final rationale hungerford

RATIONALE PAPER 1 Ashley Hungerford Technology Coordinator, Stevens Cooperative School 617/2014 Introduction This is my tenth year in education; looking back to the beginning I often reflect on how I came to be on my current path. I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Film and Television with a minor in Religion. Growing up with a family of educators, teaching had never entered my mind as a possible career option; in spite of everyone telling me I was meant to be a teacher. Eventually, the calling was stronger than my resistance, and I entered into an alternative certification program. Having never received proper teacher training, I always had the desire to go back to school, but I knew that I didn’t want my master’s degree to be strictly in education; so for years I let it rest. I was always a technology enthusiast probably because my dad was a computer analyst back when computers were the size of rooms. I remember the Apple One my dad had, and almost each upgrade thereafter; so when I entered my first classroom,

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Ashley HungerfordTechnology Coordinator, Stevens Cooperative School617/2014


This is my tenth year in education; looking back to the beginning I often reflect on how I

came to be on my current path. I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Film and Television

with a minor in Religion. Growing up with a family of educators, teaching had never entered my

mind as a possible career option; in spite of everyone telling me I was meant to be a teacher.

Eventually, the calling was stronger than my resistance, and I entered into an alternative

certification program. Having never received proper teacher training, I always had the desire to

go back to school, but I knew that I didn’t want my master’s degree to be strictly in education; so

for years I let it rest.

I was always a technology enthusiast probably because my dad was a computer analyst

back when computers were the size of rooms. I remember the Apple One my dad had, and

almost each upgrade thereafter; so when I entered my first classroom, technology was second

nature. I soon found that others were coming to me for help and advice on how to use

technologies in the classroom. That is when I started looking at a degree relating to computers

and technology in education. When I found the MET program at Boise State I knew I was in the

right place at the right time.

In this paper I will take you through my educational journey as an MET student. In the

MET program, the classes and their assignments are built around learning objectives or

standards. These standards are split into five main areas: design, development, utilization,

management and evaluation; this paper will be organized by those standards and their sub-

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standards. For each sub-standard I will provide at least one example assignment from an MET

class and an explanation of how that assignment meets the given standard.

Standard 1: DESIGN

Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design conditions for learning

by applying principles of instructional systems design, message design, instructional strategies,

and learner characteristics.

1.1 Instructional Systems Design (ISD)

Within the application of this definition, ‘design’ is interpreted at both a macro- and micro-level

in that it describes the systems approach and is a step within the systems approach. The

importance of process, as opposed to product, is emphasized in ISD.

1.1.1 Analyzing: process of defining what is to be learned and the context in which it is to be


1.1.2 Designing: process of specifying how it is to be learned.

1.1.3 Developing: process of authoring and producing the instructional materials.

1.1.4 Implementing: actually using the materials and strategies in context.

EdTech 503- Instructional Design Final Project; IB Exam Webquest Lesson

The final instructional design (ID) project for Edtech 503 (EdTech 503- Instructional

Design Final Project; IB Exam Webquest Lesson) challenged me to design instruction that

I could actually use in my classroom. Throughout this class I learned about systematic

approaches to design, including the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation

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and Evaluation) method. In Instructional Design, Ragan and Smith (2005) list some of the

advantages to using a systematic approach to instructional design, they are as follows:

Supporting effective instruction, facilitating instruction that matches the standards, and providing

a framework for addressing the learning goal (pp. 11-12).

I began the course with the thought that instructional design was designing a website that

you would use to teach or instruct. Upon reading the course materials I replaced that definition

with one that addressed instructional design as a process, facilitated through a series of steps,

where one creates materials to engage and instruct learners. This process is ongoing and involves

a non-linear pathway often approached through a linear model.

The preparation that is required prior to beginning the design process is almost

overwhelming. The needs assessment, approaches to learning, instructional strategies, the

learning context and environment, the learner profile descriptions, the flow charts for pre-

requisite knowledge, and the learning objectives and how they would be addressed on the higher

level thinking scale; all of these tasks were completed prior to writing the actual instruction.

Throughout this process I started to see all of the curriculum and online lessons that I had ever

purchased, used, taught from or learned from in a new light.

In the case of my final ID project for EdTech 503 I used the ADDIE model to design an

advanced biology lesson to help students prepare for their final International Baccalaureate

Biology exams. Instructional design, while amazingly thorough, is time consuming and would

not be ideal for each and every lesson completed; however, I have been utilizing the ID process

in my larger units to ensure a strong foundation for concepts.

The knowledge gained in this course, along with my experience with instructional design,

has helped me to become a better teacher. This course has shown me that not all instruction is

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created equal. Interestingly, I acquired enough information from this course that I have been able

to apply it in my daily life. Earlier this year the Science Department was given permission to

order new curriculum and lab lessons for next year. Prior to this course I would have chosen the

instruction that looked the most interesting, covered the material I needed, and had the most

technology applications. This year, though, I read through the background information, I spoke

to my students that would be using the materials, I considered my demographics, I assessed the

content and usability, I attempted to complete a lesson from each book using the labs and

worksheets provided, and most importantly, I evaluated the effectiveness of the material

afterwards. The book I ordered was not the book I would have ordered prior to this course, it

doesn’t look as fancy, but it is far more effective because it was well researched and designed,

and it meets the needs of my students and the curriculum.

1.2 Message Design

Message design involves planning for the manipulation of the physical form of the message.

Message design is embedded within learning theories (cognitive, psychomotor, behavioral,

perceptual, affective, constructivist) in the application of known principles of attention,

perception, and retention, which are intended to communicate with the learner. This sub-domain

is specific to both the medium selected and the learning task.

EdTech 506- Final Website Design Project

In EdTech 506 I created a final project in the form of a website. (EdTech 506- Final

Website Design Project) The website brought together the various design pieces that I created

in 506; my final project emphasizes how imagery can send a message. The messages are sent

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through a variety of medium that address various learning theories. I have broken down several

of the images, explaining the message that was being conveyed by the choice of color, text,

white space, image placement etc…

Mitochondria page- I decided to use a transformation image; by changing the visual

representation of the mitochondria from a cell part to a battery I am able to help students

remember that the mitochondria are the powerhouse energy supplier for the cell (Lohr, 2008, p.

75). I chose the name Mighty Mitochondria with special lettering and bright red colors to

symbolize power (Geer, 2007, para. Color Survey). I attempted to bring the images and the

words together by using the placement, size, and color of the words “mighty mitochondria.” The

color, gradient, and fill pattern of the title make it stand out, but its placement, or proximity to

the rest of the graphic, at the top of the page covering the length of the images and text help

bring the graphic together (Lohr, 2008, p. 203). Throughout the series of organelles, I repeated

the image of the cell in order to link the images together and create consistency throughout the

site. According to Reynolds (2008), “Repetition of certain design elements in a slide or among a

deck of slides will bring a clear sense of unity, consistency” (p. 154).

Nucleus page- I created the image using scale, texture, color, text, repetition, and font to help

create a working analogy. Scale- The brain is the largest aspect of the image in order to

communicate its importance in the image (Lohr, 2008, p. 272). The brain has a drop shadow to

provide dimension (Lohr, 2008, p. 272). I used the same font for the title “Knowing Nucleus”

as “the cell,” and the same font for the word “information” along with the actual information. I

chose to repeat this font to connect thoughts and ideas within the image. I chose to make the title

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“Knowing Nucleus” orange because orange is associated with knowledge (Kotak, 2001, para.

Color Chart). According to Lohr (2008), “colors evoke emotional responses,” and I wanted to

evoke that feeling of knowledge by using chrome orange with gold markings. I chose to keep the

image simple and leave a balanced white space to encourage readability and increase

understanding. By being concise I am able to “reduce the visual information to its most basic” (p.


Golgi Complex page- This image of the Golgi complex as “the packaging center” of the cell

was created using a compilation of the skills we have learned thus far, focusing primarily on

organization and hierarchy. I chose to give the title, “Golgi complex,” a wooden fill to create the

feeling of creating and building, much like the job of the Golgi complex. I attempted to use my

white space to give students an idea of the big picture as well as the smaller details (Lohr, 2008,

p. 126). By using the arrows to point to each job, I am attempting to show the sequence.

“Sequence, such as steps, is a process, or alphabetical ordering, and is clearly hierarchical in

nature (Lohr, 2008, p. 124).” By using symbols to represent the different jobs, I am able to tell a

story without extraneous text. “A symbol, for us in the design world, is usually a combination of

graphic elements that represent something -in other words, a picture that tells a story (Guerrini,

2012, para. 2).” I attempted to balance the white space and the images with the text. According

to Bear (2012), “Visual balance comes from arranging elements on the page so that no one

section is heavier than the other” (para 2).

Cell Wall page- This image of the cell wall is transformative, it focuses more on helping the

learner understand the concept rather than merely presenting the content (Lohr, 2008, p. 22). The

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purpose of this image is to help students “see” the structure of the cell wall. The colors of this

image were chosen to represent the idea of a solidly built structure. Brown represents reliability

and duty according to Lohr (Lohr, 2008, p. 270). The pattern in the wood, and in the text “Cell

Wall” helps to add depth and makes it stand out (Lohr, 2008, p. 272). I used the negative space

to show the importance of the structure and to draw your eye to the important information by

separating instructional elements (Lohr, 2008, p. 272). I decided not to include the typical green

cell in this image because I didn’t feel it was adding anything to the final product (Lohr, 2008, p.


Vacuole page- This image of the vacuole was created as a transformative visual, to help make

information more memorable. This image affects long-term memory because it relies on analogy

to help people learn (Lohr, 2008, p. 22). The colors were chosen to represent the stored item in

the vacuole. Brown, which is often associated with dirt and poverty, was used to represent waste.

The blue, which is associated with dependability and life, was used to represent water (Lohr,

2008, p. 270). The fact that the vacuole is half brown and half blue is part of the analogy

because it stores both waste and water depending on the cell. I used a water filler for the glass of

water to add texture. According to Chapman (2011), “Textures can add to the feeling and mood

of a design, or they can take away”. I used the image placement to help split the page into two

halves; the water being slightly larger to show an almost equal hierarchy. “Aside from using

alignment, hierarchy is perceived through color and size” (Lohr, 2008, p. 133). I wanted to use

more blue and a larger space for water, because it is present in both plant and animal cells and

makes up the majority of a cell, but animal cells often contain mostly waste.

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Cell Systems page- I designed the image with the thought that I want students to be able to learn

a concept using words and shapes only. I wanted them to learn that cells form tissues which form

organs not just by the words, but the image that is represented within the words. I believe my

image will work because the lesson is presented in both words and visuals. According to Lohr

(2008), “the first function of color is to label or differentiate information”, which was the

purpose differentiating the color of each level of cell growth. “The fourth function of color is to

create decoration or aesthetic appeal.” (p. 265) By using a different color for each word, the

color now represents and differentiates the information. I used colors that would stand out

against their backgrounds and appeal to the students. I have discovered that contrast in colors

seems to appeal to students, especially those in the lower middle school grades. I gave the cell

texture and added “cell parts” surrounding the word cell. I did this in order to remind students

that even though the cell is the starting point, the most basic building block of life, it is made up

of smaller parts. According to Lohr, (2008), “people tend to perceive shapes as wholes (or

Gestalt). A shape is seen as a unit, and anything superimposed on a shape, or aligned to it, is

likely to be seen as part of that unit. Therefore, a shape can be an effective way of presenting

related but distinct information as one unit” (p. 250). In my image I used not only a cell shape,

but actually used the words” tissue” and “organ” as a shape as well. The shape of the words, and

the meaning behind the words being filled with smaller words, all act together as one unit to

represent the interconnectedness of the three words.

Cell Division page- These images were placed on this page as decorative, organizational, and

interpretive tools. These images each represent a step in the process of mitosis. They are

organizational because they are sequential, each picture representing a step. The information

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surrounding the picture is chunked, “which helps the learner think about information in a

meaningful or efficient way” (Lohr, 2008, p. 125). The information is interpretive because it

helps learners understand difficult content by breaking down the steps visually (Lohr, 2008, p.

20). The images are used as repetitious figures (the same cell with slight adjustments to the

organelles). There are many versions of the process of mitosis, but the repetition of these images

added a sense of harmony and congruency to the flow (Lohr, 2008, p. 203).

1.3 Instructional Strategies

Instructional strategies are specifications for selecting and sequencing events and activities within a lesson.

In practice, instructional strategies interact with learning situations. The results of these

interactions are often described by instructional models. The appropriate selection of

instructional strategies and instructional models depends upon the learning situation (including

learner characteristics), the nature of the content, and the type of learner objective.

EdTech 502- Webquest Activity

In EdTech 502, the Internet for Educators, we learned about creating practical and useful

Internet lessons while using Dreamweaver to build our own activities website. (EdTech 502-

Webquest Activity) The first Internet activity I would like to explain in more detail is the

webquest activity. The purpose of the webquest I designed is to teach students about the

biological imperative by allowing them to recognize and identify it in modern fiction. This

webquest teaches a crucial lesson in understanding life in the past, present, and future. By

connecting these concepts to a popular piece of fiction, “The Hunger Games,” we are helping to

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make the concepts relevant to students as well. If a student can identify key biological

implications in a fictional story, the process of identifying and applying them in real life becomes

that much easier. Using the mode of the webquest helps students to learn through exploration,

and it provides the interactivity and independence that we attempt to provide for our students.

EdTech 502- Jigsaw Activity

The second activity in EdTech 502 that I would like to relate in further detail is the

jigsaw project. (EdTech 502- Jigsaw Activity) This project focuses on scientists responsible

for the discovery or advancement in understanding of various aspects of DNA information. In

the jigsaw activity students are asked four questions, but they are split into four expert groups to

answer the same questions about different scientists. Students are provided resources that allow

them to explore information relevant to the topic while gaining insight into DNA structure and

function. This insight is then shared with the other expert groups in the class. In the jigsaw

activity students are responsible for their own learning, which leads to a more authentic learning


1.4 Learner Characteristics

Learner characteristics are those facets of the learner's experiential background that impact the effectiveness of a learning process.

Learner characteristics impact specific components of instruction during the selection and

implementation of instructional strategies. For example, motivation research influences the

selection and implementation of instructional strategies based upon identified learner

characteristics. Learner characteristics interact with instructional strategies, the learning

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situation, and the nature of the content.

EdTech 504- Synthesis Paper (Learning Theories)

In order to properly educate a student you must first understand how that student learns

and what characteristics they possess that influence their learning patterns. (EdTech 504-

Synthesis Paper) In 504, Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology, I learned about

various epistemological theories. My synthesis paper was entitled The Effectiveness of

Educational Technology, Through the Implementation of Technology Integration, on Inquiry-

Based Learning. I choose to research inquiry-based learning because I teach at an IB school,

which is based on the theories of constructivism and inquiry-based learning. Through my

exploration of these two learning theories and many others, I was able to better understand the

expectations of the IB organization. This class, perhaps more than any other, has immediately

impacted my career and my teaching. Better understanding of how students learn, and how the

curriculum in my school is written, has made me a stronger teacher.


Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop instructional

materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based, and integrated


2.1 Print Technologies

Print technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials, such as books and static visual materials, primarily through mechanical or photographic printing processes.

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Print technologies include verbal text materials and visual materials; namely, text, graphic and

photographic representation and reproduction. Print and visual materials provide a foundation for

the development and utilization of the majority of other instructional materials.

EdTech 504- Annotated Bibliography

In EdTech 504 I developed a better understanding of learning theories that eventually led

to a final synthesis paper based on the research of a chosen learning theory. (EdTech 504-

Annotated Bibliography) Prior to actually writing that synthesis paper we were tasked with

creating an annotated bibliography that served as the foundation for the development of the

synthesis paper. This task was challenging and it forced me to reconsider the way I write

research papers. The annotated bibliography helped me to ensure that my resources were valid

and that I know how to best utilize them.

2.2 Audiovisual Technologies

Audiovisual technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials by using mechanical devices or electronic machines to present auditory and visual messages.

Audiovisual technologies are generally linear in nature, represent real and abstract ideas, and

allow for learner interactivity dependent on teacher application.

EdTech 513- Digital Storytelling Video

In EdTech 513 I created my own digital story that tells about a part of my life. ( EdTech

513- Digital Storytelling Video) I found, after completing my own story, that there are so

many uses for this type of technology in my classroom. I have already asked my students to use

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digital storytelling to tell the story of photosynthesis from the point of view of a chloroplast. I

had my other science class create a digital story for their graduation video. The use of digital

stories in the classroom can tell real stories, like mine, or stories that are more abstract in nature

but tell a story none-the-less. The concept of using images, music, and voice-over techniques to

tell a story or convey an understanding of a concept in a deeper way is something that could be

invaluable in a classroom, if used correctly.

EdTech 513- Worked Example Video

In EdTech 513, I also created a worked example, or a screencast of a lesson. (EdTech

513- Worked Example Video) I am attempting to create more a flipped classroom and using

this technology would make those lessons much easier and much more effective. I have used

Khan Academy many times, but never fully understood how they accomplished the lesson. Now

that I have used Camtasia I have a much better grasp on what is out there. I will be requesting

that my school purchase this software for next year. I think it would also be a great alternative to

substitute lesson plans, as the teacher could actually teach the lesson and the substitute could

supervise classroom management. This technology can open the door for a truly individualized

and facilitated classroom, as one has the ability to self-pace, rewatch, and teachers can even

individualize instruction level.

2.3 Computer-Based Technologies 

Computer-based technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials using microprocessor-based resources.

Computer-based technologies represent electronically stored information in the form of digital

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data. Examples include computer-based instruction (CBI), computer-assisted instruction (CAI),

computer-managed instruction (CMI), telecommunications, electronic communications, and

global resource/reference access.

EdTech 502- Virtual Fieldtrip Activity

In EdTech 502 I created a virtual fieldtrip where students had the opportunity to “visit”

the scenes of natural disasters (EdTech 502- Virtual Fieldtrip Activity). One of the benefits of

technology is that is opens up the door for students to experience things that would normally be

impossible, or at the very least, improbable for most students to experience. Natural disasters are

dangerous and seeing them in person would put students in jeopardy, not to mention the cost of

getting the students to the scene, and the time required to get them there. While it is important to

realize that this technology opens doors and should be used to inform, it is also important to

remember that it can be fun and engaging. The Virtual Field Trip I completed in EdTech 502,

Internet for Educators, allows students to see, hear, and “feel” the power of natural disasters. The

use of visual imagery, videos, texts, and outside links brings students into the event. Prior to this

course my website design skills were limited to graphic interface “drag and drop” websites, but

this website is of my own design and that is a very big accomplishment for me.

2.4 Integrated Technologies

Integrated technologies are ways to produce and deliver materials, which encompass several forms of media under the control of a computer.

Integrated technologies are typically hypermedia environments, which allow for: (a) various

levels of learner control, (b) high levels of interactivity, and (c) the creation of integrated audio,

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video, and graphic environments. Examples include hypermedia authoring and

telecommunications tools such as electronic mail and the World Wide Web.

EdTech 505- Evaluation Model Glogster

In EdTech 505 we given the option to present our weekly assignments using any medium

we saw fit. ( EdTech 505- Evaluation Model Glogster) Most weeks I chose to use some

form of a Web 2.0 technology. I wanted to practice taking an assignment and turning it into

something more interactive and creative and this assignment was one such example. In this

project my goal was to explain the evaluation model that I was using for my final evaluation

paper. I chose to use Glogster as the medium with which would break down the goal-based

model I was using for my evaluation. Glogster allows the creator to add hypermedia links, video,

sound, graphics, images, and text. My Glog not only provided the information required, but it

allowed me to express that information in a way that was both engaging and informative. I was

forced to consider how to organize my information on the page, what graphics, text, and video

would best inform the viewer and where I would place those items. Glogster is an interactive

media that is saved on the web; its very nature encourages the use of integrated technologies.


Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to use processes and resources

for learning by applying principles and theories of media utilization, diffusion, implementation,

and policy-making.

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3.1 Media Utilization

Media utilization is the systematic use of resources for learning.

Utilization is the decision-making process of implementation based on instructional design


EdTech 505- Learning Statistics Glogster

“Media utilization is the systematic use of resources for learning” (AECT, 2000). In the

EdTech 505 Statistics project I, once again, decided to use a Glog.  (EdTech 505- Learning

Statistics Glogster) I found from previous experience that Glogster allowed me to use a

variety of media (links, text, images, and video) on one poster page. The fact that Glogster makes

media utilization easier by providing simple links and embedding capabilities makes it the

perfect resource for teachers that want their students to utilize resources in meaningful ways. In

my Glog I used a variety of resources to help explain a complicated concept. I found myself

struggling to understand all of the aspects of statistics that we were being taught in EdTech 505,

but finding resources for this Glog helped me to better understand the concept myself, and as a

result, I utilized the resources that I found most helpful to help others better understand the

concept as well. My mom, who was a teacher, always said the best way to learn something is to

teach it to others. Glogster provides a medium for students to be creative, engaged, and to utilize

media in a way that will teach both themselves and others.

3.2 Diffusion of Innovations

Diffusion of innovations is the process of communicating through planned strategies for the purpose of gaining adoption.

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With an ultimate goal of bringing about change, this standard includes stages such as awareness,

interest, trial, and adoption.

EdTech 501- Technology Use Planning Project

In EdTech 501 I created a strategic technology use plan for our school (EdTech 501-

Technology Use Planning Project). The technology use plan allowed for open

communication with school stakeholders about the school’s technology goals and strategies for

attaining them. The plan was written with the intent of adoption by school officials. The rationale

of the plan was to create an on-going plan of action that worked in phases to help the school

meet their goals and expectations. The EdTech 501 technology use plan project exemplifies the

diffusion of innovations. Through this project we opened the doors of communication by sharing

awareness of our deficiencies. We came to together to build on our common interests in order to

improve our technology situation. We also created surveys and truly examined all aspects of the

current technology use with the hopes of creating a plan that would eventually be adopted by

school officials. I am very proud of the plan that I created for my school, and am happy to

announce that my school has adopted the plan. We have just completed the first phase of the

plan, which was to build an infrastructure that can support current technologies, and hopefully,

future technologies that the school possesses and/or will possess.

3.3 Implementation and Institutionalization

Implementation is using instructional materials or strategies in real (not simulated) settings.

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Institutionalization is the continuing, routine use of the instructional innovation in the structure

and culture of an organization.

EdTech 541- Integrated Technology Lesson Plans (Science, Language, and the Arts)

In 541, Integrating Technology, the technology integration lesson plans we created for

various subject areas are great examples of how these EdTech projects can be used in our daily

lives immediately.  (EdTech 541- Integrated Technology Lesson Plans) When I created

the lesson plans for integrating science and technology with Language Arts, P.E., and Math, my

goal was to create a resource for my colleagues. When I began the process I reached out to my

colleagues to ask them to sit down with me and tell me about what they do in the classroom. My

MET program once again opened the door for communication. This project was the stepping-

stone for a series of joint projects that I completed with my colleagues this year in order to help

integrate multiple subjects through the use of technology. Each lesson plan that I created

included media utilization, computer-based technologies, integrated technologies, learner

theories, and instructional strategies. This project meets the standard of implementation and

institutionalization perfectly because I used it in my real-life classroom. It has changed the way

that my colleagues and I work together; our school culture is now one of cooperation and


3.4 Policies and Regulations

Policies and regulations are the rules and actions of society (or its surrogates) that affect the

diffusion and use of Instructional Technology.

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EdTech 502- Netiquette Webpage

In EdTech 502, I made one of my first attempts at Web page design with a project on

Netiquette. (EdTech 502- Netiquette Webpage) While I was already familiar with the term

from previous EdTech courses, I found the creation of a netiquette Webpage both challenging

and useful. I was teaching in a new school at the same time I was creating this project.

Interestingly, the school had never even heard the term “netiquette,” much less created any

policy around the concept. .I know from experience that it is important for schools to have

technology use policies in place and clearly defined for students and faculty. Using proper

netiquette is essential for online communication, whether it is between students, parents,

teachers, or administrators. Once I showed my administration the Webpage I created in EdTech

502, they understood the importance for a netiquette policy and asked me to share my Webpage

with each of the grade level classes. Since introducing this policy to the school, we have all

noticed a big difference in online communication on campus. It was not a quick or easy process,

everyone needed reminders to continue following the policies, but it has proven well worth it in

the end.

EdTech 502- Scavenger Hunt Activity

After the introduction of netiquette, I approached my administration with my next Edtech

502 project - Copyright & Plagiarism. This is an Internet scavenger hunt that provides students

with a variety of online resources and videos to learn more about copyright and plagiarism

(EdTech 502- Scavenger Hunt Activity ) . This Webpage challenges students to investigate

the provided links and answer questions to determine understanding. My administration had

policies in place for copyright and plagiarism offenders, but agreed that students should be

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required to complete, and pass, the scavenger hunt in order to utilize the school’s technology.

These two projects are perfect examples of policy and regulation implementation in real-life



Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to plan, organize, coordinate, and

supervise instructional technology by applying principles of project, resource, delivery system,

and information management.

4.1 Project Management

Project management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling instructional design and

development projects.

EdTech 503- Instructional Design Final Project; IB Exam Webquest Lesson

In EdTech 503, Instructional Design, I created an IB exam Webquest project that meets

the requirements for this standard (EdTech 503- Instructional Design Final Project; IB

Exam Webquest Lesson).  Prior to creating the lesson, I first had to take into consideration

the learner characteristics, the contextual analysis, strategies to improve student buy-in, learning

theories and strategies, objectives for learning, and of course formative and summative

evaluation, which are key in IB instruction. Part of completing the lesson involved creating the

instructional materials that would accompany the lesson. This project took on one more

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dimension, as we were required to create an instructors guide as well, that was to be based on

Keller’s (1987) ARCS model (Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction). In order to

determine if the project was in fact effective, I had to have another person implement the

instructional design. This process required me to have an expert review the lesson, to have one-

on-one and small group evaluation of the instructional design unit, and a field trial of the lesson.

In the monitoring process I received feedback from my subject matter expert that helped me to

make necessary adjustments to the lesson. Prior to creating this project, I did not have a thorough

understanding of all of the elements that go into instructional design. This project is a perfect

example of project management. I was required to plan, develop, implement, monitor, and

control the various aspects of the instructional piece.  

EdTech 505- Final Evaluation Project (Teacher Technology Training)

Another example of project management is the final evaluation project in EdTech 505,

Evaluation for Educational Technologists (EdTech 505- Final Evaluation Project). This

evaluation project proved to be quite challenging. I found myself struggling with my role in the

evaluation because I was the creator of the program being evaluated, as well as the evaluator.

The dual role made objectivity all the more important. The project began with planning,

choosing an evaluation model, researching the programs objectives, the school’s goals, and

understanding the background leading to this programs implementation. Planning then led to

monitoring and observing the program in action. Monitoring included surveys, observation

checklists, and recording raw data. From there the program was formatively evaluated and

changes were made to see if the changes implemented would improve the program in the areas of

concern. From there, more information and monitoring took place and then came the summative

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evaluation. In the end, being both the creator of the program and the evaluator allowed me to

utilize my knowledge of design, while at the same time, taught me to find objectivity as a project

manager and evaluator.

4.2 Resource Management

Resource management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling resource support systems

and services.

EdTech 505- RFP Evaluation Proposal

The EdTech 505 Evaluation Project exemplifies standard 4.2. We were tasked with

developing a Response for Proposal for the fictional company, Far West Laboratories ( EdTech

505- RFP Evaluation Proposal). The Far West Laboratory needed to evaluate a training

program for current and future administrators. The program helps them plan effective school

programs. Throughout the development process I had to take into consideration the resources

that the company had available, and the goals and outcomes that were to be met by the program.

I had to create a plan for how to properly evaluate the program’s effectiveness, how my

evaluation company would go about monitoring the progress of the program, and I had to

provide reasonable but accurate billing for the services provided. This evaluation proposal

required me to think about how all aspects of the evaluation process would work prior to actually

seeing the program in action, and I had to consider how my company’s would provide the Far

West Laboratory with the best evaluation for their situation.

4.3 Delivery System Management

Delivery system management involves planning, monitoring and controlling ‘the method by

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which distribution of instructional materials is organized’ . . . [It is] a combination of medium

and method of usage that is employed to present instructional information to a learner.

EdTech 502 M-Learning Activity

In EdTech 502 I created a project called M-Learning, a mobile learning Webpage that

was designed to be completed by students while on a field trip to the Florida Botanical garden

(EdTech 502 M-Learning Activity). The reason I choose to classify this project under this

standard is because the mobile webpage was the medium by which students were presented an

assignment to complete in an interactive method in order to learn more about plant science. The

Webpage included links to more information on plant science; it included instructions for the

project, images, and even a link to an application that students needed to download to complete

the activity. The webpage was completed on a fluid layout so that it could be viewed on

computers, tablets, or cell phones. The website was organized in such a way that the instructional

materials could be viewed in the correct sequence to complete the assignment.

4.4 Information Management

Information management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling the storage, transfer, or

processing of information in order to provide resources for learning.

EdTech 501- RSS for Educators

When I think about information management, I think about EdTech 501 and the RSS for

Educators project ( EdTech 501- RSS for Educators). Going into this assignment I was a bit

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apprehensive because, while I know what an RSS feed is, I don't use them. I am not a big blog

follower, but as I began to think about how I could use this technology in my classroom, I

realized that kids would prefer to read short articles from the Internet to reading from a textbook.

By teaching students how to initially seek out information, and then save time by having that site

update you with new information, helps us to teach them to become active learners. Having so

much information available from so many different sources, opens up bigger possibilities for

learning. RSS feeds not only provide up-to-date information but they provide a means by which

to share and organize that information.


Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to evaluate the adequacy of

instruction and learning by applying principles of problem analysis, criterion-referenced

measurement, formative and summative evaluation, and long-range planning.

5.1 Problem Analysis

Problem analysis involves determining the nature and parameters of the problem by using

information-gathering and decision-making strategies.

EdTech 505- Final Evaluation Project (Teacher Technology Training)

In EdTech 505, the evaluation of my school’s technology training program served not

only as a great way to learn to manage a program, but also as an opportunity to learn to analyze a

problem by gathering data and making decisions based on that data. (EdTech 505- Final

Evaluation Project) As a part of the evaluation process I had to gather background information

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on the school and its needs, and then, sit down with administrators and other stakeholders to

determine the objectives of the program they wanted to evaluate. These individual aspects are all

part of a greater picture of problem solving. The evaluator must consider the goals of the

organization and determine if the program they are evaluating will help the company meet those

goals. In order to make this determination, information must be gathered, then processed, and

decisions must be made that help stakeholders determine if the program could potentially solve

their problem and meet their needs.

EdTech 501- Technology Use Planning Project

In EdTech 501, the technology use project allowed me to create a method by which I

could gather data on my school’s technology maturity. (EdTech 501- Technology Use

Planning Project) I surveyed school stakeholders, observed the technology usage, researched

the policies and procedures in place, and then processed the data I collected to determine the

school’s technology strengths and weaknesses. The gathering and processing of this data helped

open the conversation for school administrators to determine how to strengthen the areas of


5.2 Criterion-Referenced Measurement

Criterion-referenced measurement involves techniques for determining learner mastery of pre-

specified content.

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EdTech 503- Instructional Design Final Project; IB Exam Webquest Lesson

The EdTech 503 final instructional design project was built to be a complete lesson for

instruction. (EdTech 503- Instructional Design Final Project; IB Exam Webquest

Lesson) I set objectives for learning, provided material for instruction, and included a criterion-

based rubric for evaluation. Rubrics are an effective way to meet the 5.2 standard, because they

are criterion-referenced measurement devices utilized for determining learner mastery of content.

EdTech 541- Integrated Technology Lesson Plans: The Arts

In EdTech 541, I created biology theme units that were integrated with technology and

other subjects. (EdTech 541- Integrated Technology Lesson Plans: The Arts) In the

integration project with Biology and the Arts, I created a Glogster project that included a rubric

for criterion-based evaluation of student understanding. By creating a rubric for the project the

students know how they are to be graded and the Glogster itself shows understanding of the

concepts being taught.

5.3 Formative and Summative Evaluation

Formative evaluation involves gathering information on adequacy and using this information as

a basis for further development. Summative evaluation involves gathering information on

adequacy and using this information to make decisions about utilization.

EdTech 501- Technology Use Planning Project

In EdTech 501, the technology use program used formative assessment in the form of the

checklist that was used to determine what level of technological maturity the school had

achieved in the various areas (EdTech 501- Technology Use Planning Project).

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EdTech 505- Final Evaluation Project (Teacher Technology Training)

In EdTech 505, the final evaluation project on my school’s teacher technology training

program is the perfect example of both formative and summative evaluation (EdTech 505-

Final Evaluation Project). Throughout the program the evaluator observes, surveys, and

gathers data to assess the program formatively. At the middle point of the program trial period,

the information gathered throughout the formative evaluation is shared with program creators

and stakeholders so that recommendations can be made for change. The second half of the trial

period is used to evaluate the program with the changes that have been made. Upon the

completion of the program the evaluator gathers more data, and processes all program data in

order to evaluate the program as a whole, or summatively.

5.4 Long-Range Planning

Long-range planning that focuses on the organization as a whole is strategic planning....Long-

range is usually defined as a future period of about three to five years or longer. During

strategic planning, managers are trying to decide in the present what must be done to ensure

organizational success in the future.

EdTech 505- Final Evaluation Project (Teacher Technology Training)

The evaluation report that was written for the teacher technology-training program in

EdTech 505 exemplifies this standard ( EdTech 505- Final Evaluation Project ). The purpose

of the teacher technology-training program is to create a program that will keep teachers up-to-

date on new technologies, to train new teachers, and to improve technology use school wide for

years to come. The evaluation was created to determine if this training program is sustainable for

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the school, and if the program would be the most efficient and effective plan to meet the needs of

the school.

EdTech 503- Instructional Design Final Project; IB Exam Webquest Lesson

The EdTech 503 final instructional design project is also an example of long-range

planning (Edtech 503- Instructional Design Final Project; IB Exam Web quest

Lesson). The project is intended to be the culminating activity after a two year program. The IB

examination is something that teachers prepare students for each year, and there is no real study

guide for the exam. This project allows students to create their own study guide and share it with

classmates to split the load of information. Upon completion of this project I began using it with

my classes, and I shared the idea with other teachers. The project has grown, and each teacher

does it in his or her own way with their own adjustments, but it has become a school wide

adoption by Diploma Program teachers.

Overall, the MET program prepared me to be a better educator, a more knowledgeable

resource for technology integration in my school, and a more qualified candidate for my new

career path. Boise State renewed my passion for being a life-long learner, and set me up for

success in my career and in my life. Each individual project that I completed in my time at Boise

State was a small puzzle piece that when added to the other pieces created an image that

reflected my future. I had no idea when I began each course that the pieces would fit together so

seamlessly, and that my life would forever be changed as a result. The challenge that each new

project presented has proven to be worth the effort, I now have a collection of work that shows

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evidence of growth in understanding as well as work that serves a practical purpose in my


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BibliographyAssociation for Educational Communications and Technology. (2005). Standards for the

accreditation of school media specialist and educational technology specialist programs (4th ed.). Bloomington, IN.

Chapman, C. (2011). A Graphic Design Primer, Part 1: The Elements of a Design - Noupe. Noupe: The curious side of smashing magazine. Retrieved July 26, 2012, from

Geer, C. (2007). Graphic Design Using Color. Web Design Library. Retrieved June 28, 2012, from

Guerrini, S. (2012). Symbols & Its Impact in Logo Design. Retrieved July 11, 2012, from

Kotak, M. (2001). Color theory to maintain color symbolism in website design. Layout Galaxy: Ready to use design concepts for the web. Retrieved July 5, 2012, from

Lohr, L. (2008). Creating graphics for learning and performance: Lessons in visual literacy (2nd ed.). Pearson Education Inc.,.

Ragan, P. L. (2005). Instructional Design (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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