general requirements for the competence of testing ... · continued satisfactory compliance to the...

CERTIFICATE OF ACC R EDI TA TI ON PESTICIDE TOXICOlOGY DI VI SION, NATIONAl INSTITUTE Of OCCUPATIONAl HEAl TH I CMR, GOVT. Of INDIA has been as se ssed and accredited in accordance with the standard 11 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing & Calibration Laboratories 11 for its facilities at Meg ha ni Nagar , Ahmedabad, Gujarat in the field of TESTING Certific ate Number TC-5514 ( In lieu of T-2370) I ss ue Date 08/02 / 2017 Valid Unti l 07 / 02 / 2019 This certificate remains valid for the Scope of Accreditation as specified in the anne ?< ure subject to c ontinued satisfact or y compliance to t he above stand ard & t he relevant requirements of NA BL. (To see the scope of accreditation of this laboratory, you may also visit NABL website www. na N. Ven kateswaran Program Director Signed for and on be half of NABL Anil Relia Chief Executive Officer ..

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has been assessed and accredited in accordance with the standard

11General Requirements for the Competence of Testing & Calibration Laboratories11

for its facilities at •

Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat •

in the field of TESTING

Certificate Number TC-5514 (In lieu of T-2370)

Issue Date 08/02/2017 Valid Until 07/02/2019

This certificate remains valid for the Scope of Accreditation as specified in the anne?<ure subject to continued satisfactory compliance to the above standard & the relevant requirements of NABL.

(To see the scope of accreditation of this laboratory, you may also visi t NABL website

N. Venkateswaran Program Director

Signed for and on behalf of NABL •

Anil Relia Chief Executive Officer



National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India)


Laboratory Pesticide Toxicology Division, National Institute of Occupational Health (ICMR, Govt. of India), Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Accreditation Standard 150/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number TC-5514 (In lieu of T-2370)

Validity 08.02.2017 to 07 .02.2019

Page 1of6

Last.Amended on --

~T.---1--Produci/ Material Specific Test - ------T-Test Method--Specification ! Range ofTesting- 7--1 I of Test Performed I against which tests are I Limits of Detection I I I t ________ ..s... __ ~~-------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------~-1?-~~~-r_~E!cl _________________________________ _L__ ___ , ________________________________________________ J


,--1~--1-R"Esrou Es- ,N-w ATER--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

i i

1---- --- ---- - --t-J3 BHC - - - ------1 (Issue No. 02, lo~1 µg/L- to-10 00 µg/L -1 t------J------------------- _ _J__ -- ---- - ______ J Issue Date: 20/10/2016) r----------------------------: ! I I y BHC I ! 0.1 µg/L to 1000 µg/L ! .__--------1-------------------------------~----+--~~- ------------------------------i ~--------------------------- -- __________ _, ! -t I & BHC · i 0 .1 µg/L to 1000 µg/L I t---- --- ------------ _ _.,_____________________________ ------------------------------------.------------------------ ----- -· I , I Endosulfan I _l i 0.1 µg/L to 1000 µg/L I 1--------i--------------- -------------~- ---- - ---- --~----~- ------------------------ .+.------------------ ------------·

l J I a chlordane I i 0.1 µg/L to 1000 µg/L r------- ---------------------------------+------- --------------------=--1-------------~---------------------+--------------------------------

1-----· . +- . 1-~~~;~~~~e-- ----T-·---------~~~~* ~ ~~~ ~~;t . . r-------- I ----------- --L--E-ndrin aldehyde ---i-- - --- - - - - t 0.1 µg/L to 1000 -µg/L ______ , t---------"t"---------------~---------------r---------------------------------------r-----~---------------------------------~--- ____________________________ J I ! Endrin ketone I 0.1 µg/L to 1000 µg/L ~-------~-------------~ ------------+--------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------,-----------------[___ ! ------------------------L-~~~~~~~-------------------------- ------------------- -----l-~~J:-~!~---~~--~~~!?_1_~{~--------1 I pp' DOE I 0.1 µg/L to 1000 µg/L r----------,-------------------------------------- - --------------- ------- ~~--------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------~~-~~-1 I ! pp' ODD I I 0.1 µg/L to 1000 µg/L I r-·-~r- -:::m ...... =r~~~!====:==r-==-- ==--=--r~~;r:~~~~~~ t-------t-------~-----------~---------~----------~----- - ~~---l- - -- - -~-~-~ --~- -- ~--r I ·- ·----j·~~~~ePOxlde- I- ---------· H--1 ~ : ~--~~;~~--~~~~-~7t-

I -~~-----------------------------~------------------------------~---------------~ ----~-------------r-~---~------- -------------~--------~ l-·--+··-------------------t~~~~~~~~:~:i:op1c1111~3 · · · f o:s µg/L 10 1 ooo ~g1L -J [- -1- --- -----------f-o iCttiorvos------------------1 (Issue No.02,lssue io~s µ9i to 1 ooo µg/L----1 1 ! ! 1 Date:20.10.2016) I j l __________ J ___________ ~-------~-~-----~-------l _______________________________________________ J_ ____________ ~-------~------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------

Rini Narayan Convenor

N. Venkateswaran ,. Program Director


National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India)


Laboratory Pesticide Toxicology Division, National Institute of Occupational Health (ICMR, Govt. of India), Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Accreditation Standard 150/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number TC-5514 (In lieu of T-2370)

Validity 08.02.2017 to 07.02.2019

Page 2 of 6

Last.Amended on --

~----..--Pro-ductT-Materiai i Specific Test- ----jTest- Meth-od Specificat-fon r Range Of-Testing I ! of Test I Performed I against which tests are Limits of Detection

l-----4-------------- ----- - _____ , ______ _l_['_~-r!~!~ed - - --- L ------------ ---------=~ ,----------,....--------------------------~-- ________________________________ , _______ __ '

,--------- -----------------------------------~r-- -------~------------------------T----------------------- - ------------- ' ----------------------------------- ----------, ! l I Malathion I 0.5 µg /L to 1000 µg/L I [------ -------------------------------------...- ----~--------------------1------------------------------------------------------,.--------,---,-----------------------------------~--"1

j l Malaoxon I 0. 5 µg /L to 1 000 µg/L I [ _______ ..._________________ - · - ---- ----- --------- -----------------------------·----------------·-.L.------------------------------------- _J

l Monocrotophos O. 5 µg /L to 1 000 µg/L I - ·------- --------------------------·-----·------ . -.. -- - --------------- ----------------------------------------- --·-------------------------------------{

j Phorate sulphoxide 0.5 µg /L to 1000 µg/L I [~~~~~~~~~~l~~~=~~~~~~~==~~=~=~====~=I Phorat~~~lfo~~~~~=~=~~~~~j~~~=~~~~~=-~~~- - -~=L~~~~~~=I~=~~o-~9Z[=~-l l------~---- ______ __ I Phosph~ido~--- __ j_ ,


1 ~ . . s ~Q~~-_!_~~~9__µ_g_l_L_-i f j ! Quinalfos I , 0.5 ~g/~_!_o 1000 µg/L ! ! ! Triazophos 0.5 µg/L to 1000 µg/L ·- ----·- ---- --- --' t • ' i i ______ l________________ ! Profenofos ... j _________ 0.5 µg/L to 1000 µg /L -j !------~------------- --+ Chlorpyrifos Me_!_~~~-_J _______ I P.:? _ _µg/~ to 1000 µg/L i 1 : 1 Carbamates Pesticides 1 !------·r·------------ ---i Carbary! -----------,--NIOHiS-OP/C/ill-3 -- ------------- ---- _, . _____ ...!..______________________ .1--------------------------------~- l.!?..~~__J.l~{b __ ~ __ 1000_µ~~-----J 1----t-------------~ ~-a~~~~~=f-cartiOtUran- g~~~~~~ g~~~~)e LQ-~_H_9!h___\2J-900 1!9!.\:____j 1----------r··----------------------------------+---------------------------------- Q_~~-J:l-~(!::__~_~QQ_~~~---------~ ______ ---------------------------· I m id~ cl o pri '!_ _______________ -------------------------------------------- .C?.:.2.J::l-9lb ... !9_1QQQ_µ_g/~ ______ J --------- ------------------------------- ~~Odie~------------------------ --------------------- _____ Q_~5.J::l_~b __ !Q.~-Q~~--!-!~~~----------1 l--------r-----------------------1~~::~am------ 1 --- d~~~1~~%~~~E--1 1-------1----------------------------- t-AcetamipMd ______________________ t____ ------ ----- -To.5-µ9n=·-i01 ooo µQ/L ! t----------~------------------------~----------~f ~- ~--------------------------4------------------------- --- --- ---------------------- -~ -~

1---1--------------------- _ i Fluben~~amide_ ----------~----- ___ _ -~-!'_1:.~!:._!~-~~~ µ~~- j · i : lndoxacarb 1 , 0.5 µg /L to 1000 µg/L ! ~---+---------------- -- I - -- , - --- 1 i____ ! Chlorantraniliprole __L _____ j P.:~J:L-~~--!e.~-~.Q.~_!1~/L : I I Synthetic Pyrethroids I i I ,__ -- -----·--- - _ _i, _________________________ ___,

i +--------------------------- j a - Cy~r'!let!l~~----~ NIOH/SOP/C/111-2 U>.25 _g9f!:.!..~?.9.QQ.H.9~- l L-----~-----------------------!--We-ii~-*~riri-----j g~~~~~~g~~~~)e ~6~-~-µgjf~~ µ9;~ . -J ~--j------------ - I Fenpropathrin ----- 1-02t:1L i;;5000~J [~=~~~~=t=~=~=~==~==~=~==~~~J~-F~nva1era!i~=~----~=~~~=~~J~~.~~~~=~~===~==~~--~---~~=~~=I~=~~~~~Z~~!~~~~~~~e~Z~~=~=~]

ezY /\Jo~~ Rini Narayan

Convenor N. Venkateswaran

• Program Director


National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India)


Laboratory Pesticide Toxicology Division, National Institute of Occupational Health (ICMR, Govt. of India), Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Accreditation Standard 150/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number TC-5514 (In lieu of T-2370) Page 3 of 6

Validity 08.02.2017 to 07.02.2019 Last· Amended on --

!SI. ---T-Product / -MateriaT ___ l_ Speciticf est ____________ l_fest-Methodspecifi-cationl --Rangeot-festing I ------------] ! l of Test I Performed 1 against which tests are ! Limits of Detection I ! __ j___ _j_ _ _ _ _ I P~_!-~_r"l~~-- _ I __ ___ __ ! r ----1-- -- --r ----- ------------ ]------ ------------------- r----- ------- -------.... • ! 1 'A. - Cyhalothrin ! 0.25 µg/L to 5000 µg/L i r~-------1---------- -----------------------------+--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------.. ---------r---------------------------------------,--------------i l -+- ____ --1 Cyflut~~~r: ___________ _ I _ · _ _____ ______ l.~.:?~_µg/~ to ~~00 µg~ __ j I I H b' 'd I I ' ! . 1 er 1c1 es i 1 i r--- -- ---- Pendimethalin I NIO H/SOP/C/111-2 I o.25µ9iCto5ooo- µg/L_____ · r------- -------------------·------- -Alachlo_r ________________________ l (Issue N 0 . 02, Issue r-0-~25-µg/L to-SOOO-µg/L___ 1 r----- -------------- -------r- - ------- -----------1 Date:20.10.2016) i - --- -- ---------. i - I ------- --- ! Butach~or I L t~~oo µg~ _____ J ! j ! Fluchloralin 1 ! 0.25 µg/L to 5000 µg/L I 1 l j I i L.------~------ - ----------- --·---- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------'-------- ------ _________ ..J ! II. I RESIDUES IN FOOD PRODUCTS I . I I I I • '

i 1. --·r Fruits and Organochlorine -1- ------ -- -- --- 1 ~------ --~~9.!!~-~!~~---------- --~s~!~!~~-~-----·---·· f Nio_H_tsoPiciiii-4 ------------- 1 ---------------------- _______ ..J

1 ----i-- ~ o µg/kg to 1 oo_g µg/kg j ! (Issue No.02,lssue

I---- ____ --=---~= _y_!'.l_~~==--~~=-J Date:20 .10.2016) I 1 _~J!g/kg ~~~ µg~k!l_ ____ j ! ! 8 BHC 1 i 10 µg/kg to 1000 µg/kg I !-----+--- -- . --- --- --- -4

l Heptachlor ! 1 O µg/kg to 1000 µg/kg ! r-·-- --- --- ------------------ - - - ----- r __________ ,..____ ---------·--r------------------- -----1 1 Heptachlor epoxide j' 1 O µg/kg to 1000 µg/kg .



! 'Isomer B' ! t-------t-------------------- _\_ -- L----------·---i ------- -- -- -!------ -- ___ ... _ __,

Ii _l _ _ ______ l_~_ndosulfan I i _ _____ l 1 ~e-~kg to_'!_~O µg/k~----l

I t I I

•1; i Endosulfan 11 ! ! 1 O µg/kg to 1000 µg/kg 1

I ---1-----------------------------· -------·------·---------------·i---------------•-·•------------------·--r---·--·----------------·----·---·-------1 : . a chlordane 1 , 1 o µg/kg to 1000 µg/kg ! ~-- -,----- ----- --------·t--- ----- -------- -,------ -------- -------- - - - --., ! i Y chlordane I ! 1 O µg/kg to 1000 µg/kg i i ---- Endri_n___ ----- 1 - +' 1 o µg/kg to 1 ooo µg/k_g ____ i t---------- ---·- ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------~-------------~----------------~---~---------------- ---------------,-----~--------------------------------' ! . Endrin aldehyde I : 1 O µg/kg to 1000 µg/kg ! :--------- -------- ----------t . ----- ----- --t---------------- ----------· " ! --- -------1 i ! Endr1n ketone ! l 1 O µg/kg to 1000 µg/kg ! : ---T- t' Dieldrl~-- --- I -- I 1 O~g/kg -to 1000 µg/kg~-1 f----------1------------------------------ --------------- ----------------~------------···------------------------i---------------------------------~----------~1

f----1----------------------1-~~.d~6'~~n s~~:_---+---- ----- ---- !-~-;~~~ :~-~~~ ~~~ - I ---t-- ------ '------t -- -- --- - ! ____ , -----'--~

L ... ___ l ______________________ : _______ L_~~--~-~E____ ________ _L_________________ _ ____________ 1-_~-~-e-~~kg _t~--~Q~-~e~!-~~-------j

Rini Narayan Convenor

N. Venkateswaran • Program Director

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India)



Laboratory Pesticide Toxicology Division, National Institute of Occupational Health (ICMR, Govt. of India), Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Accreditation Standard 150/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number TC-5514 (In lieu of T-2370) Page 4 of 6

Validity 08.02.2017 to 07.02.2019 Last. Amended on --

fr.---- -Product ;-Mater Tai- I _Specific Test-----------1--fest-MethodSpe-cif-fcaiTo_n __ ,. __ Range-of-Testin_g_;--------------1 j_ ______ of Test ------ J Perform~~- ! :1~;~~~ar~s of De::~~ J

!~------- i --- -------- --T pp'DDT_____ -- ----- --------rw - µg/kg to-1000µ9/kg -i

~---------1 _ ---~~~~-- _ I Aldrin __ _______ ___ i--10 µg/kg to 1000 µQJk_9. _ __,

~- --j- - - ________ J ~;'~~~';;~~horous P~sticide"S___ -------------+-~ µg/kg -~-~~.Q.l'_~_\! ____ I t--------1--------------------------- -Chlorpyritos_m_ettiyi _______ !_Nio_H_iSo-P7c-iiii~5---------------- -55-µgtkg to -15oo-µ9ii<-9-------i 1-----r-- ----

1 ACel)hate----------1 (Issue No.02,lssue 50~kQ!o15oOµQ7k9~

t-- - 1------------ ------ t· ------- Date:20.10.2016) , ------ -----------------! Dichlorvos j j 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg !

..--- -I l ! Dimethoate · I 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg i ·--- - - - -- ------------+-~-------~ I ! Ethion 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg i ----------r----------------------------------------t- -----------------------------------i---------------- ---·-----------~~-~---------- - -----·--------- 1

i-------L--- -----l Mon~c~?~~~~-s __ -+--- ______ _ _____ ~yg/kQ_~__!-~_Q~J.:L-9-!~ _____ J _______ ! ____________ I Phorate sulp~xi~e __ ____ _____ 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kQ_~

I ! Phorate sulfone ! 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg I ·-------- -- - - -1 ______ l ____________ ! ~hosp_~~~-~?~--- _____________ _ _______ J_~o µg/kg to !_50~-_p~/kg j

t- I 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg l

·- ·-~------1-----·---------------------------·----------------------- -----------~-~---------------------------- ·I I 50 µg/kg tO 1500 µg/kg l

----------t--·-------------------------------------r -----·---------------------------------t--------------------------- -------------------- -------------~------------------------------------~ 1 ! Profenophos : 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg I

----------1-----------~---------------------------+ -------------------------------- - J --- ------------- - · ------- --------- -~----------------------------~~---4 1 i ! Carbamates I NIOH/SOP/C/111-5 I I [_ _______ i __ _ lJ>esticid_es ___ l (Issue No.02,lssue j l I ! I Carbary! I Date:20.10.2016) r 5oµQtkg to 1 sooµQtkg 1----- ! ------------1 Carbofu-ran_________ ! r-50 µg/kg to 1500 µQJkg _ __,I

·-- ----·--------------- • -------------- 4-----------------·--·- ______ __l,_______ ----- --- --.. I

1 _J' 3- Hydroxy carbofuran l I 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg !

----------..- --- ------------------ ----------------------------------l--------------------------------------- ----- -------------------------~ ---------~------------------------------------t--~~!~~~~~..!?~~~----------------~-------------- ----------- -~-~-~-~~~-~-~~~J.:L_9-!_~~-- -~

1 I I Thiodicarb J 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg j }----- --,------------------ -----·- l - - ------------------,------------ - ---------- --------- - - ...... ______ -----, ! i 1 Thiacloprid l 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg ! t---------}~ ----- i Acetami~~d - -== j -------- ~I ~O µg/kg t? 1 soO-µg/kg· -----1 1 I Flubendiamide : 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg !

==~j=-~ · ~-----~--------- I _~~~.?x~~a~~--~------ _________ l ___ ~~~~===-==~====~-----~=~~~ -~~~~~~[.!? __ ~~.Q-~e~~9---~==1


Rini Narayan Convenor

N. Venkateswaran • Program Director

• •


National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India)


Laboratory Pesticide Toxicology Division, National Institute of Occupational Health (ICMR, Govt. of India), Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Accreditation Standard 150/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number TC-5514 (In lieu of T-2370)

Validity 08.02.2017 to 07.02.2019

Page 5 of 6

Last.Amended on --

f~-,~~~~~TTMati!ri31 1 ~:::~~es,----------1--~;::!"f~~~;=-~i:!o"l~~~=-:~==~~~~------·-·1 L _____ l _______________________________ J_____________________________ I P~!!~-~.!!!.~~------------------------..1..----------------------------------j r~-------,---------~---------~-----------------1-----------------------------------------------,-- ------------------------------------r------~-------------~---- ------ ~--.

: i Chlorantraniliprole I i 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg , t-~------r---------------------------------------- ------- - -------------------------------t- ------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------~-------i : 1 Thiamethoxam ! ! 50 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg ! f---------_J_ _________________ w--.---- ------ -----~ ----------- - - -----~----------------------------------------------------__L---------~---------------------------------------J : I Synthetic Pyrethroids i j i t---------_j_______ -~----- ------- -------------------------------------------- I ------------------------------------ ------------~------------------------------------------,--- -~ : ! a - Cypermethrin l NIOH/SOP/C/111-4 ! 100 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg l ~-----+--------------- -1 Bif~~thri~--------------1 (Issue No.02, lssue 11ooµgt-kg t~-1500 µg/kg --1 f-----l____ _ _____________ _L __________________________________ -1 Date: 20 .1 0. 2016) r----------------------------------: ! I Deltamethrin I i 100 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg i >--,---~--------------------- -- ---- --------1---,---------,------,------,--------------t---------------------,------------1 I I Fenpropathrin 1 1 100 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg

1 ~---~-------------··--••••-•••·-·r------------------------------------------ I ------------------- ------------------ -~----------------~----------~------- --,

I j Fenvalerate j • I 100 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg I ~----~----------------------------t·------------------------------r- --- ------------------ j"--------------- --- -~ ! I I /.... - Cyhalothrin 1 1 100 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg !

'-·-·----·----- -

I -1---- - - rPendimethalin ---------1--NIO-HiSOPJC/l I 1-4----------r1 -00·µ9;kg-to-15oo µQikg---1 r-------1----------------------rATa~hlo-,:---------~------1 (Issue No.02,lssue 1·1-00-~gfkg to 1 soo~g/kg---1

t---~-----------------r~~-------------1 Date:20.10.2016) ~1~o~g~~~~~ 5~~/~~---l l--------t------------------------------1--------------------------~ - ---------------- ·t·--------- -------------.. ! 1 Fluchloralin I 100 µg/kg to 1500 µg/kg I

. a. I Serum I Organochlorine Pesticides 1' j ~---------~---~-------------------------------,----:------- - --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------! I L' a BHC I NIOH/SOP/C/111-6 j 1 O µg/L to 1000 µg/L r-----1-------------- -I -~-BHC-----------------------1 (Issue No.o2 •1ssue 1·1-0 µ-g/L t~1000 µg/L·----t_ _______ _.L________________________ ----t--------------------------------....1 Date: 2 0. 1 0. 2016) f-- -------------------------1 ! I y BHC I I 10 µg/L to 1000 µg/L I t------~-~------------~~---------------------- ---------------------------------------------~ ~---~--------------- - ------- - -i

I I 8 BHC I I 10 µg/L to 1000 µg/L I I 1-Heptachi0r-·-----------------i 1·1·0---;L-to-1-000---,L--- --[-------+--------------- - ---,.-.---------------------- I ------------ - -----T---~_g ____________ ~g _________ _ , ! Heptachlor epoxide ! 1 O µg/L to' 1000 µg/L ! I I (Isomer A) I I I r----~----~-------------------------------·,---------------------~---------------~-----~-------------------------------------------------------r-----------------------------------------~-----i I I Heptachlor epoxide i · 1 O µg/L to 1000 µg/L 1

l _ I _____________ L_{~-~.9l!l_~i-~L _____________ _J_____________ _____ ___ --..1.-------------------------------~----, I I I l i I I Endosulfan I ! 1 1 O µg/L to 1000 µg/L

t==~==J~=~=====~-----~-~ lE-n~_:~!an--~,~~~=~--~-J ____ ---=~~---~==~------------- ~----~1~-1~0~µ~9~~t0-~-~0~~1~=~=~==~j

Rini Nar yan Convenor

N. Venkateswaran • Program Director

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India)



Laboratory Pesticide Toxicology Division, National Institute of Occupational Health (ICMR, Govt. of India), Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Accreditation Standard 150/IEC 17025: 2005

Certificate Number TC-5514 (In lieu of T-2370) Page 6 of 6

Validity 08.02.2017 to 07.02.2019 Last Amended on --

----------r- ------------------------------,----~--~-----------------------------~~-,--------------------------------~-------------------- ---------------------- ----------·-----------------, I. Product I Material I Specific Test I Test Method Specification Range of Testing I 'I

' of Test I Performed I against which tests are Limits of Detection 1

, I I performed ! _______ J__ _ _________ ..,,_____ --------- ------ ' ------------------ ---------'----·---------- ----·-------~

1------T-=- ------~---I a&icciho1-osr~d~~aannes~~}!~~ T-----------==--=--- ----------1·1·0-µg!L to 1 ooo µg!L-- ! --11 ·0-µg1L to 1 ooo µg/L___ l

j _____ _j__ --------- I . . .. --------- -------------------- -- ---------- , l t I y chlordane 1 O µg/L to 1000 µg/L ! ~------- ----- _______________ !_ ~------------------ ---------------------- ----- --- --------------------------------------~---4

Organochlorine I NIOH/SOP/C/111-6 1

_________ ________ ---------------- -~-~~_!.i~~~~---------------------~ (Issue No.02, Issue ------------------------------------------. Aldrin ! Date:20.10.2016) 1 O µg/L to 1000 µg/L I

-------- --- --------·---------------r------- - ------------------~ ------------------------··----·--------, : Dieldrin I 10 µg/L to 1000 µg/L l

i--------1 ---- l Endrin ----- ! -10 µg/L to 1 OoO -µgiL- -1 t---------- - - ... ··t·- - --- --- -----{ 1 ! 1 Endrin aldehyde . 1 O µg/L to 1000 µg/L r------ 1 ---- ------1 1 1 Endrin ketone ! 1 O µg/L to 1000 µg/L : r-------1-- ------------------ -pp' DOE_________ r------ ------- ------------ --.,-0 µg/L to 1000 µgi_C____ -1 --------- -----------------·--------------------- -------------------------·---------·-~----~j_------------------------------~---------------------· -----------------------------------------------·-----1

~-------- ---~-~-~~------~-~~~~- --~:--~~~ -~-~~--~--~ ~~--~~-~~-~~-~-- ~-~~~~ --~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~-~~~1 !-------- ,: - ------------------t--- -- ________ _,__________________ --------1--------------------------------------<

: Methoxychlor i I 10 µg/L to 1000 µg /L !

Rini Nara n Convenor

N. Venkateswaran • Program Director