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FIVE EASY STEPS to Become Published IN 2013 Get in shape, travel more, save money, have less stress—we hear the same New Year’s Resolutions every year, but this year why not try something new and exciting – like finally write your book! eReaders are more popular than ever this holiday season; imagine if it was your published book people were reading? This New Year’s, consider these five easy steps, recommended by Author Solutions , to go from aspiring writer to published author. By Keith Ogorek

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FIVE EASY STEPSto Become Published

IN 2013Get in shape, travel more, save money, have less stress—we hear the same New Year’s Resolutions every year, but this year why not try something new and exciting – like finally write your book! eReaders are more popular than ever this holiday season; imagine if it was your published book people were reading? This New Year’s, consider these five easy steps, recommended by Author Solutions, to go from aspiring writer to published author.

By Keith Ogorek

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Picture when you would like to hold a copy of your book You could simply choose one year

from now, or a date that’s important to you, like your child’s graduation or your birthday.

Pick a date you’ll remember and use that motivation to achieve your goal. Think how great it will be to hand that first copy to your best friend or spouse.

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Pick a time to write and make it your routineDetermine the best time for you to

write and schedule it in your daily calendar.

Early in his career, famed fiction novelist Elmore Leonard would write in the early morning each day before work. Choose a time of day you know you can stick to – before long it will become routine.

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Create a support system to help you stay on track

Accountability is key.

Find someone to provide encouragement as you write – it’s easier to keep on pace if you know someone else is depending on you. This could be a friend, a relative or maybe a member of a local or online writers’ group.

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Select the best publishing option for you

The search for the perfect publisher doesn’t have to wait until your manuscript is complete.

“The Four Paths to Publishing,” helps authors identify the four distinct options available in the market; traditional publishing, DIY publishing, a general-contractor approach, or the utilization of a publishing package; and determine which option makes the most sense for them.

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Celebrate your achievement! Plan your book party

Your book’s complete! Now it’s time to show the world. Throw a book-launch party and schedule signings at book stores; anything to get your book out there. Thanks to the internet, there’s never been a better time to be an author.

Creating a marketing platform is essential and can be as simple as starting a Blog and positioning yourself as an expert in your

chosen field or interest area. Fiction or non-fiction, this approach will lend credibility to your work. For more information on book marketing concepts, including directions for creating an online platform, check out:

The Author Learning Center.

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The “Five Steps to Becoming a Published Author in 2013” was developed by Keith Ogorek, senior vice president of marketing at Author Solutions, Inc. Keith is a regular contributor to the internet’s premier author education resource, The Author Learning Center, and writes and maintains “The Indie Book Writers Blog.” He is also the author of “7 Secrets of Successful Self Published Authors,” “Eli the Stable Boy” and “A Clear View.”