field intel report part 22

8/8/2019 Field Intel Report Part 22 1/49 •m m ** ?• • STlSSEr ^QBJCS: Bethlng to ¥ad*. JProai f |S0 a patrol wur plimes attested to attack our at 1500 At to 10s 4CSITOY m om Oi l moom a,n& 1 Isfaotr^ Liaison* So. $0tfct I s now t 1918 f at T; Slaytr at 0 1cm• - t ^ ® ^ ^ ^ m®M$- for a#tioiu f i l , ^ & him* «• iiT#r^tM^ r#aiy for aotlea* at 0|9O ~ ~ » ~ 1^0®®i%3,# to gi of ofesaig# of night* till ph®m P#'0* HowtlX *- GsaXy report ia is mixplimt from. 6t h Corp®, a t 7.$80 isr»* | Io report in y-ei* 1st BOIB 2>2 vOOClB g!4 ^ * * - J i

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•m m **

?• • STlSSEr QBJCS: Bethlng to

¥ad*. JProai f |S0 a p atr o l w u r

plimes a t t e s t e d to attack ourat 1500

At to10s 4CSITOY m om Oil moom

a,n& 1 Isfaotr^ Liaison*

So.$0tfct I s now

t 1918f at T;

S l ay tr a t 0 1cm• - t ^ ® ^ ^ ^ m®M$- for a#tioiuf i l , ^ & him* «• iiT #r^tM ^ r# aiy for aotlea*

a t 0|9O ~ ~ » ~ 1^0®®i%3,# to gi of ofesaig# of

night* t i l l ph®m

P#'0* HowtlX *- GsaXy report i a i s mixplimt

from. 6th Corp®, a t 7.$80 isr»*

|Io report in y-ei*


BOIB 2>2

vOOClB g ! 4

^ * * - J i

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Mr. m **

x o r & © h o rt t i M 1 m t t

f i r e 0#&®#ft an so on

<imi@t« H i l l B4Son our


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* fi tat 8jlfi

at © Hf Sov» l i t* Btgitaai o«ait into l i s a Jfov*

5th Oorp®

Ii*ft ttog of BOI £1

roiMEBISS* In l i a is o n with 80th Biy* about 1§ to* aoutfe of

•2 t # 3 4 5 8 ,

from 6th * 2 f 1918fc at 3;46 &*M*

fro® out

tin© taring th « nl^htt* l

Ho otfe@r cur fro^t lln# units taring

from §-S>

f from 4th^lf 19181»t 8150

OorpB: 71« tof t#ll


l i t t i t sight ic

ouar front lin#

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• • * • -m m

Btp o r t , f ro * 17th #ronofe/dorp«# Heo'** ftovtster

tb« BOIS

from 4tfe £r

th« &ttm®k t h i s tiiae ofl « f t to the $©rp« Coianwndsa? and Is act y»t t eowa asact ly to tit* ia?my*


d. 8or«£»19GL8f*ts Inf«atry contaot from 6|40 to

r is ib i l i ty ®o poor that thay were to get a t a l l *IJisy ofleee than 130 i

Information Btotloa. Air

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, ^.V«5?«V-

4 1918, %t

tbi night* u n t i S|fO*r o u n d s cut h i l


A * I » S * Off ie #r » witfe Srd Corps* a 9 |S0of fiT@ BIO

of ^7*©* om h i l l 1 sight

iTffil? *Wtn TiTHi

from (J-St. #5464*

1 s t

3 8 t h A H*,l o t

6 ,

u i l l i o a w la now at t3i««uit si^xtl i h ttl <9 Op o]i*Division*

f 1918* at 10; 1


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* • # * # * •

irm 4th .F

of ftpftlliag ®^ » • « • . *9 t h £ o z $ s t M$0 of «» k i l l iff


318 Hi Qovpm I » l * of 0B0X1 of HtXIUf

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f from 1s t fur sui t

At !Oi$®teat®* r e p o r t * SI

a re up as far

A ir

to S|15 got 'th»



0 Isrn*

.: Leftw e l l mtth of 103GB Si



on tlm Mil sout^. of


iaseft id^lilaaA of the

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t from $*&* How#lXt Hfttftlwd it o m fc tr Bm&« 192.0* a t 1 0 | I 6

I0XS BB £0088 an t 1* toout 800 i®*t#;r# MOTWI

M f t at 9|00 Mil

®Oth S i r : * t 9fOO P*t»Olffalong Imlf ku®» ©ast cf

D at 7|40 4t 1&* poimt D SS18*


taflmg th« ai^


.0-0*0-0*0*0 -0- 0 «0 -n

# 1918 , a t l l | 0 5* ia r ^ * r p

soutfc of Ineimdedit

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.11 '

1918# a t 111 A) A*M* i>jr

at a l lof about i n WQ$AT

1,1*la x i o r t h o f 10IEO A*l


in a l l eaw nons. moring jua

of SffilAT a t @o^

t «ie^iT®d Bor* 2nd* 1918,  a t 11|BO

from 6 A*M# IOT* 1 s t io 6 A 44* Ior # ^2adt


of arti l lery f ir# om ,eur front lliuis* ?• Isatf


fift aaa. l iriir*

fix* on

Ba* of th# 146th was** of th# 146th

got out shot

17th t

l»p0rt t f3ww» ^0 Bov«llt a t 1H|0§ to»*

tlj«y last mm th© eJisiasr a t -at tiat point*

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«* ~XM

frtm 1st Pursuit g r 1918, at f te@*

* Statas that (k>rmms

Our p ;OOT saa SODSB a«a B A S S ^ son t wabsolutely id® ^JSld

of SASS1Y flaafeof i s f i l led


a t 1&;15


I B 3 »

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i I* . £? *

:i i t- B*S». of

Oar yps ^o nta st pa tr ol e with ®t£rtroops* out

.,0-0 - 0 ^


ho A@flBit#l t tat *&• that


,a t X»;00 br s*

r l i n e i n e lu te s CLEHX Lg Bf IT and 5tK Div is ion mm% outp»t ro l* t to a®i2se tb« BOIB 3)B Bi IIgMOBT* Horth

was on ths sx jd ol ta ti oa l i n s ajoO. nietting l i t t l ® ,si»slstasM» At | h* ou r tvoipn a t i ^ H S ^

nwrsa «n& not s e t t i n g with maoh Tmtntmm* &n*Mqr «-t. 90th Division rtpo^t©"^ s t i f f i g h ti n g 1 B BOXS US B&0X mud smal l

woods north ««st of T I ^ 5M i 243.S3£5ttxsf.xtfx

i ^ns ion r«por t s 14 odtfie#rs aad 6T1t 167B ia®m %nd 100

of war* ,C®®ualti«s - moto c®m#nt

^ El

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mm Tf gm&t & m to featfcg* 45-8 ri ft ** * 1 2»«vy ts&mfa aorta** 4©*®©®

1# & ' t to t 4 £ t l l iti t


* from Corps Observation s teg , Bt§e *&•• IOTV a,. 1918, a t 13 $

Biird Corp®:~ . t 7;46 hrs our troo ps ®&mi !hre« axici fourof AHDSYAMS and at 8;^) hrs ton of otar sum s©en

into woa&s four 3miidr#d meters Bort lteast of iKBSYAOTS* At 8;about four lamdr^d meters south ej3d we&t of YXt&BRS

Htelf i?*jr r r o i ?nLSRS A© ^BRMS CHASSOSBB crar troopsin l ine mlmg the roed* MEuay of them app@ar#& t© b® deai

in the di re ct io n of TH»T*BRS« Nothing m s s#^a a t SE;\JIB BffiSL

afo#ll« falling m® to* north, of ilDlT IHB a t 8j2B* D&# 1^t)l@ to id#ntif^ #K&et loe^tioa* fiaamy sb#ila f a l l i j ^

90mO a t 8 ; 20 hrs , Fi ft een or twenty en#s^ troop® on road a t 94»S6#or t n truck on road fro® KiHTAlix to 3RISTO&BS a t 7|4E hra- fhim

from X»133T deTiilli? BM* Son* explosions a t 7jlK> hrs a t 16*40 - 86»6«

a»i'»A* mission reports no enttisy troop M0T#3S@nt©« So m&nXtuUA*

%B* obtained, <% hold 0X.SR3T 3*S r.!213ft Sot# E61, E*E - $•&*

west to 0*0 - 9*4, nortfesast to ^xd lnoludiag Wmrm® OE&SSOSfil£# toM3# to 8*1 ** 1«9» northwest to just south of Xes TStLJSSSXJSQ^ thento il»f? ** 3#4 no rth ea st to two hi-is lrsd ne te rs ^outh of MA^ISSSA WMBMI8**th ra 30IS BS FdilB t o 04*6 sou theast $&&iMii^ 0ot# £78 mad

1st i : "3eoM» MOT* g# 19181 at ?.

' Six or s#T#n Jcilos nortfe of Sfl0Al

At WM$Z(M there im OB« teidife iat^et-f a t a4BHT ant TOT tfeere is ta2#St3S MStTSE 4en t r^ i€* 0a# mt C0&CT3T i s

,* Between MIOIJTILI^ aaA UTMKf imm&®%#&*- l o tamffie on-•# S ir fi ?» Fokloers aitd one Bi -fltn # a t '500 lagi^rs


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n t wto#r# rirmr l#*r*«.n&rtk ef WW*.

p i l o t of mm® pmtrol

MkL a t EHfUCCUIf* 1fnoyisif south fr en m if li a o il

A i r

l e t Arajr. tadlo

fos Hadio » with OBOPyou to to 'Co.rfa imd#:r tk# at tke

Gon^^attx la- Chi«dE ofth# eonsa^miAi* i s OMtf «tt GoariPa tl^© of

aow om. w# w il l eo l'l you ©r wn wi l l t «p l y to you• dsa

Bt por t | 5 t h

t a t .IS|

lo t #f in ,it # l i n t esim%MMkM.* Str<mg 'p at ro ls ar«T«po.rt la to #fj?«$t .tfeitt w« lmt% t r oops and. -1.* light .

tml:@m BAMIcoUBt* from lASHXGOMf i i a * ama^ S3 to f #w Imatopd:ff« .of LBS WK*2EIBS* Sth Corp^ ton Ximisc® w i ^ l e O Pt.Berth of 3ffiiiSI asd 1 S* of Cot*


•• B

1918» a t 1S|SO

noo«r l in ts wil l pas

today «&d oeeupy @n lii it© p&trol.e of t h i s Bigt*

From #3505

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fi»i«tit'» 3y'" .phone*1910 „, a 13*45

M.T» has patrol on. Get* SIS*tlt

oaf of th»WXS*. 90t3i

? S t i f f r # s i s l m a e # 1® BCES HIplay CM this ii#til .13}00 aa-d th#a i w i l

from a 14;.OO

to th e four

^ to fonr'at 00101 f t I


#- B0-&1

at l4 : |0Q term*

P s ^ ^I was oa"Dur fi r s t li s« at; poin t lmdidat«d at 8;


^ t. frtwi l i t ». 1918, a t 14;l

t l l | 4 i kr«« 8©th to -J* to» u.or-thofto

from 3-E f #


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« p o r t » f r o m I & k e ^ e - Q d ©^ Et@es&« Hov«mt>©r Sn i $ 1 9 1 8

9th BiTisaiOB reports i t ' s* lim# fro® #aet tolQOMI? to th« Tie ia l ty ©^ £A GAECalSHIl .in.. aqpiar* 6'6 «<ra,tiL-«Mt -of

73 in tfa# vicinity of tk* woods* 3?h&i-lime i s a s &«&?-&8 i t eta.'b« det«raised wh@r# oar troops .«tr« a t pr«B©ttt* • • • •f r o m (J-£# #

K@portt te^i | 4 i l 8 # from ftgrnon WtnBug**. from fL±«ut» B@gal@r)^ 8* at 1'4;15

Fifth B#gia#i3.t took S#©OMA obj«&tlv« a t 1B|3S krm* Smow moviiag out of mirliies im B03f ,#a?xi pa r t of iiqisuxri* 22

in thl«

0-O -0

.# 1918, at

right and l«£t vihleh ar« 'r&porte-d to h& w r«aeh*d third

!fo$#rv* Batt al io n a t rftvimi jba northern pa^t ofI r t il i e r y reaotioE sli ght* H#gietmi0« sliglit* Support Sm* s t i l l tsoting*

from G'oi!imBd Bftconiial8$ai&*v Ifeetiirsi. HOT* S# 1918, a 14;£0 li«

; ll;OO t o 12^45: Cbsorror uimit* IToiaBj t i l o tTii9ut« Oottrtll*

iij.titad@ 100 isdt^rs* Tisibilit^ f*oor» C y@r#& lin®s from SBI^ULLSSOh \HI:Jr2«.uUIi-i.iC. jif rwungr a r t i l l t ; t 7 o"bfierv«d« i^i By s h e l l s f a l l i n g ju stnorth east of IM8C ^tf.vT* C-ieaaur t)*t tt«ry silenced i n plae# a t road, j t i i t?,®st of X'&court* Vo ^ c t i t l t y on ®n^^ rtmds* 5-r#sfe d®al ofnortli on our ro*nlB. lo^yy friendly fir® @&st of C?!aT«PI(jSCULFofefe#rB S@®B n@ur XiTC ^UK1?# *io coi^at* -^ohiB#«riB fi r «^oa by ovr t roops n«^r ^Y0I ?l^yi* vnti-^iremiTt sl ig ht #^ st of

# Air S


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Report, .from OOMMalD UmQm.BM^Anmt' B ^ e ' d . HOT* £* Wl& $ a 14$SO tors.

From 10j4S to I l ; 5 5 : p i l o t L i e u t . P e t w e O b s a r m r «i© ut.* ^ y

A l t i t u d e 5 0 mimrm* H?w over % e ^ I S Btflf* th©& fl aw nortfcw&&t* $&v f i r ei n BGUkeCB. Btertfc of TIIrLiSRI-DOmoCS ro ad wag f £*«&;-<m % # B ^« ..Observed ab ou t SO <®rmw$ t r o p e s 033 th e tfo-s&g In <$» BOIS 1D1

g in the & Ir #n ti au of SAS&gy. Si&w oKieit^ s h e l l s f a l l t o g82T IS BRAIDS. Vary l i t t l e sneny a i r c r a f t . • • •

9 ;10 to l l ; 0 5 : /tou t* B .^ly# Observe r aM Lieu t * doH o t . a t i i u d ^ 40 0 t ao te rB , ^ o a . e ; ^Ni)^*/. HHJS, T^ILLy: VI^MHS:

)VS: *!0U' Oil rjffaLY'. f)Ul* ^evr s1>o i t 10 '.'erraaaB i n tr on c& es ?e ide o f road 4 tOT»5 - 91*6K 2r horses t i^d a loof? in e% e of wood a t 08*934.6* ,1 few te n e cafetared alo n^ the r oad fro® hi iBtl^ QBBM farms upto r.I kS Y . ^ Ir e Bouhe i& open «.t 01*3 - S&.4; k i l l e d ^ ir e ^ of %em« At9;45 about $^®« tea a»n pulling a w^otiload of Xoa^ber at 09*0 - 9&*§*About fcu r .ne r ioa a t r^ op e e -mwl ing wi th f ta l l r^^k s on ra i l ro a d a t 08 ,8 <•

hf i ' i ^ r i f l e as a « ;«0hte ^xn f i r e OT@r BOIS MC Jl, M 4 mot se e

y bo di es of t r oo ps near LA ai^TS c&8J!n? FSR^S* Sm al l f i r e i sOCS, Fer wo d© l a ^Kir*E# on f i re * Botn bri%®@ a t DGi ar e3?hore i s a good br id ge a cr os s Hi© r i ^ a r a t SiSBSX,, Ano ther goodnear Tl;,r,lFHASC!IE aa d S-vlP. l\0HY, The o ld "b ridg es a t M0TJ20H and&r@ s t i l i s t a o t * e ^ e r a l OOHTOJ-S on the road ^oin^r north in tob e i n g a b o u t t h i r t y truokm* A bo ut two I b a t te r i o s of a r t i l l e r y ^ ^oa t of ?!O020B* 1o la i l r o a d t r a i n s in S$BHAY or OB the r a i l r o a d uea.r

is crowded >J. t l i ^utoe . , aotorcyol^s mid people In t f e e s t r e e t s *c i v i l i a n • i n on® of tho saaa re s* iT ia t lOB f i e l d ja i s t ea s t ojf| | n e 0 on t^ o fl a ld * °B: re were nmy hlu® w i th d i f f e r e n t c o l o r e d

s t r i p e s ©long ft to il ig e J ns t in ifront of t2)e ruf de r* Cr oss es on tfcr*s c a t t e r e d from B^ ie IiIOI ut» t o M0UZ<m* F i ra d 3dO rc un as of ime hin e gf i r e o nto aaroplan@a on t^e grou nd, t ro0p© t eon^roya asi€ b& tt er ie v ^ it h e mcv® a round him^i^ mjZOM axA 3Af*SSY. ' oaA j u s t s o u t h of BTSBX1 p r ewell crowded ^dth troop3 ws-Uteinp itnd auu©$» and tr&e&s goi&g i n h o t h

T ^ir ec t i o ns ^ I^-rk of ho rse c on th e lp f t of the ro ad 5ast"out"*" <x? Sf3SlY*fire in t*-#

0-2, #

Hapor t f from 1st Gorps« Hec'd*. Wovrnmbmr E t 1913 1 .a t

Cfer t ro ep s k ? g p as sed Iferottgh BOSAHCY an d THBM.QSOOBS. B a t t e r i e s ofa r t i l l e r y wore' ©'feserimt t h i s m or aii ^ no rt h of BHIQ01EAT aM BU2M0YBor thwai f l a t fu l l ga l lop

f Corps i s m0Tii¥? t ro op s t ip by motor- t r an sp o rt a t io n and has noty e t c&Tight. th e

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» fmom Arny A r t i l l e r y (Ifejor L ticae) -Be&*&* HOT* 2# 1918*

!2he 4th french Arrj i a s l o s t co n t ac t ~i th the e&es^r* It has t r o o p sB0D1? UJX BOIS* uar, ric an p a tr o ls have proceeded X-*!? few* no rth ofBOIS DE LGSiSS, and nor thwest pvcm ¥ S ^ i Z ^ i tho i i t seeing t i ® f . Ho triea r t i l l e r y fir® on any of 1?*e positions of tiic t csrea*. Strid en tly a witl i

Beporfc #43BTf, from Bs?4 Corps (Captain LyaLe ) By plioaa* } ReceivedSeven&er S3ad» I91St a t ISfOO- '

&t SEncI BiTial^OB closed at old locat ions- a t 1B;,3O .an a open in. -H0MSI1I a t .the'-@ame: hour*

90th a iT ii lo n to 3rd Corpau Ifei^i^ei. a t 14-07 Sirs*attacked hrok®m tqrln Tieiait^ of YXZitMW an t

:®m? troops-

through .tfae tovxu 0».r pa tro ls

' i i fs re

F i t t i n g yeetexSAy S* of VASiKKCIB!IBS was of a -re^j severewas ooatimied this aorsi iag m a b a t t l e f r o n t of 6 sdle^t*

of t h e ©neaor were &nle4U J ^n j 'h os til e oo ttntexftttaete re p aip ri so n er s- taken * "'The 1 7 % O orps a a l a r dreneasal fei^mscm EBA the EEud

denes&L todley gained the high gvmm€ S*l* of T4KSISI

the 'Canadian Corps* nxider Se^te-ral' Qutiey f after hard f l&htl&g CM the <mts l t i r t s o f • flSEIOXlIIBSt have now p&shed ' t h e i r t ro o p s throxigh that town

whicth i s wlio l l j in thei r possess icai* . * •Fro® £-.£,,

Haport t fr ca Brd Oorps AIS of fic er • Reefd« "by pfeone* lo r* . g t 1918, a t 15? 10

We too l: v i l l e r s BSfAlf DIM* Th& ®o@^ o otm tera ttac ke d. th e re "b rb wowi th s to o d i t at tt ay© now pass ed TILSS1B DBT4If!0 BOT« Oar p a t r o l s ara inlUvin (PHBISSS •

Froai 5 th-C orp s: Immortal savs th at %ei3? l i n e rn as -th rc a^ i the p o i n t0 7 ,8 - 93o9j easV'td 06*^ •- 9g*f" th@ja to ( d )

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Report #4S3X#. f r o a 1 7t h Dorp®-* fey pto ae* Bec 'd* t or .. 8, 1918 , a t 15;2Q iu

I n f o r m a t i o n f r o m a i r p l a n e @oo.fioalBsa.i3sa p a t r o l : No t e n t e i ie y t or e t r ' o a t h a s bo on o f e a e r ^ d i s t M e s # e t o r » CM t h e e o n t m r y a t l l ; 5 0

two Ij a t to r le e fa r e in a o t i c a in ?*e 3013 DK SABfS X*K F-S!IIT£ 9*£«of lUrtiiJMGIH?. tfeohin e ru n s In t h e BOIH .>a C/.H'FfiX&l* E o M m sruns a t p o i n tHO'jf, »0&r S7RATSS. *V fi re © re p or te d e i t h e r in D4Mrnr*3RSf CH4I-I0R norin TI .Lrj 3:WAI!T C^DHGIIT, ?ir©@ a OUF JTi) 7JDHy.unc« 2he eotCL&s of Bmoke-5?icl of the M&ULI eeeri©4 t o COH^I from American ambke shel ls ^?ast of BOIS')$ ^'vR'i'tSUiK - I?nan? Jtlf^ b u t f u r t h e r n o r t h f r o m thm BOIS. ,.e 3^tT© made 7 orb reoMina ise tancas f l y i np low, The "coh ine o jmo baclc ^ri t.h b i i l l o t ba le s thorough the wings*from 6 -g , # ^

-0=^0-0 0 -0 * 0 *-C M> «*0 -0 -G

Beporfc # £# 1 9 1 8 , a t 1 5 ; 4 5 a r s *

14 th Corps ! _ *1?1IG* (SJ^TIPI t ^ n ^ l ©1 "5*j "fell 1ih.# 4XS1I12* DJfay* f^i its h. ^i *! ! "o ai ft oiff i3i@

of BIMOI p o i n t 8 1*^1 - 82*00^ 8S»S1 -• 8f *0 2; 94*40 fm m t h e r e a l i m c r o s s in g th e BO10 1)1 TC10Q f l n i a b i a g a t the farm e WAG-ISflS*£ 0 0 0 p r i s o n e r s t k i s s ^ ^ i i } ^ ^y th© 134th Division*

Corps;..t*±®& i Ko rt'h of *Qia Farm© S& gaa erle , • M i l SOSg, 3-il.* ed ^e of BOIS ¥4IDY

t o t h e we ight -of HAXJBa 1 knu w aa t of JU ffiAS liaiH ffAB ME ; 0OAIffit 84*S - 99. 0S* Moulin 600 nnteru S*»» 0f ftuAfll CHal#S.s/ t h e n M i 20§ s then l a HABBOTS.

J^8% - C o r p s l i n e :La OUIHGWTTB elbow of road fro® LQ!$WBS 2 Tm&. s o u t h t t h e n

rom $*-&»'#86X5.

from 17 th br ea ch 0:o Heefd« t 1918. , a t 16 ;00

Saw 5 aud inof * B&t t# rie .6 in a c t io n

a t -.78* 200 Boeh» a ta r t l a^ from MMYILI.BHS

#ROt FIRS.I ARHST CORPS OaCUPiLine as fo l lowfTa t 15 jOO h ra * f or th of I * i3S* south of

BUSAHGT. M ll .8 3 .8 * M MAim flHM i, rBm ob«err*r-3mcliiiae an o r t h o f HUSAIOT., eaixei^g gr^at

Inx€) i m a t i 6« S&• from Cf-3t #8610*

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# froia I f th Pre nek Co rp s: 0&pt.»S M # 1918,. at 16*00 frrs*

.16© i?ag s h e l l s ©n BOXS SA0BS1* A X lt tl © l i g h t

.anasay a» ah in e g r a f i r e oa h i l l -S$0 ma&aviators trirppet pr©fagai&&&,-cm « - 1 01

llarwood)Bad, 1918, at 16*20 hr-B*

O ar p u r s u i t a r i a t i o a a o t i n % ' t f e r o t^ h a a t d a y u n t i l 1 c e s s a t i o n ' o f a c t i v i t y ©a acco tmt o f r s l i u Few enesa^ a i ra ^a f t , r^ por t^d ovear e n t i re f^on tOr w i t h i n ho &t il® wiaap a r e a s oppo sed to our '"front* BTo oomfeats* '''Anti— airc r a f t ; l i gh t* Oon&iderab ls mach ine sfos and r i f l e f i r e f rom g romsd* Alt h o u g h o u r . - p u r s u i t ' p a t r o l s mmt wmmmM. none of th e e&siusr p la n e s 't&ap re co

r#A h o s t i l e t e r r i t o r y o w r tfa© e m e i^ f r o n t a nd f a r d i s t a n t i n t oy t e r r i t o r y . I n f o r m a t i o n o f g r e & t m l u e w as ox b u ^i t ' ^ a c k b y . -&0S#p u r s u i t p a t r o l s * R e p o :rts w ere a&4e oaa- c€isi4iti.on of teri3$s». a lo u g ' th s :

WEJSMfe@tw©0n "DOT .and MOUBSOl* iil sa r e p o r t s wer^ na §^ OHt i o n in th e t e r r i t o r y #aa t «nd was t o f the l i s le ' Wfeseen BOT^.r dbm-mitmtlon-pk^M^m leapt tlt@ir oosanAnSs olOBaly 1B . totxek0f#ratio»0 and the'enemy iBKoediatA'y iimae^l'atety "before t3i©m*ance - lai s sion re tu rn ed wi th isue li in f e r s s a t io n . Sev era l co ias M .w e r e s e n t o u t a n d a t t a i n e dr e p o r t s o n rtrogTmB of theu n t i l f o r c e d t o &em®ni. oa

aiarlEed sueeess* 9 r e t a r i i l n g w i t Is v e r yba t t le * Oar ba l loons . ac t i ve over ar rayaccount of . the .weather .

f r o n t

M r S e r v i c e *Ff om GJ-S# -#8614* •

H e p r t # f rom 1 s t G g ^ a t 1 6 ;60

8 0 th Di^ m* : Ho* moreft t o iMBCOUESf* 5fee ir l i a s BUSaBOT point£08 ro ad , r e e e ir ia g f i r e f ro® J?etm# d# I s 3SB0IBII*

7 7 t h D i m * ; B eyond BUaAJJCY a n t mBaGRSUS&.« L ine no t,M i m : 3 o i n f o r a & t i o n a Tm i l a ^ l e *

T*is&t» Jlorby*

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H#port #&341, from 5th. Ocrps, at 18;£g lira*

89tfc Division: At 17.J0O hrs#, 50 p r i s o n e r s ; I wagoa train of gg ..horses

Line Is 8 , p a r t of BAiiHIOWB!?^ &*iU. corner o f a 6© f t te* S.&* ofBAHHICGUK3?) t o aa& inc luding a l l woods i a scroart tood i s a l l e l a s r ed

JE)lv« At 18;00 hars* prisoners'


Beftert 1918*

-; - 4

Wounded. * El :officera*• lf

. - 6 7 0 2S®.H. •

40 mchlneIE . - .?.?**••

Prisoners: - £170 men.

. • :^9 off leers

B 3 8 # from 1st Gcrps,.fe^ hone* ?.eor3.-, Hov* B # 1918, at-lfs

Line 0f 9th a M

BIT. QO P*M« iortfc. of LB MOSTHOIM @sst aad wsst 'lineof

fStli Dir* X«ft of Bt&ABfCT aor©ss roat @a^t of BU2AHCT-PS Mg do l a BSSOBHIB&st of M i l g?8« ^feohiae <ran f i r e tad light shelliag 'eneotmtered OB ^igh

'WO* 1 s t A*0*

•0*0 •-0--O-O-0-0-0

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$ 4

from. Corp© Ofos^rr* a ingt &©.#?&* loir* £.* 1018, a t 18*55 Jura

Ogrps report*- a t 17 $30 hahes. CM# i»f * ;&4mt-&8t'i to s p i t e ©f v&a ther eon& ltioxis' fcar '90t&

l i n e I w r t e0 f 6 9 1 #

which' t9n&t&llmmi1 1 2 90O 1 0

05*9- fl*f# 0?*i> *»• f l *f / 0 0 * 0S 8 ^ 1 4 S 8 t a

** 91*1

BOO'to £00 meteris aorife of HlMOlfB.SE, tfcffla to

lcaa,. Air S©rTie©«fro®

1 s t @reiaber gnd». 1918, a t 1 9 ; 10

13";^) hr«« Wtnml•No ©©uta©t with the - -north of

©£ K!.«ra©U10# Juwt n o r t h ef Just•frosi the r i g h t Div£&l.®&«

a r t .j fall iBg cm onr fr0B.t a t ' the m t e of IS p#r astiaat#BUSAJfOY l*".l)ein*

74 t©

-.wad Jtnrusj' OH^raHtSTOIiSS^YSHPSL-haa' B0ii#.0feeil holaa tet a a l


* Sec¥t* Jfovesi>6r 2f 1918, a t SO

p o n s e c t o r in which w# took 11nothliBEg to

p h o n e « t from 1 s t w0ry« e ' 19131 a t

."X^alCMo H ~'k& BATj M rl n g tine af ter no ont on otir l e f t ana eeater* £he .Vrt iilei^ rea ct io n to our fir© was,4a r e M d our nttaefc and ar® ateadil^r ad-raaoii^*^. witfe the sx*l ig h t aaehine stxn fir® ^etweem* we "aet BO orrposition* She

has @Tid6©tly retired dtirim the n5

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FHOIf XtlS®;*- 3!he s $ « y I s 'in r e t r e a t along' the e n t i r e fron tar® trying to jmintaixt eomtsot with.fei% 3*he It ee rtms 'to the

yiawf poin ts : fAltM&f. along the ri dge to- ""north* thence northwest to

from point 398*© to S98*0» from there to STT%£ l a BITIlfOT, tfeeiao©east to corps

BBTgJII CEDSH Of? BAf'H*!: Presus^d on«ay order of b a t t l e west to195th DiTlaion , 8 th Jaeger^ 6 th Jaege*., 14th Jaeger ; 76th. J^s* M?.,% E i t S5£d R fl i ) MStl H B i %0BA41

fr 15th BET. Division.* 51st ^ g#gt| 31©t BiT*f 166t3i H©gtt 174th Begt | 52na Bitffttfioii - ISfth

111tli Hegloent*belonging to-,tb@ 166th and 174th • HegiawHt of the i l si*@K tlmt they were in re$t iieair MB22 -xoitil _ 6

hey le f t the re and ar ri ve d in t h i s e©stor Oetober SOth* Ttomy' were-put In a' r#003H?# poeitiofi . at IMSOCUM* The 174th wa# amst of ^i e i.6i#t#

were told that tfeey-.were.'broiight h&t® ®B roiaforos^eiits to th# la;v«were

;'6&pttiLred before be log put" ia to -t he fromt lim#» aetd whil© e t i l l

l Both these ar«gip»iitfii ^*'eneh aferength of th e •

p ? g:img to. ^be"-i»-tt Eatof taie ESrd Bavarian fo ot .arfeill^rf .A* ^ts"l# th a t tfe^r 'were ' In.a t SITRX a33d at IB fers* Hovea ear 1 s t , they r«NW.tve-d eiSers t o rfaitlcly ag po@gl%i€ t©"BU2ikiaT ^ h e rt© wti#r# t>© g».e* IB. l®&?in$ SlfHT a t ^«ad raB lat© tfce ijae rieaa ll ii i-# ant f tfeir##««#m@h tettearyj ©ss&y hadwith the-lif £li4b«?** @aii®^E## @t0f whem eaptiedPii,*.•• P a d . e e twhile i n pogitioaa tfe&y'©nffe^ed .^lil te. hast i ly 'ikpo^fe • oar i y

of the STlet f *A* l ^ l i ^ i t (4th Btyy*) st at e tha t the 1st asd 4th* wer e' in .positt-OBft a t 3W-W t t ® " a . ! teriBg the aft#;ra0€J© of'Ckrfc*

Sla t they had ^11 ' ghaxtged their po-attiozHH om aecomit cxf ^ s # Siase pri®W&T® acting- ag li ai so n with the Inf • aa'd do a bt &nbw where the

iiccording to a statement of pri so ne rs helcmglBf to 't he 410th B ^Div is io n, th i s divis ion i s now oou posed of -th# 40$th..» 40f iai,, 410th

and 404tli Begiawnts, the- l a s t regimsnt forwrl^ r ia ionged-- to the S01gt BIand was ©a the east er n fr os t ( th is state-iae&fc req uir ed &<xB£iipm&>i$.&a)

• from a l l the pri scm ers esaoiined i t would. app#mr that ife#rf;

is consslon- in the enea^

f's order of bettla**- part£.etilaarl^ om tlia

g of oar Beaton Siase iloreia^er l e t # 37 offieeaf® aad 130 H*C«'0ss«

and S?£ pr im te fl have passed tfero'n li the corps ea®e talcing- th e to ta l, .sima#• 3@pt#i >€ir E6i3it. 89 of fice rs^ 613 I*0*G*s*f 3691 l tt o t a l 4S9f* ' "

BISH; IlfAl^ EI: CM our left" and eehter resifitaxiee W gpartlaxtlarljr from th* xtorthwest corner of BOIS DBS IJCKIBB a ad the vi lla geof OHAMPXGIiUlJIilfiSS*- On our right resistauoe was legs* Bmm tmshXim. gsm fire

tli® early mo nii ^* :?h la@lc o± pri son ers 0T@r the i n i t i a laad oiar inability to aaiii-tain eoatact isdieate-s a

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311 •$&£ JR2I vr,-OT: Very li' fh t r^ ae ti on to our fir#* Daring the af ta rnoon of the 1st and the early pa*t of the ewn ing aon© desulto ry fi rt agthe south part of the J3OIS J)SS LOGISS, ST. <2£&?X8BSS, OKSTOS farm, a B

sasaKHUCE, LGWrsiI JteBH, S2. GL'jaftUaMi r®a&# u si ng M O I and mn&itsata few lar^e e&llbr® shell*• From £~3D lira th e a c t i v i t y of tfe#

l hum been nil« Th® mosber of shells fired from 12 hr®»1 s t t o I S hrm* nor®Mh®r En4, P-oa 12hr« to 18 h r s . v ^7*s

- 100 | 15Of0 - 20« ?- OBI 18 hr «. tc £-30 tea. 96*® - 57?a SO - 180


fro® 2 hrg to 12 hra> BO 77fsi* or 106*^*^ »c ir .o 's* ^raad total , 450

^ poo.3? t o fed* I t £0*30 kra« an ^in. dlrectl<m of BEIQUHIAY- ~"fir*'lra?x&& for Khj^^e ^aat^a* fixe ami.plosiiom at" 4 4 5 ham* in ttr Oir«0tipn' of » o m i l DB BlIQUlKf of aadimte duration* At 5 hrm» 4S• f i r # iB fir@@t4©n of 3f» dSOl i^

throe nlnatea* At 8-85 hra* «ra©k® and fir© i a di rec t ion of' TO0MJS18SB t 8 te«» 30 *wb eompanie^ otf-e-MV *««t of HASHICOSHI

Ctoa eos^o^r ©A f 1T@ wagons were a t comer of 2*oa& near BAE,. a t 297*4 .*-BfS*0r ^u;t©^ing MS* i t t hrs* ti^o coirr©js of 15 wagose e-aoh.oa t l » road.a o r t h of AOTHUCIIE, a t 094*9. - g99*J* Cte© ei ig iae in ^ r d a t iabomt 12 car«» Ooe ocactvoy nor^bt of•-A EHUChe a t 293*4 - 300*4» movifigrI t 11 >^rf*- ©nfflgr tro^f.a s#em in fox holee a t g$&*7 - E96*-3, to E§7«SS9S*©,t. a t l l ; t o s . SO;.four eaaaiy

1gtam os ro&4 goi®g no rth freai BAB*

tO t 'f& t t i t € t l g WJ^VWB

* ml also-en t h i ffi»3HauiS-SItIOT31,AJ roaA,''aa& £Lso aAt 11 hra 46" troo ^« #»«a--re't3P»ati»g a t poiat:-

of B8XQ!X Ay-w«ar© n oted to be -.on f i r e ,

••• -mBIT WQHKS: .41ong the ridge- between mimfflMX and Mf a r %s SlTHf# th#r# a r e mpo^ried t o .'be @#T©a?al afosmtoaet "batt eri es*

IMgGOtfR0?t- a t 7in

the 1 s t this oo^ps k g eaptmrM th e2% gm ^ (inolmMng f i t » I i s » ana fom? l®S


50 M* liB^S#r 0qnar#0^ SO tons pijse.^nd' boards*

AG1TIYI2T- OF ©ar OS I TUOOBSi During the- afternoon ©f Hov«m>a* 1 s t«r© 1MI1& ^p in .tlte BOIS MS IiO$8S wadl tef r# 0H4»ia9SSLL£8 %

l i g h t wt.eiiitis gaa fir© this aortLingt. th e -&dvane#- was r#^aj^ed and af te rpriM&rg if®aigta»©@ of the en«oisrt was ,ov®reo»* fe i^tt with no

Bffo.rt we® pmt forward to par mam aM maintain oqntaot withf uz£f&Torabl« weather 'Saad ba t T i e i b l l i t ^ our uorps ab la to rs rendered

.most- T&lus^le ae sl sta iic * by r e po r t s of mummntm said front

A0fITX5!Y: During th« day 111© following rnxsMoaaoarr iad outs Nine infan try con tact, niB# protection., three a r t il l e r y


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Pro» IE e 1.

i 3&is a f te rn oon BBfSisJOY WEa g$s$Xls& between Hhaving a d i f f i cu l t t i n© in toeing in aon t ao t

with the.etsdsqr but ' f r a a t l o a l l ^ a l l afie-xnooii we have b^en a d v a n s l n ^ V8M r e g&liML oon'taot w ith our jpvescmt line*

Hep ©set #4345,. fros t 1 s t *-Hec'd. IOT* £S 1918, at 20;4S

li 2014'5 hr«»

BOIS, . " ;r@porfe#t our l e f t tn at w© Ji


snm patrols1

i n

,- 1918, a -8;50 £*M»

lo id#mtif ioatlcsss* B j eslm*t lon« A••piaaft recoctxiaifttaxioe'on th e

tr ain s in an hour of three during the

:t from 17th p1918* at

Dsy-ealis* A- li t t l e hermEEiag fi re 'o il the- l» tt er ie it of the SSth

wi th g aa s h el l s, and tfe.e "b at te ri es of tti® 79th wi th

From #

- G - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 ^ - 0 - 0 - 0

f. from 5th Oorp«. (Ca ptai n % l i e } Hione. H©efd

8@th Mr * : l a s t r #p ^r ts lMi@a t« foll owin g with rftfere-nQ* to t h i sB#:ft Bellment' has "b@®aa f igh t ing n a a r l ^ a l l day in ir io ii si ty

Of MHBIGOUHf* -Horth«Mit of t he to via* ^ i a r ^ n s a t . la st r ep o rt hads.ot adTa.noed iteyQ&d ®®w%k®Ttt ©dg# of MRHCOTOf/ I im Bot hali^ired

of BARHICODBT i s a o t a a H y o©*mpi©t hy @ B ^ ^ to foro«9.^ deta ined lay assM eg fi r e in S I OT ^ mentioned* l

al oa g tli© r idge whi# i i s appar en- tly ©33 tl© i r i d 9S to "fea li ®d t ofe the two reg ime nts a lisis OM • ooxitaet grotif i

eoatae t witli tfre 3§5rd "lafaaitry B@ft% whi K la in

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sligh t r^g im& nt 3ms- advan ced a l a s rep.©r$ft m i t a l e f t to w l it ti a BOOof 1fee e z ^ l e l t a t i e ® 1 £ » -and- cm i t s r i g i r t t o w l % t o

a s t e r s * . At th e t ime of r a ^ i p t o f -r e p o rt i t e i i i s 17 $3© 'lasts*r e g i m e n t WSMS s t i l l t tdTaoel isg a»d I t l a feeliei^d t l » t i t Imta t t a in e d eac |» l e l ta t iaa l i m * Sfe.# #apf# i?t of tbin rigM mg%mm$ %M9dned Tgij means of eon tse t I t i a l s&n . -^ r i ' aps aaa i smto ta ia 0oa i©a o^y r i g h t * I t i s b e l i e s t t h a t i t M eou to^ t . ;&yfe cm t3bs- lJtoe- •«£o r t . b u t p r ob a bl y o t h e r w i s e w i tl i a t t a c l t t e g . l> Ettaii;0m * 4ai- p r ® gw i t h th© e n e a y by a o t i v e p a t r o l s and wil l oon t ixn ie to do so ttocm^liomt t h e


Beporf- #4£64* from 17 th

te region of MIS-BB

#%# of

4th fr#mefe8* a t 81;SO

Araar phone*

3# t l i l in t i Mi© l i n e^g BO3?th

HAUf! BAfIS 1 at last poiat witEi U*0*


Report-#4300» from ^ d Corp% by phone• Hec*d# Bov» B, S a t

*: Ar till ery fire- ligh t* Sight


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* frmm 1st 'Corps a t 9|4IS

f r o ®p m north, of

the east edge of t%» B01B $&&$ ofBOIB 'lit BOUBQO^I t©

i*. an xmeonflrmed rcum®v t l m t we isa^se patrols 1B

t f r ® 1 s t £»-.191St at . &*

"tettallcm i s ' BHIQOTIAT* A l a * oflaf

to i Mm©

.froat. l a* S-o t om e l i

fc* J & S f c V *

HSSSIOir Q f ^ I I l DATs

activitytet an

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f from lYth French kxra& R©e*&* SOT* 2* 1918* stSS

81 $-4-5* 9&e l i m e at end of day: Cote. 186 - worth &£ the fsis*o f ' C o t e 203-;* S*f« of t j ie QU&ERS- OHAMPS

i n nslgftfearbood of 'OBOXS &UX BQIS7 8 0 p r i s o n e r s and two oanncoi

port #4362, f rom 5th Coarps phone. B©#fa* I O T * £fr 1918, at S3;50.

£3 ; GO ~ 89th- I)lv> rep ort s th at they are in the exploi ta tio n l i n e - a l lalong the width of th ei r sector* . .

- 89tfe Division reports they

, #3639*

from I?

3@® p1st a'bout S00 pr i f

mot y#t l>aeB. Aefialt tly iden ti fi ed*» -but. pie Nt ^y. b L'e&g: to theI s f B«r* 'Mvlaloii# BlBtli Bit,, &® pr±%®mm

:®£ tfei

in tl&'Tlei&itsr of BMM$&% 24EB,C Mri^loia. prl»©a»a*- of fosptiiret &©&r Bjg&LAy gOEal BiTislom^ 6 prifton&TH of fi© 411th a^ft 1© ofthe 40d'th.Sap'tured xmm,T WKWB* IBOth Dlvielon y s ^ p f M , A st ra ^ officerawdt sold ie r belonging to t&e SSnd Hee* H©gii iit eaptar®d in the rsgiosof aOTOW0» fh€^ ®aj tha t their 'd ivision ' was In re«e«rr© 8 ta ^s ago in -theTiclsJLty of I»01CJffUf Bs^xasgoiste^x tt^xxitoocs^K^s^^ frsf^ i^C t©©jigage iJi ba t t l e anj; utiimtk* I t wa®#. how#T#rt ordered to. r^taatat nmW&~ward*- lOTomber £n& the atraaa® r'eaJLi ' d yoatt rtmf by. %# essss^: aae^r intfa#- di re et io s of OHSSIIS in eoc^oration with th i l tthe. 4rgoam® aad the JffifTS! forott the' 0R #^ to

troops 'ady&neing to tfee at tack th is gtoo l: possession cf ths BAK Gf and 10I§Wltth© mmg? i s , s t i l l

€H^?S t I fil01QIX AXJX. BOIS wb are t l i# eotint«aratt&ol»d. this

infli® front l ine -mss .as foll'tnrs:. SlfflOIT sou thern laask of Hie

for 2 fciles*., FAflLliOI Bg GHiiSBls the approaete® to AWSVX and ('*g 1# 1000 ,4MM LOldWU villa ge* fh@ ri ght w i ^ atvaseet in thm

woods .north of the 0H1I1 MfB* Durisag hi-s re t reat the enemy l©ft heaps ofaatsrial jhehind*'

fronts lo r^aetion to our

So- aot ir it y: Som# •parmilt between k'S^tQSX aM T002IBRSt h e


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f iU

A W BQXS* j®Tf M . § mm. a t m

s^atli ef F€&&HE3«2i3& ©m ^i«. -oa^st'"son'i& of©a the ,oi?#Bt sout&ims.t ofMH10IS 011 th e #i §f "Of Of W.a®A m ^@ c r e s t .so-titli of 14^101« • ." /

i apjpaars' tfeat tfe«'.Oeraaaii8ABBBlfl oaaal on a g@jj@3*mi iiti:©

OH1SI1# itkQ'plTot )»eli3g in t j» regicm. of Bri go r^ 10 .0Oiint©rattack Geta¥er gai* tto !ha'vto"b*e& coa gide rod tcp" to th e M

I«E, no namber*


from Colonial How@llt H^rs* 1 s t Araf« B@e fd.* MOT* B$ 1918

^ i i Fl;gLD 11 AH; Borember E^ 191S*

-first A i t s attaefc W of the MSrUSl'


Eow#ll S'-nd; 1918•

s e r l e - s o f z & ld s s l c i l I f m l l j c a r r i e d , o u t hj t r a o f a Off t h e Sad Arsa$r;t&..WOSfHS.repoar ted 1 B t h e eaf imare of two ©ffl 'o«r8 asai 6 3 mta« Si© 1 s t

te d a j oontlimed i t s ftmaeflsfol' MTsmet ffmm^^m' a l lth-« moat i

BOTLB BSHf in sp it # &t bad1 weather

the MHUSI. ®all #j aloa g ime VMQIB fronthas glees, to more t h a i 4f000 mn aud 1 g"ba ttal ion ; o(%mazi.der8 wit h tb@ir staffs*; file e a t^

rwmt fo^oet to

la rg e q a a a t it i e s of is&'terlal of. a l l Idtzidfi aa o ff !d ia l eomit efeoM th at63 gnus of saedlixBi and l i g h t oali"br#® t sad hxmdreds of mckine guns iIbe^a oa pt we d, Bayarian bn.. of ar ti lle ry -i sa « tafceii with i t aho rs es and sa at er ia l oo& l&te-* In. th e cour se of the ope'ratloxi of the p astissm days south of the ri ver LXS oiir t ro op s a.©tii5§

:imi©r tli© cpsaaiuai' of

the KiBg of Belgium, adTsae-ed' ne-arly te n mi le s reaefelag theof t he SCHSXfDf -and ca^tur iu^ soreral Imzidred

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Beporfe (Shone mssage) from Ift'h. Fremoh Corps* BeeetTOA. 8o?*f&er Z$

a Fran eo~Affler leas a Fre$oh G£f ieex*American Sergeant w®w® aa&msh&d "by the

at Hie' souths x& sas&'efthe TO»&0I® bridge (1 Sernaa Ml l i t ^ ;3s l i gh t ly 'trotmded; Po in t E6»5S and' $8*43 of 'the CBAtmoe eiopled^ t 'the SAitBALSl? trenail

fir ©: At S fors* feog&ardsieat of' BAi%- o:e a© advanced ra.^im» and'•••on

ao ti on E» f i n l b i l i t y s Ifery fel *' So fir#«

From O-2» #{?)

» from Badio  B9otlo.11, Sig* Gorp«# (Freaeh Off i e i e l )d Horeia'ber Bf 1913*

ontJUsa-ed 1£iroagli<Hit tfe-e d^* I sto giT^ way. to I'reiach Im r@gl©B of B

a® west of EiSHPTt. ii

cm th e Ai«fi* fr ontasa

and >eaohed

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Badlo Ss; 1910 a t Qj.0&

ali# i t .indla&tloxui trm tlit ratio sitnatiom. that-to; fa l l 'feaa& ovar !„ A a#w


t with at 0SlITt Mat'a

l i f t* Itt

o f tha

of gt&tlo&fs la arotmd PlfAlH, ssa& a ofb METOK And ^ i r / 1 TRIBE

atatiOAB -at SfllAI BtlU

DIT, Head Xo-raiaber 3» 1928 at ?:30 A*

A £&ir ta rain* attack at SBO in

g tJbtet h e i l l

all-roade aortlia r t i l l e ry g

©ur llu« daeraaslag du^lag tlia mi^t anda@roplam®s @all#4 for t^i® ataldag sut «f the limad of tlie progress of our troope* mrfced de#r«ia0a 1*

poor 'to iad# f# Oar troopa e^mtlimed Ip pe rmi t ofotfebrl^ados ar® no-, north of th# %o«a of TC^BIN» Q*>5roJfeen &ovm and yerj little roslBtrm^a

action, 2X fsdvar-lj wotindad l?f * SO6th

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from the &&#t mr l i n e s of Btr&AJBOY t o %withim 1 kmof H&HBIIGOUtf# ffothisg to r«porfc» 3* Our l i m n

• Baemy s t i l l

Infantryroports a patrol

dfl r« d om BOls P i SAR03BS with-

to r^ froi 90th £lYlsla*#

6f i

3:60 AM rt* d s»siiim# gw amd a r t il l e r y fi re H ieof ^ r ant r i% a north of BAR, fir ing aa Btf&A&CT, !Sleading frcao It f ,?h©llad lietweem the hrs of 1:45. to1 ^feell tT^ry 00 a$ 0« $iu $n th* re e t of the Q$rp®a r ti l l e r y fir e* On lin e of ?*8i*taB*« anoordiiig tonorth of BHC

f?UAIAT from the pa ra l le l 96#S d l

with patr ol» out t.o th«-north*id east of BUZAXCT*

of in til*north of

S# out p®$t lime north of thia ammuU

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Eight DlYisl im:wi th I so la ted north*IVH3f ana area so ut h of JITOT* im

to &pp£o&oh oar lime with


e 1918 at 8:00 1* •

It .1* A»1#S* Otfi.©tif w ith t he li st S§rf>e -at: 81


» t o M i l %tt*6 wi th the -5th. O


fA«X«-S# • O ffl «« ir 'W ith ' the. l i f t

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A.I«d« Off loor wi th t*» i n t o fr^ft^ t Ooxyv a t

i a »«UH3P MB A O W l l I O

t t mw



XamriaX a t« as t a i t ax a going l i kefee XX*

« a t Si00 jWB« Ournights Ottr l«ft

Oucr« iXir ri g h t

reported emtast with the


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in BBM &£th Xmf# xaonlag up in tooli

* X#.0* t

frost Fixsst

At 9;30 our troops areOf XO&ABf* i s

I5- BEto BA3'aoOU3^ frmal:

# Line west toof our

^ ~ O * * Q - 0 - 0 - 0

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.00* £95*6* Ham ilton ra po rta mo

d a ri n g a ti gh t- X km M of BUiSAHOTf— W« a m A*M»G t 4 i i t she l l ed

divlaio^ report© that th«y are s t i l l H. of

a t i o t

38th Oox^.«t hare m -om


I 10at 10:



0*?# bn U i l l

ara aleOtJjat ^Al^o tlmt w

E43 reports our troops

ell paos^d Hill E1had

th3?ti BOI0

a t IO5OO p Att o " l l » V - 9 4 . 7

8:40<1« BO10 OT


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i r a t iter sui t Croup:* iiao# iloT#3# 191B a t XlsOCI*

g th oogb BU3A2ICY an3 frp#aa£i&g out in

i l i d i l &


p y at as30* Fromt lima

ar^port^d a 8:30 to& of BA SR IO f 50 ^ 9 5 « M a*

of woo of ^ t&a* t o poiatrOf !&Z£&r, O^0t Of

ju at a oath of SOIS

fratt First Forsult

a t X0s40# Flew al ti tu de of X50 n»t«r*

t^oope in foot-hill® of TAIH»3# M BTSRLHiRB aad

tram Sth^Coxps, Rm& IOT 3# 1918 at XI;80 A*M

« at toA

of tha lafkatrjp ofaad heights eas t aad jiorth, Going to presssl^ t

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firm 0

So 36?X#

S o 4 3 0 § f fros* JS HOTSt1910

Air Kerporti Hew at 100 to .S00 * Friendlyi s mn f

£ &%rm% m\zfi&t* 'JroopeSCO £*$t®r& douth of 3?AK JI

Hoo f ti* of

a trcmg point

q«.O^ 0 :-OH>-O*0-*


Q$th of tli®

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Mf flf $to*. ju ef FOSSII . Jb^ ' t&ei t

at 11:4$

At<l'0;3S ©is?

l o t


of thd 1661Sha7th Bitialom ie

C30m?IJia it, the

g , 199th28th the l a' t a^ard Dl fiai dn wms $&aatg<si wi th

la £ra»t of the 199th ;)l¥isi0m cm tha rlg3b.t aid fa r thethe l«ft« I t la po#sltol# th a t th e 199th Mfiat# m 10 1*

l a the reg ios o i i ito pamWt&ytafcen the limea in the sector of

tine feef#y@ the4e0ert#& of the 4 th Cixard £«gjju»mt and 1 |xrljHW*r of th e

eaptuxed In ' the Y ia in i t j of SBOTXXias A3O DAT*

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J p of VOJK&* 4£nAr? of th e 17 th He^lmeafc $aptur#& aortlie&&t of?r l«a*exo of the 144th l iegt . tafeea is the l t l

bet wee n XBS A33BUX am i I*?] OHBSHBL S4%I& Di v is ion $ r l i i»# ri& o fX87th end of the 476th ae&<Un»j&s oaptared on the iseridiam

t h e d a y

to re ta rd ou r a&v&Ba#t oapturing prlsesssrs s$d me#1l£te** Our In fa nt ry havo ta ke n th e foXXowin^ yiXX&g#s: fO^K^ffll^inEJi*^^

CHAHFrt, HOXttVAli, 1J3 S AL:aiUX'f ana 0^^1,1*^)11 SUE BAE* OBET r t p H * '3EH7Tf r ime ^ . QMQ th e so uthe r® "bask of th #

to t h e morth -ara o n t a k l r t B of VOHOQ and UHK 'IE woods f ihmof t h e woods BAH up th e v i l l a g e CHA IkLOtf wh@r# wo

L with th@ AjMsrinans*A r t i l l e r^ s M®aitm a e t i v l t y DarXed b^r rt thar q^it© TioXomt

disriBg t he mo rning on th e re g io n of HXXXY aiaO I38 * and f ro® X&18 ho u rs in th o r e g i o n of ISUYXLLii AID DAY*A via tio n? T®ry X i t i l o a e t i v i t y im th e ViUrDHS§S;s liSaiOI*

,t toward IS ho t i r s ro^oana laa^ iio© rep or t a l l th eind oosvoys 'going

t h e ® M ^ t im e T o r^ h m r y t r a f f i e on the roa-&& north of

#T0Htiug we to o l : X©& CHKSJBB* 5ftte «i*&i^ s t i lof th e oajaal* 3v?ln& th e af te ra oi m wo- en te re d PBflSSS

which we wiXX hoXd tgntlX our. units

i r $ e r r i » e t ' l eed IOY a # 1918 a t 18-5^

-withstar o^ttii


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I *K


o f from Z&Q 0 t o BOOof 350 totaX 390 kilog «*r«

of SIX®

road*roope wh

< r e a r » AXao sawof B50O m t e r e or ar torn of

ombat. Out of cur lias mot

ouXd actsaaowt of

to ematsl® them t o re tr e a t


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•A#X«8* Qtfimr with.;%B%

las t oe&taet with the enenp and th® 'l ift2^ in a nor t hsa s t e r i

th e Ernest ^p oal tlon of the Ma® la T®$At 10:30 pXamn saw infant ry panel s a t H 7574, the p^imt

d 1tw$®B the polmte £96»S and «S98^4-S94*9 d E f 8 49O3fipa»i«& of our troopn goiacs north a t at IXt

i umn goiag north a t i

r a p o r t i at 11 o'oloofc two b r i t g e s oa th.eES were "bliiwimg up*

rehloXeo on the road

At 11 s 10 y«hioX«9 ^oirng ao rth ea et on th e i?omd 0f the

a t the eam® time iA'roaAlarge supply depot

3? of th i s a r l a tor waa tha t thefhe general rapi t l euad our troop© far

to be

i t IB- at

trfttflo et all* 0«|r Ha*


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mater® mrth -®f YJIXSBS ITOifi OTI* fru^fcs- cm tfeui BtrSAHOfto OSKMCHI?.

from ^hird ObB«rratlon Group:


in ffcll retractilX


of tliek

Al bowi.

tradtflt* At K trainare

of 19on the

gr#at 0^©wd of^ bttllets* Outr

for fifteen, mimutan y p yifoad wao f i l led with traffi c* llnrnercroe fires» looked XDcerough tfe# emtire terr itor y* Beparttare ll tfO ?*tnan

n?.3:00« Miseiortj general reaoyiiaaissana l?tli J0x7)3, im particular79th BiTi0i©m#K« & MB to imwmtt

r^U 100 to 400 mete^a* lit, Ite


0 14. "Jfe:

• Otar theemptur: E00aoming im* s l ight*

&,vutim& the might;

of frcmt'Un

of but not

1^e|r bare a&teallj left the

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Report from 3rd Oorpm$ jiaed Ho 5 1918 at Bs

£t* La&a 90tfc A ir Squadron rtp ojrtis th e ene^ y l a im f u l l a*@t;r«&tof i ^ K3U&EU A ll of th e BortKbouttA roads ur d p$ftlce& w i tha r t i l l e r y and trucks « She ros&a | g t

t r a m * ? At RSISOIVILISS tr oo p tr a i n s o f 1-9 e&rs wer e&m& a g r e a t erowd of paod fi r id a bou t S00 rounds of amoux&t 1cm* A

troops a t g

upon us \uBlag iw^andiar^ Imllets* Th e isap w@ had ms too farwe ao'uld mot looata otir&elftte iait wa i%e flaw for 16 ^imrt##thl a p3nte© and p ra c ti c a ll y 11 of th« roads &ro f i l le d w ith

SxaaXl• fi r e s # probably «B»iusdtloziff &roua& H^IIOIVIIJPS.eaa-l l aaem altlon flr« e s w a throughout th is eotuat^y*

la- g r e a t harr y* Iliuih ©onfusion see ^? to "be on roads*

3S X i l i a t - E i l l

W#©t Fro® t« A m y Oro up of Carowm >xls ia« H np re ah t* In'w i thd raw ou r ' fcroope on th e ly a tog«t£h .9r w i t h ou t fx tm t

to 0I!3It we 'Af@r mot i s c®at&®t w it h th e ^re gl om ! • ! • o f OUDiSHAERS an d B ^a r 1OUE1AI wa lsaT#h t l X t t k


ra»8CAty» We h e ld VXXXBa5s# POL

tfm I»fiasLtry Kegt

and Ho-tq t amd ba t t er ie s of the 44th Fl#l&of X^JMIOIES were rm m lse t* i po int s where th el a p e a e t r a t l n g hm was" &galtt tk r o 1 ^ out t iy oyollst

of the Crow* a n t

A l o e a l attstoJk i>3r th e ^* of tlOIBB ^E S without resu lt* Aftw thewhich-the had attffared In the tmttie

OB -a large seale were notli w lt ed to le«al» et%@^" B of

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fcy ttmmt&v at ta ol u '£fee p « e tr a ti & a of ©nrtie to withdraw th« frost

l i t M a SS%!i A ir

re aa tl o a a® th e AlSflB

to l400«

wit l i

ioreports ^otfe r©


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5th BiTleiom &t *'j00 II* 0»e of 10th In fa nt ry Brigade pat ro lssed theW&nsiS at liOO H a t com© poiat b^tiwim 1MB iVJR MBV8XiIBY* Shey i*ea@>idt t he e&aa&l and were d^lred

rBiaj w@at ta^yai down the aamal f tr ie d to* oroai l a

pl*aea» tout w^re ua ^b le to do so^ !2h@y wt r^ Jcept from __, _^"by heavy naaohJJMi gum f i r e ulong the oaa&l a»d U l l s to th# ea^tit# i 'hey wi ll a«tinu@ to tr y to cross*

r£h@y w i l l hol d a l l the y

ga t and $&®li rn®OM®alsaam#e thru th e nor th* la ar lm g isto ^arry oti t QT^TB* Ie ar® usln?^ field Artillery inwith

9 t h B r l ^ a d s I s f at 8:0 0 B* S e a t out mxwkex of p a t r o l ® t on o r t h , l u s t n i g h t * tfe t o t h i s t i m e © m l j om^ p a t r o l h«& r$t "!Shlai p a t r o l sue oe e d e i l in r e & e h i a g p o i n t 13*9 «90«9» Here

^ helA up by gum amd a r t i l l o r y * At 7 t00 lH r e p o r t * t h a t

f i r i a g oa BKIluLSSS wi th 7V© - c t a o h l n e ga a ^ . r e f r^sim #

r i r e r a t the ®$%m t t o e * . A few ss&ots* afeout 10 7 7 * s f f # i lBOIS ^B SBP3?aA.;C333 t h i n nsoxiilmg* O th e rw is e t h e a l g ^ i t was d

0WQ -O 0 .-o -O'-O-O- <K0

Rajporfe Bo 4404,- fro©- Aiwy A rt i l le ry , . .St. I f IB at15:40- fi* •

(Army Ar ti ll er y) repo rta a t 2 711E a t14:00 Hf a barrage i)K3 ftHOlB t

6010« At 14sO^ explouiofte a t Z 5054* At 14:10 t h i sfight with plaa&s near BUHAMCY. Jfo Air-eriosa or Frem@ p"bayoad 11J(«« OE© pa t ro l of 3 0Eil3SE s&a& 1>ut did aot gotham (f)* QMAlimm^W nnd CIliH&BS.

2i.k 1 9 1 3 - a t

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R a il ro a d s : (fed t r * i n fcoiag outh of OiLUOJlTXHa h.t Ik :3 0 .5?wo t r a i n s go ia g no rtJi a t a town hrlJT way between IT snSKSS axt&13IX 2Jf an oh of a bo at 50 00 r^* &t X2;33# One tr& iti goimg so rtf efrom MSZISEKT a t l£ :30« Una tr& ir, r a i s e a o r th from HJKC '*T83P a tIE: 33* / i r e s ; Quo fi re at t'* C.n*m a t 12:10* ffo atiasy t -rt ill aaseen* liiaaujy li tt ti -f ir er aJ ft T ry a c t i v e froia*: fOI!;;; Vuim: to U IJ OII frar,i JX:i:O to 23 :30* Znmmg a ir c ra f t : One E*AJwdt ^outh of :?iS3>/JSr a t IS:35* 16 H*/»?s a t t u e l a d OUT £orroatla&ju s t couth of M ur>0I4 r.t 12: o5 (3 ^Mym in our fo ri ^ tl tm ) andi*5 l i t %»• ?i ya of tlie ':.- • to ll- ^^ d oat»ur t a i l * Brcughtdowm la a xiitii* cl ip ; t u"£i r-"U n t iii:i5ii» -JRI "Qjsr wantwaist of T 11/X ^*. lL::5a» jw l? r PorL /'tlo a of ^ i x 3«Au» at l £: 40 ov^r r r^-Y* * o i l owe c1 »c to ju«t south of BU<.UB0T*nrought on® 3own »so^th of V.vUJC ? t 3X:44* fhaa th e f i r s tof 2*A**d at t ^c i ed us , om? of •> r pltiiaa^ helov/ was

t r o u b l e . • he a we ^o t ri d of t M c :»im A of ;-»ooha we t r i e d t oAlon* which a t th iu time was ^ oath of "J?"3UAY ov «r t h e IT5U.SSt a t t r o l ^ by eaoond foriDK-tioa of 3

l a QO!ufc&t with la&t fortw^tioa '%•*«. hu ll et r n i t angiaa smdraider st ny ^ lr a s, fo ra in i: u. to lan d la f ie ld *&a&t of YHRDIJS.Liautaaant 3i l lO33» ^i lot , * nd i^t

Haport fron First Ptirsuit £r©up:

PatroX j u s t r«tu raaA# ;^aport» saeimg da l&Er?il formaOne Bi jsl an a, with p r o t e c t i o n of ^ a ra n Fdkk@:r , 3^arth of B00AH.O7*.

h iii at io xi of n@T©ni Fakk ar s g©img sou th 0M th e 1IBUS!* %n%dxiyatt fra&k. b our

» Air

O«0-0-0 *0 -0*-0 *0-0-0 »G-G -0-0 -0-0

Report fr@m AAT* SHU (British), S#@4 la? 5.s. 1916 at 3:45

re port * G@meral e i ta s t i o m ua&fc&nged* JUisiri&aaath at t h e y t r s eysaeu&tlajg 'I tn ly 'and Sola&a* It a l i a n s re p or t 84^000prisoma-rs- nad 1600 goaa* am®ri@aM l im e w es t af ICSUS1 re po rt ed . QIMSXfMKfXT E0S3B w#^t e4ge of B0I3 SE BUEaoOHE* Pramah . li ne ®m%±mmmOlrl^Y west of .MOHOIX OTS BOIS &Ad BOIS BE V.JffiY LBS AXLBIK*