february 2006 people & events

from the association PEOPLE & EVENTS EDUCATIONAL EVENTS Health Behavior Change Coun- seling Workshops February 9 (Session 1) and March 2 (Session 2), 2006, American Heart As- sociation, 122 East 42nd St, 18th Floor, New York, NY. Session 1, “Choices & Changes: Clinician Influ- ence and Patient Action Workshop,” covers counseling strategies and skills needed to be effective at facili- tating health behavior change. Ses- sion 2, “Choices & Changes: How Ef- fective Are You?” is a follow-up program that offers a unique opportu- nity to review the counseling con- cepts, practice the skills, and discuss how you can use these techniques in your practice setting. Continuing ed- ucation credits have been requested from the American Dietetic Associa- tion for attending either of these workshops. For information, contact Mary Gonzalez at 212-/78-5912, [email protected]. 27th American Overseas Die- tetic Association (AODA) Confer- ence March 23-25, 2006, The Alexander Hotel, Dublin, Ireland. This is a 2½- day educational event pending ap- proval for 18 CPE units. The prelim- inary program includes a welcome ceremony with Niamh Furey, Presi- dent of the Irish Nutrition and Die- tetic Institute (INDI), as well as the following topics: Nutrition and Fertil- ity; Breastfeeding and Calcium; Pedi- atric Type 2 Diabetes; Adult Obesity with Rebecca Reeves, ADA President; Applications of the Hyperlipidemia Evidence-Based Guidelines; Counsel- ing Techniques for Adults with Dia- betes; Renal Nutrition; Geriatric As- sessment Tools; Nutrition at the End of Life; Nutrigenomics; Public Health Interventions Workshop; and Appli- cations of Standardized Nutrition Language. AODA is a CDR-accred- ited Continuing Professional Educa- tion (CPE) provider. Fee (in euros): 150 (190 after February 14, 2006), 100 for students, 190 for nonmem- bers. For information about online registration and accommodation, email [email protected], or call 353-1-6677188. For program updates and information about AODA, contact Camella Rising at [email protected], go to www. eatrightoverseas.org/aoda, or call 001-910-327-4474. Clinical Nutrition Management Symposium April 22-25, 2006, Caleo Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, AZ. Save the date for the Annual Clinical Nutrition Man- agement (CNM) Symposium. This year’s topic is Shaping Leadership Skills for Clinical Nutrition Manag- ers. Participants will be given the op- portunity to focus on leadership de- velopment including an Advanced Leadership Boot Camp, Medicare Health Support Program and Impact on MNT, Patient Satisfaction, and Independent Practitioner Status. Please consider attending so that you can benefit from the skills develop- ment sessions and networking oppor- tunities provided. Brochures will go out by January to all CNM members. If you are not currently a CNM mem- ber and would like to receive the sym- posium brochure when available, please e-mail your request to [email protected] or fax it to 312/ 475-1405. If you are interested in exhibiting at the symposium, please contact ann.childers@palmettohealth. org. ABOUT PEOPLE Honors Health Center Wins Codman Award Congratulations to ADA member Rosalyn Haase, MPH, RD, nutrition therapist and diabetes educator at Memorial Health Center in Medford, WI. The hospital recently received the prestigious Ernest Amory Codman Award from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organi- zations, recognizing excellence in their use of performance measure- ment. The Codman Award is pre- ADA CALENDAR 2006 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo September 16-19, Honolulu, HI Deadline for submitting material for the People and Events section is the first of the month, 3 months before the date of the issue (eg, May 1 for the August issue). Publication of an educational event is not an endorsement by the Association of the event of sponsor. Send material to: Ryan Lipscomb, Department Editor, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 120 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60606; journal@ eatright.org; 312/899-4829; or fax, 312/899-4812. Tell Us Your Issue ... We care about the concerns of ADA members and want to hear from you. There are four easy ways to submit your issues: E-mail [email protected]. Fax 312/899-4790. Phone 800/877-1600 ext 5000. Contact your delegate. You will receive immediate con- firmation that your message has been received and action will be taken within 2 months. For more information, visit ADA’s member home page and click on Member Issues or visit www.eatright.org/ issues. 306 Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION © 2006 by the American Dietetic Association

Post on 05-Sep-2016




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from the associationPEOPLE & EVENTS









Health Behavior Change Coun-eling WorkshopsFebruary 9 (Session 1) and March 2

Session 2), 2006, American Heart As-ociation, 122 East 42nd St, 18thloor, New York, NY. Session 1,Choices & Changes: Clinician Influ-nce and Patient Action Workshop,”overs counseling strategies andkills needed to be effective at facili-ating health behavior change. Ses-ion 2, “Choices & Changes: How Ef-ective Are You?” is a follow-uprogram that offers a unique opportu-ity to review the counseling con-epts, practice the skills, and discussow you can use these techniques inour practice setting. Continuing ed-cation credits have been requestedrom the American Dietetic Associa-ion for attending either of theseorkshops. For information, contactary Gonzalez at 212-/78-5912,[email protected] American Overseas Die-

etic Association (AODA) Confer-nceMarch 23-25, 2006, The Alexanderotel, Dublin, Ireland. This is a 2½-ay educational event pending ap-roval for 18 CPE units. The prelim-

ADA CALENDAR2006 Food & NutritionConference & Expo

September 16-19, Honolulu, HI

nary program includes a welcome o


eremony with Niamh Furey, Presi-ent of the Irish Nutrition and Die-etic Institute (INDI), as well as theollowing topics: Nutrition and Fertil-ty; Breastfeeding and Calcium; Pedi-tric Type 2 Diabetes; Adult Obesityith Rebecca Reeves, ADA President;pplications of the Hyperlipidemiavidence-Based Guidelines; Counsel-

ng Techniques for Adults with Dia-etes; Renal Nutrition; Geriatric As-essment Tools; Nutrition at the Endf Life; Nutrigenomics; Public Healthnterventions Workshop; and Appli-ations of Standardized Nutritionanguage. AODA is a CDR-accred-

ted Continuing Professional Educa-ion (CPE) provider. Fee (in euros):50 (190 after February 14, 2006),00 for students, 190 for nonmem-ers. For information about onlineegistration and accommodation,mail [email protected],r call �353-1-6677188. For programpdates and information aboutODA, contact Camella Rising [email protected], go to www.atrightoverseas.org/aoda, or call01-910-327-4474.Clinical Nutrition Management

ymposiumApril 22-25, 2006, Caleo Resort &

pa, Scottsdale, AZ. Save the date forhe Annual Clinical Nutrition Man-gement (CNM) Symposium. Thisear’s topic is Shaping Leadershipkills for Clinical Nutrition Manag-rs. Participants will be given the op-ortunity to focus on leadership de-elopment including an Advancedeadership Boot Camp, Medicareealth Support Program and Impact

n MNT, Patient Satisfaction, andndependent Practitioner Status.lease consider attending so that youan benefit from the skills develop-ent sessions and networking oppor-

unities provided. Brochures will gout by January to all CNM members.f you are not currently a CNM mem-er and would like to receive the sym-osium brochure when available,lease e-mail your request [email protected] or fax it to 312/75-1405. If you are interested inxhibiting at the symposium, pleaseontact ann.childers@palmettohealth.


N © 2006



ealth Center Wins CodmanwardCongratulations to ADA member

osalyn Haase, MPH, RD, nutritionherapist and diabetes educator atemorial Health Center in Medford,I. The hospital recently received the

restigious Ernest Amory Codmanward from the Joint Commission onccreditation of Healthcare Organi-ations, recognizing excellence inheir use of performance measure-ent. The Codman Award is pre-

Deadline for submitting materialfor the People and Events sectionis the first of the month, 3 monthsbefore the date of the issue (eg,May 1 for the August issue).Publication of an educationalevent is not an endorsement by theAssociation of the event of sponsor.Send material to: Ryan Lipscomb,Department Editor, Journal of theAmerican Dietetic Association, 120S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000,Chicago, IL 60606; [email protected]; 312/899-4829; or fax,

Tell Us Your Issue . . .We care about the concerns of ADAmembers and want to hear fromyou. There are four easy ways tosubmit your issues:

[email protected].

● Fax 312/899-4790.● Phone 800/877-1600 ext 5000.● Contact your delegate.

You will receive immediate con-firmation that your message hasbeen received and action will betaken within 2 months. For moreinformation, visit ADA’s memberhome page and click on MemberIssues or visit www.eatright.org/issues.


by the American Dietetic Association






ai ast ul.g sulpou J p


ented to health care organizationsor achievement in the use of processnd outcomes measures to improverganization performance and, ulti-ately, the quality and safety of care

rovided to the public. Memorialealth Center was honored for its di-betes program, where the majorityf more than 500 patients with type 2iabetes have been able to success-ully control their blood-sugar levelsithin nationally recommended goal



edallion Award Winner Nell Woodwardasses

ell Woodward, PhD, RD, Novem-er 2005, received her baccalaureateegree from Calvin College in Grandapids, MI, and her Master of Scienceegree from Michigan State Universityn East Lansing. She later completeder doctorate degree at Clare-ont McKenna College in Claremont,A. She served as dean, division chair,nd professor of Consumer and Healthciences at Orange Coast College inosta Mesa, CA.Woodward’s dedication to the pro-

ession was exemplified through nu-erous member activities. She served

s president of the California Dieteticssociation and the Orange Districtietetic Association, and was a three-

erm delegate in the American Die-etic Association House of Delegatesnd a member of the ADA’s Commis-ion on Dietetic Registration (CDR).uring her CDR service, she serveds chair of the Exam and Registrationligibility panels. Woodward had atrong commitment to dietetics edu-ation including sitting on the Coun-il on Education and chairing theommittee on Educational Standards

or Dietetics Education Programs.he was also a leader in establishinghe Dietetic Educators of Practitio-ers dietetic practice group, promot-

ng the role of the dietetic technician,nd establishing standards for dietet-cs consultants in skilled nursing fa-ilities. In 1991, Woodward receivedDA’s Medallion award and the cita-

ion noted her leadership, integrity,edication, and inspiration in promot-

ng excellence in dietetics.



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