gathering around the word *choral … bulletin and...first...

First Presbyterian Church July 2, 2017 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 9:30 a.m. “Take you son, your only son Isaac, whom you love…” Genesis 22:2a GATHERING AROUND THE WORD Prelude “All Glory, Laud and Honor” arr. C.D. Anderson A Pealing Sound Welcome and Church Life Notes Introit Amazing Grace” arr. C.D. Anderson A Pealing Sound *Call to Worship (from Psalm 13) (responsively) Leader: How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? People: How long must I keep asking myself what to do, with sorrow in my heart every day? Leader: Look, and answer me, O Lord my God! I trust in your grace; my heart rejoices as you bring me to safety. People: I will rejoice. I will sing to the Lord, because he gives me even more than I need. *Hymn Be Thou My Vision#450 *Call to Confession *Prayer of Confession (in unison) O Lord our God, we seek forgiveness; in your mercy, hear our prayers. What was costly to you, we take for granted. The honor you deserve, we grasp for ourselves. The humble manner of Christ we trample under our feet in the name of ambition. Forgive us, God. Heal our careless living, and form us into your likeness in the name of Jesus Christ, our servant Savior. Amen. (A moment for silent personal prayer of confession) *Assurance of Pardon (responsively) As high as the heavens are above the earth, so is the Lord’s mercy upon those who fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has the Lord removed our sins from us. In God’s boundless mercy, we are forgiven. In Christ’s selfless love, we are made whole. Praise be to God! *Choral Response “The Gloria” Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost! As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be! World without end! Amen! Amen! *Passing of the Peace Leader: The Peace of the Lord be with you. People: And also with you. PROCLAIMING THE WORD Time for Small Disciples Rev. Dr. Lisa Ruth Mays (Children may leave for the Child Care Room following the children's message.) Prayer for Illumination (in unison) Gracious God, give us humble, teachable, and obedient hearts, that we may receive what you have revealed, and do what you have commanded. Amen. Genesis 22:1-14 (page 17 OT in the pew Bible) Psalm 13 (page 494 OT in the pew Bible) Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. Matthew 10:37-42 (page 11 NT in the pew Bible) Leader: The Gospel of Christ. People: Thanks be to God. Sermon Child of GodRev. Dr. Lisa Ruth Mays RESPONDING TO THE WORD

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First Presbyterian Church

July 2, 2017 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 9:30 a.m.

“Take you son, your only son Isaac, whom you love…” Genesis 22:2a


Prelude “All Glory, Laud and Honor” arr. C.D. Anderson

A Pealing Sound

Welcome and Church Life Notes

Introit “Amazing Grace” arr. C.D. Anderson

A Pealing Sound

*Call to Worship (from Psalm 13) (responsively)

Leader: How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?

People: How long must I keep asking myself what to do, with sorrow in my

heart every day?

Leader: Look, and answer me, O Lord my God! I trust in your grace; my heart

rejoices as you bring me to safety.

People: I will rejoice. I will sing to the Lord, because he gives me even more

than I need.

*Hymn “Be Thou My Vision” #450

*Call to Confession

*Prayer of Confession (in unison)

O Lord our God, we seek forgiveness; in your mercy, hear our prayers.

What was costly to you, we take for granted. The honor you deserve, we

grasp for ourselves. The humble manner of Christ we trample under our

feet in the name of ambition. Forgive us, God. Heal our careless living,

and form us into your likeness in the name of Jesus Christ, our servant

Savior. Amen.

(A moment for silent personal prayer of confession)

*Assurance of Pardon (responsively)

As high as the heavens are above the earth, so is the Lord’s mercy upon those

who fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has the Lord

removed our sins from us.

In God’s boundless mercy, we are forgiven. In Christ’s selfless love, we are

made whole. Praise be to God!

*Choral Response “The Gloria”

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost!

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be!

World without end! Amen! Amen!

*Passing of the Peace

Leader: The Peace of the Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.


Time for Small Disciples Rev. Dr. Lisa Ruth Mays

(Children may leave for the Child Care Room following the children's message.)

Prayer for Illumination (in unison)

Gracious God, give us humble, teachable, and obedient hearts, that we

may receive what you have revealed, and do what you have commanded.


Genesis 22:1-14 (page 17 OT in the pew Bible)

Psalm 13 (page 494 OT in the pew Bible)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Matthew 10:37-42 (page 11 NT in the pew Bible)

Leader: The Gospel of Christ.

People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “Child of God” Rev. Dr. Lisa Ruth Mays


*Hymn “I Love You Lord” #627

*Prayer (in unison) (Ushers gather in the narthex at this time.)

Sovereign God, ruler of all hearts, you call us to obey you and favor us

with true freedom. Keep us faithful to the ways of your Son, that, leaving

behind all that hinders us, we may fix our eyes on him and steadfastly

follow in the paths of your kingdom. Grant this through Jesus Christ our

Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one

God, forever and ever. Amen.

Presentation of our Tithes, Gifts & Offerings

Call to the Offering

Offertory “Hymn Medley” arr. C.D. Anderson

A Pealing Sound

*Choral Response “The Doxology” #606

*Prayer of Dedication (in unison)

God of grace, it is our delight and our devotion to give these gifts to you.

All we are and all we have are yours alone. Accept this joyful offering as

a token of our abiding love: use it to bring peace, justice and comfort to

all the world, Amen.

Sharing Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer

… “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”

*Parting Hymn “Go With Us, Lord” #748


*Choral Benediction “Praise to God the Father” #605

*Postlude “Patriotic Medley” arr. C.D. Anderson

A Pealing Sound

*You may stand.

Thought for today: “May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please but as the opportunity to do what is right.” —Peter Marshall

The First Presbyterian Church Delhi, New York

First Presbyterian Church actively exists as the living body of Christ, committed to growing in faithfulness to God, serving the whole human family

and welcoming all people into God’s love. (Our Mission Statement)


8:45 am Bell Rehearsal (Sanctuary & Chapel) 9:30 am Worship (Sanctuary) 10:30 am Coffee Hour (New Narthex)


9:00 am Fitness Class ( FH) 10:00 am Monday Morning Bridge (BR)


OFFICE CLOSED in Observance of Independence Day 10:00 am Tweedie Reunion (CR)


7:30 am SPARKS at Crossroads Café 9:00 am Fitness Class (FH) 10:30 am Advanced Tai Chi (Chapel) 11:00 am Delaware Opportunities Senior Meals (CR) 5:30 pm Community Orchestra Rehearsal (Chapel)


9:00 am Kirk Work Day (Kirk, Social Room) 11:00 am Delaware Opportunities Senior Meals (CR) 6:30 pm Yoga for All (Chapel) 7:30 pm Campfire Thursdays at Tom & Susie Little’s home


9:00 am – 2:00 pm The Kirk Thrift Shoppe is open! 10:00 am Gentle Yoga (Chapel) 11:00 am Delaware Opportunities Senior Meals (CR)


9:00 am – 2:00 pm The Kirk Thrift Shoppe is open! 10:00 am Lay Pastors Meeting (Library)


9:30 am Worship (Sanctuary)

RR – Red Room; CR – Conference Room; FH – Fellowship Hall; BR – Blue Room






First Presbyterian Church

of Delhi, New York Church Life: July 2, 2017

“For freedom Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1). We thank God for the freedom of salvation as well as for the freedom of worship in this land. Welcome!

Dynamic Spirit, remind me this week through the awesome power of fireworks that you are God’s power at work in my life.

We invite everyone to take a moment during the offertory to sign the Church Attendance Register. A special welcome is extended to all who are visiting with us this morning. We hope that your worship experience will be meaningful and enjoyable. If you are interested in learning more about First Presbyterian Church or becoming a member of this congregation, please speak with Pastor Lisa Ruth, the Church Office or any Elder.

The FLOWERS this morning are given in honor of Janet Maxwell’s birthday on July 5 by David and Nancy Althaus.

You are invited to a Special Coffee Hour in honor of Joe Weaver’s 75th birthday immediately following worship this morning in the new narthex. Please come join us in fellowship and in wishing Joe a very Happy Birthday!

The TRUSTEES responsible for counting today are Erica Cantwell and Ed Goff. The Trustees responsible for counting on July 9 are Steve McKeegan and Art Maxwell.

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP BAGS are available in the hospitality room on the shelves. Children are welcome to select a bag with items of their choosing to use during worship. CHILDREN’S BULLETINS are also available. The CHILD CARE ROOM will be available to parents today during the worship service. Child care is usually provided from after the children's sermon until the end of worship most Sundays.

The SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES will resume September 10.

The Daily Bread and Upper Room Devotionals are available on the information racks in the narthex and outside the church office. If you wish to make a contribution to defray the cost, there is a wooden box in the Narthex or you may drop off contributions in the church office.

The Kirk Thrift Shoppe celebrated July 4th a little early on Friday with lots of picnic items and summer clothes for the whole family. We had the drawing for the two "Gardening Made Easy" books on Friday-congrats to the winner! The Shoppe was closed on Saturday July 1st to allow volunteers to celebrate the weekend with family! We will be open next Friday and Saturday as usual.

The Holiday Bazaar is Saturday November 4th. Hope everyone is gathering items for the White Elephant Sale and Silent Auction-The Kirk has put aside lots of items for the Bazaar already! Please keep making Crafts and starting plants. The Crafters Club will not meet on Tuesday July 4th but come to Betty Bell's house on July 11th from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.


Thoughts on Giving: “…whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.” - MATTHEW 10:38 Pope Benedict XVI said “The world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness”. “Comfort” puts me first. “Picking up your cross and following Jesus” puts God and others first. Why settle for comfort when you can achieve greatness! Pick up your cross, ask Jesus for guidance on using your gifts and live the life God intended for you! Stewardship Prayer: That we pick up our cross and live the life God intended for each of us!

The Per Capita amount for 2017 has been set at $36.60 per member.

We welcome everyone each Sunday for worship. Our summer worship (9:30 am) schedule will run June 4 – September 3 this year. Worship will begin at 9:30 a.m. those Sundays.

Come Join the Fun! What says summer better than a campfire? A campfire with friends! Campfire Thursdays will start July 6th at Tom and Susie Little's house on Arbuckle Hollow. We would like to open the location up to anyone else willing to host on July 20, August 10 and August 24. Come enjoy one another's company and a S'More! If you play guitar, feel free to bring it!! Call Susie for directions. The fun starts at 7:30! (bring your swim suit if you like to swim in a pond!) Let's get together on Tuesday, August 22 and go out for dinner and a show! The Forestburgh Playhouse puts on a dinner and Cabaret before the real show for $28.50 and then we will watch Crazy for You for $44. There are brochures in the office for more details about the show. We will meet at the church at 3:30 to arrange carpooling and head out from there. Dinner starts at 6:00. Call the church office or Carolyn Massey or Susie Little for details.

Attendance week of 6-25-17 38 The amount needed each week The amount given week of 6-25-17

$1,972.00 $1,379.06

The amount needed year-to-date The amount given YTD as of 6-25-17 Fuel Fund given YTD as of 6-25-17

Mission giving week of 6-25-17 Mission giving YTD as of 6-25-17

$51,272.00 $54,755.74


$62.00 $2,674.98

Apportionment Needed 2017 Apportionment received YTD as of 6-25-17

$6,734.40 $2,148.06

Alzheimer’s care team – If you are interested in supporting others by serving on an Alzheimer’s care team, please contact the office. The team would provide respite for people who are struggling to care for someone in their home with Alzheimer’s or other memory loss diseases. Training is provided (3 hours). A four person team would then have a 2 hour time commitment each month. Brochures with additional information are available in the church office and on the bulletin board in the office hallway.

Interim Pastor: Rev. Dr. Lisa Ruth Mays Music Director/ Organist: Billy Meredith Organ/ Piano: Jackie Gibson A Pealing Sound Director: Bea Mooney 4 Clinton Street, Delhi, NY 13753

Liturgist: Carolyn Massey Phone: (607) 746-2155

Fax # (607) 746-2156 Web Site: e-mail: [email protected]