five 'ssssssuoi c:t · tho bost novspapor ju that give tht most and frsshssl news. compart,...

Tho Bost Novspapor JU that give tht most and frsshssl news. Compart, tha WEST Him with any paper hi PolK county, As id Advtrt!:'!.-!- 3 C':-- l: 1 1 I - - THZ WZOT CIS2 7 TKI THE LOAD IN PCtK CCVXTT. , VOL. Xlt. $2.00 Per Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1894. Five Cents Per Copy. No. 48. . ... IS E on tho rm-k- near Cambria, on Jro THK CZAR'8 UKAIril. MED C:t ef all to Lwrtnic; Powers-- Ut U.&Gort XL- -crt 'SSSSSSUOi OREGON ROBBERY. A Haii uhiIn oblapo county eoaat A Tho Doctor Do Not Olvo a Very few itiliiulea after her cii'W left her cltsw ... ..' m"Ior " Fran- - Hha broke lu two and went down. Tho American ahlD Ivanhoc. coal laden iioperui liuiietin. HL lHerbnrg, Uct ift.The Official Mi'NMWgor thl aftmoon twtted a Kpeelnl edition contnlnlua llm fitllow. 111,1 from H(attle for title) port, which Jha His Character Without now oocn out twenty-o- n auyi, i certainly lout. Cantalii d. Ii. iJSf ,M,"Vy bUw of turday eet The Fastest Mile Ever Urlttln coinmauded her and aim carried An Express Box Be lieved of $14,000. Blemish. Made that Way. .n, The tr In,. lug bulletin ordered by I'rt f leyden and Or. Haralchln, 1'opolf and iNMued today after a conaul-tatlo- n between tho phyKlclunx: rlflwaxe of tho kidney nhnwa no Improvement Ilia niaJeMiy'a atrength ha dlmlnUhcd. The tilivniclun In at a crew of eighteen men. Fred 3. Oraut, one of tho proprietor of tho Mcuttlo l'oNt lutelllgtfticcr and to llollvla, waa a piiawnger ou tho I vanillic, havlna einlmrkcd on ' o rort. out uuable w nmkn any headway aguliMt U aa. A rrtwu Uoi'ltiwital wln.l U I.) ....... .. iwiii lutmr. Minf ,i.tu .ih.t hor to enjoy tho novelty of a aca, voy-ag- i. A maat and yards were Diilnted tendance hope for the cllmuto of the It Was Hidden Behind The Charges Against Him Unfounded. vi her omo tu jiuiujt muth, but ao far . Aiumuvh atH'tua una bio to make Noiiui wui ot mo Crimea to mtve a Done Very Mysteriously at The Dalles. yellow, and what waa believed by a-- lNiiellclul effect npon fie ImalUi of Tandem Teams. i i "Kn-- wuutever. When luat 'iKMCd the ttllf mill luir t.iu.. the caar." meu to im a (Mirt of the floating deck-hcua- ialnted aa waa tho lvauhoe'N wn ahio mmui lu tho riiiiio locality. "n- - nine in uu wiwrwui-.- i ,, THE CONTRACT LET. the Pilot MtapUt arrived iu at 1 oVlwIi For a rox Coutalnlng Huch i Trt The Half Mile In 50 9 S Meeonda aud ON TILLAMOOK COA8T. Antorla, Oct 10. Steam achooiier He Will Contluue Receiver .f t Northern Pacific by Declaim of Jwlffe " Jenkins, Olympln, Oct JO. Tho contract for the couatructlon of the caoltol foun on the bark KlKluahlnv, and wateH hat they iohwh1 throuah hundr.d of Huudorllle arrived from tho Hlunluw ore, It Waa Handled CarrlriHly by the Company'! Miu. the Complete Mile In Let Tlmn 1:50, thl arternoou, Mhe mot wltli an hcx:I- - Iuiiiik iunr I lie IlirhlHhlii nlu.m I! dation wa awarded to Llllla ft Tucker of Tacema for m.m. tot a waU of Portland and Her Mur-- . der Mystery. oYtoek. thl tnornluB. Th nllot u eon. dent off NcUuIimii yeatertlay morning by having a plug blown from her uun.tnaruto plllnir am from the bin miteen Incite of ton aud alxteon ' Incbe of brick. Olympla aaadatone Hill III IOW or till, til if M.hikm.I. nn.i TDK DALLES. Oct uMv MACIIAMICXTO, Oct. 7.elg boiler, letting all tho water out. (the rataed a amaU Mill and If.fV2 the roun- - night at midnight robberi entered the super keep her head to the e& thluka Mhe luta aurely tnnie to iiUHa. ,1'ltet I'ortloer, who brouitht in Uto t auadlaii mhlp Kxknaonl thla afle uo oOc of tha raclno expra ai i to be uea. it ,w Ma lowrw ,h world' one mile be reZ.U for wniS! ,,Uyd t" 'WH ,UJ irocturT In alg month. uJT hVBll,,BI- - . 8'l- - y Jolm, MILWAUKEE, Oct H.-jW- dP, j,m. kill hM dismissed the tMtUin uf Ive. et to have. hikes dhnilssed Nimhem "Pacific receiver, nun con- firm Ppectal Master Carey's vtwi exonerating Oake from making mon- ey out of lb Vttd Illegality, , damage waa reiialred. Capt una piaea. iney relieved Hie nuoiiji The Pests and Our Fruit aay that yehreday'a ihhio eounra tuo remirt of in ... fti. uox or auout w,ouo iu cimii M. Jolinmiii, to 1:80 flat Meveial of waa the heavlent tliat he ever extterl The city ineaaeiiger, Chnrlea TlbmtH, the watche made It l;44-5- . He beat plea, and adda that hundmla of pit. lug, evidently from the raft, went ail uutHHl. From off tho Tillamook bar THEY BEAT BRECKINRIDGE. The Tlrelevi t'litnpalgu Wagt-- d by the Energetic Women af Kentucky. Industry. hi pacemaker under the wire. wiioae duty It la to meet the ulglu tralna and keen watch lu the oltlco at tho llitndorllto piianed lot of drifting piling, which Capt Wluant ta'Dovoa Thl mite of Kclglor' 1 the foment DRAWING THE LINK. , Inventor Not to Be Allowed to Claim Every Slight Improvement The recent decision of Judge Ache-so-n against one of the numerous claims of Mr. Edison to b tbe only original inventor of everything, em- bodies a definition of public policy lo the encouragement and protection of Invention that I not new, but U w often obscured that It resummon la important Thl policy to well ex- plained In tome observation of the supreme court quoted by Judge ache-eo- Tlie process of development la manufacture create a corstant de- mand for new appliance which the kill of ordinary workmen and en- gineer la generally adequate to de- vise aud which Indeed are the natural and proper outgrowth of aucb deve- lopment Each step forward prepare tbe way for the next and each I usually - taken by spontaneous trial and attempt In a hundred different Places. "To grant a single party a monopoly of ev try slight advantage irade, except where tho exercise of Invention nouiewhat above ordinary , mechanical or engineering skill It dis- tinctly shown, I unjust In principle and injurious in it ranaequence." It 1 not possible to define exactly by geiM.rai statute : "the creative work ot that Inventive faculty which night, waa attending a dance, no l ever mude s bicycle. It wa done .V X 1 111. the company' agent, met the The fight agalnt Col. W. C, P, with a flying atnrt, and ho waa paced to have como from tho big raft. OTHER t'OA8T LOH8K8. What Prluk awl i ambling Ha Done wifct bound train from rortlind and by tandem team, .ue taking hint to Breckinridge, which ended Meet. IMh Awtorla, Oct. lit The meamer Kan received tho treaaure box coiituluttw the three-eight- another to tho Ave- - In hi defeat, wa tho nut raiuoua for Van)' Yoouf Men. iu ma decision Judge Jeiikli re- view the history of the c ana take the rrountl that (lakes' kU1oii a president of the Northern nvm0 wa unique. That white he w the nominal head, he was not the Unit head. 11 bold Oakes bad uo power, save aa one of th bonni of thirteen directors, lu tho acquisition of brunch lire and or terminals, etc. Judge Jenkins wys lu couelwlou-Th- recent investigation has. j the Judgment of the court, fully mid about tho pilot aohooiier eArly Ihla tuomliuf. Tho Monarch baa not Ueeu wen niiico yoMterdiiy atieniooii. H.vvy aea la runnlnit Unlay , thouijh Mho weatlwr outaltlo tla iKrfooUy clear, with but a atluht wind blowing. The Keller will probably bring lu liuor uewa alwut 0 o'clock. I l.L'MHKR MKN JKAI.OUS. San Franelaeo, (Xt neili of grades are allowing keen Interaat In tho fata of tho bis log raft which la iiMw. tie men. in company with tiorme, which arrived turn ancrnooii eightim aud a third took him to the political truggle In Urn hlatory or City W.ttchman Ulbuona. drove to the from the Hhudaw, bring new or the oiiUnme. Tho atart wa a line one Kentucky.'. For four month and a otttcc, ticpoaltcd the box limlile near achooiier DhuIcImoii, which wa on the and the quarter waa made In 20 3-- half the light had been waged. It be-- the door and about lUH) p. m. left for "lh aplt at that plaew a week ag aocond. Tho pick up by the aocond gn ahortly afur the victory of Mad- - the iMwtotliee to deliver ton until which and wa pulled off after mintalulug tandfin teom waa beutlfollv dui. aline Pollard In hr .ni Portland, Oct lOth.-T- hn hist mur der myetery has carcely yet been a caoio on the anme train. City Mar enu damage.. Who l now dlwharg- - Not a fraction of a mn-on- wa loat Brecklurldge at Waablugtou. and the mini iiiniiKcuy roue uaca to tno ex- - er raw i norvuew, lui'TiHiui away Hd tlie pacemaker with women of the conitreanloual dhttrtci prwet oltlce with tho agent, where wncu h wui Deacit for repair. Miie 'Miihr no clone libou Uimu that ther which he renreaented at one kM ...... ...... a ...... .1 u ....... ......., .in 1 ATI lHI f.H., ..f I.H11K..P rn..n I. . . ... . . .... . I . - . . . r mir t'oliMiibta rher. 'te8mi'h m dflc Railway company'! undortnjking uii'j wwi at. Biutrijr, ihiit oi iiv " umikihi nue a triplet team, tuo naif wora to prevent ui reflection uaue (sauonai Dana, nailing to ro- - iHr-- r 4Uiii.rr uu.i mu. p.t wa paawm in tho pheiioiu- - The Hume wa clearly drawn ajralnt nlue day' wonder, aud In. terest is dying out Early lu tbe week X. N. Streves, an attor.iey of shady reputation, was arrested, And la' In tlie week be and "Buico" Kelly were Indicted. The theory of the police 1 that Kelly did the deed eelve hla money and platni It lu the lxldea eonaldernblo f wight cmikM enally fast time of 50 8 0 seconds, lonr- - the man who had violated tbe roar bank's vault. m riuunit juuioer to uin port by no tneana pleasea tho men eucagtHl hi the lumber trade, aud now that the raft probably been wwckel eauMHl rery llttlo sorrow alonir tha water lug of hide, and aalmou, llurd & DaveniMirt of Florence lost about ing .eigier a run minute in which to riago tie and defied the moral code. pieteiy exonerated Oakcs. Ills char- acter and lutegrtty la without ot or blemish. The petition will tbtvicfure be dismissed." ' f , The Judge aay the master In chan- cery found that Henry Vlllurd hud made unlawful train to the aixittut of fStCUWl in the Manitoba deal, but but that Oaki did not kr.ow am. wa The three men entered the office and make the last half In order to beat J At first there wa a strong public toeing that something wa wrong with $l,mgi on lumber washed overboard, and the loss to tho vessel will prob front. Had It been uecewtully towed the Iwix, Immediately began an Iiives-tlKntto- which resulted In llndlng only it waa the purpose of Ore constitution and patent law to encourage and re la the employ of Steevea. Kelly has la every Drobabllltr into port there uio recorci. , sentiment iu ravor or .Breckinridge. Around the turn the wheelmen fairly But a the women banded together, flew. Near the three-quart- pole Del- - and worked among their father, bus-ur- n aud lluiiililln were getting under band aud brothers, Ms supporter be-wa- y and by the time thu other came gan to fall away from him. Thus Mr. ably be f .'. ANOTHER DISASTER. fl.OiW In Rllver left In the box. The not bound to know th- -i vin,.r.i ""r Mmpera cr lutnoer wouia made a partial confession, in which ward." Even tbe officials or the pat-h- e say it wa the Intention to bold nt office cannot alway discriminate Taeoma, Oct Id A ledger special tha example of the!"'' orne dox had ikm-- u nrokeu open uiaktug unlawful gain In the hhiiiI with an Instrument made from a steel railroad company. up they wore at their full SKed. This Zeko Clay, owner of (Musi acre of Detwecn what Is merely a steo in from Ocosta say the schooner Corlu- - anion or ue Manitoba road by the Sayre in confinement for a time, but doe not aay wheu or how he waa to drill with one end crooked and sharp- ened which they found mi tlie floor Aortnern mine, and that lu itio na iiarkiu wnicn went ashore on Peterson's isilnt this mornlug waa . A SHORT fhJiit. wa auothcr p'trrect jilek-n- and the blue grass land, and one of Breckln wheelmen at the scow were fulrly ridge' early supporter, wa convert Kocxy ork deal no uulnwful ijtiln be rebwaed with aafety to bis cap- tor. It la. urndsed that It wa the near H The robber titnl lied to trying to beat ttito harbor during the ireiiiiiiing wiin excitement and ou- - ed vy hi wife and came out for W Coney Maud. 'Oct 13.- -In lean than naa neea made by the Northen, l'a pry tho taple from It position, but night while a heavy wind, almost a tiiusiasm a . tho watches ticked off U. Owens, the oppoucut Another four roiimU tonight Joe, of Buaton, Tom O'Uotirke'a colored tight falling, had nrokeu too lever orr the gale, was blowing. Tho sen wa run plan to shanghai Say res, but this seem scarcely possible, since he waa 73 year of age and ship captain do ixu .eigier still nnd 27 3-- wwud advocate of tho congreman who in which to equal Johnson' record, wa converted by his wife wa Asher padlock. Aside from thl tool and a ning high aud tlie vigorous motion the clHc dtrectora, and Oakee wa not only free from blame, but had he done otherwlae than bo did, bo would have been open to the Jtwt crttlclam of few track in the street there I no vessel was subjected to. finally carried I and there wa no reason to fear he G. Caruth. meiuber of eoiiarMa fn.m not want decrepit old meu in their er, Nuccoeded lu stopping Auxtlu tStb-lio- the Palerson llghtwelttht, aud at tho same time pushed hi right to the front of hi own class. Tho crew, Kelly' uecktte wa found at cither lacking the bunlueiu augaclty to be expected of one In hi blitu of- - cute wnatever.tnni can oe lraee so away her rudder. uft helpless, she would not beat It, Tor the rresh tttndem the Louisville district. Mr. Caruth far a knowu at prerout That only I drifted down off Peterson's point and riders were bringing him dowu the had been eugnged a one or the at- one or two men participated lu the wa there driven ashore, At low tide cvursa at a tremeudous rate or sixh-i- torney to defend tJol. Breckinridge tight wa to ten rounds, but th pace flclal poaltlonor of havlug aerlouNly rouoery is eriueui uuiu me ibii uniimm is practically kigu anu ury. All vitntn auout sixty jsrds or tbe in tne pollard suit but hla wife 1j the probable scene of tlie killing, on llw river bank, lying near Sayre' battered bat aud there Is evidence that Kelly came home late that night covered with mud and Iu.rned hi wa too, fast for the Jersey mau aud tne nutay suver waa iiirowu astue. the crow escaped unhurt except Peter wire. Zotgler. who had been riding duced him to withdraw from lb cat, neglected the great lutercu ceMiult ted to hla charge. Concerning the Chi no waa practically out, aner a luut' hauder had sent hitn to thu floor; almost ou tho top of his fresh and Mrs, Luke Blackburn Influenced Tho gold stolen welghiHl considerably lvterwni, who wa drowned, over oue hundred wounds, I " cago NoruM-r- n raclllc deal the siHsiiy pnocmnknr. could wait no many of tlie leadlua society women clothing, it is believed that unless court agreed with the niaxter that the THINGS LIVELY IN WALES, general development and what 1 an absolute exercise of Invention. If an improvement Is such a can be exact- ly described and it la found on ex- amination that it 1 not covered by a previous patent protection la granted to it as a matter of form, leaving to the patentee the task of defending or enforcing hla right Thus the actual interpretation of the- - patent law, or rather the actual determination whether an invention la or la not aucb a the patent law are Intended to protect, necearily falls ; upon the courts, and while tbe personal discre- tion of Individual Judge may lead to occasional contradictions, the general policy of the United State courts la by Oils time fairly settled and com plete. .. A practical Invention, an exercise ot the creative faculty of actual serv- ice to mankind, the court will always protect, but they are leoa and les dis- posed to sanction the claims of " prof .inventor to common Improve- ments and thu to gruit- - to Individ- ual a monopoly of that which belong to the public. Invention baa be longer, ami, snootuig out to one aido or Kentucky to work against Brack more evidence develop it will bo A LAUGK GANG. HEAVY1, REWARD. , he new past thtm and passed under Inridge, and Mary Desha, sister or Impossible to convict Kelly or murder Swansea, Wales, Get 10.- -H fa esti the wire a already stated In frae-ICo-l. Breckinridge's former wife, came deal wa exorbitant aud that with repect to the tiraimavtlou, Ouke wu not guilty of negligence . in the dis- charge of hla dotlei. It) concliiHliin the in .the Drat degree, since It will be l.'matllla County' Contingent to the Portland.1 Oct 13.- -U I stated that mated that Musi tons or tin plate tlon under 1:,V out In a strong public appeal to tbe bard to prove that he Intended to kill Uto Pacific expreae comiwoy will dffer were iisuied hero today on board y Penlteutlary Cattle Thieves. women or tne blue grass ree on to aid him at first but only did so in a strug steamer bound for America, The a reward of for the arrtt or dtvtaloa auya Xim chargi aaalnat NOT AN A. P. A. ANNEX. in securing his" defeat Col. Breckln , Pendleton, Or., Oct. l.l.-El- evcn gle when he resisted being kidnapped. The Dalles robber. stocks of tin plate are lower than for Oake are unrounded in fact and with ridge stumped the district delivering prisoner go from Umatilla county to Just what evidence there la nitalnst months past WASHINGTON. Oct nearly one hundred speeches, but the penitentiary thl term of court, steevea baa not yet transpired. He out aupport or evidence. IMPORTS AND EXI'ORTK. llubcock of the republican congresslon- - m. I . . . . I NOT SO BAD IN CHINA very row women were present at any waa counsel ror W. O. Allen, defend m.I..hIIM P I i.i, P.tSS stealing stock, ThrB;w;n John Sharp, four years: W. E. White, C ZTZLZrXl " rw man who ant In law suit brought by Sayre to the amount of about $15,000, but bow It would profit either Allen or his tw.i viitM! .IiilhiA Hmlth. iini vi'ap: had been won over by the colonel' REPORTS OF DAMAGE TO AMERI ' I fAltns'Att f Anh lumMHiitniDiin ror general circulation a A. p. A. lit Table of ComparlMon for Like Per loda of lard and WU. Waahlngton, Oct 15. Tho bureau Alvln Kdlnger, elgiitMn months; Gay wutr.n.-U- luku u is attorney to have Sayre put out of CANS EXAGGERATED, i erature, and which charge eloquence, and possibly by a reeling of sympathy for the under dog, that he was cut one morning on the street Clark, one year. Clark w as forced to SAX FRANCISCO YESTERDAYS cans with Mag In sympathy with that marry a young luiiy Before going to ' of statistic of Import and domentlc the way haa not yet been made plain. Allen la not suspected of complicity in the matter, and yet an attorney would scarcely murder his client's op The Month of the , Mhts gfilppl River, organisation. 'Jiie pamphlet consists largely or newapatver letter from the tM'iilti'Utlary, the ccri-tron- being of Lexington by three Indies in suc- cession. To thj third one ho pro- - He Say the Massee of tbe People of hy a justice lu the Jail. Wnshlngbw which profess to give the New Tariff Law and Other "Opeii" ucittioiiR. ; come of late so much & matter of bus- iness that the patent law, which were designed for the protection or the In- dividual inventor, have been in count- ies case distorted to the jmew tiro-- tesuKu ponent unless bis client desired It facts going U substantiate the charges. Oregon Are Desirous of Uga-latlo- ti Favorable to Silver. A TREMENDOUS CROWD. "Pardon me, air." she replied coldly. There la a mystery of motive not yet Discussing tie matter, Mr. Rabcock "i no not kbow you," , made plain, that leads to the conclu said: "The story Is made out of Columbus, O., Oct. 15. A tremen WASHINGTON. Oct. 13.- -A othle- - iwni anow me, miss ." be ex sion mat the bottom of he affair haa export of the I ulttd R(att fur the mouth of 8etteniber. aud imi, j and for tlie nine muntlm paxt of the present calendar year, give the fol- lowing table of apu-lu- l feature of their report: Export of merchacdl, 1SSVI, 1MM, $ril,(KW..sKS. ImMris of norehandlne, 1SU, $I,H.312; im. $!V8!),510. KxjMirt of doiuifitlc mer chundlne for nine nioitha amount whole cloth. This publication I but SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 10,-Ju- dgn claimed, "you liave known , me all vj no means yei ueon dous crowd attended tlie McKlulcy meeting tonight The great rink Is tho climax of uumerou efforts that WIIIIhiu P. Loni. itovereor-clcc- t of your lire." gram w! received at tno state' rnmi United Ktattf Minister Deuby at Pckln, rtatlug that tie re- - have been made to connect this Com Bealdcc lu usual collection of touch roomy euough to accommodate 4,000 Oregon, Is a guest ut the Paluce hotel tectlon or corporate monopolies. Com- panies with large capital, controlling a great uumber or patents, are thua enabled not oily to tax the public unreasonably, but actually to discour- age and repress the exercise or tlie In- ventive faculty lu those who are not "You are. mistaken," she said. "I mitten with the A. P. A. Many cf IHKjple, but tonight It held fully twice and professional criminals, the county with his wife. Judge Lord and his am not acquainted witli any man who fort have been made to find ground that number. Men aud women liter Jail now contains an unusual number wife extH'ct to. remain lu the city a jHirtH of da'iger to American resldcuw of Peklu are exuberated. There ha iHi'ti only i me instance of an attack wear a Hreckinrldge button." ror charglug such connection. Men ally fought for admission. Stretched few days, and will then leave for the of men who have held pes'tiens of That button wa replaced by an and women have called personally here to $5TT.047.O'., ngaiiMt $U)3,2l,873 for anme time in 1MO. The luiiiort trust and couuden?e in the commun Eust ou a pleasure trip, going by way uwens- - uauge the next day, at our hcadouartor aud asked ror over the platform In tlie rink was a banner which picture McKlnley and ity and have violated them without or Denver and St. Ioula to Delaware, ou American and adiHinate punish-uien- t w;u .meted cut to the perpetra- tors. ' ' ; so it went all through tlie hot cam literature or this ordir, and when we , of iiieri'lminllse during ulue month of the word, "For president iu 1WS1." subservient to them. This Is a nils-Us- e ot statutory protection for which tlie court are not entirely without re- sponsibility, and It Is, therefore, the mere significant that ther hava IstPiv where Jiiii'o Lord will sts'iid some any excuse except bad habit aud In have replied we hr.d uo time ror dl liflM. amounted to t"M,:TJ,iM mid for paign. Tne inmicuce or the women was making Itself felt steadily and nate depmtlty, sad examples of the The governor spoke for an hour and a time with his parents. trlbutlon we have been appealed to to Jmlge Ad rocatc-Gencia- l ey of U lu-r- e Is a growing sentiment In old doctrine or total depravity. The know where It could be obtained. To silently. And at tho close of the tho ime time lait year. J(l2.)..lVi"2. During (he nine mouth of lfM the rxcetM of gold cxi)itn over lniorta hair. . VTIIIS IS GOOD NEWS. the navy department, has Just re urned favor of the rree coinage or silver." this we have responded that we did campnlgn wheu the vote were Anally lutest or these Is Stcov.s, egalust whom lies this serious churn.' or mur to axhlngton from New Orleans, suld Judge Lord, In shaking or the not kuow, as we had no conucctlou couuam u was rouua mat tne isrsist- - shown a disposition to correct this evU and to place the law of patent upon a more equitable basis of public policy. where he completed the purchai'e of a political situation lu Oregon ut tlie with either the A. 1. A. or any other ent work or the women, although Shaniookln, Pa., Oct' 15, Tbe Burn wa $73,00319 and of fcilvcr i'.,5Sl. 589. .... THE WASHINOTON CA PITOfi. tract of laud adjoliilng- - the slt for a Palme lust evening. 'That Is only order. We havs msdo the same nply they had no votes, had salved tlie side and North Franklin collieries of Irr dH-- at Algiers, opiNsilie lu city der. Another Is Bnt'" the rt. fsult-In- g bookkeeper or the Oregon Ian aud the Sunnyslde company whose trial will be held In a few days. Af- ter a disappearance of about two among the musses, however, and not to letters or tho same character." political strength or out who had been Philadelphia, and the Heading Con! among the commercial classes. The "As a matter or fact" he nthled, among the most popular men lu the WANTS AMERICAN SONG BIRDS and Iron company, employing Lots) The price pnld wiis $47.iNi, Th 'proa-M'c- t of establishing a great dr;'dK'k mid naval station at the mouth of thu way In which that subject was hand "as much as a yerr ago 1 gavo In- - state lu the day before he was round Olympla, Oct 15.-- BM for coimtnic- - out led on our platform had considerable structlotis to the secretaries of coin men and 'boys, resumed operations this morning, after an Idlem-s- s of six year he wa brought back test spring from Kansas and has been In Brockinver. of Mississippi has directtd the attention ting the foundauon oi tne new cap-ito- l were opened today, but owing to to do with the sacecss of our ticket mlttees to avcld all appearance of Tho defeat of Breckinridge was weeks. - Jail ever since. Harold Pllklntrton. of the military nuthorltc to the, :tdvls- - I find that the people of Oregon at- - connection wtUi any orgnnlxatlon of hailed with rejoicing by women all many comulli'atloim and hiikdhih, sourl, Is the father of a chi-- ne to give America what It sadly lac- k- race of high-clas- s stnclnir hlrdn. Tn Hickory Swamp mine, of the I'lilon tribute tho Industrial dltllctiltles, the whatever kind or character, except over the land. It waa perhaps the Coal company, employing 4(M) work- ablllty of extending a prernl li?nie of coast defeuse to that point. !lt Is felt that the absence of niodo'O de decline In the price of products, and I republican committee. most dramatic manifestation they had the capltol commlaalon were unable to decide until tomorrow which wan the lowest There were twt nty-tw- o bid, men, also resumed Unlay, convicted ot embesxlement Is await- ing sentence. He 1 a young attorney aud son of Dr. Pllklngton, a Portland physician well knowu throughout the state. Another is Charles II. Ashby. the depreciation of proMrty value to over given of their power In, politics. CHIMINAL OPERATION. Its details It recalls the plan of the first President Harrison to create a market for American "corn in Europe by sendlug at the government's ex FIRE AT MARSHFIELD. the tlcmoiicttxatu n of silver, and they believe there will lie no return of fenses at the mouth of the grea river is a fatal weakness In the goner il "sys- tem, as it would afford an one ity an RURAL SOCIETY. PORTLAND, Get ld.-- Mrs. Mary formerly a clerk in the wholesale the hlghcet being from Chicago, at $105,000, while thoMe of Dounld Mo Itae, Cameron & Anhenfelter, Hcnttle, and Llllla Tucker, Tacoma, were Marshfleld. Or.. Oct. lWoscpb prosperity unlll sliver Is A rata, wife of Louis Anita, died In this city last evening, aged 20 years. ii nil placed on nn etniallty with gold. loung people are often heard to drug house of Snell, Heitahu & Wood-ard- , arrested for passlhg worthless opiwrturiity of cutting the country In two and paralyzing Internal courtirce. pense a large corps of experienced cooka to Initiate the peasantry of England, France. Germany and Rim. Lnndo' warehouse bui-ne- tonight. It contained groceries and tho loss Is How that Is to lie brought about Is a complalu of tli social advantages tinder circumstances which left no checks. His downfall Is caused by subject of dispute between tho politi which are offordod them In the couu about $2,600, Another compllcntlon has nrlrcn re among the lowest being under The Stone Cutter' aaaoclntton of Se- attle aent a letttr to lie read to the hinder, calling attention to the fact dotiht In tho minds of physician that had been called' In the previous day cal parties. 'Jhey are all, practically. try districts. They express a desire sla into the mysterious delights of the corn dodger, the hoe-cak- e, the genuine flapjack, and, best of all. nmokino to remove to some village, town, or garding the free alcohol section of the new tariff law, . drink and gambling, but the root of tho difficulty seems to be a streak of moral Irresponsibility in his nature. Relnhatt, a systematic defaulter In but the question of whether silver should Iks restored that she was the victim of au abortion committed by Mrs, Dr. Brunko, and, city in order that they may have bet that atone cutter' wage were $4.50 golden corn bread." THE NEW YORK POLICE. Art Exceedingly Unsavory Mess ' ,i ' ; Brought to Light : V Secretary Carlisle, owing to the fail Is through nutlcuul legislation or by au ter social advantages. To us this ap Discussing his nlan nt tho vim. large wholesale house, is another! ure of congress to make the necessary In fact, deceased liefore dying con fessod to the fact to Dr. Fenton. International agreement Is the ques - - . .. . . . . pear more Imaginary than real. We of this class of prisoners. This line for eight hour, payable In I' tilted State currency, Saturday noon. GOING TO THE ORIENT. aitproprlatlon, Is unable to put tlte law tion on which the argument hinges, hare become acquainted, and assocl After this fuct was obtained. Cor of thought suggests that the Portland Into effect. Notwithstanding tte so populists are after the free and unlim oner fni-ii.-iii- ttn mlviHPd i.f the ated with iHople In the country, vll New 'York, Oct; s "pull" was tho subject of In bar ha been getting it rather heavy ited coinage of silver. The commer- - deathand decided to hold a nost mort- - .'"go. town nnd city, nnd we have at- - rctary's dinlslon, It Is contetulo I that alcohol used lu the lino ails, etc., is quiry today by the Ia-xo- committee. Clul classes are but only rived at the conclusion that the only Oct. 15. -- The em examination. free 'since August 2Sth. In tho sense that they believe silver James Smith, who keeps n restauraut on Greenwich itwi't told how the disadvantage of any consequence, un Subsequently Chief of Police Mlnto ateamahlp Emprca of Indlu JJ,1 hi. .rtmivn for the Orient. was consulted In the premises, aud should be restored through an Inter- national agreement That will never der which the jieoplo of the country labor In their social relations is the SPEAKING. of late. Two are under conviction for crime. One has had two trials and Is awaiting a third, and three are under Indictment or awaiting the action of the grand Jury. There are enough at liberty, however, to do all the legal business, good and bad, that offers. CHINA NOW officer came to hi place Intoxicated one day last week and threatened him he summoned Deputy District At tor come, In my opinion. England would aeventy-tw- o saloon and 410 Chinese passenger. a of the latter' .lug distance they have to overcome. It LONDON, Oct. to ney Dan. J. Malarkey, which resulted In the filing of au Information against never ngrc. to It The republicans de with' l revolver and took hlin to the police station. Lawyer Moss told the Just simply requires more energy and activity lu tho country for ono to clared themselves In favor of tho res Mrs. Dr. E. Rrunke. of 107 West Park the Times from Tien Tsln, whU h Will bn published tomorrow, cay the Pel Yanit souadron has been able to committee the, police commissioners toration of silver through national avail himself of social advantages street, V'harglng her with manslaugh Thl. Say res case coming on so soon after the appointment of John Mlnto chief of police, gave him an opportun legislation, That plank lu our plat would be called upon to explain why Callahan and other brutal and drunk equal to those enjoyed by urban com ter by criminal malpractice. form was oue of the causes of the big munities. . ; - - s Tno deceased woman leaves three leave tbe dry dock completely refitted with a magazine and filled and other- wise fitted for active serv'ce. ity to demonstrate his abilities as a republican victory In Oregon." Wo have found, on the average, children, one 4 years of age, another en officers were , oroilttod to re- main on tho force undisciplined. Jos Fraukel, a saloonkeeper, told of pay peace officer. No such prompt, vigor 2 years, ami the third 11 months old. JUDGE SCOTT OF OMAHA. An Imperial edict has been published that people of the country, vlllogo, town imd city1 are about equally in- - from the United States, trery wa occlcd. the car-s-o of freight room being chiefly flour, fr which there aVenormoui demand in the Orient at present . Among the passengers were Citpt DuBoulay. B 1 Cavendish and Capt armr officers who have been dep- uted b7 the Mtm foreign otllce to and Japanese In the capac ty of military attache and carefully ob- serve their tactics. " ous and successful police work has At 2:.'K) Uils afternoon Detective at Pckln assuming for the government Ing Policeman Shelvey $5 a week for telllgent refined and cultured; that becu none here in years, and those who felt Inclined to criticise the ap Grlllllii and Holsnpplo arrested the lias an Insatlablo Desire for Editor full rcsDouslblllty for the proieclon or Avenue Hotel tne other day, Mr. Brockmyer 'sald: 'The home of tho singing bird Is Germany. There the nightingale, the goldfinch and a down other feathered musicians fill, the for- ests with their melody. America haa In the common mocking bird a bird as plentiful in the. forests of Texas and the Gulf state aa sparrows in the city parks. The mocking bird has a wonderful organ. He can imitate ' any sound that ever came from a' feathered throat anj a trll! . treble once learned is never forgotten. , "My plan Is to trap a thousand or so Southern mocking birds, plao them in cages, send Oaem to German.--an- have them hung up in tlie foreits of the Hart mountains, where they can hear tho notes of the nightingale and the other sweet warblers of that country. In six minutes they will " have learned all that the feathered songsters of Germany have to teach. Then bring them home and turn them looso lu their native woods. The les- sons learned abroad would soon be transmitted to their stay-at-hom- e com- panions, nnd by them to the genera- - , Hons of mocking birds unhatched. The results, I am sure, will more than pay for the outlay. Our government has spent much larger sums in effort to achieve an aesthetic effect In other lines, and' then utterly failed." ' "protection" and of having been ur- - while the one luuy have advantages doctores at her residence. At the po foreign residents and punishing (cer Rohcwatcr's Scalp. rested on a trumped-u- charge aud pointment of Mr. Mlnto on the ground over the other In some lino of dovel- lice station In".' bond was fixed at bulldozed Into paying $2M) lor the tain culprits wna navo taken pan in $5,01X1 which nt a late hour she had not opment or knowledge, it Is offset by Omaha, Oct. 10,-- Tho desire of Edi that Hunt had made a s'ood chief are forced to admit that the city Las lost iwi.n6 iiHsau ts on travelers. . nue assistance of "Sliver Dollar" Smith tor Koscwutor of the Bee, who Is furnished. I equal auvuinnges in some oiuer ni- - edict assures strangers that tiled per to save him from state's prison. nothing by the change. Mlnto's LATER'- I ruction possessed ny the. others; it charged with libel by Ben wins nnd tirwerty will bo, prelected friends aro delighted, ns it only bears The coroner's Inrv tnnhrht found ilint Is not where people live, but how well nett to bo tried by some Judge other KfLLY'8 COXBY UUlOADB. br the sword. Chinese overture for Frankel was dlscmrrged without, n hearing by the police Justice after tin money bad been paid. Counsel Goff out whit they have sierslstently Mrs. Anita came to her death from a U" mnko of their opportunities, than Judge O. It. Scott, who Is notor- - lalmed, that he has no equal as un n-- rl.. Oct. LWOcn." Chns. peace Having rncn rejeuiuu wnuwui a hearing, the war now enters onthe officer In tlie state. We will need Just called tho committee' attention to Um tiiHly and violently in tho criminal operation performed by Mrs. that determines what characters each, registration of paupers and criminal premises, caused trouble today. On r)r. Brunke, The prisoner was re- Individually, will bulltt ami the kind chronic stage demanding an appeal sucn a man tins winter. ot society, taken collectively, they will tho editor's ninstil t the other five leased on bnii. released from Black well's Island, Goff t, h Intent forces or tne empire. regiment or tne w ta furulsh the community In which they said 6(X inmates of the workhouse juoge iney iieciii.ii m near me. erne The state board of horticulture was MARKET QUOTATIONS. dwcll.-Jottr- nal of Agriculture. i The latter are destrrinea as iming nnito ificnt. but. It Is added theyf re- - and cited the editor to impinr at 01 had been released without Judicial pro- In session Saturday and Monday. The lngton, has comptcu! "" ': '. , oMh; i.ew Industrial mJ,J' stead of going across ceodlng. Counsel Goff assured the o'chs'k tomorrow for trial, When Judge Scott was notified of I lie Jit Ige' Liverpool, Oct. 10. Hops at Lon OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. secretary and tlie district commission- er submitted their reports to- go In riiiiio time In order to ornui nein. The Ch!fi;'fs government Is prepared commit too that when the time was don, Pacific coast steady; demand decision he declared the casv could not ripe they would bo asked to consider itmmrh ri ltictantl.v. to engage in a pro- - moderate; tew crop, 2 10stJ2 15. The Pendleton Tribune claims the bo transferred from the criminal tbe offense ot ingnor oinciais man tracied conflict. The party In power Now Yorok. Hops dull and heavy; author of "Two Little Girls lu Blue" branch of the court. He then made an tne biennial report to the legislature. From these It seems that the fruit Industry In Oregon Is in great peril. Pests and dlseaseB have spread to police i commissioners., , state, common to choice, 30c; Pacific and "Sweet Marie" ns a.formor Pen order nullifying the action of the five reeo'nilxc tin urgency of .radical mu-:n- v nnd fiscal reforms. If a quea- - const 4W((7c. . dletoulan. Judges and notlfjlng Itosewater to ap DAMAGE TO SHH'PINO. San Francisco. Wheat 70Mi77 for The Salem woolen mills will pay pear before him for trial. While court No. 1 shipping, with 74 3-- 4 for choice out $3,000 for wood, $00,000 for wool districts formerly free from them and there Is ho power lodged In the board to prevent It New ones are being Introduced Into the state from Infect was in session ho said: "There is no 10,-- The UST ,. mWailed nlonir the law to take this case oft my docket ?ff?n; milling wheat 8260876; and $40,000 for labor tho coming year, Awarded HlfhMt Honors World's Pair. DO; Northern Pacific coast since Saturday and wUI. .tarthora. If there Is wjua vvjiua i, ati -- Maw exchanges A. ed regions In other states and tho James Campbell, a former Eu board cannot stop them. It Is plainly gene man, is running for police Judge ha undoubtedly caused wide- - any monkeying about It some ono Is spread' shipping. At leant Kolng to be c ted to appear for con- - fL00 three schooner are known to have tempt, and 1 think I am pretty, good "!LJ52j , been wrecked, There are grave rea authority OU contempt.' io' or how lonf the iiatunv cohesion will bear tho struln of a at war. The danger lis. tho correspotv ent adds, that the revolu;! .i may be ft llowed by prolonged ftnnrcl.;,'. ' r ' A HEAVY .WGNM.'-JNT- . r. Denver, Oct. 15.-- The Tabo.' Amusc-nien- t company aealgnod this afternoon after the court was asked to arrange apttlcment of the amount due from a Tsbor to Mrs. Smith, who th time oirwi toward Han .To J He tnni ductiv. regions that signatures to a secure petition for tho relief a,ZS-an- d f Incidentally to supplies for tho ny Sly lecreaslng in numbers at the and I' rank bii-tou- of Eight" bo established In Tarteus parts of masning state with tho IntonUon of nut during the fore at Sacramento ,.,Hlon of the MARKETS GENERALLY. dull; Pa- cific New York, Oct. 15.-H- ops coast, 4c088'4c. Llvenool.-Wlieat-Ste- o1y, fa poor; No. 2 red winter, 4s s)riug. 4s 5(1. sfcady; of San Francisco. L. R, Elicit,' a for dull; demand spring, 4s 4d; mer Albany man, Is running for re apparent that If the fruit Industry Is to be kept from destruction nnd be made tlie great rource of state wealth It might well become In ft few yours, an ample protective mcaslire must tie do winter 4s. election ns mayor of San Francisco. BETTER THAN A SPEECH. Portia nd.Wheat-Vall- ey, 70c; Wal Congressman Dinger Hermann win son for believing that tho American ship Ivanlioo has been lost with all on board, and there Is little doubt that Southern Pacific company' raft of la Walla, Ol'jiUl'Vic. ' remain In Orogou uutll tho December Cnl Oct lG.-I- Ion. Jns. Willows, passed by the next legislature. The term of congress. domocratlc candidate for E. Dudd, MORTON IN COURT. Four-fifth- s of Oregon farms are ten thousand soars and piles valued at board, or some other authority, should bo given the power to compel owners The aver- - Now York. Oct, 10,-L- evl P. Morton's worked by tholr owners. him $260,000 some time ago In Ser to prevent the foreclosure of and over $30,000 ha been broken by the rAo at a 'tlro hore today, was knocked of Infected trees and fruit to purify coachman, John J. Howard, who has age value of cultivated farms Is $4,350, block down and narrowly escaped serious .......rnffB on tne iu"' them upon penalty of having them and the averago encumbrance $1,301. been detained at Ellis Island as a con. Injury. His clothes were destroyed doc pot aueci destroyed as a nuisance, and nn ef nnerft house. Ihl tract laborer, and whose return to by lire and water. HEAVY SENTENCED Tabor personally, elements, xne news oi mo udu.ww day, it 1 thought will show atlll greater losses. From Tacoma tho schooner Nora Ilnrkln to reported wrecked at tho entrance to Gray's har- bor, ana one seaman wa drowned. Report were also received there this afternoon , of tho wreck of the fective quarantine should be estab- lished against all importations of trees and fruit Proper regulation of coming" to oregon'likely. at jjonuon, ii""- - England , was ordered by Secretary Carlisle, today signed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus whlch'hls at- - ..n mniWnte: new crop, Oirden. Oct. 13. In tho district court SOUTH CAROLINA AGAIN. the jury found Decamp, McConnell filnrtwnvYtrts-i- Ari 1(1 Hmt HI niilrhniv, I fnnnmr xrU m'aUlint tnmniWnW 111 ihl tho fruit . Industry means millions of dollar to the Btote of Oregon, The ut,tniiu;ii vsi. i au vjvjt, iviai nnuiii I uvj v yiwv Vvi"i.v.i .. , ... M A , . D5 MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Gripe Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. KAn,nMA u ij I ni(.J ..invr TW Hf will I 1111(1 KIHk kUULj OI UQ UlltUiyttJU uUlil with the 15. Governor hns looked C-n- s wltt Com Miller of the ...ntonna" In .VnUvnatv It ii nmhnlit ha laail.ul 111! Which enuft WreCKlUg OUTing MO A. IV. V. SWIM!. 0011X0 SIlOUlU 06 ClOUietl l Uh achooner Portia at Stewarts' point OVII 11 IIV V VI VIUI J JWUt . LV "MA I ' UI.MIMI.I ' . . , , . . .. .. . IDA WW' ', -"- whpnt 82c soraeth ng oexier, """". for Walla Walla; wheat 07.c C87c; for No. , ana average; 55c & OSc Her bottom was knocked out on the years' imprisonment for a crime Howard will not return tomorrow as They were- seutencea to imprisonment neeaea autnor ty and be given money rock and her crew narrowly escaped against nature. He was pardoned on was Intended. Mr. Morton is in town as follows: King four years, Decamp enough to.mako it effective. The his- - wlth their Uvea. It Is also reported condition he leave California und and It ts said will stand by hi man and McConnell to twelve J ears each iu tory of our salmon Industry should be that tho schooner Electrlca wa driven never- - return. . If he wishes to return to Ellcrsley. tbe Utah penitentiary. i ample warning,4 P. P. B. Isnrv law of OOUW" t probably be referred to a,. mrx AV avaAoR. 'matter will A Attorucy-Gcnera- l Olney . w iortituid.-wh.t- -ya am M 02 c' 71V;; Walla Walla,

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Page 1: Five 'SSSSSSUOi C:t · Tho Bost Novspapor JU that give tht most and frsshssl news. Compart, tha WEST Him with any paper hi PolK county, As id Advtrt!:'!.-!-3 C':--l: 1 - I- 7 THZ

Tho Bost NovspaporJU that give tht most andfrsshssl news. Compart, tha WESTHim with any paper hi PolK county,

As id Advtrt!:'!.-!- 3 C':--l:



VOL. Xlt. $2.00 Per Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1894. Five Cents Per Copy. No. 48.

. ...IS E on tho rm-k- near Cambria, on Jro THK CZAR'8 UKAIril.MED C:t ef all to Lwrtnic; Powers-- Ut U.&Gort XL--crt'SSSSSSUOi OREGON ROBBERY. AHaii uhiIn oblapo county eoaat A

Tho Doctor Do Not Olvo a Veryfew itiliiulea after her cii'W left hercltsw ... ..' m"Ior " Fran- - Hha broke lu two and went down.

Tho American ahlD Ivanhoc. coal ladeniioperui liuiietin.

HL lHerbnrg, Uct ift.The OfficialMi'NMWgor thl aftmoon twtted a

Kpeelnl edition contnlnlua llm fitllow.

111,1from H(attle for title) port, which JhaHis Character Without now oocn out twenty-o- n auyi, icertainly lout. Cantalii d. Ii.iJSf ,M,"Vy bUw of turday eet The Fastest Mile Ever

Urlttln coinmauded her and aim carriedAn Express Box Be

lieved of $14,000.Blemish.

Made that Way..n, The tr In,.

lug bulletin ordered by I'rt f leydenand Or. Haralchln, 1'opolf and

iNMued today after a conaul-tatlo- n

between tho phyKlclunx:rlflwaxe of tho kidney nhnwa no

Improvement Ilia niaJeMiy'a atrengthha dlmlnUhcd. The tilivniclun In at

a crew of eighteen men. Fred 3.Oraut, one of tho proprietor of thoMcuttlo l'oNt lutelllgtfticcr and

to llollvla, waa a piiawnger outho Ivanillic, havlna einlmrkcd on

' o rort. out uuablew nmkn any headway aguliMt U aa.A rrtwu Uoi'ltiwital wln.l U I.) ....... ..

iwiii lutmr. Minf ,i.tu .ih.t hor to enjoy tho novelty of a aca, voy-ag- i.

A maat and yards were Diilntedtendance hope for the cllmuto of theIt Was Hidden Behind

The Charges AgainstHim Unfounded.

vi her omo tu jiuiujt muth, but ao far. Aiumuvh atH'tua una bio to make Noiiui wui ot mo Crimea to mtve a

Done Very Mysteriouslyat The Dalles.

yellow, and what waa believed by a- -lNiiellclul effect npon fie ImalUi ofTandem Teams.i i "Kn-- wuutever. When luat

'iKMCd the ttllf mill luir t.iu.. the caar."meu to im a (Mirt of the floating deck-hcua-

ialnted aa waa tho lvauhoe'Nwn ahio mmui lu tho riiiiio locality.

"n- - nine in uu wiwrwui-.- i ,,THE CONTRACT LET.the Pilot MtapUt arrived iu at 1 oVlwIi For a rox Coutalnlng Huch i Trt The Half Mile In 50 9 S Meeonda audON TILLAMOOK COA8T.

Antorla, Oct 10. Steam achooiier

He Will Contluue Receiver .f

tNorthern Pacific by Declaim

of Jwlffe"

Jenkins,Olympln, Oct JO. Tho contract for

the couatructlon of the caoltol founon the bark KlKluahlnv, and wateHhat they iohwh1 throuah hundr.d of Huudorllle arrived from tho Hlunluwore, It Waa Handled CarrlriHly

by the Company'! Miu.

the Complete Mile In LetTlmn 1:50,thl arternoou, Mhe mot wltli an hcx:I- -Iuiiiik iunr I lie IlirhlHhlii nlu.m I!

dation wa awarded to Llllla ft Tuckerof Tacema for m.m. tot a waU of

Portland and Her Mur-- .

der Mystery.oYtoek. thl tnornluB. Th nllot u eon. dent off NcUuIimii yeatertlay morning

by having a plug blown from heruun.tnaruto plllnir am from the binmiteen Incite of ton aud alxteon

' Incbe of brick. Olympla aaadatoneHill III IOW or till, til if M.hikm.I. nn.i TDK DALLES. Oct uMv MACIIAMICXTO, Oct. 7.elgboiler, letting all tho water out. (therataed a amaU Mill and If.fV2 the roun- -

night at midnight robberi entered the superkeep her head to the e&thluka Mhe luta aurely tnnie to iiUHa.,1'ltet I'ortloer, who brouitht in Utot auadlaii mhlp Kxknaonl thla afle

uo oOc of tha raclno expra ai

i to be uea. it,w Ma lowrw ,h world' one mile be reZ.U forwniS! ,,Uyd t" 'WH ,UJ irocturT In alg month.uJT hVBll,,BI- - . 8'l- - y Jolm,

MILWAUKEE, Oct H.-jW- dP, j,m.kill hM dismissed the tMtUin ufIve. et to have. hikes dhnilssed

Nimhem "Pacific receiver, nun con-firm Ppectal Master Carey's vtwiexonerating Oake from making mon-ey out of lb Vttd Illegality, ,

damage waa reiialred. Captuna piaea. iney relieved Hie nuoiiji The Pests and Our Fruitaay that yehreday'aihhio eounra tuo remirt of in ... fti. uox or auout w,ouo iu cimii M. Jolinmiii, to 1:80 flat Meveial ofwaa the heavlent tliat he ever extterlThe city ineaaeiiger, Chnrlea TlbmtH, the watche made It l;44-5- . He beatplea, and adda that hundmla of pit.lug, evidently from the raft, went ail uutHHl. From off tho Tillamook bar


The Tlrelevi t'litnpalgu Wagt-- d by theEnergetic Women af Kentucky.

Industry.hi pacemaker under the wire.wiioae duty It la to meet the ulglutralna and keen watch lu the oltlco at tho llitndorllto piianed lot of drifting

piling, which Capt Wluant ta'Dovoa Thl mite of Kclglor' 1 the foment


Inventor Not to Be Allowed to ClaimEvery Slight Improvement

The recent decision of Judge Ache-so-n

against one of the numerousclaims of Mr. Edison to b tbe onlyoriginal inventor of everything, em-bodies a definition of public policy lothe encouragement and protection ofInvention that I not new, but U woften obscured that It resummon laimportant Thl policy to well ex-

plained In tome observation of thesupreme court quoted by Judge ache-eo-

Tlie process of development lamanufacture create a corstant de-mand for new appliance which thekill of ordinary workmen and en-

gineer la generally adequate to de-vise aud which Indeed are the naturaland proper outgrowth of aucb deve-lopment Each step forward preparetbe way for the next and each I

usually - taken by spontaneous trialand attempt In a hundred differentPlaces. "To grant a single party amonopoly of ev try slight advantageirade, except where tho exercise ofInvention nouiewhat above ordinary ,mechanical or engineering skill It dis-tinctly shown, I unjust In principleand injurious in it ranaequence."It 1 not possible to define exactlyby geiM.rai statute : "the creativework ot that Inventive faculty which

night, waa attending a dance, no l ever mude s bicycle. It wa done.V X 1 111. the company' agent, met the The fight agalnt Col. W. C, P,with a flying atnrt, and ho waa paced

to have como from tho big raft.OTHER t'OA8T LOH8K8. What Prluk awl i ambling Ha Donewifct bound train from rortlind and by tandem team, .ue taking hint to Breckinridge, which ended Meet. IMh

Awtorla, Oct. lit The meamer Kanreceived tho treaaure box coiituluttw the three-eight- another to tho Ave- - In hi defeat, wa tho nut raiuoua for Van)' YooufMen.

iu ma decision Judge Jeiikli re-view the history of the c anatake the rrountl that (lakes' kU1oiia president of the Northern nvm0wa unique. That white he w thenominal head, he was not the Unit

head. 11 bold Oakes bad uopower, save aa one of th bonni ofthirteen directors, lu tho acquisition ofbrunch lire and or terminals, etc.Judge Jenkins wys lu couelwlou-Th-

recent investigation has. j theJudgment of the court, fully mid

about tho pilot aohooiier eArly Ihlatuomliuf. Tho Monarch baa not Ueeuwen niiico yoMterdiiy atieniooii. H.vvyaea la runnlnit Unlay , thouijh Mhoweatlwr outaltlo tla iKrfooUy clear,with but a atluht wind blowing. TheKeller will probably bring lu liuoruewa alwut 0 o'clock. I

l.L'MHKR MKN JKAI.OUS.San Franelaeo, (Xt neili of

grades are allowing keen Interaat Intho fata of tho bis log raft which la

iiMw. tie men. in company with tiorme, which arrived turn ancrnooii eightim aud a third took him to the political truggle In Urn hlatory orCity W.ttchman Ulbuona. drove to the from the Hhudaw, bring new or the oiiUnme. Tho atart wa a line one Kentucky.'. For four month and aotttcc, ticpoaltcd the box limlile near achooiier DhuIcImoii, which wa on the and the quarter waa made In 20 3-- half the light had been waged. It be--the door and about lUH) p. m. left for "lh aplt at that plaew a week ag aocond. Tho pick up by the aocond gn ahortly afur the victory of Mad- -

the iMwtotliee to deliver ton until which and wa pulled off after mintalulug tandfin teom waa beutlfollv dui. aline Pollard In hr .ni Portland, Oct lOth.-T- hn hist murder myetery has carcely yet been acaoio on the anme train. City Mar enu damage.. Who l now dlwharg- - Not a fraction of a mn-on- wa loat Brecklurldge at Waablugtou. and the

mini iiiniiKcuy roue uaca to tno ex- - er raw i norvuew, lui'TiHiui away Hd tlie pacemaker with women of the conitreanloual dhttrtciprwet oltlce with tho agent, where wncu h wui Deacit for repair. Miie 'Miihr no clone libou Uimu that ther which he renreaented at one kM...... ...... a ...... .1 u ....... ......., .in 1 ATI lHI f.H., ..f I.H11K..P rn..n I. . . ... . . .... . I . - . . . rmir t'oliMiibta rher. 'te8mi'h m

dflc Railway company'! undortnjking uii'j wwi at. Biutrijr, ihiit oi iiv " umikihi nue a triplet team, tuo naif wora to prevent ui reflectionuaue (sauonai Dana, nailing to ro- - iHr-- r 4Uiii.rr uu.i mu. p.t wa paawm in tho pheiioiu- - The Hume wa clearly drawn ajralnt

nlue day' wonder, aud In.terest is dying out Early lu tbeweek X. N. Streves, an attor.iey ofshady reputation, was arrested, Andla' In tlie week be and "Buico"Kelly were Indicted. The theory ofthe police 1 that Kelly did the deed

eelve hla money and platni It lu the lxldea eonaldernblo fwight cmikM enally fast time of 50 8 0 seconds, lonr-- the man who had violated tbe roarbank's vault.

m riuunit juuioer to uin port by notneana pleasea tho men eucagtHl hi thelumber trade, aud now that the probably been wwckel eauMHlrery llttlo sorrow alonir tha water

lug of hide, and aalmou, llurd &DaveniMirt of Florence lost about ing .eigier a run minute in which to riago tie and defied the moral code.

pieteiy exonerated Oakcs. Ills char-acter and lutegrtty la without ot orblemish. The petition will tbtvicfurebe dismissed." 'f ,

The Judge aay the master In chan-cery found that Henry Vlllurd hudmade unlawful train to the aixittutof fStCUWl in the Manitoba deal, butbut that Oaki did not kr.ow am. wa

The three men entered the office and make the last half In order to beat J At first there wa a strong publictoeing that something wa wrong with $l,mgi on lumber washed overboard,

and the loss to tho vessel will probfront. Had It been uecewtully towed the Iwix, Immediately began an Iiives-tlKntto-

which resulted In llndlng onlyit waa the purpose of Ore constitutionand patent law to encourage and re

la the employ of Steevea. Kelly hasla every Drobabllltrinto port there

uio recorci. , sentiment iu ravor or .Breckinridge.Around the turn the wheelmen fairly But a the women banded together,

flew. Near the three-quart- pole Del- - and worked among their father, bus-ur- n

aud lluiiililln were getting under band aud brothers, Ms supporter be-wa- y

and by the time thu other came gan to fall away from him. Thus Mr.

ably be f .'.ANOTHER DISASTER.fl.OiW In Rllver left In the box. Thenot bound to know th- -i vin,.r.i ""r Mmpera cr lutnoer wouia made a partial confession, in which ward." Even tbe officials or the pat-h-e

say it wa the Intention to bold nt office cannot alway discriminateTaeoma, Oct Id A ledger specialtha example of the!"'' orne dox had ikm-- u nrokeu openuiaktug unlawful gain In the hhiiiI with an Instrument made from a steelrailroad company. up they wore at their full SKed. This Zeko Clay, owner of (Musi acre of Detwecn what Is merely a steo infrom Ocosta say the schooner Corlu- -anion or ue Manitoba road by the Sayre in confinement for a time, but

doe not aay wheu or how he waa todrill with one end crooked and sharp-ened which they found mi tlie floorAortnern mine, and that lu itio

na iiarkiu wnicn went ashore onPeterson's isilnt this mornlug waa. A SHORT fhJiit. wa auothcr p'trrect jilek-n- and the blue grass land, and one of Breckln

wheelmen at the scow were fulrly ridge' early supporter, wa convertKocxy ork deal no uulnwful ijtiln be rebwaed with aafety to bis cap-tor. It la. urndsed that It wa thenear H The robber titnl lied to trying to beat ttito harbor during the ireiiiiiiing wiin excitement and ou- - ed vy hi wife and came out for WConey Maud. 'Oct 13.- -In lean thannaa neea made by the Northen, l'a pry tho taple from It position, but night while a heavy wind, almost a tiiusiasm a . tho watches ticked off U. Owens, the oppoucut Anotherfour roiimU tonight Joe, of

Buaton, Tom O'Uotirke'a colored tight falling, had nrokeu too lever orr the gale, was blowing. Tho sen wa runplan to shanghai Say res, but thisseem scarcely possible, since he waa73 year of age and ship captain do

ixu .eigier still nnd 27 3-- wwud advocate of tho congreman whoin which to equal Johnson' record, wa converted by his wife wa Asherpadlock. Aside from thl tool and a ning high aud tlie vigorous motion the

clHc dtrectora, and Oakee wa not onlyfree from blame, but had he doneotherwlae than bo did, bo would havebeen open to the Jtwt crttlclam of

few track in the street there I no vessel was subjected to. finally carried I and there wa no reason to fear he G. Caruth. meiuber of eoiiarMa fn.m not want decrepit old meu in theirer, Nuccoeded lu stopping Auxtlu tStb-lio-

the Palerson llghtwelttht, audat tho same time pushed hi rightto the front of hi own class. Tho

crew, Kelly' uecktte wa found atcither lacking the bunlueiu augacltyto be expected of one In hi blitu of- -

cute wnatever.tnni can oe lraee so away her rudder. uft helpless, she would not beat It, Tor the rresh tttndem the Louisville district. Mr. Caruthfar a knowu at prerout That only I drifted down off Peterson's point and riders were bringing him dowu the had been eugnged a one or the at-one or two men participated lu the wa there driven ashore, At low tide cvursa at a tremeudous rate or sixh-i- torney to defend tJol. Breckinridgetight wa to ten rounds, but th paceflclal poaltlonor of havlug aerlouNly rouoery is eriueui uuiu me ibii uniimm is practically kigu anu ury. All vitntn auout sixty jsrds or tbe in tne pollard suit but hla wife 1j

the probable scene of tlie killing, onllw river bank, lying near Sayre'battered bat aud there Is evidencethat Kelly came home late that nightcovered with mud and Iu.rned hi

wa too, fast for the Jersey mau aud tne nutay suver waa iiirowu astue. the crow escaped unhurt except Peter wire. Zotgler. who had been riding duced him to withdraw from lb cat,neglected the great lutercu ceMiultted to hla charge. Concerning the Chi no waa practically out, aner a luut'

hauder had sent hitn to thu floor; almost ou tho top of his fresh and Mrs, Luke Blackburn InfluencedTho gold stolen welghiHl considerably lvterwni, who wa drowned,over oue hundred wounds, I "cago NoruM-r- n raclllc deal the siHsiiy pnocmnknr. could wait no many of tlie leadlua society women clothing, it is believed that unlesscourt agreed with the niaxter that the THINGS LIVELY IN WALES,

general development and what 1 anabsolute exercise of Invention. If animprovement Is such a can be exact-ly described and it la found on ex-amination that it 1 not covered by aprevious patent protection la grantedto it as a matter of form, leaving tothe patentee the task of defending orenforcing hla right Thus the actualinterpretation of the- - patent law, orrather the actual determinationwhether an invention la or la not aucba the patent law are Intended toprotect, necearily falls ; upon thecourts, and while tbe personal discre-tion of Individual Judge may lead tooccasional contradictions, the generalpolicy of the United State courts laby Oils time fairly settled and complete. ..

A practical Invention, an exerciseot the creative faculty of actual serv-ice to mankind, the court will alwaysprotect, but they are leoa and les dis-posed to sanction the claims of


prof.inventor to common Improve-

ments and thu to gruit- - to Individ-ual a monopoly of that which belong

to the public. Invention baa be

longer, ami, snootuig out to one aido or Kentucky to work against Brack more evidence develop it will boA LAUGK GANG.HEAVY1, REWARD. , he new past thtm and passed under Inridge, and Mary Desha, sister or Impossible to convict Kelly or murderSwansea, Wales, Get 10.- -H fa esti the wire a already stated In frae-ICo- l. Breckinridge's former wife, came

deal wa exorbitant aud that withrepect to the tiraimavtlou, Ouke wunot guilty of negligence . in the dis-

charge of hla dotlei. It) concliiHliin the

in .the Drat degree, since It will bel.'matllla County' Contingent to thePortland.1 Oct 13.- -U I stated that mated that Musi tons or tin plate tlon under 1:,V out In a strong public appeal to tbe bard to prove that he Intended to killUto Pacific expreae comiwoy will dffer were iisuied hero today on boardy Penlteutlary Cattle Thieves.women or tne blue grass ree on to aid him at first but only did so in a strugsteamer bound for America, Thea reward of for the arrtt ordtvtaloa auya Xim chargi aaalnat NOT AN A. P. A. ANNEX. in securing his" defeat Col. Breckln, Pendleton, Or., Oct. l.l.-El- evcn gle when he resisted being kidnapped.The Dalles robber. stocks of tin plate are lower than forOake are unrounded in fact and with ridge stumped the district deliveringprisoner go from Umatilla county to Just what evidence there la nitalnstmonths past WASHINGTON. Oct nearly one hundred speeches, butthe penitentiary thl term of court, steevea baa not yet transpired. He

out aupport or evidence.

IMPORTS AND EXI'ORTK.llubcock of the republican congresslon- -

m. I . . . . INOT SO BAD IN CHINA very row women were present at any waa counsel ror W. O. Allen, defendm.I..hIIM P I i.i, P.tSS stealing stock,ThrB;w;nJohn Sharp, four years: W. E. White, CZTZLZrXl " rw man whoant In law suit brought by Sayre tothe amount of about $15,000, but bowIt would profit either Allen or histw.i viitM! .IiilhiA Hmlth. iini vi'ap: had been won over by the colonel'REPORTS OF DAMAGE TO AMERI ' I fAltns'Att f Anh lumMHiitniDiin ror general circulation a A. p. A. lit

Table of ComparlMon for Like Perloda of lard and WU.

Waahlngton, Oct 15. Tho bureauAlvln Kdlnger, elgiitMn months; Gay wutr.n.-U- luku u is attorney to have Sayre put out ofCANS EXAGGERATED, i erature, and which charge eloquence, and possibly by a reeling

of sympathy for the under dog, thathe was cut one morning on the street

Clark, one year. Clark w as forced to SAX FRANCISCO YESTERDAYS cans with Mag In sympathy with thatmarry a young luiiy Before going to' of statistic of Import and domentlc

the way haa not yet been made plain.Allen la not suspected of complicityin the matter, and yet an attorneywould scarcely murder his client's op

The Month of the ,Mhts gfilppl River, organisation. 'Jiie pamphlet consists

largely or newapatver letter fromthe tM'iilti'Utlary, the ccri-tron- being of Lexington by three Indies in suc-cession. To thj third one ho pro- -He Say the Massee of tbe People ofhy a justice lu the Jail. Wnshlngbw which profess to givethe New Tariff Law and Other

"Opeii" ucittioiiR. ;

come of late so much & matter of bus-iness that the patent law, which weredesigned for the protection or the In-

dividual inventor, have been in count-ies case distorted to the jmew tiro--

tesuKu ponent unless bis client desired Itfacts going U substantiate the charges.Oregon Are Desirous of Uga-latlo- ti

Favorable to Silver.A TREMENDOUS CROWD. "Pardon me, air." she replied coldly. There la a mystery of motive not yetDiscussing tie matter, Mr. Rabcock

"i no not kbow you," , made plain, that leads to the conclusaid: "The story Is made out ofColumbus, O., Oct. 15. A tremenWASHINGTON. Oct. 13.- -A othle- - iwni anow me, miss ." be ex sion mat the bottom of he affair haa

export of the I ulttd R(att fur themouth of 8etteniber. aud imi,

j and for tlie nine muntlm paxt of thepresent calendar year, give the fol-

lowing table of apu-lu-l feature oftheir report:

Export of merchacdl, 1SSVI,

1MM, $ril,(KW..sKS. ImMris ofnorehandlne, 1SU, $I,H.312; im.

$!V8!),510. KxjMirt of doiuifitlc merchundlne for nine nioitha amount

whole cloth. This publication I butSAN FRANCISCO, Oct 10,-Ju- dgn claimed, "you liave known , me all vj no means yei ueondous crowd attended tlie McKlulcymeeting tonight The great rink Is tho climax of uumerou efforts thatWIIIIhiu P. Loni. itovereor-clcc- t of your lire."

gram w! received at tno state'rnmi United Ktattf Minister

Deuby at Pckln, rtatlug that tie re- -have been made to connect this Com Bealdcc lu usual collection of touchroomy euough to accommodate 4,000 Oregon, Is a guest ut the Paluce hotel

tectlon or corporate monopolies. Com-panies with large capital, controllinga great uumber or patents, are thuaenabled not oily to tax the publicunreasonably, but actually to discour-age and repress the exercise or tlie In-

ventive faculty lu those who are not

"You are. mistaken," she said. "Imitten with the A. P. A. Many cfIHKjple, but tonight It held fully twice and professional criminals, the countywith his wife. Judge Lord and his am not acquainted witli any man whofort have been made to find groundthat number. Men aud women liter Jail now contains an unusual numberwife extH'ct to. remain lu the city a

jHirtH of da'iger to American resldcuwof Peklu are exuberated. There haiHi'ti only i me instance of an attack

wear a Hreckinrldge button."ror charglug such connection. Menally fought for admission. Stretched few days, and will then leave for the of men who have held pes'tiens ofThat button wa replaced by anand women have called personally hereto $5TT.047.O'., ngaiiMt $U)3,2l,873

for anme time in 1MO. The luiiiort trust and couuden?e in the communEust ou a pleasure trip, going by way uwens- - uauge the next day,at our hcadouartor aud asked rorover the platform In tlie rink was abanner which picture McKlnley and ity and have violated them withoutor Denver and St. Ioula to Delaware,

ou American and adiHinate punish-uien- t

w;u .meted cut to the perpetra-tors. ' ' ;

so it went all through tlie hot camliterature or this ordir, and when we, of iiieri'lminllse during ulue month of the word, "For president iu 1WS1."

subservient to them. This Is a nils-Us- e

ot statutory protection for whichtlie court are not entirely without re-sponsibility, and It Is, therefore, themere significant that ther hava IstPiv

where Jiiii'o Lord will sts'iid some any excuse except bad habit aud Inhave replied we hr.d uo time ror dlliflM. amounted to t"M,:TJ,iM mid for paign. Tne inmicuce or the womenwas making Itself felt steadily and nate depmtlty, sad examples of theThe governor spoke for an hour and a time with his parents. trlbutlon we have been appealed to to

Jmlge Ad rocatc-Gencia- l ey of U lu-r- e Is a growing sentiment In old doctrine or total depravity. Theknow where It could be obtained. To silently. And at tho close of thetho ime time lait year. J(l2.)..lVi"2.During (he nine mouth of lfM therxcetM of gold cxi)itn over lniorta


. VTIIIS IS GOOD NEWS.the navy department, has Just re urned favor of the rree coinage or silver." this we have responded that we did campnlgn wheu the vote were Anally lutest or these Is Stcov.s, egalust

whom lies this serious churn.' or murto axhlngton from New Orleans, suld Judge Lord, In shaking or the not kuow, as we had no conucctlou couuam u was rouua mat tne isrsist--shown a disposition to correct thisevU and to place the law of patentupon a more equitable basis of publicpolicy.

where he completed the purchai'e of a political situation lu Oregon ut tlie with either the A. 1. A. or any other ent work or the women, althoughShaniookln, Pa., Oct' 15, Tbe Burnwa $73,00319 and of fcilvcr i'.,5Sl.589. ....

THE WASHINOTON CA PITOfi.tract of laud adjoliilng- - the slt for a Palme lust evening. 'That Is only order. We havs msdo the same nply they had no votes, had salved tlieside and North Franklin collieries ofIrr dH-- at Algiers, opiNsilie lu city

der. Another Is Bnt'" the rt. fsult-In- g

bookkeeper or the Oregon Ian audthe Sunnyslde company whosetrial will be held In a few days. Af-ter a disappearance of about two

among the musses, however, and not to letters or tho same character." political strength or out who had beenPhiladelphia, and the Heading Con! among the commercial classes. The "As a matter or fact" he nthled, among the most popular men lu the WANTS AMERICAN SONG BIRDSand Iron company, employing Lots)

The price pnld wiis $47.iNi, Th 'proa-M'c- t

of establishing a great dr;'dK'kmid naval station at the mouth of thu

way In which that subject was hand "as much as a yerr ago 1 gavo In- - state lu the day before he was roundOlympla, Oct 15.--BM for coimtnic- -outled on our platform had considerable structlotis to the secretaries of coinmen and 'boys, resumed operations

this morning, after an Idlem-s- s of sixyear he wa brought back testspring from Kansas and has been In Brockinver. ofMississippi has directtd the attentionting the foundauon oi tne new cap-ito- l

were opened today, but owing to to do with the sacecss of our ticket mlttees to avcld all appearance of Tho defeat of Breckinridge wasweeks. -Jail ever since. Harold Pllklntrton.of the military nuthorltc to the, :tdvls- - I find that the people of Oregon at- - connection wtUi any orgnnlxatlon of hailed with rejoicing by women allmany comulli'atloim and hiikdhih,

sourl, Is the father of a chi-- ne togive America what It sadly lac- k-race of high-clas- s stnclnir hlrdn. Tn

Hickory Swamp mine, of the I'lilon tribute tho Industrial dltllctiltles, the whatever kind or character, except over the land. It waa perhaps theCoal company, employing 4(M) work-ablllty of extending a prernl li?nieof coast defeuse to that point. !lt Isfelt that the absence of niodo'O de

decline In the price of products, and I republican committee. most dramatic manifestation they hadthe capltol commlaalon were unable to

decide until tomorrow which wan thelowest There were twt nty-tw- o bid,

men, also resumed Unlay,

convicted ot embesxlement Is await-ing sentence. He 1 a young attorneyaud son of Dr. Pllklngton, a Portlandphysician well knowu throughout thestate. Another is Charles II. Ashby.

the depreciation of proMrty value to over given of their power In, politics.CHIMINAL OPERATION.Its details It recalls the plan of thefirst President Harrison to create amarket for American "corn in Europeby sendlug at the government's ex

FIRE AT MARSHFIELD. the tlcmoiicttxatu n of silver, and theybelieve there will lie no return of

fenses at the mouth of the grea riveris a fatal weakness In the goner il "sys-

tem, as it would afford an one ity an RURAL SOCIETY.PORTLAND, Get ld.-- Mrs. Mary formerly a clerk in the wholesale

the hlghcet being from Chicago, at$105,000, while thoMe of Dounld MoItae, Cameron & Anhenfelter, Hcnttle,and Llllla Tucker, Tacoma, were

Marshfleld. Or.. Oct. lWoscpb prosperity unlll sliver IsA rata, wife of Louis Anita, died Inthis city last evening, aged 20 years.

ii nil placed on nn etniallty with gold. loung people are often heard to drug house of Snell, Heitahu & Wood-ard- ,

arrested for passlhg worthlessopiwrturiity of cutting the country Intwo and paralyzing Internal courtirce.

pense a large corps of experiencedcooka to Initiate the peasantry ofEngland, France. Germany and Rim.

Lnndo' warehouse bui-ne- tonight. Itcontained groceries and tho loss Is How that Is to lie brought about Is a complalu of tli social advantagestinder circumstances which left no checks. His downfall Is caused bysubject of dispute between tho politi which are offordod them In the couuabout $2,600,Another compllcntlon has nrlrcn re

among the lowest being under Stone Cutter' aaaoclntton of Se-

attle aent a letttr to lie read to the

hinder, calling attention to the fact

dotiht In tho minds of physician thathad been called' In the previous day

cal parties. 'Jhey are all, practically. try districts. They express a desiresla into the mysterious delights of thecorn dodger, the hoe-cak- e, the genuineflapjack, and, best of all. nmokinoto remove to some village, town, orgarding the free alcohol section of the

new tariff law, .

drink and gambling, but the root oftho difficulty seems to be a streak ofmoral Irresponsibility in his nature.Relnhatt, a systematic defaulter In

but the question ofwhether silver should Iks restored that she was the victim of au abortion

committed by Mrs, Dr. Brunko, and, city in order that they may have betthat atone cutter' wage were $4.50 golden corn bread."


Art Exceedingly Unsavory Mess',i

' ; Brought to Light : V

Secretary Carlisle, owing to the fail Is through nutlcuul legislation or by au ter social advantages. To us this ap Discussing his nlan nt tho vim.large wholesale house, is another!ure of congress to make the necessary In fact, deceased liefore dying confessod to the fact to Dr. Fenton.International agreement Is the ques - -. . . . . . .pear more Imaginary than real. We of this class of prisoners. This line

for eight hour, payable In I' tilted

State currency, Saturday noon.

GOING TO THE ORIENT.aitproprlatlon, Is unable to put tlte law tion on which the argument hinges, hare become acquainted, and assoclAfter this fuct was obtained. Cor of thought suggests that the PortlandInto effect. Notwithstanding tte so populists are after the free and unlim oner fni-ii.-iii- ttn mlviHPd i.f the ated with iHople In the country, vllNew 'York, Oct; s

"pull" was tho subject of In bar ha been getting it rather heavyited coinage of silver. The commer- -

deathand decided to hold a nost mort- - .'"go. town nnd city, nnd we have at--rctary's dinlslon, It Is contetulo I thatalcohol used lu the lino ails, etc., is quiry today by the Ia-xo- committee. Clul classes are but only rived at the conclusion that the onlyOct. 15. --The em 'since August 2Sth. In tho sense that they believe silverJames Smith, who keeps n restauraut

on Greenwich itwi't told how the disadvantage of any consequence, unSubsequently Chief of Police Mlntoateamahlp Emprca of Indlu JJ,1hi. .rtmivn for the Orient. was consulted In the premises, audshould be restored through an Inter-

national agreement That will neverder which the jieoplo of the countrylabor In their social relations is theSPEAKING.

of late. Two are under conviction forcrime. One has had two trials and Is

awaiting a third, and three are underIndictment or awaiting the action ofthe grand Jury. There are enough atliberty, however, to do all the legalbusiness, good and bad, that offers.

CHINA NOW officer came to hi place Intoxicatedone day last week and threatened him he summoned Deputy District At tor

come, In my opinion. England wouldaeventy-tw- o saloon and 410 Chinese

passenger. a of the latter' .lug distance they have to overcome. ItLONDON, Oct. to ney Dan. J. Malarkey, which resultedIn the filing of au Information against

never ngrc. to It The republicans dewith' l revolver and took hlin to thepolice station. Lawyer Moss told the Just simply requires more energy and

activity lu tho country for ono toclared themselves In favor of tho res Mrs. Dr. E. Rrunke. of 107 West Parkthe Times from Tien Tsln, whU h Will

bn published tomorrow, cay thePel Yanit souadron has been able to

committee the, police commissioners toration of silver through national avail himself of social advantagesstreet, V'harglng her with manslaughThl. Sayres case coming on so soonafter the appointment of John Mlntochief of police, gave him an opportun

legislation, That plank lu our platwould be called upon to explain whyCallahan and other brutal and drunk equal to those enjoyed by urban comter by criminal malpractice.form was oue of the causes of the big munities. . ; - - sTno deceased woman leaves three

leave tbe dry dock completely refittedwith a magazine and filled and other-wise fitted for active serv'ce. ity to demonstrate his abilities as arepublican victory In Oregon." Wo have found, on the average,children, one 4 years of age, another

en officers were , oroilttod to re-

main on tho force undisciplined. JosFraukel, a saloonkeeper, told of pay

peace officer. No such prompt, vigor2 years, ami the third 11 months old.JUDGE SCOTT OF OMAHA.An Imperial edict has been published that people of the country, vlllogo,town imd city1 are about equally in- -

from the United States, trerywa occlcd. the car-s-o

of freight room

being chiefly flour, frwhich thereaVenormoui demand in the Orient

at present .

Among the passengers were CitptDuBoulay. B 1

Cavendish and Captarmr officers who have been dep-

uted b7 the Mtm foreign otllce to

and JapaneseIn the capac ty of

military attache and carefully ob-

serve their tactics. "

ous and successful police work hasAt 2:.'K) Uils afternoon Detectiveat Pckln assuming for the government Ing Policeman Shelvey $5 a week fortelllgent refined and cultured; that becu none here in years, and those

who felt Inclined to criticise the apGrlllllii and Holsnpplo arrested thelias an Insatlablo Desire for Editorfull rcsDouslblllty for the proieclon or

Avenue Hotel tne other day, Mr.Brockmyer 'sald: 'The home of thosinging bird Is Germany. There thenightingale, the goldfinch and a downother feathered musicians fill, the for-ests with their melody. America haaIn the common mocking bird a birdas plentiful in the. forests of Texasand the Gulf state aa sparrows inthe city parks. The mocking bird hasa wonderful organ. He can imitate '

any sound that ever came from a'feathered throat anj a trll! . trebleonce learned is never forgotten. ,

"My plan Is to trap a thousand orso Southern mocking birds, plaothem in cages, send Oaem to German.--an-

have them hung up in tlie foreitsof the Hart mountains, where theycan hear tho notes of the nightingaleand the other sweet warblers of thatcountry. In six minutes they will


have learned all that the featheredsongsters of Germany have to teach.Then bring them home and turn themlooso lu their native woods. The les-sons learned abroad would soon betransmitted to their stay-at-hom- e com-

panions, nnd by them to the genera- -,

Hons of mocking birds unhatched.The results, I am sure, will more thanpay for the outlay. Our governmenthas spent much larger sums in effortto achieve an aesthetic effect In otherlines, and' then utterly failed." '

"protection" and of having been ur- -while the one luuy have advantagesdoctores at her residence. At the poforeign residents and punishing (cer Rohcwatcr's Scalp.rested on a trumped-u- charge aud pointment of Mr. Mlnto on the groundover the other In some lino of dovel-lice station In".' bond was fixed atbulldozed Into paying $2M) lor thetain culprits wna navo taken pan in

$5,01X1 which nt a late hour she had not opment or knowledge, it Is offset byOmaha, Oct. 10,-- Tho desire of Edi that Hunt had made a s'ood chief areforced to admit that the city Las lostiwi.n6 iiHsau ts on travelers. . nue assistance of "Sliver Dollar" Smith

tor Koscwutor of the Bee, who Is furnished. I equal auvuinnges in some oiuer ni- -edict assures strangers that tiled per to save him from state's prison. nothing by the change. Mlnto'sLATER'- I ruction possessed ny the. others; itcharged with libel by Benwins nnd tirwerty will bo, prelected friends aro delighted, ns it only bearsThe coroner's Inrv tnnhrht found ilint Is not where people live, but how wellnett to bo tried by some Judge otherKfLLY'8 COXBY UUlOADB. br the sword. Chinese overture for

Frankel was dlscmrrged without, nhearing by the police Justice after tinmoney bad been paid. Counsel Goff

out whit they have sierslstentlyMrs. Anita came to her death from a U" mnko of their opportunities,than Judge O. It. Scott, who Is notor- -

lalmed, that he has no equal as unn-- rl.. Oct. LWOcn." Chns. peace Having rncn rejeuiuu wnuwui

a hearing, the war now enters onthe officer In tlie state. We will need Justcalled tho committee' attention to Um tiiHly and violently in tho criminal operation performed by Mrs. that determines what characters each,

registration of paupers and criminal premises, caused trouble today. On r)r. Brunke, The prisoner was re- Individually, will bulltt ami the kindchronic stage demanding an appeal sucn a man tins winter.ot society, taken collectively, they willtho editor's ninstil t the other five leased on bnii.released from Black well's Island, Gofft, h Intent forces or tne empire.regiment or tne w ta furulsh the community In which theysaid 6(X inmates of the workhouse juoge iney iieciii.ii m near me. erne The state board of horticulture wasMARKET QUOTATIONS. dwcll.-Jottr- nal of Agriculture. iThe latter are destrrinea as imingnnito ificnt. but. It Is added theyf re- - and cited the editor to impinr at 01had been released without Judicial pro- In session Saturday and Monday. The

lngton, has comptcu! "" ': '. ,oMh; i.ew Industrial mJ,J'stead of going across ceodlng. Counsel Goff assured the o'chs'k tomorrow for trial, When

Judge Scott was notified of I lie Jit Ige' Liverpool, Oct. 10. Hops at Lon OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. secretary and tlie district commission-er submitted their reports to- go In

riiiiio time In order to ornui nein.The Ch!fi;'fs government Is prepared commit too that when the time was

don, Pacific coast steady; demanddecision he declared the casv could notripe they would bo asked to consideritmmrh ri ltictantl.v. to engage in a pro- -

moderate; tew crop, 2 10stJ2 15. The Pendleton Tribune claims thebo transferred from the criminaltbe offense ot ingnor oinciais mantracied conflict. The party In power Now Yorok. Hops dull and heavy; author of "Two Little Girls lu Blue"branch of the court. He then made an

tne biennial report to the legislature.From these It seems that the fruitIndustry In Oregon Is in great peril.Pests and dlseaseB have spread to

police i commissioners., , state, common to choice, 30c; Pacific and "Sweet Marie" ns a.formor Penorder nullifying the action of the fivereeo'nilxc tin urgency of .radical mu-:n- v

nnd fiscal reforms. If a quea- -const 4W((7c. . dletoulan.Judges and notlfjlng Itosewater to apDAMAGE TO SHH'PINO. San Francisco. Wheat 70Mi77 for The Salem woolen mills will paypear before him for trial. While courtNo. 1 shipping, with 74 3-- 4 for choice out $3,000 for wood, $00,000 for wool

districts formerly free from them andthere Is ho power lodged In the boardto prevent It New ones are beingIntroduced Into the state from Infect

was in session ho said: "There is no10,-- The

UST ,. mWailed nlonir the law to take this case oft my docket ?ff?n; milling wheat 8260876; and $40,000 for labor tho coming year,

AwardedHlfhMt Honors World's Pair.

DO;Northern Pacific coast since Saturday and wUI. .tarthora. If there Is wjua vvjiuai, ati

--Maw exchangesA. ed regions In other states and thoJames Campbell, a former Eu

board cannot stop them. It Is plainlygene man, is running for police Judgeha undoubtedly caused wide-- any monkeying about It some ono Is

spread' shipping. At leant Kolng to be c ted to appear for con- - fL00three schooner are known to have tempt, and 1 think I am pretty, good "!LJ52j


been wrecked, There are grave rea authority OU contempt.'

io' or how lonf the iiatunv cohesion

will bear tho struln of a at war.

The danger lis. tho correspotv ent adds,that the revolu;! .i may be ft llowed byprolonged ftnnrcl.;,'. ' r


A HEAVY .WGNM.'-JNT- . r.Denver, Oct. 15.-- The Tabo.' Amusc-nien- t

company aealgnod this afternoon

after the court was asked to arrange

apttlcment of the amount due fromaTsbor to Mrs. Smith, who

th time oirwitoward Han .To JHe tnni

ductiv. regions that

signatures to asecurepetition for tho relief a,ZS-an-df

Incidentally to

supplies for tho nySly lecreaslng in numbers at the

and I' rankbii-tou- of Eight"

bo established In Tarteus parts ofmasningstate with tho IntonUon of

nutduring thefore at Sacramento

,.,Hlon of the


dull; Pa-

cificNew York, Oct. 15.-H- ops

coast, 4c088'4c.Llvenool.-Wlieat-Ste- o1y, fa

poor; No. 2 red winter, 4s

s)riug. 4s 5(1. sfcady;

of San Francisco. L. R, Elicit,' a fordull; demandspring, 4s 4d; mer Albany man, Is running for re

apparent that If the fruit Industry Isto be kept from destruction nnd bemade tlie great rource of state wealthIt might well become In ft few yours,an ample protective mcaslire must tie

do winter 4s. election ns mayor of San Francisco.BETTER THAN A SPEECH. Portia nd.Wheat-Vall- ey, 70c; Wal Congressman Dinger Hermann win

son for believing that tho Americanship Ivanlioo has been lost with allon board, and there Is little doubt thatSouthern Pacific company' raft of

la Walla, Ol'jiUl'Vic.'

remain In Orogou uutll tho DecemberCnl Oct lG.-I- Ion. Jns.Willows, passed by the next legislature. Theterm of congress.domocratlc candidate forE. Dudd, MORTON IN COURT.

Four-fifth- s of Oregon farms areten thousand soars and piles valued at board, or some other authority, shouldbo given the power to compel ownersThe aver- -Now York. Oct, 10,-L- evl P. Morton's worked by tholr owners.him $260,000 some time ago In

Ser to prevent the foreclosure ofand

over $30,000 ha been broken by the rAo at a 'tlro hore today, was knocked of Infected trees and fruit to purifycoachman, John J. Howard, who has age value of cultivated farms Is $4,350,block down and narrowly escaped serious.......rnffB on tne iu"' them upon penalty of having themand the averago encumbrance $1,301.been detained at Ellis Island as a con.Injury. His clothes were destroyeddoc pot aueci destroyed as a nuisance, and nn efnnerft house. Ihl tract laborer, and whose return toby lire and water. HEAVY SENTENCEDTabor personally,

elements, xne news oi mo udu.wwday, it 1 thought will show atlllgreater losses. From Tacoma thoschooner Nora Ilnrkln to reportedwrecked at tho entrance to Gray's har-

bor, ana one seaman wa drowned.

Report were also received therethis afternoon , of tho wreck of the

fective quarantine should be estab-lished against all importations oftrees and fruit Proper regulation of

coming" to oregon' jjonuon, ii""- - England , was ordered by SecretaryCarlisle, today signed a petition for awrit of habeas corpus whlch'hls at- -..n mniWnte: new crop, Oirden. Oct. 13. In tho district courtSOUTH CAROLINA AGAIN.

the jury found Decamp, McConnellfilnrtwnvYtrts-i- Ari 1(1 Hmt HI niilrhniv, I fnnnmr xrU m'aUlint tnmniWnW 111 ihl tho fruit . Industry means millions ofdollar to the Btote of Oregon, Theut,tniiu;ii vsi. i au vjvjt, iviai nnuiii I uvj v yiwv Vvi"i.v.i .. , ... M A , .


A pure Gripe Cream of Tartar Powder. Freefrom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.


KAn,nMA u ij I ni(.J ..invr TW Hf will I 1111(1 KIHk kUULj OI UQ UlltUiyttJU uUlilwith the

15. Governorhns looked

C-n-s wltt Com Miller of the ...ntonna" In .VnUvnatv It ii nmhnlit ha laail.ul 111! Which enuft WreCKlUg OUTing MO A. IV. V. SWIM!. 0011X0 SIlOUlU 06 ClOUietll Uh achooner Portia at Stewarts' point OVII 11 IIV V VI VIUI J JWUt . LV "MA I ' UI.MIMI.I ' . . , , . . .. .. .IDA WW' ', -"- whpnt 82c

soraeth ng oexier, """". forWalla Walla; wheat 07.cC87c; for No. , ana

average; 55c & OSc

Her bottom was knocked out on the years' imprisonment for a crime Howard will not return tomorrow as They were- seutencea to imprisonment neeaea autnor ty and be given money

rock and her crew narrowly escaped against nature. He was pardoned on was Intended. Mr. Morton is in town as follows: King four years, Decamp enough to.mako it effective. The his- -

wlth their Uvea. It Is also reported condition he leave California und and It ts said will stand by hi man and McConnell to twelve J ears each iu tory of our salmon Industry should be

that tho schooner Electrlca wa driven never- - return. . If he wishes to return to Ellcrsley. tbe Utah penitentiary. i ample warning,4 P. P. B.Isnrv law of OOUW" t

probably be referred toa,. mrx AV avaAoR. 'matter willA

Attorucy-Gcnera- l Olney. wiortituid.-wh.t- -ya

am M 02 c'71V;; Walla Walla,