free will and seductive coercion

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  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


    Free will and seductive coercionPosted on April 22, 2014 by Heather Marsh

     Part of a series,  Autonomy, Diversity, Society. Posts about our roles, relationships and governance. No article in this section is

    meant to stand alone, there will be a lot more coming soon that will clarify the current posts. — -

    Governance is a force directing actions taken by society. We began governance with small tribes

    arranging relationships and personal assets between themselves and authority only required to settle

    disputes. s populations grew! we moved to a variety of government systems with full hierarchies!

    o"cial authorities and hard coercive force in the form of o"cial military and police. #ately we have

    moved far beyond these forms to all pervasive and largely invisible soft coercion. While large

    populations have always been coerced more by propaganda than by armies! the techniques developed

    by global intelligence and marketing research of the past several decades have escalated this to global

    coercion controlled by a very few people. $nlike the churches and governments in the past! the new

    hierarchy controlling this coercion is invisible.

    %emocracy is a puppet show set up to distract attention from the real governance. %emocracy and

    local governments provide a curtain between the true coercive power and the rest of the people.

    politician or ruler is placed on stage and people are made to feel they participate in the show by voting

    for or against and occasionally throwing shoes at or assassinating them. &hen the people leave the

    theatre and go to the streets where they are the targets of an increasingly oppressive war of coercion

    by those battling for control of the real governance. 't was once possible to monitor our governance.

    (ow we are locked in an ideological ma)e with walls of democracy preventing us from seeing or

    participating in the true structures of power and debate.

    *oting! even in the case of referendums! is a controlled binary input into a preordained structure and

    question. 't is always a front to reinforce the underlying propaganda. +Would you like to be ruled by

    person or person , is a propaganda e/ercise and advertising blit) promoting the idea that

    democracy is good and the voters are in control. 'n this structure! +none of the above is never an easy

    option and doing away with democracy is not an allowable choice at all. &he voters are locked out of

    any control over the coercive propaganda that forms our real governance by a lack of access to

    information or the time and funding required to participate. 'n0uencing votes by coercion is illegal in

    democracies but the $nited 1tates spent 23!456!667!448 in the 49:4 election on seductive coercion

    proven to be more e;ective than any violence in in0uencing outcomes. %espite the obvious and

    proven e;ectiveness of this coercion! its e;ectiveness is denied by the very propaganda which is

    spending billions on it.

  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


    Individual self-governance &he most important lie those currently in power had to convince the ma

  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


    'nstead of religious propaganda reinforcing slave morality and obedience as in the past! master

    morality and free will are now promoted for all along with the delusion that all have the ability to

    become masters in the current pon)i scheme of power. &he myths of equality and individual free

    will have convinced the public that all are responsible for their own actions as long as they attain a

    minimum level of competence. &hat premise is as unfair as it would be to hold someone responsible

    who had not attained that minimum. It is the knowledge dierential between those presenting information

    and those receiving it that matters. People are persuaded that their government or those deployed in the

    military are not responsible for actions dictated from above! but the masses which are sub

  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


    Societal auto-coercion

    #anguage itself is highly coercive. >ach word is a cognitive shortcut to a wide array of emotions and


  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


    Hostile seductive coercion

    We have spent decades watching as governments! particularly those under direction of the =ve eyes!

    have e/perimented with brainwashing and coercion techniques. ?rom brainwashing Aanadian

    women with postnatal depression and secretly drugging $1 citi)ens in :B69s and 39s! they havegone to the advanced torture and coercion techniques we see today. Ahinas &hought @eform

    Movement in :B6: was an unusually open e/ample of the coercion practised by all governments to

    greater or lesser e;ect. &he advertising industry also has invested billions into research to understand

    motivation and desire! stimulus and response. (on-stop propaganda from media! video games and

    social programs combines with game theory incorporated increasingly everywhere. ll of this research!

    the vast reach of all forms of media! and the complete corporate control of all essential resources have

    combined until today we are very near governance by thought control! complete with imprisonment

    for thought crimes and criminali)ation of information counter to governing propaganda.

    !he vast growth in intelligence communities worldwide is not triggered by a desire to spy on our selfiesfor any government. !he intelligence communities are the government.

  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


     &he portions of the leaked (1 documents that the public have been permitted to see show how

    people worldwide are being governed and in whose interests. 'ntelligence e;orts are directed at

    coercing your behaviour and response in service to corporate interests. &he people preventing you

    from reading the (1 documents Cand every other intelligence documentD are preventing you from

    having any understanding of your own governance.

    ccording to the few PowerPoint slides we have been permitted to see! the $Es GAHF study Social

     "ngineering, Digital !ells, Disruption, Strategic Influence, Scams and Deception. &heir slides ask an SI#D"$ help us

    understand and shape the %uman !errain& and describe %aving an impact in the real world with omplete Networ'

     Information (perations) Propaganda, deception, mass messaging, pushing stories, alias development, psychology. &hey

    specify looking for Social not technological solutions and teach *sing online techniques to ma'e something happen in

    the real or cyber world.+ (o! these techniques were not used against

  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


     &he manipulation is not restricted to coercing opinions online as we have seen from the many cases of

    incitement to criminal action by intelligence services. Participation in military horrors and even

    genocide are also coerced by media packaged for that purpose by groups such as the B3B movement

    in Myanmar. Wars are now being fought around the world with no declaration or admission of war!

    controlled solely by fear! propaganda and denial. Wars are declared against enemies no one can truly

    de=ne as we have seen with shadowy backers behind groups such as the M48 in the %emocratic

    @epublic of Aongo! various 1yria militias and ,oko Haram in (igeria. ,illion dollar multi-national

    industries such as human tra"cking are kept entirely out of the spotlight by diverting interest.

    !he battle for hearts and minds is not /ust real, it is the only battle that matters, the battle from which

    all others emanate.

     &he originators of information should not be held responsible for the unforeseen actions of those below

    a level of understanding the original information. &he manipulators of information that bring it to the

    wider public are those that direct acceptance and re;orts to change governance are diverted to attacking the puppet

    shows of politicians rather than establishing paths from knowledge to mass acceptance.

    !o remove the current hostile governance, we must dismantle the individualist pon0i structures that

    create motivation for it.

    Societal singularity

    ?or years we have been warned of! or promised! a technological singularity! a time when arti=cial

    intelligence will have progressed to the point of a greater-than-human intelligence and begin

    progressing beyond a point of human comprehension. 'nstead! we have reached a societal singularity.

    Kur society is already far too comple/ and requires far too much information processing for individual

    understanding. 't is not arti=cial intelligence we need! it is a workable form of societal

    collaboration. Mass collaboration is necessary to understand any of the forces controlling us or to be

    able to rationally govern ourselves.

  • 8/18/2019 Free Will And Seductive Coercion


    Kf all the movements attempting to counter government and corporate action! intelligence leaks and

    releases show none are more feared than the ones the governments pre=/ with +cyber. &he public can

    be led in circles with laughable ease by whoever controls the dialogue and the only uncontrolled

    dialogue is on the 'nternet. &he e;orts to co-opt it! dilute it! discredit it and divert it have been

    overwhelming. 'nterrupting 'nternet collaboration is interrupting collaborative self-governance! the

    only real threat to the hostile governance currently in place. 1ocietal auto-coercion! a transparent!

    consensual coercion a society applies onto itself! can potentially compete with state and corporate

    coercion in a responsive and immediate environment like the 'nternet.

     &he possibility of societal self-governance is still very small and is being overwhelmed by restrictions

    on access! spying! arrests! laws to discourage participation and most of all! a lack of independent

    decentrali)ed tools for long term governance. n unending meme war is ridiculous and unwinnable.

    1elf governance requires deep knowledge and knowledge bridges emanating from constantly audited

    and updated cores of information. Fuick information and action must 0ow naturally and transparently

    from these cores! not