fundraising - catholic guides of · pdf filewhen organising a fundraising event, ... 66.3...

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Page 1: Fundraising - Catholic Guides of · PDF fileWhen organising a fundraising event, ... 66.3 Application for a lottery licence ... A sample letter to send to the Chief Superintendent



Page 2: Fundraising - Catholic Guides of · PDF fileWhen organising a fundraising event, ... 66.3 Application for a lottery licence ... A sample letter to send to the Chief Superintendent


Page 3: Fundraising - Catholic Guides of · PDF fileWhen organising a fundraising event, ... 66.3 Application for a lottery licence ... A sample letter to send to the Chief Superintendent

Contents 1. Why we fund raise? ............................................................................................................................................ 5

How to use this booklet? .................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Hints and tips ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

Organising events................................................................................................................................................ 7

Advertising events............................................................................................................................................... 7

Sponsors .............................................................................................................................................................. 7

Costs .................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Keep your members informed ............................................................................................................................ 7

3. Legal considerations............................................................................................................................................ 8

Licence to run a raffle ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Applying for a license to hold a public lottery .................................................................................................... 8

Garda permits for cash collections ..................................................................................................................... 9

Applying for a Garda permit to collect cash ....................................................................................................... 9

4. Company raffle .................................................................................................................................................. 10

5. Cake sale ........................................................................................................................................................... 12

6. Sponsored walk/run .......................................................................................................................................... 14

7. Table quiz .......................................................................................................................................................... 16

8. Fashion show .................................................................................................................................................... 20

Sample event flyer ............................................................................................................................................ 25

9. Other ideas ........................................................................................................................................................ 26

Appendix 1 – Sample parents letter ..................................................................................................................... 28

Appendix 2 – Sponsorship request letter ............................................................................................................. 29

Appendix 3 – Thank you letter to sponsor ............................................................................................................ 30

Appendix 4 – Sample raffle flyer ........................................................................................................................... 31

Appendix 5 – Sample quiz sheet ........................................................................................................................... 32

Picture round .................................................................................................................................................... 32

Dingbats round.................................................................................................................................................. 33

Answers to picture round ................................................................................................................................. 34

Answers to Dingbats round: ............................................................................................................................. 34

Appendix 6 – Fund raising tracker ........................................................................................................................ 35

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1. Why we fund raise?

The Catholic Guides of Ireland is a nationwide uniformed organisation open to all women and girls. Our

mission is to provide a challenging Guiding programme within a safe environment, to enable all girls and

young women to develop their full potential.

For our youth members to reach their full potential we provide a diverse programme of activities, ranging

from team games, through hikes, to international camps. To run these activities requires equipment, training

and transport. As member’s weekly subscriptions are the only regular source of income, units need to fund

raise to cover all these costs, this enables the unit to make guiding more affordable for some girls.

How to use this booklet?

This booklet contains five detailed checklist for running small , medium , and large fund


Some of these can be organised quickly and easily , others will take more planning , while some

will require a substantial amount of organisation .

The main legal requirements covering asking members of the public for funds are briefly mentioned, but you

must always check the up to date position by referring to National guidelines and the ICTR website.

Each checklist covers what you need to consider in choosing an event, how to plan the event, what to do at

the event, and how to make sure after the event, everything has been completed. Sample advertising flyers,

letters to parents, requests for sponsorship, and thank you letters to sponsors are included in the appendix.

Use checklists as your starting point; after reading them, also read the additional ideas at the back and then let

your own imaginations run wild. For your fund raising to be successful , your events need to be that little bit

new, that little bit different, and then they will be talked about in your community.

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2. Hints and tips

Organising events When organising a fundraising event, regardless of size

o Ensure you have plenty of help, get as many of your section leaders involved as possible.

o Nominate one person for each task – one person one job, this way you can be sure everything is covered and if not it will become obvious very quickly.

o Hold event planning meetings regularly so that problems are identified early and nothing is left until the last minute.

o Always check if you need a permit or licence – don’t leave it to chance

o No one under the age of 14 years can take part in a Cash Collection (e.g. bag pack, street collection,


Advertising events

Advertise as widely as possible

o Use your local radio station’s community diary to plug your event

o Send in free tickets for large event to be given out as a spot prize on a radio programme

o Have it mentioned in your local parish newsletter, and in your local papers community notices

o Include your next fund raiser when sending out a note to your parents about upcoming guide activities, especially if you need spot prizes donated.

o Advertise your next event at the one you are holding

o Get people talking about your event – word of mouth is the best advertising there is.

Sponsors When approaching sponsors

o Try where possible to get the name of the person you are approaching

o If a business refuses to donate a spot prize always remain polite and respectful – businesses are under pressure and sometimes just cannot afford to give donations.

o When you do get a donation always note the name of the person who gave it to you, this way you can personalise their thank you letter

o Never forget to thank your sponsors – you may need to approach them again in the future.

Costs Keep your event costs as low as possible – every euro in cost reduces the net amount of money raised. But

don’t be penny wise and pound foolish, sometimes you need to spend money to raise money.

Keep your members informed Keep a fundraising tracker in your meeting hall so the girls feel involved in the fund raising; you could also get

whoever brings in the most money at an event the job of filling in the tracker for that event.

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3. Legal considerations

Licence to run a raffle

All raffles are legally considered lotteries under the Gaming and Lotteries Act 1956. This defines lotteries (raffles) as either being

Private - where you restrict the value of prizes and who can buy tickets

Public - where prizes can be up to the value of €20,000 and members of the public can buy tickets You do not usually require a license for a private lottery as long as

the prize fund is less than €4000

you do not send tickets out in the post The following raffles would be classified as private lotteries

1. Raffle tickets sold to people attending an event such as a table quiz, cake sale or fashion show 2. Tickets are only sold to members of your unit, or sections.

All other raffles or lotteries are public lotteries and you must obtain a license from your local District Court before you organise the event.

Applying for a license to hold a public lottery To apply for a public lottery license you must complete Form: 66.3 Application for a lottery licence - Gaming and Lotteries Act 1956 which can be downloaded from To complete the form you must

- Nominate a person who will become the license holder and is then responsible for ensuring the lottery is run properly

- The date of the District Court sitting the license application will be made - The date you will first start to sell tickets - The date you will stop selling tickets - The type of lottery – ticket draw, spot the ball, scratch card etc - The purpose of the lottery - Any commissions or payments you will make to ticket sellers - The list of all prizes and their values

You must send the completed form to - Garda Síochána Superintendent for the area where the lottery will be held - Clerk of the District Court

At least 28 days before the District Court hearing You can find out the next District Court sitting at or by ringing your local court office. Remember if you’re not sure whether you require a license or not, check with your Garda station or a solicitor.

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Garda permits for cash collections To collect cash in any public place, or by calling house to house, or holding a Church Gate Collection you must have a Garda permit. Garda permits are issued under the Street and House to House Collections Act 1962. Public places are not just limited to public property (e.g. street, park) but also includes any building that the public can access, even if they have to pay to access it (e.g. cinema, restaurant). The Charities Act 2009 extends the requirement to have a Garda permit where you collect pledges (e.g. direct debits, standing orders) rather than actual cash.

Applying for a Garda permit to collect cash Garda permits are obtained from the Garda Division, not your local Garda Station. Contact your local Garda station to find out what is appropriate Garda Division. You must write, at least 14 days before the proposed collection, to the Chief Superintendent of the Garda Division where the collection will be held. You must specify

- The person to be the permit holder (identified by name, address, telephone and date of birth) - Your Unit name - Unit secretary name - CGI Head office address - The proposed date of the collection - The proposed times of the collection (e.g. from 9am to 5pm) - Where the collection will be held - How the collection will be done – e.g. collection boxes house to house, also if there is any novelty

feature such as a bed push, or fancy dress this must be specified - How many collectors will there be - Purpose of the collection – what you will do with the money raised

The permit is only valid for 6 months, so annual events require a permit to be applied for each year. A sample letter to send to the Chief Superintendent and other relevant information can be found at Permits Good Practice_web.pdf

Remember anyone under the age of 14 years cannot act as a collector in a cash collection

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4. Company raffle


Raffle tickets Raffle prizes

Letter to parents, see Appendix 1. Letter to possible prize sponsors, see Appendix 2

Announcement of winners after event Advertising prior to event e.g. Posters in meeting room

Things to consider The maximum amount your raffle can raise is the number of tickets sold by the face value of the tickets. Although people will often buy a ticket for a good cause, it is more difficult to sell tickets if the price if the ticket is expensive compared with the quality of the prize. To ensure the full raffle proceeds are raised, look for sponsorship of the prizes from local businesses. Minimise your costs by using pre-printed books of raffle tickets. Make sure you have the prizes ready (delivered) before the raffle date. To ensure it runs smoothly, delegate the different jobs (tickets, prizes, advertising) to different people.

Prior to raffle Send out flyer to parents containing all relevant information

o Cost of tickets o Prizes o Raffle date and time

Night of raffle Clearly label prizes – 1st 2nd 3rd Label every prize with name of sponsor Ensure every ticket sold is included in draw

Thank the sponsors Announce winner(s) of draw

After raffle Make sure winners of the draw are advertised Arrange delivery of prizes that were not collected on the night Send thank you letters to sponsors, see Appendix 3. Use this raffle as part of a bigger fundraiser i.e. Fashion Show or could be held at the end of an open event such as an Investiture, Parents Night; or at Unit Events such as your Christmas, Halloween or Easter Party.

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Company raffle



Who is responsible? Completed





Parent’s letter

Sponsor letter

Date & time



Thank you letters


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5. Cake sale


Stock – cakes, biscuits, sweets etc Venue – if not using your meeting room

Labels for pricing Tables and tablecloths

Letter to parents, see Appendix 1. Posters

Letter to possible sponsors, see Appendix 2

Advertising prior to event e.g. posters and/or flyers

Things to consider Sourcing of cakes etc - Sourcing of sponsors - budget for stock if not sponsored Amount of stock required

o Every child supply a cake o Set an amount of items per patrol o Stock other than cake o Sell refreshments on the day

Pricing of stock If posters/flyers need to be bought or printed Date of sale – is it going to be a themed sale – Christmas, Easter, or Halloween? Nominate one person to look after each area e.g. tickets, stock, and advertising

Prior to raffle Send out flyer to parents containing all relevant information

o Plea to parents to supply something for sale o Letter to sponsors appealing for donation

Day of sale

Clearly label and price stock

Have plenty of help to man the stands

Float for sellers

Cover tables with tablecloths if possible

After sale

Letter of thanks to sponsors, see Appendix 3

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Cake sale Checklist


Who is responsible? Completed

Book Venue




Parent’s letter

Sponsor Letter

Date & Time

Pricing & Labelling




Thank you letters

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6. Sponsored walk/run


Sponsorship cards Refreshments

Letter to parents, see Appendix 1.

Things to consider Date and time of event Unit or company event? If a Unit fundraiser, adjust duration to suit the age brackets and abilities within your unit If not a public space, do you need the owner’s permission? How will you get to the venue – hire a bus or parent’s car share?

Printing and recording of Sponsorship Cards Nominate one person to take responsibility for all money collected Nominate one person to take responsibility for refreshments

Prior to Walk/Run Visit venue – mark out course if necessary Decide how many leaders you need on the course and where you need them Hire bus if required

Give Girls sponsorship cards

Send out flyer to parents containing all relevant information

o Event date and time o Venue o Date all sponsorship cards to be returned

Send in your outdoor activity form to your Regional Outdoor Commissioner

Day of Walk/Run Designate which leaders are to be out on the course Ensure there are leaders at the front and back of the course at all times Have refreshments ready for the participants when they have completed the walk/run

This event can be altered to be sponsored cycle, swim or silence. If cycling, use a local race course or park – specify the number of laps of the track If swimming, use the local leisure centre or public pool - specify the number of lengths

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Sponsored walk/run Checklist


Who is responsible? Completed


Date & Time

Bus Hire if required

Parents Letter

Sponsorship Cards

Course Markers



Outdoor Activity Form

Guides Health Forms

Money Bags

First Aid Kit

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7. Table quiz



Questions – enough for 8/10 rounds Letter to possible sponsors, see Appendix 2

General knowledge Advertising e.g. posters, flyers, social media

Picture Quiz Master



Collectors and markers


Letter to parents, see Appendix 1.

Things to consider Venue

o Will you be charged for the use of the venue – talk to local hotels and/or sports clubs - many will give a room free of charge as you will be bringing extra business their way

o How many tables can the venue hold? o Does the venue have a sound system? o Are there parking facilities? o Is there a bar for any adults attending?

Date and time of quiz Amount of questions required – depending on how many rounds you require

o 5/6 general knowledge rounds (8-10 questions in each round) o Specialist Rounds

o 1 or 2 music rounds o 1 or 2 picture rounds o 1 dingbat round

Remember to have a tie break round ready in case it is needed Printing of posters, is there any cost involved? Setting of questions, will you use an external person or leader – if using an external person will they charge for the questions? Printing of answer sheets and/or picture and dingbat rounds – any cost involved? Organising of music round Decide which way the quiz is to be broken up to allow raffle tickets to be sold and also for any adults attending to go to the bar

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Table quiz

Things to consider How much to charge to enter the quiz – what is your fundraising goal? Are you going to charge per person or per team? If per person what is the max/min number of participants on each team? Will there be a junior and senior section? Prize money and/or table prizes for funniest answer or lowest scoring team. Do you need an external Quiz Master or will one of your leaders be available? How many people do you need to collect and mark answer sheets? Make sure you have answer sheets for the markers, and that there is consistency with the scoring system. Who is going to look after the taking of registration and entrance fee? Nominate one person to look after each area e.g. questions, answer sheets, scoreboard and advertising.

Are you going to hold a raffle in conjunction with the quiz? – follow steps for raffle in your company; don’t forget to mention the raffle on your flyer.

Prior to quiz Book venue and discuss layout of room

Find your maximum attendance Book Question Master, get a firm commitment

Organise questions & answer sheets Send out flyer to parents containing all relevant information

Night of quiz Arrive early at venue to give yourself plenty of time to get organised

Check Layout of room Check sound system and projector if using one for scoreboard

Organise the following

o Welcome table o registration and float o scoreboard o table for markers o table for spot prizes o float for raffle o water jug and glass for Compare

After quiz Letter of thanks to sponsors, see Appendix 3

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Table quiz

Quiz Questions

When organising your quiz questions remember the following:

Don’t have the questions too easy or too difficult so everyone thinks they have a chance of winning.

Aim for 5/6 easier questions with 2/3 more difficult and then a couple of stingers – this will keep the audience interested but show up the stronger teams.

Try to include some guide orientated questions to keep the girls interested.

Make sure the questions are clear and concise so as not to cause confusion with the answers. Cheating during the quiz Because so many people smart phones the temptation to look up answers is huge - to avoid cheating You could consider:

Not allowing phones at all

Docking points off anyone caught using a phone to look up answers

If the sound system will allow, could the quizmaster walk around the room when calling the questions

Helpful reference sites to visit for free quiz questions

Your local library also has reference books and quiz books that can be used to generate quiz questions.

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Table quiz

Table Quiz



Who is responsible? Completed


Date & Time

Price per table


Parents letter


Answer Sheet Collectors and markers

Questions and/or additional rounds

Answer sheets



Allocation of table numbers



Thank you letters


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8. Fashion show


Event partner Models:

Sponsor o Clothes

Music o Shoes

Tickets o Accessories

Advertising/Promotional Material: o Hair & make up

o Posters Venue:

o Flyers o Time & date

o Newspaper o Stage/catwalk

o Social media o Sound

o Lighting

Things to consider

Budget o What is your total budget? o What is your fundraising goal? o What is the minimum attendance to cover expenses?

Event partner o Contact your local charity shops – many of them would be delighted to share an event o Suggest sharing the proceeds from the entrance tickets o Your event partner could organise setting up a shop at the venue and sell their clothes

after the show (they could also incorporate accessories/shoes/handbags)

Venue o Will you be charged for the use of the venue – talk to local hotels - many will give a

room free of charge as you will be bringing extra business their way o If there is a charge on the venue can you get sponsorship for same o How many seats can the venue hold o Does the venue have a sound system, lighting, music, catwalk o Decide the layout and decor o Are there parking facilities o Can your venue be used for a rehearsal or do you need to get an alternative premises o Decide date and time of your show


o Contact your local drama clubs or light opera society - someone who is used to public speaking and can hold the attention of the audience between sections

o Once you have decided on who to ask contact them early and get a firm commitment o Does the compère expect payment?

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Fashion show

Models o How many models will be needed o Is there going to be a children’s’ section o Contact local sports clubs, ask local celebrities to help out o Get your leaders, youth members, or parents’ model – by getting your youth members

to model will ensure more tickets sold to family members o Clothes – liaise with your event partner about clothes, shoes, accessories o Hair – contact local hairdresser and ask them to help out on the night – free of charge

if possible o Make up – ask everyone to do their own make up – no cost involved or has anyone in

your unit has a connection with a beautician that may be willing to offer to help free of charge

Determine the length of the show – how many sections you wish to include e.g. Spring/Summer or Autumn Winter depending on time of year

o Casual o Smart Casual o Outdoor wear o Formal o Graduation o Wedding

Try to cater for all ages groups throughout the sections e.g.

o Children o Teenage o Ladies o Men o Bridal Party

Keep the Fashion Show as short as possible to keep the audience interested but long enough that people feel they have got value for their money, possibly 1hr 30 mins – 2 hours including interval. If holding your show in the evening, start early e.g. 7.30pm this will then give the charity ample time to sell their stock after the show.


o Will you advertise in the local newspapers? o Printing of tickets and posters/flyers o Advertising on your local radio station o Advertising in your parish newsletter o Putting your event on a social media site e.g. facebook page, twitter, linkedin o Can you get sponsorship for all or any of the above o Can your event partner help with the advertising

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Fashion show


o Follow steps for raffle in your company/unit


o Flyer for parents o How many tickets will be given to each child? o Date when any sold/unsold tickets must be returned o Organise someone from the charity to speak at the event

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Fashion Show



Who is responsible? Completed



Event Partner

Permit required

Ticket Price

Minimum Expected Attendance

Maximum Expected Attendance

Rehearsal Required

Possible sponsors







Media attendance at event

Staff & Equipment




Make Up




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Fashion Show



Who is responsible? Completed


Spot Prizes

Raffle tickets



Collection Boxes


Jobs on the night

Jobs on the night

Door ticket sellers

Raffle ticket sellers

Backstage help




Backstage help


Total budget

Fundraising Goal

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Sample event flyer

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9. Other ideas Small fundraisers

Spare Change Campaign

Give all your girls a small plant pot to collect spare change at home. After 6 weeks,

ask them to bring the pots back in, giving a small prize to whoever collected the


Santa Letters

Send personalised Santa response letters to children charging approximately €2 per

letter. Stationary and postage will cost about €1, so you raise about €1 per letter


Christmas Cards

Have a Christmas Card design competition for each section in your unit. Print the

winning designs, and sell the finished cards in packs of 8 for €5 to friends and


Time of first score

Pick a high profile match such as a Champions League final or a 6 Nations match or

an All-Ireland final. This can be adapted for first try in rugby, goal in hurling and so

on. (Note this won’t work for some sports such as basketball)

Football Knockout competition

Run a regional football tournament for each section. Invite local scout groups and

run guide v scout, brígín v cub competitions. Charge a fee for entry and pick up

small trophies or medals from local euro shops.

Medium fundraisers

Hair & Beauty Evening

Arrange a hair and beauty demonstration with a local hairdresser and beautician

offering advice on what makeup to wear, how to style your hair for all ages. Would

they be willing to sponsor a makeover as a raffle prize.

Flower Arranging Demonstration

Have a local florist host a seasonal flower arranging demonstration showing how to

make, for example a Christmas table display, and raffle the completed arrangement

at the end of the night.

Books & Games Sale

Ask for good quality books and games and sell them. Anything that is not sold on

the day could be sold, to your local second hand book shop which will maximise

profits, or can donated to a local charity shop.

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Large fundraisers

Dance Evening

If any of your guides are involved in a dance school would the school be interested

in co-hosting a dance evening with you?

Bag Pack In your local supermarket

Contact your local supermarket and ask for permission to do a bag pack in their

store. Discount supermarkets generally don’t allow bag packers. You cannot

request a date, the store will assign a date and time to you.

Ensure you have enough packers on the day so no checkout is left unattended, you

will also need a co-ordinator. Make sure all your packers know how to pack food

and non-food items. Have a designated person collect the money from you at

regular intervals throughout the day.

You will have to provide buckets and bibs for all your packers.

Cookery Demonstration

Ask a well- known chef or the head chef from a local hotel to host a cookery

demonstration for you. Have the hotel sponsor the room.

Could local food producers be interested in putting a stand in the room, and

offering tastings during the night? They could donate a hamper of their produce as

a raffle prize.

Entry tickets would need to be sold and raffle tickets sold on the night.

Greyhound Racing Night

Contact your local greyhound track and ask them to help arrange a fundraising

night for you. Irish Greyhound Board offers three fund raising packages at some

venues which can raise from €1,000 to more than €15,000.

This involves selling entry tickets with pre-printed race cards. Advertisements in the

race cards need to be sold to local businesses, and tickets need to be sold for


Buster tickets, which list the finishing order of the 6 dogs, can be sold. There is a

maximum of 720 tickets available per race.

Sponsorship of individual races and dog nominations can also be sold. A typical race

night can involve 11 races with 66 dogs.

For more information contact your local stadium via

Other ideas could be Wine tasting evening, cinema premiere, silver mile, cow pat lottery, bed push, fancy

dress walk.

Remember the more unusual your event is, the more people will talk about it, the better the attendance, the

higher the funds you will raise. Let your imagination run wild.

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Appendix 1 – Sample parents letter

St Elsewhere Guide Unit


Dear Parent

Our Summer Camp is the highlight of the Guiding year as it allows our girls to put into practise the skills

they have learned throughout the year. This year we need to replace tents and cooking equipment also

to enable as many of our girls to afford to participate in the camp, any additional funds we raise will be

used to reduce the cost of the camp.

Our target this year is €2000. To achieve this we will be holding fundraising events during the coming

guiding year. We will be encouraging the girls to help organise and run many of these events

themselves (we will be in the background to supervise and support).

This year the events will be

Fashion Show October Arnold Hotel

Christmas raffle December Guide hall

Table Quiz February Arnold Hotel

Easter Cake Sale April Guide Hall

Sponsored Walk May Mount Hillyholly

Thank you for your continued support, we will send out further information on each event closer to the


Yours in guiding

St Elsewhere Guiders

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Appendix 2 – Sponsorship request letter

St Elsewhere Guide Unit


The Manager

MJ Department Store

Main Street

St Elsewhere

9 February 2014

Dear Sir/Madam

St Elsewhere Guide Unit runs a wide range of activities for over 120 Guides in the St Elsewhere area

with the objective of challenging each girl to make the right choices in life. A core part of our

programme is camping and outdoor activities. This year we plan to camp for 5 days in Cardiff.

To enable all of our members to attend we are fundraising to purchase equipment and to try to reduce

the travel costs for our girls. On Thursday 16th February we will be holding a Table Quiz in

Arnolds Hotel.

We would be very grateful if you could sponsor a spot prize for our raffle which will be held during the

quiz. All prizes will be labelled with the sponsor’s name and all sponsors will be thanked on the night.

Thanking you in anticipation, enclosed please find a flyer advertising our quiz if any of your staff

members would like to attend.

Yours in guiding,


Olive Powell

St Elsewhere Guiders

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Appendix 3 – Thank you letter to sponsor

St Elsewhere Guide Unit

Mr P Casey


MJ Department Store

Main Street

St Elsewhere

19 February 2014

Dear Mr Casey

On behalf of the Leaders and Guides of St Elsewhere Guide Unit I would like to thank you for providing

a voucher as a spot prize for our recent table quiz. Your generosity helped make our quiz a great

success, and we raised €600.

We will use this money to purchase new camping equipment and to make our upcoming trip to Cardiff

more affordable for our girls.

Once again many thanks and we wish you continued success in your business.

Yours in guiding,


Olive Powell

St Elsewhere Guiders

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Appendix 4 – Sample raffle flyer

St Elsewhere Guides are holding a Christmas fundraising raffle.

Tickets cost €2 each

All stubs are to be returned to your meeting on Tuesday 3rd


The draw will take place on Tuesday 10th

December at 8.20pm in

St Elsewhere Guide Hall

There will be a prize for the Brigin, Guide or Ranger who sells the most tickets.

RAFFLE PRIZES 1. Chocolate Hamper 11 Duiske Vase (Shaws)

2. Ladies Hamper (Sam McCauleys) 12. DVD & CD box set (Whites for Music)

3. 2 x vouchers for Thermal Spa (Whites Hotel) 13 Slaneyside Pottery

4. 1 hour bowling for 6 people (Leisuremax) 14. 2 x children’s rain jackets (Tabi)

5. Bottle of Champagne 15. Gift Set (Fortunes Chemist)

6. 1 hour bowling for 6 people (Leisuremax) 16. Gift Set (Boots)

7. Pamper Hamper 17. 12 piece glass set (Heatons)

8. €20 voucher (The Book Centre) 18. 2 bottles of wine

9. Voucher (Regatta) 19. Gift Set (Grants Pharmacy)

10. Voucher (Scallans) 20. Gift Set (Grants Pharmacy)

Thank you to Petitts, O’Neills & Doyles Newsagents for contributions to the chocolate hamper.

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Appendix 5 – Sample quiz sheet

Picture round

1._________________ 2._____________________ 3.______________________

4._________________ 5.____________________ 6.___________________

7.________________________________________ 8._____________________________

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Dingbats round

Can you identify the common phrases from the clues below?



3. ____________________

4. __________________________

5. ______________________

6. _____________________

7. ______________________

8. ________________________

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Answers to picture round:

1. George Cooney

2. Oprah Winfrey

3. Mike Tyson

4. David Norris

5. Joan Burton

6. Jessie J

7. Martin McGuinness & Peter Robinson

8. Psy

Answers to Dingbats round:

1. Double Cross

2. Growing Pains

3. For Hire

4. Face in the Crowd

5. A Stitch in Time

6. Broadway

7. Vanishing Point

8. Painting by numbers

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Appendix 6 – Fund raising tracker



















