tabs 81MG 36 OTC(102-2336) Aspirin ChildʼS Chew Tablets Childrens Bayer Tabs 1-1/4GR 36 OTC(102-7446) Aspirin EC Tablets Ecotrin Low Dose Tabs 81MG 120 OTC(102-4775) Aspirin EC Tablets Ecotrin Low Dose Tabs 81MG 1000 OTC(408-0255) Aspirin EC Tablets Ecotrin Tabs 325MG 100 OTC(408-0256) Aspirin EC Tablets Ecotrin Tabs 325MG 1000 OTC(408-0253) Aspirin Tablets Bayer Tabs 325MG 100 OTC(108-7443) Aspirin Tablets Bayer Tabs 325MG 500 OTC(102-3502) Aspirin Tablets Bayer Tabs 325MG 1000 OTC(606-6480) Aspirin Tablets Bayer Tabs 325MG 50X2/Box OTC(919-3573) Aspirin Tablets Bayer Tabs 325MG 100X2/Box OTC(151-2885) Aspirin Tablets Bayer Tabs 325MG 250X2/Box OTC(461-5964) Aspirin Tablets Buffered Bufferin Tabs 325MG 100 OTC(655-0914) Aspirin Tablets Buffered Bufferin Tabs 325MG 1000 OTC(920-9512) Aspirin Tablets Tri-Buffered Bufferin Tabs 325MG 125X2/Box OTC(151-8608) Aspirin Tablets Tri-Buffered Bufferin Tabs 325MG 250X2/Box OTC(102-1818) Aspirin-Antacid Tablets Ascriptin Tabs 100 OTC(107-7196) Atenolol Tablets Tenormin Tabs 25MG 100 RX(107-7199) Atenolol Tablets Tenormin Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(107-7200) Atenolol Tablets Tenormin Tabs 50MG 100 RX(107-7264) Atenolol Tablets Tenormin Tabs 50MG 1000 RX(107-7269) Atenolol Tablets Tenormin Tabs 100MG 100 RX(107-8976) Atenolol/Chlor Tablets Tenoretic Tabs 50/25MG 100 RX(107-4931) Atenolol/Chlor Tablets Tenoretic Tabs 100/25MG 100 RX(107-7375) Atracurium Besylate Inj MDV 10mL Tracrium 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(107-7389) Atracurium Besylate Inj SDV 5mL Tracrium 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(104-7053) Atropine Sul Lifes Abbojt Syr 5mL Atropen 0.1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-7150) Atropine Sul Lifes Abbojt Syr 10mL Atropen 0.1MG/mL Each INJ(104-6860) Atropine Sul Lifes Abbojt Syr 10mL Atropen 0.1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(375-1106) Atropine Sulfate Inj MDV 1mL Atropen 0.4MG/mL Each INJ(375-7768) Atropine Sulfate Inj MDV 1mL Atropen 0.4MG/mL 25/Box INJ(604-7216) Atropine Sulfate Inj SDV 1mL Atropen 0.4MG/mL 25/Box INJ(375-0440) Atropine Sulfate Inj MDV 20mL Atropen 0.4MG/mL Each INJ(248-4260) Atropine Sulfate Inj MDV 20mL Atropen 0.4MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6581) Atropine Sulfate Inj MDV 20mL Atropen 0.4MG/mL 25/Box INJ(449-6347) Atropine Sulfate Inj Ampule 1mL Atropen 1MG/mL Each INJ(104-9652) Atropine Sulfate Inj Ampule 1mL Atropen 1MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-3626) Atropine Sulfate Inj SDV 1mL Atropen 1MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-4270) Atropine Sulfate Ointment Isopto Atropine 0.1% 3.5GM RX(611-0991) Atropine Sulfate Ophth Sol Isopto Atropine 0.1% 5mL RX(102-7783) Atropine Sulfate Ophth Sol Isopto Atropine 0.1% 15mL RX(102-5174) Azathioprine Sod Lyoph Vial 20mL Imuran Inj 100MG Each INJ(903-1003) Azathioprine Tablets Imuran Tabs 50MG 100 RX(600-9785) Azithromycin For Inj SDV Zithromax Inj 500MG/VL 10/Box INJ(107-8921) Azithromycin Oral Suspension Zithromax Oral Susp 100MG/5mL 15mL RX(107-5324) Azithromycin Oral Suspension Zithromax Oral Susp 200MG/5mL 15mL RX(107-5326) Azithromycin Oral Suspension Zithromax Oral Susp 200MG/5mL 22.5mL RX(107-5335) Azithromycin Oral Suspension Zithromax Oral Susp 200MG/5mL 30mL RX(104-8711) Azithromycin Tablets Zithromax (Z-Pak) Tabs 250MG 1X6UD RX(104-8706) Azithromycin Tablets Zithromax (Z-Pak) Tabs 250MG 3X6UD RX(104-9243) Azithromycin Tablets Zithromax Tabs 250MG 30 RX(104-8717) Azithromycin Tablets Zithromax (Tri-Pak) Tabs 500MG 1X3UD RX(104-8709) Azithromycin Tablets Zithromax (Tri-Pak) Tabs 500MG 3X3UD RX(108-7010) Azithromycin Tablets Zithromax Tabs 500MG 30 RX(104-8710) Azithromycin Tablets Zithromax Tabs 600MG 30 RX(107-8918) Azithromycin Single Dose Pack Zithromax Tabs 1GM 3X1GM RX(107-5468) Azithromycin Single Dose Pack Zithromax Tabs 1GM 10X1GM RX(108-2643) Azo-Gesic Tablets Azo-Standard Tabs 30 RX(104-6041) B- 50 Complex Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100 OTC(104-7089) B Complex 100 Inj MDV 30mL B Complex Inj Each INJ(104-2700) B-100 Complex Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 50 OTC(130-1830) Baby Oil J&J Baby Oil 16 oz. OTC(102-6441) Baby Powder J&J Baby Powder 4 oz. OTC(102-5270) Bacitracin/Poly/Neo/Hc Ophth Oint Cortisporin Ophth Oint 3.5GM RX(102-7470) Bacitracin Zinc Ophth Ointment Bacitracin Iophth Oint 500U/GM 3.5GM RX(908-8136) Bacitracin Powder For Inj Bacitracin Inj 50,000U Each INJ(108-6909) Bacitracin w/O Zinc Ointment Baciguent No Zinc Oint 500U/GM 0.5 oz. OTC(108-3028) Bacitracin w/O Zinc Ointment Baciguent No Zinc Oint 500U/GM 1 oz. OTC(104-9124) Bacitracin Zinc Oint Foil Packets Baciguent Oint 500U/GM 25X0.9GM OTC(104-5669) Bacitracin Zinc Oint Foil Packets Baciguent Oint 500U/GM 144X0.9GM OTC(108-9162) Bacitracin Zinc Ointment Baciguent Oint 500U/GM 0.5 oz. OTC(248-7817) Bacitracin Zinc Ointment Baciguent Oint 500U/GM 1 oz. OTC(472-9120) Bacitracin Zinc Ointment Baciguent Oint 500U/GM LB OTC(470-9924) Bacitracin Zinc Ointment Tube Baciguent Oint 500U/GM 4 oz. OTC(629-0058) Bacitracin/Polymy Ophth Oint Polysporin Ophth Oint 3.5GM RX(108-2598) Bacitracin/Polymy Topical Oint Polysporin Top Oint 0.5 oz. OTC(102-6564) Bacitracin/Polymy Topical Oint Polysporin Top Oint 1 oz. OTC(102-3261) Bacitracin/Polymy Topical Oint Polysporin Top Oint 144X3.5GM OTC


Generic Brand

(151-6410) Back Pain-Off Tablets 290/250/50 250X2/Box OTC(408-0069) Baclofen Tablets Lioresal Tabs 10MG 100 RX(408-0070) Baclofen Tablets Lioresal Tabs 20MG 100 RX(245-2282) Balanced Salt Solution Bss, Endosol STERILE 18mL RX(408-1301) B-Complex Tablets Berocca Tabs 100 RX(102-1401) B-Complex Plus C Tablets Berocca Plus Tabs 100 RX(108-9410) B-Complex Plus C Tablets Berocca Plus Tabs 500 RX(104-7915) B-Complex w/Vit C TR Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100 OTC(400-2002) Bella Alk/Phenobarbital Tablets Donnatal Tabs 1000 RX(408-0186) Benazepril Hcl Tablets Lotensin Tabs 5MG 100 RX(408-0187) Benazepril Hcl Tablets Lotensin Tabs 10MG 100 RX(408-0188) Benazepril Hcl Tablets Lotensin Tabs 20MG 100 RX(408-0189) Benazepril Hcl Tablets Lotensin Tabs 40MG 100 RX(104-8267) Benazepril Hcl/ Hctz Tablets Lotensin Hct Tabs 5/6.25MG 100 RX(104-6221) Benazepril Hcl/ Hctz Tablets Lotensin Hct Tabs 10/12.5MG 100 RX(108-7019) Benazepril Hcl/ Hctz Tablets Lotensin Hct Tabs 20/25MG 100 RX(108-6500) Benzoin Compound Tincture Benzoin Compound Tincture 60mL OTC(108-5926) Benzoin Compound Tincture Benzoin Compound Tincture 120mL OTC(829-7778) Benzoin Tincture 2Oz Benzoin Tincture 72/Case OTC(425-3601) Benzonatate Capsules Tessalon Perles Caps 100MG 100 RX(110-0648) Benzonatate Capsules Tessalon Perles Caps 200MG 100 RX(108-9068) Benzoyl Peroxide Aqueous Base Gel Benzac AC Gel 5% 60 GM RX(108-7644) Benzoyl Peroxide Aqueous Base Gel Benzac AC Gel 5% 90 GM RX(108-2704) Benzoyl Peroxide Aqueous Base Gel Benzac AC Gel 10% 90 GM RX(108-9003) Benzoyl Peroxide Gel Oxy- 5 Gel 5% 1.5 oz. OTC(408-0247) Benzoyl Peroxide Gel Oxy- 10 Gel 10% 1.5 oz. OTC(108-1177) Benzoyl Peroxide Wash Benzac AC Wash 5% 8 oz. RX(108-4157) Benzoyl Peroxide Wash Benzac AC Wash 10% 8 oz. RX(108-4676) Benzphetamine Hcl Tablets Didrex Tabs 50MG 30 RX(108-9856) Benzphetamine Hcl Tablets Didrex Tabs 50MG 100 RX(108-2885) Benztropine Tablets Cogentin Tabs 0.5MG 100 RX(407-0301) Benztropine Tablets Cogentin Tabs 1MG 100 RX(407-0401) Benztropine Tablets Cogentin Tabs 2MG 100 RX(104-5995) Beta Carotene Softgels Vitamins/Nutritionals 25M IU 100 OTC(108-4228) Betamethasone Dip Cream Diprosone Cream 0.05% 15GM RX(108-9103) Betamethasone Dip Cream Diprosone Cream 0.05% 45GM RX(108-9009) Betamethasone Dip Crm Augmntd Diprolene AF Cream 0.05% 15GM RX(108-8930) Betamethasone Dip Gel Augmntd Diprolene Gel 0.05% 15GM RX(108-5235) Betamethasone Dip Oint Augmntd Diprolene Oint 0.05% 15GM RX(470-3386) Betamethasone Dip Oint Augmntd Diprolene Oint 0.05% 50GM RX(108-8639) Betamethasone Dip Lotion Diprosone Lot 0.05% 60mL RX(102-2436) Betamethasone Dip Ointment Diprosone Oint 0.05% 15GM RX(102-8125) Betamethasone Dip Ointment Diprosone Oint 0.05% 45GM RX(108-9341) Betamethasone Diproprionate Lotion Diprolene Lotion 0.05% 30mL RX(108-4417) Betamethasone Diproprionate Lotion Diprolene Lotion 0.05% 60mL RX(472-6972) Betamethasone Val Cream Valisone Cream 0.1% 15GM RX(472-6980) Betamethasone Val Cream Valisone Cream 0.1% 45GM RX(407-7858) Betamethasone Val Lotion Valisone Lot 0.1% 60mL RX(421-0372) Betamethasone Val Ointment Valisone Oint 0.1% 15GM RX(421-0380) Betamethasone Val Ointment Valisone Oint 0.1% 45GM RX(104-3962) Betaxolol Hcl Tablets Kerlone Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-5697) Betaxolol Hcl Tablets Kerlone Tabs 20MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(104-3963) Betaxolol Ophth Solution Betoptic Ophth Soln 0.5% 5mL RX(108-4926) Bethanechol Chloride Tablets Urecholine Tabs 5MG 100 RX(108-7670) Bethanechol Chloride Tablets Urecholine Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-4023) Bethanechol Chloride Tablets Urecholine Tabs 25MG 100 RX(108-8394) Bethanechol Chloride Tablets Urecholine Tabs 50MG 100 RX(248-2866) Biotin Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 300MCG 100 OTC(408-0131) Bisacodyl Suppositories Dulcolax Supp 10MG 12/Box OTC(408-0132) Bisacodyl Suppositories Dulcolax Supp 10MG 100/Box OTC(102-4176) Bisacodyl Enteric Coated Tablets Dulcolax Tabs 5MG 100 OTC(108-2513) Bisacodyl Enteric Coated Tablets Dulcolax Tabs 5MG 1000 OTC(108-2754) Bisacodyl Enteric Coated Tablets Dulcolax Tabs 5MG 10X10UD OTC(108-8216) Bisoprolol Fumarate Tablets Zebeta Tabs 5MG 30 RX(104-6496) Bisoprolol Fumarate/Hctz Tablets Ziac Tabs 2.5/6.25MG 100 RX(104-5409) Bisoprolol Fumarate/Hctz Tablets Ziac Tabs 5/6.25MG 100 RX(108-4136) Bisoprolol Fumarate/Hctz Tablets Ziac Tabs 10/6.25MG 30 RX(104-4230) Bisoprolol Fumarate/Hctz Tablets Ziac Tabs 10/6.25MG 100 RX(110-0488) Bisoprolol Fumarate Tablets Zebeta 10MG 30 RX(408-0178) Bleomycin Inj Pwd SDV 10mL Blenoxane Inj 15IU Each INJ(104-8785) Bleomycin Inj Pwd SDV 20mL Blenoxane Inj 30IU Each INJ(104-5545) Brimonidine Tartrate Ophth Sol Alphagan Ophth Sol 2% 10mL RX(108-9409) Bromphen Pseudo DM Rf Syrup Rondec DM Rf Syrup 120mL RX(104-8630) Bromphen Pseudo DM Rf Syrup Rondec DM Rf Syrup NEW FORMULA 480mL RX(108-4316) Bromphen Pseudo Oral Drops Rondec Oral Drops 30mL RX(108-7017) Bromphen/Pseudo Elixir Dimetapp Elixir Nf 4 oz. OTC(408-0020) Bromphen/Pseudo Elixir Dimetapp Elixir Nf 8 oz. OTC(102-8995) Bromphen/Pseudo Elixir Dimetapp Elixir Nf 16 oz. OTC(108-1958) Bromphen/Pseudo/Dextro Elixir Dimetapp DM Elixir 4 oz. OTC(102-9107) Bromphen/Pseudo/Dextro Elixir Dimetapp DM Elixir 8 oz. OTC(102-3280) Bumetanide Inj SDV 2mL Bumex Inj 0.25MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-5097) Bumetanide Inj SDV 4mL Bumex Inj 0.25MG/mL 10/Box INJ(518-5268) Bumetanide Inj MDV 10mL Bumex Inj 0.25MG/mL 10/Box INJ(103-7354) Bumetanide Tablets Bumex Tabs 1MG 100 RX(103-7989) Bumetanide Tablets Bumex Tabs 2MG 100 RX(104-6897) Bupivacaine Hcl Teartop Vial 10mL Marcaine Inj 0.25% 25/Box INJ(104-6982) Bupivacaine Hcl Teartop Vial 30mL Marcaine Inj 0.25% 25/Box INJ(104-6963) Bupivacaine Hcl Inj MDV 50mL Marcaine Inj 0.25% 25/Box INJ(104-9839) Bupivacaine Hcl Ampule 30mL Marcaine Inj 0.5% 5/Box INJ(258-8372) Bupivacaine Hcl Teartop Vial 10mL Marcaine Inj 0.5% 2X25/Box INJ(104-9626) Bupivacaine Hcl Teartop Vial 30mL Marcaine Inj 0.5% 50/Case INJ(104-6883) Bupivacaine Hcl Inj MDV 50mL Marcaine Inj 0.5% 25/Box INJ(108-6938) Bupivacaine Hcl Inj Vial 10mL Marcaine Inj 0.75% 50/Case RX(104-6990) Bupivacaine Hcl Inj SDV 30mL Marcaine Inj 0.75% 25/Box INJ(653-8155) Bupivacaine/Dextrose Inj Amp 2mL Marcaine w/Dextrose 0.75% 10/Box INJ(108-9063) Bupivacaine/Epi Inj SDV 10mL Marcaine w/Epi Inj 0.25%/1:200M 10/Box INJ(108-6286) Bupivacaine/Epi Inj SDV 30mL Marcaine w/Epi Inj 0.25%/1:200M 10/Box INJ(104-7069) Bupivacaine/Epi Inj MDV 50mL Marcaine w/Epi Inj 0.25%/1:200M 25/Box INJ(108-1933) Bupivacaine/Epi Inj SDV 10mL Marcaine w/Epi Inj 0.5%/1:200M 10/Box INJ(104-6896) Bupivacaine/Epi Inj SDV 30mL Marcaine w/Epi Inj 0.5%/1:200M 10/Box INJ(108-4825) Buprenorphine Hcl Inj Cjpt Syr 1mL Buprenex Inj 0.3MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-8721) Buprenorphine Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Buprenex Inj 0.3MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9899) Bupropion Hcl ER Tablets Wellbutrin SR Tabs 100MG 60 RX(104-8552) Bupropion Hcl ER Tablets Wellbutrin SR Tabs 150MG 60 RX


Generic Brand

(104-8742) Bupropion Hcl ER Tablets Wellbutrin SR Tabs 200MG 60 RX(408-0257) Bupropion Hcl Tablets Wellbutrin Tabs 75MG 100 RX(102-9797) Bupropion Hcl Tablets Wellbutrin Tabs 100MG 100 RX(151-4680) Burn Pump Spray Burn Spray 3 oz. OTC(408-0004) Buspirone Hcl Tablets Buspar Tabs 5MG 100 RX(102-3404) Buspirone Hcl Tablets Buspar Tabs 7.5MG 100 RX(104-4449) Buspirone Hcl Tablets Buspar Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-8165) Buspirone Hcl Tablets Buspar Tabs 15MG 100 RX(110-0892) Buspirone Hcl Tablets Buspar Tabs 30MG 60 RX(108-2644) Butalbital/Apap Tablets Phrenilin Tabs 50/325MG 100 RX(108-1995) Butalbital/Apap/Caff Capsules Esgic Caps 50/325/40MG 100 RX(108-1994) Butalbital/Apap/Caff Capsules Esgic Plus Tabs 50/500/40MG 100 RX(408-0071) Butalbital/Apap/Caff Capsules Fioricet Tabs 50/325/40MG 100 RX(408-0072) Butalbital/Apap/Caff Capsules Fioricet Tabs 50/325/40MG 500 RX(408-0073) Butalbital/Apap/Caff/Codeine Capsules Fioricet/Codeine Caps 50/325/40/30MG 100 RX(102-4582) Butalbital/Asa/Caff/Codeine Capsules Fiorinal/Cod #3 Caps 30MG 100 RX(102-6971) Butalbital/Asa/Caff Capsules Fiorinal Caps 50/325/40MG 100 RX(102-1941) Butalbital/Asa/Caff Tablets Fiorinal Tabs 50/325/40MG 100 RX(102-4249) Butalbital/Asa/Caff Tablets Fiorinal Tabs 50/325/40MG 1000 RX(104-9576) Butorphanol Inj 1mL SDV Stadol Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-3611) Butorphanol Inj 1mL SDV Stadol Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-5448) Butorphanol Inj 2mL SDV Stadol Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9796) Butorphanol Inj 10mL MDV Stadol Inj 2MG/mL Each INJ(102-5662) Butorphanol Maleate Nasal Spray Stadol Spray 10MG/mL 2.5mL RX(110-0893) Cabergoline Tablets Dostinex 0.5MG 8/Bottle RX(110-3287) Caffeine Citrate Inj SDV 3mL Cafcit Oral Solution 20MG/mL Each INJ(110-0853) Caffeine Citrate Oral Solution Cafcit Oral Solution 60MG/3mL 10/Pack INJ(860-0615) Caffeine/Sod Benzoate Inj SDV 2mL Caffeine Inj 250MG/mL 10/Box INJ(248-1393) Calamine Lotion Plain Calamine Lotion 4 oz. OTC(761-6551) Calamine Lotion Plain Calamine Lotion 8 oz. OTC(108-7297) Calamine/Diphenhy Lotion Clear Caladryl Lotion/Clear 6 oz. OTC(108-3609) Calamine/Diphenhy Lotion Medicated Caladryl Lotion/Med 6 oz. OTC(104-3210) Calcionate Syrup Neo-Calglucon 16 oz. OTC(108-8286) Calcitriol Capsules Rocaltrol Caps 0.25MCG 30 RX(108-2689) Calcitriol Capsules Rocaltrol Caps 0.25MCG 100 RX(104-1001) Calcitriol Inj Ampule 1mL Calcijex 1MCG/mL 50/Box INJ(102-6235) Calcium Carb Chew Tablets (Asst Flav) Tums 500MG 150 OTC(424-1862) Calcium Carb Chew Tablets (Wintergr Flav) Tums Originial 500MG 150 OTC(102-7406) Calcium Carbonate Tablets Caltrate-600 600MG 60 OTC(104-2697) Calcium Carbonate w/Vit D Tablets Caltrate-600 w/Vit D 600MG 60 OTC(108-1349) Calcium Carbonate Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 10GR 100 OTC(104-7170) Calcium Chloride Inj Ansyr Syr 10mL Calcium Chloride Inj 10% Each INJ(104-6889) Calcium Chloride Inj Ansyr Syr 10mL Calcium Chloride Inj 10% 10/Box INJ(106-6288) Calcium Chloride Inj SDV 10mL Calcium Chloride Inj 10% Each INJ(375-8441) Calcium Chloride Inj SDV 10mL Calcium Chloride Inj 10% 25/Box INJ(258-5086) Calcium Chloride Inj Syringe 10mL Calcium Chloride Inj 10% 5X10/Box INJ(375-7176) Calcium Gluconate Inj PBP 100mL Calcium Gluconate Inj 10% 25/Box INJ(870-0586) Calcium Gluconate Inj SDV 10mL Calcium Gluconate Inj 10% Each INJ(870-6554) Calcium Gluconate Inj SDV 10mL Calcium Gluconate Inj 10% 25/Box INJ(903-1010) Calcium Gluconate Inj SDV 50mL Calcium Gluconate Inj 10% 25/Box INJ(102-5503) Calcium Lactate Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 10GR 100 OTC(104-3255) Calcium Softgels Caltrate-200 w/Vit D 200MG 100 OTC

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(408-0224) Captopril Tablets Capoten Tabs 12.5MG 100 RX(408-0225) Captopril Tablets Capoten Tabs 25MG 100 RX(408-0226) Captopril Tablets Capoten Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(408-0227) Captopril Tablets Capoten Tabs 50MG 100 RX(408-0228) Captopril Tablets Capoten Tabs 50MG 1000 RX(408-0229) Captopril Tablets Capoten Tabs 100MG 100 RX(423-0901) Carbamazepine Chew Tablets Tegretol Chew 100MG 100 RX(108-5512) Carbamazepine Suspension Tegretol Susp 100MG/5mL 450mL RX(421-0601) Carbamazepine Tablets Tegretol Tabs 200MG 100 RX(108-9470) Carbamazepine Tablets Tegretol Tabs 200MG 500 RX(108-1806) Carbamazepine Tablets Tegretol Tabs 200MG 1000 RX(108-8462) Carbamide Ear Wax Drops Debrox Drops 6.5% 15mL OTC(408-0002) Carbidopa/Levodopa Tablets Sinemet Tabs 10/100MG 100 RX(102-7454) Carbidopa/Levodopa Tablets Sinemet Tabs 25/100MG 100 RX(102-6848) Carbidopa/Levodopa Tablets Sinemet Tabs 25/250MG 100 RX(104-9134) Carboplatin Inj SDV 5mL Paraplatin Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(104-4305) Carboplatin Inj SDV 15mL Paraplatin Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(104-4541) Carboplatin Inj SDV 45mL Paraplatin Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(107-5005) Carboplatin Inj MDV 60mL Paraplatin Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(425-2401) Carisoprodol & Aspirin Tablets Soma Compound Tabs 100 RX(104-9031) Carisoprodol/Aspirin & Codeine Tablets Soma Cmpd & Codeine Tabs 100 RX(107-8393) Carisoprodol Tablets Soma Tabs 350MG 100 RX(108-4574) Carisoprodol Tablets Soma Tabs 350MG 500 RX(104-5957) Carisoprodol Tablets Soma Tabs 350MG 1000 RX(109-2499) Carvedilol Tablets Coreg Tabs 12.5MG 100 RX(109-6213) Carvedilol Tablets Coreg Tabs 25 100 RX(109-3459) Carvedilol Tablets Coreg Tabs 3.125MG 100 RX(109-5148) Carvedilol Tablets Coreg Tabs 6.25MG 100 RX(151-8754) Ccp Caffeine Free Tablets Duadacin Tabs 325/200/10 250X2/Box OTC(102-7784) Cefaclor Capsules Ceclor Caps 250MG 100 RX(102-9349) Cefaclor Capsules Ceclor Caps 500MG 100 RX(102-6725) Cefaclor Oral Suspension Ceclor Oral Susp 125MG/5mL 150mL RX(102-8268) Cefaclor Oral Suspension Ceclor Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 75mL RX(102-8453) Cefaclor Oral Suspension Ceclor Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 150mL RX(102-9040) Cefaclor Oral Suspension Ceclor Oral Susp 375MG/5mL 100mL RX(102-6130) Cefadroxil Capsules Duricef Caps 500MG 50 RX(104-9830) Cefadroxil Oral Suspension Duricef Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 100mL RX(104-9831) Cefadroxil Oral Suspension Duricef Oral Susp 500MG/mL 75mL RX(104-9832) Cefadroxil Oral Suspension Duricef Oral Susp 500MG/mL 100mL RX(108-7810) Cefadroxil Tablets Duricef Tabs 1000MG 50 RX(108-8846) Cefazolin Sod Inj SDV 10mL Ancef Inj 500MG 10/Box INJ(101-7271) Cefazolin Sod Inj SDV 10mL Ancef Inj 500MG 25/Box INJ(102-6761) Cefazolin Sod Inj SDV 10mL Ancef Inj 1GM 25/Box INJ(108-2443) Cefazolin Sod Inj SDV 30mL Ancef Inj 10GM 10/Box INJ(107-5837) Cefazolin Sod Inj SDV 100mL Ancef Inj 10GM 10/Box INJ(108-7616) Cefdinir Capsules Omnicef Caps 300MG 60 RX(108-5339) Cefdinir Pwd For Oral Suspension Omnicef Oral Susp 125MG/5mL 60mL RX(108-6346) Cefdinir Pwd For Oral Suspension Omnicef Oral Susp 125MG/5mL 100mL RX(108-5341) Cefdinir Pwd For Oral Suspension Omnicef Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 60mL RX(108-5334) Cefdinir Pwd For Oral Suspension Omnicef Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 100mL RX(104-8772) Cefotaxime Sod Inj SDV 10mL Sterile Pwdr Claforan Inj 500MG 10/Box INJ(108-3713) Cefotaxime Sod Inj SDV 10mL Sterile Pwdr Claforan Inj 1GM Each INJ


(108-4572) Cefotaxime Sod Inj SDV 10mL Sterile Pwdr Claforan Inj 1GM 10/Box INJ(108-2732) Cefotaxime Sod Inj SDV 10mL Sterile Pwdr Claforan Inj 1GM 25/Box INJ(104-9671) Cefotaxime Sod Inj SDV 10mL Sterile Pwdr Claforan Inj 2GM 10/Box INJ(104-3052) Cefotaxime Sod Inj SDV 10mL Sterile Pwdr Claforan Inj 2GM 25/Box INJ(109-6944) Cefotetan Inj 10mL Cefotan 1GM 10/Pack INJ(109-9956) Cefotetan Inj 20mL Cefotan 2GM 10/Pack INJ(108-4882) Cefoxitin Inj 20mL Vial Sterile Pwd Mefoxin Inj 2GM 25/Box INJ(108-8622) Cefpodoxime Proxetil Pwd For Oral Susp Vantin 100MG/5mL 50mL RX(108-9571) Cefpodoxime Proxetil Pwd For Oral Susp Vantin 100MG/5mL 100mL RX(108-9172) Cefpodoxime Proxetil Pwd For Oral Susp Vantin 50MG/5mL 50mL RX(108-8624) Cefpodoxime Proxetil Pwd For Oral Susp Vantin 50MG/5mL 100mL RX(108-9561) Cefpodoxime Proxetil Tablets Vantin Tabs 100MG 20 RX(108-2374) Cefpodoxime Proxetil Tablets Vantin Tabs 200MG 20 RX(107-8728) Cefprozil Oral Suspension Cefzil Oral Susp 125MG/5mL 50mL RX(106-1312) Cefprozil Oral Suspension Cefzil Oral Susp 125MG/5mL 75mL RX(106-8241) Cefprozil Oral Suspension Cefzil Oral Susp 125MG/5mL 100mL RX(106-8001) Cefprozil Oral Suspension Cefzil Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 50mL RX(106-5829) Cefprozil Oral Suspension Cefzil Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 75mL RX(106-1316) Cefprozil Oral Suspension Cefzil Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 100mL RX(110-0869) Cefprozil Tablets Cefzil 250MG 100 RX(110-0876) Cefprozil Tablets Cefzil 500MG 50 RX(110-5639) Ceftazidime For Inj SDV Fortaz, Tazicef 6GM 6/Box INJ(110-8251) Ceftazidime For Inj SDV Fortaz, Tazicef 1GM 25/Box INJ(110-2746) Ceftazidime For Inj SDV Fortaz, Tazicef 2GM 10/Box INJ(104-7570) Ceftriaxone Sodium For Inj SDV Rocephin Inj 250MG/VL Each INJ(104-9177) Ceftriaxone Sodium For Inj SDV Rocephin Inj 250MG/VL 10/Box INJ(104-7568) Ceftriaxone Sodium For Inj SDV Rocephin Inj 500MG/VL Each INJ(104-8808) Ceftriaxone Sodium For Inj SDV Rocephin Inj 500MG/VL 10/Box INJ(104-7571) Ceftriaxone Sodium For Inj SDV Rocephin Inj 1GM/VL Each INJ(104-5970) Ceftriaxone Sodium For Inj SDV Rocephin Inj 1GM/VL 10/Box INJ(104-8374) Ceftriaxone Sodium For Inj SDV Rocephin Inj 2GM/VL 10/Box INJ(102-4730) Cefuroxime Axetil Tablets Ceftin Tabs 250MG 20 RX(108-5830) Cefuroxime Axetil Tablets Ceftin Tabs 500MG 20 RX(104-8677) Cefuroxime Sod Pwd For Inj 10mL Zinacef Inj 750MG 25/Box INJ(104-8679) Cefuroxime Sod Pwd For Inj 20mL Zinacef Inj 1.5GM 25/Box INJ(108-4649) Cephalexin Capsules Keflex Caps 250MG 100 RX(734-4182) Cephalexin Capsules Keflex Caps 250MG 100UD RX(108-4476) Cephalexin Capsules Keflex Caps 250MG 500 RX(108-5229) Cephalexin Capsules Keflex Caps 500MG 100 RX(734-4625) Cephalexin Capsules Keflex Caps 500MG 100UD RX(408-0041) Cephalexin Capsules Keflex Caps 500MG 500 RX(104-8646) Cephalexin Oral Suspension Keflex Oral Susp 125MG/5mL 100mL RX(408-0222) Cephalexin Oral Suspension Keflex Oral Susp 125MG/5mL 200mL RX(104-8644) Cephalexin Oral Suspension Keflex Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 100mL RX(408-0223) Cephalexin Oral Suspension Keflex Oral Susp 250MG/5mL 200mL RX(102-9203) Cephalexin Tablets Keflet Tabs 250MG 100 RX(102-9301) Cephalexin Tablets Keflet Tabs 500MG 100 RX(456-5489) Childs Chew Vits Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100 OTC(104-3107) Childs Chew Vits/Iron Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100 OTC(102-5459) Chloral Hydrate Sg Capsules Noctec Caps 500MG 50 RX(108-2264) Chloral Hydrate Syrup Noctec Syrup 500MG/5mL 480mL RX(870-5648) Chloramphenicol Succ Inj Vial 10mL Chloromycetin Inj 1GM Each INJ

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

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HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(104-3340) Chloramphenicol Succ Lypho Vial 15mL Chloromycetin Inj 1GM 10/Box INJ(108-1350) Chlordiazepoxide Capsules Librium Caps 5MG 100 RX(108-5790) Chlordiazepoxide Capsules Librium Caps 10MG 100 RX(108-6535) Chlordiazepoxide Capsules Librium Caps 10MG 1000 RX(108-9965) Chlordiazepoxide Capsules Librium Caps 25MG 100 RX(405-5901) Chlordiazepoxide/Clidinium Capsules Librax Caps 5/2.5MG 100 RX(405-5905) Chlordiazepoxide/Clidinium Capsules Librax Caps 5/2.5MG 500 RX(108-7233) Chlordiazepoxide/Clidinium Capsules Librax Caps 5/2.5MG 1000 RX(104-6634) Chlorhexidine Gluconate Oral Sol Peridex Liquid 0.12% 480mL RX(104-5383) Chloroprocaine Hcl Inj SDV 20mL Nesacaine Inj 2% Each INJ(104-5381) Chloroprocaine Hcl Inj SDV 20mL Nesacaine Inj 3% Each INJ(104-7757) Chloroquine Phos Tablets Aralen Tabs 500MG 25 RX(102-7167) Chlorothiazide Tablets Diuril Tabs 250MG 100 RX(102-6448) Chlorothiazide Tablets Diuril Tabs 500MG 100 RX(102-6401) Chlorpheniramine Tablets Chlor-Trimeton Tabs 4MG 100 OTC(840-5686) Chlorpheniramine Tablets Chlor-Trimeton Tabs 4MG 1000 OTC(151-8148) Chlorpheniramine Tablets Chlor-Trimeton Tabs 4MG 250X1/Box OTC(108-9895) Chlorpheniramine ER Capsules Teldrin Caps 8MG 100 RX(829-4612) Chlorpheniramine ER Capsules Teldrin Caps 8MG 1000 RX(108-8226) Chlorpheniramine ER Capsules Teldrin Caps 12MG 100 RX(102-3499) Chlorpheniramine ER Capsules Teldrin Caps 12MG 1000 RX(108-6580) Chlorpheniramine/DM/Pseudo Pediacare Cough-Cold 1/5/15MG/5mL 118mL OTC(248-7903) Chlorpheniramine/Pse ER Caps Novafed-A, Deconamine-SR 8MG/120MG 100 RX(104-5726) Chlorpromazine Hcl Inj Amp 1mL Thorazine Inj 50MG/2mL 25/Box INJ(421-8042) Chlorpromazine Hcl Inj Amp 2mL Thorazine Inj 50MG/2mL 25/Box INJ(403-8001) Chlorpromazine Hcl Tablets Thorazine Tabs 10MG 100 RX(403-8101) Chlorpromazine Hcl Tablets Thorazine Tabs 25MG 100 RX(403-8201) Chlorpromazine Hcl Tablets Thorazine Tabs 50MG 100 RX(403-8301) Chlorpromazine Hcl Tablets Thorazine Tabs 100MG 100 RX(403-8401) Chlorpromazine Hcl Tablets Thorazine Tabs 200MG 100 RX(405-1001) Chlorpropamide Tablets Diabinese Tabs 250MG 100 RX(102-7323) Chlorthalidone Tablets Hygroton Tabs 25MG 100 RX(102-5871) Chlorthalidone Tablets Hygroton Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(102-5561) Chlorthalidone Tablets Hygroton Tabs 50MG 100 RX(407-8701) Chlorthalidone Tablets Hygroton Tabs 100MG 100 RX(422-5501) Chlorzoxazone Tablets Parafon Dsc Tabs 500MG 100 RX(108-0214) Chlorzoxazone Tablets Parafon Dsc Tabs 500MG 500 RX(104-2546) Cholestyramine Powder Questran Pwd 4GM 378GM/Case RX(408-0151) Cholestyramine Powder Questran Pwd 4GM 60/Box RX(108-2757) Choline/ Mag Tris Tablets Trilisate Tabs 500MG 100 RX(108-2758) Choline/ Mag Tris Tablets Trilisate Tabs 750MG 100 RX(108-3839) Choline/ Mag Tris Tablets Trilisate Tabs 1000MG 100 RX(248-6963) Chorionic Gonadatropin 10mL Pregnyl, A.P.L. 10MU Each INJ(456-9305) Chromium Picolinate Caps Vitamins/Nutritionals 200MCG 100 OTC(104-8299) Chromium Picolinate Tabs Vitamins/Nutritionals 200MCG 100 OTC(112-5440) Chromium Trace Metal Additive 10mL Ftv Chromium Chloride 4MCG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-4674) Ciclopirox Cream Loprox Cream 0.77% 15GM RX(104-7909) Ciclopirox Cream Loprox Cream 0.77% 30GM RX(104-8929) Ciclopirox Topical Suspension Loprox Lotion 0.77% 30mL RX(104-4344) Ciclopirox Topical Suspension Loprox Lotion 0.77% 60mL RX(108-6190) Cilostazol Tablets Pletal Tabs 50MG 60 RX(104-4609) Cilostazol Tablets Pletal Tabs 100MG 60 RX


(104-6885) Cimetidine Hcl Inj SDV 2mL Tagamet Inj 300MG/2mL 25/Box INJ(104-6888) Cimetidine Hcl Inj SDV 8mL Tagamet Inj 300MG/2mL 10/Box INJ(258-6070) Cimetidine Hcl/Sod Chlor Inj 50mL Tagamet Inj 300MG/0.9% 48/Case INJ(408-0029) Cimetidine Solution Tagamet Sol 300MG/5mL 240mL RX(104-8956) Cimetidine Solution Tagamet Sol 300MG/5mL 480mL RX(102-2591) Cimetidine Tablets Tagamet Tabs 200MG 100 RX(101-1834) Cimetidine Tablets Tagamet Tabs 300MG 100 RX(104-3259) Cimetidine Tablets Tagamet Tabs 300MG 500 RX(104-7269) Cimetidine Tablets Tagamet Tabs 400MG 100 RX(104-8417) Cimetidine Tablets Tagamet Tabs 400MG 500 RX(102-2594) Cimetidine Tablets Tagamet Tabs 800MG 100 RX(104-8628) Ciprofloxacin Hcl Ophth Solution Ciloxan 0.3% 2.5mL RX(104-8631) Ciprofloxacin Hcl Ophth Solution Ciloxan 0.3% 5mL RX(104-8632) Ciprofloxacin Hcl Ophth Solution Ciloxan 0.3% 10mL RX(408-0216) Ciprofloxacin Hcl Tablets Cipro Tabs 250MG 100 RX(108-3034) Ciprofloxacin Hcl Tablets Cipro Tabs 250MG 100UD RX(104-7110) Ciprofloxacin Hcl Tablets Cipro Tabs 500MG 100 RX(258-3727) Ciprofloxacin Hcl Tablets Cipro Tabs 500MG 10X14 RX(108-3045) Ciprofloxacin Hcl Tablets Cipro Tabs 750MG 100UD RX(104-8719) Ciprofloxacin Hcl Tablets Cipro Tabs 750MG 50 RX(108-7063) Ciprofloxacin Inj SDV 20mL Cipro IV 200MG 10/Box INJ(108-7236) Ciprofloxacin Inj SDV 40mL Cipro IV 400MG 10/Box INJ(104-2135) Cisplatin Aq Inj MDV 50mL Platinol Aq 1MG/mL Each INJ(375-2175) Cisplatin Aq Inj MDV 200mL Platinol Aq 1MG/mL Each INJ(108-9356) Citalopram Hydrobromide Oral Solution Celexa Oral Solution 10MG/5mL 240mL RX(104-8418) Citalopram Hydrobromide Tablets Celexa Tabs 10MG 30 RX(108-9863) Citalopram Hydrobromide Tablets Celexa Tabs 20MG 30 RX(108-9940) Citalopram Hydrobromide Tablets Celexa Tabs 40MG 30 RX(761-8434) Citrate Of Magnesia Citroma LEMMON 10 oz. OTC(104-8957) Citric Acid/ Sol Sod Citr Bicitra 480mL RX(110-0866) Clarithromycin Suspension Biaxin OS 125MG/5mL 50mL RX(110-0867) Clarithromycin Suspension Biaxin OS 125MG/5mL 100mL RX(110-0868) Clarithromycin Suspension Biaxin OS 250MG/5mL 50mL RX(104-6285) Clarithromycin Tablets Biaxin Tabs 250MG 60 RX(104-6284) Clarithromycin Tablets Biaxin Tabs 500MG 60 RX(104-4067) Clemastine Fumarate Syrup Tavist Syp 0.67/5mL 120mL RX(425-2001) Clemastine Tablets Tavist Tabs 1.34MG 100 OTC(104-8028) Clemastine Tablets Tavist Tabs 2.68MG 100 RX(108-2533) Clindamycin Hcl Capsules Cleocin Caps 150MG 100 RX(106-7035) Clindamycin Hcl Capsules Cleocin Caps 300MG 16 RX(108-9896) Clindamycin Hcl Capsules Cleocin Caps 300MG 100 RX(104-9622) Clindamycin Phos Inj 2mL Add-Van Vial Cleocin Inj 150MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6899) Clindamycin Phos Inj SDV 2mL Cleocin Inj 150MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6972) Clindamycin Phos Inj SDV 4mL Cleocin Inj 150MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-5614) Clindamycin Phos Inj SDV 6mL Cleocin Inj 150MG/mL 25/Box INJ(408-0060) Clindamycin Phosphate Pledgets Cleocin-T 1% 60ʼS RX(108-5158) Clindamycin Topical Gel Cleocin T 1% 30GM RX(108-2500) Clindamycin Topical Gel Cleocin T 1% 60GM RX(102-6382) Clindamycin Topical Lotion Cleocin-T 1% 60mL RX(102-6347) Clindamycin Topical Solution Cleocin-T 1% 30mL RX(102-9979) Clindamycin Topical Solution Cleocin-T 1% 60mL RX(102-0039) Clobetasol Prop Cream Temovate Cream 0.05% 15GM RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(102-1340) Clobetasol Prop Cream Temovate Cream 0.05% 30GM RX(102-6525) Clobetasol Prop Cream Temovate Cream 0.05% 45GM RX(108-4565) Clobetasol Prop Cream(Emollient) Temovate E Cream 0.05% 15GM RX(108-8959) Clobetasol Prop Gel Temovate Gel 0.05% 15GM RX(102-4518) Clobetasol Prop Ointment Temovate Oint 0.05% 30GM RX(102-5133) Clobetasol Prop Ointment Temovate Oint 0.05% 45GM RX(104-7137) Clobetasol Prop Solution Temovate Sol 0.05% 25mL RX(102-9956) Clobetasol Prop Solution Temovate Sol 0.05% 50mL RX(108-4074) Clomiphene Tablets Clomid Tabs 50MG 10 RX(104-8037) Clomipramine Capsules Anafranil Caps 25MG 30 RX(104-6798) Clomipramine Capsules Anafranil Caps 25MG 90 RX(104-7044) Clomipramine Capsules Anafranil Caps 50MG 30 RX(104-6800) Clomipramine Capsules Anafranil Caps 50MG 90 RX(104-7766) Clomipramine Capsules Anafranil Caps 75MG 30 RX(104-6801) Clomipramine Capsules Anafranil Caps 75MG 90 RX(408-0076) Clonazepam Tablets Klonopin Tabs 0.5MG 100 RX(108-3430) Clonazepam Tablets Klonopin Tabs 0.5MG 500 RX(408-0077) Clonazepam Tablets Klonopin Tabs 1MG 100 RX(108-8293) Clonazepam Tablets Klonopin Tabs 1MG 500 RX(102-3209) Clonazepam Tablets Klonopin Tabs 2MG 100 RX(108-1979) Clonazepam Tablets Klonopin Tabs 2MG 500 RX(102-2001) Clonidine Hcl Tablets Catapres Tabs 0.1MG 100 RX(120-4523) Clonidine Hcl Tablets Catapres Tabs 0.1MG 1TAB/UD RX(104-7920) Clonidine Hcl Tablets Catapres Tabs 0.1MG 100UD RX(102-2127) Clonidine Hcl Tablets Catapres Tabs 0.1MG 500 RX(102-2102) Clonidine Hcl Tablets Catapres Tabs 0.2MG 100 RX(102-2128) Clonidine Hcl Tablets Catapres Tabs 0.2MG 500 RX(102-0670) Clonidine Hcl Tablets Catapres Tabs 0.3MG 100 RX(108-9498) Clorazepate Dipotassium Tablets Tranxene Tabs 3.75MG 100 RX(104-9272) Clorazepate Dipotassium Tablets Tranxene Tabs 7.5MG 100 RX(408-0214) Clorazepate Dipotassium Tablets Tranxene Tabs 7.5MG 500 RX(408-0215) Clorazepate Dipotassium Tablets Tranxene Tabs 15MG 100 RX(102-5190) Clotrim Betameth Diprop Cream Lotrisone Cream 1%/0.05% 15GM RX(102-3877) Clotrim Betameth Diprop Cream Lotrisone Cream 1%/0.05% 45GM RX(108-5672) Clotrim Betameth Diprop Lotion Lotrisone Lotion 1%/0.05% 30mL RX(102-6419) Clotrimazole Cream Otc Tp Lotrimin AF Cream 1% 0.5 oz. OTC(102-6418) Clotrimazole Cream Otc Tp Lotrimin AF Cream 1% 1 oz. OTC(102-5809) Clotrimazole Topical Cream Lotrimin Cream 1% 15GM RX(102-7125) Clotrimazole Topical Cream Lotrimin Cream 1% 30GM RX(102-7444) Clotrimazole Topical Cream Lotrimin Cream 1% 45GM RX(102-6010) Clotrimazole Topical Solution Lotrimin AF Sol 1% 10mL OTC(102-4343) Clotrimazole Topical Solution Lotrimin Sol 1% 30mL RX(108-6234) Clotrimazole Mycelex Troche 10MG 70 RX(102-7189) Clotrimazole Vag Cream 7-Day Gyne-Lotrimin- 7 Cream 1% 1.5 oz. OTC(104-5729) Cocaine Hcl Topical Solution Cocaine Sol 4% 4mL RX(104-5007) Cocaine Hcl Topical Solution Cocaine Sol 10% 4mL RX(102-5601) Cod Liver Oil Capsules Vitamins/Nutritionals 10MIN 100 OTC(102-9151) Coenzyme-Q10 Softgels Vitamins/Nutritionals 30MG 50 OTC(104-9257) Colchicine Tablets Colchicine 0.6MG 100 RX(108-6121) Colchicine Tablets Colchicine 0.6MG 1000 RX(151-7396) Cold Spray Topical Medi-First 4 oz. OTC(108-4728) Colistimethate Sod Inj Coly-Mycin Inj 150MG/VL Each INJ


(108-2672) Cortisone Acetate Tablets Cortone 25MG 100 RX(102-7206) Cromolyn Sod Nebulizer Intal Sol 20MG/2mL 60 RX(245-0143) Cromolyn Sod Ophth Solution Crolom 4% 10mL RX(258-0830) Cupric Sulfate Inj 10mL Cupric Acid 25/Box INJ(104-4157) Cyanide Antidote Kit Cyanide Antidote Each RX(102-9678) Cyanocobalamin Inj (B-12) MDV 10mL Cyanocobalamin 1000MCG Each INJ(870-9048) Cyanocobalamin Inj (B-12) MDV 10mL Cyanocobalamin 1000MCG/mL 25/Box INJ(103-9497) Cyanocobalamin Inj (B-12) MDV 30mL Cyanocobalamin 1000MCG/mL 5/Box INJ(244-1902) Cyanocobalamin Inj (B-12) Vial 1mL Cyanocobalamin 1000MCG/mL 25/Box INJ(110-0844) Cyclobenzaprine Tablets Flexeril Tabs 5MG 100 RX(408-0163) Cyclobenzaprine Tablets Flexeril Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-9247) Cyclobenzaprine Tablets Flexeril Tabs 10MG 500 RX(408-0164) Cyclobenzaprine Tablets Flexeril Tabs 10MG 1000 RX(245-9586) Cyclopentolate Hcl Ophth Sol Cyclogyl Sol 1% 2mL RX(629-5439) Cyclopentolate Hcl Ophth Sol Cyclogyl Sol 1% 12X2mL RX(473-6272) Cyclopentolate Hcl Ophth Sol Cyclogyl Sol 1% 15mL RX(104-5491) Cyclophosphamide Inj Lyoph SDV 50mL Cytoxan Inj 500MG Each RX(104-7861) Cyclophosphamide Inj Lyoph SDV 75mL Cytoxan Inj 1GM Each RX(102-8664) Cyclophosphamide Tablets Cytoxan Tabs 25MG 100 RX(102-7148) Cyclophosphamide Tablets Cytoxan Tabs 50MG 100 RX(102-7488) Cyclosporine Capsules Sandimmune Caps 100MG 30 RX(104-9984) Cyclosporine Inj SDV 5mL Sandimmune Inj 50MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-8425) Cyclosporine SG Capsules Neoral Caps 25MG 30 RX(104-8174) Cyclosporine SG Capsules Neoral Caps 100MG 30 RX(472-7216) Cyproheptadine Syrup Periactin 480mL RX(408-0238) Cyproheptadine Tablets Periactin 4MG 100 RX(408-0239) Cyproheptadine Tablets Periactin 4MG 1000 RX(104-2889) Cytarabine Inj MDV 25mL Aqueous w/Pres Cytosar-U 20MG/mL Each INJ(104-2888) Cytarabine Inj MDV 50mL Aqueous Pbp Cytosar-U 20MG/mL Each INJ(102-4578) Cytarabine Inj SDV 5mL Lyoph Pf Cytosar-U 100MG 10/Box INJ(423-3982) Daily Multi Vitamins One-A-Day 100 OTC(104-8458) Daily Multi Vitamins One-A-Day 1000 OTC(104-5727) Daily Multi Vitamins w Iron One-A-Day/Iron 100 OTC(104-5728) Daily Multi Vitamins w Iron One-A-Day/Iron 1000 OTC(994-9071) Daily Multi Vits/Minerals Tab Vitamins/Nutritionals 12/Case OTC(108-4246) Dailyvite Liquid Vi-Daylin 8 oz. 24/Case OTC(248-1993) Danazol Capsules Danocrine 50Mg 50MG 100 RX(104-2916) Danazol Capsules Danocrine 100Mg 100MG 100 RX(104-3957) Danazol Capsules Danocrine 200Mg 200MG 60 RX(108-8652) Dantrolene Sodium Capsules Dantrium 25Mg 25MG 100 RX(108-7725) Dantrolene Sodium Capsules Dantrium 50Mg 50MG 100 RX(108-6848) Dantrolene Sodium Capsules Dantrium 100Mg 100MG 100 RX(110-2375) Dantrolene Sodium Inj Lyoph SDV Dantrium 20MG/mL 6/Pack INJ(104-5615) Decorel Forte Plus Tablets W Expectorant 250X2/Box OTC(104-9371) Deferoxamine Mesylate Inj SDV Desferal 2GM/VL Each INJ(104-9370) Deferoxamine Mesylate Inj SDV Desferal 500MG/VL 4/Box INJ(375-3870) Dehydrated Alcohol Inj Ampule 1mL Alcohol, Dehydrated 98% 10/Box INJ(675-8111) Dehydrated Alcohol Inj Ampule 5mL Alcohol, Dehydrated 98% 10/Box INJ(606-6463) Demeclocycline Hcl Tablets Declomycin 300Mg 300MG 48 RX(102-6665) Denture Cleansing Tablets Efferdent 40 OTC(104-9237) Desipramine Tablets Norpramin 25Mg 25MG 100 RX(104-8340) Desipramine Tablets Norpramin 50Mg 50MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(794-0785) Desipramine Tablets Norpramin 75Mg 75MG 100 RX(258-5847) Desmopressin Acet Inj MDV 10mL DDAVP Inj 4MCG/mL Each INJ(258-1694) Desmopressin Acet Inj w/Pres 1mL DDAVP Inj 4MCG/mL 10/Box INJ(473-5980) Desmopressin Acet Nasal Spray DDAVP Spray 0.01% 5mL RX(103-7488) Desogestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol Oc Tabs Desogen; Ortho-Cept 0.15/0.03MG 6x28 RX(408-0121) Desonide Cream Tridesilon Crm 0.05% 15GM RX(408-0122) Desonide Cream Tridesilon Crm 0.05% 60GM RX(104-8992) Desonide Lotion Desowen Lotion 0.05% 59mL RX(104-8991) Desonide Lotion Desowen Lotion 0.05% 118mL RX(108-2682) Desonide Ointment Tridesilon Oint 0.05% 15GM RX(104-7711) Desoximetasone Cream Topicort Lp Cream 0.05% 15GM RX(408-0128) Desoximetasone Cream Topicort Cream 0.25% 15GM RX(408-0129) Desoximetasone Cream Topicort Cream 0.25% 60GM RX(108-8471) Desoximetasone Gel Topicort Gel 0.05% 15GM RX(108-3035) Desoximetasone Ointment Topicort Oint 0.25% 15GM RX(471-8276) Dexamethasone Elixir Decadron Elixir 0.5MG/5mL 240mL RX(108-9735) Dexamethasone Elixir Decadron Elixir 0.5MG/5mL 500mL RX(248-7057) Dexamethasone Oral Concen Decadron Con 1MG/mL 30mL RX(406-7616) Dexamethasone Pf Inj 1mL SDV Decadron Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-3542) Dexamethasone Phos Ophth Sol Decadron Ophth 0.1% 5mL RX(870-0288) Dexamethasone Sod Phos 1mL SDV Decadron Inj 4MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-9990) Dexamethasone Sod Phos 5mL MDV Decadron Inj 4MG/mL Each INJ(870-3329) Dexamethasone Sod Phos 5mL MDV Decadron Inj 4MG/mL 25/Box INJ(138-6758) Dexamethasone Sod Phos 1mL SDV Decadron Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-9543) Dexamethasone Sod Phos 10mL MDV Decadron Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(258-5611) Dexamethasone Sod Phos 10mL MDV Decadron Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(258-8376) Dexamethasone Sod Phos 30mL MDV Decadron Inj 4MG/mL Each INJ(870-8528) Dexamethasone Sod Phos 30mL MDV Decadron Inj 4MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-6392) Dexamethasone Tablets Decadron Tabs 0.5MG 100 RX(103-8422) Dexamethasone Tablets Decadron Tabs 0.75MG 100 RX(103-1077) Dexamethasone Tablets Decadron Tabs 1.5MG 100 RX(108-9451) Dexamethasone Tablets Decadron Tabs 1MG 100 RX(108-4329) Dexamethasone Tablets Decadron Tabs 2MG 100 RX(103-0810) Dexamethasone Tablets Decadron Tabs 4MG 100 RX(108-6280) Dexamethasone Tablets Decadron Tabs 6MG 100 RX(421-7948) Dexpanthenol Inj 2mL SDV Ilopan Inj 250MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-5583) Dextroamphet Combo Tabs Adderall Tabs 5MG 100 RX(108-4839) Dextroamphet Combo Tabs Adderall Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-7703) Dextroamphet Combo Tabs Adderall Tabs 20MG 100 RX(108-5445) Dextroamphet Combo Tabs Adderall Tabs 30MG 100 RX(108-1471) Dextroamphetamine Sul Tabs Dextrostat/Dexedrine Tabs 5MG 100 RX(108-4500) Dextroamphetamine Sul Tabs Dextrostat/Dexedrine Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-8635) Dextromethorphan Hb/P-Ephed/Bpm Dimetane-Dx Liquid 480mL RX(104-7005) Dextrose 5% % Sod Chlor Inj Dextrose w/Sod Chlor 500mL 10/Box INJ(104-6984) Dextrose 5% In Saline Dextrose w/Saline PLAS-BG Each INJ(258-7367) Dextrose 5% In Water 500mL Dextrose w/Water GLASS Each INJ(104-6850) Dextrose 5% In Water 1000mL Dextrose w/Water PLAS-BG Each INJ(104-6857) Dextrose 5% Lact.Ringers Dextrose w/Lact Ring PLAS-BG Each INJ(104-6975) Dextrose 5% w/Water 50mL Dextrose w/Water 5% 80/Case INJ(258-8705) Dextrose 5% w/Water 100mL Dextrose w/Water 5% 80/Case INJ(258-3728) Dextrose Inj Abboj Syr 50mL 18Gx1.5” Dextrose Inj 50% 10/Box INJ(104-2309) Dextrose Inj Ampule 5mL Dextrose Inj 10% 25/Box INJ


(104-7152) Dextrose Inj Ansyr 2 Syringe 50mL Dextrose Inj 50% Each INJ(104-6910) Dextrose Inj Ftv 50mL Dextrose Inj 50% Each INJ(104-6864) Dextrose Inj Ftv 50mL (Additive) Dextrose Inj 50% 25/Box INJ(104-9625) Dextrose Inj Syringe 10mL Dextrose Inj 25% 50/Case INJ(104-6862) Dextrose Inj Syringe 50mL Dextrose Inj 50% 10/Box INJ(151-9780) Diamode Antidiarrheal Tablets Imodium Ad Tabs 2MG 100X1/Box OTC(422-5177) Diaper Rash Ointment Desitin Ointment 4 oz. OTC(104-6560) Diazepam Carpuject Syringe 2mL Valium Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-7162) Diazepam Inj MDV 10mL Valium Inj 5MG/mL 5/Box INJ(108-6960) Diazepam Inj SDV 2mL Valium Inj 5MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6310) Diazepam Oral Sol Valium Sol 5MG/5mL 500mL RX(108-5738) Diazepam Oral Sol Valium Sol 5MG/mL 40x5mL RX(104-3911) Diazepam Oral Sol Con Valium Sol 5MG/mL 30mL RX(408-0081) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 2MG 100 RX(408-0082) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 2MG 500 RX(102-5394) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 2MG 1000 RX(408-0083) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 5MG 100 RX(408-0084) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 5MG 500 RX(408-0085) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 5MG 1000 RX(104-8140) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 5MG 100UD RX(408-0086) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 10MG 100 RX(103-4490) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 10MG 500 RX(408-0087) Diazepam Tablets Valium Tabs 10MG 1000 RX(102-7756) Dibucaine Ointment Nupercainal Onit 1% 1 oz. OTC(108-0141) Diclofenac Potassium Tabs Cataflam Tabs 50MG 100 RX(107-7341) Diclofenac Sod DR Tablets Voltaren DR Tabs 50MG 100 RX(107-7339) Diclofenac Sod DR Tablets Voltaren DR Tabs 75MG 100 RX(108-1904) Diclofenac Sod DR Tablets Voltaren DR Tabs 75MG 1000 RX(104-7855) Diclofenac Sod ER Tablets Voltaren XR Tabs 100MG 100 RX(102-9222) Dicloxacillin Capsules Dynapen Caps 250MG 100 RX(102-7101) Dicloxacillin Capsules Dynapen Caps 500MG 100 RX(402-9201) Dicyclomine Hcl Capsules Bentyl Caps 10MG 100 RX(104-1064) Dicyclomine Hcl Inj SDV 2mL Bentyl Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(248-1464) Dicyclomine Hcl Tablets Bentyl Tabs 20MG 100 RX(108-8142) Dicyclomine Hcl Tablets Bentyl Tabs 20MG 1000 RX(102-8684) Diethylproprion Tablets Tenuate Tabs 25MG 100 RX(103-1896) Diethylproprion ER Tablets Tenuate CR Tabs 75MG 100 RX(104-9139) Diflorasone Cream Psorcon Crm 0.05% 15GM RX(104-9140) Diflorasone Cream Psorcon Crm 0.05% 30GM RX(108-8059) Diflorasone Ointment Psorcon Oin 0.05% 15GM RX(425-3706) Diflunisal Tablets Dolobid 500Mg 500MG 60 RX(375-3050) Digoxin Inj Ampule 2mL Lanoxin Inj 0.25MG/mL Each INJ(375-1035) Digoxin Inj Ampule 2mL Lanoxin Inj 0.25MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-7078) Digoxin Inj Syringe 1mL Lanoxin Inj 0.25MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-7349) Digoxin Oral Solution Lanoxin Sol 0.05MG/mL 60mL RX(104-4991) Digoxin Oral Solution Lanoxin Sol 0.125MG/2.5mL 40X2.5mL RX(104-7383) Digoxin Oral Solution Lanoxin Sol 0.25MG/5mL 40x5mL RX(279-5706) Digoxin Tablets Lanoxin Tabs 0.125MG 100 RX(424-8202) Digoxin Tablets Lanoxin Tabs 0.125MG 1000 RX(102-7664) Digoxin Tablets Lanoxin Tabs 0.25MG 100 RX(401-1102) Digoxin Tablets Lanoxin Tabs 0.25MG 1000 RX(108-5161) Dihistine DH Elixir C5 Novahistine DH Elix 120mL RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(108-8579) Dihistine Expect C5 Novahistine Expect 480mL RX(104-2246) Dihydroergotamine Mes Inj Vial 1mL D.H.E. 45 Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-4374) Diltiazem Hcl ER Capsules (Ccd) Cardizem CD Caps 120MG 90 RX(102-6533) Diltiazem Hcl ER Capsules (Ccd) Cardizem CD Caps 180MG 90 RX(108-3037) Diltiazem Hcl ER Capsules (Ccd) Cardizem CD Caps 240MG 90 RX(102-4373) Diltiazem Hcl ER Capsules (Ccd) Cardizem CD Caps 300MG 90 RX(696-8513) Diltiazem Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Cardizem Inj 5MG/mL Each INJ(102-2339) Diltiazem Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Cardizem Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-7806) Diltiazem Hcl SR Capsules Cardizem SR Caps 60MG 100 RX(102-8408) Diltiazem Hcl SR Capsules Cardizem SR Caps 90MG 100 RX(102-8960) Diltiazem Hcl SR Capsules Cardizem SR Caps 120MG 100 RX(104-8321) Diltiazem Hcl Tablets Cardizem Tabs 30MG 100 RX(108-3899) Diltiazem Hcl Tablets Cardizem Tabs 30MG 500 RX(104-8352) Diltiazem Hcl Tablets Cardizem Tabs 60MG 100 RX(108-8633) Diltiazem Hcl Tablets Cardizem Tabs 60MG 500 RX(104-7829) Diltiazem Hcl Tablets Cardizem Tabs 90MG 100 RX(104-8349) Diltiazem Hcl Tablets Cardizem Tabs 120MG 100 RX(104-4189) Dimenhydrinate Inj SDV 1 mL Dramamine Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-8727) Dimenhydrinate Tablets Dramamine Tabs 50MG 1000 OTC(104-3235) Dimenhydrinate Tablets Dramamine Tabs 50MG 12UD OTC(852-7332) Diotame Liquid 30mL Pepto Bismol Liquid 10DS/Box OTC(151-9900) Diotame Liquid 30mL Pepto Bismol Liquid 50DS/Box OTC(151-5172) Diotame Tablets Pepto Bismol Chewable 262MG 50X2/Box OTC(151-1593) Diotame Tablets Pepto Bismol Chewable 262MG 250X2/Box OTC(104-8945) Diphenhydramine Cream Benadryl Cream 2% 1 oz. OTC(108-4341) Diphenhydramine Hcl Capsules Otc Benadryl Otc Caps 25MG 100 OTC(108-4342) Diphenhydramine Hcl Capsules Otc Benadryl Otc Caps 25MG 1000 OTC(151-7628) Diphenhydramine Hcl Capsules Otc Benadryl Otc Caps 25MG 200X1/Box OTC(108-6612) Diphenhydramine Hcl Capsules Otc Benadryl Otc Caps 50MG 100 OTC(108-6624) Diphenhydramine Hcl Capsules Otc Benadryl Otc Caps 50MG 1000 OTC(408-0838) Diphenhydramine Hcl Elixir Benadryl Elixir 12.5MG/5mL 4 oz. OTC(108-9331) Diphenhydramine Hcl Elixir Benadryl Elixir 12.5MG/5mL 8 oz. OTC(408-0019) Diphenhydramine Hcl Elixir Benadryl Elixir 12.5MG/5mL 16 oz. OTC(104-7215) Diphenhydramine Hcl Spray Benadryl Spray 2% 2 oz. OTC(108-9223) Diphenhydramine Hcl Syrup Benylin Syrup (Old Form) 12.5MG/5mL 4 oz. OTC(108-3038) Diphenhydramine Hcl Syrup Benylin Syrup (Old Form) 12.5MG/5mL 16 oz. OTC(108-6319) Diphenhydramine Hcl Tablets Benadryl Tabs 25MG 24 OTC(421-1410) Diphenhydramine Hcl Tablets Benadryl Tabs 25MG 100 OTC(375-0376) Diphenhydramine Inj SDV 1mL Benadryl Inj 50MG/mL Each INJ(375-9452) Diphenhydramine Inj SDV 1mL Benadryl Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-4899) Diphenhydramine Inj MDV 10mL Benadryl Inj 50MG/mL Each INJ(921-2678) Diphenhydramine Inj Syringe Benadryl Inj 50MG/mL 10/Box INJ(108-9277) Diphenoxylate/Atropine Oral Solution Lomotil Liquid 2MG/mL 60mL RX(108-4680) Diphenoxylate/Atropine Tabs Lomotil Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(108-0179) Diphenoxylate/Atropine Tabs Lomotil Tabs 2.5MG 1000 RX(107-8721) Dipyridamole Inj SDV 2mL Persantine Iv 5MG/mL 5/Box INJ(108-8193) Dipyridamole Inj SDV 10mL Persantine Iv 5MG/mL 5/Box INJ(305-3961) Dipyridamole Inj SDV 10mL Persantine Iv 5MG/mL Each INJ(104-8022) Dipyridamole Inj SDV 10mL Persantine Iv 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-9101) Dipyridamole Tablets Persantine Tabs 25MG 100 RX(102-5920) Dipyridamole Tablets Persantine Tabs 50MG 100 RX(102-9202) Dipyridamole Tablets Persantine Tabs 50MG 1000 RX


(102-6583) Dipyridamole Tablets Persantine Tabs 75MG 100 RX(401-5726) Disopyramide Capsules Norpace Caps 100MG 100 RX(421-9401) Disopyramide ER Capsules Norpace Cr Caps 150MG 100 RX(107-8342) Dobutamine Hcl Inj FTV 20mL Dobutrex Inj 12.5MG/mL Each INJ(102-3139) Dobutamine Hcl Inj MDV 20mL Dobutrex Inj 12.5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(928-5998) Dobutamine In 5% Dextrose 250mL Dobutrex Inj 250MG 12/Box INJ(104-9507) Dobutamine In 5% Dextrose 250mL Dobutrex Inj 500MG 12/Box INJ(108-5139) Docusate Calcium (Dsc) Capsules Surfak Caps 240MG 100 OTC(104-9759) Docusate Sod Capsules Colace Caps 100MG 100 OTC(102-6566) Docusate Sod Capsules Colace Caps 100MG 1000 OTC(408-0116) Docusate Sod Capsules Colace Caps 250MG 100 OTC(104-7793) Docusate Sod Liquid Colace Liquid 150MG/15mL 16 oz. OTC(102-6348) Docusate Sod Syrup Colace Syrup 60MG/15mL 16 oz. OTC(104-7706) Docusate Sod Tablets Colace Tablets 100MG 100 OTC(104-6915) Docusate Sod Tablets Colace Tablets 100MG 1000 OTC(108-4322) Docusate Sod/Senna Tablets Peri-Colace Nf 50/8.6MG 100 OTC(258-8202) Dopamine Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Intropine 40MG/mL Each INJ(375-7281) Dopamine Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Intropine 40MG/mL 25/Box INJ(474-0285) Dopamine Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Intropine 80MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-7180) Dopamine Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Intropine 160MG/mL 25/Box INJ(111-1500) Doxapram Hcl MDV Inj 20mL Dopram Inj 20MG/mL Each INJ(108-1540) Doxazosin Mesylate Tablets Cardura Tabs 1MG 100 RX(102-6689) Doxazosin Mesylate Tablets Cardura Tabs 2MG 100 RX(102-6687) Doxazosin Mesylate Tablets Cardura Tabs 4MG 100 RX(102-6690) Doxazosin Mesylate Tablets Cardura Tabs 8MG 100 RX(421-1301) Doxepin Hcl Capsules Sinequan Caps 10MG 100 RX(102-6764) Doxepin Hcl Capsules Sinequan Caps 25MG 100 RX(421-1402) Doxepin Hcl Capsules Sinequan Caps 25MG 1000 RX(408-0148) Doxepin Hcl Capsules Sinequan Caps 50MG 100 RX(408-0149) Doxepin Hcl Capsules Sinequan Caps 50MG 1000 RX(421-1601) Doxepin Hcl Capsules Sinequan Caps 75MG 100 RX(421-1701) Doxepin Hcl Capsules Sinequan Caps 100MG 100 RX(408-8586) Doxepin Hcl Concentrate Sinequan Conc 10MG/mL 120mL RX(104-6714) Doxycycline Hyc Inj Lyoph SDV Vibramycin Inj 100MG 10/Box INJ(102-3250) Doxycycline Hyclate Capsules Vibramycin Caps 50MG 50 RX(102-3350) Doxycycline Hyclate Capsules Vibramycin Caps 100MG 50 RX(104-8979) Doxycycline Hyclate Capsules Vibramycin Caps 100MG 500 RX(420-6350) Doxycycline Hyclate Tablets Vibra-Tab Tabs 100MG 50 RX(104-6364) Doxycycline Hyclate Tablets Vibra-Tab Tabs 100MG 500 RX(408-0167) Doxycycline Hyclate Tablets Periostat Tabs 20MG 100 RX(102-8247) Doxycycline Monohydrate Capsules Monodox Caps 50MG 100 RX(108-5386) Doxycycline Monohydrate Tablets Adoxa Tabs 75MG 100 RX(104-6881) Droperidol Inj Amp 2mL Inapsine Inj 2.5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(109-3092) Droperidol Inj SDV 2mL Inapsine Inj 2.5MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6305) Echinacea Capsules Vitamins/Nutritionals 400MG 100 OTC(108-1903) Econazole Nitrate Cream Spectazole Cream 1% 15GM RX(108-3163) Econazole Nitrate Cream Spectazole Cream 1% 30GM RX(104-7559) Edetate Disodium SDV 20mL Endrate Inj 150MG/mL Each INJ(423-1961) Ees/Sulfisox Oral Suspension Pediazole Oral Susp 200/600/5mL 100mL RX(104-6064) Ees/Sulfisox Oral Suspension Pediazole Oral Susp 200/600/5mL 200mL RX(108-4408) Effervescent Pain Relief Tablets Alka Seltzer Tabs 36/PK OTC(108-4339) Ellis Tonic Liquid Elder Tonic 480mL RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(108-2676) Enalapril Maleate Tablets Vasotec Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(108-2677) Enalapril Maleate Tablets Vasotec Tabs 2.5MG 1000 RX(104-9595) Enalapril Maleate Tablets Vasotec Tabs 5MG 100 RX(408-0230) Enalapril Maleate Tablets Vasotec Tabs 5MG 1000 RX(104-9596) Enalapril Maleate Tablets Vasotec Tabs 10MG 100 RX(408-0231) Enalapril Maleate Tablets Vasotec Tabs 10MG 1000 RX(104-9600) Enalapril Maleate Tablets Vasotec Tabs 20MG 100 RX(408-0232) Enalapril Maleate Tablets Vasotec Tabs 20MG 1000 RX(408-0264) Enalapril Maleate/Hctz Tabs Vaseretic Tabs 5MG/12.5MG 100 RX(408-0265) Enalapril Maleate/Hctz Tabs Vaseretic Tabs 10MG/25MG 100 RX(107-7160) Enalaprilat Inj SDV 1mL Vasotec Inj 1.25MG/mL Each INJ(104-9500) Enalaprilat Inj SDV 2mL Vasotec Inj 1.25MG/mL Each INJ(104-6891) Ephedrine Sulfate Inj Ampules 1mL Ephedrine Sulfate Inj 50MG/mL 50/Box INJ(104-6844) Epinephrine Inj Abboject Lfs Syringe Adrenalin Inj 1:10M 10/Box INJ(104-7149) Epinephrine Inj Abboject Lfs Syringe Adrenalin Inj 1:10M Each INJ(104-7143) Epinephrine Inj Sd Amp 1mL Adrenalin Inj 1:1000 Each INJ(104-7057) Epinephrine Inj Sd Amp 1mL Adrenalin Inj 1:1000 25/Box INJ(102-1957) Epinephrine Inj MDV 30mL Adrenalin Inj 1:1000 Each INJ(104-7967) Epinephrine Inj MDV 30mL Adrenalin Inj 1:1000 10/Box INJ(104-7177) Epinephrine Inj Syringe 18Gx3.5” Adrenalin Inj 1:10M Each INJ(104-6900) Epinephrine Inj Syringe 18Gx3.5” Adrenalin Inj 1:10M 10/Box INJ(108-6785) Epsom Salts Epsom Salt 16 oz. OTC(108-6779) Epsom Salts Carton Epsom Salt 16 oz. OTC(471-2326) Epsom Salts Carton Epsom Salt 4LB OTC(110-0990) Ergotamine Tartrate/Caffeine Supp Cafergot 2MG 12/Box RX(258-6136) Erythromycin Base Filmtabs Erythromycin Tabs 250MG 100 RX(258-6796) Erythromycin Base Filmtabs Erythromycin Tabs 500MG 100 RX(715-0196) Erythromycin Ethylsucc Liquid Ees Liquid 200MG/5mL 480mL RX(103-0776) Erythromycin Ethylsucc Liquid Ees Liquid 400MG/5mL 480mL RX(103-1784) Erythromycin Ethylsucc Tablets E.E.S. Tabs 400MG 100 RX(103-8083) Erythromycin Ethylsucc Tablets E.E.S. Tabs 400MG 500 RX(104-7000) Erythromycin Lactob Inj 10mL Erythrocin Inj 500MG 10/Box INJ(104-9624) Erythromycin Lactob Inj Add-Vial Erythrocin Inj 1GM 50/Case INJ(473-9370) Erythromycin Ophth Ointment Ilotycin Ophth Oint 0.5% 50X1GM RX(102-9870) Erythromycin Ophth Ointment Ilotycin Ophth Oint 0.5% 3.5GM RX(103-5109) Erythromycin Stearate Tablets Erythrocin Tabs 250MG 100 RX(103-8754) Erythromycin Stearate Tablets Erythrocin Tabs 500MG 100 RX(102-9925) Erythromycin Topical Gel Erygel, Emgel 2% 30GM RX(237-8131) Erythromycin Topical Solution A/T/S, T-Stat 2% 60mL RX(108-7069) Erythromycin/Benzoyl Per Top Gel Benzamycin Gel 3%/5% 46.6GM RX(104-9493) Esmolol Hcl Isotonic Inj SDV 10mL Brevibloc Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-9959) Estazolam Tablets Prosom Tabs 2MG 100 RX(102-8342) Estradiol Tablets Estrace Tabs 0.5MG 100 RX(102-8688) Estradiol Tablets Estrace Tabs 1MG 100 RX(102-9136) Estradiol Tablets Estrace Tabs 2MG 100 RX(248-0900) Estropipate Tablets Ogen Tabs 0.75MG 100 RX(101-0230) Estropipate Tablets Ogen Tabs 1.5MG 100 RX(104-7409) Ethezyme 830 Ointment Accuzyme Ointment 30GM RX(107-3989) Ethosuximide Syrup Zarontin Syrup 250MG/5mL 480mL RX(108-5505) Etodolac Capsules Lodine Caps 200MG 100 RX(108-9402) Etodolac Capsules Lodine Caps 300MG 100 RX(108-7242) Etodolac Tablets Lodine Tabs 400MG 100 RX


(110-1039) Etodolac ER Tablets Lodine XL 400MG 60 RX(110-1040) Etodolac ER Tablets Lodine XL 500MG 60 RX(110-1041) Etodolac ER Tablets Lodine XL 600MG 60 RX(102-6639) Etodolac Tablets Lodine Tabs 400MG 500 RX(104-8431) Etodolac Tablets Lodine Tabs 500MG 100 RX(870-9984) Etomidate Inj SDV 10mL Amidate Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-2444) Etomidate Inj SDV 20mL Amidate Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(108-8234) Etoposide Inj MDV 5mL Vepesid Inj 20MG/mL Each INJ(108-1211) Etoposide Inj MDV 25mL Vepesid Inj 20MG/mL Each INJ(104-4374) Eye Wash Solution Dacriose Sol 0.5 oz. OTC(104-9586) Eye Wash Solution Dacriose Sol 16 oz. OTC(104-4375) Eye Wash Solution Dacriose Sol 1 oz. OTC(100-3602) Eye Wash Solution Dacriose Sol 4 oz. OTC(110-1112) Famciclovir Tablets Famvir Tabs 125MG 30 RX(110-1113) Famciclovir Tablets Famvir Tabs 250MG 30 RX(110-1114) Famciclovir Tablets Famvir Tabs 500MG 30 RX(102-5021) Famotidine Inj SDV 2mL Pepcid Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-7274) Famotidine Inj MDV 4mL Pepcid Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-3911) Famotidine Inj MDV 20mL Pepcid Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(102-3913) Famotidine Inj MDV 50mL Pepcid Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(408-0233) Famotidine Tablets Pepcid Tabs 20MG 100 RX(108-2680) Famotidine Tablets Pepcid Tabs 40MG 30 RX(408-0234) Famotidine Tablets Pepcid Tabs 40MG 100 RX(104-4979) Felodipine ER Tablets Plendil Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(104-1045) Felodipine ER Tablets Plendil Tabs 5MG 100 RX(104-1051) Felodipine ER Tablets Plendil Tabs 10MG 100 RX(110-1088) Fenofibrate Tablets Tricor 54MG 90 RX(110-1089) Fenofibrate Tablets Tricor 160MG 90 RX(104-9525) Fenoprofen Tablets Nalfon Tabs 600MG 100 RX(104-6530) Fentanyl Citrate Inj Amps 2mL Sublimaze Inj 50MCG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6535) Fentanyl Citrate Inj Amps 5mL Sublimaze Inj 50MCG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-7851) Fentanyl Citrate Inj Carp Syr 2mL Sublimaze Inj 50MCG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6538) Fentanyl Citrate Inj SDV 2mL Sublimaze Inj 50MCG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6541) Fentanyl Citrate Inj SDV 5mL Sublimaze Inj 50MCG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6542) Fentanyl Citrate Inj SDV 10mL Sublimaze Inj 50MCG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-8262) Fentanyl Citrate Inj SDV 30mL Sublimaze Inj 50MCG/mL Each INJ(104-2322) Fentanyl Citrate Inj SDV 50mL Sublimaze Inj 50MCG/mL Each INJ(110-1065) Fentanyl Citrate Oral Trans Actiq 400MCG 30 RX(108-8699) Fentanyl Transdermal Patch Duragesic Patch 12MCG 5/Box RX(104-6679) Fentanyl Transdermal Patch Duragesic Patch 25MCG/HR 5/Box RX(104-4334) Fentanyl Transdermal Patch Duragesic Patch 50MCG/HR 5/Box RX(104-4366) Fentanyl Transdermal Patch Duragesic Patch 75MCG/HR 5/Box RX(104-8766) Fentanyl Transdermal Patch Duragesic Patch 100MCG/HR 5/Box RX(103-0790) Ferrous Gluconate Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 28MG 100/BT OTC(408-0018) Ferrous Sulfate Drops Fer-In-Sol Drops 125MG/mL 50mL OTC(102-6446) Ferrous Sulfate Elixir Feosol Elixir 220MG/5mL 16 oz. OTC(104-4371) Ferrous Sulfate Tablets Green Fergon 5GR 100 OTC(104-4370) Ferrous Sulfate Tablets Green Fergon 5GR 1000 OTC(104-4371) Ferrous Sulfate Tablets Red Feosol 5GR 100 OTC(321-2917) Fexofenadine Tablets Allegra Tabs 30MG 100 RX(108-8799) Fexofenadine Tablets Allegra Tabs 60MG 100 RX(321-0258) Fexofenadine Tablets Allegra Tabs 180MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(107-6036) Finasteride Tablets Proscar Tabs 5MG 100 RX(107-6811) Finasteride Tablets Proscar Tabs 5MG 30 RX(326-0880) First Aid Cream w/ Aloe Foil Pk First Aid Cream 0.9GM 25/Box OTC(450-1204) First Aid Cream w/ Aloe Foil Pk First Aid Cream 0.9GM 144/Box OTC(104-3249) Floxuridine Inj Vial Lyoph Pwdr Fudr Inj 500MG 5mL INJ(108-7668) Fluconazole For Oral Suspension Diflucan Oral Susp 10MG/mL 35mL RX(108-7413) Fluconazole For Oral Suspension Diflucan Oral Susp 40MG/mL 35mL RX(104-3707) Fluconazole Inj Flex Bags 100mL Diflucan Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-4165) Fluconazole Inj Flex Bags 200mL Diflucan Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(408-0218) Fluconazole Tablets Diflucan Tabs 50MG 30 RX(408-0219) Fluconazole Tablets Diflucan Tabs 100MG 30 RX(408-0220) Fluconazole Tablets Diflucan Tabs 150MG 12/BL PK RX(108-1764) Fluconazole Tablets Diflucan Tabs 200MG 30 RX(102-8739) Fludrocortisone Acet Tablets Florinef Tabs 0.1MG 100 RX(107-4041) Flumazenil Inj MDV 5mL Romazicon Inj 0.1MG/mL Each INJ(104-9072) Flumazenil Inj MDV 5mL Romazicon Inj 0.1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-7167) Flumazenil Inj MDV 10mL Romazicon Inj 0.1MG/mL Each INJ(104-9935) Flumazenil Inj MDV 10mL Romazicon Inj 0.1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-5158) Flunisolide Nasal Solution Nasalide, Nasarel Sol 0.025% 25mL RX(102-8968) Fluocinolone Acetonide Cream Synalar Cream 0.01% 15GM RX(472-6258) Fluocinolone Acetonide Cream Synalar Cream 0.01% 60GM RX(472-6372) Fluocinolone Acetonide Cream Synalar Cream 0.025% 15GM RX(102-6358) Fluocinolone Acetonide Cream Synalar Cream 0.025% 60GM RX(108-7055) Fluocinolone Acetonide Ointment Synalar Oint 0.025% 15GM RX(102-6963) Fluocinolone Acetonide Ointment Synalar Oint 0.025% 60GM RX(102-4358) Fluocinolone Acetonide Solution Synalar Sol 0.01% 60mL RX(102-6380) Fluocinonide Cream Lidex Cream 0.05% 15GM RX(102-6379) Fluocinonide Cream Lidex Cream 0.05% 30GM RX(102-6375) Fluocinonide Cream Lidex Cream 0.05% 60GM RX(108-3962) Fluocinonide Cream Lidex Cream 0.05% 120GM RX(108-3714) Fluocinonide Emulsified Cream Lidex E Cream 0.05% 15GM RX(108-1931) Fluocinonide Emulsified Cream Lidex E Cream 0.05% 30GM RX(108-9108) Fluocinonide Gel Lidex Gel 0.05% 15GM RX(102-9653) Fluocinonide Ointment Lidex Oin 0.05% 15GM RX(102-6399) Fluocinonide Ointment Lidex Oin 0.05% 30GM RX(102-6385) Fluocinonide Ointment Lidex Oint 0.05% 60GM RX(102-6362) Fluocinonide Top Solution Lidex Sol 0.05% 60mL RX(245-2955) Fluorescein Sod Inj Ophth Sol SDV 5mL Fluorescite Inj 10% 12/Box INJ(102-6797) Fluorescein Sod Inj Ophth Sol Amp 5mL Fluorescite Inj 10% 25/Box INJ(102-4422) Fluorescein Sod Inj Ophth Sol SDV 2mL Fluorescite Inj 25% 12/Box INJ(104-3735) Fluorescein Sod Ophth Strips Fluorets Strips 1MG 100/Box RX(245-1894) Fluorescein Sod Ophth Strips Fluorets Strips 1MG 300/Box RX(102-7149) Fluorescein/Benoxinate Ophth Sol Fluress Ophth Sol 0.25%/0.4% 5mL RX(104-5670) Fluorescein/Proparac Ophth Sol Fluracaine Ophth Sol 0.25%/0.5% 5mL RX(104-8277) Fluorometholone Ophth Sus Fml Opth Susp 0.1% 5mL RX(102-4085) Fluorometholone Ophth Sus Fml Opth Susp 0.1% 10mL RX(108-8071) Fluorometholone Ophth Sus Fml Opth Susp 0.1% 15mL RX(785-0204) Fluorouracil Inj Sd Vial 10mL Adrucil Inj 50MG/mL 10/Box INJ(408-0097) Fluoxetine Hcl Capsules Prozac Caps 10MG 100 RX(408-0098) Fluoxetine Hcl Capsules Prozac Caps 20MG 100 RX(408-0099) Fluoxetine Hcl Capsules Prozac Caps 20MG 500 RX(104-9457) Fluoxetine Hcl Capsules Prozac Caps 40MG 30 RX


(104-3364) Fluoxetine Hcl Capsules Prozac Caps 40MG 100 RX(408-0031) Fluoxetine Hcl Oral Solution Prozac Solution 20MG/5mL 120mL RX(104-3298) Fluoxetine Hcl Tablets Prozac Tabs 10MG 30 RX(108-6982) Fluoxetine Hcl Tablets Prozac Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-0939) Fluoxetine Hcl Tablets Prozac Tabs 20MG 100 RX(104-9499) Fluphenazine Concentrate Prolixin Con 5MG/mL 120mL RX(870-9728) Fluphenazine Decan Inj MDV 5mL Prolixin Deconate Inj 25MG/mL Each INJ(104-8955) Fluphenazine Elixir Prolixin Elx 2.5/5mL 480mL RX(104-8549) Fluphenazine Tablets Prolixin Tabs 1MG 100 RX(104-3771) Fluphenazine Tablets Prolixin Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(104-7651) Fluphenazine Tablets Prolixin Tabs 5MG 100 RX(104-7071) Fluphenazine Tablets Prolixin Tabs 10MG 100 RX(102-3213) Flurazepam Capsules Dalmane Caps 15MG 100 RX(102-7598) Flurazepam Capsules Dalmane Caps 30MG 100 RX(102-3212) Flurazepam Capsules Dalmane Caps 30MG 500 RX(629-8620) Flurbiprofen Ophth Solution Ocufen Ophth Sol 0.03% 2.5mL RX(103-4167) Flurbiprofen Tablets Ansaid Tabs 50MG 100 RX(108-6510) Flurbiprofen Tablets Ansaid Tabs 100MG 100 RX(102-6969) Flurbiprofen Tablets Ansaid Tabs 100MG 500 RX(104-3459) Fluticasone Proprionate Cream Cutivate Cream 0.05% 30GM RX(104-9096) Fluticasone Proprionate Nasal Spray Flonase Spray 50MCG 16GM RX(104-7873) Fluticasone Proprionate Ointment Cutivate Oint 0.005% 15GM RX(102-9510) Fluvoxamine Maleate Tablets Luvox Tabs 25MG 100 RX(102-6485) Fluvoxamine Maleate Tablets Luvox Tabs 50MG 100 RX(102-9208) Fluvoxamine Maleate Tablets Luvox Tabs 100MG 100 RX(104-9941) Folic Acid Inj MDV 10mL Folvite Inj 5MG/mL Each INJ(101-6522) Folic Acid Tablets Otc Folvite Tabs 400MCG 100 OTC(108-2196) Folic Acid Tablets Otc Folvite Tabs 800MCG 1000 OTC(421-4408) Folic Acid Tablets Folvite Tabs 1MG 100 RX(401-3702) Folic Acid Tablets Folvite Tabs 1MG 1000 RX(104-9089) Fosinopril Sodium Tablets Monopril Tabs 10MG 90 RX(104-7550) Fosinopril Sodium Tablets Monopril Tabs 20MG 90 RX(104-2574) Fosinopril Sodium Tablets Monopril Tabs 40MG 90 RX(108-9823) Fosphenytoin Sodium Inj 10mL Cerebyx Inj 50MG/mL 10/Pack INJ(108-9822) Fosphenytoin Sodium Inj 2mL Cerebyx Inj 50MG 25/Pack INJ(110-1106) Fosphenytoin Sodium Inj 10mL Cerebyx Inj 75MG/mL 10/Pack INJ(110-1105) Fosphenytoin Sodium Inj 2mL Cerebyx Inj 75MG/mL 25/Pack INJ(104-7055) Furosemide Inj Ansyr Syr 4mL Lasix Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(237-4953) Furosemide Inj Ansyr Syr 10mL Lasix Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(104-7077) Furosemide Inj Ansyr Syr 10mL Lasix Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(254-0202) Furosemide Inj SDV 2mL Lasix Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(254-6102) Furosemide Inj SDV 2mL Lasix Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-7313) Furosemide Inj SDV 4mL Lasix Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(104-4689) Furosemide Inj SDV 4mL Lasix Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-7183) Furosemide Inj SDV 10mL Lasix Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(104-6898) Furosemide Inj SDV 10mL Lasix Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-1496) Furosemide Solution Lasix Sol 10MG/mL 60mL RX(102-5582) Furosemide Solution Lasix Sol 10MG/mL 120mL RX(104-9705) Furosemide Solution 5mL U.D. Lasix Sol 40MG/5mL 40/Box RX(104-9171) Furosemide Tablets Lasix Tabs 20MG 100 RX(104-9173) Furosemide Tablets Lasix Tabs 20MG 1000 RX(104-9174) Furosemide Tablets Lasix Tabs 40MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(104-9164) Furosemide Tablets Lasix Tabs 40MG 1000 RX(104-9528) Furosemide Tablets Lasix Tabs 80MG 100 RX(104-9205) Furosemide Tablets Lasix Tabs 80MG 500 RX(104-9545) Gabapentin Capsules Neurontin Caps 100MG 100 RX(104-9547) Gabapentin Capsules Neurontin Caps 300MG 100 RX(104-9548) Gabapentin Capsules Neurontin Caps 400MG 100 RX(104-9549) Gabapentin Tablets Neurontin Tabs 600MG 100 RX(104-9550) Gabapentin Tablets Neurontin Tabs 800MG 100 RX(104-5879) Ganciclovir Capsules Cytovene Caps 250MG 180 RX(104-9236) Ganciclovir Capsules Cytovene Caps 500MG 180 RX(102-5300) Garlic Oil Softgels Vitamins/Nutritionals 1000MG 100 OTC(102-1543) Gas Relief Drops Mylicon Drops 40/0.6mL 1 oz. OTC(104-8433) Gemfibrozil Tablets Lopid Tabs 600MG 60 RX(104-8434) Gemfibrozil Tablets Lopid Tabs 600MG 500 RX(104-4438) Gentamicin Ophth Ointment Garamycin Oint Ophth 0.3% 3.5GM RX(102-3752) Gentamicin Ophth Solution Garamycin Sol Ophth 0.3% 5mL RX(102-4093) Gentamicin Ophth Solution Garamycin Sol Ophth 0.3% 15mL RX(102-0572) Gentamicin Sulfate Cream Garamycin Crm 0.1% 15GM RX(108-7056) Gentamicin Sulfate Cream Garamycin Crm 0.1% 30GM RX(104-8366) Gentamicin Sulfate Ped Inj 2mL MDV Garamycin Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(113-5797) Gentamicin Sulfate Ped Inj 2mL SDV Garamycin Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9944) Gentamicin Sulfate Inj 2mL SDV Garamycin Inj 40MG/mL 25/Box INJ(113-1602) Gentamicin Sulfate Inj 20mL MDV Garamycin Inj 40MG/mL 25/Box INJ(473-3872) Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment Garamycin Oint 0.1% 15GM RX(102-6373) Gentamicin Sulfate Ointment Garamycin Oint 0.1% 30GM RX(401-3475) Ginkgo Biloba Capsules Vitamins/Nutritionals 60MG 60 OTC(104-8172) Glimepiride Tablets Amaryl Tablets 1MG 100 RX(104-8175) Glimepiride Tablets Amaryl Tablets 2MG 100 RX(408-0213) Glimepiride Tablets Amaryl Tablets 4MG 100 RX(108-6560) Glipizide ER Tablets Glucotrol Xl Tabs 2.5MG 30 RX(104-2626) Glipizide ER Tablets Glucotrol Xl Tabs 5MG 100 RX(108-5069) Glipizide ER Tablets Glucotrol Xl Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-4897) Glipizide Tablets Glucotrol Tabs 5MG 100 RX(104-9804) Glipizide Tablets Glucotrol Tabs 5MG 500 RX(108-9101) Glipizide Tablets Glucotrol Tabs 5MG 1000 RX(102-1689) Glipizide Tablets Glucotrol Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-4856) Glipizide Tablets Glucotrol Tabs 10MG 500 RX(104-2145) Glucagon Diagnostic Kit 2mL Glucagon Inj 1MG Each INJ(401-7172) Glucosamine Chondroitin Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 60 OTC(104-5431) Glucosamine Sulfate Capsules Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MG 30 OTC(108-4182) Glyburide Micro Tablets Glynase Tabs 1.5MG 100 RX(108-2824) Glyburide Micro Tablets Glynase Tabs 3MG 100 RX(408-0243) Glyburide Micro Tablets Glynase Tabs 6MG 100 RX(102-5075) Glyburide Tablets (D) Diabeta Tabs 1.25MG 50 RX(102-7496) Glyburide Tablets (D) Diabeta Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(102-4450) Glyburide Tablets (D) Diabeta Tabs 5MG 100 RX(102-6326) Glyburide Tablets (D) Diabeta Tabs 5MG 500 RX(102-6538) Glyburide Tablets (M) Micronase Tabs 1.25MG 100 RX(102-5770) Glyburide Tablets (M) Micronase Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(102-9615) Glyburide Tablets (M) Micronase Tabs 5MG 100 RX(102-7619) Glyburide Tablets (M) Micronase Tabs 5MG 500 RX(108-6399) Glyburide Tablets (M) Micronase Tabs 5MG 1000 RX


(104-9211) Glyburide/Metformin Tablets Glucovance Tabs 1.25/250MG 100 RX(104-9208) Glyburide/Metformin Tablets Glucovance Tabs 2.5/500MG 100 RX(104-9210) Glyburide/Metformin Tablets Glucovance Tabs 5/500MG 100 RX(471-2325) Glycerin Pediatric Suppositories Glycerin Supp 25/JR OTC(471-2250) Glycerin Adult Suppositories Glycerin Supp 50/JR OTC(102-3010) Glycerin Adult Suppositories Glycerin Supp 100/JR OTC(160-6703) Glycopyrrolate Inj SDV 1mL Robinul Inj 0.2MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-4264) Glycopyrrolate Inj SDV 2mL Robinul Inj 0.2MG/mL 25/Box INJ(106-7541) Glycopyrrolate Inj MDV 5mL Robinul Inj 0.2MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-8623) Glycopyrrolate Inj MDV 20mL Robinul Inj 0.2MG/mL 25/Box INJ(240-0452) Gold Sodium Thiomalate Inj MDV 10mL Solganol Inj 50MG/mL Each INJ(102-9813) Gold Sodium Thiomalate Inj SDV 1mL Solganol Inj 50MG/mL 6/Box INJ(102-9916) Green Soap Tincture Green Soap 16 oz. OTC(102-9999) Green Soap Tincture Green Soap 1 Gallon OTC(108-9274) Griseofulvin Oral Suspension Suspension 125MG/5mL 4 oz. RX(151-0290) Guaicon DM Liquid AF Robitussin DM Syrup 10mL 50DS/Box OTC(151-7108) Guaicon DMS Liquid AF/SF Robitussin DM Syrup Sug Fr 10mL 50DS/Box OTC(108-6715) Guaifenesin 600Mg/Dex 30Mg Tabs Humibid-DM Tabs 100 RX(408-0021) Guaifenesin DM Syrup Robitussin DM Syrup 100/10MG/5mL 4 oz. OTC(408-7863) Guaifenesin DM Syrup Robitussin DM Syrup 100/10MG/5mL 16 oz. OTC(102-6695) Guaifenesin DM Syrup Robitussin DM Syrup 100/10MG/5mL 1 Gallon OTC(108-1261) Guaifenesin NR Tablets Organidin NR Tabs 200MG 100 RX(408-0022) Guaifenesin Syrup Robitussin Syrup 100MG/5mL 4 oz. OTC(108-2012) Guaifenesin Syrup Robitussin Syrup 100MG/5mL 8 oz. OTC(408-0013) Guaifenesin Syrup Robitussin Syrup 100MG/5mL 16 oz. OTC(108-2751) Guaifenesin w/Codeine Liquid AF/SF Tussi-Organidin NR Liqu 480mL RX(108-8833) Guaifenesin w/Phenylephrine La Tablets Entex La Tabs 400/30MG 100 RX(108-8866) Guaifenesin w/Pseudo Tablets Entex-Pse Tabs 600/120MG 100 RX(104-5796) Guanfacine Tablets Tenex Tabs 1MG 100 RX(408-0194) Guanfacine Tablets Tenex Tabs 2MG 100 RX(108-8544) Guiatuss AC Syrup Robitussin AC Syrup 10-100/5mL 120mL RX(108-9621) Guiatuss AC Syrup Robitussin AC Syrup 10-100/5mL 480mL RX(108-8171) Guiatuss CF Sypup Robitussin CF Syrup 120mL OTC(108-9819) Guiatuss DAC Syrup Robitussin DAC Syrup 100/30/10/5mL 480mL RX(103-0791) Guiatuss PE Syrup Robitussin PE Syrup 30/100MG/5mL 4 oz. OTC(108-5383) Halobetasol Propionate Cream Ultravate Cream 0.05% 15GM RX(108-7654) Halobetasol Propionate Ointment Ultravate Ointment 0.05% 15GM RX(408-5477) Haloperidol Concentrate Haldol Concen 2MG/mL 120mL RX(375-2605) Haloperidol Decanoate Inj SDV 1mL Haldol Deconate Inj 50MG/mL Each INJ(273-5131) Haloperidol Decanoate Inj SDV 1mL Haldol Deconate Inj 50MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9494) Haloperidol Decanoate Inj MDV 5mL Haldol Deconate Inj 50MG/mL Each INJ(102-9739) Haloperidol Decanoate Inj MDV 5mL Haldol Deconate Inj 100MG/mL Each INJ(104-9498) Haloperidol Lactate Inj SDV 1mL Haldol Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(601-5457) Haloperidol Tablets Haldol Tabs 0.5MG 100 RX(102-8135) Haloperidol Tablets Haldol Tabs 2 MG 100 RX(103-0745) Haloperidol Tablets Haldol Tabs 5MG 100 RX(108-0199) Haloperidol Tablets Haldol Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-2866) Hemorrhoidal Ointment Tube Preparation H Oint 2 oz. OTC(108-9142) Hemorrhoidal Suppositories Preparation H Supp 12/Box OTC(634-8389) Heparin Lock Solution SDV 1mL Heparin Inj 10U/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6598) Heparin Lock Solution MDV 1mL Heparin Inj 10U/mL 25/Box INJ(101-5878) Heparin Lock Solution MDV 10mL Heparin Inj 10U/mL 25/Box INJ

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

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Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(104-9856) Heparin Lock Solution MDV 30mL Heparin Inj 10U/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9859) Heparin Lock Solution SDV 2mL Heparin Inj 10U/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9620) Heparin Lock Solution Syringe 3mL Heparin Inj 10U/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9655) Heparin Lock Solution FTV 30mL Heparin Inj 10U/mL 2X25/Box INJ(104-9623) Heparin Lock Solution Syringe 1mL Heparin Inj 10U/mL 50/Box INJ(238-3163) Heparin Lock Solution SDV 1mL Heparin Inj 100U/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9861) Heparin Lock Solution SDV 2mL Heparin Inj 100U/mL 25/Box INJ(378-7903) Heparin Lock Solution MDV 5mL Heparin Inj 100U/mL 25/Box INJ(248-6297) Heparin Lock Solution MDV 10mL Heparin Inj 100U/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6893) Heparin Lock Solution MDV 30mL Heparin Inj 100U/mL 25/Box INJ(258-1288) Heparin Lock Solution Syringe 5mL Heparin Inj 100U/mL 25/Box INJ(375-8394) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 1mL Heparin Inj 1MU/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6025) Heparin Pork Inj SDV 2mL Heparin Inj 1MU/mL 25/Box INJ(375-0074) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 10mL Heparin Inj 1MU/mL 25/Box INJ(541-2567) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 30mL Heparin Inj 1MU/mL 25/Box INJ(107-7104) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 10mL Heparin Inj 1MU/mL Each INJ(541-4126) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 10mL Heparin Inj 5MU/mL 25/Box INJ(375-3086) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 1mL Heparin Inj 5MU/mL 25/Box INJ(541-1186) Heparin Pork Inj SDV 1mL Heparin Inj 5MU/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9890) Heparin Pork Inj SDV 1mL Heparin Inj 10MU/mL Each INJ(454-8971) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 1mL Heparin Inj 10MU/mL 25/Box INJ(601-8553) Heparin Pork Inj SDV 1mL Heparin Inj 10MU/mL 25/Box INJ(541-5369) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 4mL Heparin Inj 10MU/mL 25/Box INJ(104-8768) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 5mL Heparin Inj 10MU/mL 25/Box INJ(272-8768) Heparin Pork Inj MDV 3mL Heparin Inj 20MU/mL 25/Box INJ(104-8616) Ht-Tuss DM Liquid Duratuss DM Liquid 200-20/5mL 480mL RX(108-4759) Ht-Tuss Hd Elixir Duratuss Hd Elixir 480mL RX(108-6999) Hyaluronidase Inj 1mL Wydase, Amphadase Inj 150U/mL 6/PK INJ(108-5552) Hycomal Dh Syrup Codimal Dh Syrup 480mL RX(107-2751) Hydralazine Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Hydralazine Hcl Inj 20MG/mL Each INJ(881-1045) Hydralazine Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Hydralazine Hcl Inj 20MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-9706) Hydralazine Tablets Apresoline Tabs 10MG 100 RX(102-1050) Hydralazine Tablets Apresoline Tabs 25MG 100 RX(102-6042) Hydralazine Tablets Apresoline Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(104-7948) Hydralazine Tablets Apresoline Tabs 50MG 100 RX(104-9172) Hydralazine Tablets Apresoline Tabs 50MG 1000 RX(406-9601) Hydralazine Tablets Apresoline Tabs 100MG 100 RX(104-9286) Hydrochlorothiazide Capsules Microzide Caps 12.5MG 100 RX(108-8449) Hydrochlorothiazide Tabs Hydrodiuril Tabs 12.5MG 100 RX(104-9381) Hydrochlorothiazide Tabs Hydrodiuril Tabs 25MG 100 RX(104-9383) Hydrochlorothiazide Tabs Hydrodiuril Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(104-9384) Hydrochlorothiazide Tabs Hydrodiuril Tabs 50MG 100 RX(104-9385) Hydrochlorothiazide Tabs Hydrodiuril Tabs 50MG 1000 RX(107-9012) Hydrocodone/ Apap Elixir Lortab Elixir 7.5/500MG 480mL RX(408-0088) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Lortab 2.5/500MG 100 RX(408-0090) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Norco 5/325MG 100 RX(108-3491) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Vicodin Tabs 5/500MG 100 RX(104-6484) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Vicodin Tabs 5/500MG 100UD RX(102-5247) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Vicodin Tabs 5/500MG 500 RX(108-0440) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Norco 7.5/325MG 100 RX(108-0255) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Norco 7.5/500MG 100 RX(104-9157) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Norco 7.5/500MG 100UD RX


(108-7237) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Norco 7.5/500MG 500 RX(104-9387) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Lorcet Plus 7.5/650MG 100 RX(108-2665) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Vicodin ES 7.5/750MG 100 RX(104-9388) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Vicodin ES 7.5/750MG 500 RX(104-9391) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Norco 10/325MG 100 RX(408-0089) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Norco 10/325MG 500 RX(104-9392) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Lortab 10/500 10/500MG 100 RX(104-9393) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Lortab 10/500 10/500MG 500 RX(408-0008) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Lorcet 10/650 10/650MG 100 RX(102-7751) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Lorcet 10/650 10/650MG 500 RX(104-9394) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Vicodin HP 10/660MG 100 RX(104-8681) Hydrocodone/Apap Tablets Maxidone Tabs 10/750MG 100 RX(102-5557) Hydrocodone/Homatrop Syrup Hycodan Syrup 5/1.5MG/5mL 480mL RX(108-3752) Hydrocodone/Ibuprofen Tablets Vicoprofen Tabs 7.5/200MG 100 RX(408-0251) Hydrocortisone Acetate Suppos Anusol-HC Supp 25MG 12/Box RX(408-0252) Hydrocortisone Acetate Suppos Anusol-HC Supp 25MG 24/Box RX(104-6009) Hydrocortisone Acetate Suppos Anusol-HC Supp 25MG 100/Box RX(108-2137) Hydrocortisone Acetate Suppos Proctocort Supp 30MG 12/Box RX(108-7384) Hydrocortisone Butyrate Cream Locoid Cream 0.1% 15GM RX(108-9758) Hydrocortisone Butyrate Cream Locoid Cream 0.1% 45GM RX(408-0053) Hydrocortisone Cream Otc Cortaid Cream 0.5% 1 oz. OTC(408-0144) Hydrocortisone Cream Otc Cortaid Cream 1% 1 oz. OTC(102-5408) Hydrocortisone Cream Otc Foil Cortaid Cream 1% 48X1.5GM OTC(102-6420) Hydrocortisone Cream Rx Cortaid Intensive Crm 1% 30GM RX(102-8716) Hydrocortisone Cream Rx Cortaid Intensive Crm 1% LB RX(237-8151) Hydrocortisone Cream Rx Hytone Cream 2.5% 20GM RX(424-4656) Hydrocortisone Cream Rx Hytone Cream 2.5% 30GM RX(687-9243) Hydrocortisone Cream Rx Hytone Cream 2.5% LB RX(102-5061) Hydrocortisone Cream w/Aloe Otc Cortaid w/Aloe Crm 0.5% 1 oz. OTC(104-9707) Hydrocortisone Cream w/Aloe Otc Cortizone Cream 1% 1 oz. OTC(326-5489) Hydrocortisone Crm 1/32 Oz Fl Pk Cortaid Cream 1% 25/Box OTC(484-3522) Hydrocortisone Crm 1/32 Oz Fl Pk Cortaid Cream 1% 144/Box OTC(397-8407) Hydrocortisone Lotion Otc Cortaid Lotion 1% 4 oz. OTC(108-7617) Hydrocortisone Lotion Rx Cortaid Lotion 2.5% 60mL RX(102-5955) Hydrocortisone Ointment Otc Cortaid Oint 0.5% 1 oz. OTC(408-0003) Hydrocortisone Ointment Otc Cortaid Oint 1% 1 oz. OTC(102-2031) Hydrocortisone Ointment Rx Hytone Oint 1% 30GM RX(472-5533) Hydrocortisone Ointment Rx Hytone Oint 1% LB RX(108-0813) Hydrocortisone Ointment Rx Hytone Oint 2.5% 20GM RX(102-4630) Hydrocortisone Ointment Rx Hytone Oint 2.5% 30GM RX(109-9825) Hydrocortisone Powder Usp Hytone Powder 25GM RX(675-8572) Hydrocortisone Rectal Cream Anusol Hc Rectal Crm 2.5% 30GM RX(248-1865) Hydrocortisone Tablets Cortef 20MG 100 RX(408-0124) Hydrocortisone Val Cream Westcort Cream 0.2% 15GM RX(408-0127) Hydrocortisone Val Cream Westcort Cream 0.2% 45GM RX(408-0126) Hydrocortisone Val Cream Westcort Cream 0.2% 60GM RX(104-4064) Hydrocortisone Val Ointment Westcort Oint 0.2% 45GM RX(104-1081) Hydrocortisone Val Ointment Westcort Oint 0.2% 60GM RX(102-5745) Hydrocortisone/Iodoquinol Cream Vytone Cream 30GM RX(326-2414) Hydrogen Peroxide Pump Spray Hydrogen Peroxide 2 oz. OTC(151-2773) Hydrogen Peroxide Pump Spray Hydrogen Peroxide 4 oz. OTC(108-7957) Hydromorphone Hcl Inj MDV 20mL Dilaudid Inj 2MG/mL Each INJ

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(104-6409) Hydromorphone Hcl Syr 1mL Carpuject Dilaudid Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6543) Hydromorphone Hcl Syr 1mL Carpuject Dilaudid Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9483) Hydromorphone Hcl Tablets Dilaudid Tabs 2MG 100 RX(104-9609) Hydromorphone Hcl Tablets Dilaudid Tabs 4MG 100 RX(108-4688) Hydroquinone Solution Melanex Sol 3% 1 oz. RX(104-7194) Hydroxocobalamin Inj MDV 30mL Alpha Redisol Inj 1000MCG Each INJ(408-0196) Hydroxychloroquine Tablets Plaquenil Tabs 200MG 100 RX(104-9229) Hydroxypropylene Methyl Ophth Sol Goniosol Ophth Sol 2.5% 15mL RX(104-8006) Hydroxyurea Capsules Hydrea Caps 500MG 100 RX(102-7245) Hydroxyzine Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Atarax Inj 50MG/mL Each INJ(104-9331) Hydroxyzine Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Atarax Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(248-5627) Hydroxyzine Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Atarax Inj 25MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9928) Hydroxyzine Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Atarax Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9591) Hydroxyzine Hcl Inj SDV 2mL Atarax Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(408-0032) Hydroxyzine Hcl Syrup Atarax Syrup 10MG/5mL 480mL RX(408-0093) Hydroxyzine Hcl Tablets Atarax Tabs 10MG 100 RX(408-0094) Hydroxyzine Hcl Tablets Atarax Tabs 10MG 500 RX(108-2515) Hydroxyzine Hcl Tablets Atarax Tabs 25MG 100 RX(108-6436) Hydroxyzine Hcl Tablets Atarax Tabs 25MG 500 RX(108-9454) Hydroxyzine Hcl Tablets Atarax Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(108-0434) Hydroxyzine Hcl Tablets Atarax Tabs 50MG 100 RX(404-9605) Hydroxyzine Hcl Tablets Atarax Tabs 50MG 500 RX(104-3620) Hydroxyzine Pamoate Capsules Vistaril Caps 25MG 100 RX(408-0197) Hydroxyzine Pamoate Capsules Vistaril Caps 25MG 500 RX(104-8101) Hydroxyzine Pamoate Capsules Vistaril Caps 50MG 100 RX(102-7195) Hydroxyzine Pamoate Capsules Vistaril Caps 50MG 500 RX(104-8953) Hydroxyzine Pamoate Capsules Vistaril Caps 100MG 100 RX(474-0401) Hygienic Cleansing Pads Tucks Pads 100/Box OTC(408-0033) Hyoscyamine Drops Levsin Drops 0.125MG/mL 15mL RX(104-5370) Hyoscyamine Elixir Levsin Elixir .125MG/5mL 480mL RX(104-9327) Hyoscyamine ER Capsules Levsinex Caps 0.375MG 100 RX(102-6063) Hyoscyamine ER Tablets Levbid Tabs 0.375MG 100 RX(102-4593) Hyoscyamine Oral Tablets Levsin Oral Tabs 0.125MG 100 RX(102-0266) Hyoscyamine Sublingual Tablets Levsin S/L Tabs 0.125MG 100 RX(102-4628) Ibuprofen Suspension Cherry Advil Susp 100MG/5mL 120mL OTC(108-6771) Ibuprofen Suspension Orange Advil Susp 100MG/5mL 120mL RX(408-0024) Ibuprofen Suspension Orange Motrin Susp 100MG/5mL 480mL RX(104-4368) Ibuprofen Tablets Advil Tabs 200MG 50 OTC(104-4367) Ibuprofen Tablets Advil Tabs 200MG 100 OTC(793-7580) Ibuprofen Tablets Advil Tabs 200MG 100UD OTC(108-1535) Ibuprofen Tablets Advil Tabs 200MG 500 OTC(151-2981) Ibuprofen Tablets Medi-First Advil Tabs 200MG 250X2/Box OTC(104-5529) Ibuprofen Tablets Advil Tabs 200MG 1000 OTC(102-6501) Ibuprofen Tablets Motrin Tabs 400MG 100 RX(108-3197) Ibuprofen Tablets Motrin Tabs 400MG 500 RX(108-1404) Ibuprofen Tablets Motrin Tabs 600MG 100 RX(108-1643) Ibuprofen Tablets Motrin Tabs 600MG 500 RX(108-0531) Ibuprofen Tablets Motrin Tabs 800MG 100 RX(108-3290) Ibuprofen Tablets Motrin Tabs 800MG 500 RX(102-0956) Ichthamol Ointment Ichthamol Oint 10% 1 oz. OTC(781-0052) Idarubicin Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Idamycin Pfs Inj 1MG/mL Each INJ(722-6691) Idarubicin Hcl Inj SDV 10mL Idamycin Pfs Inj 1MG/mL Each INJ


(910-1093) Idarubicin Hcl Inj SDV 20mL Idamycin Pfs Inj 1MG/mL Each INJ(404-4301) Imipramine Hcl Tablets Tofranil Tabs 10MG 100 RX(404-0601) Imipramine Hcl Tablets Tofranil Tabs 25MG 100 RX(404-3501) Imipramine Hcl Tablets Tofranil Tabs 50MG 100 RX(104-9560) Indapamide Tablets Lozol Tabs 1.25MG 100 RX(104-9561) Indapamide Tablets Lozol Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(408-0005) Indigotindisulfonate Sod Inj 0.8% Ingigo Carmine 8MG/mL 10/Box INJ(406-9101) Indomethacin Capsules Indocin Caps 25MG 100 RX(406-9201) Indomethacin Capsules Indocin Caps 50MG 100 RX(102-1753) Indomethacin ER Capsules Indocin SR Caps 75MG 100 RX(602-3778) Ipecac Syrup Ipecac Syrup 1 oz. OTC(248-0523) Ipratropium Brom Inhal Soln Atrovent Inh Sol 0.02% 25X2.5mL RX(108-2573) Ipratropium Brom Inhal Soln Atrovent Inh Sol 0.02% 30X2.5mL RX(108-9420) Ipratropium Brom Inhal Soln Atrovent Inh Sol 0.02% 60X2.5mL RX(102-6927) Ipratropium Brom Nasal Spray Atrovent Spray 0.3% 30mL RX(108-2774) Ipratropium Bromide Nasal Spray Atrovent Spray 0.6% 15mL RX(151-6958) I-Prin Tablets Industrial Pk Advil Tabs 200MG 100X2/Box OTC(100-3380) I-Prin Tablets Industrial Pk Advil Tabs 200MG 250X2/Box OTC(108-6818) Iron-Folic Tab 500 Cr Iberet Folic Cr Tabs 6X10UD RX(104-6826) Isoflurane Liquid Inhal 100mL Forane Liquid Inh 99.9% Each INJ(108-4258) Isoflurane Liquid Inhal 100mL Forane Liquid Inh 99.9% Each INJ(104-6875) Isoflurane Liquid Inhal 250mL Forane Liquid Inh 99.9% Each INJ(108-4262) Isoflurane Liquid Inhal 250mL Forane Liquid Inh 99.9% Each INJ(104-4196) Isoniazid Tablets Isoniazid Tabs 100MG 100 RX(401-5101) Isoniazid Tablets Isoniazid Tabs 300MG 100 RX(108-4257) Isoniazid Tablets Isoniazid Tabs 300MG 1000 RX(102-0101) Isosorbide Dinitrate CR Tablets Isordil CR Tabs 40MG 100 RX(102-3943) Isosorbide Dinitrate Subl Tablets Isordil Subl Tabs 5MG 100 RX(403-4001) Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablets Isordil Tabs 5MG 100 RX(403-4101) Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablets Isordil Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-9987) Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablets Isordil Tabs 10MG 1000 RX(405-0901) Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablets Isordil Tabs 20MG 100 RX(405-0902) Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablets Isordil Tabs 20MG 1000 RX(102-1740) Isosorbide Mononitrate ER Tabs Monoket Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-6885) Isosorbide Mononitrate ER Tabs Imdur Tabs 30MG 100 RX(408-0040) Isosorbide Mononitrate ER Tabs Imdur Tabs 60MG 100 RX(108-5974) Isradipine Capsules Dynacirc Caps 2.5MG 100 RX(108-9152) Isradipine Capsules Dynacirc Caps 5MG 100 RX(310-4908) Kanamycin Sulfate SDV 3mL Kantrex Inj 333MG/mL 10/Box INJ(108-2733) Kaopectolin Syrup Kaopectate Syrup 12 oz. OTC(104-6874) Ketamine Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Ketalar Inj 50MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9007) Ketamine Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Ketalar Inj 100MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-4102) Ketamine Hcl Inj MDV 5mL Ketalar Inj 100MG/mL 10/Box INJ(408-0057) Ketoconazole Cream Nizoral Cream 2% 15GM RX(408-0058) Ketoconazole Cream Nizoral Cream 2% 30GM RX(408-0059) Ketoconazole Cream Nizoral Cream 2% 60GM RX(108-4003) Ketoconazole Shampoo Nizoral Shampoo 2% 4 FL oz. RX(408-0262) Ketoconazole Tablets Nizoral Tabs 200MG 100 RX(425-7101) Ketoprofen Capsules Orudis Caps 50MG 100 RX(425-7201) Ketoprofen Capsules Orudis Caps 75MG 100 RX(104-9907) Ketorolac Inj SDV 1mL Toradol Inj 15MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6866) Ketorolac Inj Carpuject Syr 1mL Toradol Inj 30MG/mL 10/Box INJ

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

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Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(104-9156) Ketorolac Inj Carpuject Syr 2mL Toradol Inj 30MG/mL 10/Box INJ(106-7402) Ketorolac Inj SDV 1mL Toradol Inj 30MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9908) Ketorolac Inj SDV 1mL Toradol Inj 30MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9909) Ketorolac Inj SDV 2mL Toradol Inj 30MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9399) Ketorolac Inj MDV 10mL Toradol Inj 30MG/mL 10/Box INJ(110-8304) Ketorolac Prefilled Isecure Syringe Toradol Syringe 15MG 10x2mL INJ(110-1875) Ketorolac Prefilled Isecure Syringe Toradol Syringe 30MG 10x2mL INJ(110-9389) Ketorolac Prefilled Isecure Syringe Toradol Syringe 60MG 10x2mL INJ(104-4426) Ketorolac Tablets Toradol Tabs 10MG 100 RX(985-6594) Labetalol Inj MDV 20mL Normodyne/Trandate Inj 5MG/mL Each INJ(104-7914) Labetalol Inj MDV 40mL Normodyne/Trandate Inj 5MG/mL Each INJ(104-9653) Labetalol Inj Syringe 4mL Normodyne/Trandate Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9352) Labetalol Tablets Normodyne Tabs 100MG 100 RX(408-0195) Labetalol Tablets Normodyne Tabs 200MG 100 RX(108-2946) Lactase Enzyme Caplet Vitamins/Nutritionals 60 OTC(258-7100) Lactated Ringers Lactated Ringers 250mL Each INJ(258-8050) Lactated Ringers Lactated Ringers 500mL Each INJ(104-8833) Lactated Ringers Lactated Ringers 1000mL Each INJ(408-0025) Lactulose Syrup Chronulac Syrup 10GM/15mL 240mL RX(408-0034) Lactulose Syrup Cephulac Syrup 10GM/15mL 480mL RX(408-0026) Lactulose Syrup Chronulac Syrup 10GM/15mL 960mL RX(408-0035) Lactulose Syrup Cephulac Syrup 10GM/15mL 1920mL RX(102-1756) Lanolin Hydrous Lanolin Hydrous 1 oz. OTC(108-5872) Lanolin Hydrous Lanolin Hydrous LB OTC(403-1601) Laxative Natural Senna Tablets Senokot Tabs 100 OTC(403-1602) Laxative Natural Senna Tablets Senokot Tabs 1000 OTC(104-4238) L-Cysteine Hcl Inj SDV 10mL L-Cysteine Inj 50MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-5499) L-Cysteine Hcl Inj SDV 50mL PBP L-Cysteine Inj 50MG/mL 5/Box INJ(456-2796) Lecithin Softgels Vitamins/Nutritionals 1360MG 100 OTC(108-7245) Leucovorin Calcium Tablets Wellcovorin Tabs 5MG 30 RX(108-2709) Leucovorin Calcium Tablets Wellcovorin Tabs 10MG 12 RX(430-6735) Leucovrin Calcium Pf Inj 10mL (Lyophilized) Wellcovorin Inj 50MG 10/Box INJ(102-9288) Leucovrin Calcium Pf Inj 50mL (Lyophilized) Wellcovorin Inj 350MG Each INJ(430-6969) Levobunolol Ophth Solution Betagan Ophth Sol 0.5% 10mL RX(106-3509) Levonorgestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets Triphasil 28 Day Tabs 6x28 RX(102-7667) Levothyroxine Sod Lyoph SDV 10mL Synthroid Inj 200MCG/VL Each INJ(102-3424) Levothyroxine Sod Lyoph SDV 10mL Synthroid Inj 500MCG/VL Each INJ(102-7117) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.025MG 100 RX(102-7122) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.05MG 100 RX(108-9082) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.05MG 1000 RX(108-4007) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.075MG 100 RX(108-9329) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.088MG 100 RX(102-7124) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.1MG 100 RX(108-5803) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.1MG 1000 RX(108-5306) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.112MG 100 RX(102-7127) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.125MG 100 RX(102-7130) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.15MG 100 RX(108-5124) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.175MG 100 RX(102-7886) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.2MG 100 RX(102-8141) Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets Levoxyl, Synthroid 0.3MG 100 RX(104-6978) Lidocaine Hcl Inj MDV 50mL Xylocaine Inj 0.5% 25/Box INJ(104-6981) Lidocaine Hcl Inj SDV 50mL Xylocaine Inj 0.5% 25/Box INJ


(108-5747) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ampule 2mL Xylocaine Inj 1% 50/Box INJ(108-5735) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ampule 5mL Xylocaine Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(104-7181) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ansyr Syr 5mL Xylocaine Inj 1% Each INJ(104-7004) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ansyr Syr 5mL Xylocaine Inj 1% 10/Box INJ(467-6491) Lidocaine Hcl Inj SDV 2mL Xylocaine Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(130-0550) Lidocaine Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Xylocaine Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(104-7147) Lidocaine Hcl Inj MDV 20mL Xylocaine Inj 1% Each INJ(104-7771) Lidocaine Hcl Inj MDV 20mL Xylocaine Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(104-6968) Lidocaine Hcl Inj SDV 30mL Ster Pk Xylocaine Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(258-2802) Lidocaine Hcl Inj SDV 30mL Xylocaine Inj 1% 2X25/Case INJ(104-7087) Lidocaine Hcl Inj MDV 50mL Xylocaine Inj 1% Each INJ(104-6817) Lidocaine Hcl Inj MDV 50mL Xylocaine Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(104-7195) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ampule 2mL Xylocaine Inj 2% Each INJ(104-6887) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ampule 2mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(104-7154) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ansyr Syr 5mL Xylocaine Inj 2% Each INJ(104-6865) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ansyr Syr 5mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 10/Box INJ(104-9565) Lidocaine Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 10/Box INJ(104-7186) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Syringe 5mL Xylocaine Inj 2% Each INJ(104-6992) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Syringe 5mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 10/Box INJ(303-1642) Lidocaine Hcl Inj SDV 2mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(323-2446) Lidocaine Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(104-7061) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ampule 10mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(104-6880) Lidocaine Hcl Inj MDV 20mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(104-7141) Lidocaine Hcl Inj MDV 50mL Xylocaine Inj 2% Each INJ(104-9843) Lidocaine Hcl Inj MDV 50mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(108-7250) Lidocaine Hcl Inj Ampule 5mL Xylocaine Inj 4% 25/Box INJ(467-9709) Lidocaine Hcl Jelly Usp 5mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box RX(573-4217) Lidocaine Hcl Oral Topical Solution Xylocaine Top Sol 4% 50mL RX(472-8261) Lidocaine Hcl Oral Topical Sol Visc Xylocaine Top Sol 2% 100mL RX(761-8197) Lidocaine Hcl Oral Topical Sol Visc Xylocaine Top Sol 2% 40X20mL RX(104-3377) Lidocaine Jelly Tube 5mL Xylocaine Jelly 2% 10/Box RX(104-3378) Lidocaine Jelly Tube 30mL Xylocaine Jelly 2% Each RX(108-9133) Lidocaine Jelly Urojet 5mL Xylocaine Inj 2% Each INJ(108-2029) Lidocaine Jelly Urojet 5mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(108-8384) Lidocaine Jelly Urojet 10mL Xylocaine Inj 2% Each INJ(108-4108) Lidocaine Jelly Urojet 10mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(573-5181) Lidocaine Jelly Urojet 20mL Xylocaine Inj 2% Each INJ(108-4874) Lidocaine Jelly Urojet 20mL Xylocaine Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(108-1164) Lidocaine Jelly Urojet 20mL Xylocaine Inj 2% Each INJ(201-3928) Lidocaine Ointment Tube Xylocaine Oint 5% 37.5GM RX(248-6281) Lidocaine w/ Dextrose Amp 2mL Xylocaine w/Dex Inj 5/7.5% 25/Box INJ(108-7007) Lidocaine w/ Dextrose Inj 500mL Xylocaine w/Dex Inj 0.4%/5% 24/PK INJ(104-7092) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 50mL, 1:200M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 0.5% Each INJ(104-6882) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 50mL, 1:200M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 0.5% 25/Box INJ(104-9659) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 20mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(104-9880) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 30mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 1% Each INJ(104-6822) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 30mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(104-7139) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 50mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 1% Each INJ(104-7099) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 50mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(248-3564) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj SDV 30mL, 1:200M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 1.5% 5/Box INJ(104-9654) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 20mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(104-7145) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 30mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 2% Each INJ

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

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HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(104-6855) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 30mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(104-6964) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 20mL, 1:200M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 2% 5/Box INJ(104-7086) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 50mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 2% Each INJ(104-6867) Lidocaine w/Epi Inj MDV 50mL, 1:100M Xylocaine w/Epi Inj 2% 25/Box INJ(104-6587) Lidocaine w/Prilocaine Cream Emla Cream 2.5%/2.5% 30GM RX(110-0902) Lidocaine w/Prilocaine Cream Emla Cream 2.5%/2.5% 5/Box RX(108-8439) Lindane Lotion Swell Lotion 1% 60mL RX(108-8437) Lindane Shampoo Swell Shampoo 1% 60mL RX(108-5064) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(108-5066) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 5MG 100 RX(408-0191) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 5MG 1000 RX(108-5068) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 10MG 100 RX(408-0244) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 10MG 1000 RX(108-8123) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 20MG 100 RX(408-0192) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 20MG 1000 RX(408-0198) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 30MG 100 RX(108-5067) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 40MG 100 RX(408-0193) Lisinopril Tablets Zestril, Prinivil Tabs 40MG 500 RX(108-4488) Lisinopril/Hctz Tablets Prinzide, Zestoretic Tabs 10/12.5MG 100 RX(108-8066) Lisinopril/Hctz Tablets Prinzide, Zestoretic Tabs 20/12.5MG 100 RX(108-4484) Lisinopril/Hctz Tablets Prinzide, Zestoretic Tabs 20/25MG 100 RX(108-0603) Lithium Carbonate Capsules Eskalith Caps 150MG 100 RX(108-7234) Lithium Carbonate Capsules Eskalith Caps 300MG 100 RX(108-1346) Lithium Carbonate Capsules Eskalith Caps 300MG 1000 RX(108-7291) Lithium Carbonate Capsules Eskalith Caps 600MG 100 RX(108-5110) Lithium Carbonate ER Tablets Lithobid SR Tabs 300MG 100 RX(104-3890) Lithium Carbonate ER Tablets Eskalith Cr Tabs 450MG 100 RX(761-5635) Lithium Carbonate Tablets Eskalith Tabs 300MG 100 RX(102-7672) Loperamide Caplets Imodium AD Caplets 2MG 12 OTC(102-6656) Loperamide Capsules Imodium Caps 2MG 100 RX(108-2577) Loperamide Capsules Imodium Caps 2MG 500 RX(102-5535) Loperamide Oral Solution Imodium Sol 1MG/5mL 120mL OTC(104-3521) Loratadine Syrup Childrenʼs Claritin Syrup 5MG/mL 4 oz. OTC(108-6082) Loratadine Tablets Otc Claritin Otc Tabs 10MG 100 OTC(107-5466) Loratadine Tablets Otc Claritin Otc Tabs 10MG 10UD OTC(107-5427) Loratadine Tablets Otc Claritin Otc Tabs 10MG 30UD OTC(107-5428) Loratadine w/Pseudo Tablets Otc Claritin D 24 Hr Tabs 10/240MG 10UD OTC(408-0180) Lorazepam Inj SDV 1mL Ativan Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(408-0181) Lorazepam Inj MDV 10mL Ativan Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(110-5280) Lorazepam PF Carpuject Syringe LL Ativan Syringe 4MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-5824) Lorazepam Tablets Ativan Tabs 0.5MG 100 RX(408-0217) Lorazepam Tablets Ativan Tabs 0.5MG 500 RX(104-7654) Lorazepam Tablets Ativan Tabs 1MG 100 RX(104-4782) Lorazepam Tablets Ativan Tabs 1MG 100UD RX(104-5823) Lorazepam Tablets Ativan Tabs 1MG 500 RX(104-5818) Lorazepam Tablets Ativan Tabs 2MG 100 RX(104-5817) Lorazepam Tablets Ativan Tabs 2MG 500 RX(102-4462) Lovastatin Tablets Mevacor Tabs 10MG 60 RX(102-9189) Lovastatin Tablets Mevacor Tabs 20MG 60 RX(102-4463) Lovastatin Tablets Mevacor Tabs 40MG 60 RX(108-2011) Loxapine Capsules Loxitane Caps 5MG 100 RX(108-8438) Loxapine Capsules Loxitane Caps 10MG 100 RX


(108-2407) Loxapine Capsules Loxitane Caps 25MG 100 RX(108-9691) Loxapine Capsules Loxitane Caps 50MG 100 RX(102-6474) Lubricating Gel Tube 5Gm K-Y Jelly STERILE 144/Box OTC(470-1381) Lubricating Gel Flip Top Tube 2 oz. K-Y Jelly STERILE 12/Box OTC(916-8033) Lubricating Gel Screw Top Tube 2 oz. K-Y Jelly STERILE 12/Box OTC(104-2842) Lubricating Gel Flip Top Tube 4 oz. K-Y Jelly STERILE 12/Box OTC(470-3839) Lubricating Gel Flip Top Tube 4.25 oz. K-Y Jelly STERILE 12/Box OTC(102-7931) Lubricating Gel Screw Top Tube 4.25 oz. K-Y Jelly STERILE 12/Box OTC(373-7470) Lubricating Gel Bottle 4 oz. K-Y Jelly STERILE 12/Case OTC(102-6113) Lubricating Gel Foilpack 3Gm K-Y Jelly STERILE 144/Box OTC(104-5318) Lubricating Gel Foilpack 5Gm K-Y Jelly STERILE 72/Box OTC(432-3837) Lubricating Gel Foilpack 5Gm K-Y Jelly STERILE 144/Box OTC(109-9552) Lubrifresh PM Refresh PM 3.75GM OTC(104-5110) Lysine Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MG 100 OTC(104-7560) Magnesium Chloride MDV 50mL Magnesium Chl 200MG/mL Each INJ(108-7241) Magnesium Oxide Tablets Mag-Ox 400 400MG 120 OTC(258-3331) Magnesium Sulfate Inj SDV 2mL Magnesium Sul 50% 25/Box INJ(258-3624) Magnesium Sulfate Inj SDV 10mL Magnesium Sul 50% 25/Box INJ(258-8049) Magnesium Sulfate Inj SDV 20mL Magnesium Sul 50% 25/Box INJ(104-7062) Magnesium Sulfate Inj SDV 50mL Magnesium Sul 50% 25/Box INJ(104-9567) Magnesium Sulfate Premix 100mL Manganese Sul 40MG/mL 24/Box INJ(258-2002) Manganese Sulfate Inj SDV 10mL Manganese Sul 0.1MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-5397) Mannitol Inj SDV 50mL Mannitol 25% 25/Box INJ(764-7513) Mebendazole Chewable Tabs Vermox 100MG 12 (2X6) RX(108-1468) Meclizine Chewable Tabs (Otc) Bonine 25MG 100 OTC(104-8390) Meclizine Chewable Tabs (Otc) Bonine 25MG 1000 OTC(248-7227) Meclizine Multi-Layered Tabs Antivert M-L Tabs 12.5MG 100 RX(104-9997) Meclizine Multi-Layered Tabs Antivert M-L Tabs 12.5MG 1000 RX(103-2263) Meclizine Multi-Layered Tabs Antivert M-L Tabs 25MG 100 RX(104-3268) Meclizine Multi-Layered Tabs Antivert M-L Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(102-7514) Meclofenamate Sod Capsules Meclomen Caps 100MG 100 RX(151-0717) Medicidin-D Tablets 325/2/5 50X2/Box OTC(151-3101) Medicidin-D Tablets 325/2/5 250X2/Box OTC(151-5867) Medikoff Drops Clear Halls CHERRY 75/PK OTC(151-4400) Medikoff Drops Refill Ind Halls CHERRY 600BULK OTC(151-1036) Medikoff Drops w/Apothecary Jar Halls CHERRY 600/JAR OTC(151-8400) Medikoff Drops-Sugar Free Halls CHERRY 300/Box OTC(151-1327) Medi-Lyte Tablets 40/18/9 250X2/Box OTC(151-8254) Medi-Phenyl Decongestant Tabs Nasal Decongestant 5MG 50X2/Box OTC(151-5513) Medi-Phenyl Decongestant Tabs Nasal Decongestant 5MG 250X2/Box OTC(993-0948) Mediproxen Tablets Aleve Tabs 220MG 50/Box OTC(151-9200) Mediproxen Tablets Aleve Tabs 220MG 100X1/Box OTC(151-4399) Medi-Wash Eye Irrigant Medi-First Dacriose, Collyrium 4 oz. OTC(104-9037) Medi-Wash Eye Irrigant Twist Cap Medi-First Dacriose, Collyrium NON- RESEAL 1 oz. OTC(108-7694) Medroxyprogesterone Acet Inj Pf Syr 1mL Depo-Provera Inj 150MG/mL Each INJ(108-3517) Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Inj SDV 1mL Depo-Provera Inj 150MG/mL Each INJ(108-2357) Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Inj SDV 1mL Depo-Provera Inj 150MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9946) Medroxyprogesterone Tablets Provera Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(104-9947) Medroxyprogesterone Tablets Provera Tabs 5MG 100 RX(104-9351) Medroxyprogesterone Tablets Provera Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-9328) Mefloquine Hcl Tablets Lariam Tabs 250MG 25 RX(104-5315) Mega 80 Vitamin Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 60 OTC

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

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HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(408-0175) Megestrol Acetate Tablets Megace Tabs 20MG 100 RX(104-6856) Megestrol Acetate Tablets Megace Tabs 40MG 100 RX(108-2749) Megestrol Suspension Megace Suspension 40MG/mL 240mL RX(108-4576) Melatonin Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 3MG 60 OTC(108-6245) Meloxicam Oral Suspension Mobic Oral Susp 7.5MG/5mL 100mL RX(108-2710) Meloxicam Tablets Mobic Tabs 7.5MG 30 RX(408-0106) Meloxicam Tablets Mobic Tabs 7.5MG 100 RX(108-9861) Meloxicam Tablets Mobic Tabs 15MG 30 RX(108-5701) Meloxicam Tablets Mobic Tabs 15MG 100 RX(110-1065) Meperidine Syrup Demerol Syrup 50MG/5mL 500mL RX(408-0157) Meperidine Hcl Tablets Demerol Tabs 50MG 100 RX(408-0156) Meperidine Hcl Tablets Demerol Tabs 100MG 100 RX(104-2954) Meperidine Inj SDV 1mL Demerol Inj 25MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-5990) Meperidine Inj SDV 1mL Demerol Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-2956) Meperidine Inj SDV 1mL Demerol Inj 100MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-2133) Meperidine/Promethazine Hcl Caps Mepergan Fortis 50/25MG 100 RX(108-1993) Mercaptopurine Tablets Purinethol 50MG 60 RX(108-6657) Mesalamine Rectal Suspension Rowasa Rectal Susp 4GM/60mL 7X60mL RX(108-1263) Mesna Inj MDV 10mL Mesnex 100MG/mL Each INJ(108-9363) Metaproterenol Sulf Inhalation Soln Alupent Inhalation Soln 0.4% 25X2.5mL RX(108-8784) Metaproterenol Sulf Inhalation Soln Alupent Inhalation Soln 0.6% 25X2.5mL RX(408-0017) Metaproterenol Syrup Alupent Syrup 10MG/5mL 480mL RX(408-0221) Metformin Hcl ER Tablets Glucophage XR Tabs 500MG 100 RX(108-4925) Metformin Hcl ER Tablets Glucophage XR Tabs 500MG 500 RX(108-5730) Metformin Hcl Tablets Glucophage Tabs 500MG 100 RX(108-8859) Metformin Hcl Tablets Glucophage Tabs 500MG 500 RX(108-5978) Metformin Hcl Tablets Glucophage Tabs 850MG 100 RX(108-4964) Metformin Hcl Tablets Glucophage Tabs 850MG 500 RX(108-9850) Metformin Hcl Tablets Glucophage Tabs 1000MG 100 RX(108-8566) Metformin Hcl Tablets Glucophage Tabs 1000MG 500 RX(108-4973) Methadone Hcl Oral Concentrate Methadone Liquid 10MG/mL 30mL RX(108-9555) Methadone Hcl Oral Solution Methadone Liquid 5MG/5mL 500mL RX(108-7594) Methadone Hcl Oral Solution Methadone Liquid 10MG/5mL 500mL RX(408-0114) Methadone Hcl Tablets Dolophine Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-4227) Methadone Hcl Tablets Dolophine Tabs 40MG 100 RX(108-6723) Methadone Tabs For Oral Susp Orange Dolophine Tabs 40MG 100 RX(102-6229) Methazolamide Tablets Neptazane Tabs 25MG 100 RX(102-5700) Methazolamide Tablets Neptazane Tabs 50MG 100 RX(108-2786) Methenamine Mandelate Tablets Mandelamine Tabs 0.5GM 100 RX(108-2787) Methenamine Mandelate Tablets Mandelamine Tabs 1GM 100 RX(421-8068) Methimazole Tablets Tapazole Tabs 5MG 100 RX(421-1176) Methimazole Tablets Tapazole Tabs 10MG 100 RX(403-4601) Methocarbamol Tablets Robaxin Tabs 500MG 100 RX(102-4605) Methocarbamol Tablets Robaxin Tabs 500MG 500 RX(403-4701) Methocarbamol Tablets Robaxin Tabs 750MG 100 RX(102-4705) Methocarbamol Tablets Robaxin Tabs 750MG 500 RX(102-6486) Methotrexate Inj w/Pres SDV 2mL Methotrexate Inj 25MG/mL Each INJ(104-7026) Methotrexate Inj w/Pres MDV 2mL Methotrexate Inj 25MG/mL 5/Box INJ(104-6188) Methotrexate Pres-Free SDV 2mL Methotrexate Inj 25MG/mL 10/Box INJ(727-7730) Methotrexate Pres-Free SDV 4mL Methotrexate Inj 25MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6185) Methotrexate Pres-Free SDV 8mL Methotrexate Inj 25MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-6487) Methotrexate Inj w/Pres SDV 10mL Methotrexate Inj 25MG/mL Each INJ


(101-4815) Methotrexate Pres-Free SDV 10mL Methotrexate Inj 25MG/mL 10/Box INJ(424-9901) Methotrexate Tablets Methotrexate Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(108-3405) Methscopolamine Bromide Tablets Pamine Forte Tabs 5MG 60 RX(102-7933) Methyldopa Tablets Aldomet Tabs 250MG 100 RX(102-6408) Methyldopa Tablets Aldomet Tabs 250MG 1000 RX(102-8627) Methyldopa Tablets Aldomet Tabs 500MG 100 RX(102-1556) Methyldopa w/Hctz Tabs Aldoril Tabs 250/25MG 100 RX(102-8253) Methylene Blue Ampule 1mL Methylene Blue 1% 25/Box INJ(102-3783) Methylene Blue Ampule 10mL Methylene Blue 1% 25/Box INJ(104-9820) Methylene Blue SDV 1mL Methylene Blue 1% 10/Box INJ(104-9475) Methylene Blue SDV 10mL Methylene Blue 1% 10/Box INJ(408-0100) Methylphenidate Tablets Ritalin Tabs 5MG 100 RX(102-4647) Methylphenidate Tablets Ritalin Tabs 10MG 100 RX(102-6137) Methylphenidate Tablets Ritalin Tabs 20MG 100 RX(104-4687) Methylprednisolone Acetate Inj SDV 1mL Depo-Medrol 40MG/mL Each INJ(104-6465) Methylprednisolone Acetate Inj SDV 1mL Depo-Medrol 40MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-0526) Methylprednisolone Acetate Inj MDV 5mL Depo-Medrol 40MG/mL Each INJ(108-1218) Methylprednisolone Acetate Inj MDV 10mL Depo-Medrol 40MG/mL Each INJ(104-8514) Methylprednisolone Acetate Inj SDV 1mL Depo-Medrol 80MG/mL Each INJ(104-4686) Methylprednisolone Acetate Inj SDV 1mL Depo-Medrol 80MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-1376) Methylprednisolone Acetate Inj MDV 5mL Depo-Medrol 80MG/mL Each INJ(108-7003) Methylprednisolone Sod Succ Inj SDV Lyoph Solu-Medrol 40MG/VL 10X1mL INJ(108-7686) Methylprednisolone Sod Succ Inj SDV Lyoph Solu-Medrol 125MG/VL 10X2mL INJ(108-3620) Methylprednisolone Sod Succ Inj SDV Lyoph Solu-Medrol 500MG/VL 4mL/VL INJ(108-6841) Methylprednisolone Sod Succ Inj SDV Lyoph Solu-Medrol 1GM/VL 8mL/VL INJ(408-0133) Methylprednisolone Tablets Medrol Tabs 4MG 100 RX(108-5694) Methylprednisolone Tablets Medrol Dosepack 4MG 21/DS-PK RX(102-8860) Metoclopramide Hcl Inj SDV 2mL Reglan Inj 5MG/mL 25/Box INJ(408-0134) Metoclopramide Hcl Tablets Reglan Tabs 5MG 100 RX(408-0136) Metoclopramide Hcl Tablets Reglan Tabs 10MG 100 RX(408-0137) Metoclopramide Hcl Tablets Reglan Tabs 10MG 500 RX(104-8936) Metoclopramide Syrup Reglan Syrup 5MG/5mL 480mL RX(108-3084) Metoprolol Succ XLTablets Toprol XL Tabs 25MG 100 RX(108-9849) Metoprolol Tablets Lopressor Tabs 25MG 100 RX(629-0068) Metoprolol Tablets Lopressor Tabs 50MG 100 RX(108-6385) Metoprolol Tablets Lopressor Tabs 50MG 1000 RX(629-0922) Metoprolol Tablets Lopressor Tabs 100MG 100 RX(107-2634) Metoprolol Tartrate Inj Ampule 5mL Lopressor Inj 1MG/mL Each INJ(172-1445) Metoprolol Tartrate Inj Ampule 5mL Lopressor Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6720) Metoprolol Tartrate Inj SDV 5mL Lopressor Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6076) Metronidazole Cream Metrocream 0.75% 45GM RX(104-6971) Metronidazole Inj Bag 100mL Flagyl Inj 500MG 24/Box INJ(104-9913) Metronidazole Lotion Metrolotion 0.75% 59mL RX(408-0258) Metronidazole Tablets Flagyl Tabs 250MG 100 RX(408-0259) Metronidazole Tablets Flagyl Tabs 250MG 250 RX(421-0613) Metronidazole Tablets Flagyl Tabs 250MG 500 RX(408-0260) Metronidazole Tablets Flagyl Tabs 500MG 50 RX(104-4124) Metronidazole Tablets Flagyl Tabs 500MG 100 RX(102-7005) Metronidazole Tablets Flagyl Tabs 500MG 100UD RX(421-6985) Metronidazole Tablets Flagyl Tabs 500MG 500 RX(108-4259) Metronidazole Topical Gel Metrogel 0.75% 45GM RX(102-6852) Mexiletine Capsules Mexitil Caps 150MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(110-3781) Mexiletine Capsules Mexitil Caps 200MG 100 RX(102-6381) Miconazole Nitrate Cream Micatin Cream 2% 0.5 oz. OTC(272-3761) Miconazole Nitrate Cream Micatin Cream 2% 1 oz. OTC(102-3283) Miconazole Nitrate Cream Micatin Cream 2% 1.5 oz. OTC(102-3230) Miconazole Nitrate Vag Cream Monistat 7 Vag Cream 2% 45GM/7APP OTC(107-5255) Miconazole Nitrate Vag Supp Monistat 7 Vag Supp 100MG 7/Box OTC(107-8710) Miconazole Nitrate Vag Supp Monistat 3 Vag Supp 200MG 3/Box OTC(104-6567) Midazolam Hcl Inj SDV 2mL Versed Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-5801) Midazolam Hcl Inj MDV 2mL Versed Inj 1MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-8343) Midazolam Hcl Inj MDV 5mL Versed Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-4858) Midazolam Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Versed Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-4859) Midazolam Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Versed Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-4860) Midazolam Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Versed Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-6516) Midazolam Hcl Inj SDV 2mL Versed Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-5700) Midazolam Hcl Inj MDV 2mL Versed Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-8216) Midazolam Hcl Inj MDV 5mL Versed Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-8913) Midazolam Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Versed Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(110-3602) Midazolam Prefilled Iscure Syringe Versed Syringe 2MG/2mL 10x1mL INJ(110-5947) Midazolam Prefilled Iscure Syringe Versed Syringe 5MG/mL 10x1mL INJ(408-0210) Midazolam Syrup 2Mg/mL Versed Syrup 118mL RX(108-0905) Milk Of Magnesia Mint Phillips 12 oz. OTC(104-6939) Milk Of Magnesia Regular Phillips 16 oz. OTC(108-6473) Milrinone Lactate Inj SDV 10mL Primacor 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(108-6470) Milrinone Lactate Inj SDV 20mL Primacor 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(276-8856) Mineral Oil Heavy Mineral Oil 16 oz. OTC(108-4443) Mineral Oil Light Mineral Oil 16 oz. OTC(424-9701) Minocycline Capsules Minocin Caps 50MG 100 RX(104-4264) Minocycline Capsules Minocin Caps 75MG 100 RX(424-9850) Minocycline Capsules Minocin Caps 100MG 50 RX(104-6474) Minocycline Tablets Dynacin Tabs 75MG 100 RX(102-7613) Minoxidil Menʼs Topical Solution Rogaine Menʼs Sol 2% 1x60 mL OTC(102-1396) Minoxidil Menʼs Topical Solution Rogaine Menʼs Sol 2% 2x60mL OTC(102-8437) Minoxidil Menʼs Topical Solution X/S Rogaine Ex Str Menʼs Sol 5% 1X60mL OTC(102-3678) Minoxidil Menʼs Topical Solution X/S Rogaine Ex Str Menʼs Sol 5% 2x60mL OTC(146-9614) Minoxidil Tablets Loniten Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(421-7301) Minoxidil Tablets Loniten Tabs 10MG 100 RX(421-7305) Minoxidil Tablets Loniten Tabs 10MG 500 RX(408-0160) Mirtazapine Tablets Remeron Tabs 15MG 30 RX(408-0161) Mirtazapine Tablets Remeron Tabs 30MG 30 RX(408-0162) Mirtazapine Tablets Remeron Tabs 45MG 30 RX(102-5129) Misoprostol Tablets Cytotec Tabs 100MCG 60 RX(102-9527) Misoprostol Tablets Cytotec Tabs 200MCG 60 RX(248-9320) Mitomycin Lyoph Inj SDV 15mL Mutamycin Inj 5MG/VL Each INJ(102-1276) Mitomycin Lyoph Inj SDV 50mL Mutamycin Inj 20MG/VL Each INJ(144-4123) Mitomycin Lyoph Inj SDV 100mL Mutamycin Inj 40MG/VL Each INJ(108-6380) Moisturizing Lotion Keri Lotion 8 oz. OTC(108-8276) Mometasone Furoate Cream Elocon Cream 0.1% 15GM RX(102-5126) Mometasone Furoate Ointment Elocon Oint 0.1% 15GM RX(102-9885) Mometasone Furoate Ointment Elocon Oint 0.1% 45GM RX(104-9965) Morphine Sulfate ER Tablets MS Contin Tabs 15MG 100 RX(408-0200) Morphine Sulfate ER Tablets MS Contin Tabs 30MG 100 RX(408-0202) Morphine Sulfate ER Tablets MS Contin Tabs 100MG 100 RX


(104-6544) Morphine Sulfate Inj Syringe 1mL Morphine Sulfate Inj 2MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-8914) Morphine Sulfate Inj Syringe 1mL Morphine Sulfate Inj 4MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-8469) Morphine Sulfate Inj Syringe 1mL Morphine Sulfate Inj 8MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6550) Morphine Sulfate Inj Syringe 1mL Morphine Sulfate Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9335) Morphine Sulfate Inj Ampule 1mL Morphine Sulfate Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6646) Morphine Sulfate Inj SDV 1mL Morphine Sulfate Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6551) Morphine Sulfate Inj Syringe 1mL Morphine Sulfate Inj 15MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-8608) Morphine Sulfate Inj Ampule 1mL Morphine Sulfate Inj 15MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-7338) Morphine Sulfate Inj MDV 20mL Morphine Sulfate Inj 15MG/mL Each INJ(102-7202) Morphine Sulfate IR Tablets MSIR Tablets 15MG 100 RX(248-6829) Morrhuate Sodium Inj MDV 30mL Scleromate 50MG/mL Each INJ(102-7960) Mouthwash & Gargle Green Scope 1 LITER OTC(102-1384) Mouthwash Antiseptic Amber Listerine 1.5 LITER OTC(102-6821) Mouthwash Antiseptic Bl/Mint Listerine 1.5 LITER OTC(422-8779) Mouthwash Antiseptic Cherry Oraseptic 6 oz. OTC(422-8879) Mouthwash Antiseptic Menthol Oraseptic 6 oz. OTC(101-0926) Ms-Aid Menstrual Relief Tylenol Menstrual Rel 500/25 50X2/Box OTC(151-1692) Ms-Aid Menstrual Relief Tylenol Menstrual Rel 500/25 250X2/Box OTC(407-4831) Multi-Vit/Fl & Iron Drops Poly-Vi-Flor & Iron Drops 0.25MG/mL 50mL RX(407-1275) Multi-Vit/Fl & Iron Drops Poly-Vi-Flor & Iron Drops 0.5MG/mL 50mL RX(102-6527) Multi-Vit/Fl & Iron Tabs Poly-Vi-Flor & Iron Tabs 0.5MG 100 RX(102-6523) Multi-Vit/Fl & Iron Tabs Poly-Vi-Flor & Iron Tabs 1MG 100 RX(108-3269) Multi-Vit/Fl Chew Tablets Poly-Vi-Flor Chew 0.25Mg 0.25MG 100 RX(411-5701) Multi-Vit/Fl Chew Tablets Poly-Vi-Flor Chew 0.5Mg 0.5MG 100 RX(410-7501) Multi-Vit/Fl Chew Tablets Poly-Vi-Flor Chew 1Mg 1MG 100 RX(410-7502) Multi-Vit/Fl Chew Tablets Poly-Vi-Flor Chew 1Mg 1MG 1000 RX(407-8157) Multi-Vit/Fl Drops Poly-Vi-Flor Drops 0.25MG/mL 50mL RX(408-0046) Multi-Vit/Fl Drops Poly-Vi-Flor Drops 0.5MG/mL 50mL RX(104-8614) Multi-Vitamin Drops Poly-Vi-Sol Drops 50mL OTC(104-8732) Mupirocin Oint .9Gm Foil/Pk Bactroban Oint 2% 72/Box RX(104-7126) Mupirocin Ointment Bactroban Oint 2% 22GM RX(108-9653) MVI Inj (Multi-Vitamin) SDV 5mL MVI-Pediatric Inj PED 10/Box INJ(104-9852) MVI Inj (Multi-Vitamin) SDV 2X5mL M.V.I.-12 Inj ADULT 10/Box INJ(104-9837) MVI Inj (Multi-Vitamin) SDV 10mL M.V.I.-12 Inj ADULT 10/Box INJ(104-9853) MVI Inj (Multi-Vitamin) Bulk 2X50mL M.V.I.-12 Inj ADULT 20/Box INJ(248-6106) Nabumetone Tablets Relafen Tabs 500MG 100 RX(248-7015) Nabumetone Tablets Relafen Tabs 750MG 100 RX(108-7772) Nadolol Tablets Corgard Tabs 20MG 100 RX(108-2742) Nadolol Tablets Corgard Tabs 40MG 100 RX(108-9023) Nadolol Tablets Corgard Tabs 80MG 100 RX(845-0806) Nafcillin Sod Inj 20mL Vl Unipen Inj 1GM 10/Box INJ(104-6858) Nalbuphine Ampule 1mL Nubain Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6977) Nalbuphine MDV 10mL Nubain Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-7310) Nalbuphine Ampule 1mL Nubain Inj 20MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6892) Nalbuphine MDV 10mL Nubain Inj 20MG/mL 25/Box INJ(120-9554) Naloxone Hcl Inj Ampule 1mL Narcan Inj .4MG/mL Each INJ(104-7068) Naloxone Hcl Inj Ampule 1mL Narcan Inj .4MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-7169) Naloxone Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Narcan Inj .4MG/mL Each INJ(104-6876) Naloxone Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Narcan Inj .4MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-7159) Naloxone Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Narcan Inj .4MG/mL Each INJ(104-6991) Naloxone Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Narcan Inj .4MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-9657) Naloxone Hcl Inj Syringe 1mL Narcan Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(541-5211) Naloxone Hcl Inj Syringe 21Gx1.5” 2mL Narcan Inj 1MG/mL Each INJ(929-8759) Naloxone Hcl Inj Syringe Needleless 2mL Narcan Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-3638) Naltrexone Tablets Revia Tabs 50MG 30 RX(104-4422) Naphazoline Hcl Ophth Solution Naphcon Forte Sol 0.1% 15mL RX(102-9387) Naproxen EC Tablets EC Naprosyn Tabs 375MG 100 RX(102-7650) Naproxen EC Tablets EC Naprosyn Tabs 500MG 100 RX(108-6226) Naproxen Sodium Tablets Aleve Tabs 220MG 100 OTC(104-9333) Naproxen Sodium Tablets Anaprox Tabs 550MG 100 RX(108-6522) Naproxen Sodium Tablets Anaprox Tabs 550MG 500 RX(104-8948) Naproxen Tablets Naprosyn Tabs 250MG 100 RX(408-0009) Naproxen Tablets Naprosyn Tabs 250MG 500 RX(104-9367) Naproxen Tablets Naprosyn Tabs 375MG 100 RX(408-0010) Naproxen Tablets Naprosyn Tabs 375MG 500 RX(104-9368) Naproxen Tablets Naprosyn Tabs 500MG 100 RX(104-9369) Naproxen Tablets Naprosyn Tabs 500MG 500 RX(470-4214) Natural Vegetable Laxative Metamucil Powder REG FLV 14 oz. OTC(151-0861) Nausatrol Liquid Emetrol Liq 30mL 16DS/Box OTC(104-8708) Neomycin Sulfate Ointment Foil Pk Neomycin Sulfate Oint 3.5MG/GM 144X0.9GM OTC(420-0601) Neomycin Sulfate Tablets Neomycin Sulfate Oint 500MG 100 RX(102-7770) Neomycin/Poly/Dex Ophth Ointment Maxitrol Ophth Oint 0.1% 3.5GM RX(102-2697) Neomycin/Poly/Dex Ophth Suspension Maxitrol Ophth Susp 0.1% 5mL RX(104-3444) Neomycin/Poly/Hc Ophth Suspension Cortisporin Ophth Susp 7.5mL RX(102-3599) Neomycin/Poly/Hc Otic Solution Cortisporin Otic Soln 10mL RX(102-3933) Neomycin/Poly/Hc Otic Suspension Cortisporin Otic Susp 10mL RX(375-0587) Neostigmine Methyl Inj MDV 10mL Prostigmin Inj 0.5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-9784) Neostigmine Methyl Inj MDV 10mL Prostigmin Inj 0.5MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-5584) Neostigmine Methyl Inj MDV 10mL Prostigmin Inj 1MG/mL 25/Box INJ(107-8357) Neostigmine Methyl Inj MDV 10mL Prostigmin Inj 1:1000 Each INJ(108-6713) Niacin CR Capsules Nicobid Caps 125MG 100 OTC(108-7635) Niacin CR Capsules Nicobid Caps 250MG 100 OTC(108-2053) Niacin CR Capsules Nicobid Caps 500MG 100 OTC(104-8185) Niacin Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100MG 100 OTC(170-5518) Niacin Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MG 1000 OTC(104-9104) Niacin ER Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MG 100 OTC(248-0563) Niacin ER Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 750MG 100 OTC(102-4027) Nicardipine Capules Cardene Caps 30MG 100 RX(248-5580) Nicotine Transdermal Patch Habitrol Patch 21MG/24HR 7 RX(102-7601) Nifedipine Capsules Procardia Caps 10MG 100 RX(423-7701) Nifedipine Capsules Procardia Caps 20MG 100 RX(108-6965) Nifedipine ER Tablets Adalat CC Tabs 30MG 100 RX(104-3961) Nifedipine ER Tablets Procardia-XL Tabs 30MG 100 RX(104-4323) Nifedipine ER Tablets Adalat CC Tabs 60MG 100 RX(104-3958) Nifedipine ER Tablets Procardia-XL Tabs 60MG 100 RX(102-4328) Nifedipine ER Tablets Procardia-XL Tabs 90MG 100 RX(108-3161) Nitrofurantoin Macro Capsules Macrodantin Caps 50MG 100 RX(102-7221) Nitrofurantoin Macro Capsules Macrodantin Caps 100MG 100 RX(110-2346) Nitrofurantoin Monohy Macro Capsules Macrobid 100MG 100 RX(102-7136) Nitroglycerin ER Capules Nitro-Bid Caps 2.5MG 100 RX(102-7792) Nitroglycerin ER Capules Nitro-Bid Caps 6.5MG 100 RX(408-0146) Nitroglycerin ER Capules Nitro-Bid Caps 9MG 60 RX(104-8257) Nitroglycerin Inj SDV 10mL Nitro-Bid Inj 5MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-8322) Nitroglycerin Oint Foil Pak Nitro-Bid Ointment 2% 48X1GM RX


(102-0656) Nitroglycerin Ointment Nitro-Bid Ointment 2% 30GM RX(473-0658) Nitroglycerin Ointment Nitro-Bid Ointment 2% 60GM RX(104-7050) Nitroglycerin Sublingual Tabs Nitrostat S/L Tabs 0.3MG 100 RX(104-3792) Nitroglycerin Sublingual Tabs Nitrostat S/L Tabs 0.4MG 100 RX(104-7008) Nitroglycerin Sublingual Tabs Nitrostat S/L Tabs 0.4MG 4X25 RX(104-8863) Nitroglycerin Sublingual Tabs Nitrostat S/L Tabs 0.6MG 100 RX(104-4571) Nitroglycerin Trans Dermal Patch Transderm-Nitro 0.2MG 30/Box RX(104-6578) Nitroglycerin Trans Dermal Patch Transderm-Nitro 0.4MG 30/Box RX(104-5191) Nitroglycerin Trans Dermal Patch Transderm-Nitro 0.6MG 30/Box RX(151-1929) Non-Aspirin Tablets Medi-First Tylenol Tabs 325MG 250X2/Box OTC(151-2564) Non-Aspirin X-Str Tabs Medi-First Tylenol X/S Tabs 500MG 250X2/Box OTC(838-0004) Non-Pseudo Cold Relief Tablets Sinutabs New Formula 325MG 125X2/Box OTC(838-0003) Non-Pseudo Cold Relief Tablets Sinutabs New Formula 325MG 250X2/Box OTC(838-0005) Non-Pseudo Cold Relief Tablets Sinutabs New Formula 325MG 50X2/Box OTC(838-0009) Non-Pseudo Sinus Dec Phen Hcl Tabs Sinutabs New Formula 100MG 100X1/Box OTC(838-0008) Non-Pseudo Sinus Dec Phen Hcl Tabs Sinutabs New Formula 100MG 250X1/Box OTC(838-0007) Non-Pseudo Sinus Dec Phen Hcl Tabs Sinutabs New Formula 100MG 500X1/Box OTC(838-0001) Non-Pseudo Sinus Pain & Pressure Sinutabs New Formula 500MG 125X2/Box OTC(838-0000) Non-Pseudo Sinus Pain & Pressure Sinutabs New Formula 500MG 250X2/Box OTC(838-0002) Non-Pseudo Sinus Pain & Pressure Sinutabs New Formula 500MG 50X2/Box OTC(104-3615) Norgestimate/Ethinyl Estradiol Tabs Ortho Tri-Cyclen 6x28 RX(106-3540) Norgestrel/ Ethinyl Estradiol Oc Tabs Lo-Ovral 28 Day 0.3/0.03MG 6x28 RX(600-6229) Norgestrel/ Ethinyl Estradiol Oc Tabs Ovral 28 Day Tabs 500/50MCG 3X28 RX(104-6816) Normal Saline .9% Saline Normal PLAS-BG Each INJ(425-0801) Nortriptyline Capsules Pamelor Caps 10MG 100 RX(425-0901) Nortriptyline Capsules Pamelor Caps 25MG 100 RX(425-1001) Nortriptyline Capsules Pamelor Caps 50MG 100 RX(425-1101) Nortriptyline Capsules Pamelor Caps 75MG 100 RX(108-4075) Nortriptyline Solution Pamelor Liq 10MG/5mL 480mL RX(108-6807) Nu Soap Hypoallergenic Cleanser Cetaphil 240mL OTC(102-1072) Nystatin Cream Mycostatin Cream 100MU 15GM RX(408-0117) Nystatin Cream Mycostatin Cream 100MU 30GM RX(102-7972) Nystatin Ointment Mycostatin Oint 100MU 15GM RX(108-7812) Nystatin Ointment Mycostatin Oint 100MU 30GM RX(453-6221) Nystatin Powder For Suspension Mycostatin Top Pwd 150MU/GM 30GM RX(729-5924) Nystatin Powder For Suspension Mycostatin Top Pwd 50MU/GM 10GM RX(408-0047) Nystatin Suspension Mycostatin Sus 100MU 60mL RX(108-4238) Nystatin Suspension Mycostatin Sus 100MU 240mL RX(408-0048) Nystatin Suspension Mycostatin Sus 100MU 480mL RX(420-5101) Nystatin Tablets Mycostatin Tab 500000U 500MU 100 RX(408-0190) Nystatin Topical Powder Mycostatin Top Pwd 100MU/GM 15GM RX(408-0139) Nystatin/Triamcinolone Cream Mycolog II Cream 15GM RX(408-0141) Nystatin/Triamcinolone Cream Mycolog II Cream 30GM RX(408-0006) Nystatin/Triamcinolone Cream Mycolog II Cream 60GM RX(102-8472) Nystatin/Triamcinolone Oint Mycolog II Oint 15GM RX(108-0660) Nystatin/Triamcinolone Oint Mycolog II Oint 30GM RX(108-4491) Nystatin/Triamcinolone Oint Mycolog II Oint 60GM RX(104-9541) Nyte-Time Cough Syrup Nyquil Syrup MINT 6 oz. OTC(108-7279) Ny-Time Cough Syrup Nyquil Syrup CHERRY 6 oz. OTC(110-2422) Octreotide Acetate Inj SDV 1mL Sandostatin 100MCG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9504) Ofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution Ocuflox Ophth Sol 0.3% 5mL RX(104-9505) Ofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution Ocuflox Ophth Sol 0.3% 10mL RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(108-5741) Ofloxacin Tablets Floxin Tabs 200MG 50 RX(108-3425) Ofloxacin Tablets Floxin Tabs 300MG 50 RX(104-3106) Omega-3 Epa Softgels Vitamins/Nutritionals 1000MG 100 OTC(104-3279) Omega-3 Epa Softgels Vitamins/Nutritionals 1000MG 250 OTC(104-9473) Omeprazole ER Capsules Prilosec Caps 20MG 30 RX(107-5203) Omeprazole ER Capsules Prilosec Caps 20MG 100 RX(108-6127) Ondansetron Hcl Oral Solution Zofran 4MG/5mL 50mL RX(108-9496) Ondansetron Inj SDV 2mL Zofran 2MG/mL 5/Box INJ(108-7494) Ondansetron Inj MDV 20mL Zofran 2MG/mL Each INJ(108-9826) Ondansetron Oral Disintegrating Tablets UD Zofran 4MG 3x10 RX(108-0887) Ondansetron Oral Disintegrating Tablets UD Zofran 8MG 1x10 RX(108-9825) Ondansetron Oral Disintegrating Tablets UD Zofran 8MG 3x10 RX(110-0335) Ondansetron Prefilled Iscure Syringe Zofran Syringe 2MG/mL 10x2mL INJ(108-2363) Ondansetron Tablets Zofran 4MG 3 RX(108-9449) Ondansetron Tablets Zofran 4MG 30 RX(108-7023) Ondansetron Tablets Zofran 8MG 3 RX(108-4428) Ondansetron Tablets Zofran 8MG 30 RX(102-7956) Opti-Multi Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 60 OTC(108-6369) Oral Gel Anesthetic Anbesol,Ora-Jel 29GM OTC(108-5836) Orphenadrine Citrate ER Tab Norflex ER 100MG 100 RX(104-7066) Orphenadrine Citrate Inj Amp 2mL Norflex 30MG/mL 10/Box INJ(102-7177) Orphenadrine Citrate Inj SDV 2mL Norflex 30MG/mL 10/Box INJ(111-2199) Oxacillin Sodium Inj 20ML Vial Bactocill 1GM 10/Pack INJ(111-2202) Oxacillin Sodium Vial F/Inj Bactocill 10GM 10/Pack INJ(408-0263) Oxaprozin Tablets Daypro Tabs 600MG 100 RX(102-8749) Oxazepam Capsules Serax 10Mg 10MG 100 RX(102-3517) Oxazepam Capsules Serax 15Mg 15MG 100 RX(102-3519) Oxazepam Capsules Serax 30Mg 30MG 100 RX(108-5681) Oxcarbazepine Tablets Trileptal Tabs 300MG 100 RX(108-2141) Oxybutynin Syrup Ditropan Syrup 5MG/5mL 480mL RX(108-5203) Oxybutynin Tablets Ditropan Tabs 5MG 100 RX(107-5027) Oxycodone Hcl ER Tablets Oxycontin Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-6651) Oxycodone Hcl ER Tablets Oxycontin Tabs 40MG 100 RX(108-8348) Oxycodone Hcl Tablets Roxicodone Tabs 5MG 100 RX(108-3032) Oxycodone Hcl Tablets Roxicodone Tabs 15MG 100 RX(108-6968) Oxycodone Hcl Tablets Roxicodone Tabs 15MG 10x10UD RX(108-3033) Oxycodone Hcl Tablets Roxicodone Tabs 30MG 100 RX(108-6966) Oxycodone Hcl Tablets Roxicodone Tabs 30MG 10x10UD RX(108-9079) Oxycodone/Apap Capsules Tylox Caps 5/500MG 100 RX(102-6925) Oxycodone/Apap Tablets Percocet Tabs 5/325MG 100 RX(104-6601) Oxycodone/Apap Tablets Percocet Tabs 5/325MG 100UD RX(108-7869) Oxycodone/Apap Tablets Percocet Tabs 5/325MG 500 RX(104-9330) Oxycodone/Apap Tablets Percocet Tabs 7.5/325MG 100 RX(408-0096) Oxycodone/Apap Tablets Percocet Tabs 10/325MG 100 RX(104-8030) Oxycodone/Aspirin Tablets Percodan Tabs 4.5/325MG 100 RX(107-7098) Oxymetazoline Hcl Nasal Spray Afrin Spray 0.05% 0.5 oz. OTC(108-1864) Oxymetazoline Hcl Nasal Spray Afrin Spray 0.05% 1 oz. OTC(108-5888) Oxytocin Inj SDV 1mL Pitocin Inj 10U/mL 25/Box INJ(102-3159) Oxytocin Inj MDV 10mL Pitocin Inj 10U/mL 25/Box INJ(104-2697) Oyster Shell Calc w/Vit D Os-Cal w/Vit D 250MG 60 OTC(104-6085) Oyster Shell Calcium Tabs Os-Cal 500 500MG 60 OTC(104-6379) Paclitaxel Inj MDV 30Mg/5mL Taxol Inj 6MG/mL Each INJ


(104-5481) Paclitaxel Inj MDV 100Mg/16.7mL Taxol Inj 6MG/mL Each INJ(104-7809) Paclitaxel Inj MDV 300Mg/50mL Taxol Inj 6MG/mL Each INJ(151-9333) Pain-Off Tablets Excedrin Tabs 250/250/65 100X2/Box OTC(103-4798) Pamidronate Disodium Inj Lyoph 10mL Aredia Inj 30MG/VL Each INJ(103-0904) Pamidronate Disodium Inj Lyoph 20mL Aredia Inj 90MG/VL Each INJ(109-3570) Pamidronate Disodium Inj SDV 10mL Aredia Inj 3MG/mL 4/Box INJ(109-6833) Pamidronate Disodium Inj SDV 10mL Aredia Inj 6MG/mL Each INJ(109-4500) Pamidronate Disodium Inj SDV 10mL Aredia Inj 9MG/mL Each INJ(104-7058) Pancuronium Bromide Inj MDV 10mL Pavulon Inj 1MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-8737) Pancuronium Bromide Inj SDV 2mL Pavulon Inj 2MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-3230) Papaverine ER Capsules Pavabid Caps 150MG 100 RX(104-6296) Papaverine Hcl Inj SDV 2mL Papaverine Hcl Inj 30MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-7639) Papaverine Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Papaverine Hcl Inj 30MG/mL Each INJ(408-0153) Paregoric Tinture Paregoric 2MG/5mL 480mL RX(107-0890) Paroxetine Hcl Tablets Paxil Tabs 10MG 30 RX(107-0891) Paroxetine Hcl Tablets Paxil Tabs 20MG 30 RX(107-8995) Paroxetine Hcl Tablets Paxil Tabs 20MG 100 RX(107-7318) Paroxetine Hcl Tablets Paxil Tabs 30MG 30 RX(408-0271) Paroxetine Hcl Tablets Paxil Tabs 40MG 30 RX(795-3516) Penicillin G Sod Injection 50mL Pfizerpen G Inj 5MU 10/Box INJ(795-2108) Penicillin G Pot Injection 100mL Pfizerpen G Inj 20MU Each INJ(108-8296) Penicilln VK Solution Pen-VK Oral Sol 125MG/5mL 100mL RX(108-6695) Penicilln VK Solution Pen-VK Oral Sol 125MG/5mL 200mL RX(108-9668) Penicilln VK Solution Pen-VK Oral Sol 250MG/5mL 100mL RX(108-0953) Penicilln VK Solution Pen-VK Oral Sol 250MG/5mL 200mL RX(104-6093) Penicilln VK Tablets Pen-VK Tabs 250MG 100 RX(108-8167) Penicilln VK Tablets Pen-VK Tabs 250MG 1000 RX(104-3580) Penicilln VK Tablets Pen-VK Tabs 500MG 100 RX(104-3956) Penicilln VK Tablets Pen-VK Tabs 500MG 500 RX(408-0266) Penicilln VK Tablets Pen-VK Tabs 500MG 1000 RX(108-8098) Pentazocine/Naloxone Tablets Talwin Nx Tabs 50MG/0.5MG 100 RX(102-7684) Pentoxifylline ER Tablets Trental Tabs 400MG 100 RX(408-0143) Permethrin Cream Elimite Cream 5% 60GM RX(108-7275) Permethrin Lotion Nix Lice Treatment 1% 2 oz. OTC(108-9714) Permethrin Lotion Nix Lice Treatment 1% 2 X 2 oz. OTC(108-3901) Perphenazine Tablets Trilafon Tabs 2MG 100 RX(108-3701) Perphenazine Tablets Trilafon Tabs 4MG 100 RX(108-3380) Perphenazine Tablets Trilafon Tabs 8MG 100 RX(108-3618) Perphenazine Tablets Trilafon Tabs 16MG 100 RX(101-0853) Pet White, Min Oil, Lanolin Ointment Lacrilube, Hypotears 3.5GM OTC(130-3323) Petrolatum IC Lotion Vaseline IC Lotion 8 oz. OTC(130-9407) Petrolatum IC Lotion Vaseline IC Lotion 1 Gallon OTC(470-3064) Petrolatum White Vaseline Oint 1 oz. OTC(113-1489) Petrolatum White Jar Vaseline Oint 3.75 oz. OTC(130-8307) Petrolatum White Tube Vaseline Oint 4 oz. OTC(102-9247) Petrolatum White Vaseline Oint 13 oz. OTC(100-0655) Petrolatum White Foilpk Vaseline Oint 144X5GM OTC(110-0634) Phenagesic Tablets Percogesic 100 OTC(108-4425) Phenazopyridine Tablets Pyridium Tabs 100MG 100 RX(108-5363) Phenazopyridine Tablets Pyridium Tabs 200MG 100 RX(109-9526) Phendimetrazine Capsules Blue Prelu-2 105MG 1000 RX(102-4594) Phendimetrazine Tablets Blue Plegine Tabs 35MG 1000 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(102-6007) Phendimetrazine Tablets White Plegine Tabs 35MG 1000 RX(102-6659) Phendimetrazine Tablets Yellow Plegine Tabs 35MG 1000 RX(375-2725) Phenobarb Sod Inj SDV 1mL Phenobarbital Inj 130MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-6712) Phenobarbital Elixir Phenobarbital Elixir 20MG/5mL 480mL RX(102-4510) Phenobarbital Tablets Phenobarbital Tabs 15MG 1000 RX(108-6358) Phenobarbital Tablets Phenobarbital Tabs 32.4MG 1000 RX(107-5320) Phenobarbital Tablets Phenobarbital Tabs 64.8MG 1000 RX(107-7161) Phenobarbital Tablets Phenobarbital Tabs 97.2MG 1000 RX(108-2681) Phenobarbital Tablets Phenobarbital Tabs 100MG 100 RX(104-6970) Phentermine Caps Grey/Yellow Phentermine Caps 15MG 100 RX(104-9215) Phentermine Capsules Grey/Yellow Phentermine Caps 15MG 1000 RX(104-3760) Phentermine Capsules Blue/Clear Fastin Caps 30MG 100 RX(104-3633) Phentermine Capsules Blue/Clear Fastin Caps 30MG 1000 RX(104-4825) Phentermine Capsules Yellow Phentermine Caps 30MG 100 RX(408-0159) Phentermine Capsules Yellow Phentermine Caps 30MG 1000 RX(102-4258) Phentermine Capsules White/Blue Adipex-P Caps 37.5MG 100 RX(109-9785) Phentermine Caplets Light Blue Adipex-P Caplets 37.5MG 100 RX(109-9787) Phentermine Caplets Light Blue Adipex-P Caplets 37.5MG 1000 RX(107-5934) Phentermine Tabs White/Blue Speck Adipex-P Tabs 37.5MG 100 RX(408-0165) Phentermine Tabs White/Blue Speck Adipex-P Tabs 37.5MG 1000 RX(102-5231) Phentolamine Mesyl Lyoph SDV 2mL Regitine Inj 5MG/VL Each INJ(104-8653) Phenylephrine Hcl Inj Pbp 10mL Neo-Synephrine Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(104-7605) Phenylephrine Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Neo-Synephrine Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-3721) Phenylephrine Hcl Inj SDV 5mL Neo-Synephrine Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(245-1739) Phenylephrine Hcl Ophth Solution Neo-Synephrine, Mydfrin 2.5% 2mL RX(429-3962) Phenylephrine Hcl Ophth Solution Neo-Synephrine, Mydfrin 2.5% 5mL RX(102-5591) Phenylephrine Hcl Ophth Solution Neo-Synephrine, Mydfrin 2.5% 15mL RX(707-6894) Phenylephrine Hcl Ophth Solution Neo-Synephrine Inj 10% 5mL RX(104-3351) Phenytoin Oral Suspension Dilantin Susp 125MG/5mL 240mL RX(108-4191) Phenytoin Sod EX Rel Capsules Dilantin EX Caps 100MG 100 RX(108-8004) Phenytoin Sod EX Rel Capsules Dilantin EX Caps 100MG 1000 RX(104-4009) Phenytoin Sod Inj Amp 2mL Dilantin Inj 50MG/mL Each INJ(104-6993) Phenytoin Sod Inj Amp 2mL Dilantin Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(190-3345) Phenytoin Sod Inj SDV 2mL Dilantin Inj 50MG/mL Each INJ(306-0336) Phenytoin Sod Inj SDV 2mL Dilantin Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(396-5636) Phenytoin Sod Inj SDV 5mL Dilantin Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(230-3560) Phosphate Enema Fleet Enema 4.5 oz. Each OTC(601-5442) Physostigmine Salicylate Inj Amp 2mL Physostigmine Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(108-2714) Pilocarpine Hcl Tablets Salagen Tabs 5MG 100 RX(102-6885) Pilocarpine Ophth Solution Isoptocarpine Ophth Sol 1% 15mL RX(102-6292) Pilocarpine Ophth Solution Isoptocarpine Ophth Sol 2% 15mL RX(102-6630) Pilocarpine Ophth Solution Isoptocarpine Ophth Sol 4% 15mL RX(108-9958) Pindolol Tablets Visken Tabs 5MG 100 RX(108-7238) Pindolol Tablets Visken Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-9423) Pink Bismuth Chew Tablets Pepto Bismol Tabs 30 OTC(248-7173) Pink Bismuth Liquid Pepto Bismol Liquid REGULAR 8 oz. OTC(108-3107) Pink Bismuth Liquid Pepto Bismol Liquid MAX STR 8 oz. OTC(108-3157) Piroxicam Capsules Feldene Caps 10MG 100 RX(104-7876) Piroxicam Capsules Feldene Caps 20MG 100 RX(102-8239) Polycarbophil-Calc Laxatv Tabs Fibercon Tabs 90 OTC(107-5839) Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder Miralax Powder 17GM/DOSE 12PKS/Box RX(602-3820) Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder Miralax Powder 17GM/DOSE 255GM/BT RX


(602-1708) Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder Miralax Powder 17GM/DOSE 527GM/BT RX(102-9338) Polymyxin-B Sulfate Lyoph 10mL Vial Polymyxin Inj 500MU/VL 10/Box INJ(108-8932) Potassium Bicarb Tab Efferves Orange K-Lyte Tabs 25MEQ 30 RX(104-9650) Potassium Chl/Dextrose/Nacl 1000mL Potassium Chl Inj 5%/0.9% 12/Box INJ(108-9605) Potassium Chloride ER Capsules Micro-K Caps 10MEQ 100 RX(108-9452) Potassium Chloride ER Capsules Micro-K Caps 10MEQ 500 RX(108-6101) Potassium Chloride ER Tablets K-Dur Tabs 10MEQ 100 RX(408-0270) Potassium Chloride ER Tablets K-Dur Tabs 20MEQ 100 RX(108-4080) Potassium Chloride ER Tablets K-Dur Tabs 20MEQ 500 RX(108-5840) Potassium Chloride Inj 10mL Potassium Chl Inj 10MEQ 4X25/Case INJ(104-6852) Potassium Chloride Inj SDV 10mL Potassium Chl Inj 20MEQ 25/Box INJ(308-2622) Potassium Chloride Inj SDV 10mL Potassium Chl Inj 20MEQ 4X25/Box INJ(104-7153) Potassium Chloride Inj FTV 20mL Potassium Chl Inj 40MEQ Each INJ(104-6859) Potassium Chloride Inj FTV 20mL Potassium Chl Inj 40MEQ 25/Box INJ(108-4333) Potassium Chloride SF Liquid Kay Ciel Liquid 10% 480mL RX(108-9077) Potassium Chloride SF Liquid Kay Ciel Liquid 20% 480mL RX(408-7701) Potassium Chloride Tablets K-Tab 10MEQ 100 RX(104-6718) Potassium Gluc Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 99MG 100 OTC(456-0980) Potassium Gluc Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MG 100 OTC(102-5517) Potassium Phosphate Inj SDV 15mL Potassium Phos Inj 3MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-8023) Povidone-Iodine Ointment Betadine Ointment 10% 30GM OTC(373-7885) Povidone-Iodine Solution Usp Betadine Solution 10% 4 oz. OTC(102-7204) Povidone-Iodine Solution Usp Betadine Solution 10% 8 oz. OTC(373-3818) Povidone-Iodine Solution Usp Betadine Solution 10% 16 oz. OTC(102-0299) Povidone-Iodine Solution Usp Betadine Solution 10% 1 Gallon OTC(611-4253) Povidone-Iodine Surgical Scrub Betadine Scrub 7.5% 4 oz. OTC(102-0399) Povidone-Iodine Surgical Scrub Betadine Scrub 7.5% 1 Gallon OTC(104-9605) Pravastatin Sodium Tablets Pravachol Tabs 10MG 90 RX(104-9589) Pravastatin Sodium Tablets Pravachol Tabs 20MG 90 RX(104-9590) Pravastatin Sodium Tablets Pravachol Tabs 40MG 90 RX(102-6649) Prazosin Hcl Capsules Minipress Caps 1MG 100 RX(102-7800) Prazosin Hcl Capsules Minipress Caps 2MG 100 RX(102-6646) Prazosin Hcl Capsules Minipress Caps 5MG 100 RX(108-9146) Prednicarbate Cream Dermatop Cream 0.1% 15GM RX(108-4348) Prednicarbate Cream Dermatop Cream 0.1% 60GM RX(102-4218) Prednisolone Acetate Ophth Susp Pred Forte Ophth Susp 1% 5mL RX(102-6070) Prednisolone Acetate Ophth Susp Pred Forte Ophth Susp 1% 10mL RX(102-9335) Prednisolone Sod Phos Ophth Solution Inflamase Forte Sol 1% 15mL RX(108-6696) Prednisolone Sod Phos Oral Solution Pediapred Oral Sol 5MG/5mL 4 oz. RX(107-5011) Prednisolone Sod Phos Oral Solution Pediapred Oral Sol 5MG/5mL 24X4 oz. RX(104-9603) Prednisolone Syrup Prelone Syrup 15MG/5mL 240mL RX(408-0030) Prednisolone Syrup Prelone Syrup 15MG/5mL 480mL RX(402-1701) Prednisolone Tablets Delta-Cortef Tabs 5MG 100 RX(402-1702) Prednisolone Tablets Delta-Cortef Tabs 5MG 1000 RX(108-5489) Prednisone Oral Concentrate Deltasone Concen 5MG/mL 30mL RX(238-1336) Prednisone Oral Solution Deltasone Solution 5MG/5mL 500mL RX(108-1473) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 1MG 100 RX(248-7806) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(108-7753) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 5MG 100 RX(681-5483) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 5MG 100UD RX(104-8595) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 5MG 1000 RX(408-0037) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 10MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(248-0019) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 10MG 100UD RX(108-6147) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 10MG 500 RX(408-0169) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 10MG 1000 RX(408-0038) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 20MG 100 RX(248-3138) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 20MG 100UD RX(408-0039) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 20MG 500 RX(108-6892) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 20MG 1000 RX(104-9482) Prednisone Tablets Deltasone Tabs 50MG 100 RX(101-4835) Prenatal Rx Tablets Natalins Rx Tabs 10X10 RX(102-0062) Prenatal Rx Tablets Enfamil Natalin Tabs 200 RX(456-8856) Prenatal Tablets Stuart Prenatal Tabs 100 OTC(102-3266) Prenatal Tablets Plus Stuartnatal Plus Tabs 100 OTC(102-4724) Primidone Tablets Mysoline Tabs 50MG 100 RX(408-0171) Primidone Tablets Mysoline Tabs 250MG 100 RX(408-0168) Probenecid Tablets Benemid Tabs 500MG 100 RX(108-8690) Probenecid/Colch Tablets Colbenemid Tabs 500/.5MG 100 RX(104-7173) Procainamide Hcl Inj 10mL MDV Pronestyl Inj 100MG/mL Each INJ(104-7006) Procainamide Hcl Inj 10mL MDV Pronestyl Inj 100MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-8689) Procainamide Hcl Inj 2mL SDV Pronestyl Inj 500MG/mL 25/Box INJ(407-1601) Procainamide SR Tablets Procan SR Tabs 500MG 100 RX(407-1605) Procainamide SR Tablets Procan SR Tabs 500MG 500 RX(104-8168) Procainamide SR Tablets Procan SR Tabs 750MG 100 RX(104-3836) Prochlorperazine Inj SDV 2mL Compazine Inj 5MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-2844) Prochlorperazine Inj MDV 10mL Compazine Inj 5MG/mL Each INJ(104-7642) Prochlorperazine Suppositories Compazine Supp 25MG 12 RX(108-7253) Prochlorperazine Tablets Compazine Tabs 5MG 100 RX(108-1315) Prochlorperazine Tablets Compazine Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-8230) Progesterone Oil Inj MDV 10mL Progesterone Inj 50MG/mL Each INJ(375-3662) Promethazine Hcl Inj Amps 1mL Phenergan Inj 25MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-7248) Promethazine Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Phenergan Inj 25MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-8728) Promethazine Hcl Inj MDV 10mL Phenergan Inj 25MG/mL Each INJ(375-1745) Promethazine Hcl Inj Amps 1mL Phenergan Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-8895) Promethazine Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Phenergan Inj 50MG/mL 25/Box INJ(408-0173) Promethazine Hcl Tablets Phenergan Tabs 25MG 100 RX(408-0174) Promethazine Hcl Tablets Phenergan Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(108-9343) Promethazine Hcl Tablets Phenergan Tabs 50MG 100 RX(104-9744) Promethazine Suppositories Phenergan Sup 12.5MG 12/Box RX(104-9745) Promethazine Suppositories Phenergan Sup 25MG 12/Box RX(238-9854) Promethazine Suppositories Phenergan Sup 50MG 12/Box RX(108-2155) Promethazine Syrup Phenergan Syrup 6.25MG/5mL 120mL RX(408-0049) Promethazine Syrup Phenergan Syrup 6.25MG/5mL 480mL RX(108-4313) Promethazine DM Syrup Phenergan DM Syrup 120mL RX(408-0052) Promethazine DM Syrup Phenergan DM Syrup 480mL RX(102-5027) Promethazine w/Codeine Syrup Phenergan/Cod Syrup 6.25/10MG/5mL 120mL RX(421-5730) Promethazine w/Codeine Syrup Phenergan/Cod Syrup 6.25/10MG/5mL 480mL RX(108-3963) Promethazine VC Syrup Phenergan VC Syrup 6.25/5MG/5mL 120mL RX(408-6016) Promethazine VC Syrup Phenergan VC Syrup 6.25/5MG/5mL 480mL RX(108-2160) Promethazine VC w/Codeine Syrup Phen. VC w/Cod Syrup 120mL RX(403-4281) Promethazine VC w/Codeine Syrup Phen. VC w/Cod Syrup 480mL RX(108-6281) Propafenone Hcl Tablets Rythmol Tabs 150MG 100 RX(108-4464) Propafenone Hcl Tablets Rythmol Tabs 225MG 100 RX(108-2098) Propafenone Hcl Tablets Rythmol Tabs 300MG 100 RX


(403-0401) Propantheline Bromide Tablets Pro Banthine Tabs 15MG 100 RX(629-1871) Proparacaine Hcl Ophth Sol Ophthaine Ophth Sol 0.5% 15mL RX(248-6832) Propofol Inj Emulsion SDV 20mL Diprivan Inj 10MG/mL 5/Box INJ(104-9574) Propofol Inj Emulsion SDV 20mL Diprivan Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-6051) Propofol Inj Emulsion SDV 50mL Diprivan Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(110-1262) Propofol Inj Emulsion SDV 50mL Diprivan Inj 10MG/mL 20/Box INJ(104-6052) Propofol Inj Emulsion SDV 100mL Diprivan Inj 10MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-9166) Propoxyphene Hcl Capsules Darvon Caps 65MG 100 RX(108-9952) Propoxyphene Hcl Capsules Darvon Caps 65MG 500 RX(408-0177) Propoxyphene Nap/Apap Tabs Pink Darvocet-N Pink Tabs 100/650MG 100 RX(104-4439) Propoxyphene Nap/Apap Tabs Pink Darvocet-N Pink Tabs 100/650MG 100UD RX(107-4035) Propoxyphene Nap/Apap Tabs Pink Darvocet-N Pink Tabs 100/650MG 500 RX(107-7263) Propoxyphene Nap/Apap Tabs White Darvocet-N White Tabs 100/650MG 100 RX(107-6796) Propoxyphene Nap/Apap Tabs White Darvocet-N White Tabs 100/650MG 500 RX(107-8988) Propoxyphene/Apap Tabs Wygesic Tabs 65/650MG 100 RX(104-9926) Propranolol Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Inderal Inj 1MG/mL Each INJ(104-9582) Propranolol Hcl Inj SDV 1mL Inderal Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(109-2504) Propranolol Hcl ER Capsules Inderal LA 80MG 80MG 100 RX(109-2397) Propranolol Hcl ER Capsules Inderal LA 120MG 120MG 100 RX(104-8286) Propranolol Hcl Tablets Inderal Tabs 10MG 100 RX(104-6186) Propranolol Hcl Tablets Inderal Tabs 10MG 1000 RX(104-3186) Propranolol Hcl Tablets Inderal Tabs 20MG 100 RX(104-3211) Propranolol Hcl Tablets Inderal Tabs 20MG 1000 RX(104-3187) Propranolol Hcl Tablets Inderal Tabs 40MG 100 RX(104-3192) Propranolol Hcl Tablets Inderal Tabs 40MG 1000 RX(407-5901) Propranolol Hcl Tablets Inderal Tabs 60MG 100 RX(104-3198) Propranolol Hcl Tablets Inderal Tabs 80MG 100 RX(104-3231) Propranolol Hcl Tablets Inderal Tabs 80MG 500 RX(108-5117) Propranolol Oral Solution Inderal Oral Sol 20MG/5mL 500mL RX(108-5328) Propranolol Oral Solution Inderal Oral Sol 40MG/5mL 500mL RX(102-8072) Propranolol/Hctz Tablets Inderide Tabs 80/25MG 100 RX(248-5949) Propylthiouracil Tablets PTU Tabs 50MG 100 RX(603-7674) Protamine Sulfate Inj SDV 25mL Protamine Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(131-3421) Pseudoephedrine Hcl Liquid Sudafed Ped Liquid 30MG/5mL 4 oz. OTC(104-2958) Pseudoephedrine Hcl Liquid Sudafed Ped Liquid 30MG/5mL 16 oz. OTC(108-7440) Pseudoephedrine Hcl Tablets Sudafed Tabs 30MG 100 OTC(108-7724) Pseudoephedrine Hcl Tablets Sudafed Tabs 60MG 100 OTC(104-4262) Psyllium Powder Orange Metamucil Powder 13 oz. OTC(473-8014) Psyllium Powder Natural Metamucil Powder 19 oz. OTC(102-9470) Puralube Petroleum Ophth Oint Puralube Oint 1/8 oz. OTC(104-4048) Pyrazinamide Tablets Pyrazinamide Tabs 500MG 100 RX(870-3928) Pyridoxine Hcl Inj (Vit B6) Iml Vial Pyridoxine Hcl Inj 100MG/M 25/Box INJ(108-1176) Quinapril Tablets Accupril Tabs 10MG 90 RX(108-8421) Quinapril Tablets Accupril Tabs 5MG 90 RX(108-7722) Quinapril Tablets Accupril Tabs 20MG 90 RX(108-8416) Quinapril Tablets Accupril Tabs 40MG 90 RX(408-0204) Quinidine Gluc ER Tablets Quinaglute Tabs 324MG 100 RX(406-0404) Quinidine Gluc ER Tablets Quinaglute Tabs 324MG 250 RX(402-2901) Quinidine Sulfate Tablets Quinidine Tabs 200MG 100 RX(408-0203) Quinidine Sulfate Tablets Quinidine Tabs 200MG 1000 RX(108-7240) Ranitidine Hcl Tablets Otc Zantac 75 Tabs 75MG 30UD OTC(108-5061) Ranitidine Hcl Tablets Zantac Tabs 150MG 60 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

Generic Brand



Generic Brand


HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(108-1139) Ranitidine Hcl Tablets Zantac Tabs 150MG 100 RX(104-8444) Ranitidine Hcl Tablets Zantac Tabs 150MG 500 RX(108-2633) Ranitidine Hcl Tablets Zantac Tabs 300MG 30 RX(108-6202) Ranitidine Hcl Tablets Zantac Tabs 300MG 100 RX(108-7626) Ranitidine Hcl Tablets Zantac Tabs 300MG 250 RX(104-5214) Ranitidine Inj SDV 2mL Zantac Inj 25MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-4494) Ranitidine Inj SDV 6mL Zantac Inj 25MG/mL Each INJ(108-3260) Ranitidine Syrup Zantac Syrup 15MG/mL 16 oz. RX(108-4431) Rentamine Suspension Ped Rynatuss Ped Susp 480mL RX(108-6497) Rifampin Capsules Rifadin Caps 300MG 30 RX(408-0242) Rimantadine Hcl Tablets Flumadine Tabs 100MG 100 RX(108-6460) R-Tanna 12 Suspension Ryna-12 S Susp 4 oz. RX(102-6409) Saline Nasal Spray Ocean Nasal 45mL OTC(102-5565) Salsalate Tablets Disalcid Tabs 500MG 100 RX(102-6891) Salsalate Tablets Disalcid Tabs 750MG 100 RX(104-3108) Saw Palmetto Vitamins/Nutritionals 450MG 100 OTC(870-4341) Scopolamine Hydrobr Inj MDV 1mL Scopolamine Inj 0.4MG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-5865) Selegiline Capsules Eldepryl Caps 5MG 60 RX(102-5921) Selegiline Tablets Eldepryl Tabs 5MG 60 RX(102-8088) Selenium Inj SDV 10mL Selenium Inj 40MCG/mL 25/Box INJ(108-6274) Selenium Sulfide Lotion/Shampoo Selsun Lotion 2.5% 120mL RX(104-4584) Selenium Tabs Vitamins/Nutritionals 50MCG 100 OTC(151-9620) Sepasoothe Lozenges Cepacol Lozenzes CHERRY 125X2/Box OTC(151-8630) Sepasoothe Lozenges Cepacol Lozenzes CHERRY 250X2/Box OTC(108-9065) Sertraline Hcl Oral Concentrate Zoloft Concen 20MG/mL 60mL RX(108-8420) Sertraline Hcl Tablets Zoloft Tabs 25MG 30 RX(108-4286) Sertraline Hcl Tablets Zoloft Tabs 25MG 90 RX(108-4288) Sertraline Hcl Tablets Zoloft Tabs 50MG 30 RX(108-4289) Sertraline Hcl Tablets Zoloft Tabs 50MG 90 RX(108-7339) Sertraline Hcl Tablets Zoloft Tabs 100MG 30 RX(108-9424) Sertraline Hcl Tablets Zoloft Tabs 100MG 90 RX(108-9522) Sevoflurane Inhal Bottle 250mL Ultane Gas 100% Each INJ(104-9687) Sevoflurane Inhal Bottle 250mL Ultane Gas 100% 6/Box INJ(104-4373) Simethicone Liquid Mylanta Liquid 12 oz. OTC(473-0878) Simethicone Ii Liquid Mylanta Ds Liquid 12 oz. OTC(408-0249) Simethicone Tablets Mylanta Gas Relief 80MG 100 OTC(106-7469) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 5MG 30 RX(108-3969) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 5MG 90 RX(108-6759) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 10MG 30 RX(108-0553) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 10MG 90 RX(108-3661) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 10MG 1000 RX(108-0381) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 20MG 30 RX(108-4604) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 20MG 90 RX(108-8454) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 20MG 1000 RX(108-9353) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 40MG 30 RX(108-8062) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 40MG 90 RX(108-3664) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 40MG 1000 RX(108-7280) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 80MG 30 RX(108-6431) Simvastatin Tablets Zocor Tabs 80MG 1000 RX(102-7361) Smz-Tmp Ped Suspension Cherry Bactrim Ped Susp 200/40MG/5mL 100mL RX(102-4704) Smz-Tmp Ped Suspension Cherry Bactrim Ped Susp 200/40MG/5mL 480mL RX(420-7716) Smz-Tmp Ped Suspension Grape Bactrim Ped Susp 200/40MG/5mL 480mL RX


(108-8371) Smz-Tmp Tablets Bactrim Tabs SS 400/80MG 100 RX(108-5317) Smz-Tmp Tablets Bactrim Tabs SS 400/80MG 500 RX(108-3057) Smz-Tmp Tablets DS Bactrim Tabs DS 800/160MG 100 RX(108-0341) Smz-Tmp Tablets DS Bactrim Tabs DS 800/160MG 500 RX(634-1154) Sodium Bicarb Inj SDV 5mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 4% 25/Box INJ(104-9664) Sodium Bicarb Inj SDV 5mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 4% 50/Case INJ(104-6988) Sodium Bicarb Inj Syringe 10mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 4.2% 10/Box INJ(274-7894) Sodium Bicarb Inj SDV 5mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 4.2% 25/Box INJ(104-7060) Sodium Bicarb Inj Syringe 50mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 7.5% 10/Box INJ(258-1809) Sodium Bicarb Inj SDV 50mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 7.5% 25/Box INJ(258-0647) Sodium Bicarb Inj SDV 50mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 7.5% Each INJ(104-6895) Sodium Bicarb Inj Syringe 50mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 8.4% 10/Box INJ(104-7072) Sodium Bicarb Ped Inj Syringe 10mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 8.4% 10/Box INJ(104-7193) Sodium Bicarb Inj Abboj Lfs Syr 50mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 8.4% Each INJ(104-6912) Sodium Bicarb Inj SDV 50mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 8.4% Each INJ(104-6823) Sodium Bicarb Inj SDV 50mL Sodium Bicarb Inj 8.4% 25/Box INJ(104-8609) Sodium Chloride Hypertonicity Oint Muro 128 Oint 5% 3.5GM OTC(408-0066) Sodium Chloride Hypertonicity Sol Muro 128 Sol 5% 15mL OTC(108-6404) Sodium Chloride Inh Nebulizer Sodium Chloride Inh 0.9% 100X3mL RX(108-7715) Sodium Chloride Inh Nebulizer Sodium Chloride Inh 0.9% 100X5mL RX(258-6377) Sodium Chloride Inj 250mL Advantage Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 24/Box INJ(104-7047) Sodium Chloride Inj 250mL Glass Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 12/Box INJ(104-7073) Sodium Chloride Inj Add-Van Inj 50mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 5/Box INJ(104-9663) Sodium Chloride Inj Add-Van Inj 100mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 50/Case INJ(104-9523) Sodium Chloride Inj 250mL Pl Bag Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 24/Box INJ(104-6851) Sodium Chloride Inj Bacterio MDV 10mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 25/Box INJ(104-9805) Sodium Chloride Inj Bacterio MDV 30mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% Each INJ(104-8583) Sodium Chloride Inj Bacterio MDV 30mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 25/Box INJ(104-6911) Sodium Chloride Inj SDV 10mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% Each INJ(104-9943) Sodium Chloride Inj SDV 10mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 25/Box INJ(104-9666) Sodium Chloride Inj SDV 10mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 16X25/Box INJ(104-4190) Sodium Chloride Inj MDV 50mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% Each INJ(104-6989) Sodium Chloride Inj MDV 50mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 25/Box INJ(248-7163) Sodium Chloride Inj SDV 2mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 25/Box INJ(248-6689) Sodium Chloride Inj SDV 5mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 25/Box INJ(104-8688) Sodium Chloride Inj SDV 20mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 25/Box INJ(258-2959) Sodium Chloride Inj Syringe 5mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 25/Box INJ(104-7065) Sodium Chloride Inj SDV Pf 20mL Sodium Chloride Inj 14.6% 25/Box INJ(104-7079) Sodium Chloride Inj Vial 250mL Sodium Chloride Inj 23.4% 12/Box INJ(323-8156) Sodium Chloride Inj SDV 30mL Sodium Chloride Inj 23.4% Each INJ(102-5956) Sodium Chloride Inj SDV 30mL Sodium Chloride Inj 23.4% 25/Box INJ(104-9665) Sodium Chloride Irrig Btl 500mL Sodium Chloride Inj 0.9% 24/Box INJ(546-7893) Sodium Chloride w/Phenol Inj 30mL Sodium Chloride/Phenol 0.9% 25/Box INJ(102-8654) Sodium Flouride Drops (1.1Mg) Luride Drops 0.5MG/mL 50mL RX(102-7156) Sodium Fluoride Chew Tabs (1.1Mg) Luride Tabs 0.5MG 1000 RX(102-5402) Sodium Fluoride Chew Tabs (2.2Mg) Luride Tabs 1MG 1000 RX(108-6765) Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate Suspension Kayexalate Liquid 15GM/60mL 500mL RX(107-4040) Sodium Thiosulfate Inj SDV 10mL Sodium Thiosulfate Inj 10% 5/Box INJ(659-6968) Sodium Thiosulfate Inj SDV 50mL Sodium Thiosulfate Inj 25% Each INJ(107-8712) Sotalol Tablets Betapace Tabs 80MG 100 RX(108-7575) Sotalol Tablets Betapace Tabs 120MG 100 RX(104-9138) Sotalol Tablets Betapace Tabs 160MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

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HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(102-4853) Sotalol Tablets Betapace Tabs 240MG 30 RX(108-2723) Sotalol Tablets Betapace Tabs 240MG 100 RX(408-0182) Spironolactone Tablets Aldactone Tabs 25MG 100 RX(108-4055) Spironolactone Tablets Aldactone Tabs 25MG 500 RX(408-0183) Spironolactone Tablets Aldactone Tabs 25MG 1000 RX(408-0184) Spironolactone Tablets Aldactone Tabs 50MG 100 RX(104-7885) Spironolactone Tablets Aldactone Tabs 50MG 500 RX(104-7884) Spironolactone Tablets Aldactone Tabs 100MG 100 RX(104-9350) Spironolactone Tablets Aldactone Tabs 100MG 500 RX(405-1301) Spironolactone/Hctz Tablets Aldactazide Tabs 25/25MG 100 RX(405-1302) Spironolactone/Hctz Tablets Aldactazide Tabs 25/25MG 1000 RX(232-2405) SSD Cream Jar Silvadene Cream 1% 50GM RX(321-0367) SSD Cream Jar Silvadene Cream 1% 85GM RX(232-8896) SSD Cream Jar Silvadene Cream 1% 400GM RX(108-3655) Stress Formula Tablets Stresstabs 60 OTC(108-1634) Stress Formula w/Iron Tablets Stresstabs w/Iron 60 OTC(104-6754) Stress Formula 500 w/Zinc Tablets Stresstabs w/Zinc 60 OTC(104-6965) Succinylcholine MDV 10mL Quelicin Inj 20MG/mL 25/Box INJ(408-0267) Sucralfate Tablets Carafate Tabs 1GM 100 RX(109-8956) Sucralfate Tablets Carafate Tabs 1GM 500 RX(102-7182) Sulfacetamide Sod/Pred Opth Solution Vasocidin Ophth Sol 5mL RX(102-8619) Sulfacetamide Sod/Pred Opth Solution Vasocidin Ophth Sol 10mL RX(102-5575) Sulfacetamide Sod Ophth Sol Sodium Sulamyd Sol 10% 15mL RX(102-8497) Sulfameth/Trimethoprim MDV 30mL Septra Inj 80/16MG Each INJ(104-9948) Sulfasalazine Delayed Release Tablets Azulfidine EN Tabs 500MG 100 RX(104-9950) Sulfasalazine Delayed Release Tablets Azulfidine EN Tabs 500MG 300 RX(104-7040) Sulfasalazine Tablets Azulfidine Tabs 500MG 100 RX(104-7041) Sulfasalazine Tablets Azulfidine Tabs 500MG 500 RX(405-5091) Sulindac Tablets Clinoril Tabs 150MG 100 RX(405-5976) Sulindac Tablets Clinoril Tabs 200MG 100 RX(424-4205) Sulindac Tablets Clinoril Tabs 200MG 500 RX(102-1185) Surgeons Skin Secret Surgeons Skin Secret 4 oz. OTC(100-8470) Swim-Ear Otic Drops Swim-Ear Drops 1 oz. OTC(102-6928) Tamoxifen Citrate Tablets Nolvadex Tabs 10MG 60 RX(108-6761) Tamoxifen Citrate Tablets Nolvadex Tabs 20MG 30 RX(102-8455) Temazepam Capsules Restoril Caps 15MG 100 RX(102-8484) Temazepam Capsules Restoril Caps 15MG 500 RX(102-6444) Temazepam Capsules Restoril Caps 30MG 100 RX(102-6262) Temazepam Capsules Restoril Caps 30MG 500 RX(248-4154) Terazosin Hcl Capsules Hytrin Caps 1MG 100UD RX(108-9064) Terazosin Hcl Capsules Hytrin Caps 2MG 100 RX(108-4194) Terazosin Hcl Capsules Hytrin Caps 5MG 100 RX(108-6277) Terazosin Hcl Capsules Hytrin Caps 10MG 100 RX(108-8697) Terazosin Hcl Cream Lamisil AT Cream 1% 12GM RX(108-8698) Terazosin Hcl Cream Lamisil AT Cream 1% 24GM RX(108-8491) Terbinafine Hcl Tablets Lamisil Tabs 250MG 30 RX(108-8490) Terbinafine Hcl Tablets Lamisil Tabs 250MG 100 RX(104-6164) Terbutaline Sulfate Inj Vials 2mL Brethine Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(408-0166) Terbutaline Sulfate Tablets Brethine Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(108-5867) Terbutaline Sulfate Tablets Brethine Tabs 5MG 100 RX(102-6658) Terconazole Vaginal Cream Terazol 7 Cream 0.4% 45GM RX(102-6723) Terconazole Vaginal Cream Terazol 3 Cream 0.8% 20GM RX


(108-6949) Testosterone Cypionate Inj SDV 10mL Depo-Testosterone Inj 100MG/mL Each INJ(108-5988) Testosterone Cypionate Inj SDV 1mL Depo-Testosterone Inj 200MG/mL Each INJ(108-5997) Testosterone Cypionate Inj MDV 10mL Depo-Testosterone Inj 200MG/mL Each INJ(104-5565) Testosterone Enanthate Inj MDV 5mL Delatestryl Inj 200MG/mL Each INJ(104-4216) Tetracaine Hcl Inj Ampules 2mL Pontocaine Hcl Inj 1% 25/Box INJ(102-9069) Tetracaine Hcl Ophth Solution Pontocaine Hcl Sol 0.5% 15mL RX(102-3888) Tetracycline Capsules Achromycin-V Caps 250MG 100 RX(102-8581) Tetracycline Capsules Achromycin-V Caps 250MG 1000 RX(104-5870) Tetracycline Capsules Achromycin-V Caps 500MG 100 RX(104-9940) Tetracycline Capsules Achromycin-V Caps 500MG 1000 RX(473-0172) Tetrahydrozoline Hcl Drops Visine Drops 5% 15mL OTC(102-8001) Theophylline CR Tablets Theo-Dur Tabs 100MG 100 RX(102-1871) Theophylline CR Tablets Theo-Dur Tabs 100MG 500 RX(102-5159) Theophylline CR Tablets Theo-Dur Tabs 200MG 100 RX(102-8105) Theophylline CR Tablets Theo-Dur Tabs 200MG 500 RX(102-7858) Theophylline CR Tablets Theo-Dur Tabs 300MG 100 RX(102-1115) Theophylline CR Tablets Theo-Dur Tabs 300MG 500 RX(102-6002) Theophylline CR Tablets Theo-Dur Tabs 300MG 1000 RX(424-9001) Theophylline CR Tablets Theo-Dur Tabs 450MG 100 RX(109-7464) Theophylline SR Tablets Uniphyl Tabs 600MG 100 RX(108-0613) Thera M Dietary Tablets Theragran M 1000 OTC(104-8619) Thera Plus Liquid Theragran Liquid 4 oz. OTC(108-8619) Therapeutic Vit&Min Capsules Vicon Forte Caps 100 RX(104-8643) Theravite M Plus Tablets Theragran M 130 OTC(104-8117) Thiamine Hcl Inj MDV 2mL Thiamine Hcl Inj 100MG/mL Each INJ(102-9045) Thiamine Hcl Inj MDV 2mL Thiamine Hcl Inj 100MG/mL 25/Box INJ(423-1701) Thioridazine Tablets Mellaril Tabs 10MG 100 RX(102-6201) Thioridazine Tablets Mellaril Tabs 25MG 100 RX(423-1801) Thioridazine Tablets Mellaril Tabs 50MG 100 RX(102-6155) Thioridazine Tablets Mellaril Tabs 100MG 100 RX(248-6309) Thiotepa Inj Lyoph SDV 2mL Thioplex 15MG/VL Each INJ(937-2097) Thiothixene Capsules Navane Caps 2MG 100 RX(108-5949) Thyroid Tablets Thyroid Tabs 0.25GR 100 RX(104-7430) Thyroid Tablets Thyroid Tabs 0.5GR 100 RX(104-9740) Thyroid Tablets Thyroid Tabs 0.5GR 1000 RX(104-3738) Thyroid Tablets Thyroid Tabs 1GR 100 RX(104-9347) Thyroid Tablets Thyroid Tabs 1GR 1000 RX(104-3739) Thyroid Tablets Thyroid Tabs 2GR 100 RX(104-9741) Thyroid Tablets Thyroid Tabs 2GR 1000 RX(104-3742) Thyroid Tablets Thyroid Tabs 3GR 100 RX(108-4655) Thyroid Tablets Thyroid Tabs 3GR 1000 RX(104-7437) Ticlopidine Tablets Ticlid Tabs 250MG 30 RX(104-7048) Ticlopidine Tablets Ticlid Tabs 250MG 60 RX(102-9478) Timolol Mal Ophth Gel Timoptic XE Gel 0.5% 2.5mL RX(102-4547) Timolol Mal Ophth Gel Timoptic XE Gel 0.5% 5mL RX(102-9723) Timolol Mal Ophth Solution Timoptic Ophth Sol 0.25% 5mL RX(102-7758) Timolol Mal Ophth Solution Timoptic Ophth Sol 0.25% 10mL RX(102-8635) Timolol Mal Ophth Solution Timoptic Ophth Sol 0.25% 15mL RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

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HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(102-7357) Timolol Mal Ophth Solution Timoptic Ophth Sol 0.5% 5mL RX(102-8115) Timolol Mal Ophth Solution Timoptic Ophth Sol 0.5% 10mL RX(102-9018) Timolol Mal Ophth Solution Timoptic Ophth Sol 0.5% 15mL RX(385-7226) Timolol Tablets Blocadren Tabs 5MG 100 RX(102-0707) Tobramycin Ophth Solution Tobrex Ophth Sol 0.3% 5mL RX(258-2599) Tobramycin Sulfate Inj MDV 2mL Nebcin Inj 40MG/mL 25/Box INJ(102-7131) Tolazamide Tablets Tolinase Tabs 250MG 100 RX(102-7701) Tolbutamide Tablets Orinase Tabs 500MG 100 RX(425-0701) Tolmetin Sodium Capsules Tolectin Caps 400MG 100 RX(740-6717) Tolnaftate Cream Tinactin Cream 1% 0.5 oz. OTC(102-0986) Tolnaftate Cream Tinactin Cream 1% 1 oz. OTC(474-0880) Tolnaftate Dusting Powder Tinactin Powder 1% 45GM OTC(108-1137) Tolnaftate Solution Usp Tinactin Sol 1% 10mL OTC(108-4896) Torsemide Tablets Demadex Tabs 5MG 100 RX(108-9959) Torsemide Tablets Demadex Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-2711) Torsemide Tablets Demadex Tabs 20MG 100 RX(104-5725) Tramadol Hcl Tablets Ultram Tabs 50MG 100 RX(108-8187) Tramadol Hcl Tablets Ultram Tabs 50MG 500 RX(408-0063) Tramadol Hcl/Apap Tablets Ultracet Tabs 37.5/325MG 100 RX(108-9848) Tramadol Hcl/Apap Tablets Ultracet Tabs 37.5/325MG 500 RX(108-8607) Trandolapril Tablets Mavik Tabs 4MG 100 RX(108-7235) Trazodone Tablets Desyrel Tabs 50MG 100 RX(408-0207) Trazodone Tablets Desyrel Tabs 100MG 100 RX(108-5521) Trazodone Tablets Desyrel Tabs 150MG 100 RX(108-8828) Tretinoin Cream Retin-A Cream 0.025% 20GM RX(108-3524) Tretinoin Cream Retin-A Cream 0.025% 45GM RX(108-3339) Tretinoin Cream Retin-A Cream 0.05% 20GM RX(108-0441) Tretinoin Cream Retin-A Cream 0.05% 45GM RX(108-8889) Tretinoin Cream Retin-A Cream 0.1% 20GM RX(108-6427) Tretinoin Emollient Cream Renova .05% 40GM RX(108-4290) Tretinoin Emollient Cream Renova .05% 60GM RX(108-5060) Tretinoin Gel Retin-A Gel 0.025% 15GM RX(422-1853) Triamcinalone Dental Paste Kenalog In Orabase 0.1% 5GM RX(472-1172) Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream Aristicort Cream 0.025% 15GM RX(472-1160) Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream Aristicort Cream 0.025% 80GM RX(103-8459) Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream Aristicort Cream 0.025% LB RX(472-1272) Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream Aristicort Cream 0.1% 15GM RX(108-1352) Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream Aristicort Cream 0.1% 80GM RX(108-5770) Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream Aristicort Cream 0.1% LB RX(472-1372) Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream Aristicort Cream 0.5% 15GM RX(102-9150) Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment Aristicort Oint 0.025% 15GM RX(102-6907) Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment Aristicort Oint 0.025% 80GM RX(473-6072) Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment Aristicort Oint 0.1% 15GM RX(420-0564) Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment Aristicort Oint 0.1% 80GM RX(104-7112) Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment Aristicort Oint 0.1% LB RX(102-4574) Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment Aristicort Oint 0.5% 15GM RX(104-7241) Triamterene/Hctz Capsules Dyazide Caps (New) 37.5MG/25MG 100 RX(102-7621) Triamterene/Hctz Capsules Dyazide Caps (Old) 50MG/25MG 100 RX


(104-2428) Triamterene/Hctz Tablets Maxzide Tabs 37.5MG/25MG 100 RX(108-4556) Triamterene/Hctz Tablets Maxzide Tabs 75MG/50MG 100 RX(108-7747) Triamterene/Hctz Tablets Maxzide Tabs 75MG/50MG 500 RX(108-2628) Triazolam Tablets Halcion Tabs 0.125MG 10X10 RX(108-8315) Triazolam Tablets Halcion Tabs 0.25MG 10X10 RX(108-6638) Triazolam Tablets Halcion Tabs 0.25MG 500 RX(104-9593) Trihexyphenidyl Elixir Artane Elixir 0.4MG/mL 480mL RX(404-0801) Trihexyphenidyl Tablets Artane Tabs 2MG 100 RX(408-0209) Trihexyphenidyl Tablets Artane Tabs 5MG 100 RX(408-0170) Trimethobenzamide Capsules Tigan Caps 300MG 100 RX(108-4363) Trimethobenzamide Inj Syr 2mL Tigan Inj 100MG/mL Each INJ(108-5629) Trimethobenzamide Inj Syr 2mL Tigan Inj 100MG/mL 10/Box INJ(104-3462) Trimethobenzamide Suppos Tigan Supp 100MG 10/Box RX(108-9944) Trimethobenzamide Suppos Tigan Supp 100MG 50/Box RX(104-9675) Trimethobenzamide Suppos Tigan Supp 200MG 10/Box RX(102-8748) Trimethoprim /Polymyxn B Ophth Sol Polytrim Sol 10mL RX(108-3099) Trimethoprim Tablets Trimpex Tabs 100MG 100 RX(326-1327) Triple Antibiotic Oint 1/32 Oz Flpk Neosporin Oint 25/Box OTC(891-5295) Triple Antibiotic Oint 1/32 Oz Flpk Neosporin Oint 144/Box OTC(408-0142) Triple Antibiotic Ointment Neosporin Oint 0.5 oz. OTC(353-0247) Triple Antibiotic Ointment Neosporin Oint 12X0.5 oz. OTC(407-3686) Triple Antibiotic Ointment Neosporin Oint 1 oz. OTC(104-3303) Triple Antibiotic Ointment Plus Neosporin Plus Oint 1 oz. OTC(102-6519) Triple Antibiotic Ophth Oint Neosporin Ophth Oint 3.5GM RX(629-9062) Triple Antibiotic Ophth Sol Neosporin Ophth Sol 10mL RX(473-9177) Triprolidine/Pseudo Syrup Actifed Syrup 1.25/30MG 4 oz. OTC(408-4601) Tri-Vit/Fluoride Chw Tabs 1Mg Tri-Vi-Flor Tabs 100 RX(407-8357) Tri-Vit/Fluoride Drops Tri-Vi-Flor Drops 0.25MG 50mL RX(470-4057) Tri-Vitamin Drops Tri-Vi-Sol Drops 50mL OTC(421-2946) Trocaine Throat Lozenges Throat Lozenges 10MG 300/Box OTC(324-4748) Tropicamide Ophth Solution Mydriacyl Ophth Sol 0.5% 15mL RX(102-7737) Tropicamide Ophth Solution Mydriacyl Ophth Sol 1% 12X2mL RX(102-4663) Tropicamide Ophth Solution Mydriacyl Ophth Sol 1% 15mL RX(102-8701) Ultra Vita-Min Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100 OTC(108-6366) Urea Cream Carmol 40 40% 1 oz. RX(408-0119) Urea Cream Carmol 40 40% 3 oz. RX(104-8622) Urea Gel Keralac Gel 35% 18mL RX(108-3500) Urea Gel Carmol 40 40% 15mL RX(104-8624) Urea Lotion Keralac Lotion 35% 7 oz. RX(104-8376) Ursodiol Capsules Actigall Caps 300MG 100 RX(104-4056) Valproate Sodium Inj SDV 5mL Depacon Inj 100MG/mL 10/Box INJ(408-2201) Valproic Acid Capsules Depakene Caps 250MG 100 RX(104-8625) Valproic Acid Syrup Depakene Syrup 250MG/5mL 480mL RX(104-9621) Vancomycin Hcl Addvantage Vial Vancocin Inj 1GM 10/Box INJ(104-7054) Vancomycin Hcl Bulk Ftv Vancocin Inj 5GM Each INJ(104-6914) Vancomycin Hcl Ftv Lyoph Pwd 10mL Vancocin Inj 500MG Each INJ(104-6842) Vancomycin Hcl Lyoph Pwd Vial 10mL Vancocin Inj 500MG 10/Box INJ(104-6847) Vancomycin Hcl Vial 30mL Vancocin Inj 1GM 10/Box INJ

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Phone 1-800-P-SCHEIN (1-800-772-4346) 8am - 9pm, ET or Fax 1-800-329-9109for PRICING log onto

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HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

Note: Federal Order Form Required for Class II Drugs. DEA # Required For All Class III, IV, & V Drugs

(837-4313) Vasopressin Inj MDV 0.5mL Pitressin Inj 10 U/mL 25/Box INJ(108-9398) Vasopressin Inj MDV 1mL Pitressin Inj 20 U/mL Each INJ(108-3702) Vasopressin Inj MDV 1mL Pitressin Inj 20 U/mL 25/Box INJ(421-7465) Vasopressin Inj MDV 10mL Pitressin Inj 20 U/mL Each INJ(104-8822) Vasopressin Inj MDV 10mL Pitressin Inj 20 U/mL 10/Box INJ(408-0179) Vecuronium Bromide Inj Lyoph SDV 10mL Norcuron Inj 1MG/mL 10/Box INJ(108-5601) Venlafaxine Hcl Tablets Effexor Tabs 37.5MG 100 RX(102-1343) Verapamil ER Tablets Calan SR Tabs 180MG 100 RX(425-6701) Verapamil ER Tablets Calan SR Tabs 240MG 100 RX(108-1305) Verapamil ER Tablets Calan SR Tabs 240MG 500 RX(104-7052) Verapamil Hcl Inj Ampules 2mL Isoptin Inj 2.5MG/mL 5/Box INJ(104-8359) Verapamil Hcl Inj Pf SDV 2mL Isoptin Inj 2.5MG/mL Each INJ(104-6863) Verapamil Hcl Inj Pf SDV 2mL Isoptin Inj 2.5MG/mL 5/Box INJ(248-4912) Verapamil Hcl Inj SDV 4mL Isoptin Inj 2.5MG/mL 5/Box INJ(104-2571) Verapamil Tablets Calan Tabs 80MG 100 RX(104-7736) Verapamil Tablets Calan Tabs 80MG 500 RX(104-5546) Verapamil Tablets Calan Tabs 120MG 100 RX(104-2569) Verapamil Tablets Calan Tabs 120MG 500 RX(104-3182) Vinblastine Sulf MDV 10mL Velban Inj 1MG/mL Each INJ(102-5145) Vincristine Sulf Inj Pf SDV 1mL Oncovin Inj 1MG/mL Each INJ(108-1836) Vincristine Sulf Inj Pf SDV 2mL Oncovin Inj 1MG/mL Each INJ(820-2148) Vinorelbine Tartrate Inj SDV 1mL Navelbine Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(879-3147) Vinorelbine Tartrate Inj SDV 5mL Navelbine Inj 10MG/mL Each INJ(102-5404) Vit A Natural Capsules Vitamins/Nutritionals 10M IU 100 OTC(104-2034) Vit A & D Ointment A & D Ointment 2 oz. OTC(516-4667) Vit A & D Ointment A & D Ointment 4 oz. OTC(104-8769) Vit A & D Ointment A & D Ointment LB OTC(100-0636) Vit A & D Ointment Foil A & D Ointment 144X5GM OTC(274-4705) Vit A & D Ointment Hosp Pk A & D Ointment 72X2 oz.TB OTC(104-7268) Vit B-1 Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100MG 100 OTC(104-4342) Vit B-12 Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 250MCG 100 OTC(104-5079) Vit B-6 Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100MG 100 OTC(456-1503) Vit B-6 Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100MG 100 OTC(102-1501) Vit B-6 Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 50MG 100 OTC(456-5107) Vit B-6 Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 50MG 1000 OTC(456-1510) Vit B-12 Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MCG 100 OTC(104-5097) Vit C Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 250MG 100 OTC(104-2933) Vit C Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MG 100 OTC(104-2907) Vit C Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MG 250 OTC(104-9058) Vit C Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 1000MG 100 OTC(104-8193) Vit C w/Rose Hips Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MG 100 OTC(104-4282) Vit C TR w/Rose Hips Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 500MG 100 OTC(104-5986) Vit C TR w/Rose Hips Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 1000MG 60 OTC(787-0655) Vit E Cream Vitamins/Nutritionals 3000IU 60GM OTC(104-9633) Vit E D-Alpha (Natural) Soft Gels Vitamins/Nutritionals 200IU 100 OTC(104-3705) Vit E Dl-Alpha Softgels Vitamins/Nutritionals 400 IU 100 OTC(104-3090) Vit E Dl-Alpha Softgels Vitamins/Nutritionals 400 IU 250 OTC(102-3305) Vit E D-Alpha (Natural) Soft Gels Vitamins/Nutritionals 400IU 100 OTC


(102-6022) Vit E D/Dl Alpha Blend Soft Gels Vitamins/Nutritionals 400IU 100 OTC(102-5082) Vit E Dl-Alpha Softgels Vitamins/Nutritionals 1000IU 50 OTC(102-6128) Vit E D/Dl Alpha Blend Soft Gels Vitamins/Nutritionals 1000IU 50 OTC(618-4303) Vit E Oil Vitamin E Oil 28,000 IU 1 oz. OTC(104-6979) Vit K Inj Ampule 0.5mL Phytonadione Inj 2MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-6973) Vit K Inj Ampule 1mL Phytonadione Inj 10MG/mL 25/Box INJ(104-2884) Vitamin w/Mineral Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 100 OTC(104-8502) Warfarin Tablets Coumadin Tabs 1MG 100 RX(408-0108) Warfarin Tablets Coumadin Tabs 2MG 100 RX(408-0113) Warfarin Tablets Coumadin Tabs 2.5MG 100 RX(104-3959) Warfarin Tablets Coumadin Tabs 3MG 100 RX(104-5175) Warfarin Tablets Coumadin Tabs 4MG 100 RX(406-4001) Warfarin Tablets Coumadin Tabs 5MG 100 RX(104-6482) Warfarin Tablets Coumadin Tabs 6MG 100 RX(104-3960) Warfarin Tablets Coumadin Tabs 7.5MG 100 RX(779-1959) Warfarin Tablets Coumadin Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-7723) Water For Inj Ampule 5mL Water, Sterile STERILE 25/Box INJ(108-7406) Water For Inj Ampule 10mL Water, Sterile STERILE 25/Box INJ(104-7765) Water For Inj Bacteriosta MDV 30mL Water, Bacteriost 25/Box INJ(104-9725) Water For Inj Bacteriosta Vial 30mL Water, Bacteriost Each INJ(375-6392) Water For Inj SDV Sterile 5mL Water, Sterile STERILE 25/Box INJ(104-7823) Water For Inj SDV Sterile 10mL Water, Sterile STERILE 25/Box INJ(104-6849) Water For Inj SDV Sterile 20mL Water, Sterile STERILE 25/Box INJ(104-8779) Water For Inj SDV Sterile 50mL Water, Sterile STERILE 25/Box INJ(104-7728) Water For Inj Sterile 250mL/Glass Bt Water, Sterile STERILE Each INJ(104-7156) Water For Inj Sterile Vial 10mL Water, Sterile STERILE Each INJ(104-7182) Water For Inj Sterile Vial 20mL Water, Sterile STERILE Each INJ(104-7051) Water For Irrigation 1000mL/Glass Bt Water, Sterile STERILE 12/Box INJ(101-0955) Witch Hazel Liquid Dickinsons 16 oz. OTC(108-5149) Yohimbine Hcl Tablets Yocon Tabs 5.4MG 100 RX(108-5114) Zidovudine Tablets Retrovir Tabs 300MG 60 RX(104-9668) Zinc Chloride Inj SDV 10mL Zinc Chloride Inj 1MG/mL 25/Box INJ(471-1456) Zinc Oxide Oint Zinc Oxide Oint 1 oz. OTC(248-1941) Zinc Oxide Oint Zinc Oxide Oint 2 oz. OTC(104-4896) Zinc Oxide Oint Zinc Oxide Oint LB OTC(233-3517) Zinc Sulfate Capsules Zinc Sulfate Caps 220MG 100 OTC(258-0638) Zinc Sulfate Inj Pf SDV 10mL Zinc Sulfate Inj 1MG/mL 25/Box INJ(767-6177) Zinc Sulfate Inj Pf SDV 5mL Zinc Sulfate Inj 5MG/mL 25/Box INJ(401-4515) Zinc Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 25MG 100 OTC(102-4801) Zinc Tablets Vitamins/Nutritionals 50MG 100 OTC(108-4788) Zolpidem Tartrate Tablets Ambien Tabs 5MG 100 RX(110-1337) Zolpidem Tartrate Tablets Ambien Tabs 5MG 500 RX(108-4770) Zolpidem Tartrate Tablets Ambien Tabs 10MG 100 RX(108-7909) Zolpidem Tartrate Tablets Ambien Tabs 10MG 500 RX(108-5895) Zonisamide Capsules Zonegran Caps 25 MG 100 RX(108-2683) Zonisamide Capsules Zonegran Caps 50 MG 100 RX(108-3215) Zonisamide Capsules Zonegran Caps 100MG 100 RX

HSI GEQ Item# Generic Description Compare To Strength Size RX, OTC, INJ

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The only difference you’ll notice is the price.

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Dantrolene Sodium for Injection in its branded form, Dantrium® IV*, has been a staple on crash carts for years. And with

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ends up in the incinerator and not in a patient who needs it.

Now there’s a generic choice that works every bit as well at a price that’s much more appealing. Introducing Dantrolene Sodium for Injection from US WorldMeds.

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Dantrolene Sodium for Injection is indicated, along with appropriate supportive measures, for the management of fulminant hypermetabolism of skeletal muscle characteristic of malignant hyperthermia crises in patients of all ages. It also is indicated preoperatively and sometimes postoperatively in individuals judged to be malignant hyperthermia susceptible. Fatal and non-fatal liver disorders of an idiosyncratic or hypersensitivity type may occur with dantrolene sodium therapy. There have been reports of thrombophlebitis following administration of intravenous dantrolene. There have been rare reports of urticaria and erythema possibly associated with the administration of i.v. dantrolene sodium. See accompanying full prescribing information. *Dantrium® IV is a registered trade name of Procter and Gamble.

DSI-001R; ISS 05-08


The only difference you’ll notice is the price.

Introducing the Only Generic Equivalent of Dantrium® IV.

Dantrolene Sodium for Injection in its branded form, Dantrium® IV*, has been a staple on crash carts for years. And with

good reason. Should an event of malignant hyperthermia (MH) occur, Dantrolene Sodium for Injection could help save

that patient’s life.

It’s a potentially life-saving necessity for patients with malignant hyperthermia, to be sure. But up until now, the price

has made it something of a necessary evil — especially since the majority of dantrium sodium for injection purchased

ends up in the incinerator and not in a patient who needs it.

Now there’s a generic choice that works every bit as well at a price that’s much more appealing. Introducing Dantrolene Sodium for Injection from US WorldMeds.

US WorldMeds is now making available to you the only generic Dantrolene Sodium for Injection. Given our commitment

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Dantrolene Sodium for Injection is indicated, along with appropriate supportive measures, for the management of fulminant hypermetabolism of skeletal muscle characteristic of malignant hyperthermia crises in patients of all ages. It also is indicated preoperatively and sometimes postoperatively in individuals judged to be malignant hyperthermia susceptible. Fatal and non-fatal liver disorders of an idiosyncratic or hypersensitivity type may occur with dantrolene sodium therapy. There have been reports of thrombophlebitis following administration of intravenous dantrolene. There have been rare reports of urticaria and erythema possibly associated with the administration of i.v. dantrolene sodium. See accompanying full prescribing information. *Dantrium® IV is a registered trade name of Procter and Gamble.

DSI-001R; ISS 05-08




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Dantrolene Sodium for InjectionRx OnlyDESCRIPTION: Dantrolene sodium for injection is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, lyophilized formulation of dantrolene sodium for injection. Dantrolene sodium for injection is supplied in 65 mL vials containing 20 mg dantrolene sodium, 3000 mg mannitol, and sufficient sodium hydroxide to yield a pH of approximately 9.5 when reconstituted with 60 mL sterile water for injection USP (without a bacteriostatic agent).

Dantrolene sodium is classified as a direct-acting skeletal muscle relaxant. Chemically, dantrolene sodium is hydrated

1-[[[5-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-furanyl] methylene] amino]-2,4- imidazolidinedione sodium salt. The structural formula for the hydrated salt is:

The hydrated salt contains approximately 15% water (3.5 moles) and has a molecular weight of 399. The anhydrous salt (dantrolene) has a molecular weight of 336.

CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY: In isolated nerve-muscle preparation, dantrolene sodium has been shown to produce relaxation by affecting the contractile response of the muscle at a site beyond the myoneural junction. In skeletal muscle, dantrolene sodium dissociates the excitation-contraction coupling, probably by interfering with the release of Ca++ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The administration of intravenous dantrolene sodium to human volunteers is associated with loss of grip strength and weakness in the legs, as well as subjective CNS complaints (see also PRECAUTIONS, Information for Patients). Information concerning the passage of dantrolene sodium across the blood-brain barrier is not available.

In the anesthetic-induced malignant hyperthermia syndrome, evidence points to an intrinsic abnormality of skeletal muscle tissue. In affected humans, it has been postulated that “triggering agents” (e.g. general anesthetics and depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents) produce a change within the cell which results in an elevated myoplasmic calcium. This elevated myoplasmic calcium activates acute cellular catabolic processes that cascade to the malignant hyperthermia crisis.

It is hypothesized that addition of dantrolene sodium to the “triggered” malignant hyperthermic muscle cell reestablishes a normal level of ionized calcium in the myoplasm. Inhibition of calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum by dantrolene sodium reestablishes the myoplasmic calcium equilibrium, increasing the percentage of bound calcium. In this way, physiologic, metabolic, and biochemical changes associated with the malignant hyperthermia crisis may be reversed or attenuated. Experimental results in malignant hyperthermia susceptible swine show that prophylactic administration of intravenous or oral dantrolene prevents or attenuates the development of vital sign and blood gas changes characteristic of malignant hyperthermia in a dose related manner. The efficacy of intravenous dantrolene in the treatment of human and porcine malignant hyperthermia crisis, when considered along with prophylactic experiments in malignant hyperthermia susceptible swine, lends support to prophylactic use of oral or intravenous dantrolene in malignant hyperthermia susceptible humans. When prophylactic intravenous dantrolene is administered as directed, whole blood concentrations remain at a near steady state level for 3 or more hours after the infusion is completed. Clinical experience has shown that early vital sign and/or blood gas changes characteristic of malignant hyperthermia may appear during or after anesthesia and surgery despite the prophylactic use of dantrolene and adherence to currently accepted patient management practices. These signs are compatible with attenuated malignant hyperthermia and respond to the administration of additional i.v. dantrolene (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION). The administration of the recommended prophylactic dose of intravenous dantrolene to healthy volunteers was not associated with clinically significant cardiorespiratory changes.

Specific metabolic pathways for the degradation and elimination of dantrolene sodium in humans have been established. Dantrolene is found in measurable amounts in blood and urine. Its major metabolites in body fluids are 5-hydroxy dantrolene and an acetylamino metabolite of dantrolene. Another metabolite with an unknown structure appears related to the latter. Dantrolene sodium may also undergo hydrolysis and subsequent oxidation forming nitrophenylfuroic acid.

The mean biologic half-life of dantrolene sodium after intravenous administration is variable, between 4 to 8 hours under most experimental conditions. Based on assays of whole blood and plasma, slightly greater amounts of dantrolene are associated with red blood cells than with the plasma fraction of blood. Significant amounts of dantrolene are bound to plasma proteins, mostly albumin, and this binding is readily reversible.

Cardiopulmonary depression has not been observed in malignant hyperthermia susceptible swine following the administration of up to 7.5 mg/kg i.v. dantrolene. This is twice the amount needed to maximally diminish twitch response to single supramaximal peripheral nerve stimulation (95% inhibition). A transient, inconsistent, depressant effect on gastrointestinal smooth muscles has been observed at high doses.

INDICATIONS AND USAGE: Dantrolene sodium for injection is indicated, along with appropriate supportive measures, for the management of the fulminant hypermetabolism of skeletal muscle characteristic of malignant hyperthermia crises in patients of all ages. Dantrolene sodium for injection should be administered by continuous rapid intravenous push as soon as the malignant hyperthermia reaction is recognized (i.e., tachycardia, tachypnea, central venous desaturation, hypercarbia, metabolic acidosis, skeletal muscle rigidity, increased utilization of anesthesia circuit carbon dioxide absorber, cyanosis and mottling of the skin, and, in many cases, fever).

Dantrolene sodium for injection is also indicated preoperatively, and sometimes postoperatively, to prevent or attenuate the development of clinical and laboratory signs of malignant hyperthermia in individuals judged to be malignant hyperthermia susceptible.


WARNINGS: The use of dantrolene sodium for injection in the management of malignant hyperthermia crisis is not a substitute for previously known supportive measures. These measures must be individualized, but it will usually be necessary to discontinue the suspect triggering agents, attend to increased oxygen requirements, manage the metabolic acidosis, institute cooling when necessary, monitor urinary output, and monitor for electrolyte imbalance.

Since the effect of disease state and other drugs on dantrolene sodium related skeletal muscle weakness, including possible respiratory depression, cannot be predicted, patients who receive i.v. dantrolene sodium preoperatively should have vital signs monitored.

If patients judged malignant hyperthermia susceptible are administered intravenous or oral dantrolene sodium preoperatively, anesthetic preparation must still follow a standard malignant hyperthermia susceptible regimen, including the avoidance of known triggering agents. Monitoring for early clinical and metabolic signs of malignant hyperthermia is indicated because attenuation of malignant hyperthermia, rather than prevention, is possible. These signs usually call for the administration of additional i.v. dantrolene.


General: Care must be taken to prevent extravasation of dantrolene sodium solution into the surrounding tissues due to the high pH of the intravenous formulation.

When mannitol is used for prevention or treatment of late renal complications of malignant hyperthermia, the 3 g of mannitol needed to dissolve each 20 mg vial of i.v. dantrolene sodium should be taken into consideration.

Information for Patients: Based upon data in human volunteers, it will sometimes be appropriate to tell patients who receive dantrolene sodium for injection that decrease in grip strength and weakness of leg muscles, especially walking down stairs, can be expected postoperatively. In addition, symptoms such as “lightheadedness” may be noted. Since some of these symptoms may persist for up to 48 hours, patients must not operate an automobile or engage in other hazardous activity during this time. Caution is also indicated at meals on the day of administration because difficulty swallowing and choking has been reported. Caution should be exercised in the concomitant administration of tranquilizing agents.

Hepatotoxicity seen with dantrolene sodium capsules: Dantrolene sodium has a potential for hepatotoxicity, and should not be used in conditions other than those recommended. Symptomatic hepatitis (fatal and non-fatal) has been reported at various dose levels of the drug. The incidence reported in patients taking up to 400 mg/day is much lower than in those taking doses of 800 mg or more per day. Even sporadic short courses of these higher dose levels within a treatment regimen markedly increased the risk of serious hepatic injury. Liver dysfunction as evidenced by blood chemical abnormalities alone (liver enzyme elevations) has been observed in patients exposed to dantrolene sodium for varying periods of time. Overt hepatitis has occurred at varying intervals after initiation of therapy, but has been most frequently observed between the third and twelfth month of therapy. The risk of hepatic injury appears to be greater in females, in patients over 35 years of age, and in patients taking other medication(s) in addition to dantrolene sodium. Dantrolene sodium should be used only in conjunction with appropriate monitoring of hepatic function including frequent determination of SGOT or SGPT.

Fatal and non-fatal liver disorders of an idiosyncratic or hypersensitivity type may occur with dantrolene sodium therapy.

Drug Interactions: Dantrolene sodium is metabolized by the liver, and it is theoretically possible that its metabolism may be enhanced by drugs known to induce hepatic microsomal enzymes. However, neither phenobarbital nor diazepam appears to affect dantrolene sodium metabolism. Binding to plasma protein is not significantly altered by diazepam, diphenylhydantoin, or phenylbutazone. Binding to plasma proteins is reduced by warfarin and clofibrate and increased by tolbutamide.

Cardiovascular collapse in patients treated simultaneously with verapamil and dantrolene sodium is rare. The combination of therapeutic doses of intravenous dantrolene sodium and verapamil in halothane/alpha-chloralose anesthetized swine has resulted in ventricular fibrillation and cardiovascular collapse in association with marked hyperkalemia. It is recommended that the combination of intravenous dantrolene sodium and calcium channel blockers, such as verapamil, not be used together during the management of malignant hyperthermia crisis until the relevance of these findings to humans is established.

Administration of dantrolene may potentiate vecuronium-induced neuromuscular block.

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, and Impairment of Fertility: Sprague-Dawley female rats fed dantrolene sodium for 18 months at dosage levels of 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg/day showed an increased incidence of benign and malignant mammary tumors compared with concurrent controls. At the highest dose level (approximately the same as the maximum recommended daily dose on a mg/m2 basis), there was an increase in the incidence of benign hepatic lymphatic neoplasms. In a 30-month study in Sprague-Dawley rats fed dantrolene sodium, the highest dose level (approximately the same as the maximum recommended daily dose on a mg/m2 basis) produced a decrease in the time of onset of mammary neoplasms. Female rats at the highest dose level showed an increased incidence of hepatic lymphangiomas and hepatic angiosarcomas.

The only drug-related effect seen in a 30-month study in Fischer-344 rats was a dose-related reduction in the time of onset of mammary and testicular tumors. A 24-month study in HaM/ICR mice revealed no evidence of carcinogenic activity.

The significance of carcinogenicity data relative to use of dantrolene sodium in humans is unknown.

Dantrolene sodium has produced positive results in the Ames S. Typhimurium bacterial mutagenesis assay in the presence and absence of a liver activating system.

Dantrolene sodium administered to male and female rats at dose levels up to 45 mg/kg/day (approximately 1.4 times the maximum recommended daily dose on a mg/m2 basis) showed no adverse effects on fertility or general reproductive performance.

Pregnancy: Pregnancy Category C: Dantrolene sodium has been shown to be embryocidal in the rabbit and has been shown to decrease pup survival in the rat when given at doses seven times the human oral dose. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Dantrolene sodium for injection should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

Labor and Delivery: In one uncontrolled study, 100 mg per day of prophylactic oral dantrolene sodium was administered to term pregnant patients awaiting labor and delivery. Dantrolene readily crossed the placenta, with maternal and fetal whole blood levels approximately equal at delivery; neonatal levels then fell approximately 50% per day for 2 days before declining sharply. No neonatal respiratory and neuromuscular side effects were detected at low dose. More data, at higher doses, are needed before more definitive conclusions can be made.

Geriatric Use: Clinical studies of dantrolene sodium for injection did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.

ADVERSE REACTIONS: There have been occasional reports of death following malignant hyperthermia crisis even when treated with intravenous dantrolene; incidence figures are not available (the pre-dantrolene mortality of malignant hyperthermia crisis was approximately 50%). Most of these deaths can be accounted for by late recognition, delayed treatment, inadequate dosage, lack of supportive therapy, intercurrent disease and/or the development of delayed complications such as renal failure or disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. In some cases there are insufficient data to completely rule out therapeutic failure of dantrolene.

There are rare reports of fatality in malignant hyperthermia crisis, despite initial satisfactory response to i.v. dantrolene, which involve patients who could not be weaned from dantrolene after initial treatment.

The administration of intravenous dantrolene sodium to human volunteers is associated with loss of grip strength and weakness in the legs, as well as drowsiness and dizziness.

The following adverse reactions are in approximate order of severity:

There are rare reports of pulmonary edema developing during the treatment of malignant hyperthermia crisis in which the diluent volume and mannitol needed to deliver i.v. dantrolene possibly contributed.

There have been reports of thrombophlebitis following administration of intravenous dantrolene; actual incidence figures are not available.

There have been rare reports of urticaria and erythema possibly associated with the administration of i.v. dantrolene sodium. There has been one case of anaphylaxis.

None of the serious reactions occasionally reported with long-term oral dantrolene sodium use, such as hepatitis, seizures, and pleural effusion with pericarditis, have been reasonably associated with short-term dantrolene sodium for injection therapy.

The following events have been reported in patients receiving oral dantrolene: aplastic anemia, leukopenia, lymphocytic lymphoma, and heart failure. (See package insert for dantrolene sodium capsules for a complete listing of adverse reactions.)

The published literature has included some reports of dantrolene sodium use in patients with Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS). Dantrolene sodium for injection is not indicated for the treatment of NMS and patients may expire despite treatment with dantrolene sodium for injection.

OVERDOSAGE: Because dantrolene sodium for injection must be administered at a low concentration in a large volume of fluid, acute toxicity of dantrolene sodium could not be assessed in animals. In 14-day (subacute) studies, the intravenous formulation of dantrolene sodium was relatively non-toxic to rats at doses of 10 mg/kg/day and 20 mg/kg/day. While 10 mg/kg/day in dogs for 14 days evoked little toxicity, 20 mg/kg/day for 14 days caused hepatic changes of questionable biologic significance.

Symptoms which may occur in case of overdose include, but are not limited to, muscular weakness and alterations in the state of consciousness (e.g., lethargy, coma), vomiting, diarrhea, and crystalluria.

For acute overdosage, general supportive measures should be employed.

Intravenous fluids should be administered in fairly large quantities to avert the possibility of crystalluria. An adequate airway should be maintained and artificial resuscitation equipment should be at hand. Electrocardiographic monitoring should be instituted, and the patient carefully observed. The value of dialysis in dantrolene sodium overdose is not known.

DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: As soon as the malignant hyperthermia reaction is recognized, all anesthetic agents should be discontinued; the administration of 100% oxygen is recommended. Dantrolene sodium for injection should be administered by continuous rapid intravenous push beginning at a minimum dose of 1 mg/kg, and continuing until symptoms subside or the maximum cumulative dose of 10 mg/kg has been reached.

If the physiologic and metabolic abnormalities reappear, the regimen may be repeated. It is important to note that administration of dantrolene sodium for injection should be continuous until symptoms subside. The effective dose to reverse the crisis is directly dependent upon the individual’s degree of susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia, the amount and time of exposure to the triggering agent, and the time elapsed between onset of the crisis and initiation of treatment.

Pediatric Dose: Experience to date indicates that the dose of dantrolene sodium for injection for pediatric patients is the same as for adults.

Preoperatively: Dantrolene sodium for injection and/or dantrolene sodium capsules may be administered preoperatively to patients judged malignant hyperthermia susceptible as part of the overall patient management to prevent or attenuate the development of clinical and laboratory signs of malignant hyperthermia.

Dantrolene sodium for injection: The recommended prophylactic dose of dantrolene sodium for injection is 2.5 mg/kg, starting approximately 1.25 hours before anticipated anesthesia and infused over approximately 1 hour. This dose should prevent or attenuate the development of clinical and laboratory signs of malignant hyperthermia provided that the usual precautions, such as avoidance of established malignant hyperthermia triggering agents, are followed.

Additional dantrolene sodium for injection may be indicated during anesthesia and surgery because of the appearance of early clinical and/or blood gas signs of malignant hyperthermia or because of prolonged surgery (see also CLINCAL PHARMACOLOGY, WARNINGS, and PRECAUTIONS). Additional doses must be individualized.

Oral administration of dantrolene sodium capsules: Administer 4 to 8 mg/kg/day of oral dantrolene sodium in three or four divided doses for 1 or 2 days prior to surgery, with the last dose being given with a minimum of water approximately 3 to 4 hours before scheduled surgery. Adjustment can usually be made within the recommended dosage range to avoid incapacitation (weakness, drowsiness, etc.) or excessive gastrointestinal irritation (nausea and/or vomiting). See also the package insert for dantrolene sodium capsules.

Post Crisis Follow-Up: Dantrolene sodium capsules, 4 to 8 mg/kg/day, in four divided doses should be administered for 1 to 3 days following a malignant hyperthermia crisis to prevent recurrence of the manifestations of malignant hyperthermia.

Intravenous dantrolene sodium may be used postoperatively to prevent or attenuate the recurrence of signs of malignant hyperthermia when oral dantrolene sodium administration is not practical. The i.v. dose of dantrolene sodium in the postoperative period must be individualized, starting with 1 mg/kg or more as the clinical situation dictates.

PREPARATION: Each vial of dantrolene sodium for injection should be reconstituted by adding 60 mL of sterile water for injection USP (without a bacteriostatic agent), and the vial shaken until the solution is clear. 5% Dextrose Injection USP, 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection USP, and other acidic solutions are not compatible with dantrolene sodium for injection and should not be used. The contents of the vial must be protected from direct light and used within 6 hours after reconstitution. Store reconstituted solution at 20-25˚ C

(68-77˚ F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature] protected from direct light.

Reconstituted dantrolene sodium for injection should not be transferred to large glass bottles for prophylactic infusion due to precipitate formation observed with the use of some glass bottles as reservoirs.

For prophylactic infusion, the required number of individual vials of dantrolene sodium for injection should be reconstituted as outlined above. The contents of individual vials are then transferred to a larger volume sterile intravenous plastic bag. Stability data on file indicate commercially available sterile plastic bags are acceptable drug delivery devices. However, it is recommended that the prepared infusion be inspected carefully for cloudiness and/or precipitation prior to dispensing and administration. Such solutions should not be used. While stable for 6 hours, it is recommended that the infusion be prepared immediately prior to the anticipated dosage administration time.

Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration.

HOW SUPPLIED: Dantrolene sodium for injection

(NDC 27505-001-65) is available in vials containing a sterile lyophilized mixture of 20 mg dantrolene sodium, 3000 mg mannitol, and sufficient sodium hydroxide to yield a pH of approximately 9.5 when reconstituted with 60 mL sterile water for injection USP (without a bacteriostatic agent).

Store unreconstituted product at 20-25˚ C (68-77˚ F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature] and avoid prolonged exposure to light.

Address medical inquiries to US WorldMeds, LLC, 4010 Dupont Circle, Suite L-07, Louisville, KY 40207

Mfg. by: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Greenville, NC 27834

Dist. by: US WorldMeds, LLCLouisville, KY 40207

ISS 02-07




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Dantrolene Sodium for InjectionRx OnlyDESCRIPTION: Dantrolene sodium for injection is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, lyophilized formulation of dantrolene sodium for injection. Dantrolene sodium for injection is supplied in 65 mL vials containing 20 mg dantrolene sodium, 3000 mg mannitol, and sufficient sodium hydroxide to yield a pH of approximately 9.5 when reconstituted with 60 mL sterile water for injection USP (without a bacteriostatic agent).

Dantrolene sodium is classified as a direct-acting skeletal muscle relaxant. Chemically, dantrolene sodium is hydrated

1-[[[5-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-furanyl] methylene] amino]-2,4- imidazolidinedione sodium salt. The structural formula for the hydrated salt is:

The hydrated salt contains approximately 15% water (3.5 moles) and has a molecular weight of 399. The anhydrous salt (dantrolene) has a molecular weight of 336.

CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY: In isolated nerve-muscle preparation, dantrolene sodium has been shown to produce relaxation by affecting the contractile response of the muscle at a site beyond the myoneural junction. In skeletal muscle, dantrolene sodium dissociates the excitation-contraction coupling, probably by interfering with the release of Ca++ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The administration of intravenous dantrolene sodium to human volunteers is associated with loss of grip strength and weakness in the legs, as well as subjective CNS complaints (see also PRECAUTIONS, Information for Patients). Information concerning the passage of dantrolene sodium across the blood-brain barrier is not available.

In the anesthetic-induced malignant hyperthermia syndrome, evidence points to an intrinsic abnormality of skeletal muscle tissue. In affected humans, it has been postulated that “triggering agents” (e.g. general anesthetics and depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents) produce a change within the cell which results in an elevated myoplasmic calcium. This elevated myoplasmic calcium activates acute cellular catabolic processes that cascade to the malignant hyperthermia crisis.

It is hypothesized that addition of dantrolene sodium to the “triggered” malignant hyperthermic muscle cell reestablishes a normal level of ionized calcium in the myoplasm. Inhibition of calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum by dantrolene sodium reestablishes the myoplasmic calcium equilibrium, increasing the percentage of bound calcium. In this way, physiologic, metabolic, and biochemical changes associated with the malignant hyperthermia crisis may be reversed or attenuated. Experimental results in malignant hyperthermia susceptible swine show that prophylactic administration of intravenous or oral dantrolene prevents or attenuates the development of vital sign and blood gas changes characteristic of malignant hyperthermia in a dose related manner. The efficacy of intravenous dantrolene in the treatment of human and porcine malignant hyperthermia crisis, when considered along with prophylactic experiments in malignant hyperthermia susceptible swine, lends support to prophylactic use of oral or intravenous dantrolene in malignant hyperthermia susceptible humans. When prophylactic intravenous dantrolene is administered as directed, whole blood concentrations remain at a near steady state level for 3 or more hours after the infusion is completed. Clinical experience has shown that early vital sign and/or blood gas changes characteristic of malignant hyperthermia may appear during or after anesthesia and surgery despite the prophylactic use of dantrolene and adherence to currently accepted patient management practices. These signs are compatible with attenuated malignant hyperthermia and respond to the administration of additional i.v. dantrolene (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION). The administration of the recommended prophylactic dose of intravenous dantrolene to healthy volunteers was not associated with clinically significant cardiorespiratory changes.

Specific metabolic pathways for the degradation and elimination of dantrolene sodium in humans have been established. Dantrolene is found in measurable amounts in blood and urine. Its major metabolites in body fluids are 5-hydroxy dantrolene and an acetylamino metabolite of dantrolene. Another metabolite with an unknown structure appears related to the latter. Dantrolene sodium may also undergo hydrolysis and subsequent oxidation forming nitrophenylfuroic acid.

The mean biologic half-life of dantrolene sodium after intravenous administration is variable, between 4 to 8 hours under most experimental conditions. Based on assays of whole blood and plasma, slightly greater amounts of dantrolene are associated with red blood cells than with the plasma fraction of blood. Significant amounts of dantrolene are bound to plasma proteins, mostly albumin, and this binding is readily reversible.

Cardiopulmonary depression has not been observed in malignant hyperthermia susceptible swine following the administration of up to 7.5 mg/kg i.v. dantrolene. This is twice the amount needed to maximally diminish twitch response to single supramaximal peripheral nerve stimulation (95% inhibition). A transient, inconsistent, depressant effect on gastrointestinal smooth muscles has been observed at high doses.

INDICATIONS AND USAGE: Dantrolene sodium for injection is indicated, along with appropriate supportive measures, for the management of the fulminant hypermetabolism of skeletal muscle characteristic of malignant hyperthermia crises in patients of all ages. Dantrolene sodium for injection should be administered by continuous rapid intravenous push as soon as the malignant hyperthermia reaction is recognized (i.e., tachycardia, tachypnea, central venous desaturation, hypercarbia, metabolic acidosis, skeletal muscle rigidity, increased utilization of anesthesia circuit carbon dioxide absorber, cyanosis and mottling of the skin, and, in many cases, fever).

Dantrolene sodium for injection is also indicated preoperatively, and sometimes postoperatively, to prevent or attenuate the development of clinical and laboratory signs of malignant hyperthermia in individuals judged to be malignant hyperthermia susceptible.


WARNINGS: The use of dantrolene sodium for injection in the management of malignant hyperthermia crisis is not a substitute for previously known supportive measures. These measures must be individualized, but it will usually be necessary to discontinue the suspect triggering agents, attend to increased oxygen requirements, manage the metabolic acidosis, institute cooling when necessary, monitor urinary output, and monitor for electrolyte imbalance.

Since the effect of disease state and other drugs on dantrolene sodium related skeletal muscle weakness, including possible respiratory depression, cannot be predicted, patients who receive i.v. dantrolene sodium preoperatively should have vital signs monitored.

If patients judged malignant hyperthermia susceptible are administered intravenous or oral dantrolene sodium preoperatively, anesthetic preparation must still follow a standard malignant hyperthermia susceptible regimen, including the avoidance of known triggering agents. Monitoring for early clinical and metabolic signs of malignant hyperthermia is indicated because attenuation of malignant hyperthermia, rather than prevention, is possible. These signs usually call for the administration of additional i.v. dantrolene.


General: Care must be taken to prevent extravasation of dantrolene sodium solution into the surrounding tissues due to the high pH of the intravenous formulation.

When mannitol is used for prevention or treatment of late renal complications of malignant hyperthermia, the 3 g of mannitol needed to dissolve each 20 mg vial of i.v. dantrolene sodium should be taken into consideration.

Information for Patients: Based upon data in human volunteers, it will sometimes be appropriate to tell patients who receive dantrolene sodium for injection that decrease in grip strength and weakness of leg muscles, especially walking down stairs, can be expected postoperatively. In addition, symptoms such as “lightheadedness” may be noted. Since some of these symptoms may persist for up to 48 hours, patients must not operate an automobile or engage in other hazardous activity during this time. Caution is also indicated at meals on the day of administration because difficulty swallowing and choking has been reported. Caution should be exercised in the concomitant administration of tranquilizing agents.

Hepatotoxicity seen with dantrolene sodium capsules: Dantrolene sodium has a potential for hepatotoxicity, and should not be used in conditions other than those recommended. Symptomatic hepatitis (fatal and non-fatal) has been reported at various dose levels of the drug. The incidence reported in patients taking up to 400 mg/day is much lower than in those taking doses of 800 mg or more per day. Even sporadic short courses of these higher dose levels within a treatment regimen markedly increased the risk of serious hepatic injury. Liver dysfunction as evidenced by blood chemical abnormalities alone (liver enzyme elevations) has been observed in patients exposed to dantrolene sodium for varying periods of time. Overt hepatitis has occurred at varying intervals after initiation of therapy, but has been most frequently observed between the third and twelfth month of therapy. The risk of hepatic injury appears to be greater in females, in patients over 35 years of age, and in patients taking other medication(s) in addition to dantrolene sodium. Dantrolene sodium should be used only in conjunction with appropriate monitoring of hepatic function including frequent determination of SGOT or SGPT.

Fatal and non-fatal liver disorders of an idiosyncratic or hypersensitivity type may occur with dantrolene sodium therapy.

Drug Interactions: Dantrolene sodium is metabolized by the liver, and it is theoretically possible that its metabolism may be enhanced by drugs known to induce hepatic microsomal enzymes. However, neither phenobarbital nor diazepam appears to affect dantrolene sodium metabolism. Binding to plasma protein is not significantly altered by diazepam, diphenylhydantoin, or phenylbutazone. Binding to plasma proteins is reduced by warfarin and clofibrate and increased by tolbutamide.

Cardiovascular collapse in patients treated simultaneously with verapamil and dantrolene sodium is rare. The combination of therapeutic doses of intravenous dantrolene sodium and verapamil in halothane/alpha-chloralose anesthetized swine has resulted in ventricular fibrillation and cardiovascular collapse in association with marked hyperkalemia. It is recommended that the combination of intravenous dantrolene sodium and calcium channel blockers, such as verapamil, not be used together during the management of malignant hyperthermia crisis until the relevance of these findings to humans is established.

Administration of dantrolene may potentiate vecuronium-induced neuromuscular block.

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, and Impairment of Fertility: Sprague-Dawley female rats fed dantrolene sodium for 18 months at dosage levels of 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg/day showed an increased incidence of benign and malignant mammary tumors compared with concurrent controls. At the highest dose level (approximately the same as the maximum recommended daily dose on a mg/m2 basis), there was an increase in the incidence of benign hepatic lymphatic neoplasms. In a 30-month study in Sprague-Dawley rats fed dantrolene sodium, the highest dose level (approximately the same as the maximum recommended daily dose on a mg/m2 basis) produced a decrease in the time of onset of mammary neoplasms. Female rats at the highest dose level showed an increased incidence of hepatic lymphangiomas and hepatic angiosarcomas.

The only drug-related effect seen in a 30-month study in Fischer-344 rats was a dose-related reduction in the time of onset of mammary and testicular tumors. A 24-month study in HaM/ICR mice revealed no evidence of carcinogenic activity.

The significance of carcinogenicity data relative to use of dantrolene sodium in humans is unknown.

Dantrolene sodium has produced positive results in the Ames S. Typhimurium bacterial mutagenesis assay in the presence and absence of a liver activating system.

Dantrolene sodium administered to male and female rats at dose levels up to 45 mg/kg/day (approximately 1.4 times the maximum recommended daily dose on a mg/m2 basis) showed no adverse effects on fertility or general reproductive performance.

Pregnancy: Pregnancy Category C: Dantrolene sodium has been shown to be embryocidal in the rabbit and has been shown to decrease pup survival in the rat when given at doses seven times the human oral dose. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Dantrolene sodium for injection should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

Labor and Delivery: In one uncontrolled study, 100 mg per day of prophylactic oral dantrolene sodium was administered to term pregnant patients awaiting labor and delivery. Dantrolene readily crossed the placenta, with maternal and fetal whole blood levels approximately equal at delivery; neonatal levels then fell approximately 50% per day for 2 days before declining sharply. No neonatal respiratory and neuromuscular side effects were detected at low dose. More data, at higher doses, are needed before more definitive conclusions can be made.

Geriatric Use: Clinical studies of dantrolene sodium for injection did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.

ADVERSE REACTIONS: There have been occasional reports of death following malignant hyperthermia crisis even when treated with intravenous dantrolene; incidence figures are not available (the pre-dantrolene mortality of malignant hyperthermia crisis was approximately 50%). Most of these deaths can be accounted for by late recognition, delayed treatment, inadequate dosage, lack of supportive therapy, intercurrent disease and/or the development of delayed complications such as renal failure or disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. In some cases there are insufficient data to completely rule out therapeutic failure of dantrolene.

There are rare reports of fatality in malignant hyperthermia crisis, despite initial satisfactory response to i.v. dantrolene, which involve patients who could not be weaned from dantrolene after initial treatment.

The administration of intravenous dantrolene sodium to human volunteers is associated with loss of grip strength and weakness in the legs, as well as drowsiness and dizziness.

The following adverse reactions are in approximate order of severity:

There are rare reports of pulmonary edema developing during the treatment of malignant hyperthermia crisis in which the diluent volume and mannitol needed to deliver i.v. dantrolene possibly contributed.

There have been reports of thrombophlebitis following administration of intravenous dantrolene; actual incidence figures are not available.

There have been rare reports of urticaria and erythema possibly associated with the administration of i.v. dantrolene sodium. There has been one case of anaphylaxis.

None of the serious reactions occasionally reported with long-term oral dantrolene sodium use, such as hepatitis, seizures, and pleural effusion with pericarditis, have been reasonably associated with short-term dantrolene sodium for injection therapy.

The following events have been reported in patients receiving oral dantrolene: aplastic anemia, leukopenia, lymphocytic lymphoma, and heart failure. (See package insert for dantrolene sodium capsules for a complete listing of adverse reactions.)

The published literature has included some reports of dantrolene sodium use in patients with Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS). Dantrolene sodium for injection is not indicated for the treatment of NMS and patients may expire despite treatment with dantrolene sodium for injection.

OVERDOSAGE: Because dantrolene sodium for injection must be administered at a low concentration in a large volume of fluid, acute toxicity of dantrolene sodium could not be assessed in animals. In 14-day (subacute) studies, the intravenous formulation of dantrolene sodium was relatively non-toxic to rats at doses of 10 mg/kg/day and 20 mg/kg/day. While 10 mg/kg/day in dogs for 14 days evoked little toxicity, 20 mg/kg/day for 14 days caused hepatic changes of questionable biologic significance.

Symptoms which may occur in case of overdose include, but are not limited to, muscular weakness and alterations in the state of consciousness (e.g., lethargy, coma), vomiting, diarrhea, and crystalluria.

For acute overdosage, general supportive measures should be employed.

Intravenous fluids should be administered in fairly large quantities to avert the possibility of crystalluria. An adequate airway should be maintained and artificial resuscitation equipment should be at hand. Electrocardiographic monitoring should be instituted, and the patient carefully observed. The value of dialysis in dantrolene sodium overdose is not known.

DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: As soon as the malignant hyperthermia reaction is recognized, all anesthetic agents should be discontinued; the administration of 100% oxygen is recommended. Dantrolene sodium for injection should be administered by continuous rapid intravenous push beginning at a minimum dose of 1 mg/kg, and continuing until symptoms subside or the maximum cumulative dose of 10 mg/kg has been reached.

If the physiologic and metabolic abnormalities reappear, the regimen may be repeated. It is important to note that administration of dantrolene sodium for injection should be continuous until symptoms subside. The effective dose to reverse the crisis is directly dependent upon the individual’s degree of susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia, the amount and time of exposure to the triggering agent, and the time elapsed between onset of the crisis and initiation of treatment.

Pediatric Dose: Experience to date indicates that the dose of dantrolene sodium for injection for pediatric patients is the same as for adults.

Preoperatively: Dantrolene sodium for injection and/or dantrolene sodium capsules may be administered preoperatively to patients judged malignant hyperthermia susceptible as part of the overall patient management to prevent or attenuate the development of clinical and laboratory signs of malignant hyperthermia.

Dantrolene sodium for injection: The recommended prophylactic dose of dantrolene sodium for injection is 2.5 mg/kg, starting approximately 1.25 hours before anticipated anesthesia and infused over approximately 1 hour. This dose should prevent or attenuate the development of clinical and laboratory signs of malignant hyperthermia provided that the usual precautions, such as avoidance of established malignant hyperthermia triggering agents, are followed.

Additional dantrolene sodium for injection may be indicated during anesthesia and surgery because of the appearance of early clinical and/or blood gas signs of malignant hyperthermia or because of prolonged surgery (see also CLINCAL PHARMACOLOGY, WARNINGS, and PRECAUTIONS). Additional doses must be individualized.

Oral administration of dantrolene sodium capsules: Administer 4 to 8 mg/kg/day of oral dantrolene sodium in three or four divided doses for 1 or 2 days prior to surgery, with the last dose being given with a minimum of water approximately 3 to 4 hours before scheduled surgery. Adjustment can usually be made within the recommended dosage range to avoid incapacitation (weakness, drowsiness, etc.) or excessive gastrointestinal irritation (nausea and/or vomiting). See also the package insert for dantrolene sodium capsules.

Post Crisis Follow-Up: Dantrolene sodium capsules, 4 to 8 mg/kg/day, in four divided doses should be administered for 1 to 3 days following a malignant hyperthermia crisis to prevent recurrence of the manifestations of malignant hyperthermia.

Intravenous dantrolene sodium may be used postoperatively to prevent or attenuate the recurrence of signs of malignant hyperthermia when oral dantrolene sodium administration is not practical. The i.v. dose of dantrolene sodium in the postoperative period must be individualized, starting with 1 mg/kg or more as the clinical situation dictates.

PREPARATION: Each vial of dantrolene sodium for injection should be reconstituted by adding 60 mL of sterile water for injection USP (without a bacteriostatic agent), and the vial shaken until the solution is clear. 5% Dextrose Injection USP, 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection USP, and other acidic solutions are not compatible with dantrolene sodium for injection and should not be used. The contents of the vial must be protected from direct light and used within 6 hours after reconstitution. Store reconstituted solution at 20-25˚ C

(68-77˚ F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature] protected from direct light.

Reconstituted dantrolene sodium for injection should not be transferred to large glass bottles for prophylactic infusion due to precipitate formation observed with the use of some glass bottles as reservoirs.

For prophylactic infusion, the required number of individual vials of dantrolene sodium for injection should be reconstituted as outlined above. The contents of individual vials are then transferred to a larger volume sterile intravenous plastic bag. Stability data on file indicate commercially available sterile plastic bags are acceptable drug delivery devices. However, it is recommended that the prepared infusion be inspected carefully for cloudiness and/or precipitation prior to dispensing and administration. Such solutions should not be used. While stable for 6 hours, it is recommended that the infusion be prepared immediately prior to the anticipated dosage administration time.

Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration.

HOW SUPPLIED: Dantrolene sodium for injection

(NDC 27505-001-65) is available in vials containing a sterile lyophilized mixture of 20 mg dantrolene sodium, 3000 mg mannitol, and sufficient sodium hydroxide to yield a pH of approximately 9.5 when reconstituted with 60 mL sterile water for injection USP (without a bacteriostatic agent).

Store unreconstituted product at 20-25˚ C (68-77˚ F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature] and avoid prolonged exposure to light.

Address medical inquiries to US WorldMeds, LLC, 4010 Dupont Circle, Suite L-07, Louisville, KY 40207

Mfg. by: DSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Greenville, NC 27834

Dist. by: US WorldMeds, LLCLouisville, KY 40207

ISS 02-07


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