fcm newsletter 2004_v2 (apr-jun 04)

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  • 8/8/2019 FCM Newsletter 2004_V2 (Apr-Jun 04)



    FUNDAMENTAL CHRISTIAN MINISTRY( A ministry of Calvary Tengah Bible-Presbyterian Church)

    (to NIE, NTU, NUS and Polytechnics)

    NEWSLETTER VOL 2/2004 (April-June)Statement on Bible-Preservation

    FCM, a ministry of Calvary Tengah Bible-Presbyterian Church, believes in the divine,verbal and plenary inspiration of the Scriptures in the original languages, theirconsequent inerrancy and infallibility, and as the perfectly preserved Word of God,the Supreme and final authority in faith and life. The Providentially Preserved Textsare none other than the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the Greek Textus Receptusunderlying the King James Bible

    In the early years of our B-P history the verbal plenary preservation (VPP) was a non-issue as we accepted this position, by faith as a matter of fact. Today it has somehowbecome an issue, which has brought about much confusion in someB-P churches. In the FCM, we hold strongly to the VPP position.

    Love in Christ,Elder Boaz BoonElder-Advisor to the FCMJanuary 2004

    Overcoming the Storms in Our Lives

    In Mark 4:35-41 we read of how our Lord Jesus calms the fierce storm and dispels the fear ofthe disciples. In this short passage, we see Jesus manifesting His power in subduing nature inall its fury. After completing a long hot day of teaching - evening falls, and Jesus instructs thedisciples to cross the Sea of Galilee. In verse 36 we are told that the disciples take Jesus justas he was and they along with other boats set out across the sea. Now what does Jesus do?Although fully divine, Jesus is also fully human and as such he was tired after a long day ofteaching the crowd. Because our Lord was also infinitely practical, he did what anyreasonable person would do when exhausted; he laid down and took a nap.

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    Suddenly a fierce storm erupts, chaos reigns and panic begins to set in. The Sea of Galilee isnestled in a valley that is bordered by mountains. It is therefore not uncommon for unexpectedwinds to gush down the mountains and create rough waters and storms upon the Sea ofGalilee. The text tells us that this was a great windstorm, a mighty storm that was so fiercethat it was flooding the boats. This was not an ordinary storm but rather an intense and lifethreatening one. In fact it was so strong that it frightened the disciples - most of whom were

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    seasoned fishermen. These were men who earned their living fishing this sea and presumablyhad encountered numerous storms before, and yet they were consumed by the fear broughtabout by this storm. This storm was different and the situation was so intense that it scaredeven them.

    So what do they do? What would many of us do in a terrifying and potentially life threateningsituationPANIC! They panicked! And in their anxiety and fear they yell at Jesus who wassleeping saying Master, carest thou not that we perish? This seems to be more an accusationthan a plea for help. In their fear they are so self consumed that they seek to blame Jesus ifthey should in fact die because he didnt care for them and just went to sleep.

    Why were the disciples so terrified? Why were they consumed by the fear brought about bythe storm? It would appear that they had no need to fear because they had with them the LordJesus, the Creator of the whole Universe, and had power over the forces of nature. They havethe King of the universe at the back of the boat and they were afraid and panicked!

    They feared exceedingly because theybegan by looking inward and focus theireyes on the storm and the impendingdanger and were depending on their ownstrength and ability to overcome the storm.And when fear set into their hearts theyshifted their eyes away from God, the Onewhom Israel knew to be her Deliverer - theOne who brought them out of Egypt - theOne who allowed a young David, to savethe entire nation of Israel slaying the GiantGoliath. The disciples first thoughts werenot of God or what the Lord had and could

    do. No, instead their first thoughts were about themselves and their dire circumstances. Theirreaction was a perfectly human response and also a rather limited one. It was not the reactionof someone firm in his faith and has put his whole trust in the Lord. Rather their impulseswere gut reactions, near subconscious deeds, motivated by tremendous fear. While theirreactions are understandable they are not the typical response of someone well grounded inChrist; because chaos and panic are the opposite of the peace of Christ. Their fear mouldedtheir response and their actions revealed a lack of faith. Having been with Jesus andwitnessing the many miracles He performed, it appears that for that split moment whenconfronted by the fearsome storm, they forgot who Jesus is and what He can do. They hadonly to remember the power and miracles they had observed to know that as long as the Lordwas with them they had nothing to fear.

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    Realising their inability to handle the situation and fearing for their lives, they began to getpanic and desperately fearing what the storm can do to them. They wrongly accused JesusMaster, carest thou not that we perish? Dearly beloved, the same can happen to us if we, fora split moment, took our eyes off the Lord and allow the storms in our lives to overcome us.Whatever storms we are facing now in our lives do not leave the Lord out of it and try to face

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    it and overcome it alone by our own strength and ability. Rest assure that the Lord knowsabout the storms we are facing now and He invites us to commit them to Him, believing thatHe loves and cares for us and is ever ready to help us. As 1 Peter 5:7 reminds us: Castingall your care upon him, for he careth for you. And in Phil 4:6-7 we read: Be careful fornothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your

    request be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth allunderstanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    And Master, carest thou not that we perish? was their cry. Of Course, he cares. Whyshouldnt He, given that Jesus is the one whom God sent into the world in love so that nonewho believed in Him would perish. The one who would willingly die for our sins, if He caresenough to save us, doesnt he care about the problem in our lives? Of course, he cares.

    In response to their cries Jesusimmediately woke up and rebuked thewind, and said to the sea, Peace, bestill! So the One who spoke Creation

    into existence once again speaks to hiscreation. This time he speaks to subduethe rebellious creatures of wind and sea.This reminds us that what God says hasmeaning and is accomplished. WhatGod says God does! The words Jesusspoke did not return empty butimmediately tamed the wind and the sea.Christ, the Word of God, spoke and hiswords not only subdued the forces ofnature, but also saved the lives of his disciples and those in the other boats. Can you imagineit in a few choice words Jesus restored tranquillity to a life threatening situation. The threathad been removed instantly. This reminds us most clearly that Gods power transcends that ofnature. God is the only true power in all of creation. It gives the disciples and us a newappreciation for the Psalmists words Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exaltedamong the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10

    Probably the Lord was not angry with them for feeling afraid. Rather his second question,how is it that ye have no faith? points to His real motive. Jesus was telling them that if theyreally had faith they had no reason to be afraid. If He were who He claimed to be then whyshould they fear anything, let alone a storm? These men had seen him perform countlesswonders and miracles and heard him use the messianic title, Son of Man, in reference toHimself. If they had put these two things together they would not have been afraid.

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    He was not rebuking them for their fear rather he was chastising them for their lack of faith. Itwas as if He was saying, you all have seen me heal the sick, cast out demons and yet youpanic - dont you get it? I am the messiah, I am God and you have no reason to be afraid.Have not I done marvellous things and havent I cared for my people? The answer is ofcourse, YES. The Lord had done all these things. Unfortunately, the disciples didnt get it as

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    they sat in that boat marvelling at the man they just seen calm the sea and tame the wind andasked themselves Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!

    What are the lessons we can glean from this event? This incident reminds us that Jesus is theLord of all creation. There is nothing that is outside or beyond his authority and power. We

    never have to concede to our fears because no matter what it is that we are afraid of it isultimately subject to Christ. Sometimes Jesus will lead us into a crisis in order to teach us thelesson of trusting and exercising our faith in Him so that we can experience His presence inour lives as He leads us out of the crisis.

    Notice what the Psalmist says in Psalm 107:23-30. The Lord is the One who raises the windsand lifts up the waves. And when we call out to Him and put our trust in Him, He is the Onewho calms the storm so that its waves are still. He guides us to our desired haven. Jesus saidthat He gives us His peace, not the worlds; and Paul writes that through prayer andsupplication, with thanksgiving, to make our requests known to God and we shall have Hispeace, which surpasses all understanding. This peace from God guards our hearts and minds

    through Christ. It protects and calms us from the chaos and storms that may be going onaround us. When we focus on the circumstances of the storm, we get lost; but when we lookto Jesus for our peace, He is able to guide us to our desired haven.

    Are we experiencing some difficultstorms lately? Unexpected illnesses,depression, family problems, fear, stressin work, stress in studies, and Im surethe list can go on. Sometimes we cansense a storm coming on, while at othertimes, they develop in a moment. Whena big storm hits, it feels as if things aremoving too fast and out of control. Webecome distressed and disoriented, thecalmness we once knew is now chaosand the outcome looks dim. Its like ahurricane whose winds blow andlightning strikes, and it seems as if it will never end. But in a hurricane there is an eye in thestorm where there is peace and calm. And so too, in the storms of life there is an eye in thestorm, Jesus Christ our Lord, the One who is in control of it all, directing its path.

    Whether big or small it matters not, do not look at the storm but rather at the Creator who isable to deliver you out of it all. However, when we fix our eyes at our Lord Jesus, we mustlook with the eye of faith. We must have

    Faith to believe who He is,

    Faith to believe that He knows all our problems and cares for us and has the power todeliver us out of our every trouble and distress,

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    Faith to believe that He will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear and at theappropriate time, will provide a way of escape, and

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    Faith to believe that He is the Sovereign God, who rules over the affairs of men andhas complete control over His creation and over every situation in our lives.

    We need a faith that is real and alive, a faith that holds up in the nitty-gritty problems andsorrows of everyday life. God has promised to strengthen His people, which includes us who

    has accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, to love them, to be with them, to redeem them.We sometimes forget that God keeps His promises. In Number 23:19, we are reminded:God is not a man, that he should lie, neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath

    he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Godhad kept His promises of the past, we can also trust Him to keep His promises for the presentand for the future. Knowing that we have a sovereign God who cares and keeps His promises,we can persevere, by faith, no matter what our circumstances may be.

    Who is this Jesus of Nazareth, even the wind and the waves obey Him! Are you willing toturn to Him and trust Him when the storms roll in and in the difficult times of life whateverthey may be? Will you allow Him to speak His word of peace, to say Quiet and be still and

    know that I am God? Let us commit every storm in our lives to Him and pray for Him toincrease our faith.

    Dn Peter PhoaCalvary Tengah BPC===================================================================

    FCM Chinese New Year Visitation by Tang Li Jin

    This year, in an unprecedented move, the FCM organized an Official Chinese New YearVisitation. (It must be noted that in previous years, FCMers have been known to visit each

    other during this traditional festive period, but it was usually done on a small scale at theirown time.) This exciting event was thebrainchild of a certain group of FCMers ledby Serene of Galilee BP church. We wouldlike to thank her for her labour of love inbeing the facilitator, and thank the homes thatwe have visited for their hospitality, whileacknowledging that all glory goes to God forHis gracious provisions and blessings.

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    So it came to pass, in the mid-morning of the

    third day of Chinese New Year, a group of usmet at the Jurong East MRT station.Undeterred by the wet weather, we walked toColins home where we were warmly welcomed by Colins parents, Uncle Richard and AuntyDorothy. They supplied us with a generous spread of New Year goodies and snacks, whichcovered the entire coffee table. We had a time of singspiration, in which each of us took turnsto choose a song. And when we had done singing, Jason Liew (known to some as Milo Boy)shared with us Philippians 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection

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    and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; and anotherverse from Jeremiah 9:24, as well as his New Year Resolutions. His sharing was veryencouraging and reminded us to seek to know God as we ought to. After some additionalrefreshments, we thanked our kind hosts and proceeded to the next house (which, incidentally,is where I live).

    As usual, we were running late, and another group of FCMers had been patiently waiting forus at Buona Vista MRT station. Together, we took a bus to my home where we wereenthusiastically greeted by the barking dogs of the neighbourhood. Some other FCMers hadmade their way here on their own before us, while others had yet to arrive. We gathered in thefamily room where Shujian led a time of Singspiration. It was no surprise that Thank You,Lord, for the Rain was a popular song choice that day, and we sang it in the first and secondhouse. After a round of hearty singing, we had our lunch that was lovingly prepared by mymother and our domestic helper, Siti. We had the traditional yu sheng, and the less traditionalchicken curry, duck and do-it-yourselfpohpiah. Over lunch, we took the opportunity to catchup with each other and to make some new friends.

    Next, we headed down to Serenes house in Bukit Panjang. We thank God for withholding theheavy downpour till we had reached the shelter of the bus stop, and for His providence indelaying the bus till the rain had become lighter. When we reached Bukit Panjang BusTerminal, Serene and her friend, Tracy, came to meet us with their arms full of umbrellas.How thoughtful! When we arrived safe and dry at Serenes home, Uncle Steven and AuntyConnie (Serenes Dad and Mum) were at the door to welcome us. We had another joyous timeof singing led by Clement, followed by a sharing from Shujian on the passage of 2 Chronicles1:13-17, urging us not to put our trust in the things of this world (like chariots, horses,strength, wealth, etc.) but to trust in our Lord God Almighty. Then we had some refreshmentsprepared by our hospitable hosts and had an enjoyable time of chit-chatting with each otherand playing with Baby, the hamster host.

    Indeed, it was a Chinese New Year Visitation with a difference. Instead of gathering aroundthe television, snacking on New Year goodies, or exchanging meaningless comments (Oh,youve grown taller/ bigger/ thinner/ fatter) as is a common practice during most ChineseNew Year visitations, we engaged in singing praises to God, gave or listened to sharings andexhortations and (hopefully) had edifying conversations with each other. As my grandmothercommented, it was almost like carolling on Chinese New Year! I would strongly recommendthat FCM would organise more CNY visitations in the years to come.

    Bible Baffle Questions:

    1. Who promised a vineyard to a covetous king?2. On what does a wise man build his house?3. What 20th century Christian theologian founded the Christian

    center called Labri?4. Daniel prophesied a king in the last days who will be at war.

    What two nations does he say will be at his steps?5. Which two men together crossed the parted Jordan River?

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    6. What is the first name in the Bible to belong to two different

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    men?7. Who was called gluttonous and a wine-bibber?8. What species of animal killed forty-two children who ridiculed the bald head of the

    prophet Elisha?9. How did Zimri die?

    10.Who called whom a whited wall? Ans on page 10===================================================================

    FCM Gospel Rally

    The recent FCM gospel rally was indeed another blessed occasion to fellowship amongstbrothers and sisters in Christ from both NUS FCM groups. We sowed the gospel seed in thehearts of those friends who have yet to acknowledge Christ as their personal LORD andSaviour. I thank God indeed for bringing a handful of newcomers that very Friday. Truly,even if it were but one lost soul

    who turned up that day, our heartsfor him/her would not have beenany less desiring for his/herknowledge of our LORD.

    I thank God for starting thisSemester Gospel Rally outreachfor truly it is a time to challengeeach and every FCMer to bringsomeone to hear of the Gospel andnot just walk along quietly beside

    Christ. This 2nd

    NUS FCM GospelRally saw Rev Ronny Khooearnestly plead with our searchingfriends to claim the blood of theLamb of God as their own personal Passover Sacrifice as did the Israelites many centuries agoin the time of Moses. The title of his message was The Red Banner. Rev Khoo drewparallels from the Chinese tradition of hanging red banners by the sides and top of doorsduring the lunar new year to that act of faith by the Jews on that day of reckoning by the angelof death sent to deliver the last plague over the land of Egypt.

    It is my sincere prayer that some hearts have been touched and that our dear friendshave seen the image of Christ in our lives. But greater is the challenge to follow up ourfriends after they have heard the Word of God for perhaps the first time in their lives. Andmay we also continue to work towards showing the love and truth of Jesus in our daily lives -that we might be able to bring a friend to the next gospel rally and even the next and the nextto come.

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    If we call ourselves disciples of Christ, wemust BE like His dear disciples of old Reachingout to all the lost as we walk on with Jesus,feeding them with loaves of bread whenever thedoor opens. Let us not be shy to show forth how

    the Word of God guides our lives. It is not just abook But the truth of the world that was, theworld that is and the world that is to come. Weshould proclaim proudly in all that we say and do -the glories and mercies of God.

    During the gathering, brother Elias led withsongs on the unthinkable love of God who came down to suffer as a man (It Was Love), thedeeper meaning of the symbol of our faith (The Old Rugged Cross), the calling to end theweariness of life with the hope of Christ (Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus) and the gentle pleasof our Saviour to come home to Him (Softly And Tenderly). Rev Khoo and Mrs Khoo

    gave a beautiful rendition of a gospel hymn (Theres Room At The Cross) to uplift theFCMers as well as to sing of the hope and free gift of salvation to our seeking friends.

    Brother Desmond too gave a testimony of how our God Jehovah changed his life fromone led by self to one led by our heavenly Father. After the message, there was a sweet timeof fellowship over a sumptious supper prepared by the loving hands of sister Lynette andbrother Daniel. I thank God once again for the recently concluded NUS FCM gospel rallyheld at Engine.

    It is my prayer now that we continue to seek after andlook towards things eternal even in the midst of these few yearsof studies. There are many lost around us, waiting to be saved.They may not appear so, but if we desire to please God andexperience the amazing joys of witnessing for Christ, for trulythere is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one

    sinner that repenteth. (Luke 15:10) we can and WILL be thatmuch closer to the heart of our LORD God.

    In His Service,Elias

    By Gods grace, NUS Arts/SMU and NUS Science was able to hold a Combined

    Gospel Rally on the 30th of January 2004. God be praised and glorified, for indeed it was Hisabundant blessings and constant provision that allowed for the Gospel Rally to take place!

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    The fourth week of the semester was a busy one, with everyone trying to adjust to thestart of a new semester. Moreover, with the Chinese New Year taking place a week before,

    organizing and co-coordinating the rally,became a rather complicated and difficult task.Nevertheless, God always gives strength to

    those who have faith, and provides for thosewho seek to do His will. He has after allpromised in His Word, But seek ye first thekingdom of God, and His righteousness, and

    ALL THESE THINGS shall be added unto

    you. Matt 6:33 Praise the Lord for that! Forindeed, it was the Lord God who providedALL THESE THINGS, even the simple thingslike that of a location for the rally to take place.

    The sixth floor of the good old E1 Engineering Block though obscure in locality has manystudent visitors who often occupy its rooms for the purpose of studying or meeting for group

    discussions. Also, it is the place where night classes are held but God who is faithful, neverfails to provide. He allowed us to hold our Gospel Rally there without much difficulty! Thankthe Lord!

    Also, God brought His Word to FCMers and their friends through the lips of Hisservant, Rev. Khoo, who preached the gospel message by means of explaining that all aresaved by and only through the blood of the Lamb. By referring to Exodus 12, he brought toattention to all, that salvation comes only bythe grace of our Lord and Saviour JesusChrist, who shed His blood on the cross ofCalvary. (without blood, there is noremission of sins. Heb 9:22). He alsosuggested the possibility of the particularrite of smearing blood over the door posts ofthe house during Passover, to havesomehow reached the Chinese, who in theirmisunderstanding, adopted a similar act by

    hanging a red cloth or on theirdoor post to ward off evil and usher inprosperity. More importantly however, Rev. Khoo explained the need to use the blood of theLamb to cover the doorpost of our hearts, in order that we might escape judgment and thatgreat sorrow which is to come. He ended his message with a duet with Mrs. Khoo, edifying us

    with the words of the song, There is room at the cross for you. How apt were the words ofthis song, which was deeply impressed upon my heart, especially the line which goes, thoughmillions have come, theres still room for one.theres room at the cross for you. Our God

    is a just God but He is plenteous in mercy and abounds in grace as well.

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    The Holy Spirit worked mightily through Brother Desmond as well,who shared his testimony with us all. He shared with us his conversion, andhow wonderful God has been, in shaping the events of his life, leading and

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    drawing him to God Himself. Praise the Lord! For indeed it is only by His irresistible gracethat Brother Desmond was able to come to the saving knowledge and be drawn to thatamazing love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Indeed, we praise and thank God for Hehas done great things for us whereof we are glad!

    All in all, God is good and we praise and thank God for providing FCMers in NUS, anopportunity to re-affirm their faith by listening to the gospel message and for giving them anopportunity to bring their friends to listen to the Gospel. Moreover, we thank God for Hismany blessings, even that of the privilege to serve Him. Most of us thank God for providingfor us and giving us salvation so rich and free! Let God be praised and glorified!

    A Shalom,Edson


    1. Jezebel (1 Kings 21:7)2. A rock (Matthew 7:24)3. Francis Schaeffer4. Libya and Ethiopia (Daniel 11:36-43)5. Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 2:4-8)6. Enoch (Genesis 4:17; Genesis 5:19)7. Jesus (Matthew 11:19)8. Bear (2 Kings 2:23-24)9. He burned a building with himself inside. (1 Kings 16:18)10.Paul called Ananias. (Acts 23:1-3)



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    It all started with an objective, a vision, and prayer.

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    During an FCM Science gathering in the December holidays, our co-ordinator, Desmond,announced that evangelism would be one of the main focuses of FCM in the coming year.With that in mind, the few of us who were present at the meeting got down to praying for apassion for souls, and for God to open doors for us to minister the gospel. After prayer, welearnt from Adrian about a group of Chinese students who are staying in Pasir Panjang hostel.

    The caretaker mistress of the hostel,who is a member of Calvary (Pandan)Bible-Presbyterian Church, hadpreviously approached Adrian andbeseeched him to get some people downto minister the gospel to the Chinesestudents. Apparently, the Chinesestudents were frequently approached bycults or charismatics, but there was noone else from a reformed andfundamental persuasion who were

    evangelising to them besides theCalvary Pandan Mandarin congregation.After some discussions, we decided that

    we should start reaching out to them. By Gods grace, we hope to fulfil the vision of having agroup of senior Chinese students who will be able to minister the gospel to their fellow juniorChinese students in the hostel, consequently forming a self-sufficient gospel ministry. We allagreed to continue to pray for wisdom and guidance as to how to go about ministering thegospel to them.

    By the second week of the NUS term, a few of us decided that we should visit Pasir Panjanghostel so as to understand the conditions of the Chinese students there. We also wanted to takethe opportunity to inform them about FCM. I recall that the skies were dark that day, but Godprovidentially held back the rain for us to go to the hostel. We managed to talk to a fewstudents, and could now appreciate their mentality better. Desmond suggested then that weshould consult Randy for help as Randy had evangelised the previous batch of students in thehostel before. Upon consultation, Randy suggested that we could organise a BBQ for theChinese to get to know them better and take the chance to share the gospel with them. So wegot down to planning and praying for the BBQ.

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    Finally, after much preparation, the BBQ was held on the1 March 2004 at Prince Georges Park in NUS. 16 malestudents and 3 female students turned up for the BBQcum gospel meeting. A few of us got down to makingfriends with them, mainly sharing with them what theyshould expect of university life when they enter into NUS.During one of the conversations, Randy challenged theChinese to consider the problem of the origin of energy (so veryphysics ). Of course, based on the principle of conservation of energy, we know that energycannot be created nor destroyed. But surely this energy must come from somewhere? How didit come into existence? Through the asking of such scientific and philosophical questions to

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    the Chinese students, Randy effectively brought them to consider the meaning of life and theexistence of a living and true God. Although some were resistant to the idea of a Creator, atleast all of them brought home some food for thought.

    As for me, I was also talking to a few Chinese students over food together with Elder Boon. I

    was simply put to shame by his standard of conversational mandarin, which was simply muchbetter than mine. And to think Elder Boon learnt his conversational mandarin from cassettetapes, whereas I had undergone 10 years of formal Chinese education in Primary andSecondary School! Well, looks like it is time to brush up on my Chinese. Anyway, we thank

    God that we were able to share freely with the Chinese. Afterthe BBQ dinner, Elder Boon shared a simple gospel messagein Mandarin to them. I then proceeded to invite them for theChinese worship services in Calvary (Pandan) BPC with theinvitation sheets that was done up by Randy. We took aphoto after the event, after which Randy and Elder Boonaccompanied the students back to their hostel and continued

    sharing with them. The rest of us stayed back to clean up theplace and finish up the remnants of the food. What we doneed now is much prayer and perseverance in following upwith them. We hope to seek prayers from all FCM groupsregarding this matter. Do pray that some might indeed come

    to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and partake of the joy that weshare in Christ. May Gods name be glorified.

    Besides all of these, the event will be fondly remembered for one thing ANTS! There wasan entire kingdom of them that attacked us while we were eating the remnants of food duringclean up. They just crawl onto our legs and refuse to go off, even causing some of us muchirritation as they relentlessly bit our legs. Some of us resorted to scratching our hands andlegs, or even jumping up and down continuously in an effort (although largely a vain one) tostop the ants from biting us! Well, at least it was good exercise for some of us after theBBQ. As for me, I found to my horror that some of these never-say-die creatures havesome how ingeniously invaded the bag of food that I brought home from the BBQ. It is nowonder the book of Proverbs advised us to look to the ant and learn from it!

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    Now, it is time for some thanksgiving.Firstly, we would like to thank God forgood weather to hold the BBQ in open air.This is an exceptionally rich blessing as itrained quite heavily during the evenings just before and after the BBQ. Truly theLord has been gracious. Secondly, we liketo thank God for the provision of the BBQpits, as well as Bro. Shen Yang, who is aChinese Student worshipping in Life BPC,for his favour in booking the pits for us.We would also like to thank Lijin,

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    Stephanie, Grace, Mabel, Hwee Ping for preparing the food, as well as Eileen for cooking thechicken wings which left Elder Boon very impressed that they were not over-cooked. We willalso like to thank Randy and Desmond for their labour of love in organising the entire event.Special thanks is reserved for Elder Boon for taking time off to be with us to share the gospelto the Chinese. Finally, thanks to God for all His wonderful provision and help for us in

    organising this special event. All praise and glory be unto His name.

    In conclusion, is there anyone here who is reading this report but has not come to believe inthe Lord Jesus Christ and repent of his or her sins? I plead with you to repent of your sins andbelieve in the name of Christ now, as life on this earth is short. Recognise that your sins haveseparated between you and your Creator and the judgement will be eternal suffering in thefires of hell. O why will ye die? Now is the accepted time! And how about us who havealready received Christ as our Lord and Saviour? Well, I admit with much sadness that I amoften found lacking in the area of evangelism. Sometimes, fear and apprehension gets thebetter of me. But Paul says in Romans 1:16, Paul says that he is not ashamed of the gospelof Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew

    first and also to the Greek. The gospel will necessarily cause offence to some people, butdo we seek to persuade men or God? Do we seek to please men? For if we please men, thenwe should not be the servants of Christ (Galatians 1:10). However, let us not be disheartened,but rather continue to draw strength from our Saviour that we may shine as lights for Him inthis world, be it at our homes, in our schools, or even in our churches. Did He not promise usthe power from the Holy Ghost that we might be witnesses for Him unto the uttermost parts ofthe earth (Acts 1:8)? O, what shall we render unto the Lord for all His benefits towards us(Psalm 116:12)?

    He said, Freely, freely you have received Freely, freely give;

    Go in My name and because you believe,Others will know that I live.

    Lord I give myself a vessel in Thy service I will be

    I hear you ask, Wholl go for us?

    Lord, Here am I, send me!

    I will proclaim Thy precious blood till all the world has heard

    And salvations lamp will burn so bright through the power of Thy Word!

    Be an example of the believers in word and in conduct;

    Be steadfast in love, in faith, in purity of life.

    For those behind us, let us step within the gap and make a difference in their lives;

    Be an example to follow Christ.

    May the lyrics of the songs above be of encouragement to everyone. The grace of God bewith all who love Him in sincerity. Soli Deo Gloria. Amen.

    1 Tim 1:15

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    for FCM Science

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    FCM mission Trip to Kemaman

    Time: 31st

    May 4


    jun 2004 Will be conducting a DVBS cum Youth Camp for the brethren over there.

    Need 5-6 members to form the team.

    Those interested, please contact Brother Junsheng at90265218 or e-mail at [email protected] now!

    Closing date: 10th April 2004

    FCM camp 2004Date: 24th -29th May 2004Theme: A Living SacrificeDay Speaker: Rev Quek Suan YewVenue: Calvary Tengah Bible Presbyterian ChurchAddress: Shalom Chapel, 345 Choa Chu Kang Road, S(689485)Camp Fees: Full-time: $30;Part time: ~$3/meal, $1.50/Breakfast

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