flower id #2. 113 tuberous begonia red, orange, yellow, white, salmon, pink single / double blooms...

Flower ID #2

Upload: vivien-rice

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Flower ID #2

113 Tuberous Begonia

• Red, Orange, Yellow, White, Salmon, Pink

• Single / Double Blooms

• Plain, Ruffled, or Toothed Petals

• Perennial

114- Wax Begonia

• Annual

• White, Pink, Red

• Waxy

115-Fancy-Leaved Caladium

• Heart Shaped Leaf

• “Elephant Ears”

• Shades of Red, Pink, Green, and White

116-Pocketbook Plant

• Blooms look like pouches

• Yellow, White, Orange, Red, Maroon, Copper

• Have Spots on Blooms

• Annual

117-China Aster

• Annual

• Reds, White, Pinks, Purples

• Quill- Like Petals

118- Common Camellia

• Shrub

• Red, White, Pink, Off-White

• Not Patented – leaves open cutting options

119- Common Garden Canna

• Pinks, Yellows, Oranges

• Tropical Perennial

• Bulb

• Large Broad Foilage

120- Madagascar Periwinkle

• Blue,pink, white, purple

• Perennial

• Vine/ Herb

121-Cattleya Orchid Hybrid

• Wide Variety of Colors

• House Plant

• Over 20,000 Varieties

122- Cockscomb

• Annual

• Long Vase Life (5-14 days)

• Red, Yellow, Orange Plumes

123- Parlor Palm

• Tropical / Tender Perennial

• House Plant

• Poisonous if ingested

• Not Patented – can take cuttings

124- Waxflower

• Pink, Purple, White, Yellow

• Smells Great!!

• Shrub

• Used as filler in arrangements

• Pinks, Yellows, Oranges

• Tropical Perennial

• Bulb

• Large Broad Foilage

• Red, Orange, Yellow, White, Salmon, Pink

• Single / Double Blooms

• Plain, Ruffled, or Toothed Petals

• Perennial

• Heart Shaped Leaf

• “Elephant Ears”

• Shades of Red, Pink, Green, and White

• Blooms look like pouches

• Yellow, White, Orange, Red, Maroon, Copper

• Have Spots on Blooms

• Annual

• Annual

• White, Pink, Red

• Waxy

• Annual

• Reds, White, Pinks, Purples

• Quill- Like Petals

• Shrub

• Red, White, Pink, Off-White

• Not Patented – leaves open cutting options

• Blue,pink, white, purple

• Perennial

• Vine/ Herb

• Pink, Purple, White, Yellow

• Smells Great!!

• Shrub

• Used as filler in arrangements

• Annual

• Long Vase Life (5-14 days)

• Red, Yellow, Orange Plumes

• Wide Variety of Colors

• House Plant

• Over 20,000 Varieties

• Tropical / Tender Perennial

• House Plant

• Poisonous if ingested

• Not Patented – can take cuttings