forensic theming - drupalcon london

Forensic Theming Design, UX and Theming Emma Jane Hogbin @emmajanedotnet

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Post on 08-May-2015




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The theme of your website has the capacity for beautiful, semantic markup...and also the hacky HTML soup. You can build a new theme by downloading a free theme and tearing out its guts--or you can learn how to become a theme surgeon.In this session you will learn two key techniques needed to build a successful theme: crime scene investigation (identifying Drupal page elements in your design files) and power tools for copy-cat theming (things you need to recreate your design using Drupal). From start to finish we will transform a design file into a Drupal theme. With special attention given to your all-important questions: how do I save time with grid-based design? Should I use Panels? How do I make this bit of stuff appear next to that bit? Yah, but how do I start?[This presentation was given at DrupalCon Chicago but the recording failed. Slides are available from]About The PresenterEmma Jane Hogbin is well known in the Drupal community for her engaging presentations and kickass theming book, Front End Drupal. She is currently working on her second book, Drupal: A user's guide which is due out shortly after DrupalCon. Through her training company, Design to Theme, emmajane has empowered thousands of people to create the Drupal site of their dreams.Intended audienceSmall business site builders who partner with graphic designers but have no idea how to make Drupal look like a design file. Intermediate themers who start with a free Drupal theme that looks "close" to the final site and then start hacking to make their theme. The audience currently does not use base themes and are frustrated at how complicated all of the code is. They are looking for shortcuts and some quick-fix solutions to make theming faster and more profitable.Questions answered by this sessionWhat are the key tools I need to use to make themeing Drupal easier?How can I make Drupal markup less yucky?Where should I start when building a new theme?Yeah, but how do I theme *that thing*?I want to see how you build a theme: show me! Presented at:


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Forensic Theming

Design, UX and Theming

Emma Jane Hogbin


Page 2: Forensic Theming - DrupalCon London participation● emmajane● uid: 1773● First look at the Drupal code base: 2003ish.

I stole the i18n table structure.● First Drupal site “for pay”: 2006ish.● First Drupal socks: 2007.

● First DrupalCon conference: Szeged in 2008.● First Drupal book: 2009.

● First Drupal core patch: 2010.Removed the “welcome” screen.

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Really Tiny Web Budgets

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The Socks

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Book (Co)Author

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Workbook Author

Discount Code: DCLON87488

Valid to the end of August.

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Drupal Trainer

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Lazy Front End Developer

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I'll just change this one tpl.php file

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Okay ... and a module file?

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and ...

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... everything else too? Bugger.

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This presentation is not about ...● Best practices

● Anything advanced

● Design

● Semantic markup

● Responsive Web design

● Typography

● Grids (maybe a little bit)

● CSS optimization

● CSS preprocessing

● Rick Astley


● Hooks

● Inheritance● HTML5● Photoshop● Web systems● Theming APIs● Mobile devices● Unicorns● Sprites● In-the-browser design● Sliding doors● Gradients● IE6

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Advanced Theming SessionsDisplay Suite

Tuesday 17:00 - NodeOne Road - Fairfield Room

Theming API

Tuesday 15:45 - NodeOne Road - Fairfield Room

Responsive Design

Thursday 11am - Axis 12 Street - Arnhem Gallery

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Forensic Theming

Best PracticesDissecting Themes

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Tools for Forensic Theming● Sweaver● Firebug● Devel Themer

Theming Tools● Sketchbooks● Wireframes● Data models● Grid frameworks

Summary● Questions/Answers● Bonuses

Theme Building● Base themes● Image extraction● MVTs● Forensic styling

● CSS Frameworks

● Base themes

● Layout modules

● Text editors

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The Crime

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Crime Scene

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Forensic Theming

Definition: the art of investigating a Drupal page to find out how that thing got there.

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Two Types of Clues

Crime Scene InvestigationWorking with the rendered page:● Available CSS selectors.● Applied CSS styles.

Crime Lab ForensicsWorking with Drupal code files:● Theme templates● Module templates● Hard coded module nonsense

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Crime Scene

Working with rendered pages. You can only look at the effects of Drupal on a rendered page.

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Identifying CSS SelectorsWith Sweaver

● Common newbie problem: being able to find relevant CSS selectors.

● Sweaver can be used as a pointy-clicky-non-scary CSS class selector.

● Can save/publish minor changes to CSS to live Web sites.


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Sweaver User Interface

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Click on Stuff

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See How a Selector Will Be Applied

Change CSS propertiesSee the changes

CSS selector to use in your theme

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Risky Live Demo


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Identifying What's AppliedWith Firebug

● Common newbie problem: trying to identifying what CSS styles are being applied by staring at code.

● Firebug can be used to identify what CSS is actually being applied to a rendered Web page.


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Locate Properties of Page Elements

Relevant HTML source

Page element CSS styles

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Risky Live Firebug Demo● http://d7.sandbox/sbe-site3/● Inspect element.● Edit CSS properties.● Edit CSS files.● Cannot publish changes.●

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Other Useful Browser Tools● Web Developer Toolbar● IE Web Developer Toolbar

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Devel / Themer

● The Cadillac of theming tools.● Tells you which tpl.php or theme function is

responsible for that thing displaying over there.●●

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Point, Click, Analyse

1. Enable Themer Info2. Click on the thing you want to investigate

3. Analyse the list of functions, templates, variables, etc which control this page element.

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Investigate What Themer Reveals

Also go to:

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No risky live demo.

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Making It Easier

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Pink sherbert photography

I want less yucky markup!

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Less Yucky Markup● European vs American theming● Inheritance: start with a better base.● Base theme: mothership● Modules: Semantic Views● D6 Modules: Semantic CCK● HTML5

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Theming Tools

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Wire Frames

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Data Model

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Grid Framework

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Want to Learn Grids?

Harass @markboulton and tell him to finish his book.

Do it.

Right now.

Tweet him.

And tell him if he doesn't finish his book you're going to build exclusively 16-column, grid-based Web sites until his book his published.

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CSS (Grid) Framework

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Base Theme


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Drupal (Layout) Modules● Context ● Display Suite ● Panels

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Text Editor

Use anything that doesn't make youwant to punch someone in the face.

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Build me a theme!

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Steps to Making a Theme

1. Communicate with your whole team.

2. Plan your data structure.

3.Use wire frames to prove what you're saying about how the site ought to be built.

4.Build the site (ignore the theme).

5.Convert your wire frame to a grid layout.

6.Build out the HTML fragments in the relevant tpl.php files.

7. Apply your theme to the site.

8.Refine as necessary based on the UX.

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Domicile● Designed by Betty Biesenthal.● Themed by Emma Jane Hogbin.● Available from● Described in Drupal: a user's guide

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Theme Folder

sites/   page.tpl.php

Also: sites/all/themes/base_theme

Page 61: Forensic Theming - DrupalCon London (1 of 2)name = D7SBE - Domicile

description = A three-column design by Design House ( and themed by Design to Theme.

screenshot = screenshot.png

core = 7.x

engine = phptemplate

base theme = ninesixty

; Stylesheets.

stylesheets[all][] = styles.css

; To show the grid and debug your theme's layout, delete this section.

; You will be able to remove this when is rolled out

stylesheets[all][] = debug.css

Page 62: Forensic Theming - DrupalCon London (2 of 2); Regions

regions[nav_left] = Navigation (left)

regions[feature_middle] = Feature column (middle)

regions[content] = Content column (right)

regions[copyright_footer] = Copyright notice (footer)

; Features

features[] = logo

features[] = name

features[] = favicon

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Hard Code Relevant Images

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Minimum Viable Theme

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Locate Properties of Page Elements

Relevant HTML source

Page element CSS styles

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Domicile: the theme

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Summary● Plan. Think. Build. Test. Theme. Iterate.● Use relevant Drupal modules to break up content and display it

in relevant locations.● Use Sweaver to isolate selectors for your CSS files.● Use Firebug to diagnose and fix CSS problems.● Use Devel to isolate theme functions and variables.● Correlate the number of tpl and PHP files you edit to the size of

your budget and amount of time you have.

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Available September 2011

The practical guide to building sites with Drupal.

Pre-order eBook edition on

and SAVE 45%!

Use Coupon Code

IUGD45 at Step 3 of Checkout

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Theming Birds of a Feather Sessions● Advanced Theming

Time slot: 24 August 13:45 – 14:45Room 333 Part 1

● Front End DevelopmentTime slot: 25 August 13:30 – 14:30Room 333 Part 2

● Theming in Drupal 8Time slot: 25 August 14:45 – 15:45Room 333 Part 2

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What did you think?Locate this session on the DrupalCon London website:

Click the “Take the survey” link

Discounts'n'stuff45% off Drupal User Code: IUGD45

45% off Design to Theme Code: DCLON87488

@[email protected]

Advanced ThemingTime slot: 24 August 13:45 – 14:45Room 333 Part 1

Front End DevelopmentTime slot: 25 August 13:30 – 14:30Room 333 Part 2

Theming in Drupal 8Time slot: 25 August 14:45 – 15:45Room 333 Part 2


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