gauteng provincal legislature - national treasury budget... · gauteng provincial legislature may...

59 Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2 VOTE 2 GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE To be appropriated by Vote R200 525 000 Responsible Political Head Speaker Administering department Gauteng Provincial Legislature Accounting officer Provincial Secretary – Gauteng Provincial Legislature 1. OVERVIEW Vision The Gauteng Legislative community, in observing its constitutional obligations, which includes law making, the exercise of oversight, ensuring co-operative governance and public participation, will: Strive for and maintain a modern, dynamic legislature in the 21st century, which reflects the values, aspirations and cultures of the South African people; Strive for and maintain the most competent, accessible, transparent and accountable legislature; Foster public confidence and pride in the legislature; Enhance government’s ability to deliver on its strategic goals and objectives; Foster ethical governance; Attract and retain skilled and professional staff, recognize their roles, reward their efforts and provide a stimulating and exciting environment where people are respected and developed. Mission The mission of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) is to provide and observe constitutional obligations, which includes law making, the exercise of oversight, ensuring co-operative governance and public participation within the Gauteng Province. Legislative mandates The origin of the Provincial Legislatures’ legislative power is section 114. In exercising its legislative power the Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even initiate or prepare legislation, except money bills. Some of the key legislative mandates are embedded in the following : Chapter 3 of the Constitution; Section 114 of the Constitution; Section 142 of the Constitution; The Gauteng provincial Legislature Service Act, No.5 of 1966; Public Finance Management Act, 1999; The Promotion of Assess to information Act, No 2 of 2000; The 2002 Second King Commission Report on Corporate Governance in South Africa; and Preferential Procurement Framework Act, No 5 of 2000. Main services to be delivered by the Legislature The main service of the GPL is facilitating the passage of legislation, the implementation and overseeing thereof, as well as oversight over the provincial executive organs of state. It is responsible for ensuring effective public participation in the legislative processes and contributes to furthering cooperative governance between provincial, national and local legislative institutions.

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Page 1: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2


GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURETo be appropriated by Vote R200 525 000Responsible Political Head SpeakerAdministering department Gauteng Provincial LegislatureAccounting officer Provincial Secretary – Gauteng Provincial Legislature


VisionThe Gauteng Legislative community, in observing its constitutional obligations, which includes law making, the exercise of oversight, ensuring co-operative governance and public participation, will:• Striveforandmaintainamodern,dynamiclegislatureinthe21stcentury,whichreflectsthevalues,aspirations

andculturesoftheSouthAfricanpeople;• Striveforandmaintainthemostcompetent,accessible,transparentandaccountablelegislature;• Fosterpublicconfidenceandprideinthelegislature;• Enhancegovernment’sabilitytodeliveronitsstrategicgoalsandobjectives;• Fosterethicalgovernance;• Attract and retain skilledandprofessional staff, recognize their roles, reward their efforts andprovidea

stimulating and exciting environment where people are respected and developed.

MissionThe mission of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) is to provide and observe constitutional obligations, which includes law making, the exercise of oversight, ensuring co-operative governance and public participation within the Gauteng Province.

Legislative mandatesThe origin of the Provincial Legislatures’ legislative power is section 114. In exercising its legislative power the Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even initiate or prepare legislation, except money bills.

Some of the key legislative mandates are embedded in the following :• Chapter3oftheConstitution;• Section114oftheConstitution;• Section142oftheConstitution;• TheGautengprovincialLegislatureServiceAct,No.5of1966;• PublicFinanceManagementAct,1999;• ThePromotionofAssesstoinformationAct,No2of2000;• The2002SecondKingCommissionReportonCorporateGovernanceinSouthAfrica;and• PreferentialProcurementFrameworkAct,No5of2000.

Main services to be delivered by the Legislature The main service of the GPL is facilitating the passage of legislation, the implementation and overseeing thereof, as well as oversight over the provincial executive organs of state. It is responsible for ensuring effective public participation in the legislative processes and contributes to furthering cooperative governance between provincial, national and local legislative institutions.

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Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature


The functional responsibilities of the GPL in the 2007/08 financial year continued to be carried out on a proportional basis within the proposed financial and human resource. In addition to the continuation of existing programmes based on the strategic priorities and projects of the GPL that were planned for 2007/08, significant progress was made in respect of major strategic priorities and included:• Development and strengthening of relationships and partnerships with SA Legislatures, Governmentdepartments,resourcecentresandprofessionalbodiestofacilitatecapacitybuilding;

• ExpandedtheGPLasworldclassthathasuniquelyAfricanbusinesssolutionscharacterisingamodernanddynamicAfricanLegislature;

• EnsuredthattheGPLisaccessibletothecitizensandthestakeholders;• EnhancedtheGPL’scapabilitytoexerciseeffectiveoversightthroughtheapplicationofPerformanceEvaluationandBudgetAnalysis (PEBA)model,producequality lawsandensureeffectivepublicparticipation in thelegislativebusiness;

• Ensured that good governance process in the GPL oversee the role of public office bearers as well asAdministrationwithinPartyCaucuses;

• CreationoflinkagesbetweentheGPLandtheConstituencyoffices;• Expandedonthecurrentpublicparticipationprogrammeswithaspecialfocusonyouth,genderandpeoplewithdisabilities;

• Ensuredthattheinstitutionperiodicallyconductsserviceimpactassessmentstoenhanceservicedeliveryandstakeholdersatisfaction;

• Forged partnershipswithNGO’s,CBO’s and research organisations to obtain independent reliable andvaluableinformationtoenhanceresearchandoversightfunction;and

• Enhancedthecapabilityofmembersandpartysupportstafftocarryouttheirconstitutionalresponsibilities.

Furthermore,aspartoftheMid-TermReviewofthefive-yearPlan,theGPLmadesignificantprogressduringthe2007/08 financial year with regard to the following:• Provided support to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association in Africa (CPA) in the fulfilment of itsmandate;

• TheGPLparticipatedinactivitiesoftheCommonwealthParliamentaryAssociationandistheconvenoroftheSocietyforClerksofAfricawhichisaforumrepresentingtheSecretariesofthevariousLegislaturesintheregion.

• Consolidated strategic relationswithinSouthAfricanand International Legislatures,participation inSouthAfricanLegislaturesSecretariesAssociation(SALSA),CPAactivitiesandstudytoursinsupportofthestrategicobjectivetoenhancecommittees’capacitytodooversightwork;

• TheSecretarywasappointedPresidentofSALSAandisalsotheChairpersonoftheLegalAdvisor’sForum,oneof the forumactivitiesSALSAmeetingswereheldbi-monthly.TheChairofChairscontinuedandwillcontinuetorepresenttheGPLwithintheCPA.TheCommitteememberswereengagedininter-legislativevisitsandinternationalstudytourstoenhancecapacitytodoeffectiveoversightoverdepartments;

• ReviewedPetitions,PublicParticipationStandingCommitteerolewithregardtopublicparticipationingeneralandpetitionsinparticular;

• PublicParticipationmandateisderivedfromConstitutionoftheRepublicofSouthAfricaandtheLegislaturehas reviewed and enhanced existing petitions mechanisms at local government level to improve efficiency. Through public education programmes, prehearing workshops to strengthen public hearings and assist the public to prepare inputs, Women Assembly Programme, People Assembly and road shows the GPL has been abletoreachouttonewgroupssuchaspeoplewithdisabilities,womenandyouth.Duringtheyearunderreviewtwocommittee(StandingCommitteeonGenderYouthandPeoplewithdisabilities)meetingswereheldin localmunicipalities(namely;EkurhuleniandCityofJohannesburgMetropolitans) tofulfil theconceptofTakingLegislaturetothepeople.DepartmentspresentedtheirreportsbeforetheCommitteeinthepresenceofpublicobserversandthepublicwasaffordedanopportunitytoaskquestions;

• InordertocapacitatetheMembers’AffairsDirectoratetoensurethatitimplementsitsmandatebyamongstothers, the enhancement of member’s facilities and the improvement of party support programmes, training plan forWhips, Party LeadersandSupport Staff on PerformanceManagement Systemaswell asbroadbandinghasbeenimplementedandcustomerservicesurveysandsupporthasbeenconducted;and

• DevelopedanExecutionStrategythatensuresprioritisation,implementation,monitoringandreportingsystemof strategic objectives that will provide timeous feedback of projects and service delivery.

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Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2


The functional responsibilitiesof theGPL in the2008/09financialyearwillcontinue tobecarriedoutonaproportional basis within the proposed financial and human resource. In this regard the following will be done;

Instriving forandmaintainingamodern,dynamicLegislature in the21stCenturywhichreflects thevalues,aspirations and cultures of the South African people, GPL will continue to strengthen relations with other Legislatures and other bodies with regards to:• PolicyexchangeprogrammesandInter-legislativeexchangeprogrammesformembers;• DevelopmentofuniquelyAfricanprogrammesinanefforttoestablishandmaintainglobalthinkingandbestpracticethroughdevelopmentofworldclassanduniquelyAfricanservicestandardstoMembers;

• DevelopstrategicrelationswithSALegislaturesthroughparticipationinSALSAfora,governmentdepartments,resourcecentresandprofessionalbodiestofacilitatecapacitybuilding;

• Involvementinknowledgeandinformationsharingwithotherinstitutionslocallyandinternational;and• Inordertoenhancegovernment’sabilitytodeliverandtoensurethatmilestonesareachievedtheGPLwill(a)continuetofacilitateco-operativegovernmentwithlocalgovernmentthroughlocalgovernmentoversightthroughNationalCouncilofProvinces(NCOP)initiatives;(b)assistlocalgovernmentwithpetitionssystemsand(c)ensurethatthereisaqualitativeapproachtolawmaking,oversightandpublicparticipation.

GPL will expand current public participation programmes with a special focus on youth, gender and people with disabilities and investigate participatory research methodologies so as to locate Public Participation at the centre of the GPL business.

MoreemphasiswillbeonprovidingtraininganddevelopingskillsofMembersoftheGPLinordertoenablethem to fulfil their duties effectively and efficiently, empower them to make best use of their natural abilities in the present and future democratic South Africa.


4.1 Summary of receipts


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Equitable share 98,695 114,097 146,233 164,866 215,605 215,470 200,525 210,995 221,042

Conditional grants

Departmental receipts

Total receipts 98,695 114,097 146,233 164,866 215,605 215,470 200,525 210,995 221,042

Thesourceof funding for thedeliveryof Legislature servicesandoperations isprimarily theequitable shareallocation.Between2004/05and2006/07revenueincreasedby48.2percentfromR98.7milliontoR146million.Insupportofthe2007/08strategy,thelegislatureisrequiredtomaintainabaselineofR195.5millionwitheffectfromthe2007/08financialyear.Thehumanresourcerequirementin2007/08includedtheconversionof30contractorstopermanentstaff;appointmentofresearchers,committeeassistantsandcommunicationofficials;andtheinstallationofanewsecuritysystem.AdditionalEquitableshareR30millionwasmadeavailableduring2007/08 adjustment period together with R20 million being GPL’s revenue that was utilised for unforeseeable and unavoidable expenditure.

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Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

4.2 Departmental receipts collection


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Tax receipts

Casino taxes

Horse racing taxes Liquor licences Motor vehicle licences Sales of goods and services other than capital assets 2,236 Transfers received Fines, penalties and forfeits 481 779 570 570 570 616 581 616Interest, dividends and rent on land 701 1,136 730 730 730 774 820 869Sales of capital assets Financial transactions in assets and liabilities Total departmental receipts 1,182 1,915 2,236 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,390 1,401 1,485

TheLegislaturedoesnotestimateanyreceiptstobedepositedintotheProvincialRevenueFundfor2007/08andforthemedium-termexpenditureperiodintermsofsection27.3(a)and28.1(a)ofthePFMA.TheLegislaturedoes not raise or is expected to raise income during the financial year to which the budget relates in the ordinary courseofactivities.Intermsofsection22.1(a)LegislatureisnotrequiredtodepositreceiptsintotheProvincialRevenueFund.

Therevenueismainlyderivedfromancillaryactivitieslikestaffcontributionstoparkingbays,hiringoftheCityHallandinterestreceivedfrombankbalances.Overmedium,revenueisexpectedtomarginallyincreasefromR1.4 million in the 2010/11. The downward trend in revenue collection is due to the fact that domestic interest rates are not expected to increase further and the GPL’s bank balance will not be earning high interest and the city hall will be fully operational in the next three years due to refurbishments which are still taking place. The projected revenue on hiring of the city hall has been applied conservatively in view of the planned rehabilitation oftheCityHallwhilstinterestincomereflectsincreasingtrendtakingintoconsiderationcurrentandprojectedeconomic conditions.


5.1 Key assumptionsThe budget for the GPL was compiled in accordance with the guidelines provided by Provincial Treasury. The keyassumptionsbywhichthebudgetwasfinalizedrelatetoplanstomeettheGautengProvincialGovernment’sfive year strategic priorities as well as the GPL’s strategic plan which includes capacitating of committees by appointing researchers and assistants, increasing constituency allowance for political parties as the number of the members increases and intensifying international study tours undertaken by standing committees members in order to enhance government ability to deliver

Throughout this process, cost saving strategies and inflation related adjustments were taken into account.

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Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2

Specifically, the personnel budget took into account a salary increase of and the full aspects of personnel policy whilst the capital budget was compiled on a needs basis that is in line with the life span and replacement needs ofofficeequipment.

5.2 Programme summary


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

1. Political Representation 6,118 15,051 18,692 30,215 30,195 30,015 35,279 37,350 39,6852. Leadership and Governance 309 1,453 4,715 5,268 6,200 6,090 7,031 7,453 7,9003. Office of the Secretary 4,446 7,035 9,061 7,871 10,100 10,232 9,642 10,523 11,1554. Parliamentary Operations 16,766 21,373 27,795 30,388 41,029 40,388 36,332 38,512 40,8235. Institutional Support Services 21,848 21,844 27,573 29,284 41,224 41,989 41,357 41,548 41,0866. Operational Support Services 27,637 33,354 42,177 43,709 56,135 56,035 39,108 41,454 43,9427. Information and Liaison 10,988 11,029 14,780 18,131 30,722 30,721 31,776 34,155 36,451Total payments and estimates: Gauteng Provincial Legislature 88,112 111,139 144,793 164,866 215,605 215,470 200,525 210,995 221,042

Between 2004/05 and 2007/08, expenditure increased from R88 million to R215 million at an average rate of 34percentinnominalterms.ProgrammecontributingtothegrowthisthePoliticalRepresentationwhichincreasedbyR23.9milliondue to theformationofMembersFacilitiesdirectorate thatsupports themembers’activities.During2007/08expenditureincreasedfromR145milliontoR215milliontocaterforthe(a)installationofthenewsecurity system in theGPLbuilding thus increasingProgramme6:OperationalSupportServices toR56million,(b)internationalstudytoursforthecommitteemembers,(c)CommonwealthParliamentaryAssociation(CPA) relatedactivities inProgramme4:ParliamentaryOperationswhich increased fromR30million toR41million,(d)anincreaseintheconstituencyallowanceforthepoliticalpartiesthusincreasingtheexpenditureofProgramme1:PoliticalRepresentationbyR11million,(e)fundingofadditionalpostsofresearcherstocapacitatecommitteeswhich increasedProgramme7: InformationandLiaisonexpenditurebyR15.9millionand (f) theconversion of contract workers to permanent staff in order to develop and maintain visionary, productive and harmonised employee relations strategy, which resulted in an increase of R14 million in Programme 5: Institutional Support Services expenditure.


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 78,630 95,467 125,971 148,046 190,872 188,297 195,312 205,469 215,185Compensation of employees 36,417 44,666 50,879 65,340 75,188 74,488 88,283 94,355 100,264Goods and services 42,213 50,801 75,092 82,706 115,684 113,809 107,029 111,114 114,921Interest and rent on land

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Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Financial transactions in assets and liabilitiesTransfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Departmental agencies and accountsUniversities and technikonsPublic corporations and private enterprisesForeign governments and international organizationsNon-profit institutionsHouseholds

Payments for capital assets 9,482 15,672 18,822 16,820 24,733 27,173 5,213 5,526 5,857Buildings and other fixed structures 5,324 6,345 8,661 13,640 920 2,113 1,002 1,062 1,126Machinery and equipment 3,638 3,944 7,015 371 19,862 19,675 3,590 3,806 4,033Cultivated assets

Software and other intangible assets 520 5,383 3,146 2,809 3,951 5,385 621 658 698Land and subsoil assetsTotal economic classification: Gauteng Provincial Legislature 88,112 111,139 144,793 164,866 215,605 215,470 200,525 210,995 221,042

MostoftheGPLexpendituregoestowardspaymentsforgoodsandservices.Themainitemsbeingtravelandsubsistence allowance, constituency allowance for members and use of consultants for various projects in place to ensure that GPL operates efficiently.

Between 2004/05 and 2007/08 goods and services showa growth in expenditure at an average of 39percent in nominal terms, due mainly to reasons mentioned above. Payments for software and other intangible assetsaswellasmachineryandequipmenthavealsoseenasignificantaveragegrowthof118percentand75 percent in nominal terms respectively. The main contributing factors being an increase in numbers of staff in whichcomputersandsupportingofficeequipmentswereboughtaswellasthepurchaseandinstallationofnewsecurity systems.


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significantly on payments for capital assets due to the fact that there are no major capital projects in place except therehabilitationofthePostOfficebuildingwhichwillbeutilisedforadditionalofficespacetoaccommodatestaff and members. The same applies to compensation of employees where the number of staff is expected to increasein2007/08butwillremainconstantovertheMTEFperiodandnoanticipatedincreaseinnumberofstaffratherthecurrentnumberswillbemaintained.Oncontrary,paymentsforgoodsandserviceswillremainabit high at an average of 10 percent in nominal terms mainly due to expected in increase in international study toursandincreaseinnumberofmembersfollowing2009elections.



Programme description This programme is responsible for providing andadministering facilities forMembers as determined by theLegislature Services Board (LSB) andministerial handbook, as well as facilitating work byMembers of theLegislaturebyrewardingthemintermsoftheRemunerationofPublicOfficeBearersAct.

Programme objectivesToprovideastrategicinsightintotherunningofMembersaffairs,throughpolicydevelopmentinitiatives,processenhancements,developmentofskillsforMembersandimprovedmanagementofPartycaucuses,enhancementofMembersfacilities,improvementandco-ordinationofservicedeliveryareasandintroductionofsustainableprogrammesaimedatensuringthatMembersarebestequippedtofulfiltheirConstitutionalobligations.


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

1. Management Unit 207 5,371 6,953 9,061 21,154 9,184 10,306 10,924 11,580 2. Members’ Facilities 5,911 9,680 11,739 21,154 9,041 20,831 24,973 26,426 28,105Total payments and estimates: Political Representation 6,118 15,051 18,692 30,215 30,195 30,015 35,279 37,350 39,685

TheexpenditureforProgramme1:PoliticalRepresentationhasincreasedbyR33.5millionbetweenthe2004/05and2010/11financialyears,withMembersFacilities sub-programmegrowingbyR22.2millionduring thesameperiod. TheManagementUnit sub-programme records an increase of R11.4million in allocations forthe period under review. The programme expenditure increase as a result of implementation policies designed tolookaftermembersandtobetterequipthemtobeabletofulfiltheirconstitutionalobligation.Itisimportantto note that expenditure for Programme 1: Political Representation grew on average by 70 percent between 2004/05and2007/08andwill stabiliseatanaverageof9.8percentbetween2008/09and2010/11financial years.


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 6,118 15,051 18,692 30,215 30,195 30,015 35,279 37,350 39,685Compensation of employees 208 5,203 6,596 8,257 8,257 8,455 9,501 10,071 10,675Goods and services 5,910 9,848 12,096 21,958 21,938 21,560 25,778 27,279 29,010Interest and rent on land

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Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Financial transactions in assets and liabilities Transfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Non-profit institutionsHouseholds Payments for capital assetsBuildings and other fixed structuresMachinery and equipmentTotal economic classification: Political Representation 6,118 15,051 18,692 30,215 30,195 30,015 35,279 37,350 39,685

Expenditurebyeconomicclassificationindicatesthatthemaincostdriversunderthisprogrammearegoodsandservicesaccountingforaverageof69percentbetween2004/05and2010/11financialyearsfollowedbycompensationofemployeeswithaverageof31percentforthesameperiodunderreview.Between2004/05and2007/08expenditureoncompensationofemployeesgrewsubstantiallyby243percentduetoanincreaseon staff complement as the unit assumes more responsibilities and growth while, goods and services increased marginallyby53percentforthesameperiodunderreview.Itcanbehighlightedthatbudgetforcompensationofemployeeswillincreasebyanaverageof8percentduringtheMTEFperiod.Goodsandserviceswillexperiencestronger average growth rate of 10.4 percent between 2007/08 and 2010/11 due to expected increase in constituency allowances together with training and development initiatives for staff.


Political representation Measurable Objective

Description of output Performance Measures/Indicator


Performance Targets

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Effective Stakeholder Relations Management

Meetings with stakeholders Timely Quarterly meetings with identified internal stakeholders

Quarterly meetings with identified internal stakeholders

Quarterly meetings with identified internal stakeholders

Quarterly meetings with identified internal stakeholders

Feedback reports from internal stakeholders on service delivery quality

Time Bi-annual stakeholder satisfaction surveys

Bi-annual stakeholder satisfaction surveys

Bi-annual stakeholder satisfaction surveys

Bi-annual stakeholder satisfaction surveys

Service Delivery Impact assessment reports from outside stakeholders

Time Bi-annual service delivery impact assessment with external stakeholders

Bi-annual service delivery impact assessment with external stakeholders

Bi-annual service delivery impact assessment with external stakeholders

Bi-annual service delivery impact assessment with external stakeholders

Management of facilities provided for Parties

Members facilities managed according to policy, budgetary resources, legislation and good governance


Monthly, quarterly and annually within budget allocation

Monthly, Quarterly and annually within budget allocation

Monthly, quarterly and annually within budget allocation

Monthly, quarterly and annually within budget allocation

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Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2

Measurable Objective

Description of output Performance Measures/Indicator


Performance Targets

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Development of Members wellness programmes.

Optimized EAP programmes for MembersEnhancement of Sporting activities for Members.

Time QualityQuantity

Quarterly EAP monitoring

Quarterly sporting activities and events

Quarterly EAP monitoring

Quarterly sporting activities and events

Quarterly EAP monitoring

Quarterly sporting activities and events

Quarterly EAP monitoring

Quarterly sporting activities and events


Programme description Thisprogrammeis responsible forproviding leadershipanddirection to theLegislativeServicesBoard(LSB),Strategic management of committees to ensure political outcomes and ensuring that institutional obligations are executed.

Programme objectivesThe objectives of the programme include:• The provision of an overall direction and leadership to ensure execution of institutional obligations andachievementofpoliticaloutcomes;

• Playinganoversight andmonitoring role thatwould (a) enhance skills ofmembers through traininganddevelopment programmes, (b) ensure public participation in the GPL programmes and (c) facilitate thefunctioningofthecommittees;

• Managementof senior levelmanagementperformanceand response topolicy issueswithin theGautengProvincial Legislature


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

1. Office of the Speaker 309 1,453 4,715 5,268 6,200 6,090 7,031 7,453 7,900Total payments and estimates: Leadership and Governance 309 1,453 4,715 5,268 6,200 6,090 7,031 7,453 7,900

TheexpenditureforProgramme2:LeadershipandGovernance,whichconsistoftheOfficeoftheSpeakersub-programme,hasincreasedbyR7.6millionbetweenthe2004/05and2010/11financialyears.Theprogrammeexpenditure will not increase significantly as there will be no major events or changes taking place. In this regard, expenditurewilldeclinefromanaverage170percentrecordedbetween2004/05and2007/08to9percentin2008/09to2010/11. TABLE 8: SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION: LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 309 1,453 4,715 5,268 6,200 6,090 7,031 7,453 7,900Compensation of employees 309 1,453 1,986 2,919 3,196 2,239 3,606 3,822 4,052Goods and services 2,729 2,349 3,004 3,851 3,425 3,631 3,848

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Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Interest and rent on land

Financial transactions in assets and liabilities

Transfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Non-profit institutionsHouseholds

Payments for capital assetsBuildings and other fixed structuresMachinery and equipmentTotal economic classification: Leadership and Governance 309 1,453 4,715 5,268 6,200 6,090 7,031 7,453 7,900

Theprogrammeexpenditurewasdominatedbycompensationofemployeesuntil2006/07financialyear,butwassubsequentlydominatedbygoodsandservices.OvertheMTEFperiodexpenditureundercompensationof employees will increase by 21 percent and goods and services will have a minimal increase of less than one percent.


Leadership and governanceMeasurable Objective

Description of output Performance Measures/Indicator


Performance Targets

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Develop and maintain relations and/or partnerships with other parliamentary institutions, legislatures, other spheres of government

Participation of Common Wealth Parliamentary Meetings

Level of GPL Participation 1 Africa region meeting1 International meeting

1 Africa region meeting1 International meeting

1 Africa region meeting1 International meeting

1 Africa region meeting

1 International meeting

Participation of Common Wealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) seminars

Level of GPL Participation 4 seminars per annum 4 seminars per annum 4 seminars per annum 4 seminars per annum

Host visiting dignitaries, special visitors and delegations

International delegations, Local delegations, Consul Generals and VIPs

Level of Participation as per quality and quantity

4 international delegation per annum1 Local delegation per annum5 VIP visits

4 international delegation per annum1 Local delegation per annum5 VIP visits

4 international delegation per annum1 Local delegation per annum5 VIP visits

4 international delegation per annum1 Local delegation per annum5 VIP visits

Provide leadership and direction to the Board

Board meetings Level of Participation as per quality and quantity

4 meetings annually 4 meetings annually 4 meetings annually 4 meetings annually

Monitor service delivery to political stakeholders

Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey

Level of Participation as per quality and quantity

1 Report per annum 1 Report per annum 1 Report per annum 1 Report per annum

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Measurable Objective

Description of output Performance Measures/Indicator


Performance Targets

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Direct and lead the inter – legislature programme

Programme of the Legislature visits

No. of visits to other legislatures

4 per annum 4 per annum 4 per annum 4 per annum

Monitor implementation of strategy of the institution

Monitoring tools Number of reports 4 reports per annum 4 reports per annum 4 reports per annum 4 reports per annum

Ensure processes of transformation are operating on a sustainable basis

Transformation monitoring report

Number of reports 2 per annum 2 per annum 2 per annum 2 per annum


Programme description This programme is responsible for providing administrative leadership and direction to the Gauteng Provincial legislature, secretariat support to the Board and Strategic management of committees to ensure political outcomes and ensuring that institutional obligations are executed.

Programme objectivesTo provide strategic vision for the institution in relation to the following priorities:• Providestrategicleadershipandmanagementintheinstitutionanditsbusinessprocesses.• Providedirection,leadershipandsecretariatsupporttotheBoardanditssubcommittees.• Build,manageandfacilitaterelationshipsbetweentheGPLanditsstakeholders.• Buildandmanageoperationalefficiencybyensuringthatthebusinessprocessesarealignedtopriorities,the

implementation plans, monitoring, and reporting and evaluation systems.• ProvideaservicetopoliticalpartiesintheGPLandtheMembersofParliament(MPLs’) ImplementtheConstitutionandalllawsthatarebindingtotheGPL


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

1. Office of the Provincial Secretary 4,446 7,035 9,061 7,871 10,100 10,232 9,642 10,523 11,155Total payments and estimates: Office of the Secretary 4,446 7,035 9,061 7,871 10,100 10,232 9,642 10,523 11,155

TheexpenditureforProgramme3:OfficeoftheProvincialSecretaryhasincreasedby32percentbetweenthe2004/05and2007/08financial years.Over theMTEFperiod expenditurewill stabilise,with anaverageincreaseof2.9percentduetothefactthattheofficewillcarryoutitsnormaloperationsandtheincreaseisonlybasedoninflationaryprospects.

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Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 4,446 7,035 9,061 7,871 10,100 10,232 9,642 10,523 11,155Compensation of employees 3,206 4,167 2,603 4,047 4,047 4,667 4,493 5,065 5,370Goods and services 1,240 2,868 6,458 3,824 6,053 5,565 5,149 5,458 5,785Interest and rent on land Financial transactions in assets and liabilities Transfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Non-profit institutionsHouseholds Payments for capital assetsBuildings and other fixed structuresMachinery and equipmentTotal economic classification: Office of the Secretary 4,446 7,035 9,061 7,871 10,100 10,232 9,642 10,523 11,155

An increase in theprogrammebetween2004/05and2007/08 isas result ofanaverage increaseof65percentingoodsandservicesitem,whereascompensationofemployeesonlycontributed13percent.Between2008/09and2010/11expenditurewill increasemarginallyforbothitemsby1.3percentand4.8percentrespectively.


Office of the secretaryMeasurable Objective

Description of output Performance Measures/Indicator


Performance Targets

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Effective Leadership and management

Effective implementation of the cycles of strategy & budget


Compliance with the Charter

Compliance with the Charter

Compliance with the Charter

Compliance with the Charter

Effective implementation of strategies and the budget


100% compliance with the LSA & the Charter

100% compliance with the LSA & the Charter

100% compliance with the LSA & the Charter

100% compliance with the LSA & the Charter

Effective relations with GPL stakeholders

Effective relations with other Legislatures and participation in the Speaker’s Forum and SALSA

Number of meetings A minimum of 4 Salsa and Speaker’s Forum per annum

A minimum of 4 Salsa and Speaker’s Forum per annum

A minimum of 4 Salsa and Speaker’s Forum per annum

A minimum of 4 Salsa and Speaker’s Forum per annum

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Measurable Objective

Description of output Performance Measures/Indicator


Performance Targets

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Effective relations with countries and their representatives as well as local and international bodies

Annual Institutional Strategy document

Institutional strategy implemented

Institutional strategy implemented

Institutional strategy implemented

Institutional strategy implemented

Policy development and management

Policy aligned to strategy, implementation & evaluation

Quality, quantity and effectiveness

Implementation of strategy Implementation of strategy Implementation of strategy Implementation of strategy

Effective service delivery Delivery of service to members and stakeholders

QualityQuantity Effectiveness

Quarterly and annual reports on service delivery of the GPL

Quarterly and annual reports on service delivery of the GPL

Quarterly and annual reports on service delivery of the GPL

Quarterly and annual reports on service delivery of the GPL

Effective strategic management

1 annual review and planning session


Monitoring and review per year

monitoring and review per year

monitoring and review per year

monitoring and review per year

3 monitoring review and reporting sessions

TimeQuality Accuracy

Plans aligned with institutional objectives

Plans aligned with institutional objectives

Plans aligned with institutional objectives

Plans aligned with institutional objectives


Programme descriptionThe primary aim of this programme is to provide effective and efficient management and administration of committees,enhancethelevelofproceduralexpertiseandadvice,ensurequalitativeparticipationintheNationalCouncilofProvinces(NCOP)processesandefficientlegalsupporttoboththeCorporateandLegislativeprocesseswithin the GPL, Hansard and Language services, and public participation and petition services.

Programme objectivesTo provide secretariat and professional services to the following legislative business processes:• Passlawsandensurethattheyareimplemented;• Exerciseoversightovertheactionsoftheexecutiveandotherprovincialorgansofstate;• Ensurethatthepublicparticipatesinthelegislativeprocesses;• Facilitateparticipationinthenationallegislativeprocessesandensuresco-operativegovernancebetweenthethreespheresofgovernment;and

• Ensuretheprovisionofrecording,transcriptionandlanguageservicesforallproceedingsofthehouseanditscommittees


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

1. Management 12,710 14,473 16,658 20,392 21,766 21,829 25,846 27,397 29,041 2. Committees 2,061 4,836 8,804 6,978 11,352 10,713 6,462 6,850 7,261 3. Proceedings 197 163 171 297 297 254 376 399 422 4. Public Participation 896 1,186 1,247 1,302 1,895 1,903 1,955 2,072 2,197 5. NCOP MEC’s Office 608 419 462 925 4,925 4,906 925 981 1,039 6. Language and Hansard 294 296 453 494 794 783 768 813 863Total payments and estimates: Parliamentary Operations 16,766 21,373 27,795 30,388 41,029 40,388 36,332 38,512 40,823

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TheexpenditureforProgramme4:ParliamentaryOperationshasincreasedby34percentbetweenthe2004/05and2007/08financialyears,withManagementsub-programmeconstitutingabiggerportionoftheprogrammebudgetandgrowingonaverageby19percentinnominaltermsduringthesameperiod,followedby‘committees’withanaverageincreaseof73percentinnominalterms.Thetwosub-programmesreceivesabiggershareofthe budget due to the running of the committees in which staff complement was also increased and another factor being that a number of public participation activities held by committees occurred at venues outside the GPL building meaning more resource had to be allocated.

ExpenditureovertheMTEFperiodisexpectedtoincreasewithsmallamountsofR4millionor0.4percentinnominalterms.ThefluctuationsinexpenditureismainlydueonceoffcashinjectionofaboutR8millionduring2007/08 adjustment estimates period, which was for the settlement of legal costs and hosting of Association of PublicAccountsCommitteeConferencewhichwerenotoriginallybudgetfor. TABLE 12: SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION: PARLIAMENTARY OPERATIONS

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 16,766 21,373 27,795 30,388 41,029 40,388 36,332 38,512 40,823Compensation of employees 12,632 14,421 16,534 20,225 21,599 21,927 25,679 27,220 28,853Goods and services 4,134 6,952 11,261 10,163 19,430 18,461 10,653 11,292 11,970Interest and rent on land Financial transactions in assets and liabilities Transfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Non-profit institutionsHouseholds

Payments for capital assetsBuildings and other fixed structuresMachinery and equipmentTotal economic classification: Parliamentary Operations 16,766 21,373 27,795 30,388 41,029 40,388 36,332 38,512 40,823

Between 2004/05 and 2007/08 expenditure on compensation of employees grew substantially at an average increaseof20percentwhile,goodsandservicesincreasedsignificantlyby64percentforthesameperiodunderreview. The spending trend is attributable to the reasons provided above. It can be highlighted that budget for compensationofemployeeswillincreaseonaverageby9percentduringtheMTEFperiod.GoodsandServiceswillexperienceadeclineof13percent.

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Parliamentary operationsMeasurable Objective

Description of output Performance Measures/Indicator


Performance Targets

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Effective Stakeholder Relations Management

Service delivery impact assessment reports from outside stakeholders

Frequency Quality Quarterly service delivery impact assessment with external stakeholders

Quarterly service delivery impact assessment with external stakeholders

Quarterly service delivery impact assessment with external stakeholders

Quarterly service delivery impact assessment with external stakeholders

Monitoring of Committee plans

Implementation Review reports

Time Quality

4 Quarterly Implementation Review Reports

4 Quarterly Implementation Review Reports

4 Quarterly Implementation Review Reports

4 Quarterly Implementation Review Reports

Effective House publications House documents processed and distributed timeously – Order paper, ATC, Question paper, minutes of proceedings

Time Accuracy

Published within stipulated timeframes

Published within stipulated timeframes

Published within stipulated timeframes

Published within stipulated timeframes

Effective Law making Compliance checklist for each bill

Time Quality Compliance Procedural compliance levels 100%

Procedural compliance levels 100%

Procedural compliance levels 100%

Procedural compliance levels 100%

Legislative Planning Committee meetings & reports

TimeQuality Compliance

Planning and co-ordination levels 100%

Planning and co-ordination levels 100%

Planning and co-ordination levels 100%

Planning and co-ordination levels 100%

Amendments Schedules produced

Accuracy 100% accurate 100% accurate 100% accurate 100% accurate

Efficient House plenaries House papers Time Accuracy

Quality of House sittings 100%

Quality of House sittings 100%

Quality of House sittings 100%

Quality of House sittings 100%

Professional procedural services

Procedural research papers with one paper focussing on application of new rules and emerging trends

Time Quality

3 proactive research paper each quarter

4 proactive research paper each quarter

5 proactive research paper each quarter

6 proactive research paper each quarter

Comprehensive Rulings Booklet

Capturing and publication of rulings from the Presiding Officers

AccuracyQuality Time

Quarterly compilation of rulings

100% quality

Quarterly compilation of rulings

100% quality

Quarterly compilation of rulings

100% quality

Quarterly compilation of rulings

100% qualityIn depth analysis of external reports

Examine and process external opinions

Accuracy and Time Submitted reports Submitted reports Submitted reports Submitted reports

Effective legal services Drafting of legal opinions Quality and Accuracy 100% quality of legal opinions provided

100% quality of legal opinions provided

100% quality of legal opinions provided

100% quality of legal opinions provided

Recording of Proceedings Committee meetings and sittings of the House

Recorded proceedings Quality 100%quality of recordings achieved

100%quality of recordings achieved

100%quality of recordings achieved

100%quality of recordings achieved

Transcription of recordings Transcripts Time Quality

100% of accuracy of transcripts within stipulated time

100% of accuracy of transcripts within stipulated time

100% of accuracy of transcripts within stipulated time

100% of accuracy of transcripts within stipulated time

Archiving of recordings Archived data Quality 100% quality of archived data

100% quality of archived data

100% quality of archived data

100% quality of archived data

Enhance Public Participation in decision-making processes of the Legislature

Road shows (Information campaigns about the Legislature)

Quantity Quality

24 Road shows with 100% quality preparations

25 Road shows with 100% quality preparations

25 Road shows with 100% quality preparations

25 Road shows with 100% quality preparations

Women’s workshops QuantityQuality

20 Women’s workshops with 100% quality preparations

20 Women’s workshops with 100% quality preparations

20 Women’s workshops with 100% quality preparations

20 Women’s workshops with 100% quality preparations

Public Education workshops QuantityQuality

150 workshops successfully prepared for

150 workshops successfully prepared for

150 workshops successfully prepared for

150 workshops successfully prepared for

Effective resolutions of petitions

Processing of petitions Number of resolved petitions

85% of the petitions received

85% of the petitions received

85% of the petitions received

85% of the petitions received

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Programme description The primary aim of this programme is to provide efficient and effective financial management, human resource management and development, general administration and procurement services to the Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Programme objectivesThe objectives of the programme include:• Provision of financial management, administration and budgetary control according to PFMA, policies,

regulations, treasury regulations and all applicable legislation in order to achieve amongst others an unqualifiedauditreport;

• ManagementofinterestsofallstaffandmembersoftheGPLinareasofdevelopmentandtraining,remunerationand employee benefits, administration of the personnel records, industrial relations matters, and employee assistance programs and well as compliance with legislation regulating the relationship between employer andemployee;

• SupportingthefunctioningoftheGPLthrougheffectiveandefficientprocurementserviceatthemosteconomicalmanner,andensuring thatPreviouslyDisadvantage Individualsareempoweredaccordingly,allowing fairandequaltreatmenttooursuppliers,withthelimitedresourcesavailabletodeliverthegoodsandservicesrequiredtoourinternalcustomerswithinaspecifictimeframe;

• GeneralofficeadministrationoftheGautengProvincialLegislature.


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

1. Management 11,267 7,600 10,505 12,314 16,757 16,596 17,128 18,156 19,245 2. Finance 1,067 1,727 2,386 2,582 4,382 5,142 2,876 3,048 3,231 3. Human Resources 2,096 2,694 3,792 4,811 6,284 6,026 6,807 7,215 7,648 4. Administration 7,119 8,518 9,760 9,198 13,354 13,791 14,196 12,758 10,568 5. Procurement 299 1,305 1,130 379 447 433 350 371 394Total payments and estimates: Institutional Support Services 21,848 21,844 27,573 29,284 41,224 41,989 41,357 41,548 41,086

The expenditure for Programme 5: Institutional Support Services has doubled from R22 million in 2004/05 to R42 millionin2007/08financialyears,withAdministrationsub-programmegrowingbyR7millionduringthesameperiod,followedbytheManagementsub-programmewithagrowthofR5millionwhileothersub-programmesshowa minimal expenditure increase. The programme expenditure increased due to implementation of Human Resource Strategy, training and development initiatives for Legislative staff, filling of the various posts including human resourcestrategist,traininganddevelopmentcoordinatorand30cleaningcontractworkersconvertedtopermanentposts so as to enhance corporate governance and enhance Government’s ability to deliver. It is important to note that expenditureforProgramme5:InstitutionalSupportServicesgrewonaverageby24.3percentbetween2004/05and2007/08andwillexperiencedeclineto0.7percentbetween2008/09and2010/11.


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 20,874 19,923 26,836 29,219 38,236 37,843 39,946 40,052 39,501Compensation of employees 10,399 7,515 9,176 11,635 15,098 14,761 16,449 17,436 18,482

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Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Goods and services 10,475 12,408 17,660 17,584 23,138 23,082 23,497 22,616 21,019Interest and rent on land Financial transactions in assets and liabilities

Transfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Non-profit institutionsHouseholds

Payments for capital assets 974 1,921 737 65 2,988 4,146 1,411 1,496 1,585Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equipment 974 1,522 693 65 2,488 3,706 1,411 1,496 1,585Cultivated assets Software and other intangible assets 399 44 500 440 Land and subsoil assets Total economic classification: Institutional Support Services 21,848 21,844 27,573 29,284 41,224 41,989 41,357 41,548 41,086

Expenditureintermsofeconomicclassificationsisdominatedbygoodsandserviceswhichhasshownaconstantgrowthreachinganaverageannualrateof37percentbetween2004/05and2007/08.Whilecompensationof employees contributes a smaller portion to the overall expenditure, showing inconsistency on spending in whichtheyear2005/06showsadecreasefromR10milliontoR7millionduetounfilledpostsandstartedtopickupin2006/07toR9million,howeveraverageincreasefortheperiodbetween2004/05and2007/08came to 44 percent in nominal terms. The reasons mention above contributes to the growth seen in two mentioned items.Lookingatmachineryandequipment,expendituremorethandoubledfromR974thousandin2004/05toR4millionin2007/08duetoamongstothersacquisitionoftwoadditionalvehiclestomeettherequirementsofextendedcommitteeactivities.AsmentionedaboveovertheMTEFexpenditurewilldeclineatanaverageof0.7 percent in nominal terms.


Programme description TheprimaryaimofthisprogrammeistoprovidetechnologicalsupportservicesfortheGPLanditswork;provideefficientlyco-ordinateddocumentrelatedservices,securityservicesandbuildingmanagementwithintheGautengProvincial Legislature.

Programme objectivesThe objectives of the programme include:• ProvisionofalltheLegislatureinformationaswellastheplatformandinfrastructureforallbusinesssystems

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andprocesses;• Provisionofefficientlyco-ordinateddocument-relatedservicesandotherservicessuchasRefreshmentsservices,ServiceofficersandSergeant-at-armsservices;

• Provisionof total security functionbyminimizing the risks facing theGPL in termsofphysical,document,personnelandinformationsecurity;

• ProvisionofthephysicalinfrastructuretotheGPL,itsmembersandstaffthatwillallowperformanceoftheiroperations as well as provision of effective maintenance of such infrastructure.


R thousand

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 1. Management 4,623 5,306 6,156 7,358 7,358 7,313 8,221 8,714 9,237 2. Technology 7,368 12,130 16,547 11,300 16,070 16,070 12,282 13,019 13,800 3. Documents and Services 1,279 1,475 1,810 2,857 5,357 5,362 2,069 2,193 2,325 4. Security and Building Management 14,367 2,220 3,770 16,129 17,013 16,999 6,709 7,112 7,538 5. Building Management 12,223 13,894 6,065 10,337 10,291 9,827 10,416 11,042Total payments and estimates: Operational Support Services 27,637 33,354 42,177 43,709 56,135 56,035 39,108 41,454 43,942

TheexpenditureforProgramme6:OperationalSupportServicesincreasedbyR28millionbetweenthe2004/05and2007/08financialyears,withBuildingManagementsub-programmegrowingonaveragebyR10.2millionduring the sameperiod, followedby Technology sub-programmewith an average increase of R8.7million.Growth in expenditure is attributable to various projects which took place including during the period under review;rehabilitationofCityHall,RissikStreetPostOffice,BeyersNaudePark,HarryHofmeyerparkinglotaswell as upgrading of Selbourne Hall in which phase one and two has been completed now moving towards phase3.OvertheMTEFperiodexpenditureisexpectedtodeclineonaverageby7percent,duetothefactthatno major capital projects will be taking place.


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 19,129 19,603 24,092 26,954 34,390 33,008 35,366 37,488 39,737Compensation of employees 4,617 5,293 6,028 7,213 7,213 7,172 8,076 8,561 9,074Goods and services 14,512 14,310 18,064 19,741 27,177 25,836 27,290 28,927 30,663Interest and rent on land Financial transactions in assets and liabilitiesTransfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities

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Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Non-profit institutionsHouseholds

Payments for capital assets 8,508 13,751 18,085 16,755 21,745 23,027 3,742 3,966 4,205Buildings and other fixed structures 5,324 6,345 8,661 13,640 920 2,113 1,002 1,062 1,126Machinery and equipment 2,664 2,422 6,322 306 17,374 15,969 2,119 2,246 2,381Cultivated assets Software and other intangible assets 520 4,984 3,102 2,809 3,451 4,945 621 658 698Land and subsoil assets Total economic classification: Operational Support Services 27,637 33,354 42,177 43,709 56,135 56,035 39,108 41,454 43,942

Between 2004/05 and 2007/08 significant changes in expenditure were recorded under payments for capital assets, in which software and intangible assets experienced growth at an average rate of 111.9 percent,followedbymachineryandequipmentgrowingatanaverageof81.7percentinnominalterms.Reasonsforthesignificantly growth are as outlined above as well as the increase in staff complement in the GPL in which more computers, softwareandotherofficeequipmentshad tobeacquired.Over theMTEFperiodexpenditureonpaymentsforcapitalassetswilldeclineatanaverageof43percentwhilecurrentpaymentswillbecomestableatanaverageof6.4percent.


Programme description Theprimaryaimofthisprogrammeistoco-ordinatepublicrelations,InformationCentreandResearchoftheGPL.Thisprogrammeisresponsibleforthesmoothflowofinformationinternally;betweentheInformationCentreandResearchUnit,andthemembersandOfficeBearersofthelegislature;andexternally;betweentheGPLandthegeneral public and media of Gauteng.

Programme objectivesThe objectives of the programme include:• SupportingtheGPLprogrammesbyprovidingtimeousrelevantinformationandinformationproductsthataddressinformationneedsandrequirementsofMembersandstaffsothattheycanfulfiltheirconstitutionalobligations.

• Undertakingandcommissioningresearch,either inresponsetoarequest,orproactively, for theCommittees,SeniorOfficeBearersandtheInstitutionoftheLegislatureintoallaspectsofprovincialpublicandfinancialpolicy,theinstitutionalconcernsofprovincialgovernmentasawhole,oranyothermattersasmayberequiredbythedepartment’s clients.

• Provisionofprofessional,effective,andefficientcommunication,medialiaisonandprotocolfunctionstotheGPLand external stakeholders.

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Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

1. Management 5,098 6,690 8,060 11,495 16,430 15,808 20,931 22,659 24,266 2. Information Centre 550 995 1,159 1,019 1,469 1,608 2,237 2,371 2,513 3. Research Services 211 365 302 1,149 1,149 1,122 1,039 1,101 1,167 4. Public Relations 5,129 2,979 5,259 4,468 11,674 12,182 7,569 8,024 8,505Total payments and estimates: Information and Liaison 10,988 11,029 14,780 18,131 30,722 30,721 31,776 34,155 36,451

Theexpenditure forProgramme7: Informationand Liaison increased significantlybyR19.7millionbetween2004/05and2007/08financialyears.TheResearchServicessub-programmesawagrowthinexpenditureatanaverage rateof74percentduring the sameperiod, followedbyManagement sub-programmewithagrowthof45percentatanaverageratewhileothersub-programmeshavenotrecordedasignificantincrease.Thementionedsub-programme’sgrowthwasowing tochange instructure for researchservices inwhich31researchers posts and 12 communication officers posts were created and filled to capacitate committees so as to enable them to effectively exercise oversight as well as the development of the communication strategy that is aimed at aligning the GPL with its messages and ensuring that information is disseminated effectively. It is importanttonotethatexpenditureforProgramme7:InformationandLiasongrewonaverageby40.9percentbetween2004/05and2007/08andwill continue togrowmarginallyataverageof5.9percentbetween2008/09and2010/11.


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 10,988 11,029 14,780 18,131 30,722 30,721 31,716 34,091 36,384Compensation of employees 5,046 6,614 7,956 11,044 15,778 15,267 20,479 22,180 23,758Goods and services 5,942 4,415 6,824 7,087 14,944 15,454 11,237 11,911 12,626Interest and rent on land Financial transactions in assets and liabilities Transfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Non-profit institutionsHouseholds

Payments for capital assets 60 64 67

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Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equipment 60 64 67Cultivated assets

Software and other intangible assets

Land and subsoil assets Total economic classification:Information and Liaison 10,988 11,029 14,780 18,131 30,722 30,721 31,776 34,155 36,451

Expenditureintermsofeconomicclassificationsisdominatedbycompensationofemployeeswhichhasshowna constant growth reaching an average of 44 percent between 2004/05 and 2007/08. While goods and servicescontributesasmallerportiontotheoverallexpenditure,showingaveragegrowthof37percentoverthe same period. Reasons mentioned above contribute to the growth witnessed by the two mentioned items. As mentionedaboveovertheMTEFexpenditurewillstabiliseatanaverageof5,9percentinnominaltermssinceno new changes will be implemented.


Information and liaisonMeasurable Objective

Description of output Performance Measures/Indicator


Performance Targets

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Comprehensive quality annual report

Annual report Time 2006/07 Annual report was tabled within 5 months of the end of the year

Tabling of 2007/08 Annual Report within 5 months of the end of the year

Tabling of 2008/09 Annual Report within 5 months of the end of the year

Tabling of 2009/10 Annual Report within 5 months of the end of the year

Effective policy execution Directorate policies Quality Developed/implemented and accepted policies by Secretariat and LSB

Developed/implemented and accepted policies by Secretariat and LSB

Developed/implemented and accepted policies by Secretariat and LSB

Developed/implemented and accepted policies by Secretariat and LSB

Informed decision making by Committees, Presiding Officers and management

New publications:

80% of materials acquired in supporting Committee and Legislature priorities

Cost of materials

Time for acquiring new materials

Relevance of materials acquired

Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Partnerships and social networks established with relevant organisations for access to information and information materials

Quarterly visits to NGO’s, Research institutes for information sharing and obtaining research reports

Quantity and timing of visits

2 Quarterly 2 Quarterly 2 Quarterly 2 Quarterly

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Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Measurable Objective

Description of output Performance Measures/Indicator


Performance Targets

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Inter-library loans to support information needs of members and staff

Inter-lending statistics obtained externally

Quantity and timing of statistical reports

1 Quarterly 1 Quarterly 1 Quarterly 1 Quarterly

An enhanced understanding of subject areas by researchers

Proactive research papers Number of research papers submitted for publication

5 6 7 8

Greater array of policy options before Office Bearers in the exercise of their duties

Research conducted for Office Bearers: Speechwriting and briefing documents

Quantity and quality of research papers/reports/speeches

20 quarterly quality assessments

20 quarterly quality assessments

20 quarterly quality assessments

20 quarterly quality assessments

Provide quality specialist knowledge for Committees

Commissioned research Number of commissioned research projects

6 6 6 6

Market GPL brand Execution, co-ordination and management of all corporate identity projects

Research 40% 50% 60% 70%


7.1 Personnel Information


Personnel numbers As at 31 March


As at 31 March


As at 31 March


As at 31 March


As at 31 March


As at 31 March 2010

As at 31 March 2011

1. Political Representation 4 27 29 9 9 9 9

2. Leadership and Governance 7 7 7 8 9 9 9

3. Office of the Secretary 6 7 8 9 9 9 9

4. Parliamentary Operations 63 63 74 93 93 93 93

5. Institutional Support Services 58 30 34 70 74 74 74

6. Operational Support Services 31 31 32 34 38 38 38

7. Information and Liaison 28 26 27 66 70 70 70

Total provincial personnel numbers 197 191 211 289 302 302 302Total provincial personnel cost (R thousand) 36,417 44,666 50,879 74,488 88,283 94,355 100,264

Unit cost (R thousand) 185 234 241 258 292 312 332

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Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Total for department

Personnel numbers (head count) 197 191 211 289 289 289 302 302 302Personnel cost (R thousands) 36,417 44,666 50,879 74,488 74,488 74,488 88,283 94,355 100,264Human resources component

Personnel numbers (head count) 7 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12Personnel cost (R thousands) 1,404 1,924 2,195 3,419 3,419 3,419 3,590 3,769 3,769 Head count as % of total for department 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%Personnel cost as % of total for department 4% 4% 4% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4%Finance component

Personnel numbers (head count) 7 7 7 9 9 9 11 11 11Personnel cost (R thousands) 1,564 1,697 2,597 2,925 2,925 2,925 3,071 3,225 3,225Head count as % of total for department 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 4% 4% Personnel cost as % of total for department 4% 4% 5% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3%Full time workers

Personnel numbers (head count) 197 191 211 298 298 298 316 316 316Personnel cost (R thousands) 36,209 44,926 50,879 65,340 75,188 75,188 91,317 96,796 102,604 Head count as % of total for department 100% 100% 100% 103% 103% 103% 105% 105% 105%Personnel cost as % of total for department 99% 101% 100% 88% 101% 101% 103% 103% 102%Part-time workers

Personnel numbers (head count)

Personnel cost (R thousands)

Page 24: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Head count as % of total for departmentPersonnel cost as % of total for departmentContract workers

Personnel numbers (head count) 10

Personnel cost (R thousands) 701

Head count as % of total for department 5%Personnel cost as % of total for department 1%


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Number of staff 149 158 189 227 227 227 241 273 273Number of personnel trained of which Male 55 65 78 94 94 94 100 123 123Female 94 93 111 133 133 133 141 150 150Number of training opportunities 68 69 83 100 100 100 106 112 112of which Tertiary Workshops Seminars Other 68 69 83 100 100 100 106 112 112Number of bursaries offered 12 28 34 41 41 41 43 46 46Number of interns appointed Number of learnerships appointed Number of days spent on training 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

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Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2

Annexure to Budget Statement 2

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Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature


R thousand

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Tax receiptsCasino taxesHorse racing taxes Liquor licences Motor vehicle licences Sales of goods and services other than capital assets 2,236Sale of goods and services produced by department (excluding capital assets) 2,236Sales by market establishments Administrative fees Other sales Of which Health patient fees Other (Specify) 2,236 Sales of scrap, waste, arms and other used current goods (excluding capital assets) Transfers received from:Other governmental units Universities and technikons Foreign governments International organizationsPublic corporations and private enterprises Households and non-profit institutions Fines, penalties and forfeits 481 779 570 570 570 616 581 616 Interest, dividends and rent on land 701 1,136 730 730 730 774 820 869Interest Dividends Rent on land 701 1,136 730 730 730 774 820 869 Sales of capital assetsLand and subsoil assets Other capital assets Financial transactions in assets and liabilities Total departmental receipts 1,182 1,915 2,236 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,390 1,401 1,485

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Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 6,118 15,051 18,692 30,215 30,195 30,015 35,279 37,350 39,685Compensation of employees 208 5,203 6,596 8,257 8,257 8,455 9,501 10,071 10,675Salaries and wages 208 4,218 5,079 6,606 6,606 6,804 7,316 7,755 8,220Social contributions 985 1,517 1,651 1,651 1,651 2,185 2,316 2,455Goods and services 5,910 9,848 12,096 21,958 21,938 21,560 25,778 27,279 29,010of which Constituency Allowance 4,380 6,570 7,166 14,454 14,454 14,454 1,688 1,789 1,897Research Allowance 915 1,947 3,018 4,395 4,395 4,395 4,703 4,985 5,284Training and Development 307 774 1,112 958 958 958 1,219 1,292 1,370Interest and rent on land

Interest Rent on land Financial transactions in assets and liabilities

Transfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Provinces2

Provincial Revenue Funds

Provincial agencies and fundsMunicipalities3


of which: Regional service council levies

Municipal agencies and funds

Departmental agencies and accountsSocial security funds

Provide list of entities receiving transfers4Universities and technikonsPublic corporations and private enterprises5Public corporations

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Private enterprises

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Foreign governments and international organizationsNon-profit institutions


Social benefits

Other transfers to households

Page 28: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Payments for capital assetsBuildings and other fixed structuresBuildings Other fixed structures Machinery and equipment

Transport equipment Other machinery and equipment Cultivated assets Software and other intangible assets Land and subsoil assets Total economic classification: Political Representation 6,118 15,051 18,692 30,215 30,195 30,015 35,279 37,350 39,685


R thousand

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 309 1,453 4,715 5,268 6,200 6,090 7,031 7,453 7,900Compensation of employees 309 1,453 1,986 2,919 3,196 2,239 3,606 3,822 4,052Salaries and wages 256 1,162 1,217 2,335 2,397 1,440 2,777 2,944 3,120Social contributions 53 291 769 584 799 799 829 879 931Goods and services 2,729 2,349 3,004 3,851 3,425 3,631 3,848of which Air Travel 1,128 1,505 1,885 1,885 1,752 1,857 1,969Conference 48 95 96 96 222 235 249Consultants 592 25 189 189 25 27 28Interest and rent on land InterestRent on landFinancial transactions in assets and liabilitiesTransfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Provinces2Provincial Revenue FundsProvincial agencies and fundsMunicipalities3Municipalitiesof which: Regional service council leviesMunicipal agencies and fundsDepartmental agencies and accountsSocial security funds

Page 29: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2

R thousand

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Provide list of entities receiving transfers4Universities and technikonsPublic corporations and private enterprises5Public corporationsSubsidies on productionOther transfersPrivate enterprisesSubsidies on production Other transfers Foreign governments and international organizations

Non-profit institutions Households Social benefitsOther transfers to householdsPayments for capital assetsBuildings and other fixed structuresBuildingsOther fixed structuresMachinery and equipmentTransport equipment Other machinery and equipment Cultivated assets Software and other intangible assets Land and subsoil assets Total economic classification: Leadership and Governance 309 1,453 4,715 5,268 6,200 6,090 7,031 7,453 7,900


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 4,446 7,035 9,061 7,871 10,100 10,232 9,642 10,523 11,155Compensation of employees 3,206 4,167 2,603 4,047 4,047 4,667 4,493 5,065 5,370Salaries and wages 2,661 3,333 1,873 3,238 3,238 3,858 3,460 3,668 3,888Social contributions 545 834 730 809 809 809 1,033 1,397 1,482Goods and services 1,240 2,868 6,458 3,824 6,053 5,565 5,149 5,458 5,785of which Consultants 54 170 388 131 131 131 383 406 430Air Travel 303 747 752 661 1,507 1,507 1,344 1,425 1,510Accommodation 18 209 199 243 243 243 885 938 994

Page 30: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Interest and rent on land


Rent on land

Financial transactions in assets and liabilitiesTransfers and subsidiesProvinces and municipalities Provinces2

Provincial Revenue Funds

Provincial agencies and fundsMunicipalities3


of which: Regional service council leviesMunicipal agencies and fundsDepartmental agencies and accountsSocial security funds

Provide list of entities receiving transfers4

Universities and technikons

Public corporations and private enterprises5Public corporations

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Private enterprises

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Foreign governments and international organizationsNon-profit institutions


Social benefits

Other transfers to householdsPayments for capital assetsBuildings and other fixed structuresBuildings

Other fixed structures

Machinery and equipment

Transport equipment

Other machinery and equipment

Cultivated assets

Software and other intangible assets

Page 31: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Land and subsoil assets

Total economic classification: Office of the Secretary 4,446 7,035 9,061 7,871 10,100 10,232 9,642 10,523 11,155


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 16,766 21,373 27,795 30,388 41,029 40,388 36,332 38,512 40,823Compensation of employees 12,632 14,421 16,534 20,225 21,599 21,927 25,679 27,220 28,853Salaries and wages 10,106 11,536 10,938 16,180 16,199 16,527 19,773 20,959 22,217Social contributions 2,526 2,885 5,596 4,045 5,400 5,400 5,906 6,260 6,636Goods and services 4,134 6,952 11,261 10,163 19,430 18,461 10,653 11,292 11,970of which Consultants 414 725 549 930 930 930 575 610 646Air Travel 795 1,714 3,894 4,751 4,751 4,751 2,506 2,656 2,816Accommodation Foreign/Local 795 1,714 1,238 4,751 7,885 7,885 1,025 1,087 1,152Interest and rent on land


Rent on land

Financial transactions in assets and liabilitiesTransfers and subsidies Provinces and municipalities Provinces2

Provincial Revenue Funds

Provincial agencies and fundsMunicipalities3


of which: Regional service council levies

Municipal agencies and funds

Departmental agencies and accountsSocial security funds

Provide list of entities receiving transfers4Universities and technikons

Public corporations and private enterprises5Public corporations

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Private enterprises

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Page 32: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Foreign governments and international organizationsNon-profit institutions


Social benefits

Other transfers to householdsPayments for capital assetsBuildings and other fixed structuresBuildings

Other fixed structures

Machinery and equipment

Transport equipment

Other machinery and equipment

Cultivated assets

Software and other intangible assets

Land and subsoil assets

Total economic classification: Parliamentary Operations 16,766 21,373 27,795 30,388 41,029 40,388 36,332 38,512 40,823


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 20,874 19,923 26,836 29,219 38,236 37,843 39,946 40,052 39,501Compensation of employees 10,399 7,515 9,176 11,635 15,098 14,761 16,449 17,436 18,482Salaries and wages 8,631 5,983 6,853 9,308 11,323 10,986 12,666 13,426 14,232Social contributions 1,768 1,532 2,323 2,327 3,775 3,775 3,783 4,010 4,251Goods and services 10,475 12,408 17,660 17,584 23,138 23,082 23,497 22,616 21,019of which Audit Fees 572 1,553 2,171 778 778 778 887 940 997Staff Training and Development 708 246 1,052 2,173 2,745 2,745 2,305 2,443 2,590Consultants 393 1,074 3,720 2,181 2,181 2,181 2,874 3,039 3,229Interest and rent on land


Rent on land

Financial transactions in assets and liabilitiesTransfers and subsidiesProvinces and municipalities


Provincial Revenue Funds

Provincial agencies and fundsMunicipalities3

Page 33: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11


of which: Regional service council levies

Municipal agencies and fundsDepartmental agencies and accountsSocial security funds

Provide list of entities receiving transfers4Universities and technikons

Public corporations and private enterprises5Public corporations

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Private enterprises

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Foreign governments and international organizationsNon-profit institutions


Social benefits

Other transfers to householdsPayments for capital assets 974 1,921 737 65 2,988 4,146 1,411 1,496 1,585Buildings and other fixed structuresBuildings Other fixed structures Machinery and equipment 974 1,522 693 65 2,488 3,706 1,411 1,496 1,585Transport equipment Other machinery and equipment 974 1,522 693 65 2,488 3,706 1,411 1,496 1,585Cultivated assets Software and other intangible assets 399 44 500 440 Land and subsoil assets Total economic classification: Institutional Support Services 21,848 21,844 27,573 29,284 41,224 41,989 41,357 41,548 41,086

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Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature


R thousand

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 19,129 19,603 24,092 26,954 34,390 33,008 35,366 37,488 39,737Compensation of employees 4,617 5,293 6,028 7,213 7,213 7,172 8,076 8,561 9,074Salaries and wages 3,832 4,234 4,555 5,770 5,770 5,729 6,219 6,592 6,988Social contributions 785 1,059 1,473 1,443 1,443 1,443 1,857 1,968 2,087Goods and services 14,512 14,310 18,064 19,741 27,177 25,836 27,290 28,927 30,663of which IT Outsourcing/Services 2,011 2,265 3,775 2,416 2,416 2,416 4,049 4,292 4,549Maintenance and Repairs 2,476 1,777 2,411 1,825 1,825 1,825 3,639 3,857 4,089Technical Outsourcing 955 1,097 2,239 1,628 1,628 1,628 1,739 1,843 1,954Interest and rent on land InterestRent on landFinancial transactions in assets and liabilitiesTransfers and subsidiesProvinces and municipalities Provinces2Provincial Revenue FundsProvincial agencies and fundsMunicipalities3Municipalities

of which: Regional service council levies

Municipal agencies and fundsDepartmental agencies and accountsSocial security fundsProvide list of entities receiving transfers4Universities and technikonsPublic corporations and private enterprises5Public corporationsSubsidies on productionOther transfersPrivate enterprisesSubsidies on productionOther transfersForeign governments and international organizationsNon-profit institutionsHouseholds Social benefitsOther transfers to households

Page 35: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature • 2008/09 - Budget Statement 2

R thousand

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Payments for capital assets 8,508 13,751 18,085 16,755 21,745 23,027 3,742 3,967 4,205Buildings and other fixed structures 5,324 6,345 8,661 13,640 920 2,113 1,002 1,062 1,126Buildings 5,324 6,345 8,661 13,640 920 2,113 1,002 1,062 1,126Other fixed structures Machinery and equipment 2,664 2,422 6,322 306 17,374 15,969 2,119 2,246 2,381Transport equipment Other machinery and equipment 2,664 2,422 6,322 306 17,374 15,969 2,119 2,246 2,381Cultivated assets Software and other intangible assets 520 4,984 3,102 2,809 3,451 4,945 621 658 698Land and subsoil assets Total economic classification: Operational Support Services 27,637 33,354 42,177 43,709 56,135 56,035 39,108 41,454 43,942


Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Current payments 10,988 11,029 14,780 18,131 30,722 30,721 31,716 34,091 36,384

Compensation of employees 5,046 6,614 7,956 11,044 15,778 15,267 20,479 22,180 23,758Salaries and wages 4,188 5,282 6,020 8,835 11,832 11,321 15,941 17,370 18,659Social contributions 858 1,332 1,936 2,209 3,946 3,946 4,538 4,810 5,099Goods and services 5,942 4,415 6,824 7,087 14,944 15,454 11,237 11,911 12,626

of which Printing and Publications 699 476 813 708 708 708 1,321 1,400 1,484Subscriptions 382 733 834 847 847 847 1,080 1,145 1,213Consultants 301 302 637 3,457 5,957 5,957 1,754 1,859 1,971Interest and rent on land


Rent on land

Financial transactions in assets and liabilitiesTransfers and subsidiesProvinces and municipalities Provinces2

Provincial Revenue Funds

Provincial agencies and fundsMunicipalities3


of which: Regional service council leviesMunicipal agencies and funds

Page 36: GAUTENG PROVINCAL LEGISLATURE - National Treasury budget... · Gauteng Provincial Legislature may consider, pass, amend or reject any bill before the Legislature. It may even


Budget Statement 2 - 2008/09 • Vote 2 - Gauteng Provincial Legislature

Outcome Main appropriation

Adjusted appropriation

Revised estimate

Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

Departmental agencies and accountsSocial security funds

Provide list of entities receiving transfers4Universities and technikonsPublic corporations and private enterprises5Public corporations

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Private enterprises

Subsidies on production

Other transfers

Foreign governments and international organizationsNon-profit institutions


Social benefits

Other transfers to householdsPayments for capital assets 60 64 67Buildings and other fixed structuresBuildings Other fixed structures Machinery and equipment 60 64 67Transport equipment Other machinery and equipment 60 64 67Cultivated assets Software and other intangible assets Land and subsoil assets Total economic classification: Information and Liaison 10,988 11,029 14,780 18,131 30,722 30,721 31,776 34,155 36,451