g o then, sonja, if you were taken into the land of the dear departed g o if you must, but speak for...

Go then, Sonja, if you were taken into the land of the dear departed Go if you must, but speak for us, to the few we knew, together. Tell them we are Song for Sonja 1

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Go then, Sonja, if you were taken into the land of the dear departed

Go if you must, but speak for us, to the few we knew, together.

Tell them we are sorry.

And that we didn’t know.

Song for Sonja


Song for Sonja

Such… and more need forgiving…So I coax my new pup, ‘Don’t get about

with a bark in your mouth, make them grin, mate.’

You grew past us quickly, Sonja so soar wherever it is you soar

that sky-lane of snowdrops, that ski-lift to God…

Peeking out from Forever Garden! Wait! My sister has much…much

more to tell you.