friday night live & blue jeans simcha shabbat! · 7:30 pm blue jeans simcha shabbat fnl service...

Friday, January 2nd 7:30 PM Shabbat Service Friday, January 9th 7:30 PM Shabbat Service Friday, January 16th 7:30 PM Blue Jeans Simcha Shabbat FNL Service Saturday, January 17th 10:30 AM Elana Treiser Bat Mitzvah Friday, January 23rd 7:30 PM Shabbat Service Saturday, January 24th 10:30 AM Joshua Jacobs Bar Mitzvah Friday, January 30th 7:30 PM Shabbat Service JANUARY WORSHIP SERVICES Temple B’nai Israel • Clearwater, Florida – Volume 7 Number 1 JANUARY 2015 Friday Night Live is our musical, spiritual, creative Shabbat Service. Bring your tambourines, egg-shakers, or just yourself to take part in our “user friendly” worship service. Invite your friends and bring your family! It’s also our January birthday & anniversary Blue Jeans Simcha Shabbat celebration! Friday Night Live & Blue Jeans Simcha Shabbat! January 16, 2015 M I T Z V A H D A Y O n e M i t z v a h L e a d s T o A n o t h e r S U N D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 , 2 0 1 5 SEE THE CENTER SPREAD TO REGISTER!

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Friday, January 2nd 7:30 PM Shabbat Service

Friday, January 9th7:30 PM Shabbat Service

Friday, January 16th7:30 PM Blue Jeans Simcha Shabbat FNL Service

Saturday, January 17th10:30 AM Elana Treiser Bat Mitzvah

Friday, January 23rd7:30 PM Shabbat Service

Saturday, January 24th10:30 AM Joshua Jacobs Bar Mitzvah

Friday, January 30th7:30 PM Shabbat Service

JANUARY WoRship seRvices Temple B’nai Israel • Clearwater, Florida – Volume 7 Number 1 JANUARY 2015

Friday Night Live is our musical, spiritual, creative Shabbat Service. Bring your tambourines, egg-shakers, or just yourself to take part in our “user friendly” worship service. Invite your friends and bring your family! It’s also our January birthday

& anniversary Blue Jeans Simcha Shabbat celebration!

Friday Night Live & Blue

Jeans Simcha Shabbat!

January 16, 2015


“One Mitzvah Leads To Another”






Special memories are made when traditionsare shared with family and friends

We invite you to worship andcelebrate with us as our daughter

Elana Gabriellebecomes a Bat Mitzvah

Saturday, January seventeenthTwo thousand and fifteenten-thirty in the morning

Temple B’nai Israel ~ Clearwater, FloridaRachel and Rabbi Daniel Treiser

Kiddush Luncheon following servicesIn order to plan for and accommodate everyone, PLEASE

RSVP for the Kiddush Luncheon to the Temple office NO LATER THAN January seventh

Are proud to announce our next

Congregational Family Trip to IsraelJune 7-17, 2015

Join the Treiser family on an exhilarating 11-day adventure exploring our ancienthomeland. On our tour of Israel, you will have the opportunity to: Explore the ancient mystical city of Tsfat Take an off-road Jeep ride through the Golan Walk about the mountain fortress of Masada Tour an underground, clandestine munitions factory near Tel Aviv Observe Shabbat in Jerusalem Experiences and activities for all ages... There’s much more!!!!

Accommodations throughout the trip are in Deluxe hotels around the country. To find outmore information and to register for this once-in-a-lifetime experience, just visit the Templewebsite,, and click on the “Israel Trip” link. For more information,contact Rabbi Treiser at [email protected]


Pledges to the Campaign have been recently made or increased by: Scott & Marcy Daniels Robert Mansfeld


The ark is ready to be restored. Our Torah Scrolls are in use in our temporary sanctuary in the Social Hall.

The chain of bracelets has been secured for the future use in the renovated sanctuary. And Barbara Bloom has been framed in a whirlwind of activity.


EDUCATION COMMITTEE In the meantime, committees are still at work. The Education committee is providing guidance for an updated learning center with advanced technology.

Meeting rooms for conferences and activities will be available. An important addition is the new lounge that will accommodate the parents of our religious school students as a place to socialize.

The committee is chaired by Jorge Rodnizki and sponsored by Marcia Miller. Members include Fran Brickman, Alison North, Rachel Treiser and Rhonda Weinberg.

Director of Membership Engagement Barbara Bloom

Hoping that you had a lovely Chanukah and are now ready to make some resolutions for this new year. Perhaps, one suggestion would be to join in on more Temple activities. With that in mind, please take note of the following important information:

We are moving our office space to the back of the building into the Levine Annex and Youth Lounge (off the APR -All Purpose Room) on Friday, January 2nd and Monday, January 5th. Please have patience with us during this transition. As always, during a true emergency, the Rabbi can be reached by calling our emergency phone @ (727) 201-2JEWS.

Volunteers will be needed more than ever during this transition phase. If you have some administrative-type skills, a pleasant disposition and are available for a few hours either morning or afternoon, another great resolution for this new year could be to donate some of that free time to volunteering in our office.

Fear not, because regardless of what is happening, the show must go on! Please hold the following dates of events, happenings and other Jewish-inspired programs, should they interest you:

Jan. 8th, 7:30PM – Brotherhood is sponsoring “An Evening with Bob Mansfeld”. Bob will be sharing his personal story as a young man during the Holocaust. Please join them for this powerfully moving discussion.

Feb. 1st – Mitzvah Day – See more detailed information in this bulletin.

February 17th – Our first Gorn Scholar In Residence – Joel Hoffman – See more detailed information in this bulletin (page 12).

March 4th – Get ready for a Purim Spiel to REMEMBER!

March 8th – Put your sneakers on for our EAGLE LAKE CLASSIC!

We would love to see you here for all the above as we are proud of all that is happening here. This year, “Be part of and be proud of our Jewish Community.”

Happy New Year,Barbara

Danielle Rodnizki Cantorial Soloist

Attention All Congregants:

Need a ride to Friday night services? Need a ride to Temple events? Willing to offer an occasional ride to someone? No long term commitment

necessary, only the opportunity to start Shabbat with a mitzvah!

Please call the Temple office and we will try to coordinate the need with the opportunity

It’s hard to believe we’re in 2015! We have lots of exciting things coming up at TBI this spring. Join us on Friday, January 16th for our second ever Blue Jeans Simcha Shabbat, where we’ll welcome Shabbat with song and joy. On Saturday, January 17th, join us for services at 10:30 AM as Elana Treiser becomes Bat Mitzvah in our Social Hall. The following Saturday, January 24th, Joshua Jacobs becomes Bar Mitzvah as well. We are so proud of Elana and Joshua as they reach this special milestone in their lives!

On Thursday, February 5th at 7 PM, I will be participating in “Shirei Simcha: Songs of Joy,” the annual BACA (Bay Area Cantorial Association) concert hosted this year at Congregation Schaarai Zedek in Tampa. This concert is organized and led by many of the local cantors and soloists in the Tampa Bay and Sarasota areas. It’s going to be a wonderful evening. I hope you’ll be able to come! Please see the flyer in this bulletin for more information (page 17).

B’shira (In song),

Dani Gamson Religious School Director

Shalom 2015. As we move forward into our Spring Semester I wanted to take an opportunity to showcase the amazing work that each of our teachers is doing in the classrooms. Here is a snippet of what the fall semester in our Religious School looked like. Check out the Religious School New Year Newsletter for more Information!!!

We all appreciate you sharing your children with us!

Kindergarten - Ms. Lisa We have had a spectacular start to the year. We begin every morning listening to what we each did for our "Mitzvah" during the week, and collecting Tzedakah. The children take a great deal of pride in sharing their news and it reinforces the meaning of "Gemilut Hasadim", - the giving of loving-kindness - a fundamental social value in the everyday lives of Jewish people. We have covered the many Jewish holidays and festivals of Fall, including Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, and we took great pride in celebrating our Consecration Celebration in October. Our children always love when we have music with Ms Danielle, Ashley and Evan and participate with gusto! In Kindergarten Hebrew we have been studying Dalet (D sound), Resh (R sound), Nun (N sound), Tav (T sound), and Hey (H sound). 1st Grade – Ms. Kara The first grade class is having a fun-filled year! We started the year, as we do every year, getting to know one another and then learning about the High Holidays. We learned about the differences between our religious calendar and “New Year” and our community / academic calendar. Following the High Holidays, we started focusing on our core-curriculum; learning the stories of Genesis. So far, we have learned about the Creation Story, The Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, Cain and Able. We were a little distracted by a question of “is there REALLY a G-d”, and diverted our learning into a book about Fibonacci and how he resolved the question of G-d. The book is called Fibonacci Blockhead, and is a very thoughtful approach. Your children are very curious and bright! We concluded December’s classes with Hanukkah. The children loved the book about Hanukkah Hershel; The Very Confused Hanukkah”. The story follows the Jewish Folklore about the fools of Chelm (like Fiddler on the Roof); but explains to children how mixed up the Hanukkah and Christmas celebrations can be. Since so many families celebrate both holidays in some form or another it was nice story to read that led to some good conversations about the two holidays and what it means to our families. When we return to school, we will continue our series of Genesis stories. Hopefully, we will cover the major Patriarchs and Matriarchs as well as the Book of Esther and Passover. In first grade we have been doing letter booklets with letters of the alef/bet. We have learned lots of vocabu- lary words and how to write each letter. So far we have studied Alef/Bet/Gimel/Dalet/Hay/Vav/Zayin/Chet/Tet/Yud/Kaf.

2nd Grade – Ms. Abby Let me start by saying that it is an honor to teach at TBI this year and have the opportunity to work with your wonderful children. The second grade curriculum includes three workbooks titled Torah, Avodah, and G’milut Chasadim. I begin class each week with a review of vocabulary we learn the previous week and then move into our Judaics lesson. I also include at least one art project that goes with our Judaics lesson to give the children a visual and tactile memory and helps reinforce what we have learned that day. We started the year with a background of what the Torah is and discussed the Five Books of Moses. We also covered the idea of Tanakh and how the Torah (teaching), Nevi’im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (writings) make up the Hebrew Bible. Most of September and October the children learned about each High Holiday and our traditions, music, and prayer specific to each holiday. We have covered most of the Avodah workbook. These discussions included how we know God exists if we can’t see God and how we, as Jews, connect with God through prayer. Students have also completed much of their Torah workbook. When we return from winter break we will pick up where we left off last in our G’milut Chasadim (acts of loving kindness) studies. This includes learning the ways in which we can each become G-d’s partner in seeing opportunities each day to practice G’milut Chasadim. I look forward to our return to Religious School and I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing break. In second grade Hebrew we have learned tav, tet (Talit/ Torahshin(Shabbat/shalom), yud (Yad), bet(Bayit), aba (father)/ ema (mother) and eparone (pencil), Mem and Final Mem (mezuzah) and shalom, gimel(galedah), Dalet (deleg), Kaf/Koof(kipah) Kidush(wine). We also learned vocabulary for each letter and what they mean in English and Hebrew. We further learned how to write each letter. 3rd Grade – Ms. Rachel We have had a wonderful first semester! Our theme this year is K’dushah/Holiness. We have explored what people, places, things, and actions are Kadosh/holy. We have become very well acquainted with our synagogue to learn how the people and objects within it help us connect to God. This upcoming semester will be very important as we are going to delve into the laws of Kashrut. Why should I study and follow the mitzvah/commandment of kashrut? How might the mitzvah of Kishrut add holiness to my life?

3rd Grade Hebrew – Mr. Cal The students have had a great fall term filled with learning. Together with our madrichim, every student has advanced in their ability to read and decode, and write Hebrew. I am very proud of their hard work, and I am looking forward to another semester of accomplishment. Please try to visit the Behrman House site, and I will be checking your progress. Have a wonderful break, class. You are the best! 4th Grade – Ms. Rachel It has been a very exciting first semester!! We have built the year around our personal connection to Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and God. During one lesson, they used excerpts from the Torah to draw the boundaries of Israel. In regards to Avodah, we have been introduced to Kavanah which is intention and concentration in prayer. We have shared what we feel makes a successful prayer experience and learned the parts of the Friday Night and Saturday Morning Shabbat Synagogue Service. In the Spring Semester we are going to continue to expand upon these themes while beginning the discussion of Sh’lom Bayit; Peace and Harmony in the home. 5th Grade – Ms. Heather Our students have had a great first semester. We have discussed the holidays and learned about the Jewish traditions as well as family traditions. We have spent quite a bit of time discussing tzedakah and its importance to our community as well as the fact that giving tzedakah is a commandment. I look forward to working with fifth grade in January. Happy Chanukah!! 6th grade – Mr. Zack This Fall has been a great jumping off point for our 6th graders. The general theme has been, "How Torah and its teaching are relevant to their lives today, specifically through acts of g’milut chasadim (loving-kindness)". Throughout each holiday we discussed our own family customs, compared the biblical laws that coincided, and had fun melding both worlds through skits, constructs and games. We tested our morals and values with our High Holy Days discussion about forgiveness and wrote/enacted skits citing biblical sources about tzedakah. Also, this Spring we will be exploring Israel and broadening our gaze to Jews worldwide; experiencing the trends of modern Judaism, as well as, delving deeper into the Tanakh and connecting ancient lessons to today’s issues. 7th Grade – Ms Simone This year, Seventh Grade dove head first into Judaism without ever looking back. We have studied the structure of Tanakh, the meaning of Shabbat, the Genesis story line, and what it means to be a kind individual who is a part of a larger community. The rest of the year will be focused on two primary things. The first is an Interviewing/recipe project where they will reach out to a relative and connect over the tradition of food. The second major focus will be on prayer. We will study the structure of a service, the meaning behind

specific prayers and the differences between Reform and more traditional services. Alef Hebrew – Ms. Fran (1)Beginning Hebrew Group—The Hebrew Primer. We have learned bet, vet, resh, dalet, shin, sin, tav, mem, lamid, final mem, yud, vav, final nun, alef, ayin, nun, gimel, chet, hay, kaf, chaf, final chaf, aye, ah, oh, ooh, ih, silent, eh, ee. We learned how to write each letter and to read words using these letters. (2) Prayer Reading Group---Kol Israel. We have been working on prayers—Modeh/Modah Ani prayer, Blessing formula and read blessing over bread/ blessing over vegetables/ blessing over fruit of the vine/ blessing over different foods/ blessing over different kinds of foods. We have learned different roots and what they mean/ meaning of a mitzvot and how to perform them, as well as blessings to welcome Shabbat—candle blessing/blessing over the challah/blessing over wine. We also practiced reading all of these prayers and blessings. Bet Hebrew – Ms. Heather I am so impressed with the steady progress that has been made by our Bet Hebrew students. The children have worked so very hard and they are all showing improvement in their ability to decipher words and move into the reading of prayers. I have stressed to the children the importance of working hard now as once these prayers become comfortable to them, they will have more time to focus on their Torah and Haftorah portions when they get closer to their B’nai Mitzvahs. Please try working with your children over the winter break so they do not lose the momentum of all that has been learned this fall. Just like in secular schools, if the children do not review what they have learned, they will fall behind. I wish all of you a very safe and happy holiday season. I look forward to seeing all of your children come January. Gimel Hebrew – Mr. Zack I'm happy to report that we have dusted away the cobwebs and will be jumping further into our prayer service this Spring. To stick with our theme of modern meanings the kids will be writing Seuss-inspired interpretations of the Sh'ma. We've begun to go over familiar prayers, focusing on recognizing and reading the actual words instead of reciting from memory. Everyone has made fantastic progress and we will be kicking up the intensity as we continue through our Kol Israel (The Prayers of Our People) Workbooks. Our goal for the Spring is to have everyone READING the prayer service and understanding the themes of each prayer. Daled Hebrew – Mr. Cal The students continue to develop their reading skills, while learning about Israel. I am proud of their efforts this past term, and I know they will be focused and ready for advanced Hebrew this coming term. Have a wonderful break!

TBI Board President Denise Kirschbaum

The secular calendar year has turned. We begin anew. Often, this is a time of reflection, a time to review the past year. And what a year it was! Our congregation participated in a very successful Mitzvah Day (thank you Sara and committee), a fantastic 5K Run/Walk at our own Eagle Lake Classic (kudos to Polly, et al), a most enjoyable Purim Gala, and the BEST Casino Night ever – even though I didn’t win that great 1980 MGB (Renee and Sandy – you’re terrific). Of course there were other wonderful happenings – thank you to all our congregants who participated and volunteered. You are what make our Temple such a warm, inviting place.

TBI’s ceremonial Groundbreaking took place in the spring, and our very last Shabbat service in our “old” sanctuary was November 14th. Moving our torahs from the sanctuary to our temporary sacred space in the social hall was emotional and exciting. We are in the midst of change as we begin anew. The demolition of the “old” sanctuary took place and our staff has moved into the Levine Annex, the Youth Lounge, and classroom 4. Although our facility will change in structure and appearance, our spirituality and sense of belonging will remain unchanged. I am looking forward to being part of the change and assisting our Leadership Council in making 2015 a fantastic year.


Denise Kirschbaum

A FREE Trip to Israel THIS SUMMER (if you’re 18-26 years old!)

If you are between the ages of 18-26, you are eligible for a FREE 10 day Trip to Israel through Taglit-Birthright program. For the first time, Temple B’nai Israel is a trip provider, so join Rabbi Treiser and Dani Gamson for an incredible exploration of the Jewish State! Trip regis-tration and details don’t become available until February, but if you know someone who might be interested, send an e-mail to Dani at [email protected], and we’ll make sure you get the information the moment it is available, and add you to the VIP pre-registration list. While this trip is geared primarily towards eligible members of the Temple and larger Tampa Bay area, we can accept anyone who meets Birthright’s eligibility requirements (found at

We Gratefully Acknowledge These Thoughtful Contributions(contributions received 11/15/14 through 12/14/14)

*Apologies to Deborah Nader Rutz for misspelling her name last month

MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Herbert Abrams………………………………...Fred Abrams Melba Abrams Stephan Alpert………………………………...Barry Meltzer Barbara Baughman………………….............Daniel Jacobs Nathan Meyerberg Peter & Ann Blumencranz…………………...Barbara Stein Bruce & Joanne Bokor…………………...….Milton J. Bokor Frank Cain………………………………………....Jean Cain Mildred Cohn…………………………….……Herman Baum Rachel Baum Helene & Barry Debowsky……………....Shirley Debowsky Fred & Aleta Fisher……………………….....Arnold Argintar Al Gart………………………………………………Peter Gart Jeff & Barbara Goldberg…………………..Carl H. Goldberg Pearl Goldberg Stein Joel & Charlene Goodman……………....Nathan Goodman Liz & Julian Greengold……………………..….Helen Palkes Marsha Hack……………………………………....Louis Hack Marcia Hano………………………………...….Michael Hano Audrey & Shawn Hollander………………..Lucille Hollander Marvin Hollander……………………………Lucille Hollander Roni Igel……………………………………....Billy Rutenberg Jack Kay………………………………………...Sarah Levine Dana & Harvey Kerstein……..Charles & Charlotte Kerstein Denise Kirschbaum……………………….Louis Kirschbaum Gladys Kirschbaum……………………….Louis Kirschbaum Joan & Jan Kochan………………………..…Billy Rutenberg Polly & Barry Kraus………………………...Jeffrey Schwartz Mimi & Maury Krystel……………………....Jeffrey Schwartz Harvey & Sue Landress……………………..Anne Landress Lore Lynn…………………………………………...Lucie Reis Kelly & Jack Machbitz………………….…….Betty Machbitz Shirley Mattler……………………………………..Lou Balogh Joseph Frankel Sharon Meininger………………………….James Meininger Elaine & Butch Miller………………….………Richard Glass Carolee & Bob Pezzuti……………..….Evelyn Henig Marks Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reeves………………....Regena Bragin John & Toni Rinde…………………………….Maurice Rinde Billy Rutenberg Bonnie Rubin-Herzberg……………..………Regena Bragin Bernie & Marilyn Sapperstein…………….…..Eli Sargowitz & Family & Rose Sargowitz Sandy Schwersky………………………..Donald Schwersky The Seltzer Family……………………………..Philip Seltzer Mack & Dorothy Shuman……………………..Kate Shuman Jane & Stewart Solomon…………………….Betty Solomon Michael & Vicki Stewart………………..…..Naomi Friedman Jill Strumpf………………………………….....Bruce Strumpf Gertrude Verbin……………………………….....Lena Verbin Donald & Judith Waldman……………………....Elliott Miller Stephen & Susan Weinstock………………..Rita Weinstock Carl & Paula Zielonka…………………………..Gena Bragin

GENERAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Eric & Gloria Adler……………………...Stella Adler Naming Susan & Ron Diner…….Rebecca & Ilana Purewal Naming Linda Goldman & ………………...…….Barbara Baughman Marvin Hollander Sheila Rolfe & Stan Ginsburg….Georgia Bobo Bat Mitzvah GENERAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: John & Toni Rinde…………………………...Andrew Pollack RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN MEMORY OF: Mark & Debbie Cramer……………………….….Selma Kron Judith Rosenkranz…………………………...Regena Bragin RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN HONOR OF: Joe & Elsa Mekosh………..Their 5th Wedding Anniversary MICHAEL S. HAIMES MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Paulette Borota………………………….…..Arnold Argintar Andrew Pollack Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes…………………....Arnold Argintar Betty Lang…………………………………....Arnold Argintar Deborah Nader Rutz & Charles Rutz…….….Morty Lasher Lorrie & Gary Puckett…………………...…..Arnold Argintar MICHAEL S. HAIMES MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes…..…….Eddie & Candy DeBartolo Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes……………...Terry & John McHare Deborah Nader Rutz & Charles Rutz………...Rabbi Treiser BIFTY FUND IN MEMORY OF: Steven, Amy, Jared, & Sophie Klein……..Jeffrey Schwartz Sandra Ziegler Bernie Zimmel YOUTH FUND IN MEMORY OF: Steven, Amy, Jared, & Sophie Klein……....Andrew Pollack RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IN MEMORY OF: Vivian Benci & Saul Lerner……………………...Lou Balogh HAROLD SIEGEL CANTORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Sally Siegel…………………………………..Andrew Pollack

Our B’nai Mitzvah

Bat Mitzvah - Elana Gabrielle Treiser

January 17, 2015

Bar Mitzvah - Joshua Alexander Jacobs

January 24, 2015

Joshua Alexander Jacobs, son of very proud parents Jeff and Stacy Jacobs, and younger brother of Jessica Jacobs, was born on January 25, 2002. He will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, January 24, 2014. Joshua is a seventh-grade student at Shorecrest Preparatory School in Saint Petersburg. Joshua enjoys sports and is a huge fan of the Rays. He is very active in Boy Scouts and has reached the rank of First Class. He enjoys camping and fishing and plans to be an Eagle Scout one day. Joshua participates in Varsity Diving at Shorecrest and is an expert skier who is comfortable on double black diamond runs! He also enjoys kayaking with his family. Joshua is also a world traveler and has visited Canada, Jamaica, The Bahamas, Barbados, England, Ireland, Norway, Germany, Poland, Japan, Australia, and South Africa! In 2015, he will again visit England and Japan. Joshua has attended classes at Temple B’nai Israel since “Mommy and Me” classes as an infant. For his Mitzvah Project, he has supported the Cardiac Kids Foundation of Florida Jamaican Heart Surgery Mission. Joshua is proud to have his Bar Mitzvah at the same synagogue that his father had his Bar Mitzvah on February 19, 1977, and his sister had her Bat Mitzvah on April 13, 2013.

Elana Gabrielle Treiser will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, January 17th, 2015. Elana is the daughter of Rachel and Rabbi Daniel Treiser and big sister of Ethan. Sharing in the simcha are her grandparents Debra Levine, Caren Treiser, and Sidney Levine, and great-grandmother Shirley Mattler, along with family from throughout Florida, Atlanta, New York and around the country. Friends from school, South Florida, and Camp Coleman are joining in the celebration as well.

Elana is a Seventh Grade honors student at Safety Harbor Middle School. After participating in a variety of dramatic performances at school and earning “Superior” grades in regional competitions, she is returning to the state-wide Junior Thespian Society contest in February. Elana plays alto saxophone in the school’s Performance Band, and is the first chair for saxophone in the Intermediate Band.

Elana is an avid reader who loves performing, singing, and playing volleyball. Inspired by her love of Broadway, Elana is performing a variety of Mitzvah Projects throughout the spring, including Locks of Love (“Hairspray”), helping with a food pantry, (“Oliver”), Humane Society (“Cats”) and more.

INTRODUCTION TO JUDAISM - Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to study and learn with Rabbi Treiser.

Fee for Members: NONE (There will be books to purchase) Fee for Non-Temple Members: $100 (Plus books) Sundays 10:45 - 12:00 Classes Begin: January 2015 (12 weeks) Instructor: Rabbi Treiser Back to the Basics, Judaism 101. This class, open to the entire community, will explore some of the basic Jewish teachings of our tradition. We will learn about the Jewish calendar and holidays, life-cycle, Bible, basic understandings of Jewish philosophical thought and Israel. This class is designed for those who are involved in interfaith relationships, for anyone considering converting to Judaism, anyone interested in Adult B’nai Mitzvah, or anyone simply looking for a “refresher course” on the basics of Judaism. January 11 April 12

January 25 April 19

February 22 April 26

March 1 May 3

March 15 May 10

March 22 May 17










8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM

For more information, call Barbara (727) 507-0909 or Helene (727) 393-5800.

We cordially invite the community to join us for a special evening with

Joel M. Hoffman, Ph.D Teacher – Translator – Author

Tuesday February 17, 2015

7:00 PM

Join us for a unique discussion around his latest book:

The Bible’s Cutting Room Floor: The Holy Scriptures Missing From Your Bible

Ever wonder what happened to Adam and Eve after they left the Garden of Eden? There’s an answer, but it was cut from the Bible. Curious about how Abraham discovered monotheism? That was cut, too. So was the once-popular Book of Enoch, written before the Book of Daniel and quoted in the New Testament. Though they fell to the Bible’s cutting room floor, we still have the ancient texts that answer these and similar questions, filling in blanks in our current version of the Bible. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Joel Hoffman holds a Ph.D. in linguistics and has served on the faculties of Brandeis University and Hebrew Union College. He is the chief translator for the popular 10-volume series, "My People's Prayer Book" (winner of the National Jewish Book Award) and "My People's Passover Haggadah." He focuses on bringing the Bible to life and is known for his “fresh insights and interpretations about religious life in the 21st century.” A popular speaker to religious communities across the world, he is the author of the books In the Beginning: A Short History of the Hebrew Language, and And God Said: How Translations Conceal the Bible’s Original Meaning. Refreshments, Meet the Author & Book Signing at the conclusion of the evening.

Call Temple B’nai Israel to reserve your seat today,

(727) 531-5829 Program funded in part by the Temple B’nai Israel’s Gorn Scholar-In-Residence Fund

Friday, January 16th at 7:30 PM

If your birthday or anniversary is this month, you should have received an invitation from TBI, wishing you a wonderful day, and inviting you to join Rabbi Treiser on the Bimah at our Blue Jeans Simcha Shabbat at 7:30 PM on Friday, January 16th, 2015, to receive a special blessing. This is also Friday Night Live - we hope to see you there!

February’s Simcha Shabbat will be held on Friday, February 13th, 2015, at 7:30 PM. If you have a birthday or anniversary in February, you will be receiving an invitation from us before then (if the information is available in our database).


Eagle Lake Classic March 8th, 2015


5k Run/Walk


Volunteers needed!Contact

[email protected]

PURIM Spiel & Activities March 4, 2015


MITZVAH DAYFebruary 1, 2015


Name Age Lunch attendance (please circle)

___________________________ __________ Yes No

___________________________ __________ Yes No

___________________________ __________ Yes No

___________________________ __________ Yes No

___________________________ __________ Yes No

___________________________ __________ Yes No

Phone #’s: Home________________ Cell/Name__________________ Cell/Name__________________


In order to allow us to fill a maximum number of mitzvah projects, projects are listed by general category only. Participants will be placed in projects in order of category preference. We thank you for your cooperation. Please order your preference beginning with “1”, “2”, “3” and so on. Indoor: ___________ Outdoor: ___________ At TBI: ____________ Food Preparation ______________ Active ___________ Elderly _________

Please check off any or all items that apply: ___Please DO give me a physical project (i.e.: painting, raking, etc.)

___Please DO NOT give me a physically active project (i.e. art projects, food preparation, etc..) ___Please place me anywhere I am needed. Are you interested in being a Captain for your project? Yes No If Yes, Who should we contact? ________________________ Although we cannot guarantee assignment, please let us know if there is a specific project you would like to work on: _____________________________________________________________

(page 1)


February 1st

Mitzvah Day Registration Form


Please list any special skills you have that would be helpful to one of our projects (construction, handyman, landscaper, artist, etc.):_______________________________________________________________________ Is there anything else we should know about your family?



Mitzvah Day T-Shirts

Would you like to buy a T-shirt? Please check off the appropriate size per t-shirt . You may send payment into

the Temple office prior to January 9, 2015. We will have a very limited amount of T-shirts available for purchase

on Mitzvah Day. Pre-ordering by January 9, 2015 is the only way to guarantee you will have a T-shirt.

T-shirts cost $8.00 each. Sizes XXL and XXXL cost $9.50. Any proceeds from the sale of Mitzvah Day t-shirts will

help to support the Mitzvah Day projects.


Every Mitzvah Day participant must sign a waiver. Parents/Guardians must sign for children under the age of 18. I understand that I am spending the day as a volunteer in the community and at the Temple. I am responsible for my behavior and will only perform volunteer work that I am comfortable doing. I release Temple B’nai Israel of all claims that may arise as a result of expenses, personal injury, loss or damages incurred by me during my participation in Mitzvah Day. Family Name_________________________________ Date___________________ Signature of each adult participant:

Adult 1 _______________________ Adult 2 __________________ Adult 3 ___________________

Signature of Guardian for all children listed on form under 18 yrs of age _________________________________

Thank you for registering for Mitzvah Day!

Youth Large

Adult Small

Adult Medium

Adult Large

Adult XXL

Adult XL Youth Medium

Adult XXXL

T-shirt 1

T-shirt 2

T-shirt 3

T-shirt 4

T-shirt 5

T-shirt 6

Three years ago this month, I became a B’nai Mitzvah and chanted the Parashat Bo.

In Bo, we read about the final four plagues that occurred during our Egyptian enslavement. Our people had been slaves for a very long time and were finally experiencing one of the greatest miracles of our tradition. “Thus it was said that the rescue from Egypt is equal to all of the miracles and deeds that God performed for Israel.

We tell this story over and over again. Our tradition dedicates an entire holiday to it. Why do we continue to be captivated by the story? Maybe, it is because it teaches us about the possibility of the impossible. God can help us and miracles do happen.

In our philosophy class, Rabbi spoke about Martin Buber, who believed that God does interact and partner with us. He believed that God is the “Eternal Thou”

Have you ever experienced something in your life that seemed mysterious? That, despite efforts to explain these events away through scientific means, you still couldn’t explain why the event happened.

Have you experienced something challenging, heartbreaking, or painful that you could not understand at the time, but later see that it set you on a new path that you would not have taken otherwise? I believe that a divine hand has an

effect on our life’s journey. In New York, I was not involved with my religion. But moving here changed my need to be active with my Temple. I invite all of you to get more involved with Temple and WTBI and see how it will change your life.

Barbara and I wish to thank everyone who helped with our Religious school bazaar in December: Sheila Malloy, Linda Goldman, Linda White, Laurie Closson, Barbara Haskel, Jean Weisman, Deb Levine, Judith Resnick, Toni Rinde, Jayne Rifkin, Iris Shalit, Polly Kraus, Myra Sann, Marilyn Spinnichia, Suzan Alexander, Liz Greengold, Eileen Gomory, Barbara Baughman and me. Plus, all the help from our TBI Maintenance crew.

Upcoming Events: January 4 Rummage Sale and Bake Sale

January 19 Rosh Chodesh

February 17 Rosh Chodesh March 22 Cooking Class for Passover March 29 Women of Distinction Evening

S p o n s o r a n o n e g t h r o u g h W T B I

Helene Debowsky

Co- President WTBI

Women of Temple B’nai Israel

Co-President Recording Secretary Helene Debowsky Fran Brickman Co-President Corresponding Secretary Barbara Baughman Liz Greengold Treasurer Membership Linda Goldman Laurie Closson Programming Religion & Education Roberta Mockensturm Fran Wiggins Sheila Malloy

BrotherhoodBrotherhood – More than just FOOD! We all agree that the best food in town is provided by our very own Boys from our hood. However, Brotherhood is so much more than just food! Thursday, January 8th 7:30 – Dessert provided - We welcome ALL genders and appropriate ages for a Special Evening with Bob Mansfeld, new congregant and Holocaust survivor. Bob will share his recollection of growing up in Amsterdam, his time in hiding during the war and how this experience has brought him to today. Monday, January 12th 6:30– Poker Night - Please join Rabbi and the gang for a fun evening of Poker, Games, and Eating of course! Saturday, January 17th - CALLING ALL KITCHEN HANDS! As you may be aware, the entire congregation has been invited to the Bat Mitzvah of Rabbi’s daughter Elana. Please help Brotherhood prepare a Kiddish Lunch for all to remember. Call Matt Sperber for specifics (727) 686-1995. We are always looking for interesting program ideas. Please call or contact Matt Sperber to discuss: (727) 686-1995 or [email protected].

Win a pair of Giant Bikes

Reverse Raffle to be held on the Day of Race

Eagle Lake Classic 5K March 8th , 2015

Mickey and Lisa Singer have generously donated 2 Giant brand bicycles

a Women’s Alight 3 and a Men’s Escape 3

Bikes are valued at $350 each or $700 total

The winner has the option to keep the models donated or exchange them for a bicycle (or 2) of higher value where you pay the difference. The winner will take

delivery of the bicycles at:

Outspokin-Clearwater, 2241 Gulf to Bay Blvd, Clearwater, FL (727) 723-2453 Store hours: M-F 10-7, Sat.10-6, Sun 10-5

Need not be present to win!

Tickets are $20 each.

Ticket sales end at 9 AM the day of the race. (Online ticket sales end Friday, March 6th at Noon)

# of tickets to purchase ___________ Total Price ____________

Names for tickets

1)_________________________________ 2)______________________________

3)_________________________________ 4)______________________________


Happy New Year one and all! I hope everyone had safe and fun New Year’s celebrations with friends and loved ones. Time has really flown and before you know it our 2014-2015 season will be wrapping up. Even so it is never too late to join or re-join Chai 5. Dues are $18.00 per person. Contact me at [email protected] or 698-0963. Or drop off your check (MADE PAYABLE TO CHAI 5) at the Temple office. Our next event is the Annual Super Bowl party (Feb. 1st) -- always well attended and always fun. By now you should have received your invitation via email. The event is being hosted by The Mankins and The Roths. Remember you must be a member to attend this event. There is one more event scheduled on the calendar for April 11th. But we are in need of a host or hosts to organize it. Please contact Mindy Siegel [email protected]. The event can be anything you wish it to be. Feel free to be original or to copycat a previous event (from previous years). See you all soon, Steffi Rosenbaum – Chai 5 President

Tons of fun enjoyed by all on our Chai 5 event! Bicycling on the Pinellas Trail followed by a delicious brunch at The Living Room!

Adults @ Leisure

ADULTs@LeisUre GrOUPs – Try One, Two or All Three Groups!

FRIENDSHIP CLUB – Linda White, President

Meets on Thursdays in the APr from 1:00-3:00 pm. come join us for a pleasant afternoon with games such as Bridge, Mah Jongg and Mexican Train Dominoes. We’re always looking for more Mah Jongg and Mexican Train players. No experience necessary. We will teach you either game if you don’t know how to play them. everyone has loads of fun, laughter and camaraderie. PrOviDe-A-riDe: We have Temple members who want to come on Thursday afternoons, but don’t have transportation. Could you step up and do a mitzvah and provide a ride? Looking forward to our 2015 New Year Luncheon at Noon on January 15th, Martin Luther King’s Birthday. for information, please call me, Linda White, President, at 727-688-0626 or email me at [email protected]. THE BOOK BUNCH – Iris Shalit, Facilitator Next meeting on January 20, 2015 at 1:00 pm in the Temple Library (Third Tuesday Bi-Monthly. fiction selection: Defending Jacob by William Landay. A suspenseful tale of an embattled family in

crisis. The teenage son has been accused of murdering a classmate and his father, the District Attorney, and his mother, are filled with guilt. Non-fiction selection: The Ragman’s Son by Kirk Douglas. The actor describes his early life on the streets of New York as issur Demsky, the only son of 6 children of a russian-Jewish immigrant rag-picker, his acting career, the rejection of his faith and his eventual return to Judaism. You don’t need to have read the books to attend and enjoy the discussion. call iris shalit at 727-595-8307 or email to [email protected].

OUT AND ABOUT EXCURSIONS – Marvin Hollander, Facilitator January 24, 2015. Matinee performance of Beau Jest at 2:00 pm at francis Wilson Playhouse. This comedy is a sell-out, but we have a few tickets left. call me immediately! sarah Goldman, an unmarried 30-year old, invents a Jewish boyfriend to placate her parents’ anxiety about her future. After-show dining at Bon Appetit. call Marvin Hollander at 727-785-2623 or call Linda Goldman at 727-536-7076 or email to [email protected]. save the Date: february 14, 2015. enjoy a Matinee recital by Dr Gordon Goodman here at TBi. enjoy beautiful music, wine & chocolate delights, and good company. More information to follow.

Life Cycles

JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 1 - Carmine Albano 1 - Stephen Bragin 1 - Jeff Cotter 1 - Jerry Faerstein 1 - Aaron Goldenberg 1 - Fern Moroff 1 - Jill Orns 1 - Elena Rogachevsky 1 - Jane Rutenberg 1 - Brian Salisbury 1 - Stephen Weinstock 2 - Iris Gantz 2 - Ivy Kitenplon 2 - Kayelin Leonhirth 2 - Marin Wood 3 - John Rinde 3 - Jean Weisman 4 - Hope Ellis 4 - Isabella Pizzo 5 - Rosemary Buchwalter

5 - Sharon Nusman Foster 6 - Alexandra Rosenbaum 6 - Ian Schlifstein 7 - Ellen Petracco 7 - Roger Rolfe 7 - Rebecca Schwartz 8 - Monica DiGiovanni 10 - Scott Pinsker

10 - Jerri Greene 11 - Bradley Wexler 12 - Rosalind Berk 13 - Hilda Sachs 14 - William Krutchick 15 - Edith Hecht 15 - Jona Karp 17 - Matthew Goff 17 - Joshua Goff 18 - Cynthia Kadel-Zorfas 18 - Harriet Kaplan 18 - Esther Pantzer 19 - Jordan Cooper 20 - Evan Eftikides 20 - Steven Klein 20 - Howard Rodetsky 20 - Deborah Waldman 21 - Samantha Miller 21 - Phyllis Schoenberg 21 - Daniel Warshofsky 22 - Holden Wachtler 23 - Jacob Sperber 23 - Gail Weiss 24 - Gloria Adler 24 - Susan Ellis 24 - Lynn Goldman 25 - Marcy Daniels 25 - Dennis Delorenzo 25 - Kristin Fox 25 - Patricia Geller

25 - Joshua Jacobs 25 - Julie Rose 25 - Elana Treiser 27 - Laura Babcock 27 - Jeril Cohen 27 - Charles Friedman 27 - Shayna Graff 27 - Horace Green 27 - Daniel Rosen 27 - Daniel Schwartz 28 - Ari Katz 28 - Gladys Kirschbaum 30 - Caren Treiser 30 - Michael Weiss

JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES 3 - Shawn/Audrey Hollander 4 - Beth/Robert Schwersky 5 - Roger/Lorraine Golomb 6 - Carey/Katie Blaxberg 6 - Shirley/Philip Kirby 6 - Mark/Sue Wall 12 - Stacie/Michael Vereb 14 - Jeffrey/Ellen Petracco 15 - Richard/Lois Corwin 22 - Jan/Mel Cohen 25 - Fran/Arthur Kipling- Lassers 26 - Rocco/Marino Gentilesco 31 - Beth/Paul Denker


Congratulations to grandparents Jeff & Betsy Garfield

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Your fellow congregants, Barry Alpert and

Gene Melamud, cordially invite you to a

TOUR& TASTE afternoon featuring the Tom

and Mary James /Raymond James Financial

Art collection, one of Florida’s largest private

art collections consisting of more than 2,000

pieces of art including paintings, sculpture,

graphics, drawings, mixed media and prints.

Themed by floor, you’ll see highlights that in-

clude Western/Southwestern, Wildlife, Con-

temporary, Pop Art, and work by Florida art-

ists. Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments served.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and federally registered CFP (with flame logo), which it awards to indi-viduals who successfully complete initial and ongoing certification requirements. Raymond James & Associates, Inc. member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. Gene Melamud, MBA, CFP®, CRPS®, Senior Vice President, Investments, Barry Alpert, Senior Vice President, Investments, 2401 West Bay Drive, Largo, FL 33770 // O 727.584.8615 TF 800.237.0153 // LLN32D 2014-033180/10082015

Join Your Temple B’nai Israel Family For An Unforgetable Private Event

Friends, family and guests are invited to

join us on Thursday, January 8th,

starting 2 p.m. at the Raymond James

Financial Center, 880 Carillon Parkway,

St. Petersburg. Please enter through the

main entrance for Towers 3 and 4.

Reservations are required for this com-

plimentary event and can be made by

contacting Lorrie New at 727.584.8615.

Publication of an advertisement herein is neither an endorsement nor recommendation of any advertisers’ products or services.The Daniels Advantage Team

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The Rolfe Group of Wells Fargo Advisors 28100 US Highway 19 North, Suite 500 Clearwater, FL 33761 727-796-3866 • 800-237-1946 Toll Free

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The Rolfe Group of Wells Fargo Advisors is proud to announce our new home. We remain committed to working closely with our clients to provide customized guidance designed to help them reach their financial objectives.

Our services include: • Investment management • Asset allocation modeling • Estate investment planning • Retirement income planning • Education funding strategies • Multi-generational planning and wealth transfer • And much more

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The Rolfe Group of Wells Fargo Advisors 28100 US Highway 19 North, Suite 500 Clearwater, FL 33761 727-796-3866 • 800-237-1946 Toll Free

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Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2011 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0811-5488 08/11

Investment and Insurance Products: u NOT FDIC Insured u NO Bank Guarantee u MAY Lose Value

Roger A. Rolfe, CIMA®, Brian H. Rolfe, CFP® and Sandra L. Thompson

The Rolfe Group of Wells Fargo Advisors is proud to announce our new home. We remain committed to working closely with our clients to provide customized guidance designed to help them reach their financial objectives.

Our services include: • Investment management • Asset allocation modeling • Estate investment planning • Retirement income planning • Education funding strategies • Multi-generational planning and wealth transfer • And much more

Please contact Brian Rolfe today at 1-800-237-1946 or at [email protected] for a confidential, no-obligation appointment or portfolio review.

The Rolfe Group of Wells Fargo Advisors 28100 US Highway 19 North, Suite 500 Clearwater, FL 33761 727-796-3866 • 800-237-1946 Toll Free

Fully invested in our clients for more than 40 years

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2011 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0811-5488 08/11

Investment and Insurance Products: u NOT FDIC Insured u NO Bank Guarantee u MAY Lose Value

Roger A. Rolfe, CIMA®, Brian H. Rolfe, CFP® and Sandra L. Thompson

The Rolfe Group of Wells Fargo Advisors is proud to announce our new home. We remain committed to working closely with our clients to provide customized guidance designed to help them reach their financial objectives.

Our services include: • Investment management • Asset allocation modeling • Estate investment planning • Retirement income planning • Education funding strategies • Multi-generational planning and wealth transfer • And much more

Please contact Brian Rolfe today at 1-800-237-1946 or at [email protected] for a confidential, no-obligation appointment or portfolio review.


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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat





7:30 PM Shabbat Services


4 No

Religious School

8:00 AM

WTBI Rummage Sale




5:15 PM Jazzercise

7 6:00 PM

Beg. Hebrew

6:30 PM Tichon

8:00 PM

Torah Study

8 1:00 PM Friendship Club

5:15 PM


7:30 PM Brotherhood Program—

Bob Mansfeld


7:30 PM Shabbat Services


11 9:00 AM

Religious School

10:45 AM Intro to Judaism

12:00 Noon

Cham Shesh Movie Day


6:30 PM Brotherhood Game Night



5:15 PM Jazzercise

14 6:00 PM

Beg. Hebrew

6:30 PM Tichon

8:00 PM

Torah Study

15 12:00 PM Friendship Club


5:15 PM Jazzercise

6:30 PM

Board Meeting

7:30 PM Leadership Council



7:30 PM Blue Jeans

Simcha Shabbat

Friday Night Live Service

17 9:30 AM

7th Grade

10:30 AM Elana Treiser Bat Mitzvah


No Religious School





1:00 PM Book Bunch

5:15 PM



6:00 PM Beg. Hebrew

6:30 PM Tichon

8:00 PM

Torah Study


1:00 PM Friendship Club

5:15 PM


7:00 PM WTBI Board Mtg.


7:30 PM Shabbat Services


9:30 AM 7th Grade

10:30 AM

Joshua Jacobs Bar Mitzvah

25 9:00 AM Religious School


10:45 Intro to Judaism

6th Grade

TBJEC Tu B’Shevat


12:00 Noon Club 34 Event



5:15 PM Jazzercise

28 6:00 PM

Beg. Hebrew

6:30 PM Tichon

8:00 PM

Torah Study


1:00 PM Friendship Club

5:15 PM



7:30 PM Shabbat Services

31 1st Grade Havdalah


JANUARY 2015 T e m p l e B ’ n a i I s r a e l

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PAID Tampa, FL

Permit No. 8035



Denise Kirschbaum PresidentPaul Gross Administrative Vice PresidentBruce Levine President AppointeeTodd siegel President AppointeeJorge rodnizki Financial Vice PresidentMarcia Miller Youth and Education Vice PresidentNina Warshofsky Membership & Leadership Vice Presidentrenee raimi and sandy Broida Development Vice Presidentray cepko Religious and Cultural Vice PresidentPolly Kraus Annual Campaign Vice Presidentrhoda ross SecretaryMatt sperber Member at LargeBrian rolfe Member at LargeHelene Debowsky Women of TBI (WTBI) Co-PresidentBarbara Baughman Women of TBI (WTBI) Co-Presidentsteve Klein Brotherhood PresidentLinda White Friendship Club Presidentsteffi rosenbaum Chai Five President




rabbi Daniel Treiser.................... [email protected] soloist Danielle rodnizki [email protected] Bloom............................ [email protected] Gamson........................... [email protected] Tieder................................. [email protected] Wachtler.......................... [email protected]

Temple staff contact information:

Rabbi Daniel Treiser Cantorial Soloist * Danielle Rodnizki

Director of Membership Engagement * Barbara Bloom Religious School Director * Dani GamsonTemple Administrator * Angela Wachtler

ADMiNisTrATive sTAffBecca Tieder Religious School/Office Support

TEMplE B’nAi iSRAEl1685 S. Belcher road • clearwater, Fl 33764 Ph 727.531.5829 • FX 727.530.5159

The Temple Tablet is published monthly. Postage paid at Tampa, fL. Please rUsH to our readers– TiMe criTicAL MATeriAL

General Temple contact information: [email protected]

Brotherhood contact information:

[email protected] contact information: [email protected]

Catulll RegularPMS 2945 Blue

1685 s. Belcher road, clearwater, fL 33764