from teiss to eis

From TEISS To EIS From TEISS To EIS Angelique Luedeker, ITEP/TAMS Center

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From TEISS To EIS. Angelique Luedeker, ITEP/TAMS Center. Homework Discussion. Does anyone have questions on how to back-up a TEISS project? Does anyone have any other questions?. Steps of Exporting Data from TEISS and Submitting to EIS. Run QA Check on data with TEISS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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From TEISS To EISFrom TEISS To EISAngelique Luedeker, ITEP/TAMS Center

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Homework DiscussionHomework Discussion• Does anyone have questions on how

to back-up a TEISS project?• Does anyone have any other


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Steps of Exporting Data from Steps of Exporting Data from TEISS and Submitting to EISTEISS and Submitting to EIS

A. Run QA Check on data with TEISS • Correct formatting flagged by TEISS

B. Generate EIS QA XML files with TEISS

C. Submit EIS QA XML files to QA Environment of EIS Gateway

D. Review QA feedback reports

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Steps (continued)Steps (continued)E. Make corrections based on QA

feedback reports, if necessaryF. Regenerate EIS QA XML files with

TEISS, if necessaryG. Resubmit EIS QA XML files to QA

Environment and review feedback reports, if necessary

H. Generate EIS Production XML files with TEISS

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Steps (continued)Steps (continued)I. Submit EIS Production XML files to

Production Environment of EIS Gateway

J. Review Production feedback reports

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A. Run TEISS QA CheckA. Run TEISS QA Check1. From TEISS menu, select NEI, then

QA Check Options

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A. Run TEISS QA Check A. Run TEISS QA Check (continued)(continued)

2. Specify what pollutant data you want TEISS to include in QA check and click Next button

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A. Run TEISS QA Check A. Run TEISS QA Check (continued)(continued)

3. Select source types and locations to check

• To check everything, leave Validate All selected

• Otherwise, click Validate Selected, choose source types and locations you want TEISS to check

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A. Run TEISS QA Check A. Run TEISS QA Check (continued)(continued)

4. Click on Finish button to view any necessary formatting corrections TEISS has flagged

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A. Run TEISS QA Check A. Run TEISS QA Check (continued)(continued)

5. Options for correcting formatting• If only a few necessary corrections, can

double-click on correction to go directly to it in TEISS project

• Use list to find necessary corrections in TEISS project

Print option to print list Save To File option to generate a text

file of list Can copy list to word processing program to

outline action plan

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A. Run TEISS QA Check A. Run TEISS QA Check (continued)(continued)

• TEISS generates emissions for a wide range of pollutants, some do not have valid pollutant codes in EIS Some pollutants might still be of interest to

the tribe, even if not accepted by EIS If many pollutants are no longer valid

according to check and you do not want to delete them from your TEISS project, it is okay to leave them in TEISS project

EIS gives you an error (error code 470) but it is okay to ignore only this error since EIS simply does not import these pollutants

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B. Generate QA XML FilesB. Generate QA XML Files1. Click on NEI

button on TEISS toolbar (fourth icon on toolbar)

• Select “Export…” option to get this screen

• Make any needed adjustments and click Next button

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B. Generate QA XML Files B. Generate QA XML Files (continued)(continued)

2. Specify where file is saved in this screen, select the “Compress…” option (if not a point file), give file a descriptive name, and click Next button

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B. Generate QA XML Files B. Generate QA XML Files (continued)(continued)

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B. Generate QA XML Files B. Generate QA XML Files (continued)(continued)

3. In this example, we are focusing on nonpoint• Click on Nonpoint tab• Select the “Export Nonpoint Sources” option

and give file a descriptive name• Make sure only tribe data is selected• Make sure Submission Type of “QA” is

selected on Transmittal Information tab• Must fill in all fields on Transmittal Information


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B. Generate QA XML Files B. Generate QA XML Files (continued)(continued)

For example, if Tribal Code is 000, Program System Code: Point=TR000, Other=000

EPA Tribal Codes are in Code list on EIS Gateway

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B. Generate QA XML Files B. Generate QA XML Files (continued)(continued)

4. Click on Finish button to view flagged data, then click on the Export to NEI format button to generate file

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C. Submit to QA C. Submit to QA EnvironmentEnvironment

i. Register for EIS if you do not yet have an account

• Instructions located at:

• Two step process• Step One is to join EIS Community in EPA

Portal• Step Two is to complete profile in EIS

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C. Submit to QA C. Submit to QA Environment (continued)Environment (continued)

1. Find XML file or zipped file you generated with TEISS

• By default, these files go into same folder your TEISS project is in

2. Zip file if not already zipped3. Log on to the Exchange Network Web

Client (• For Domain, select IAMLdap, if you do not

have an EPA email address

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C. Submit to QA C. Submit to QA Environment (continued)Environment (continued)

4. Click on EIS on left side of screen, then use Browse… button to navigate to zipped file, double-click on file to select it

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C. Submit to QA C. Submit to QA Environment (continued)Environment (continued)

5. Click on Submit button6. You should receive an email from

CDX when file was submitted and another email when file has been processed

• The second email could take minutes or days depending on how busy the system is

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C. Submit to QA C. Submit to QA Environment (continued)Environment (continued)

• Example of first email from CDX, Transaction Status = Pending

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C. Submit to QA C. Submit to QA Environment (continued)Environment (continued)

• Example of second email from CDX, make sure Transaction Status = Processed

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D. Review QA Feedback D. Review QA Feedback ReportReport

1. You should receive an email from EIS Gateway system ([email protected]) acknowledging submission

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D. Review QA Feedback D. Review QA Feedback Report (continued)Report (continued)

• Example of email from EIS Gateway, click on link in email to review feedback report

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D. Review QA Feedback D. Review QA Feedback Report (continued)Report (continued)

2. A spreadsheet comes up with several worksheets

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D. Review QA Feedback D. Review QA Feedback Reports (continued)Reports (continued)

3. Review Statistics worksheet to make sure it is what you expected

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D. Review QA Feedback D. Review QA Feedback Report (continued)Report (continued)

4. If there are errors other than error code 470 (pollutant code not valid) they must be corrected in TEISS and data must be resubmitted to EIS QA Environment

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E. Correct Based on QA E. Correct Based on QA Feedback ReportFeedback Report

1. Find data in TEISS and make corrections

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F. Regenerate QA XML Files F. Regenerate QA XML Files 1. Repeat Step B to regenerate QA

XML file with TEISS• Use same file name to overwrite initial

file or if using a different file name, make sure it indicates that this is corrected file

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G. Resubmit to QA G. Resubmit to QA EnvironmentEnvironment

1. Repeat Step C and Step D to resubmit data to QA Environment

2. When you have a clean QA feedback report (no errors) or only error codes 470, you are ready generate an EIS Production XML file

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H. Generate Production XML H. Generate Production XML Files with TEISSFiles with TEISS

1. Process is nearly identical to generating a QA XML file, Step B

• The only difference is you need to modify Submission Type selection of “QA” to “Production” in Transmittal Information tab

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I. Submit to Production I. Submit to Production EnvironmentEnvironment

1. Complete same steps as submitting to QA Environment, Step C

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J. Review Production J. Review Production Feedback ReportFeedback Report

1. You should receive an email from EIS Gateway system ([email protected]) acknowledging submission

• Click on link in email to review feedback report

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J. Review Production Feedback J. Review Production Feedback Report (continued)Report (continued)

2. Verify in Summary worksheet that file was submitted to Production Environment

3. Verify in Summary worksheet that there are no errors or only error codes 470

4. Review Statistics worksheet to make sure it is what you expected

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Homework due in 5 days: Homework due in 5 days: • Run a QA Check on your data with

TEISS.• Use Save To File option to generate a

text file of initial results.• Email text file to the instructors.• Make any necessary corrections to

data in TEISS project.