gd topics

POLITICAL: 1. Should Indian Railways be privatised? 2. Election today has nothing to do with good governance? 3. Successive scams - a result of system failure? 4. What are India's security concerns? 5. What are the pros and cons of liberalisation of the Insurance Sector? 6. How appropriate is the reservation policy in India? 7. Should foreign publications be allowed to enter and compete in the domestic markets? 8. India's industrial policy 9. Should we accept Sonia as PM? 10. Patriot act of the US may reverse brain drain. 11. India must not concede to US demand of sending troops to Iraq. 12. USA - the biggest threat to World peace. 13. Taj Corridor is more important than saving the Taj Mahal. 14. Indian Political Scenario. 15. Reservation for women in education and service. 16. Democracy is a sort of one-man rule. 17. It is all the politicians' fault. 18. Coalition politics/government - a sign of a mature democracy or a fractured political grouping? 19. Is politics for rascals? / Is politics the last hope of a scoundrel? 20. Indian corporates are puppets in the hands of Indian Politicians. 21. If Laloo Prasad Yadav becomes the Prime Minister of India. 22. Laloo reigns because he gave voice to the people. 23. Is India's increasing expenditure on defence justified? 24. Should India make peace with Pakistan? 25. The military regime in Pakistan is good for India. 26. The educated women is not politically irrelevant? 27. Only God or dictatorship can save India now. 28. Is it possible to reach a consensus in decision-making? 29. Political parties should be banned in India.

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1. Should Indian Railways be privatised?2. Election today has nothing to do with good governance?3. Successive scams - a result of system failure?4. What are India's security concerns?5. What are the pros and cons of liberalisation of the Insurance Sector?6. How appropriate is the reservation policy in India?7. Should foreign publications be allowed to enter and compete in the domestic markets?8. India's industrial policy9. Should we accept Sonia as PM? 10. Patriot act of the US may reverse brain drain.11. India must not concede to US demand of sending troops to Iraq.12. USA - the biggest threat to World peace.13. Taj Corridor is more important than saving the Taj Mahal.14. Indian Political Scenario.15. Reservation for women in education and service. 16. Democracy is a sort of one-man rule.17. It is all the politicians' fault.18. Coalition politics/government - a sign of a mature democracy or a fractured political grouping?19. Is politics for rascals? / Is politics the last hope of a scoundrel?20. Indian corporates are puppets in the hands of Indian Politicians.21. If Laloo Prasad Yadav becomes the Prime Minister of India. 22. Laloo reigns because he gave voice to the people. 23. Is India's increasing expenditure on defence justified?24. Should India make peace with Pakistan?25. The military regime in Pakistan is good for India.26. The educated women is not politically irrelevant?27. Only God or dictatorship can save India now.28. Is it possible to reach a consensus in decision-making? 29. Political parties should be banned in India.30. Is India ready for a Presidential form of government? 31. Democracy is the worst form of government.32. Budgets don't matter, finance ministers do.33. Political power grows out the barrel of a gun.34. Democracy is the root of all evils.35. Will more autonomy to states jeopardise the unity of the nation?36. Regional parties should be encouraged.37. Should there be a retirement age for politicians?38. Indo-Pak differences are so deep rooted that Kashmir is only being used as an excuse.39. Should business houses finance elections?40. The solution to internal disputes lies in the formation of a world government.41. If we were members of the central cabinet...42. The need to declare India a Hindu state.43. General Musharraf is our best bet so no effort should be spared in reaching an

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agreement with him.44. It is wrong on the part of the government to bestow privileges to people based on caste and communal lines.45. Iraq is America's game plan and they ought to play it alone.46. If we were Planning Commission members...47. Political crises and the Indian economy.48. India, a regional super power, is taking advantage of its neighbours.49. The army should be used to maintain internal order.50. Non-Alignment has no place in this world.51. China a Super Power?52. How can the Indian political system be improved?53. Privatisation - key to block production.54. The Indian Union should be dissolved.55. Rural development is a political issue rather than something of substance.56. India should stop playing Big brother with its neighbours.57. The five-year plans serve no useful purpose because of political uncertainties.58. Should Kashmir be allowed to secede from India?59. The world without the US would be a better place.60. Caste based reservation is the only way to achieve social and economic justice in India.61. Panchayati Raj. 62. Good politics is seldom good economics.63. Democracy has been successful in India.64. Indian democracy is "buy" the people, "far" the people, "off' the people. 65. If you were the Finance Minister...66. Do Indian politicians really care for India?67. Has the Indian political structure outlived its utility?68. Students should not take part in politics.69. After Indira Gandhi's demise, India's hopes of becoming a super power are over.70. There should be reservation for the silent, middle-income population of India.71. The age of a single party rule is over.72. Governments should have the right to ban books.73. A politician's private life should not be the public's conscience.74. India requires a reorganisation of states.75. Politicians and Industrialists' nexus.76. Have our leaders kept the promises they made at the time of independence?



1. The concept of swadeshi is detrimental to economic growth.2. Public Sector should be disinvested.3. Future of MNCs in automobile industry.

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4. Democracy is not conducive to economic development.5. Privatisation in agriculture.6. Effect of subsidies on Indian Economy.7. Economic reforms.8. Should India be a planned economy?9. Infrastructure alone cannot improve India's standing in the international arena.10. Globalisation is bad for the Indian companies.11. Liberalisation of the Indian Economy.12. Infrastructure development is of prime importance for India this millennium.13. Should the public sector be privatised?14. Infrastructure - Backbone of economy.15. Floods and famine.16. Is plastic money harming the economy? 17. Are the Indian farmers pampered too much? 18. Should Indian Railways be privatised?19. Is Mumbai the financial capital of India?20. Is retrenchment the solution for public sector inefficiency? 21. India is a rich country of poor people.22. In the interest of the nation, bandhs should be banned.23. Do all Indians get equal opportunities?24. Import is essential for economic growth.25. Maruti Udyog should stop manufacturing passenger cars and produce public carriers.26. Is corruption unavoidable like taxation and death?27. Does development have its own cost? 28. Nationalisation of banks has only led to inefficiency.29. Issues like pollution and deforestation are a luxury for a country like India.30. Talk of social responsibility in the private sector is sheer hypocrisy.31. Will there be a BPO bust?32. CAS - Government has most to gain.33. Development - at what cost?34. To solve India's socio-economic problems, India needs another Gandhi.35. The current problems facing the country are unsolvable.36. WTO is an omnipotent body controlling economy under the guise of facilitating trade. 37. Income tax should be abolished.38. Inflation - its effects on the middle class and the poor.39. All nationalised banks in India should be privatised.40. Total liberalisation is the only way for economic development in India.41. In a country like India, the public sector is vital for national development.42. How much should India depend upon the IMF for loans.43. Is planning necessary for India?44. Is a Commonwealth of Independent States the only solution for India? 45. Tax concessions given to women are discriminatory.46. Massive import of technology is essential for rapid industrial growth.47. Is India's expenditure on hi-tech areas justified from the social and economic point of view?

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48. It is high time we drastically cut our defence spending.49. Should urban transportation be subsidised for the public? 50. Will India be able to compete in foreign markets? 51. Economists have only hindsight, and no foresight.52. India must shift its priorities from rural to urban areas.53. India as you visualise it in the year 2010.54. Smaller states lead to better administration.55. The finance minister has not done anything for the common man.56. For the economic development of India, all sectors using outdated methods of production should be modernised.57. Growth and modernisation of the country is more important than the removal of poverty.58. Globalisation of the economy has made nationalism irrelevant.59. India should place more emphasis on SSI and MSI for better employment.60. Abolishing child labour would mitigate the unemployment problem.61. Should the primitive handloom sector be scrapped? 62. Price rise is necessary for healthy growth of economy.63. Full convertibility is the need of the hour.64. The fruits of economic policy can be reaped only if there is a strong political system.65. Sustained growth is a mere slogan.66. Poverty removal is a precondition for economic growth.67. In the long run, the current economic policies will lead to MNCs dominating the Indian economy and society.68. Growing consumerism is an indicator of the nation's economic prosperity.69. Equality and efficiency cannot go together.70. Indian Economy cannot afford to have a populist budget.71. India should have an open sky policy.72. Liberalisation is just colonisation in another garb.73. The enthusiasm of environmentalists is causing a hurdle to India's development.74. India's heritage is a hindrance to its progress.75. Since India produces most of the things it needs, is it necessary to go for globalisation? 76. Economic Liberalisation - a critical assessment.77. Public sectors are a drain on our society and should be privatised.78. The more you gain the more you pay.79. Privatisation of essential services is the only way to development.80. Invasion of MNC's is a drain on the resources of India.81. Is unified licensing the death knell for landing telephony?82. India should place more importance on agricultural development, rather than industrial.83. Economic reforms are incomplete without political reforms.84. Economic liberalisation increases the gap between the rich and poor.85. India needs more bullock carts than motorcars.86. The arrival of multinationals is harming the Indian industry, specially the small-scale sector.87. The era of economic colonialism has begun.

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88. Unemployment in India.89. Multinationals often hurt a country like India.90. Public sectors are a drain on our society and should be privatised.91. Indian industry should be protected from foreign competition.92. Foreign competition unfair when responsible for death of domestic players.93. Environmental concerns shouldn't come in the way of economic growth.94. Rural India need electricity before education.95. Insurance privatisation - advantages. How is it helping infrastructure development? 96. Family run businesses are the backbone of the Indian economy.97. Freedom is better than liberalisation.



1. Knowledge of Advanced Maths is of no use to human life.2. Role of AICTE in MBA Education.3. Should Engineers be banned from going abroad after engineering?4. TV as a means of education for students.5. Is schooling a responsibility of the state?6. Only IITs produce good engineers.7. Brain Drain is good for the country.8. Astrology vs. Science.9. Irrational beliefs vs. scientific beliefs.10. Practical knowledge vs. Theoretical knowledge.11. Education in India is elitist in nature. 12. Non-engineers make better managers.13. Should doctors and engineers be allowed to leave the country? 14. Should students participate in politics? 15. College education in the country today: problems and prospects.16. Access to higher education should be restricted.17. Fees for attaining a B.E or B.Tech degree should not be subsidised since most of the better engineers prefer to go abroad or change their fields.18. Indian scientists have failed. 19. The government should take a stern stand against Brain Drain.20. Indian scientists and technologists are not up to the expectations.21. All higher education in India should be privatised.22. Post-graduate education should be self-financed.23. Management education is an unnecessary luxury that a poor country like India cannot afford.24. Standardisation of textbooks is the best tool for national integration.25. All doctors, engineers and management students should have compulsory two-year national service requirement.26. Elite institutes like IITs and IIMs should be privatised.

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27. Economic progress is more important than social equity.28. English alone should be used for higher education and administration.29. India can ill afford higher education.30. India needs more IITs than ITIs. 31. The government cannot afford to subsidise higher education in the country anymore.32. We can do without English for now and the foreseeable future.33. Science has made us less civilised than what we were, we are, and what we ought to be.34. Privatisation of higher education is essential for the development of India.35. Common entrance test for all MBA institutes will damage IIM branding.36. Contemporary education policies should favour technical education instead of management education.37. Private engineering colleges should be banned.38. Higher education should be subsidised.39. Does the IAS have a limited career life with the liberalisation of the economy? 40. The government should stop funding IITs and IIMs and instead provide more funds to primary education.41. Education and not entertainment is the purpose of the media in India.42. Should education be privatised? 43. Children without education are a curse to humanity.44. Public investment in institutes like IIMs - justifiable or not?45. The present education system perpetuates inequality.46. Individuals from private institutions are better educated.



1. Noise pollution.2. Deforestation.3. Economic development leads to growth of slums.4. Environmental pollution.5. Environmental degradation. 6. Eco-sensitivity can be increased by practice rather by mere speaking.7. Pollution is a price you pay for economic development.8. Genetically modified crops do more harm than good. 9. Is plastic better than paper?10. Concern for ecology is luxury meant only for the rich. 11. Smoking should be banned.12. Environmentalists dampen the fast development of developing countries.13. Private vehicles should be banned in cities to ease congestion and reduce pollution.14. At this stage of industrialisation, we cannot afford to be too environmentally conscious.15. Environmental degradation due to industrialisation and marginalisation should be

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corrected by a ban on smoke emitting industries.16. Developed countries are damaging the eco-system of the earth.17. Urban pollution has been blown out of proportion.18. MNCs are polluting the Indian environment.19. Environmentalists are enemies of industrial growth. Environmental concerns should not be allowed to slow down economic growth.20. Economic development and ecological degradation.21. Over attention to ecological issues will slow down the process of industrialisation.



1. Ethics in Politics.2. Business ethics is a contradiction in terms.3. Morals are detrimental to business.4. Ethics is the primary concern of business.5. The right to live includes the right to die.6. Business ethics.7. Is cloning of humans ethical? 8. Morality issues relating to India selling out to MNCs. 9. Corruption and privatisation of PSUs. 10. What should be the objective of a company - profits or Customer Satisfaction? 11. Is greed a key to business success? 12. Should selling of human organs be legalised? 13. Should India provide humanitarian assistance to Iraq?14. Corruption has become a way of life.15. Is ethics just a theoretical concept in today's business world?16. Morals cannot be context specific.17. Bribery and corruption should be legalised.18. Government has the right to intercept and censor private mail.19. One cannot become a successful manager if one believes in morality.20. The concept of ethics in business is outdated.21. Profit stinks.22. Greed is an essential human quality.23. Corruption performs an economic function.24. Corruption is an economic lubricant and hence may not be all that bad. 25. Are ethics and business compatible?26. Gandhian philosophy - is it relevant today?27. Human beings are born selfish.28. Ethics have no role in business.29. Politics and Ethics cannot co-exist.30. Corruption is a necessary evil if you want to achieve economic growth.31. Profit at any cost should be the sole motive of business.

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32. Corruption is a necessary economic and administrative lubricant.33. Entry of multinationals and their business ethics.34. Corruption in public life.35. A man should be free to donate his organs.36. Everything is fair in love and war, and in business too.37. Moral and ethics in our society.38. Social justice and equity is more important than economic equity and justice. 39. It is pointless to try to eradicate social injustice.40. The country must have a common civil code.41. Bringing the medical profession under the CPA (Consumer Protection Act) will not benefit the truly illiterate.42. Judicial Activism - Bane or Boom for the society?43. Judicial action should not be encouraged.44. The role of judiciary is to keep a check on the executive.45. Capital punishment has no place in civilised society.46. Public Interest Litigation: a joke.47. Capital Punishment - is it justified?48. Nobody can be above the law.49. The constitution of India needs to be re-looked at.50. Mercy killing should be legalised.51. Should education be brought under the judicial system?



1. The internet is for the benefit of the Indian middle class.2. Is the internet good for us? 3. Effect of information dissemination due to IT in the print media.4. India needs high technology.5. Technology advancements and India's backwardness.6. Computers: boon or curse?7. Computers as a support in decision-making.8. Will computerisation make a robot of all human beings? Do computers dehumanise society? 9. For further development of the country, technology should give way to fine arts.10. 'Appropriate Technology' - what is appropriate for India?11. Should India opt for indigenous technology or import of technology? 12. How far can computers replace human intelligence? 13. Computerisation in India may lead to labour unrest. 14. Technological growth is more important than social cohesion for the advancement of a nation.15. India needs microchips, not potato chips. 16. The electronic media will, in future, render the print media obsolete.

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17. Computers cause unemployment. 18. India does not need foreign technology.19. Impact of Information Technology on India.20. Impact of computers on business.21. Excessive computerisation is stealing jobs from people.22. Is the IT sector drawing away investment from the rural sector? 23. Importance of e-commerce. 24. The education system in India has replaced knowledge by information.


MBA Related:

1. Good managers - born or made?2. The manager of the future will have to be culturally savvy.3. Women make good marketing managers.4. Women cannot manage both home and work.5. Women make better managers than men.6. Women in management and gender bias.7. India needs managers and not leaders.8. Worker's participation in management is unsuited to the Indian context.9. Managers should be taught how to beat the system.10. Low volume of engineering exports is due to low R&D.11. Managers in Indian industry are responsible for the persistence of poverty in India.12. Women managers in a man's world.13. Our country needs more technocrats and fewer managers.14. Technocrats make better managers.15. Success comes not so much by solving problems as by exploiting opportunities.16. The role of managers in tomorrow's liberalised world.17. India needs more women managers.18. Professional management is a must to attain target growth.19. Indian management should find its own ethos; American and Japanese paradigms won't work.20. Common sense is more important than being a genius for a business.21. Are Indian professional managers really professional? 22. India needs more entrepreneurs than managers to face the new challenges.23. Public sector should be handed over to independent professional managers.24. Managing in a competitive environment - the challenges involved.25. MBA is a highly overrated degree in India.26. Are MBAs overpaid?27. Management education is a waste of money.28. MBAs with engineering degrees are better than MBAs with non-engineering degrees.29. Should people with work experience or those who are fresh graduates be taken into MBA?

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30. Relevance of MBA Education to the welfare of the society.31. Should it be made compulsory for IIM graduates to serve in the public sector? 32. Engineers doing management is a waste of national wealth.33. People with arts background make better mangers than those with engineering backgrounds.34. Management education is a luxury for a poor country like India.35. Only mediocre students opt for management.36. Management education should make jobseekers job creators.37. Does a person with work experience and maturity benefit more from management education?38. Should engineers apply for management programmes? 39. Management education can be cut down to one year.40. Should all forms of reservations for admissions to management schools be abolished?

41. No one studies for an M.B.A. Everyone studies for a job. Management education should not be subsidised.42. MBAs are cultural misfits in India.43. The current craze for management education in India can simply be attributed to the fact that it promises lucrative jobs.44. For entrepreneurship, MBA is not necessary.45. Group Discussion is absolutely required for the selection to an MBA course.46. Will the mushrooming of MBA institutes in India produce professional managers? 47. Proliferation of management institutes is good for Indian industry.48. Students are opting for MBA nowadays because of the higher pay packet.49. Management graduates are more interested in salaries than management.50. Increasing MBA Schools are diluting MBA education.



1. Relevance of Arts in Modern Society.2. Should freedom of speech take precedence over national security?3. Hindi should be used as a language for national integration 4. AIDS test should be made compulsory.5. Is population a boon? 6. Corruption in India.7. Non-aligned movement.8. Premarital sex.9. Should censorship be banned?10. Education System in India.11. Role of English as a medium of communication in India.12. Equality of sexes.13. Should women be offered reservation in the Parliament?

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14. Should the 'Caveat Emptor' principle be applicable to the candidates applying for jobs in a company?15. The next generation is a generation of rebels.16. Indians are socially irresponsible people. 17. No sex please: we are Indians.18. There can never be a classless society.19. Should only the literate people have a right to vote?20. Can India still boast about being a secular country? 21. Should a ban be imposed on girls wearing jeans and shorts? 22. Advertising - a boon or a curse for the consumers? 23. An Indian woman - a better homemaker or a better businesswoman?24. Does the statement "Unity in diversity" make any sense in today's India?25. Does the Star Movies channel have an adverse impact on its viewers? 26. Has western music invaded our culture? 27. The demand for foreign brands has taken over the demand for our home brands.28. Today India needs a cultural revolution and not a technological one.29. Will mythological serials like Ramayana and Mahabharata help to bring about a Cultural Revolution? 30. The censor department has become too liberal these days.31. Advertising creates demand for products.32. Leaders are born and not made.33. Vada pao vs. McDonalds Burger.34. Internet access should be made free in India.35. Should population be controlled by force in India?36. Is milk good for health?37. Violence is a prerequisite for social and economic change.38. TV and radio functioning should be autonomous.39. Should English be the national language of India? 40. Population - an asset or a liability?41. Poverty alleviation programs in India are a success. 42. Should TV be educative or entertaining?43. Should an emergency be imposed to discipline the Indian citizen?44. Communalism is a problem of the educated.45. The unemployment problem - possible, preferable, probable solutions.46. An autonomous Doordarshan is alien to our culture.47. Appreciation of one's culture can only come about by reading literature in one's mother tongue.48. Has religion any place in modern day society?49. Measures to control the drug menace.50. Is advertising a waste?51. While industries are becoming sick, industrialists are becoming richer.52. Underdevelopment - fate, mismanagement or oppression?53. Indian diversity makes true unity impossible.54. All newspapers in India should be nationalised.55. Communism has lost its relevance.56. The problem of India is that there are more individuals than citizens.

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57. TV serials like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Tamas, etc. instigate fundamentalism.58. More marriages are breaking up because of women joining the labour force.59. Late night movies should not be shown on DD.60. Cinema is at most entertainment with a degenerating effect.61. Money is the most important thing in life.62. India's society is changing for the worse.63. Reservations on caste / communal basis are unfair.64. Living in India today is not worth it.65. Emancipation of women will destroy the family.66. The press should be given unlimited freedom.67. Should all trains be made Janta trains, i.e. 2nd class only? 68. T.V. addiction and its consequences.69. We did well to ban baby foods ads on T.V.70. Current trends of T.V serials degenerate moral values.71. Manufacture of luxury goods should be banned in India.72. Should reservations be caste-based or based on economic criteria to achieve social justice.73. Terrorism is a legitimate form of war.74. Dowry is a necessary evil.75. A country of India's diversity cannot have one national language.76. Women's liberalisation is an empty slogan.77. Should the retirement age in Government organisations be reduced to 50 years? 78. TV, if used properly, can be an effective means of mass education.79. The growth of regional culture is not a threat to national integration.80. Should Indian youth be freed from foreign influence?81. Be Indian, Buy Indian.82. Communication is the only solution to communalism.83. Female education leads to matrimonial mismatch.84. Destruction of Babri Masjid has weakened India.85. Indian parents tend to be over protective towards their children.86. Journalism should be out of the premises of censorship.87. T.V. creates artificial needs.88. The Babri Masjid should be reconstructed on exactly the same site.89. Socialism is dead. Long live socialism.90. The Indian subcontinent should be reunited.91. We should leave behind religion if we want to catch up with the rest of the world.92. Why are we an undisciplined society? 93. The lowering of voting age has adversely affected the democratic set-up of the nation.94. In our society leadership should be entrusted to the young and not to the old.95. Cultural plurality is not compatible with national boundaries.96. The educated Indian lacks national commitment.97. Should there be a retirement age for executives? 98. The Narmada Dam should not be built. 99. Hindi films are the strongest integrating force.100. Indian Administrative Services should be disbanded.101. Beauty contests do not fit into Indian culture.

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102. Khadi is better than Denim.103. Religion is a unifying force for society.104. The future of family planning policies in India - which way should we go? 105. Caste based reservations are not the best way of helping the backward class.106. Adult franchise should be restricted to the literate.107. Nations will be irrelevant in the 2lst century.108. Terrorism is like a virus - very easy to spread, very difficult to contain.109. The Indian middle-class lacks conviction.110. Religious or cultural - any form of fundamentalism is always good.111. Religion is personal and should not be allowed to be exploited by political parties.112. India is heaven for criminals.113. For a boy the minimum age for marriage is 21years, while for voting it is 18 years, isn't it? 114. Euthanasia should be legally permitted.115. Beauty contests are a method of women's liberation.116. Television - an idiot box or knowledge provider?117. One world, one family.118. Satellite TV is dangerous for Indian youth.119. Plight of women in India.120. Are we producing a generation of burnt out children? 121. Is honesty the best policy for the ordinary citizens of this country?122. Are Hindi films a bad influence on Indian society?123. Religious structures on public land should be demolished.124. The higher the taxes, the more people are empowered not to pay them.125. More the power, greater the need for restraint.126. Women should aspire for a better voice and not for 33 percent reservation.127. Indian culture is an impediment to effective management.128. There should be 33 percent reservation for women in India in all spheres of life.129. National Integration in a multi-ethnic society like India is a myth.130. Developed countries are damaging the eco-system of the earth.131. India has such a large brain pool and good entrepreneurial communities like Marwaris and Gujaratis, but it is not developing at a fast rate, why?132. We have exchanged our golden heritage for a pair of blue jeans.133. Human rights in India.134. Globalisation will tend to destroy the sovereignty of the country.135. Population growth is a boon for India.136. India needs more Seshans and Khairnars.137. The social responsibility of business is to increase profits.138. A stable Government is not necessary for a stable society.139. Religious fundamentalism is more dangerous than regionalism. 140. The USA is going too far.141. Indian values and beliefs are contrary to current management practices.142. Modern mass media like TV and Internet have reduced our `real' social interactions.143. Do films need to be censored?144. The Y2K generation is moving from we to I.145. In order to satisfy one section of the society, the state has to sacrifice the interests of

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another.146. The government should license only a few to think because more the thinkers more the chaos.147. The inroads of satellite communication have eroded Indian tradition and culture.148. The launch of multinationals in India will wipe out the Indian brands.149. In India more emphasis should be given to quality than quantity.150. T.V. and Cinema have more evil effects than beneficial ones.151. Should foreign companies be allowed in the print media?



1. Is cricket hampering the growth of other sports in India?2. Cricket selection should be strictly based on merit.3. Should betting in cricket be legalised?4. It's just not cricket!5. Indian sportsmen need a killer instinct.6. India should stop taking part in sports at the international level.7. One-day cricket is just not cricket.8. Only MBAs should be made sports managers.9. Future of sports in India.10. Test matches should be abolished.11. Cricket is an unhealthy national obsession.12. India's sporting standards are so poor that it should not participate in overseas competitions.



Abstract Topics:Abstract topics test your lateral thinking and creativity. These topics are not given often for discussion, but their possibility cannot be ruled out.

1. It does not matter if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.2. Are animal better than Human beings?3. Dead yesterday, unborn tomorrow.4. How important is victory?5. Surds are duds.6. Small is beautiful.7. Honesty is the best policy.

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8. Catch them young.9. Barefoot Doctors.10. Golden shackles are better than ironwork.11. Money is the sixth sense without which you cannot enjoy the other senses.12. Time - there it goes…13. Deeper shades of black.14. Up in the sky.15. The last few lines.16. Highly inflammable.17. What about me?18. Keep running ahead.19. Do you need rules? 20. Do you need a ruler? 21. The falling star.22. Water burns more than fire.23. Brown is a beautiful colour.24. White poison.25. The colour orange.26. The 3rd eye.27. Horse sense.28. As the crow flies.29. You only live twice.30. Dreams can happen.31. There is a Pink Pyjama on top of the Red Fort.32. The alphabet 'A'.33. A Red Spot in the sky.34. We're being watched.35. Life after death.36. Twinkle twinkle Little Star.37. And the clock struck 13.38. The spear that pierces heaven.39. The yellow canary.40. Red vs. blue. Or, roses are red, violets are blue.41. Footprints.42. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow, a mystery. Today is a gift. 43. Music.44. Is love just a four-letter word? 45. Antonyms or synonyms.46. Ice Age.47. Necessity is the mother of all inventions.48. The ends justify the means.49. The only conviction in a man's life should be to not take life seriously.50. Rational thinking makes man inhuman.51. Superficiality is the order of the day.52. The pen is mightier than the sword, but fanaticism is the mightiest of all.53. Honesty is not the best policy.

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54. Good things happen to bad people.55. What is there in a brand name?56. The means are more important than the ends.57. One who hesitates is bossed.58. He who can does, he who cannot manages.59. Success depends on the stars.60. The child is the father of man.61. The wretched shall inherit the earth.62. The further backward you look, the further forward you can see.63. Alas! Mumbai is not New York.64. Cats are better than dogs.65. Winning is not the main thing, but the only thing.66. Those who lose are the real winners.67. If you select, don't suspect. If you suspect, don't select. 68. It is better to sit still than rise and fall.69. Within our dreams and aspirations we find our opportunities.70. Pride comes before disaster and arrogance before a fall.71. Nature has everything for everybody's needs, but not for everyone's greed.72. Man only counts his sorrows, not his joys. 73. Disaster sets in when you reach what you wanted.74. The more you gain, the more you pay.75. Sink a ship, earn a fortune.76. An expert is a man who knows more and more about less and less until he knows practically everything about almost nothing.77. Snakes are better than crocodiles.78. Time is money.79. Dilemma.80. Black is beauty.81. Haste makes waste.82. Advantages of being lost.83. Late come, first serve.84. Mother.85. Your name.

 FMS - GD/PI Feedback

1. Indian cultural values have nothing to fear from globalization 2. The impact of economic reforms has been that rich people have become richer rich and poor people poorer.  3. Management education is only for the rich. 4. Politics is the best playground for politicians. 5. India Shining 6. Reservation in parliament for women. 7. The US dollar is no longer a stable currency 8. The impact of Internet on India.                 

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NMIMS, Mumbai - GD/PI Feedback

1. Politicians are not interested in the future of our country. 2. India Shining 3. Wisdom does not come with age 4. Corruption is the main outcome of democracy. 5. Fee reduction in IIM is not justified.


1. License Raj v/s Liberalization 2. Should India send troops to Iraq? 3. Is the ban on outsourcing unfair? 4. Are beauty pageants good for India? 5. Is coalition government here to stay? 6. Marking System v/s Grading system in school 7. General Election 2004: Who will be the winner? 8. Borderless World: Dream or Reality? 9. Is philosophy just an armchair theory? 10. Should graduation be made compulsory for entering parliament? 11. India's huge population: Asset or Liability?


1. India is becoming sports power 2. Fee cut at IIM: is it justified? 3. Is the ban on outsourcing unfair? 4. Beauty pageants are a curse for Indian society? 5. Indian democracy

 MDI – Gurgaon – (PGPM) – GD/PI Feedback

Article on USA war on Iraq Article on Columbia shuttle crash

IIT Delhi - GD/PI Feedback

1. America’s war on Iraq was a disaster. 2. Human cloning should be banned. 3. Is the Indian IT industry truly world class?

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4. Winning is not everything, it is the only thing. 5. POTA 6. China versus India

7. Should India go for full convertibility of rupee?

IIFT - Delhi GD/PI Feedback

1. Participation of women in politics 2. Rolling stones gather no moss 3. Honesty and integrity are mere buzzwords today 4. Learn to unlearn

GD Topics:

1. Should India host Olympics or not? 2. Age is just a number 3. Indians are as racist as any other society we talk of.

4. India – Scamster’s Happy Hunting Ground.

XIMB - GD/PI Feedback

Celebration of Valentine day should be banned in India Business and Ethics don't go together. Foreign competition is good for Indian industries. Privatization is the panacea for Indian PSUs Terrorism – The global evil Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely Is management an art or science? Are computers generating unemployment? The more we change, the more we are the same

IIM MFC-Delhi - GD/PI Feedback

GD Topics:

1. Reservation in government jobs should be banned. 2. Business is all about you and me. 3. Should space research be funded? 4. Reservation of women in the parliament.

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5. The benign face of police force. 6. Are doctors above the Law? 7. India Shining or India whining? 8. Education and success go hand in hand.

IIM Lucknow - GD/PI Feedback

1. Proactive judiciary is a threat to democracy in India. 2. The impact of economic reforms has been that rich people have

become richer rich and poor people poorer 3. Regionalisation of Indian politics.

Case Study

The students were divided into groups of 8. There were 3 moderators present for evaluation. About 5 minutes were provided to students to read and analyze the case and then they were asked to start the discussion. The sitting pattern was C shaped. Time allotted for discussion was 10-15 minutes. After the discussion, the group was given around 5-6 minutes to summarize the discussion in writing.

Case Study 1

Satya is a marketing trainee, who is working with company ABC. His immediate bosses - Area Sales Manager and Senior Marketing Executive - are engaged in unethical practices. Later on, both Satya and the Area Sales Manager are sacked, when the top management finds out about the unethical practices. Satya is in dilemma - whether he should leave the company or fight against the decision.

Case Study 2

In a company ABC, Sunita is facing problems as she takes frequent leaves and is quite insincere in her work. She is not able to meet her deadlines or deliver quality work. The reason is that she is the only working member in her family. Her husband is an alcoholic and is presently unemployed. He does not support her in any manner. Sunita does all the housework, takes care of her kids and also works in the office. You are the Sunita's boss. How will you help Sunita solve her problems

IIM Kolkata - GD/PI Feedback

1. In democracy, autonomy is a myth 2. Double growth has led to the decline in the living standards of the


IIM Bangalore - GD/PI Feedback

Page 20: gd topics

1. In India, after graduation students should serve in the army for two years. 2. There is little that binds India as a nation. 3. Should GD/PI be a part of selection process in management schools? 4. Medical research on animals should be banned. 5. Drugs and alcohol consumption should be legalized in India. 6. Highly subsidized higher education does not make a student responsible.

IIM Ahmedabad (ABM) - GD/PI Feedback

Case Study

The numbers of candidates in the case discussion are 8-10 and the numbers of moderators were 4. The seating arrangement was oval shaped and the moderators were in all directions. The panel gives 5 minutes to think followed by 15 minutes to discuss. Papers to jot down the points are given beforehand. Instructions are also given from time to time.


The Maha Pradesh Seed Development Corporation has developed a hybrid variety seed for the growing conditions of Maha Pradesh. The seeds in terms of appearance are similar to farm-saved seeds. Initially, corporation had problem in making farmers understand that the hybrid variety is beneficial. So they decided to dye this hybrid seeds in blue colour, so that they looked different from farm-saved seeds.Also the farm-saved seeds are free-of charge or available at marginal price. But these hybrid variety is cost is comparatively expensive. Some unscrupulous traders brought similar seeds from Devanagari and normal seeds & dyed them blue. These were not according to Maha Pradesh requirements therefore farmers who bought these wrong seeds land up damaging there crop. This destroyed the image of corporation. Now corporation is wondering how to regain farmer's confidence. Suggest them what could be done.