for sale nov 5... · sapolio, per bar_l_.._____05c california sugar peas, 2 cans for___25c (regular...

VORRANCE ENTERPRISE LOMITA NEWS ITtMS | EEAL wowm LOMITA (TORRANCE NEWS ITEMS! TO VlSrt1 OLfi HOME Mrs. J. H. Beokham of Poppy MI reel, Lonilfta, will leave the .last «,f this week for her former "Home in Kentucky, where she wilt visit IHT parents and other relatives. Her mother has bean very 111 for i he past two months., ________A________ WRECKS WESTON'S MACHINE J +. . H. A. Wllks of Venice met with n ocrlous accident taut Saturday evening when ho drove hts aufbmo- l.i.a into that of Ben Wea ton's ma chine, which was standing at the i:K!e of tho road near the Intersec- i inn of the Lomita-8an Peflro and : edoniie Houlevards. Wllks- was i-.rrested and brought before JXidg'a Hunter the same evening and was f: nod for reckless driving. TBIP TO SAH DEI00 Miss Ester Hodge and Arthur Hodge of the Redondo •' Blvd., Lo- mita, both students in. the San Pedro High School, were week-end visitors In San Dtego last' week. lister was. accompanied by eight young ladles and one of their teach ers from San Pedro and were com fortably located in a furnished 'col lage at Coronado Beach, fhe San I'edro baseball team, of which Ar thur Hodge is a member, ' were matched against the San Diego team for Saturday'^ game, in which the former team lost to the 'aoutn- crn city. . The visiting team .were elegantly . entertained by the win ners. ——————————————————£——————————————————————————————————————————————— Lomlta FairJune 10-11. Hair Nets REAL HUMAN HAIR Cap Shape In All Shades Special 2 for 25c FBEE DELIVERY THE REXALL STORF Phone 101-R-l 2 - Lomita, Calif. "Snow balls while you wait" may become the means of en joyment here as well as to cool the sweating brow In hot weather since the refrigerating syflpm ha* been placed In We Lomlta Meat Market. Pipes running all over the shop are coated with a heavy frosting, which may be skimmed of: and rolled into BBOW balls. In fact, you can, step tnto the Meat Market most any time and see some former Easterner "rolling his own"-, from *he crystallzed pipes. Mr. Schmldl has Installed one of the meat up-to-date refrigerating BYB- tenu to bo had, and: imicu or the ^detail has been personally superylved by him. For. fn- Btance, the massive Ice no:: represents the last wowd -in modern convenience;'; When the door is opened the llgfcts inside immediately begin to glow, and if closed tightly the .lights go out. It is not even necessary to turn a right switch of any kind. The -ma chinery which controls - the ammonia pipes ru,ns as-,sniooth as a watch, and -not only -ttte floor, counters are kept -at mar - freezing, but th« large refrig erator box as,well'11 o; Uie ; same temporature -as the Klott- dyke. The expense of. this modern equipment WM In rotinfl ' numbers ,{2500, which was made solely tp offer a better service to the Lomita Meat Market's patrons. Mr. Schtnldt Is to be complimented. ——:—:—» "."—'~-—, - Writes From Ohio Home Geo. Stler, son of .Mrs. Mary Stler, of Beacon street, writes from Dayton, Ohio, where be Is 'visiting for the summer, that he is enjoying himself immensely. —————_——*,——.————— Lomita Fair—June 10-11. THOUGHTS FuB THUiKKKS _-*_ , :. By Dr. N. ,W: PhinirooTt (A Lomita "Property Owner) Better live in a tree an honest man than in a palace with a guilty conscience. • • No man who is la- harmony with I God is out of harmony with the Bible. Extra Special 15 Doz. Handkerchiefs lOc VALUE 6 for ________ 2Sc (While They Last) —AT— Jack Levy's Furniture Furnishings consistent, Christian man. * * * If the religion of a man professes •does not make him a righteous man I either his. religion or his profeu- sion is spurious. * *••*. The Gospel Is Intended" to be a practical working force . In the every-day lives of men. It is not God's plan that it be shut up in the church si* days' In' the week. •' « * When a man speaks with con tempt of the Bible It Is his charac ter, not Ws reason, that is talking. ''True religion has. not changed since the day when the Prophet said: "What doth the Lord require of thee but to deal justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God. * * « The religion which is professed with the mouth is a poor substitute for the kind which impressed ' ftti man with whom wo do business. .•,.»•-.'. ' The widow's mite' given Iff love brings greater returns to- tbetffver than millions of Ill-gotten, .money which, founds a college or builds a library. . .,.,-. .. ____' '"" a- ___, ~ : ~ - i. facial Massage, Manicuring and ShampooingRedondo Beauty Par lors, Room 4, Farmers, and^ ' Mer chants Bank Building, Redondo Beach, 10 to 5, or by appointment. —AdvertUenwnt. —————4———:—__ Lomlta Fair—June 10-11. For Sale Cheap For Ca»h One Soda Fountain and Counter, One Computing Scale, Four Show Cat*. Mn. H. RoMncrantz, Redondo Blvd., second houae off Wetton Stratt, Lomita. Phone 173-J-l Miss Adda Sprang- of Cleveland, Ohio, (arrived in Torrance last week and will be the guest of Mrs. IB. L. Weather-wax and Mrs. 'C. Van Helen, relatives, for th<> summer. - ._•• •••••-••• - Mr. and. Mrs. D. P. Marks of Mouth Arlington motored to Taft last Saturday, where Mr.' Marks will be located with the Union Tool Co. Mrs. Marks and children re turned. Sunday evening and will remain here until : arrangements can be made for a residence in Taft. Mr. and Mm. C. H Mueller left .Wednesday for Mr. Mueller's home. In St. Joseph," Missouri. From there they-will 1 go to Kansas City and Jopllri; Mo., tor i trip. A.- ••-••' I'no! -,..•.. v', - ____y DOLLAR SALE The Million Dollar Florence Club, comprised of mercbanu from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast, who deal in the -Florence Cook Stoves, are united this-month In the com- b^ed sale of 11,000,000 worth ot Florence stoves, mantles and ovena. The metropolitan -daily -papers in all th* latge cltle^ of the United alamos -are,:-,to. xun page ads setting forth .the wonderful merits of the Florence Stove, these to be follow ed up. -by loeal advertising from merchants who stock these brands of..- stoves. "Hardware" Reeve ol the IJorranae Harware Company- has £rta,nged for a demonstrator wno will be at,- hhj store next. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons after 2:00 o'clock, apd all ladles of this victnlty are Invltod to call and sample the food prepared on this stove, and .learn of its super merits/ Mr.. Reflve-jpointe with pride to the many satisfied customer* in IxmiKa and Torrance who arc- owners of the Florence". This stove is easy to tight* wtth the- flame close to the <-ooklng, and the heat is easily regulated, with the supply of oil always in sight. , . : A quarter-Pago advertisement ap pears this .issue sign ed by "Hardware" .jfih CEHTJIAL "EVANGELICAL CHTT&CH Rev. E. "L. Weatherwax, Pastor. Sundayt May 23, 1921 9:30 a.. Jm., Sunday school. Rev. Geo. Streit, superintendent. A class arid welcome to you. . The annual conference of the church being in session at Porter- vllle, Cal., there will be no preach ing service either morning-or eve- nJngi The Young People's Alliance wilt "give over- their Sunday eve ning services also, as some are de- sjrous of attending the- boys' and girls' -conference of the Sunday school convention in session Satur day and Sunday at Pasadena. * * The Young People's- Alliance of Central -church met* Tuesday eve ning in .the church Jbasemen.t for the monthly business and social session. A goodly , number were present, _ although pome, were . de tained op " account of Illness. The society voted ' to purchase ,new hymnals for the church, to be used tor the preaching., service^, and a conunittee was appointed, to talc. :harge. of this undertaking. * *' The choir of Central ch'urc'h. un der the direction of Mrs. P. O Brlney, rendered a' very pleasing brogram of music last Sunday eye n'lng, when they gave the life of Dwlcht L. Moody in Story and Song. Mr. ' Briney read tho story, whieh was Interspersed with musi cal numbers, whl$h. -helped to' clinch the various Items of interest and helpfulness in the life of ' this great •jvangellat and educator. While the music was not of the cantata style, It was beautiful tnroughaut, and made a marked .impression up on the audience. Other services of a similar nature will doubtless be given (n tho future,. by this organ isation. V * .'• The choir meets for rehearsal'every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. The Junior. cbo.rUH, directed by Mr. Van Hellen, is, resuming rehaarsals this week, and. will meet Wednesday af ternoons at 4:80 , (Welock. They will be'assisted by Mra. W. J. Nee- lands at the piano. ,*-.**• r'' Prayer {services Thursday eve ning at'7:30. .Mr. Robt. Spencer, elate leader. . . REEVE, TOB&AHCE TOREAUCE- LODGE NO. 447 F. « A. KC Friday, May 20, 7:30 p. in., two | First" Degrees. l. degrees. isenstein Offers For Saturday, May 21st. SOME VERY ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS. ALL ITEMS LISTED BELOW WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH ONLY BREAD _lOc -lOc Our regular I3c, 24-oz. loaf at 10 Pound* Sugar._____i_ Ciearri of Barley, per Pkg._:__ (Regular price 26e) American Sardines in oil, per can__05c (Regular price lOc) LJbby's Apple Butter, per can____15c (Regular price 25c) ' . AND HERE IS SOMETHING FOR NOTHING .18c _52c .10c Codfish, I Ib. Can_______„. (Regulaf price 30c) K. C. Baking Powder, 80 oz.__. (Regular price 80c) Pie Plums, No.-2«/i Can___. (Regular price 25c) Wash Easy, Swift's Laundry Soap and Sapolio, per bar_l_..________05c California Sugar Peas, 2 cans for___ 25c (Regular price 18c) One half pound can of Stall's Highest Grade Coffee Free with a purchase of « two and one-half pound can at the regu- lar price of $1.J5. This old-established Standard Brand of Coffee is guaranteed by the Earl Cowen Company, the manu- facturers, to be the equal of any coffee on the American market, regardless of price, and to prove this you can use the half pound and if found not to your en- tire satisfaction return the 2J/2 pound can and we will refund you $1.15. EXTRA SPECIAL SALE ON SPICES Iris and Folgers Spices in one pound can* consisting of black pepper, cinnamon; ginger, sage, mustard, white pepper, all spice, nutmeg, cream of tartar, cayenne, clover, etc., will be sold at 55 cents per can. At this price you save from 35 cents to $1.00 on every pound that you buy. ISENSTEIN'S THE FIRST STORE IN TORRANCE ESTABLISHED NINE YEARS IN THE BRIGHTON BUILDING We Solicit and Deliver Phone 18 SAVE YOUR BABIES AND YOUR PENNIES. FRES COW'S MILK GUAR ANTEED. DO YOU READ THE LOS ANGELES DAILY PAPERS? DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE PROFITEERS WHEN YOU PAY THE EXORBITANT PRICE OF SIXTEEN CENTS FOR YOUR MILK? WELL! THINK ABOUT IT.. Why not help me slap these profiteers a good one? Do you realize how much you can save each month on your milk purchase? Listen to me and I will tell you. I am selling the BEST GUARANTEED COW'S MILK for 12c per Quart. You save Four Cents Daily by only using one quart. You save Twenty-eight Cents each Week. You save One Dollar and Twenty Cents each Month, enough to buy a two and one-half pound can of Stoll's Highest Grade Coffee, and then have five cents left. Do you wish to save a few nickles each week? They grow into dollars as the months roll by. . The Milk Trust is condemning me for Reducing the Price of Milk. My re ply to them is: "I have some consideration for the Working Man, the Babies he js rearing, and am satisfied with a small profit." ^Are you sharing in this Low-Priced Milk? If not, get your order in early for milk. My price is Guaranteed for one year against any advance, and will be glad to take on monthly customers at this price. We Solicit and Deliver. REAL MEANING OF SAVINGS DEMONSTRATED IN THESE PRICES BEEF VEAL Round Steaks, per lb_^ ______ .28c Flank Steaks, per lr> _________ 25c Serloin Steaks, per tb _ _.___ _ __30c Serloin Tip, per tt>___ ______ 26c Porterhouse Steaks, per ft>_ _ _ _ _ 34c Rib Steaks, per Ib __________ 25c Rump Roast, 1st Cut, per Ib __ _21c Rump Roast, 2nd Cut, per Ib __ _18c Rump Soup Bones, per ft _____06c Shoulder Roast, per ft __.____ 20c Chuck, 2 tbs. for ___________ _2Sc Stew Meat, per ft __^______Illc Short Ribs, per ft___ _________ lie Boiling Meat, per ft___ _____ __10c Shank Soup Bones, per ft.——_ __06c Hamburger, per ft__ —— _—— _15c PORK Chops, Choice, per ft __:_____ _30c Chops, Shoulder, per ft _______ _29c . Roasts, Hams, per ft^ ______25c Picnic Hams, per ft_ _______ 20c Spare Ribs, per ft_ ————— _____23c Side.Pqrk. per ft ___________ 15c Heads, per ft _________________ 09c Leaf Fat, per ft __________ 17Vic Back Fat, per ft _.____.____ _10c Shanks, per ft _____._•.____ -15c MUTTON AND LAMBS Chops, per ft________________ 34c Legs, per ft__________i__27c , BMULST. PE* POtTHD- ————————— 17c JHFTTON 8TEW, 2 LBS. FOE. _____2Sc Shoulders, per ft____________21c Steaks, per ft__. _!__________ 43c Cutlets, per ft_ ____________ 38e Roasts, per ft__ . ___^.____X;__ _35c Breast, per ft ______________ M*- Shoulder, per ft__ ________ ___20c LARD Best Lard, per ft ___________ 15c *Com'pound, per ft___ _______ _12e BACON Swifts Premium Sliced in I Ib. Boxes 60c Best Eastern Bacon, per ft __-_,_45c •Best Bacon Strips, per ft_ _.___ 18c HAM Puritan Sugar Cured Hams, Whole or Half, per ft__ ________ 37e Swift's Premium Boiled Ham, Whole or Half, per ft __________ . . .S3c CHICKENS Pressed Hens, per ft _______ __ 35c Liver, per ft _ _____ . . 18c Bologna, per ft_ _______ _,20c Weiners, per ft_ _______ __.__20c Minced Ham, per ft___ __.^.__25«, Pure Pork Sausage in 1 Ib. Boxes . 32e Beef Brains, per ft_ _. _______ 20c 'Increase Phone—Pacific 18. Casteels Cut Rate Cash Market Brighton Building Torrance, California

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Mrs. J. H. Beokham of Poppy MI reel, Lonilfta, will leave the .last «,f this week for her former "Home in Kentucky, where she wilt visit IHT parents and other relatives. Her mother has bean very 111 fori he past two months.,

________A________WRECKS WESTON'S MACHINEJ —+— . • .H. A. Wllks of Venice met with

n ocrlous accident taut Saturday evening when ho drove hts aufbmo- l.i.a into that of Ben Wea ton's ma­ chine, which was standing at the i:K!e of tho road near the Intersec- i inn of the Lomita-8an Peflro and : edoniie Houlevards. Wllks- was i-.rrested and brought before JXidg'a Hunter the same evening and was f: nod for reckless driving.


Miss Ester Hodge and Arthur Hodge of the Redondo •' Blvd., Lo- mita, both students in. the • San Pedro High School, were week-end visitors In San Dtego last' week. lister was. accompanied by eight young ladles and one of their teach­ ers from San Pedro and were com­ fortably located in a furnished 'col­ lage at Coronado Beach, fhe San I'edro baseball team, of which Ar­ thur Hodge is a member, ' were matched against the San Diego team for Saturday'^ game, in which the former team lost to the 'aoutn- crn city. . The visiting team .were elegantly . entertained by the win­ ners.


Lomlta Fair—June 10-11.


Cap ShapeIn All Shades

Special2 for 25c


THE REXALL STORF Phone 101-R-l 2 -

Lomita, Calif.

"Snow balls while you wait" may become the means of en­ joyment here as well as to cool the sweating brow In hot weather since the refrigerating syflpm ha* been placed In We Lomlta Meat Market. Pipes running all over the shop are coated with a heavy frosting, which may be skimmed of: and rolled into BBOW balls. In fact, you can, step tnto the Meat Market most any time and see some former Easterner "rolling his own"-, from *he crystallzed pipes. Mr. Schmldl has Installed one of the meat up-to-date • refrigerating BYB- tenu to bo had, and: imicu or the ^detail has been personally superylved by him. For. fn- Btance, the massive Ice no:: represents the last wowd -in modern convenience;'; When the door is opened the llgfcts inside immediately begin to glow, and if closed tightly the .lights go out. It is not even necessary to turn a • right switch of any kind. The -ma­ chinery which controls - the ammonia pipes ru,ns as-,sniooth as a watch, and -not only -ttte floor, counters are kept -at mar • - freezing, but th« large refrig­ erator box as,well'11 o; Uie

; same temporature -as the Klott- dyke. The expense of. this modern equipment WM In rotinfl ' numbers ,{2500, which was made solely tp offer a better service to the Lomita Meat Market's patrons. Mr. Schtnldt Is to be complimented.——:—:—» "."—'~-—, -

Writes From Ohio HomeGeo. Stler, son of .Mrs. Mary

Stler, of Beacon street, writes from Dayton, Ohio, where be Is 'visiting for the summer, that he is enjoying himself immensely.

—————_——*,——.—————Lomita Fair—June 10-11.

THOUGHTS FuB THUiKKKS_-*_ • , :.By Dr. N. ,W: PhinirooTt

(A Lomita "Property Owner) Better live in a tree an honest

man than in a palace with a guilty conscience.

• • •No man who is la- harmony with

I God is out of harmony with theBible.

Extra Special15 Doz. Handkerchiefs

lOc VALUE6 for ________2Sc

(While They Last)


Jack Levy's

Furniture Furnishings

consistent, Christian man.* * *

If the religion of a man professes•does not make him a righteous man I either his. religion or his profeu- sion is spurious.* *••*.

The Gospel Is Intended" to be a practical working force . In the every-day lives of men. It is not God's plan that it be shut up in the church si* days' In' the week. •'

« * •When a man speaks with con­

tempt of the Bible It Is his charac­ ter, not Ws reason, that is talking.

''True religion has. not changed since the day when the Prophet said: "What doth the Lord require of thee but to deal justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God.

* * «The religion which is professed

with the mouth is a poor substitute for the kind which impressed ' ftti man with whom wo do business. .•,.»•-.'. '

The widow's mite' given Iff love brings greater returns to- tbetffver than millions of Ill-gotten, .money which, founds a college or builds alibrary. . .,.,-. ..____' • '"" a- ___, ~ : ~ - • i.

facial Massage, Manicuring and Shampooing—Redondo Beauty Par­ lors, Room 4, Farmers, and^ ' Mer­ chants Bank Building, Redondo Beach, 10 to 5, or by appointment.—AdvertUenwnt.—————4———:—__

Lomlta Fair—June 10-11.

For SaleCheap For Ca»h One Soda Fountain and Counter, One Computing Scale, Four Show Cat*. Mn. H. RoMncrantz, Redondo Blvd., second houae off Wetton Stratt, Lomita. Phone 173-J-l

Miss Adda Sprang- of Cleveland, Ohio, (arrived in Torrance last week and will be the guest of Mrs. IB. L. Weather-wax and Mrs. 'C. Van Helen, relatives, for th<> summer. - • ._•• •••••-••• - • •

Mr. and. Mrs. D. P. Marks of Mouth Arlington motored to Taft last Saturday, where Mr.' Marks will be located with the Union Tool Co. Mrs. Marks and children re­ turned. Sunday evening and will remain here until : arrangements can be made for a residence in Taft.

Mr. and Mm. C. H Mueller left .Wednesday for Mr. Mueller's home. In St. Joseph," Missouri. From there they-will 1 go to Kansas City and Jopllri; Mo., tor i trip. A.- ••-••' I'no!

-,..•.. v', - ____yDOLLAR SALE

The Million Dollar Florence Club, comprised of mercbanu from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast, who deal in the -Florence Cook Stoves, are united this-month In the com- b^ed sale of 11,000,000 worth ot Florence stoves, mantles and ovena. The metropolitan -daily -papers in all th* latge cltle^ of the United alamos -are,:-,to. xun page ads setting forth .the wonderful merits of the Florence Stove, these to be follow­ ed • up. -by • loeal advertising from merchants who stock these brands of..- stoves. "Hardware" Reeve ol the IJorranae Harware Company- has £rta,nged for a demonstrator wno will be at,- hhj store next. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons after 2:00 o'clock, apd all ladles of this victnlty are Invltod to call and sample the • food prepared on this stove, and .learn of its super merits/ Mr.. Reflve-jpointe with pride to the many satisfied customer* in IxmiKa and Torrance who arc- owners of the Florence". This stove is easy to tight* wtth the- flame close to the <-ooklng, and the heat is easily regulated, with the supply of oil always in sight. , • . :

A quarter-Pago advertisement ap­ pears this .issue sign­ ed by "Hardware" .jfih


Rev. E. "L. Weatherwax, Pastor. Sundayt May 23, 1921

9:30 a.. Jm., Sunday school. Rev. Geo. Streit, superintendent. A class arid welcome to you.

. The • annual conference of the church being in session at Porter- vllle, Cal., there will be no preach­ ing service either morning-or eve- nJngi The Young People's Alliance wilt "give over- their Sunday eve­ ning services also, as some are de- sjrous of attending the- boys' and girls' -conference of • the Sunday school convention in session Satur­ day and Sunday at Pasadena.

• * *The Young People's- Alliance of

Central -church met* Tuesday eve­ ning in .the church Jbasemen.t for the monthly business and social session. A goodly , number were present, _ although pome, were . de­ tained op " account of Illness. The society voted ' to purchase ,new hymnals for the church, to be used tor the preaching., service^, and a conunittee was appointed, to talc. :harge. of this undertaking.

• * *'The choir of Central ch'urc'h. un­

der the direction of Mrs. P. O Brlney, rendered a' very pleasing brogram of music last Sunday eye n'lng, when they gave the life of Dwlcht L. Moody in Story and Song. Mr. ' Briney read tho story, whieh was Interspersed with musi­ cal numbers, whl$h. -helped to' clinch the various Items of interest and helpfulness in the life of ' this great •jvangellat and educator. While the music was not of the cantata style, It was beautiful tnroughaut, and made a marked .impression up­ on the audience. Other services of a similar nature will doubtless be given (n tho future,. by this organ­ isation. V

• * .'•The choir meets for rehearsal'every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. The Junior. cbo.rUH, directed by Mr. Van Hellen, is, resuming rehaarsals this week, and. will meet Wednesday af­ ternoons at 4:80 , (Welock. They will be'assisted by Mra. W. J. Nee- lands at the piano.

,*-.**• r''

Prayer {services Thursday eve­ ning at'7:30. .Mr. Robt. Spencer, elate leader. . .



Friday, May 20, 7:30 p. in., two | First" Degrees.

l. degrees.





Our regular I3c, 24-oz. loaf at 10 Pound* Sugar._____i_Ciearri of Barley, per Pkg._:__

(Regular price 26e)

American Sardines in oil, per can__05c(Regular price lOc)

LJbby's Apple Butter, per can____15c(Regular price 25c) ' .





Codfish, I Ib. Can_______„. (Regulaf price 30c)

K. C. Baking Powder, 80 oz.__. (Regular price 80c)

Pie Plums, No.-2«/i Can___.(Regular price 25c)

Wash Easy, Swift's Laundry Soap and Sapolio, per bar_l_..________05c

California Sugar Peas, 2 cans for___25c(Regular price 18c)

One half pound can of Stall's Highest Grade Coffee Free with a purchase of « two and one-half pound can at the regu­ lar price of $1.J5. This old-established Standard Brand of Coffee is guaranteed by the Earl Cowen Company, the manu­ facturers, to be the equal of any coffee on the American market, regardless of price, and to prove this you can use the half pound and if found not to your en­ tire satisfaction return the 2J/2 pound can and we will refund you $1.15.

EXTRA SPECIAL SALE ON SPICESIris and Folgers Spices in one pound can* consisting of black pepper, cinnamon; ginger, sage, mustard, white pepper, all­ spice, nutmeg, cream of tartar, cayenne, clover, etc., will be sold at 55 cents per can. At this price you save from 35 cents to $1.00 on every pound that you buy.




Why not help me slap these profiteers a good one? Do you realize how much you can save each month on your milk purchase? Listen to me and I will tell you. I am selling the BEST GUARANTEED COW'S MILK for 12c per Quart. You save Four Cents Daily by only using one quart. You save Twenty-eight Cents each Week. You save One Dollar and Twenty Cents each Month, enough to buy a two and one-half pound can of Stoll's Highest Grade Coffee, and then have five cents left.

Do you wish to save a few nickles each week? They grow into dollars as the months roll by.

. The Milk Trust is condemning me for Reducing the Price of Milk. My re­ ply to them is: "I have some consideration for the Working Man, the Babies he js rearing, and am satisfied with a small profit."

^Are you sharing in this Low-Priced Milk? If not, get your order in early for milk. My price is Guaranteed for one year against any advance, and will be glad to take on monthly customers at this price. We Solicit and Deliver.


Round Steaks, per lb_^______ .28c Flank Steaks, per lr>_________25c Serloin Steaks, per tb _ _.___ _ __30cSerloin Tip, per tt>_________26cPorterhouse Steaks, per ft>_ _ _ _ _34cRib Steaks, per Ib __________25c Rump Roast, 1st Cut, per Ib ___21c Rump Roast, 2nd Cut, per Ib ___18c Rump Soup Bones, per ft _____06c Shoulder Roast, per ft __.____20c Chuck, 2 tbs. for___________ _2Sc Stew Meat, per ft __^______Illc Short Ribs, per ft___ _________lieBoiling Meat, per ft________ __10cShank Soup Bones, per ft.——_ __06cHamburger, per ft__ —— — _—— _15c

PORKChops, Choice, per ft __:______30c

Chops, Shoulder, per ft _______ _29c. Roasts, Hams, per ft^______25c

Picnic Hams, per ft________20cSpare Ribs, per ft_ ————— _____23cSide.Pqrk. per ft ___________15c Heads, per ft _________________09cLeaf Fat, per ft __________17Vic Back Fat, per ft _.____.____ _10c Shanks, per ft _____._•.____ -15c

MUTTON AND LAMBSChops, per ft________________34c

Legs, per ft__________i__27c, BMULST. PE* POtTHD- ————————— 17c

JHFTTON 8TEW, 2 LBS. FOE. — _____2ScShoulders, per ft____________21c

Steaks, per ft__._!__________43cCutlets, per ft_____________38eRoasts, per ft__ . ___^.____X;__ _35cBreast, per ft ______________M*-Shoulder, per ft__________ ___20c

LARDBest Lard, per ft ___________15c*Com'pound, per ft___ _______ _12e

BACONSwifts Premium Sliced in I Ib. Boxes 60c Best Eastern Bacon, per ft __-_,_45c•Best Bacon Strips, per ft__.___18c

HAMPuritan Sugar Cured Hams, Whole or Half, per ft__________37e

Swift's Premium Boiled Ham, Whole or Half, per ft __________ . . .S3c

CHICKENSPressed Hens, per ft _______ __35c

Liver, per ft _ _____ . . 18c Bologna, per ft________ _,20cWeiners, per ft__________.__20cMinced Ham, per ft___ __.^.__25«, Pure Pork Sausage in 1 Ib. Boxes . 32e Beef Brains, per ft_ _. _______20c


Phone—Pacific 18.

Casteels Cut Rate Cash Market

Brighton Building Torrance, California