formylation of 2-phenyl- and 3-phenyl-5-hydroxybenzofuran derivatives

30. H. Ogura, H. Takayanagi, K. Furuhara, and Y. Iitake, Chem. Comm., 759 (1974); H. Ogura, K. Kikuchi, H. Takayanagi, K. Furuhata, Y. Iitaka, and R. M. Acheson, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 2316 (1975). 31. R.M. Acheson, M. W. Foxton, and G. R. Miller, J. Chem. Soc., 3200 (1965). 32. R.M. Acheson, M. W. Foxton, P. J. Abbott, and K. J. Milles, J. Chem. Soc. (C), 882 (1967). 33. P.J. Abbott, R. M. Acheson, M. Y. Kornilov, and J. K. Stubbs, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 2322 (1975) o 34. P.J. Abbott, R. M. Acheson, N. R. Raulins, and G. E.Robinson, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 2181 (1972). 35. R.M.Acheson, J. M. Bridson, and T. S. Cameron, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 986 (1972); R. M. Aeheson, J. N. Bridson, T. R. Cecil, and A. R. Hands, ibid, 1569 (1972). 36. R.M. Acheson, N. D. Wright, and P. A. Tasker, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Tr ns. 1, 2918 (1972). 37. P.G. Lehman, Tetrahedron Lett., 4863 (1972). 38. R.M. Acheson, G. Paglietti, and P. A. Tasker, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 2496 (1974). 39. J.W. Lown, M. H. Akhtar, and W. M. Dodson, J. Org. Chem., 40, 3363 (1975). FORMYLATION OF 2-PHENYL- AND 3-PHENYL-5- HYDROXYBENZOFURAN DERIVATIVES A. N. Grinev and S. A o Zotova UDC 547.727.728 : 543.422.25 The Vilsmeier formylation of 2-phenyl- and 3-phenyl-5-hydroxybenzofuran derivatives was studied. It is shown that 2-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran is formylated in the 4 position, whereas 3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran is formylated in the 2 position. In a previous study of electrophilic substitution reactions it was noted that substituents enter primarily the benzene ring in the bromination and nitration of 2(3)-phenyl-5(6)-hydroxybenzofurans. The acetoxy deriva- tives of the same benzofurans are brominated and nitrated only in the free position of the furan ring [1]. Con- tinuing our investigation of electrophilic substitution reactions in the benzofuran series, we studied the Vils- meier formylation of 2-phenyl- and 3-phenyl-5-hydroxybenzofuran derivatives. It was found that in the reac- tion of phosphorus oxychloride and dimethylformamide (DMF) with 3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran [2] the formyl group enters the 2 position of the molecule to give 2-formyl-3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran (I) in 98% yield. Aldehyde I is converted to the corresponding oxime (II) on treatment with hydroxylaminc hydrochloride. 2-Cayno-3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran (III) was obtained by the action of acetic anhydride on II, and 2-formyl- 3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran O-acetyloxime (IV) was obtained as a side product. Alkaline hydrolysis of III gives 3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran-2-carboxylic acid (V). The thiosemicarbazone (VI) was obtained for aldehyde I. c"3~ N -~]- ~ c"~~ c~t~5 ~ cMs~ c~"s CHO CH=NOH CHaO~--"'h.~- ~ CHaO CHaO 6 ; CHaO "~-0~ "C~H s ~ "-0 f ~'{:;6Hs ~ "0 f "COOH "~ ~-0 f "CN VII V Ill S. Ordzhonikidze All-Union Scientific-Research Pharmaceutical-Chemistry Institute. Moscow. Trans- lated from Khimiya Geterotsiklieheskikh Soedinenii, No. 8, pp. 1023-1024, August, 1976. Original article sub- mitted July 21, 1975. This material is protected by copyright registered in the name of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, IV. Y. 10011. No oart of thl~ publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval 'system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, [microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $ Z 50. 845

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Page 1: Formylation of 2-phenyl- and 3-phenyl-5-hydroxybenzofuran derivatives

30. H. Ogura, H. Takayanagi , K. Fu ruha ra , and Y. I i take, Chem. Comm. , 759 (1974); H. Ogura, K. Kikuchi, H. Takayanagi , K. Furuhata, Y. Ii taka, and R. M. Acheson, J . Chem. Soc., Perk in T r a n s . 1, 2316 (1975).

31. R . M . Acheson, M. W. Foxton, and G. R. Mil ler , J . Chem. Soc., 3200 (1965). 32. R . M . Acheson, M. W. Foxton, P. J . Abbott, and K. J . Mil les , J . Chem. Soc. (C), 882 (1967). 33. P . J . Abbott, R. M. Acheson, M. Y. Kornilov, and J . K. Stubbs, J . Chem. Soc., Pe rk in T r a n s . 1, 2322

(1975) o 34. P . J . Abbott, R. M. Acheson, N. R. Raulins, and G. E.Robinson, J . Chem. Soc., Pe rk in T r a n s . 1, 2181

(1972). 35. R .M.Acheson , J . M. Bridson, and T. S. Cameron , J . Chem. Soc., Pe rk in T r a n s . 1, 986 (1972); R. M.

Aeheson, J . N. Bridson, T . R. Cecil , and A. R. Hands, ibid, 1569 (1972). 36. R . M . Acheson, N. D. Wright , and P. A. Taske r , J . Chem. Soc., Pe rk in T r ns. 1, 2918 (1972). 37. P . G . Lehman, Te t r ahed ron Lett . , 4863 (1972). 38. R . M . Acheson, G. Pagl iet t i , and P. A. T a s k e r , J . Chem. Soc., Pe rk in T r a n s . 1, 2496 (1974). 39. J . W . Lown, M. H. Akhtar , and W. M. Dodson, J . Org. Chem., 40, 3363 (1975).

F O R M Y L A T I O N O F 2 - P H E N Y L - A N D 3 - P H E N Y L - 5 -


A . N . G r i n e v a n d S . A o Z o t o v a UDC 547.727.728 : 543.422.25

The V i l s m e i e r fo rmyla t ion of 2-phenyl- and 3-phenyl -5-hydroxybenzofuran der iva t ives was studied. It is shown that 2 -pheny l -5 -methoxybenzofuran is fo rmyla ted in the 4 position, whereas 3 -pheny l -5 -methoxybenzofuran is fo rmyla ted in the 2 posit ion.

In a previous study of e lect rophi l ic substi tution reac t ions it was noted that subst i tuents enter p r i m a r i l y the benzene r ing in the brominat ion and ni trat ion of 2(3)-phenyl-5(6)-hydroxybenzofurans . The acetoxy d e r i v a - t ives of the s a m e benzofurans a r e b romina ted and ni t ra ted only in the f r ee posit ion of the furan r ing [1]. Con- tinuing our invest igat ion of e lec t rophi l ic subst i tut ion reac t ions in the benzofuran se r i e s , we studied the Vi ls - m e i e r formyla t ion of 2-phenyl - and 3-phenyl -5-hydroxybenzofuran der iva t ives . It was found that in the r e a c - t ion of phosphorus oxychloride and d ime thy l fo rmamide (DMF) with 3 -phenyl -5-methoxybenzofuran [2] the fo rm y l group enters the 2 posi t ion of the molecule to give 2 - fo rmy l -3 -pheny l -5 -me thoxybenzo fu ran (I) in 98% yield. Aldehyde I is conver ted to the cor responding oxime (II) on t r ea tmen t with hydroxylaminc hydrochlor ide . 2 -Cayno-3 -pheny l -5 -me thoxybenzofu ran (III) was obtained by the action of acet ic anhydride on II, and 2 - f o r m y l - 3 -pheny l -5 -methoxybenzofuran O-ace ty lox ime (IV) was obtained as a side product . Alkaline hydro lys i s of III gives 3 -pheny l -5 -me thoxybenzofu ran -2 -ca rboxy l i c acid (V). The th iosemica rbazone (VI) was obtained for aldehyde I.

c " 3 ~ N -~]- ~ c " ~ ~ c~t~5 ~ c M s ~ c~"s


CHaO~--" 'h.~- ~ CHaO CHaO 6 ; CHaO

"~-0 ~ "C~H s ~ " - 0 f ~'{:;6Hs ~ " 0 f "COOH " ~ ~-0 f "CN

VII V Il l

S. Ordzhonikidze All-Union Sc ien t i f i c -Resea rch P h a r m a c e u t i c a l - C h e m i s t r y Inst i tute. Moscow. T r a n s - lated f rom Khimiya Getero ts ik l ieheskikh Soedinenii, No. 8, pp. 1023-1024, August, 1976. Original a r t i c le sub- mi t ted July 21, 1975.

This material is protected by copyright registered in the name o f Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, IV. Y. 10011. No oart o f thl~ publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval 'system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying,

[microfilming, recording or otherwise, wi thout written permission o f the publisher. A copy o f this article is available from the publisher for $ Z 50.


Page 2: Formylation of 2-phenyl- and 3-phenyl-5-hydroxybenzofuran derivatives

The formylat ion of 2-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran [2] gives a mixture of substances, t reatment of which with hydroxylamine and th iosemicarbazide hydrochlor ides gave the oxime VII and th iosemicarbazone (VIII), respectively, of 2-phenyl -4- formyl-5-methoxybenzofuran .

2-Phenyl-5-acetoxybenzofuran [1] does not react with the Vi lsmeier complex.

The s t ruc ture of the compounds were established by PMR spect roscopy. The PMR spectrum of I con- tains a quartet (J1 =8.8 Hz, J2 =2.5 Hz) and a doublet ( J=2 .5 Hz) at 6 7.03 and 7.20 ppm, respectively, which correspond to the 6-H and 4-H protons. The s t ruc ture of these signals indicate that the formyl group enters the 2 position of the benzofuran ring. The 4-H signal is overlapped by the multiplet of the phenyl group. The presence in the spect rum of VII of two doublets with J =9.0 Hz, which correspond to coupling of the ortho pro- tons, proves that substitution takes place in the 4 position.


The PMR spect ra of deuteroacetone solutions of the compounds were recorded with a JEOL JNM-4H-100 spec t romete r with te t ramethyls i lane as the internal standard.

2 -Formyl -3-phenyl -5-methoxybenzofuran (I). A 3.75-g (0.0245 mole) sample of phosphorus oxychloride was added gradual ly at 20 ~ to a mixture of 5 g (0.0233 mole) of 3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran and 1.75 g (0.024 mole} of DMF, after which the t empera tu re was ra ised to 100 ~ and the mixture was s t i r red at this tempera ture for 2 h. The complex was decomposed by heating the reaction mixture for 30 rain with 50 ml of a saturated so- dium acetate solution. The mixture was then cooled, and the precipitate was separated and recrys ta l l ized f rom b e n z e n e - p e t r o l e u m ether to give I with mp 161-163 ~ in 98% yield. Found: C 75.6; H 4.8%. C16H1203. Calcu- lated: C 76.1; H 4.8%.

2 -Formyl -3-phenyl -5-methoxybenzofuran Oxime (II). A solution of 1.26 g (5 mmole) of I in a mixture of 17 ml of ethanol and 33 ml of pyridine was refluxed for 2 h with 1.77 g (25 mmole) of hydroxylamine hydro- chloride. The bulk of the solvent was removed by vacuum distillation, the residue was poured into water, and the precipitate was removed by fi l t rat ion to give H, with mp 188-189 ~ (from alcohol} , in 96% yield. Found: %: C 72.0; H 4.9%. Ci6HI3NO 3. Calculated: C 71.9; H 4.9%.

2-Cyano-3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran (HI). A solution of 5.34 g (0.02 mole) of II in 30 ml of acetic anhydride was refluxed for 1 h, after which it was poured into 200 ml of water. The resulting precipitate was removed by filtration, dried, dissolved in chloroform, and chromatographed with a column filled with KSK silica gel. The first fraction was collected, the solvent was evaporated, and the residue was crystallized to give 1.6 g (32%) of IH with mp 137-138 ~ (from alcohol). Found: C 77.0; H 4.4; N 5.6%. CI6I-I11NO2. Calculated: C 77.1; H 4.4; N 5.6%.

The solvent was evaporated from the second fraction, and the residue was crystallized to give 3.4 g (57%) of 2-formyl-3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran O-acetyloxime (IV) with mp 139-141 ~ (from alcohol). Found: C 70.0; H 4.9; N 4.6%. CIuHIsNO4. Calculated: C 69.9; H 4.9; N 4.5%.

3-Phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran-2-carboxylic Acid (V). A solution of 1.68 g (6.75 mmole) of III in 25 ml of alcohol was refluxed for 8 h with 1.3 g (23.2 mmole) of potassium hydroxide in 1.6 ml of water, after which it was poured into 100 ml of water. The resulting precipitate of unchanged nitrile Ill was extracted with ether. The aqueous layer was acidified with hydrochloric acid, and the precipitate was removed by filtration to give 1.4 g (77.5%) of a product with mp 202-204 ~ (from methanol). Found: C 71.5; H 4.5%. C16H1204. Calculated: C 71.6; H 4.5%.

2-Formyl-3-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran Thiosemicarbazone (VI). A solution of 1.26 g (5 mmole) of I in 15 ml of absolute alcohol was refluxed for 2 h with 0.64 g (5 mmole) of thiosemicarbazide hydrochloride in 3 ml of water . The precipi tate was removed by fi l t rat ion to give 1.1 g (68%) of the th iosemicarbazone with mp 222-223 ~ (from acetic acid). Found: C 62.6; H 4.6; S 9.9%. C17H15N3SO2. Calculated: C 62.7; H 4.7; S9.9%.

2 -Phenyl -4- formyl -5-methoxybenzofuran Oxime (VII). A mixture of products, f rom which the aldehyde was isolated in the fo rm of the oxime, was obtained f rom 5 g (0.0224 mole} of 2-phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran under the conditions of the synthesis of I. The yield of VII, with mp 177-178 ~ (from methanol), was 4.5 g (75%}. Found: C 71.5; H 4.9; N 5.2%. C16H13NO 3. Calculated: C 71.9; H 4.9; N 5.2%.

2 -Phenyl -4- formyl -5-methoxybenzofuran Thiosemicarbazone (VIII). A mixture of products, f rom which the aldehyde was isolated in the form of the thiosemicarbazone, was obtained f rom 5 g (0~ mole) of 2- phenyl-5-methoxybenzofuran under the conditions of the synthesis of I. The yield of VIII, with mp 206-207 ~


Page 3: Formylation of 2-phenyl- and 3-phenyl-5-hydroxybenzofuran derivatives

(dec., f r o m acet ic acid), was 4.5 g (61.5%). Found: C 63.2; H 4.6; N 12.7; S 9.9%~ C17HIsN3SO 2. Calculated: C 62.8; H 4.6; N 12.9; S 9.9%.




A. N. Grinev, S. A. Zotova, and T . F . Vlasova, Khim. Geterots ik l . Soedin., No. 3, 311 (1976). G. Domschke, J : P r a k t . Chem., 32, 144 (1966}.




]~. A. Zvezdina, V. V. Derbenev, V. A. Bren', A. N. Popova, and G. N. Dorofeenko

UDC 547.813' 821.3' 828 : 542.951.7

On the bas i s of the m e a s u r e d bas ic i ty constants of pyry l ium and pyr idinium sal ts containing p-aminophenyl subst i tuents it is shown that the posi t ive charge in the pyry l ium cation is con- s ide rab ly higher than in the pyr idinium cation. The a constants of the pyry l ium and pyr idinium subst i tuents , which show that the magnitude of the e lec t ronic effect of the pyry l ium ring is con- s ide rab ly higher than that of the pyrydinium ring, were calculated. The reac t ion of the indi- cated pyry l ium sa l t s with some e lec t rophi l ic and nucleophilic reagents was examined.

Pyry l ium sa l t s containing a p-aminophenyl group a re in teres t ing subjects for invest igat ion because of the p r e s e n c e of two reac t ive cen te rs (the amino group and the carbon atom in the a posit ion of the pyryl ium ring). The l i t e r a tu re does not contain data on p-aminophenylpyrydin ium pe rch lo ra t e s . We obtained 2 ,6-d i - phenyl -4- (p-aminophenyl )pyr id ine (II) and its N-subst i tu ted pe rch lo ra t e s (IV and V) f rom 2 ,6-d iphenyl -4- (p- aminophenyl)pyryl ium pe rch lo ra t e (I) [1]:

? x] C~H.~C6H 5 C6 HS~'~C6H ~ C~ Hs'~ ~,/\Cc, H ~

oo; ~ c,o;


li! R H: IV R=CH~; V R = C 6 H 5

The bas ic i ty constants in absolute ace toni t r i le we re measu red for these compounds and for 2 ,6-diphenyl- 4- (p-aminophenyl )pyr id in ium (III) and 4-(p-aminophenyl) f iavyl ium (VI) [2] pe rch lo ra t e s and 2 ,4 ,6- t r iphenyl - pyr idine (VII) (see Table 1). It is apparent f r o m a compar i son of the pK a values of VII and II that the amino group, as an e l ec t ron-donor subst i tuent , r a i s e s the bas ic i ty of 2 ,4 ,6- t r iphenylpyr tdine by 1.34 pK a units; as one should have expected, the N-methy l subst i tuent in pyridinium salt IV is a weak e lec t ron donor, and the N- phenyl res idue in salt V displays weak accep to r p rope r t i e s .

These data also show that the posi t ive charge in pyry l ium cation I is cons iderably higher than in the co r - responding pyr idinium ion III, s ince the bas ic i ty of the NH 2 group in sa l t I is reduced by two o rde r s of mag- nitude. If one of the two phenyl subst i tuents is condensed with the pyry l ium ring (salt VI), it pa r t i a l ly com- pensa tes the charge of the la t ter , and this r a i s e s the bas ic i ty of the amino group by a whole o rde r of magnitude.

Sc ien t i f i c -Resea rch Inst i tute of Physica l and Organic Chemis t ry . Sc ien t i f i c -Resea rch Insti tute of Biology. Rostov State Univers i ty , Roston-on-Don. T rans l a t ed f rom Khimiya Getero ts ik l icheskikh Soedinenii, No. 8, pp. 1025-1028, August, 1976. Original a r t i c l e submit ted Apri l 28, 1975; revis ion submit ted January 19, 1976.

This material is protected by copyright registered in the name o f Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 1 7th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part [ o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, I microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission o f the publisher. A copy o f this article is available f rom the publisher for $ ZSO.