fbla nsc june update


Upload: rachel-ford

Post on 22-Jul-2016




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It is so hard to believe that this FBLA-PBL fiscal year will come to a close in just one month. I feel like just yesterday I was nervously preparing my speech in front of the hotel mirror at the Nashville Gaylord. When the announcer’s voice boomed “And your 2014-2015 National Secretary is…” my mind lapsed into slow motion. I was lost in a dazed reverie. Almost one full year later - after an officer training, a few guest appearances at local FBLA chapters, and several conference calls - I still cannot fathom how I obtained such an amazing opportunity. Through networking with other like-minded students, professional mentorship opportunities, public speaking forums, and leadership development workshops, I have gained invaluable confidence, networking, and leadership skills to prepare me for wherever my future may take me. I’ve conferenced with the national officers, spoken with senators and representatives, written articles for the national publication, contacted sponsors, held workshops, worked on national programs, visited and called local chapters, and so much more. Though I am sad that my years of high school FBLA are finally over, this organization will always hold a special place in my heart and I am confident that we will cross paths again. Thank you for all of your invaluable support in the past year!

A Message From Your National Secretar�

2015 NLC: Welcome toHometown of the White Sox and 44th president of the United States Barack Obama, Chicago draws more than 45 million tourists each year. Seven professional sports teams and more than 100 college teams call Chicago home. Baseball lovers should visit famous Wrigley Field to see the Cubs, or catch a White Sox game. For those who would rather "do" than watch, the city offers lakefront paths ideal for biking, walking or jogging, The Museum of Science and Industry (msichicago.org) features a variety of exhibits such as a Boeing 727 airplane and a working coal mine. It is also the largest science-related museum in the Western Hemisphere. The Adler Planetarium (adlerplanetarium.org) offers a variety of space-themed entertainment for all ages. Another exciting attraction is Six Flags Great America (sixflags.com) is the homes to over 75 rides for all of you thrill seekers! As you can see, Chicago offers a wide variety of activities for you. See you in the windy city!


The Institute for Leaders at NLC 2015The Institute For Leaders at the FBLA National Leadership Conference is a great opportunity to network with other FBLA members, FBLA advisers, and business men and women. Held each year, only a couple of days before NLC, IFL o�ers workshops, seminars, and training to FBLA members and advisers. Institute For Leaders is s great way to further leadership skills. If you had the opportunity to attend IFL, you obviously already displayed characteristics of a leader which in turn, allowed you to attend this stimulating conference. Even the best of leaders have room to improve. This is the perfect opportunity for personal and leadership growth.

Members who attend IFL are treated to incredible keynote speakers, a selection of training accelera-tion tracks designed to throttle up leadership skills and knowledge, and opportunities to networkand learn from the best of the best.

With the second half of the school year comes FBLA State Leadership Conferences across the country. This means that state teams have had to start preparing months ahead for their conference to be perfect! This is the event that all FBLA members wait for and states won’t disappoint. It’s also a time to be studying hard for tests and perfecting presentations in the hope of making it to Nationals. You might be stressed to the max preparing but it will be all worth it in the end, receiving your awards and saying goodbye to friends.

State Conferences



Making MemoriesThroughout my time in FBLA, I have experienced a great deal of excitement at National Leadership Conferences. My �rst National Leadership Conference Opening Session is the highlight of my FBLA career thus far. As I walked into the hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, I could hear the music from the conference hall. Students and advisors alike were rushing into the hall trying to �nd their seats. The true feel of unity within an organization was felt at this moment. Walking into Opening Session in Nashville and seeing over 11,000 members is the pinnacle of FBLA. As my school and I walked to �nd our seats, we stopped and talked with members from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Oregon, and so many more. The cheers and excitement that erupted from sections was contagious. Seeing everyone so excited for the NLC to begin allowed for me and my school to be fully enveloped by the greatness that Nationals has to o�er. I cannot emphasize enough how amazing National Leaderships Conferences are. The excitement felt during Opening Session is more than enough to keep you pumped until the next years’ confer-ence!

My �rst National Conference was this past year in Nashville, TN and it was an experience like no other. My mindset going into Nationals was that it was going to be small and calm but I was blown out of the water. The atmosphere the entire week is supercharged with positive energy and an eagerness to explore. I attended Nationals as a Kansas State O�cer and all of my best memories come from growing as a team with them. Nothing made me more proud than to wave around our light up sun�owers and represent our state. Although, doing cheers was just as exciting. I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to attend the FBLA National Conference this last year and look forward to even more memories in the future.



From all of us on the National Secretar�’s Council, thanks for a g�eat year. See you in Chicago!

The time that many FBLA members await is just around the corner! The National Leadership Conference brings many new and exciting experiences for members attending while also letting members experience FBLA in a whole new way. The NLC is de�nitely one of my favorite parts of FBLA! One of my favorite memories in FBLA actually occurred when I was in Anaheim, California for NLC. This was my �rst experience at a national conference. I was completely overwhelmed by the magnitude of the conference. My state had organized a tour of the Los Angeles area and I was pretty pumped! I had never been to California before. I saw so many sights and experienced so many new things all within 1 day!! Having to leave was de�nitely hard! Nationals isn't just about competing in your event or attending workshops or campaigning, it's so much more. All your fellow FBLA members gather in a new and exciting environment to experience new thing together. Going to see a place I had only heard about until I attended nationals was one of my absolute favorite experiences as an FBLA member, and I can't wait to see what Chicago has in store!