february 2015 newsletter

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  • District 87

    February 2015


    Inspiring Stories

    New Club


    Encourage your club members to bring one guest and work towards inspiring and influence them to join your club.

    1 + 1

    Membership Campaign By

    31 March



    Gong Xi Fa Cai to District Leaders, Club Officers and Members,

    Welcoming the Year of Goat,

    In this year of Goat or Yang means auspiciousness, kindness and

    benevolences as among its meanings. Some may relate Yang to love peace

    and to be helpful and trusting and of a nature to change. In Toastmasters

    program, we are believing in the Toastmasters Core Values: Integrity, Respect,

    Service and Excellence

    We mentor each other and coaching new club in building and sustaining their

    clubs and building their individual skills, by giving speeches, giving feedback,

    leading teams in a supportive environment. We plan and lead and we give

    feedback and accept it.

    The month of February March, we shall observed Marketing Campaign both

    from Toastmasters International on Talk Up Toastmasters and 100% renewal

    campaign from the District. Do talk to your district officers if you need to find out

    more about these campaign.

    In this publication, you will also read about the stories of our members in their


    I wish all the success in your plan in Toastmasters.

    Sincerely yours,

    Ivy Lau, DTM

    LGM 2014-2015

    District Marketing News

    Lectern Banner

  • Dashboard

    Paid Clubs

    Base To Date

    157 147

    Goals Distinguished

    162 Select Distinguished

    165 President's Distinguished


    New Clubs


    J3 Jakarta Plaza Mandiri

    Total New Clubs



    1) Club dues paid before 31 March

    2) AG report before 30 May

    3) Club officers listing

    Straight from the heart By: Ruey Narcis, ACB ALB

    My growth as a leader and toastmasters has been exponential since I took up the Area Governor role for K6 Brunei this term. From the membership and marketing perspective, I am blessed to have an ever-present TI ambassador, driven presidents, enthusiastic executive committee teams and fun loving `can-do members.

    This focused alignment in our team direction has successfully yielded the birth of a new club into our Brunei TM family. This growth is the direct result of cultivating the positive energy from the existing Brunei Toastmasters because it is through them that the existing clubs remain in strong and the new club survival is assured, organically and sustainably. "Ours is the only organization I know dedicated to the individual, we work together to bring out the best in each of us and

    then we apply these skills to help others."~ Quote from our founder, Ralph C Smedley.

    So focus on quality rather than quantity, let existing members be the light to ignite the flame in others and always be guided by TIs values R.I.S.E.

    Straight from my heart to yours.

    Growing and Learning By: Hendra Sucitra, ACB ALB

    After I have joined Toastmaster for 6 months, I felt that Toastmaster is really a wonderful place where I can learn communication and leadership skill. It really made me understood how I can communicate and lead my subordinates. Then I made one or two demo-meetings to all my members at my school and my center where we always use English as a daily communication for English club, they also felt at that demo-meeting, is very exciting, so then on May 31,2011, I helped to charter Binjai Platinum Toastmaster Club. When it started, it wasn't easy for the 1st time, as I didn't know how to run the club, lucky me at that time I served as a president for two clubs, Medan Miracle Pidato Club, two months after I joined that, and Binjai Platinum Toastmaster Club, the new baby born club, after I joined TM for around 6 months. So I have to keep learning by attending others clubs meeting, as I like learning by doing, and I like to learn new things .I learned all the duties and responsibilities for all the roles for as EXCO, finally I successfully send my new baby born club, Binjai Platinum TMC to achieve SELECT DISTINGUISHED CLUB status, and maintained my home club, Medan Miracle Pidato Club to survived.

    When the time I served as an AG for Division H, I helped to extend DH became 4 area , I served the new area , Area H 4,with the clubs Medan Miracle Pidato Club , SJ Jonshon TMC, Binjai Platinum TMC, helped to established two new clubs , they are Binjai Quantum TMPC and Rantau Prapat TMC, after few demo meetings.

    Soon I plan to build another club again in Jambi, all is still in the process in discussing, may be after Chinese New that new will be chartered.

  • A Rich Source of Inspiration! By: Sukiman Saragih, DTM

    When I joined Toastmasters in 2001, the Toastmasters leaders from Kuala Lumpur, Penang together with Ibu Maimunah Natasha from Jakarta were collectively, a rich source of inspiration! Initially, I could not believe that these leaders would help us in Medan without any payment or salary. They came and helped us not only once but many times, indeed, a beacon of inspiration for budding Toastmasters! I was amazed and touched by their kindness, a rarity in todays super-materialistic world. Their noble deeds inspired me to do the same; to introduce Toastmasters to our relatives, friends, and the populace. Indeed, they have much to gain from Toastmasters.

    My biggest problem was speaking in English, and public speaking was the scariest thing in my life. It took me several years just to gain confidence to speak in English and I needed a few more years to deliver a speech to an audience! What was initially a challenge became a rewarding experience as I embraced the ways to manage and control my nervousness. Because of Toastmasters, now I have the confidence to write this story for you in English and I have delivered many speeches in front of an audience! It has been a rewarding voyage!

    Mindset Must Be Right By: Jennifer Hii Ai Mee ACB ALB

    To success or not it is all about your mindset. If your desire is strong then nothing is impossible. On the 27 th November 2013, I had the pleasure of serving as a club mentor for this newbie club. I was so happy that finally I had a chance to be the club mentor. I worked hard from scratch organizing demo meeting to chartering and club mentoring. First few meeting, everything sound sweet and we have regular meeting. I had achieved my mission to charter a new club. And the first few months, everything sound sweet, we have meetings.

    Nightmare comes, few months during the dues collection. I recall our current IPDG who serves as DG sent me a reminder note to have the club dues paid on time. I picked up my handphone and called the charter President for many times but no answered. After many hours, the club president sent his message and said Im sorry as Im busy unable to answer your phone call but I will collect the dues. Time passed weeks and months; the Charter President was so quiet and totally disappeared, no news about the club meeting. I was devastated by 30 September the club has been suspended. But I know that was my responsibility to help the club. Therefore I came out with five personal tips:

    Tips 1: Always Keep in Touch: in all ways including whatsapp and email

    Tips 2: Involves the authority person: get in touch with the key decision maker

    Tips 3: Offer win-win proposal: clear and update dues shall get the more seminar on public speaking.

    Tips 4: Give Support

    Tips 5: Pay dues Instalment: instead of six monthly, it will be monthly collection

    Continuing following up and thinking outside the box has gain fruits on February 9, 2015, whereby the club has been reinstated. Now the club is busy in preparing for their own club level of International Speech and Table Topic Contests.

    Set the right mindset, and you too can be successful in chartering or mentoring a club.

    My Strategies to Revive a Toastmasters Club By: Arlan Setiawan DTM

    When I came to my first meeting in Toastmasters, I asked a member seated next to me, Where is the teacher? He said, There is no teacher. We learn from other members by watching them as they deliver their speeches. I watched the first speaker, giving his first speech, the ice breaker, in broken English. I asked myself , How am I going to learn from him? He hardly spoke any English and honestly I didnt understand a word he was saying. Perhaps this is not the right club for me.

  • Then I watched the second speaker. This guy spoke with a high standard of English, he was really a great speaker. I said to myself , Hmm, now I know that you learn from someone better than you. That second speaker really impressed me and I wanted to be like him. I had never been in a meeting like that before. The agenda was nicely prepared with perfect timing for each session. The Table Topics Session was very interesting. Four speakers delivered impromptu speeches with confidence and great poise. During the evaluation, the two expat members gave great feedback; very positive and constructive. Overall, the meeting was professionally conducted. I decided to sign up as a member during that first meeting. This is what I call Love at the first meeting. My conclusion, a quality meeting is the key for people to join your club. The VP of Education must take great care when assigning speaking slots. There must be a balance of beginners and experienced speakers.

    I remember when I just joined my Toastmasters club, there was only one club, so I could not shop around like today. There were only 6 members and all of them were male. No wonder when female guests came, they never came back because they were so uncomfortable throughout the meeting when all the male members were staring at them! The same thing with male guests; they never came back, obviously because there were no female members! My conclusion, there must a good balance between female and male members. Nowadays we use social media through Facebook to invite people to the meeting. This is a very effective way.

    The question is, How do we have a quality meeting? The manual says you need to have at least 20 members. Then the next question is, How do we get 20 members? The manual says you must have a quality meeting. So it is like a vicious cycle that you have to break. My exco team decided to invite guests, to have 20 attendees. Being the only Toastmasters Club (at that time), we invited members from British Councils English Club. After a few meetings we started getting female members and slowly the membership increased to 20, back to charter strength. My conclusion, to revive a club, we can invite good speakers and role players from other clubs. We adopted this strategy when reviving Eagle and Empire Toastmasters Club. The strategy worked. The 2 clubs are doing well now!

    Be Passionate By: Samoati Siringoringo, DTM

    I began my journey with Toastmaster in1999. When I first received my CTM award, I asked TI to send my certificate to my boss and I got promoted. Time is an essence and with my learning of 2-minute speech (table topics), I was able to negotiate for my further studies sponsored by company. Serving as Division J Governor in 2010-2011, I have learned that we need to conduct quality clubs with quality meeting. With the learning I obtained during District Conferences I came back and shared it with my team members. We managed to rescue weak clubs and ended the term as President Distinguished Division. Having been provided an opportunity by our LGM, I agreed to take up the marketing coordinator role and club coach for Indonesia this term. Here goes, with my learning as Division Governor, I realized that we need quality clubs. Motivating people and sharing success stories to inspire more. Thats what I do, share my experience despite of the notorious Jakartas traffic jams. When you know that members or clubs you are coaching or mentoring have changed for the better, the envelope of feelings was there with you. Happiness, pride, and many more. It's the happiness that money can't buy. All your efforts are paid off. All of us are marketers. We are living proofs, so let us all show people out there what benefits we have got from Toastmasters. We are the products! Lets Move Beyond Limits!