foundation production magazine analysis

Foundation Production Magazine Analysis

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Foundation Production Magazine Analysis. THE ARTISTS AND YOUR AUDIENCE. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Foundation ProductionMagazine Analysis

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My magazine represents two genres meeting together Asian / Indian meets the western world to make a Desi vibe. This genre comes from generations of Asians coming into the western world learning the new customs and traditions, adapting themselves. However also bringing their own traditions and customs to the western world.

My magazine is targeted at the current generation. Since the immigration of the different cultures entering the mainstream life within the UK, and merging with the western culture. My target audience is the second and third generation since the migration and the introduction of the other cultures into the UK. This comes from the remixes that are made by artist that represent both the cultures. My magazine is representing this cross – over. Therefore having a target audience that also enjoys and wants to identify with both the cultures.

Fano; the artist that I have chosen represents this in the image that he presents in his posture and poses. The clothing that he is wearing and the way he standing and posing is very western, however the music that he represents the cross – over, which can be represented through his facial features.


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My target audience range from the ages 15 – 27, they understand and appreciate the desi vibe. The meeting of the two cultures and genres.

There lifestyle will be very typical, students, working class, average people just living life as their own. Making the most of life and enjoying life. They will be modern but also appreciate and enjoy the essential parts of their own culture and traditions. These demographics will be of a typical young person living in the UK, being a student, starting their life as a adult, then settling down and having their own family.

My target audience, although being brought up in a western country will appreciate their own heritage and culture. Wanting to adapt themselves into both the worlds.

Therefore the demographics will bring together both the different cultures to enhance the genres. My magazine will demonstrate this togetherness. Which emphasises the name of the magazine; which in Hindi ‘hum’ means togetherness and in English it represents a tune, and/ or singing. Therefore the title of my magazine correlates to the meaning togetherness of music.


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SEMIOLOGYThe first sign that is presented on my magazine front cover is the title of the

magazine ‘Hum’. In Hindi ‘Hum’ meaning togetherness and in English ‘Hum’ representing music. Together the connotation that this represents is the bringing togetherness of two different cultures through music.

This is also represented through the front photo; which shows an Asian guy wearing very western clothing which again represents the cultures coming together and targets the audience that my magazine represents.

Although being ‘desi’ the magazine represents both the Asian and the western world through the correlations and the aim of the magazine.

Furthermore, this is represented through the contents page, in which the contents holds both western and Asian correlations and content. This can be decoded by an audience with ease, through knowing the meaning. Also the contents refers to both cultures, for example the use of ‘Guru Ganesh’ refers to someone that is willing to help, but also as a ‘guru’ which is like a mentor. Therefore the encoding that can be taken from my magazine represents both the western and Asian culture.

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First Draft - Front cover

This was my initial front page.The title firstly was not very effective on the white background. Also the model being centred, leaving space on the right hand side, needed to be manipulated further to move it to the right. Also the headline in the text boxes were not bold enough. The photo that represented another story looked out of place and needs to change the format of the magazine.

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Second draft – Front cover

The title still needed to be changed, the background colour did not make the title very effective. Although the font is bolder, still not effective. The photos still need to be manipulated further for the presentation of the magazine.

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Final Front coverMy final cover; firstly has the model on the right hand side which makes connotation that I want the audience to decode clear. The font is bigger and clearer and the use of the colours make it more effective. Although the title looks effective and bolder, I would change the font completely to make it more effective. The final cover is more effective and represents the connotations that I wanted to present, but I would change the presentation of it further to make it more effective and appealing to my target audience.

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First draft - Contents PageThis is the first draft of my contents page. I decided to present the contents and the editors message is two column format. I thought this would be effective and clearly show the content. Making the content clear and professional. This allows for the content to be shown clearly as well as the page numbers. I decided to place the ‘welcome’ on a angle to make it more effective and clear. Although I think that the black and white background is making the contents page dull and not as eye catching as it could be.

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Final Contents Page

By changing the colour of the background to the blue, makes the contents page more brighter and clearer. It makes the connotation more welcoming and brighter. In comparison to the previous black and white, after changing the colour. Makes the audience more drawn to the page through the change of colour and brightness.

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First Draft – Double Page SpreadInitially I had decided to make my double page spread on “fanzee” which meant there was both a girl and boy present. However; after arranging the photos. I decided to change this to just having the one artist “Fano”.The connotation that I tried to present through the presentation could only come across through one artist.

However; the colour is very suited to the presentation I want to portray. The presentation allows my audience to read the interview at ease.

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Second draft – Double page spreadStill keeping the same colour and font due to the ease of reading and appealing to my audience. I have also changed the photos both in the left and right corners to add to the effect of the page and be symmetrical with each other. Which looks very effective. With more time I would further manipulate the photos in the left and right side.

I have also decided to change the centre photo, to make the model look more spontaneous. Also to correlate with the connotation I am trying to present in the magazine. Being something new; ‘desi vibe’ .

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Final double page spreadI have changed the centre photo adding and creating the connotation of more adventurous and suspense. This adds to my connotation and promoting the idea of the ‘desi vibe’ . Introducing ‘desi vibe’ as a new and interesting genre. Also, using the words “running just as fast as I can” adds to the

of being in love, free spirited and enjoying life. It also comes from a song that wants to present this message to its audience.

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The programme that I used to manipulate the photos that I took was Corel Paint shop Pro. This programme allowed me to visualise and then create the images I wanted to present. At first I found the programme difficult to use and therefore took time in trying to manipulate the photos.

The programme allowed me to take a photo, extract the individual from the background, then place the individual on a background that suited the image that I wanted to present.

Using the programme, allowed me to manipulate the photos that I took to make them the way I wanted to present them in my magazine. Using this programme extended the limits, allowing to me to create the exact image I had wanted to create. This does allow the choice and becomes very advantageous to be able to use the programme. This also allows different choices to be made and therefore allows choice. This can lead to belief that we are too dependent on digital technology because of the ease of use, also taking less time. Also because of the choice that we are given by using digital technology, making it more appealing to use.

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Foundation ProductionMagazine Analysis

Preliminary magazine front.

Music magazine final front cover.

My preliminary magazine; the initial school magazine presentation and layout was not to a high standard. The title was not bold and eye catching. The photo I used did not make the magazine look interesting. The title and the font used does not appeal to an audience and does not stand out.

In comparison my final cover for my magazine cover, shows that I have learnt from the mistakes that I made initially and have improved on them. The final front cover has the colours co – ordinate. The title in bold, although with more time I would try to improve this further. Also the sub – heading are placed correctly and co – ordinate. The final magazine also has the essentials; a barcode and advertisement for a competition entry that makes the magazine appealing.