food chain project

Food Chain Story By Malachi

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Food chain project

Food Chain StoryBy Malachi

Page 2: Food chain project

Once there was a field of grass, the grass took energy from the sun and made it into their food.The grass is a producer.

Page 3: Food chain project

Then there was a bunny.The bunny was VERY hungry ,so he went to the grassy field and ate the grass.The grasses energy goes to the bunny.The bunny is a herbivore.

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Then came along a wolf and the wolf was starved.He saw the bunny and hid.He pounced on the bunny and consumed it.The wolf is a carnivore.

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There was a bear in the woods.The bear had spotted the wolf.The bear had eaten a few berries earlier but he was still hungry.the bear ate the wolf with a fight but the bear had won.The bear is a omnivore.

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The wolf had hurt the bears leg.The bear had fallen and couldn't get up.The bear had died.A week later the bear had started to rot. A vulture was flying in the air looking for food. The vulture smelled the bear from what it seemed a mile away.The vulture found the bear and devoured most of the bear.The vulture is a scavenger.

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The next day a beetle was walking on the ground and saw a decomposing bear.The beetle had a feast, the beetle ate nearly all the wolves leftovers.the beetle is a decomposer.

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One year later the bear decomposed into the grass.Then almost magically the cycle repeats.