gamebryo snapshot

GAMEBRYO : SNAPSHOT Deciding to build an engine or buy an off the shelf solution is an ongoing battle throughout the game industry. This decision impacts various aspects of a project and can significantly change the risk level. Emergent is dedicated to helping the video game industry continually raise the creative bar and allow our developers to focus on making great games while we focus on the core technology. We firmly believe developers need time and money to concentrate on innovative game play, mechanics, design and art and let us mitigate risk by delivering world class solutions like Gamebryo, creating a cost and time effective relationship. Gamebryo is a complete platform for creating next-generation games, visual simulations and other 3D experiences. Every aspect of Emergent’s state-of-the-art engine helps game studios reduce development time and costs, while empowering artists and engineers to create more spectacular visual effects and more immersive game environments. Proven in over 200 games across 15 genres, and with 100 additional titles in development, the infinitely modifiable Gamebryo is simply the most powerful and battle-tested commercial solution for any game project. are able to craft their visuals by assembling detailed scenes with Scene Designer and by sequencing within the Animation Tool. What’s more, feature-rich Max, Maya, and XSI Exporters allow artists to use the workflows they know and love in their favorite digital content creation tools, and to experience their visions coming to life in Gamebryo runtime. are amazed at how easily large numbers of developers can work with Gamebryo, and how well their work translates across all platforms, whether it’s for the PC, Sony’s PlayStation3, Microsoft’s Xbox 360, or Wii. Moreover, Gamebryo fits seamlessly into studio pipelines; so instead of building the infrastructure to support their game, teams can focus their time and energy on designing unique and more immersive gameplay. will appreciate the world-class quality of Gamebryo’s cross-platform code base. Targeting a new platform is often as simple as recompiling; while seamless support for single-core, multi-core, and even many-core environments, is built right in. The C++ code for the engine, the supplementary libraries and the samples are all clean and legible, making it easy to understand and modify. Moreover, Gamebryo’s modu- larity allows engineers to easily integrate their own internal applications, or to extend the engine’s func- tionality with best-of-breed middleware from any one of Emergent’s technology partners. can rest easy, assured that our superior support team is available to answer even the most difficult questions, and to help them achieve new and exciting directions for their games. Emergent’s world-class support is unique, and is designed with our customers’ needs in mind. ENGINEERS STUDIOS ARTISTS TEAMS TM

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Post on 27-Nov-2014




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Giving you the space tools and support to create and innovate.

GAMEBRYO : SNAPSHOTDeciding to build an engine or buy an off the shelf solution is an ongoing battle throughout the game industry. This decision impacts various aspects of a project and can significantly change the risk level. Emergent is dedicated to helping the video game industry continually raise the creative bar and allow our developers to focus on making great games while we focus on the core technology. We firmly believe developers need time and money to concentrate on innovative game play, mechanics, design and art and let us mitigate risk by delivering world class solutions like Gamebryo, creating a cost and time effective relationship.

Gamebryo is a complete platform for creating next-generation games, visual simulations and other 3D experiences. Every aspect of Emergent’s state-of-the-art engine helps game studios reduce development time and costs, while empowering artists and engineers to create more spectacular visual effects and more immersive game environments. Proven in over 200 games across 15 genres, and with 100 additional titles in development, the infinitely modifiable Gamebryo is simply the most powerful and battle-tested commercial solution for any game project.

are able to craft their visuals by assembling detailed scenes with Scene Designer and by sequencing within the Animation Tool. What’s more, feature-rich Max, Maya, and XSI Exporters allow artists to use the workflows they know and love in their favorite digital content creation tools, and to experience their visions coming to life in Gamebryo runtime.

are amazed at how easily large numbers of developers can work withGamebryo, and how well their work translates across all platforms, whether it’s for the PC, Sony’s PlayStation3, Microsoft’s Xbox 360, or Wii. Moreover, Gamebryo fits seamlessly into studio pipelines; so instead of building the infrastructure to support their game, teams can focus their time and energy on designing unique and more immersive gameplay.

will appreciate the world-class quality of Gamebryo’s cross-platform code base. Targeting a new platform is often as simple as recompiling; while seamless support for single-core, multi-core, and even many-core environments, is built right in. The C++ code for the engine, the supplementary libraries and the samples are all clean and legible, making it easy to understand and modify. Moreover, Gamebryo’s modu-larity allows engineers to easily integrate their own internal applications, or to extend the engine’s func-tionality with best-of-breed middleware from any one of Emergent’s technology partners.

can rest easy, assured that our superior support team is available to answer even the most difficult questions, and to help them achieve new and exciting directions for their games. Emergent’s world-class support is unique, and is designed with our customers’ needs in mind.






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Your concept was born, now let’s breathe a little life into it...

< A demo built in 1 month by a small evaluation team of 8 from Coldwood, on a binary version of Gamebryo. Shadowing, high dynamic range lighting, depth of field, heat shimmer, and soft particle effects are all dynamic and repurposed from Gamebryo samples shipped with the product. Custom code was used for screen-space ambient occlusion, rim lighting, reflection, inverse kinematics, and audio integration.


FLEXIBILITY – A developer’s control starts with data-driven assets and extends to C++ modification. Assets from DCC tools as well as shaders expose rich out-of-the-box graphics; while developers can enhance the uniqueness of their AAA titles by writing their own C++ APIs to highlight unique, platform-specific game features.

SHADER SYSTEMS – Gamebryo supports data-driven shaders, such as HLSL, FX, CG and CGFX, allowing developers to choose the shader authoring environment that best fits their needs. Gamebryo also offers NSF as a cross platform data-driven shader format, simplifying technique setup on all platforms with one file. Additionally, a well-designed C++ API between renderers and shaders allows developers to implement more advanced & high-performance rendering techniques by coupling shader authoring tightly with the renderers.

Gamebryo’s cross-platform renderers, known for their flexibility and their modular design, have been used to create stunning visual effects in hundreds of games that span all game genres and multiple generations of gaming hardware.

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STANDARD MATERIAL – Gamebryo provides a Standard Material that artists can configure using a simple GUI:

The GUI supports:

The Standard Material is implemented via a fragment material library that is available to game makers. Fragment Materials combine small portions of shaders that are bundled together by the asset type and the runtime effect applied to objects. To give their game an even more uniquelook, many customers modify the standard material with additional features.

- Detail maps- Bump environment maps- Projected light maps, clipped or unclipped (up to 3)- Projected shadow maps, clipped or unclipped (up to 3)- Animated texture transforms per map- Point/Spot/Directional/Ambient lights contributing to the diffuse, specular, and ambient color, up to 8 total lights, per-pixel or per-vertex

- Skinned and unskinned transformations- Vertex colors- Base maps- Normal maps- Specular mask maps- Emissive maps- Decal maps (up to 3)- Cubic and spherical environment maps- Per-vertex fog- Parallax maps- Light maps

SHADOWING SYSTEM – A flexible Shadowing System is adaptable to many shadow map-based techniques. Depth maps, percentage closer filtering (PCF), and variance shadow maps are all supported out-of-the-box.

FRAME RENDERING SYSTEM – Gamebryo’s Frame Rendering System eases the construction of rendering operations for performing complex rendering effects within a frame. Frame rendering reduces common rendering code, allows for more portable effects between applications, and simplifies the enabling and disabling of effects.


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MESH MODIFIER SYSTEM - The latest version of Gamebryo also introduces the Mesh Modifier System as a general purpose API for dynamically updating geometry.

The Mesh Modifier System:

Removes runtime data conversions, accelerating data loadingAllows flexible and compressed data representations that reducebus bandwidth to the GPU

Eliminates buffer-to-buffer copies and any memory fragmentation that may have occurred due to these copies for common geometry usage

Supports optimization of data access patterns using multiple geometry streams

Provides a generic interface for geometry data access using semantic names to distinguish data meaning. This helps support multiple NBT sets, fur length, 3D texture coordinates and so on.

Supports 2^32 vertices within a single object, effectively removing the per-object vertex ceiling

Supports large objects with 32-bit indices, while still supporting 16-bit indices for space savings on smaller objects

Enables GPU hardware instancing

Enables more flexible geometry data sharing, such as sharing index, position, and UV coordinates while using unique vertex colors per object

Applies any material or shader to any compatible NiMesh object, including particle systems

FLEXIBLE GEOMETRY SYSTEMThe latest version of Gamebryo features a completely overhauled Geometry System that gives games complete control over data types, interleaving, and sharing between objects. The new Geometry System:

Supports skinning, morphing, particle system simulation and quad generation, instance culling, and water simulation

Enables developers to generate custom modifiers for creating unique effects in their game, such as terrain, hair, fur, stencil shadow volumes, and much more.

All modifiers that ship with Gamebryo take full advantage of Floodgate™, so work performed by the modifier is executed in parallel on multiple cores


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SCENE GRAPH - Most Gamebryo games utilize several hierarchical Scene Graphs. These graphs can be organized for hierarchical transformation, culling, state management, attachments, and so on – all based on the unique needs of the game.

PARTICLES SYSTEMS – The latest version of Gamebryo adds support for shaders on particles. If the target platform supports it, simulation and quad generation can also take advantage of multiple cores.

IMMEDIATE MODE RENDERING – Gamebryo features a simple API to directly submit rendering geometry. This is primarily used in tools and for debugging visualization.

CULLING AND PORTALS – Simple culling and portals are provided, with clean APIs to enable the custom genre-specific solutions that customers want to implement.

BACKGROUND LOADING THREAD SAFETY Renderers support background loading of files and thread-safe creation of GPU resources (PC resource creation is deferred and done later in the main thread).

EFFECT SAMPLES – Gamebryo ships with dozens of samples and demos, many of which demonstrate state-of-the-art effects, including High Dynamic Range lighting, bloom, depth of field, heat shimmer, soft particles, multiple render targets, motion blur, picking, dynamic textures, rendered cube maps, reflections, dynamic CPU vertex modification, and programmatically controlled particle systems.

Creative freedom without compromise.


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ENTITY PLACEMENT AND EDITING – Scene Designer allows developers to easily place entities in a scene based on Gamebryo models and anima-tions. Entity properties can also be added and edited, if necessary.

CUSTOM ENTITY TYPES – Custom entity types can also be created and placed within the game world.

LIGHTS AND CAMERA – Lights and cameras can be adjusted and optimized with ease.

MULTI-USER COLLABORATION – The newest version of Scene Designer adds support for prefabs (compound entities) and multiple, lockable layers so several artist can work on the same scenes and assets.

ADDED USABILITY – New tagging and search functionality saves time and improves efficiency for levels and world design.

REAL - TIME PREVIEW – Scene Designer provides an accurate real-time preview of how a scene will appear in an application, including lighting, shaders and particle systems.

BUILT ON INDUSTRY - STANDARD TECHNOLOGY Built on the industry-standard .NET framework, Scene Designer can easily be adopted into any game pipeline. What’s more, extensive plug-ins create a highly customizable workflow and user interface.

Grab all the elements and watch them come together...

Scene Designer amplifies the power of the Gamebryo engine and tools, allowing studios to assemble new worlds from discrete assets more rapidly than ever before.


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INTUITIVE TOOLS – The Terrain Editor allows teams to sculpt game terrains interactively or to import height fields generated by other ap-plications. Terrain texturing, painting and decal tools enable teams to build materials in layers in order to quickly generate extensive visual variations.

COLLISION DETECTION – The Terrain System is integrated with Gamebryo’s collision detection system, so game objects can realistically interact with (and even deform) the terrain.

TERRAIN META-DATA – Arbitrary meta-data can be associat-ed with layers on the terrain and queried at runtime to drive game logic such as path finding, audio changes, foliage types, or anything else a developer dreams up.

DYNAMIC LOD – The terrain runtime adds detail when close-up terrain patches are rendered, and removes detail when far-away terrain patches are rendered.

IDV SPEED TREE® INTEGRATION – The optional Gamebryo integration with IDV SpeedTree is fully compatible with the Terrain System, so SpeedTree trees can be interactively placed on the terrain.

Gamebryo’s cross-platform Terrain System is in-tegrated with the runtime. It includes complete support from the tool chain and is complement-ed by a WSIWYG Terrain Editor that is incorpo-rated into Scene Designer.

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Open the floodgates & jumpstart your game development



MULTI-CORE BUILDING BLOCKS - Gamebryo provides robust, proven classes for wrapping low-level multithreading concepts like atomic operations, synchronization primitives, and even threads themselves. When it comes time to consider targeting a new platform, there’s no overhead for learning a new API or testing handwritten classes.

FLOODGATETM - The Floodgate stream processing engine provides a

straightforward execution model for computational tasks that’s easily portable to all platforms, including PlayStation3. Floodgate manages the decomposition, dependency analysis, synchronization and data transfer for tasks, reducing the time programmers need for producing high-performance code.

MESH MODIFIERS - The Gamebryo Mesh Modifier System layers on top of Floodgate and the Gamebryo Geometry System to provide a flexible dispatch system for per-frame tasks. Studios can reduce the complexity of the application logic required in a title by associating Floodgate kernels with mesh modifiers and relying on Gamebryo to execute and retrieve results at the appropriate time with each frame.

AUTOMATIC ACCELERATION - Whether or not a studio chooses to write a multithreaded application, Gamebryo will automatically manage the details. For example, directly from the DCC tools, mesh modifiers are applied to accelerate particle simulation, deformable meshes, skinning, and more.

Gamebryo is unmatched at harnessing the pro-cessing and graphics power of modern, multi-core PCs and consoles. By removing the complexity of optimizing multi-core production environments, the Floodgate stream processing engine provides a high-performance interface for multithreaded computing. The engine provides a number of low-level building blocks for threading that allow studios to jumpstart their own development.

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Xbox 360


All of Emergent’s products are built on a common architecture, but are targeted for optimization on each specific platform. So even if a studio “only” develops a single PC, Xbox360, PS3 or Wii title, the studio can rest assured that it’s choosing a proven technology solution optimized for that specific platform. Whether you are developing serially or concurrently, Gamebryo maximizes your investment, allowing cross platform games to cost less and deliver faster!

Not only is Gamebryo built for PC, Xbox360, PS3 and Wii; it’s built to leverage each platform’s unique features.

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Emergent’s Current Partners

Emergent’s partner integrations ensure that studios have access to the highest level of integrated technologies for their development. Emergent partner solutions give studios unrivaled flexibility with a choice of great middleware products that work together out-of-the-box. Moreover, when middleware solutions are “Emergent Certified”, studios can be sure that the partner’s products meet Emergent’s standards of excellence. They can also be certain that Emergent has worked closely with its partners to co-develop an integration that is rigorously tested, supported, and documented, and has samples demonstrating the optimal method for using them together.

With game pipelines becoming an ever-more-complex combination of technologies, productivity throughout the development process is relying more and more on the degree to which solutions interconnect.

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Modify, extend & push the limits of Gamebryo with our cleanly scripted code.

The modular architecture of Gamebryo allows teams to easy modify, ex-tend and re-factor the solution to meet the needs of their game’s genre, complexity and unique creative vision. What’s more, a wide-range of Gamebryo partner integrations enable studios to extend their pipelines, and enhance their games, with ease.

All code in Gamebryo is easy-to-read and cleanly archi-tected. All runtime code is C++. Tools are written in C++ and C#. Accompanying the code is easily readable, fully indexed, and hyperlinked documentation, as well as dozens of samples for both programmers and artists.

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Emergent’s support engineers are all hand-picked. Each has experi-ence in writing code, developing Gamebryo product features and designing games. And each has hands-on engineering experience using Gamebryo. In addition, their knowledge extends beyond code base and art to the entire process of building a game, giving them a 360-degree view of a studio’s needs.

Emergent’s team is educated in, and experienced with, both game development processes and technologies, including:

- Autodesk® 3ds Max® and Maya®- Softimage® | XSI® - Multiplatform development- Multi-core development- Performance and shader optimizations- All of Emergent’s technology partners

Focus on creating incredible games. We’ll take care of the rest.

- Free patch upgrades throughout the year

- Free upgrades to minor version releases of Emergent products

- Support via email or the Emergent customer portal (coming soon)

- Responses in one business day or less. 70% of Emergent’s requests are handled within 4 hours!

- Responses in one business day or less. 70% of Emergent’s requests are handled within 4 hours!

- Art and development team support. Emergent will even help studios optimize their art assets in Gamebryo!

- A dedicated Technical Account Manager

- Access to Emergent’s Support Forum

- Access to many additional samples and tutorials

- Over 20 years of experience in building core technologies

- New releases designed for seamless transitions

What does a studio get with support from Emergent?

Emergent’s experienced team of engineers is perfectly positioned to assist teams with their technical needs so they can focus on developing great games. Support is provided by Emergent’s A-team of high-level support engineers - all of whom are uniquely qualified to quickly answer the question at hand, and to get teams back on track as quickly as possible.

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300+ teamscan’t be wrong...

To learn more about Gamebryo visit

or to contact Emergent go to

or download us at Sony’s Dev Net: