fr. daniel, ashley bacchi and bishop elect megan traquair at … · 2019-07-07 · 2...

Fr. Daniel, Ashley Bacchi and Bishop Elect Megan Traquair at Trinity Cathedral

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Page 1: Fr. Daniel, Ashley Bacchi and Bishop Elect Megan Traquair at … · 2019-07-07 · 2 “Spirituality is essentially a question.And the question is, ‘Do you love me?’” - Quaker

Fr. Daniel, Ashley Bacchi and Bishop Elect Megan Traquair at

Trinity Cathedral

Page 2: Fr. Daniel, Ashley Bacchi and Bishop Elect Megan Traquair at … · 2019-07-07 · 2 “Spirituality is essentially a question.And the question is, ‘Do you love me?’” - Quaker


“Spirituality is essentially a question. And the question is, ‘Do you love me?’” - Quaker Minister Paul Blankenship

I recently concluded a sermon about hearing God’s still small voice in

moments of silence by asking the following question: “What do you hear

God saying to you when you practice intentional silence?” Later that

Sunday, at the vestry meeting, several of us shared responses to that

question. I hope and pray that you all maintain a regular prayer practice

that incorporates moments of silence; and I would love to hear your

responses to the question as well.

On the last day of the Pathways Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage, some

of the students shared what they heard God saying to them in their moments of silence. One student said that

instead of asking God questions, she felt that God, in the silence, was asking questions of her. (She clearly

understood the difference between a pilgrim and a tourist. While tourists go somewhere and ask questions about

the place they are visiting, pilgrims go somewhere and let the place ask questions of them.) This young pilgrim’s

words spoke to me deeply, especially since I so often bring my questions to God in prayer, especially that great

theological conundrum: “How can you, an all-loving and all-powerful God, permit so much suffering in this

world?” The young pilgrim’s words reminded me of a popular meme in which a young man sits on a bench and

asks Jesus, “So why do you allow things like famine, war, homelessness, crime, starvation, disease, suffering,

despair, etc. to exist in our world?” Jesus responds, “Interesting that you should bring that up as I was about to ask

you the exact same question?”

In the Gospels, Jesus often responds to people’s questions with more questions. In fact, among the four

Gospels, Jesus asks over one hundred questions. 108 to be exact. His questions are meant to wake up his listeners,

to get the creative juices flowing and to stir up a response. And his questions spur his listeners (including us) to

look within, to reflect and to be transformed. He asks questions like “Why do you worry?” (Matt 6:28) “Why are

you so afraid?” (Matt 8:26) “Why do you harbor evil thoughts?” (Matt 9:4) “Who do you say that I am?”

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(Matt 16:15) “What are you seeking?” (John 1:38) “Do you love me?” (John 21:16). Recently, as I have been

listening for God’s still small voice in the silence of my heart, I have been hearing God ask me questions like


A close friend of mine is an adjunct professor and Quaker minister in Spokane WA. He recently told his

students, “Spirituality is essentially a question. And the question is, ‘Do you love me?’” In my moments of

prayerful silence, I feel I have heard God asking me: Do you love me, even when your plans fall apart? Do you

love me, when your hopes and dreams are shattered? In the midst of frustration, sickness, tragedy and loss, do you

love me?

This question resonated with special power for me when the Rev. Cindy Woods read these exact words

from the Gospel of John at the Consecration of Bishop Megan Traquair in Davis CA on June 29th. Jesus asks

this question of Peter three times in chapter 21 of John’s Gospel. The question compels Peter to look within and

recognize the ways in which he had failed to love Jesus, especially when he had denied even knowing him three

times. When Peter responds to Jesus, saying, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you,” Jesus commissions Peter to

“feed my sheep.” I believe Christ’s commission to Peter is the same commission given to all those who respond

affirmatively to Christ’s question “Do you love me?” This commission opens up even more questions: What

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exactly does it mean to feed Christ’s sheep? What does that look like in our world today?

One way that I feel called to provide spiritual nourishment to Christ’s beautiful flock at Christ Episcopal

Church Eureka is to offer more opportunities for us all to hear God’s still small voice in moments of prayerful

worship and silence, to hear God asking each of us questions that can transform us, to hear Christ ask each of us,

“Do you love me?”

Sacred Saunters at 11 AM on Saturdays August 10, 24, and 31

This summer, we will provide new opportunities to hear God’s still small voice in the silence, especially among the

giant sequoia trees. We will celebrate the feast day of St. Clare of Assisi on August 10, St. Martin de Porres on

August 24, and St. Aidan of Lindisfarne on August 31 by offering our popular outdoor Eucharists called “Sacred

Saunters” at Sequoia Park. We will gather at the front entrance by the red gate on 11 AM and then proceed to our

“Sacred Saunter” trail, concluding in a circle around our tree trunk altar. We will practice moments of intentional

silence as we saunter from station to station, reading Scripture, praying, and passing the peace. Together, we will

tune our hearts to the heartbeat of God and keep our ears peeled for His still small voice in the songs of the

redwood trees, the wild geese, and the white-crowned sparrow.

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Wednesday Night Compline at 7 PM starting July 17th

Also this summer, we will provide new opportunities to hear God’s still small voice in the silence by

offering our Compline prayer service in the Chapel on Wednesday nights at 7 PM (rather than Tuesday

nights). The Compline prayer service is a short service from our Book of Common Prayer, beginning on

page 127 and lasting about 20 minutes. It is our church’s “bedtime prayer.” We will begin with about 15

minutes of meditative silence and then conclude with 10 minutes of silence afterwards. Some may want to

arrive at 7:15 and then leave at 7:35 PM. Others may want to arrive at 6:50 and stay until 7:50 PM. Still

others may want to gather after Compline at Two Doors Down Wine Bar at 1626 F Street to discuss what

questions emerged for them in the prayerful silence, over a glass of wine or Italian soda. Whenever and

however you would like to participate, I encourage you to consider joining us for Compline prayer

sometime this summer on Wednesday nights in the Chapel of Our Merciful Saviour. We will begin

Wednesday night Compline on July 17th, the feast day of Bishop William White, whose appointed Gospel

reading includes that same question that Jesus asks all of us in the silence of our hearts: “Do you love me?”

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As most of you probably know, I am not the only one in my family to serve as the Senior Warden of Christ Church. My husband, Fred, served two terms both of which were at pretty challenging times in our history. During that time, he wrote many wonderful chronicle articles and lucky for me he saved them! I thought it would be fun to submit a “throw-back” chronicle article he wrote 10 years almost to the day and because when I read back over his articles I realize that not only is he a “punny” guy he is also a really good writer. So friends in Christ, put your feet up, enjoy this beautiful weather, and take a trip back in time!

June - what a gloriously busy month! With the kickoff concert for our beautiful new organ and the calling process moving swiftly to closure, the big changes we’ve all been waiting for are finally upon us! I write this, Father's Day is right around the corner. Around this time every year, I cannot help but think of how blessed we all are because of our Heavenly Father. On the other hand, I also realize that being a father is a tremendous responsibility.

Never has there been a day or a culture in which fathers have faced greater challenges than in our day. I firmly believe that it's never been harder to be a good father than it is now – nor has it been more important. One look at today’s society and culture should give you plenty of examples.

I thought it would be appropriate to take a moment and recognize every person who seeks to raise and nurture our children and young people in God-honoring ways. Whether you are a Father, Mother, Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent or sibling, your determination is an inspiration. Moreover, it simply makes it that much more important for all of us to affirm that parenting was never intended by God to be optional!

Most of you know that my parents were very much role models and heroes to me. They provided me with a daily living example of unconditional love. Through their example, I’ve come to realize that what I do, what I say and who I am is all part of the legacy I will leave to my girls. In order to do for my girls what my parents did for me, I have to give of myself now - today. In other words, “Leaving a legacy tomorrow means living the legacy now!”

I’m by no means perfect – I’m human. I make mistakes all the time, in Parenting, Banking, and life. However, my belief is that because I try - God, our true Father, has mercy on me, appreciates my efforts, and continues to bless me. The same can be said of each and every one of you, whether or not you’re a Father. Because you try and please God you too are truly blessed.

Being a coach, teacher, fan, friend, and parent to my daughters is quite simply the best “job” in the world. Hopefully, you feel the same way about the children in your life. God feels the same way about us. He’s here for us, whether we want him to be or not. He is always ready to embrace us with his unconditional love that is more powerful then all our sins, past and present and future.

So, a hearty “Thank you” to all of you who face the challenge of raising kids in today’s world. And thank you for being part of our parish family. Things have changed at a frantic pace over the last 6 months – all for the better. The sense of the Holy Spirit is rich within our newly remodeled sanctuary. And if the excitement and enthusiasm surrounding the new organ and calling of our new Rector is any indication, we are truly on the verge of something great – stay tuned, hold on and keep praying! Prayerfully, Fred Moore

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June as usual has been a busy month here at Christ Episcopal Church Eureka. The survey of the steeple base / bell tower roof is still in the works. The placement of the new cross is still on schedule for mid September. The plumbing under the office / apartment will be inspected for leaks the last week of June. The window for the door of the Fr. Doug Library has been ordered, as soon as it arrives, Eureka Glass will be scheduling the installation. The professional arborist has been contacted to schedule an inspection of both of the magnolias. We are still on EPD’s schedule to provide active shooter training at Christ Episcopal Church this Fall / early Winter. As soon as the schedule is penciled out they will let us know when the training will take place. As always, I would like to thank all the volunteers that help out keeping the Church Campus in good shape. You are doing a wonderful job. Thanks again. Royal McCarthy Junior Warden

The Consecration and Ordination of the Rev. Canon Megan McClure Traquair June 29, 2019

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Happy summertime! This beautiful graphic is from the website for a “Music and Worship Arts Week” that took place earlier this summer in North Carolina. Ashley Danyew, a teacher, musician, choral director and blogger recently shared her experience at this workshop. The workshop ended with an invitation for everyone to ask a simple question – “[t]here’s a flow of love that started when the stars began, and every morning we get a chance to decide to live into that love and then ask, ‘What’s mine to do?’” I’m taken back to summertime as a child growing up in the Midwest. Summers seemed vast and endless. Other than daily chores and piano practice, scheduled weeks for Bible School or camp, most days were spent playing outdoors with the neighborhood kids, swimming, reading, and daydreaming. Each day was an invitation to the unknown and that simple and ever-present childlike “spirit of wonder” led us to seek all kinds of adventures. I find myself drawn to and wanting to re-experience that childlike sense of summer; wanting things to be simpler, wanting to step away from the ‘baseline of busyness” and days scripted by “to do” lists that somehow never get completed. As Ashley Danyew so wisely says, “It’s about learning to pay attention; choosing to live with intention, to open our eyes and our hands, to be ready; reminding ourselves of the power of being fully present and fully awake, and living like it matters.” Ideally, this is what we do every Sunday as we experience the transformational power of our corporate worship. The liturgy, the sermon, the music, the beautiful and well-cared for sacred space we worship in – provide us with many opportunities to experience the spirit of wonder each Sunday. So why not make that an everyday occurrence? May your summer contain the spirit of wonder that fuels imaginations and hearts. “Today is a new day and you get to decide how to live it. What’s yours to do?”

Through the “Sundays at 4” summer concerts, Christ Church offers opportunities for the community to experience live music in our beautiful sacred space. The first concert in June was wonderful! Thank you to Doug Moorehead for putting together a beautiful “Summer Bouquet of Classical Music” that was well-attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all. We have two more concerts to look forward to.

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On July 28th, “Sundays at 4” presents “Silk Road Junction 101,” a musical collaboration of Tinku Rahman Abdur (South Asian tabla drums) and Sarah McClimon (Japanese koto and flute). Both performers hold doctorates in music-ethnomusicology, with training at University of Hawaii and Tokyo University of the arts. Drawing on experiences living in Bangladesh, India, Japan, Hawaii, and California, they explore rhythms and melodies of Asia and the United States. Instruments include drums, tabla, pakhwaj, khol, dhol, flute, koto; join us for this unique global music concert!

Do you have a favorite hymn (or two or three…)? Our final “Sundays at 4” on August 25th will be an hour-long “Hymn Sing.” What hymns will we be singing? Well, you will have a part in determining that! Soon to appear on top of the piano in the Heritage Room is a box into which you can place the hymn of your choice (written on paper) with your name on it (in case we have questions!). More detailed instructions will be given at the time. Two weeks before the hymn sing, we will have a drawing to determine which hymns we will sing (that is assuming of course that the box is filled to the brim with hundreds of hymn suggestions!). Hymns do not need to be limited to The Hymnal 1982. Music Staffing Changes!

Please join me in welcoming David Powell as our new Choir Director at Christ Church! This is a very exciting change for the music program as we transition into what was a long-time tradition here at Christ Church of having two music staff – a choir director and an organist. We have been blessed to have David conducting the choir for the past few months as well as renting space for his voice studio. Now, with thanks to Fr. Daniel, the Personnel Committee, and the Vestry, David has been offered and has accepted the position! While I have loved directing the choir and am grateful to all the support and encouragement I received since I began (5 ½ years ago!), I suggested and am fully supportive of this change. As our wonderful choir has grown over time and we have experimented with the placement of the choir, it has become clear that we need a dedicated choir director. This change will enable us to use more of the music in our choral library and our choir members will benefit from having such a talented vocalist and musician to direct them. As the Organist and Music Coordinator, I look forward to working with David and the choir in a new role. Christ Church has much to look forward to as David Powell joins us ~welcome David!!!

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Hi! I would like to introduce myself as the new Administrative Assistant

here at Christ Church. I am beyond blessed to have stepped into this role

and am excited to be here. Here is a bit about me:

I was born in Cleveland, Tennessee to Robert Dennis and Lynn Regina. Native to New York, they packed their two daughters and belongings and ventured down south so my father could attend the Church of God Theological Seminary. Shortly after, I was born and my father completed his program. My parents touched in NY before being offered a position to pastor a very small church that met in a fire-hall in York Pennsylvania. By faith, they accepted the positon and moved to PA. At just nine months old, I had lived in three states. I lived in York until I was 18 years old and our church grew to about 500 people in that small town. I grew up helping and serving in the church throughout the weeks, months and years. As I got older I enjoyed volunteering for the children’s ministry and worship teams. In high school I excelled as a member of student council, choir, the soccer team, a dually enrolled college student, captain of the field hockey team, a member of National Honor Society, and office administrator at the church in the summertime. I traveled throughout the United States for my field hockey team, earning many Gold and Silver medals. I graduated high school 6 months early and in the top 5% of my class, with a GPA exceeding 4.0 because of the college courses I was involved in. I spent a semester at Temple University in Philadelphia PA before transferring to Hofstra University on Long Island NY, to join their Division I field hockey team, which I was a part of for the next two years. At that point I wanted to focus more on my studies, an internship and employment while still staying active, so I founded a club field hockey team for the school, and also participated on the club soccer team. I interned for the Nassau County Office of Mental Health, Chemical Dependency, and Developmental Disabilities Services, my last semester of school, and graduated in the top 3% of my class, and my major, being inducted into the Eta Sigma Gamma National Education Honorary. More recently, I have worked as an Executive Assistant for over a year before moving to Eureka CA in August of 2018. I felt the call to jump coasts and attend discipleship school here in Humboldt County. I am currently a student at Bethel School of Supernatural Discipleship here in Eureka. Additionally, I work at Trumpet Behavioral Health part-time, teaching children with autism. I am now a part of Christ Episcopal Church serving as the Administrative Assistant. I am honored to be in this role and look forward to using my experience, passions, and giftings to bless this community! In my free time I enjoy going to the beach with my 6 pound Yorkie, Babygirl, and I enjoy writing, dancing, cooking and painting. You can also find me humming a tune and dabbling on the keyboard, as I enjoy writing songs in worship to our King. I look forward to meeting you! Emily Joy Caffrey

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A Statement From

Bishop Megan Traquair

and the other Episcopal Bishops in California

Separation of Families: What You Can Do

“Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Matt. 18:5 We, the bishops of the Episcopal Church in California, write to express our opposition to the inhumane conditions in which our government is holding migrant children. Our commitment to our Christian faith compels us to speak out for justice and care for the most vulnerable. The recent news stories of lawyers visiting detained children in an overcrowded facility in Clint, Texas underscore the humanitarian crisis at our southern border. Lawyers sent there to assess the conditions found traumatized children, many of whom have relatives waiting for them in the United States. They were untended by adults, fending for themselves, and sleeping on concrete floors with no blankets. The lawyers described filth and stench due to a lack of basic sanitation supplies such as soap, toothbrushes, and showers. Our practice of separating migrant children from their families and neglecting them in detention centers not only threatens their physical health; it also creates serious emotional and spiritual trauma. We who follow Jesus Christ know that he showed a special love for children. Jesus reminds us that children are to be welcomed, nourished, and cherished. As Christians, we honor the image of God in all human beings. The inhumane treatment of these children violates our most basic Christian values. We thank Congress for their passage of an emergency aid bill, and we ask our representatives and senators to continue to work on immigration reforms, especially the reuniting of children with their loved ones. We also call upon our elected leaders to recognize the need to welcome refugees who flee from danger, and to follow international law regarding those seeking refuge and asylum. Finally, we ask all Episcopalians to offer whatever financial, practical, and spiritual aid you can to care for those seeking refuge. Our dioceses will publish a detailed guide of ways you can help migrant families. Meanwhile, please pray with us that God will move the hearts of all in our land to respond with love and compassion for those who seek safety, liberty and justice. In Christ, The Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus – Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of California The Rt. Rev. Diane Jardine Bruce – Bishop Suffragan, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles The Rt. Rev. Mary Gray-Reeves – Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real The Rt. Rev. David C. Rice – Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin The Rt. Rev. Susan Brown Snook – Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of San Diego The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor – Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles The Rt. Rev. Megan Traquair – Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

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What Can I Do? Ways to Help Immigrants Seeking Refuge and Asylum The bishops of the six Episcopal Dioceses of California urge us to speak out and act on behalf of immigrants seeking refuge and asylum in the United States, and especially detained children. Many people are understandably concerned about the welfare of migrants and seek ways to help. Here are some suggestions for ways you can help. Advocate · Speak out to your Congressional representatives as well as local officials. Tell them you oppose the threatened ICE raids and want them to be called off. Urge them to advocate for better conditions in detention centers, the end of child detention centers, and the reunification of families torn apart by family separation policies. If you don’t know who your elected representatives are,find out here. · Work with Immigrant Families Together, which has branches through the nation. · The Episcopal Public Policy Network offers this suggestion: “Ask your members of Congress to co-sponsor the GRACE Act: The Guaranteed Refugee Admissions Ceiling Enhancement Act, S.1088 & H.R.2146. This bill would ensure that the U.S. maintains its historic commitment to resettling refugees by requiring that the President set the number of refugees the U.S. will resettle in a given fiscal year at a floor of 95,000. The average number of refugees that U.S. presidents have authorized to be resettled in a fiscal year between 1980 and 2017 has been 95,000. Over the past few years, this number has dropped dramatically, such that this year, the President authorized only 30,000 refugees to come to the U.S. The bill would also mandate quarterly reports on refugee admissions, increasing transparency, accountability, and oversight.” March in Protest Search for protests in your area, such as the many locations worldwide for the international protest on July 12, Lights for Liberty. Provide Legal Assistance · Contact your local ACLU, which advises immigrants of their rights and helps them navigate asylum applications as well as other immigration matters. · Inform both migrants and citizens of their rights regarding searches and raids by asking the ACLU to host a Know Your Rights workshop. Pass out Know Your Rights cards. · Volunteer with and donate funds to organizations doing immigration law work at the border: Texas: RAICES San Diego: Jewish Family Services, Casa Cornelia, San Diego Rapid Response Network

Los Angeles: CHIRLA, CARECEN, Immigrant Defenders Law Center, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE), Episcopal Sacred Resistance – Los Angeles

New Mexico: Immigration Advocates Network

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Arizona: Catholic Charities works to unite families separated by deportation.The Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project offers free legal representation to asylum seekers and others. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Phoenix is helping asylum seekers and needs donations and volunteers. · Provide transportation to immigration court hearings. · Accompany people to their ICE check-ins. · Help arrange for legal services and advice. · Sponsor an immigrant: Some immigrants can be released from detention as they await their asylum hearing if they have a sponsor. The sponsor must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and they must provide housing, food, clothing, and other basic necessities as immigrants await their final hearing, which may take 3-12 months. If you are interested in sponsoring someone, contact one of the organizations above that offer legal assistance. Donate Goods and Money In addition to giving money all the organizations listed above, you can also donate desperately needed clothing and some food items at the San Diego shelter for asylum seekers, contact Good Samaritan Episcopal Church. To donate money for clothing, phone cards, or travel funds for asylum seekers, send a check to Good Samaritan with “refugee relief” in the subject line, ordonate online here with “refugee relief” in the Tribute field. Build Relationships with Local Department of Homeland Security Office U.S. citizens can nurture relationships with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Field Offices and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) community relations officers. This may help to provide important contacts when advocating for individuals, and that is a long-term benefit for one’s work with migrants. Pray Pray daily for immigrants and for all the agencies and volunteers working with them. Pray for local, state, and national leaders, for law enforcement agencies, and for immigration courts. Pray for the news media and for the safety and integrity of journalists.

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Summertime is a very good time to broaden your knowledge of and participation in a service you’ve never tried. For more information about ways your talents can be put to work, contact the head of one of the following groups. Lynne Bean Coffee Hour 822-6086 Elizabeth Harper-Lawson Eucharistic Visitors 445-1726 Bob Hines Contribution Counters 445-8974 Vickie Patton Story Corner 443-1825 Anne Pierson Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers 442-2025 Sanford Pyron Announcers 444-0968 Marty Vega Lectors and Intercessors 443-9782 Susan Whaley Ushers and Greeters 445-2924

Camp Living Waters Donations

Our deanery summer camp for 9-15 year olds takes place the week of July 28-August 2. Pick up a brochure in Lewis Hall to share with family and friends. Scholarships are available. (Check with Sara Hines.) How can you help? Paper towels, toilet paper, and well-rinsed milk and juice cartons (half gallon and other sizes, as well) are high priority items. Have fun checking out the water toys and games available in the stores and find something fun to buy for waterfront time. Bring your donations to church between now and mid-July. We will deliver them for you. Thanks for helping! Questions? Check with Peg Gardner or Sara Hines.

Back-to-school Underwear Drive Talking about back-to-school already? Yes, August will be upon us before we know it. Time to watch for the back-to-school sales

again this year. We are looking for new underwear for boys and girls from kindergarten through high school. For those youth who

have to dress for PE classes, having new underwear is especially important. The underwear will be shared with foster children and with

some of the youth Betty Chinn picks up each morning for showers, breakfast, and finishing homework before she takes them to

several of the local high schools. Bring your purchases to the Heritage Room beginning in mid-July. For more information, check with

Peg Gardner.


Bev, would like to report that half of the goal that I set for the year has been made. With the last message saying that I said that I thought the can openers had the lead as far as non-perishables. You listened, while no more can openers this month you have met the challenge. With still another week to go we have taken 265 pounds to the Food Bank, which is just great. Thank you.

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If you are not currently listed in our church directory, or if your contact information has changed, please submit your information and be included. Our life together offers many opportunities to engage and grow in faith, work to develop our relationships with God and with each other. By including your photo and information in our church directory updates we have better ways to connect with you and you with us. As a loving community that includes and welcomes everyone, from all backgrounds, and at any point in life, we hope you will please join us with your names and contact information in the Christ Episcopal Church Directory. With better ways to connect we can invite you to learn more about Christian faith through worship, ministries and service, in our parish and in our community. Extra copies of the Church Directory are available in Lewis Hall next to the Welcome Bags. To submit updates to the church directory, email your photo of choice, and your contact information with your email, phone number and mailing address to: Julie Cairns: [email protected] or fill out the Directory Update form found on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall, and return it to the envelope provided on the bulletin board or place it into the collection plate. The deadline for new information to be included in the next directory update is August 1, 2019.


Mike Morgan led morning prayer on Fish Festival Sunday in Trinidad. It was nice to have Christina Strevey and Elizabeth Harper-Lawson in attendance as well. We kept the church open during the Festival so folks could come see the church and enjoy our art work. Many thanks to Mike Morgan, Connie Butler and Tyler James for hosting the open house. Our landscaping was in tip top shape thanks to Dandelion Queen Connie Butler, thank you. Connie, Tyler James, Jon and Sally Renlund also gave the whale and her calf (Connie’s beautiful sculpture on the right hand side of Main St) a good bath and polish. Thank you We are moving ahead with our plans for a one-year lease. We so appreciate all the help and work Peg Gardner has

put into this process. Thank you.


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Please pray for the dioceses, congregations, and clergy listed below on the Diocesan and Anglican cycles of prayer as well as those prayers requested by our Bishop, Dean and Diocesan Search & Transition Committees. Every Sunday, our former Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner, requested we pray for: The Diocese of Jerusalem, The Most Rev. Suheil Dawani, Archbishop and Primate for the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, the Diocese of Jerusalem, and for the Christians in the Holy Land. Every Sunday, the Diocesan Search & Transition Committees request that we pray: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide our new bishop, The Rt. Rev. Megan Traquair, that she may serve as a faithful pastor, care for your people and equip us for our ministries. Every Sunday, The Very Rev. Sara Potter, Dean of our Semper Virens Deanery, has asked us to pray for: The congregations of our Deanery and especially for St. Paul’s Crescent City that the Lord of all Hopefulness would fill them with such knowledge that they might bring hope and joy into their community with power and effect real change for good. Specific Sunday Prayers for our diocese and the Anglican Communion: July 7, Pray for: Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Redding, The Rev. Carren Sheldon, Interim Rector, The Rev. Gregg Churchill, Associate Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Most Revd Allan Migi - Archbishop of Papua New Guinea July 14, Pray for: Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Brigid of Kildare Episcopal Church, Rio Vista, The Rev. Lucretia Jevne, Priest in Partnership, The Rev. Susan Reeve, Deacon, The Rev. Derek Jones, Deacon Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Most Revd Joel Atiwag Pachao - Prime Bishop of the Philippines July 21, Pray for: Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church, Rocklin, The Very Rev. Liz Armstrong, Rector, The Rev. Tom Gartin, Assistant Rector, The Rev. Maryellen Garnier, Associate Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Most Revd Laurent Mbanda - Archbishop of L'Eglise Episcopal au Rwanda & Bishop of Shyira

July 28, Pray for: Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. John’s Episcopal Church, Roseville, The Very Rev Cliff Haggenjos, Rector, The Rev. Babette

Haggenjos, Deacon, The Rev. John Schively, Associate, The Rev. Malcolm McClenaghan, Associate Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Rt Revd Aloysius Agbo , Bishop of Nsukka, Nigeria, The Rt Revd Yusuph Vithalis, Bishop

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of Biharamulo, Tanzania, The Rt Revd Joseph Abura, Bishop of Karamoja, Uganda August 4, Pray for: Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: All Saints’ Memorial Episcopal Church, Sacramento, The Rev. Michael Monnot, Rector, he Rev. Virginia McNeely, Deacon Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Most Revd Ng Moon Hing - Archbishop of South East Asia & Bishop of West Malaysia If you wish to offer prayers daily for the church in the world, our Anglican Cycle of Prayer has a daily list of diocese and clergy who would benefit from your prayer ministry. This list can be obtained via this website: amp…2019…full.pdf. If you do not have a computer, I would be glad to make a copy of the 2019 Anglican Cycle of Prayer for you. Anne Pierson, Deacon

Ann Clark & Gary


July 4 Ronalda Carlson July 6

Nick & Anna Smithler July 7 Alice Rosendahl July 15

Anne Schmit July 15 Stephanie Schultz July 16

Steve Cole July 18 Gail Freeman July 22

Carrie Hogan July 23 Leila Binder July 25

Joan Stewart July 25 Julia Lawson July 26

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Page 19: Fr. Daniel, Ashley Bacchi and Bishop Elect Megan Traquair at … · 2019-07-07 · 2 “Spirituality is essentially a question.And the question is, ‘Do you love me?’” - Quaker


The Rt. Rev. Megan M. Traquair Bishop, Diocese of Northern California


The Rev. Dr. Daniel London


The Rev. David Shewmaker

Associate Priest

The Venerable Pam Gossard


The Rev. Anne Pierson


Merry Phillips

Organist and Music Director

Dr. Douglas Moorehead, Organist Emeritus

John Hammond, Sexton

Emily Joy Caffrey, Administrative Assistant


Jackie Moore, Senior Warden

Royal McCarthy, Junior Warden

Lynne Dougherty Bean, Kathleen Lake, Royal McCarthy,

Jackie Moore, Bev Olson, Christina Strevey, Jannetje Vrieze, Bill Walser

Gail Freeman, Asst. treasurer

Bev Olson, Asst. treasurer

Bob Hines, Treasurer, Peg Gardner, Clerk

Church office: 625 15th Street

P.O. Box 861 Eureka, California 95502

Phone (707) 442-1797