français i – leçon 3a structures descriptive adjectives & possessive adjectives

Français I – Leçon 3A Structures Descriptive adjectives & Possessive adjectives

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Page 1: Français I – Leçon 3A Structures Descriptive adjectives & Possessive adjectives

Français I – Leçon 3AStructures

Descriptive adjectives&

Possessive adjectives

Page 2: Français I – Leçon 3A Structures Descriptive adjectives & Possessive adjectives

Descriptive adjectives

Adjectives describe people, places and things. In French, most adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns or pronouns they modify.

Examples:Le père est américain.

La mère est américaine.Les parents sont


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Adjectives of physical description



brun(e)(dark hair)

châtain (brown hair)

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court(e) raide

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de taille moyenne ( someone or something of

medium size.)

joli(e) = pretty jeune = young

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Some adjectives are irregular. They change spelling depending on the

gender and number of the noun they modify.

beau belle beaux belles

beautiful; handsome

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Other irregular adjectives:









bon bonne bons bonnes good; kind

fier fière fiers fières proud

gros grosse gros grosses fat

heureux heureuse heureux

heureuses happy

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Feminine singular




intellectuel intellectuelle intellectuels intellectuelles intellectual

long longue longs longues long

naïf naïve naïfs naïves naïve

roux rousse roux rousses red-haired

vieux vielle vieux vielles old

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nouveau nouvelle nouveaux nouvelles new

curieux curieuse curieux curieuses curious

malheureux malheureuse malheureux malheureuses unhappy

nerveux nerveuse nerveux nerveuses nervous

sérieux séreuse séreux séreuses serious

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Position of adjectives

• In French, adjectives are usually placed after the noun they modify.

–Example:Il est un garçon intelligent.

(noun) (adj.)

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• The following adjectives are placed before the noun they modify: beau, bon, grand, gros, jeune, joli, long, nouveau, petit, and vieux.

– Example:

J’aime bien les grandes familles. (adj.) (noun)

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Possessive adjectives

In English and in French, possessive adjectives

express ownership or possession.

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Possessive adjectives

Masculine Feminine singular singular pluralmon ma mes myton ta tes your (fam./sing.)

son sa ses his, her, itsnotre notre nos ourvotre votre vos your (form./pl.)

leur leur leurs their

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In French, possessive adjectives agree in gender and number with

the nouns they modify.

mon père ma mère

(my father) (my mother)

mes parents(my parents)

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Possessive adjectives are always placed before the

nouns they modify.

C’est ton père?(Is that your father?)

Non, c’est mon oncle. (No, that’s my uncle.)

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*Note – use mon, ton, or son before feminine singular nouns that start with a vowel sound.

• mon amie(my friend)

• ton étudiante(your student)

• son yaourt(his yogurt)

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*Remember - The choice of possessive adjective depends on

the gender and number of the noun possessed, not the gender

and number of the owner.

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Possession with de• In English, you use ‘s to express

relationships or ownership. In French, use de (d’) + [the noun or proper name] instead.

C’est le petit ami d’Annie.(That’s Annie’s boyfriend.)

C’est le petit ami de ma sœur.(That’s the boyfriend of my sister.)