far west coast marine park · the far west coast marine park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within...


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Page 1: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian



Page 2: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian
Page 3: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian

Marine park management is important… The Far West Coast Marine Park spans waters from the Western Australian border to the Tchalingaby Sandhills and overlays the State component of the Great Australian Bight Marine Park. It is one of 19 marine parks contributing to the South Australian Representative System of Marine Protected Areas. This management plan has been made in accordance with section 14 of the Marine Parks Act 2007. It sets out a zoning scheme and management strategies for the Far West Coast Marine Park. The plan provides for the protection of marine and coastal biodiversity and life-sustaining ecological processes, the protection of natural, European and Aboriginal cultural heritage, as well as providing for ongoing ecologically sustainable development and use. Community stewardship of marine parks is one of the keys to their success and this plan contains strategies to assist with community education, involvement and enjoyment of the park. Many pieces of information and advice have informed the development of this management plan. I wish to thank members of the Great Australian Bight Marine Park Consultative Committee, whose task was to facilitate early community advice to the Government to assist in the development of the zoning contained in this management plan. Members of the local community, peak stakeholders, the Marine Parks Council of South Australia, the Scientific Working Group and staff from South Australian Government agencies have also provided important advice. I commend this plan to you. Further information about this plan and the background to its development are available on the Marine Parks website at www.marineparks.sa.gov.au or freecall 1800 006 120. Hon Paul Caica MP Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation

Page 4: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian
Page 5: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1 1.1. Commitment to NRSMPA..........................................................................1 1.2. Planning context ........................................................................................1

1.2.1. Management planning process .................................................1 1.2.2. Management plans and supporting documents ....................2

1.3. Legislative context .....................................................................................2 1.4. Management context ..............................................................................3

1.4.1. Management tools ........................................................................3 1.4.2. Other management considerations...........................................4 1.4.3. Other policies, plans and strategies ...........................................4

2. DESCRIPTION OF FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK..........................................5 2.1. Location description..................................................................................5 2.2. Environmental, economic and social values........................................5

2.2.1. Environmental values ....................................................................5 2.2.2. Economic values............................................................................6 2.2.3. Social values ...................................................................................6

3. MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN THE FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK........7 3.1. What are the particular management challenges?...........................7

4. MANAGEMENT PRIORITIES AND STRATEGIES ....................................................8 4.1. Protection ....................................................................................................8 4.2. Stewardship through community involvement.....................................9 4.3. Performance assessment, knowledge and review..............................9 4.4. Compliance..............................................................................................10

5. GUIDELINES FOR PERMITS ..................................................................................10

6. ZONING SCHEME FOR THE FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK.......................12 6.1. Zoning.........................................................................................................12

6.1.1. Habitat Protection Zones............................................................13 6.1.2. Sanctuary Zones...........................................................................13 6.1.3. Restricted Access Zones .............................................................13

6.2. Special Purpose Areas ............................................................................13 6.2.1. Meaning of Special Purpose Area............................................13 6.2.2. Special Purpose Areas (shore-based recreational line

fishing) ............................................................................................14 6.3. Boundary Definition Maps ......................................................................14

7. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................15

Appendix 1 Boundary Definition Maps...................................................................17

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Page 7: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian


1.1. Commitment to NRSMPA

The South Australian Government has developed the South Australian Representative System of Marine Protected Areas (SARSMPA) as part of the National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas (NRSMPA). Overarching policy documents for the SARSMPA include South Australia’s Strategic Plan 2011, the Living Coast Strategy for South Australia (DEH 2004b) and the Blueprint for the South Australian Representative System of Marine Protected Areas (DEH 2004 a). In conjunction with the community, the Government has designed a network of 19 marine parks encompassing the major ecosystems and habitat types found within South Australian waters as a significant contribution to the NRSMPA.

1.2. Planning context

1.2.1. Management planning process Late in 2009, 13 marine park local advisory groups (MPLAGs) were established across South Australia to provide an opportunity for communities to have early (pre-draft) input into the management planning process. The Great Australian Bight Marine Park Consultative Committee, with two additional members, also formed the equivalent of a MPLAG for the Far West Coast Marine Park, bringing the total number of local advisory groups to 14. The establishment of MPLAGs reflects the Government’s commitment to involve regional communities in the planning of marine parks in their local waters. MPLAGs were non-statutory, community-based advisory bodies set up to provide local advice to Government for the development of draft management plans. To help facilitate communications between the Government and regional communities, MPLAG meetings were open to the public. The MPLAG process provided invaluable advice relating to local uses of the marine environment and possible zoning arrangements for consideration in developing draft management plans. In addition, peak stakeholder groups contributed advice both to MPLAG discussions and directly to Government. At a peak stakeholder forum on 11 and 12 April 2012, leaders from the conservation, recreational and commercial fishing sectors identified a series of priority areas for conservation and reached an agreement on the zoning approach for South Australia’s network of marine parks. Based on the collective advice from MPLAGs, other community members, peak stakeholders and discussions across relevant agencies, the Government developed draft management plans with zoning for each of the 19 marine parks for public review. An eight week consultation process was conducted between 26 August and 22 October 2012. During this period written submissions were received from individuals and organisations in response to the draft zoning and management


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arrangements. These submissions have been considered in finalising this management plan. The Far West Coast Marine Park overlays the State component of the Great Australian Bight Marine Park to enable it to meet the requirements of the Marine Parks Act 2007. The Great Australian Bight Marine Park was progressively gazetted in State and Commonwealth Waters between 1995 and 1998 primarily to protect habitat for southern right whales and Australian sea lions, and representative habitats of the seafloor. Its management has been guided by State and Commonwealth management plans and this management plan takes the existing plans into consideration. 1.2.2. Management plans and supporting documents This marine park management plan provides the statutory basis for the management of the Far West Coast Marine Park. It is a strategic document that defines the boundaries of the various zones and sets out strategies to address management challenges over the next 10 years or more. An implementation plan will guide day-to-day management of the Far West Coast Marine Park in accordance with this management plan. The South Australian Marine Parks Network Explanatory Document (DEWNR 2012) also provides: relevant context regarding the marine parks network; and an explanation of the challenges, priorities and strategies set out in South

Australia’s marine park management plans. A Values Statement (DENR 2010) summarises the key environmental, economic and social values of the region.

1.3. Legislative context

The Marine Parks Act 2007 provides the legislative basis for marine parks. The Act establishes the management objectives for the network of marine parks and requires the development of management plans for each park. The Act states that management plans: must be consistent with the objects of the Act, set out strategies for

achieving those objects and establish the various types of zones for each marine park; and

may define special purpose areas, direct the day-to-day management of issues associated with marine parks and provide guidelines for the granting of permits for various activities within marine parks.

All management activities within marine parks must be consistent with and seek to further the objects of the Marine Parks Act 2007, which are:

(a) to protect and conserve marine biological diversity and marine habitats by declaring and providing for the management of a comprehensive, adequate and representative system of marine parks; and


Page 9: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian

(b) to assist in—

(i) the maintenance of ecological processes in the marine environment; and

(ii) the adaptation to the impacts of climate change in the marine environment; and

(iii) protecting and conserving features of natural or cultural heritage significance; and

(iv) allowing ecologically sustainable development and use of marine environments; and

(v) providing opportunities for public appreciation, education, understanding and enjoyment of marine environments.

1.4. Management context

1.4.1. Management tools Multiple-use zoning Marine parks in South Australia have been zoned for multiple uses, providing for varying levels of conservation, recreational and commercial use. Zoning provides the basis for the management of marine parks, in accordance with the objects of the Marine Parks Act 2007. General Managed Use Zones (GMUZ) enable areas to be managed to provide protection for habitats and biodiversity, while allowing ecologically sustainable development and use. Habitat Protection Zones (HPZ) enable areas to be managed to provide protection for habitats and biodiversity, while allowing for activities and uses that do not harm habitats or the functioning of ecosystems. Sanctuary Zones (SZ) enable areas to be managed to provide protection and conservation for habitats and biodiversity, especially by prohibiting the removal or harm of plants, animals or marine products. Restricted Access Zones (RAZ) enable areas to be managed by limiting access to them. (For further information see the zoning tables specifying restrictions in zones, available in the South Australian Marine Parks Network Explanatory Document or at www.marineparks.sa.gov.au) Special Purpose Areas (SPA) are areas within marine parks overlaying a zone, or part of a zone, which allow specified activities in that area that would otherwise not be allowed. Section 6 of this document identifies the type of zones and special purpose areas in this marine park.


Page 10: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian

1.4.2. Other management considerations Government policy commitments have informed the design of the zoning for the Far West Coast Marine Park. These commitments were made to ensure that, wherever possible, marine park design for conservation minimised impacts on existing uses and activities in the marine environment. A complete list of the commitments is available in the South Australian Marine Parks Network Explanatory Document or at www.marineparks.sa.gov.au 1.4.3. Other policies, plans and strategies The following matters have been taken into account in preparing this management plan, in accordance with section 13(2) of the Marine Parks Act 2007:

• the State’s Strategic Plan; • the Planning Strategy and relevant Development Plans under the

Development Act 1993; • the State NRM plan and any relevant regional NRM plans under the

Natural Resources Management Act 2004; • relevant environment protection policies under the Environment

Protection Act 1993; • relevant indigenous land use agreements; and • provisions of any statutory instruments under related operational Acts.

Management actions within the Far West Coast Marine Park will be conducted in accordance with this management plan, as required by section 12 of the Marine Parks Act 2007, and all relevant laws of the State.


Page 11: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian


2.1. Location description

Situated between the Western Australian border and the Tchalingaby Sandhills, the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian Bight Marine Park (Edyvane 1998; Government of SA 1998) and partially overlays the Nullarbor National Park and Wahgunyah Conservation Park up to median high water (DENR 2010).

Location of Far West Coast Marine Park

2.2. Environmental, economic and social values

The following sections briefly summarise the key environmental, economic and social values of the region. A more comprehensive description of the values of this marine park can be found in Environmental, Economic and Social Values of the Far West Coast Marine Park, available at www.marineparks.sa.gov.au An atlas of maps containing environmental, economic and social/cultural information for this marine park has been produced as Part 2 of the Values Statement. The maps provide details specific to this park in a user-friendly visual format and may be viewed and downloaded from the marine parks website. 2.2.1. Environmental values The Far West Coast Marine Park is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The region is influenced by some of the highest wind and wave energies in South Australia which have played a role in shaping the spectacular coastline. The park


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comprises various habitats including limestone cliffs interspersed by rocky headlands, narrow intertidal rock platforms, as well as reefs and beaches backed by sand dune systems. These habitats support a wide range of flora and fauna, including many species of conservation importance. The most iconic is the southern right whale, which migrates to the area for breeding and calving. The Bunda Cliffs form important nesting sites for seabirds and key breeding and haul-out sites for Australian sea lions. The diversity of algae, fish and invertebrate species is influenced by the east flowing Leeuwin Current, which transports species more commonly affiliated with sub-tropical Western Australian waters. 2.2.2. Economic values Commercial fisheries operating in the Far West Coast Marine Park include the Western Zone Abalone Fishery, the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery, the Marine Scalefish Fishery and Shark Fishery. Tourism is an important economic contributor to the region. Thousands of visitors are attracted each year to view the whales, both from the cliff top viewing facilities and by scenic flight. Recreational fishing and four wheel driving is also popular on the surf beaches. 2.2.3. Social values The Mirning, Wirangu and Yalata Anangu Aboriginal people have traditional associations with areas of the marine park, with the Yalata Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) lying at the edge of the marine park. The Far West Coast Native Title Claim includes waters of the marine park. The Great Australian Bight Marine Park (State and Commonwealth waters) is an indicative place on the Register of the National Estate. The Bunda Cliffs are among the highest ranked areas of coastal scenic quality in the State (Lothian 2005).


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The management of our marine parks faces some important challenges, both natural and human induced. Key management challenges and threats to marine biodiversity are discussed broadly in South Australia’s Marine Parks Network Explanatory Document. The management challenges set out below were identified following consideration of the key environmental, economic and social values of the region as set out in the Values Statement for the Far West Coast Marine Park (DENR 2010). The strategies identified in section 4 guide marine park managers, stakeholders and the community in addressing the challenges. Ultimately, marine park management state-wide will seek to address the broader conservation challenge: to maintain natural systems, processes and the biodiversity they support.

3.1. What are the particular management challenges?

• Ensuring effective conservation of protected species and ecological communities.

• Providing community education and opportunities for community

involvement in marine park management. • Ensuring effective compliance with this plan. • Meeting Aboriginal community aspirations. • Making the most of the visitor appeal of the region and managing visitation.


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Management objectives for South Australia’s marine parks are set out in the objects of the Marine Parks Act 2007 (refer section 1.3 of this document). The Act requires management plans to set out strategies for achieving those objects in relation to the marine park. Management plans for South Australia’s marine parks have been developed around four management priorities with associated strategies, to directly support the achievement of the objects of the Marine Parks Act 2007. The strategies will guide marine park managers and inform the development of an implementation plan for each marine park, which will include more specific actions for day-to-day management.

4.1. Protection

Marine park zones are the principal tool under the Marine Parks Act 2007 for managing both current and future activities that take place in marine parks. Management activities will be integrated to achieve multiple-use outcomes, in accordance with the objects and the four types of zones established by the Act. Strategies

1. Manage activities and uses in the marine park in accordance with zoning and special purpose area provisions.

2. Actively influence activities and uses within and adjacent to the marine park to help mitigate threats to marine biodiversity and marine habitats.

3. Consider additional protections and/or temporary restrictions where necessary in circumstances of urgency —

(a) to protect a listed species1 of plant or animal, or threatened ecological community; or

(b) to protect a feature of natural or cultural heritage significance; or

(c) to protect public safety. 4. Introduce a permitting system to provide for the following activities

(where not otherwise authorised): − scientific research in a sanctuary or restricted access zone; − tourism operations in a sanctuary zone; − competitions and organised events in a sanctuary zone; − commercial film-making (including sound recording and

photography) in a sanctuary zone; and − installation of vessel moorings in a sanctuary zone.

1 “listed species” and “threatened ecological community” refers to species or ecological communities of conservation concern listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth), the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 or the Fisheries Management Act 2007.


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4.2. Stewardship through community involvement

Providing opportunities for public appreciation, involvement, education, understanding and enjoyment of marine environments is central to the success of South Australia’s marine parks network and is integral to the implementation of marine park management plans. Strategies

5. Provide for public appreciation, understanding and enjoyment of the marine park.

6. Create and promote opportunities for sustainable nature-based tourism in the marine park.

7. Provide education to support the implementation of the marine park.

8. Seek to involve local communities and stakeholders in the day-to-day management and monitoring of the marine park.

9. Work cooperatively with Aboriginal communities to conserve country, plants, animals and culture.

4.3. Performance assessment, knowledge and review

A monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) program will be implemented to assess the effectiveness of this plan in achieving the objects of the Marine Parks Act 2007. Under the Act, the Minister is required to review marine park management plans within a 10 year period. The MER Program will provide critical environmental, economic and social information to inform management plan review. The marine environment is complex and challenging to study. It also supports a range of uses that fill diverse community needs. Good marine park management decisions are informed by an in-depth understanding of the environment and the impacts of the activities that take place within it. Strategies

10. Develop and implement a monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) program that measures the effectiveness of this marine park management plan and its contribution to South Australia’s marine parks network (2011 baseline), and that: − is designed to measure the effectiveness of the management plan in

delivering the predicted outcomes to inform adaptive management; − includes linkages to relevant state, national and international

monitoring, evaluation and reporting frameworks; − sets out targets and indicators linked to strategies and outcomes for

monitoring, which include ecological, socio-economic, environmental and management elements;

− monitors the delivery of education, research and governance mechanisms; and

− assesses the effectiveness of compliance activities.


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11. Foster partnerships to support the implementation of the MER Program

incorporating opportunities for community and stakeholder involvement. 12. Ensure outcomes of the MER Program and research outcomes are made

publicly available and inform decision making and periodic review of this management plan.

13. Conduct priority research and foster research partnerships to assess the integrity of knowledge frameworks that underpin the predicted outcomes.

14. Encourage Aboriginal people, local communities and stakeholders to preserve traditional and historic knowledge and, where appropriate, share this knowledge with others.

4.4. Compliance

The Marine Parks Act 2007 provides for a range of regulatory instruments to support the achievement of the Act’s objects. Compliance with these instruments is vital to the success of the marine parks program. Three guiding principles underpin marine park compliance:

• voluntary compliance is maximised through education initiatives; • across Government collaboration supports compliance; and • operational improvement is achieved through monitoring and review of

compliance activity. Strategies

15. Develop and implement a compliance strategy for the marine park that: − is cost-efficient; − is focussed on sanctuary zones and other conservation priorities; − complements existing compliance efforts; − maximises voluntary compliance; and − includes measures to address serious or repeat non-compliance.


The Minister may grant a permit to a person to engage in an activity within a marine park, or a zone or other area of a marine park, that would otherwise be prohibited or restricted. A management plan for a marine park may provide guidelines with respect to the granting of permits for various activities that might be allowed within the park (section 13(1)(e) of the Marine Parks Act 2007). All applications for permits will be considered on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with section 19 of the Marine Parks Act 2007. Favourable consideration should be given to the granting of permits for the following activities within the marine park:

• scientific research in a sanctuary zone or restricted access zone;


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• competitions and organised events in a sanctuary zone; • tourism operations in a sanctuary zone; • commercial film making (including sound recording and photography)

in a sanctuary zone; and • installation of vessel moorings in a sanctuary zone.

Permits for other activities will be considered on merit, against the management objectives for the marine park.


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The Marine Parks Act 2007 (section 13(1)) requires that management plans: • must establish the various types of zones within the park and define their

boundaries; and • may identify and define the boundaries of special purpose areas within the

park and set out the activities that will be permitted in the areas. The following section, along with the boundary definition maps in Appendix 1, fulfils this requirement.

6.1. Zoning

For the purposes of the Marine Parks Act 2007, a zone is an area within a marine park that:

(a) has boundaries defined by the management plan for the marine park; and

(b) is identified by the management plan as a particular type of zone depending on the degree of protection required within the area.

The Marine Parks Act 2007 makes provision for the following types of marine park zones:

(a) a general managed use zone – being a zone established so that an area may be managed to provide protection for habitats and biodiversity within a marine park, while allowing ecologically sustainable development and use;

(b) a habitat protection zone – being a zone primarily established so that an area may be managed to provide protection for habitats and biodiversity within a marine park, while allowing activities and uses that do not harm habitats or the functioning of ecosystems – refer section 6.1.1;

(c) a sanctuary zone – being a zone primarily established so that an area may be managed to provide protection and conservation for habitats and biodiversity within a marine park, especially by prohibiting the removal or harm of plants, animals or marine products – refer section 6.1.2; and

(d) a restricted access zone – being a zone primarily established so that an area may be managed by limiting access to the area - refer section 6.1.3.

Two sets of temporally distinct zoning arrangements are proposed for the Far West Coast Marine Park. The proposed zoning arrangements vary between the period 1 November to 30 April (inclusive) and 1 May to 31 October (inclusive) each year. The zoning variation provides an increased level of protection during the period in which southern right whales are active within the region and is guided by the current management arrangements under the Great Australian Bight Marine Park Management Plan (State waters).


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The prohibitions or restrictions on activities and uses in the various zones are set out in the zoning tables, available in the South Australian Marine Parks Network Explanatory Document or at www.marineparks.sa.gov.au 6.1.1. Habitat Protection Zones The following areas are identified as habitat protection zones in accordance with section 13(1)(b) of the Marine Parks Act 2007:

(a) the area defined in map 02 (1 November to 30 April inclusive) and referred to as HPZ-1; and

(b) the area defined in map 03 (1 November to 30 April inclusive) and referred to as HPZ-2.

6.1.2. Sanctuary Zones The following areas are identified as sanctuary zones in accordance with section 13(1)(b) of the Marine Parks Act 2007:

(a) the area defined in map 01 (1 November to 30 April inclusive) and referred to as SZ-1;

(b) the area defined in map 02 (1 November to 30 April inclusive) and referred to as SZ-2; and

(c) the area defined in map 03 (1 November to 30 April inclusive) and referred to as SZ-3.

6.1.3. Restricted Access Zones The following areas are identified as restricted access zones in accordance with section 13(1)(b) of the Marine Parks Act 2007:

(a) the area defined in map 01 (1 November to 30 April inclusive) and referred to as RAZ-1; and

(b) the area defined in map 01 (1 May to 31 October inclusive) and referred to as RAZ-2.

6.2. Special Purpose Areas

6.2.1. Meaning of Special Purpose Area In accordance with the Marine Parks Act 2007, a special purpose area is an area within a marine park, identified as a special purpose area and with boundaries defined by the management plan for the marine park, in which specified activities, that would otherwise be prohibited or restricted as a consequence of the zoning of the area, will be permitted under the terms of the management plan. For the purposes of this management plan, the following type of special purpose area is identified:

• special purpose areas (shore-based recreational line fishing) – refer section 6.2.2.


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6.2.2. Special Purpose Areas (shore-based recreational line fishing) The following areas are identified as special purpose areas (shore-based recreational line fishing) in accordance with section 13(1)(c) of the Marine Parks Act 2007:

(a) the area within 100m seaward of the line defined in map 01 (1 November to 30 April inclusive) and referred to as SPA-1;

(b) the area within 100m seaward of the line defined in map 01 (1 November to 30 April inclusive) and referred to as SPA-2;

(c) the area within 100m seaward of the line defined in map 01 (1 May to 31 October inclusive) and referred to as SPA-1;

(d) the area within 100m seaward of the line defined in map 01 (1 May to 31 October inclusive) and referred to as SPA-2;

(e) the area within 100m seaward of the line defined in map 01 (1 May to 31 October inclusive) and referred to as SPA-3; and

(f) the area within 100m seaward of the line defined in map 01 (1 May to 31 October inclusive) and referred to as SPA-4.

Notwithstanding the zoning of the area, the following activities will be permitted in the special purpose areas (shore-based recreational line fishing) listed above:

(a) recreational fishing from the shore by use of a hand line or rod and line. (Hand line, recreational fishing and rod and line have the same respective meanings as in the Fisheries Management Act 2007.)

6.3. Boundary Definition Maps

The zones and special purpose areas identified above are defined in Boundary Definition Far West Coast Marine Park Maps:

(a) 00 – 01 (1 May to 31 October inclusive); and (b) 00 – 03 (1 November to 30 April inclusive).

Refer Appendix 1.


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Department for Environment and Heritage 2004 a Blueprint for the South Australian Representative System of Marine Protected Areas. Department for Environment and Heritage, Adelaide, South Australia. Department for Environment and Heritage 2004 b Living Coast Strategy for South Australia. Prepared by Coast and Marine Conservation Branch, Natural and Cultural Heritage, Department for Environment and Heritage for the Government of South Australia. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2010 Environmental, Economic and Social Values of the Far West Coast Marine Park Part 1. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australia. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2012 South Australia’s Marine Parks Network Explanatory Document. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, South Australia. Department of the Premier and Cabinet 2011 South Australia’s Strategic Plan 2011. Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Adelaide, South Australia. Edyvane, K.S. 1998 Great Australian Bight Marine Park Management Plan: Part B Resource Information. Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs, Government of South Australia. Government of SA 1998 Great Australian Bight Marine Park Management Plan: Part A Management Prescriptions. Prepared by Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs for the Government of South Australia. Lothian, A. 2005 Coastal Viewscapes of South Australia. Report for the Coast Protection Branch, SA Department for Environment and Heritage.


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Head of


Map 01

Nuyts Reef

Wilson Bluff

Dog FenceBeach

D'entrecasteaux Reef




















South AustralianMarine Park

ZoningBoundary Definition

Far West Coast Marine Park(1 May to 31 October inclusive)

Map 00

DE H S ta n da rd

Marine Park ZoningRestricted Access Zone (Existing)Special Purpose Area(Shore-based recreational line fishing)

TopographicMarine Park BoundaryCoastal Waters of the State Coastline (median high water)Major RoadState BorderSo

uth Au


an - W


n Aus


n bord


DEH MapID: 2012-6316


Scale Bar is approximate only

0 25

Nautical Miles

0 25



© Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2012.All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. Forthe reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth)written permission must be sought from the Department.Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed,the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either expressor implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expresslydisclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed.

Produced by

Data Source

Compiled Projection Datum

Marine Parks ProjectDepartment of Environment, Water and Natural ResourcesGPO BOX 1047 Adelaide SA 5001www.marineparks.sa.gov.auMarine Parks, Topographic Data,Coastline (median high water) - DEWNR (dataset #807, Topography - Coastline, lastupdated April 2011)Coastal Waters of the State - Geoscience Australia(dataset #319, Australian Maritime Boundaries, last updated February 2006)2 November 2012GeographicGeocentric Datum of Australia, 1994

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Head of


Nuyts Reef

Wilson Bluff

Dog FenceBeach

D'entrecasteaux Reef

NullarborRecreation Reserve

NullarborNational Park

YellabinnaRecreation Reserve

Great Australian Bight MarineNational Park

WahgunyahConservation Park

Maralinga Tjarutja Lands

Yalata Aboriginal Reserve

Maralinga Tjarutja Lands

Maralinga Tjarutja Lands




















South AustralianMarine Park

ZoningBoundary Definition

Far West Coast Marine Park(1 May to 31 October inclusive)

Map 01Restricted Access Zone 2

Special Purpose Areas 1, 2, 3, 4

DE H S ta n da rd

Marine Park ZoningRestricted Access Zone (Existing)Special Purpose Area(Shore-based recreational line fishing)

TopographicExisting Reserves under other ActsAboriginal LandsMarine Park BoundaryDCDB ParcelCoastal Waters of the State Coastline (median high water)Sealed RoadUnsealed RoadVehicular TrackState Border




- Wes

tern A


lian b



Explanatory Notes:1. The coastal boundary of the park is the median high water mark (including the median high water mark of any estuaries), except where- (a) the boundary extends inland from median high water mark to include in the park the areas specified in Schedules 1 and 2 of Rack Plan 936; and (b) the boundary extends seaward from median high water mark to exclude from the park the areas specified in Schedule 3 of Rack Plan 936.2. Unless otherwise specified, the seaward boundary of the park is the seaward boundary of the coastal waters of the State.3. The state border is as advised by the Surveyor-General.



129° 8.571' E

129° 3.162' E






! !





132° 0.083' E

132° 0.083' E

131° 11.880' E131° 14.040' E

131° 23.191' E131° 27.160' E

131° 55.138' E


Inset 1

Inset 2

Inset 2

Inset 1

DEH MapID: 2012-6319

Scale Bar is approximate only

0 25

Nautical Miles

0 25




© Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2012.All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. Forthe reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth)written permission must be sought from the Department.Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed,the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either expressor implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expresslydisclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed.

Produced by

Data Source

Compiled Projection Datum

Marine Parks ProjectDepartment of Environment, Water and Natural ResourcesGPO BOX 1047 Adelaide SA 5001www.marineparks.sa.gov.auMarine Parks, Topographic Data,Coastline (median high water) - DEWNR (dataset #807, Topography - Coastline, lastupdated April 2011)Coastal Waters of the State - Geoscience Australia(dataset #319, Australian Maritime Boundaries, last updated February 2006)2 November 2012GeographicGeocentric Datum of Australia, 1994

Page 26: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian

Head of


Map 01

Map 03

Map 02

Nuyts Reef

Wilson Bluff

Dog FenceBeach

D'entrecasteaux Reef




















South AustralianMarine Park

ZoningBoundary Definition

Far West Coast Marine Park(1 November to 30 April inclusive)

Map 00

DE H S ta n da rd

Marine Park ZoningRestricted Access Zone (Existing)Sanctuary ZoneHabitat Protection ZoneSpecial Purpose Area(Shore-based recreational line fishing)

TopographicMarine Park BoundaryCoastal Waters of the State Coastline (median high water)Major RoadState Border




- Wes

tern A


lian b


DEH MapID: 2012-6316

Scale Bar is approximate only

0 25

Nautical Miles

0 25




© Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2012.All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. Forthe reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth)written permission must be sought from the Department.Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed,the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either expressor implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expresslydisclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed.

Produced by

Data Source

Compiled Projection Datum

Marine Parks ProjectDepartment of Environment, Water and Natural ResourcesGPO BOX 1047 Adelaide SA 5001www.marineparks.sa.gov.auMarine Parks, Topographic Data,Coastline (median high water) - DEWNR (dataset #807, Topography - Coastline, lastupdated April 2011)Coastal Waters of the State - Geoscience Australia(dataset #319, Australian Maritime Boundaries, last updated February 2006)2 November 2012GeographicGeocentric Datum of Australia, 1994

Page 27: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian





Inset 2

Inset 1


31° 42.230' S

130° 45.540' E31° 37.431' S

130° 45.540' E

NullarborRecreation Reserve

NullarborNational Park

Great Australian BightMarine National Park

Great Australian BightAquatic Reserve

Head of Bight

Maralinga Tjarutja Lands

Yalata Aboriginal Reserve

SZ-1131° 14.040' E








































South AustralianMarine Park

ZoningBoundary Definition

Far West Coast Marine Park(1 November to 30 April inclusive)

Map 01Restricted Access Zone 1

Sanctuary Zone 1Special Purpose Areas 1, 2

DE H S ta n da rd

Marine Park ZoningRestricted Access Zone (Existing)Sanctuary ZoneHabitat Protection ZoneSpecial Purpose Area(Shore-based recreational line fishing)

TopographicExisting Reserves under other ActsAboriginal LandsMarine Park BoundaryDCDB ParcelCoastal Waters of the State Coastline (median high water)Sealed RoadUnsealed RoadVehicular TrackState Border

Explanatory Notes:1. The coastal boundary of the park is the median high water mark (including the median high water mark of any estuaries), except where- (a) the boundary extends inland from median high water mark to include in the park the areas specified in Schedules 1 and 2 of Rack Plan 936; and (b) the boundary extends seaward from median high water mark to exclude from the park the areas specified in Schedule 3 of Rack Plan 936.2. Unless otherwise specified, the seaward boundary of the park is the seaward boundary of the coastal waters of the State.3. The state border is as advised by the Surveyor-General.



Inset 1

129° 8.571' E

129° 3.162' E RAZ-1




Inset 2


131° 11.880' E

131° 14.040' E





- Wes

tern A


lian b


DEH MapID: 2012-6317

Scale Bar is approximate only

0 25

Nautical Miles

0 25




© Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2012.All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. Forthe reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth)written permission must be sought from the Department.Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed,the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either expressor implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expresslydisclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed.

Produced by

Data Source

Compiled Projection Datum

Marine Parks ProjectDepartment of Environment, Water and Natural ResourcesGPO BOX 1047 Adelaide SA 5001www.marineparks.sa.gov.auMarine Parks, NPWSA, Topographic Data,Coastline (median high water) - DEWNR(dataset #807, Topography - Coastline, lastupdated April 2011)DCDB - DPTIAquatic Reserves, Aboriginal Lands - PIRSACoastal Waters of the State - Geoscience Australia(dataset #319, Australian Maritime Boundaries, last updated February 2006)31 October 2012GeographicGeocentric Datum of Australia, 1994

Page 28: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian









131° 14.040' E

131° 14.040' E

131° 23.191' E

131° 23.191' E

131° 27.160' E

131° 27.160' E

Yalata Aboriginal Reserve

Great Australian BightAquatic Reserve














































South AustralianMarine Park

ZoningBoundary Definition

Far West Coast Marine Park(1 November to 30 April inclusive)

Map 02Sanctuary Zone 2

Habitat Protection Zone 1

DE H S ta n da rd

Marine Park ZoningRestricted Access Zone (Existing)Sanctuary ZoneHabitat Protection ZoneSpecial Purpose Area(Shore-based recreational line fishing)

TopographicExisting Reserves under other ActsAboriginal LandsMarine Park BoundaryCoastal Waters of the State Coastline (median high water)Vehicular Track

Explanatory Notes:1. The coastal boundary of the park is the median high water mark (including the median high water mark of any estuaries), except where- (a) the boundary extends inland from median high water mark to include in the park the areas specified in Schedules 1 and 2 of Rack Plan 936; and (b) the boundary extends seaward from median high water mark to exclude from the park the areas specified in Schedule 3 of Rack Plan 936.2. Unless otherwise specified, the seaward boundary of the park is the seaward boundary of the coastal waters of the State.

DEH MapID: 2012-6320

Scale Bar is approximate only

0 2

Nautical Miles

0 2




© Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2012.All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. Forthe reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth)written permission must be sought from the Department.Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed,the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either expressor implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expresslydisclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed.

Produced by

Data Source

Compiled Projection Datum

Marine Parks ProjectDepartment of Environment, Water and Natural ResourcesGPO BOX 1047 Adelaide SA 5001www.marineparks.sa.gov.auMarine Parks, NPWSA, Topographic Data,Coastline (median high water) - DEWNR (dataset #807, Topography - Coastline, lastupdated April 2011)Aboriginal Lands, Aquatic Reserves - PIRSACoastal Waters of the State - Geoscience Australia(dataset #319, Australian Maritime Boundaries, last updated February 2006)2 November 2012GeographicGeocentric Datum of Australia, 1994

Page 29: FAR WEST COAST MARINE PARK · the Far West Coast Marine Park covers 1,690 km2 and is located within the Eucla Bioregion. The marine park encompasses the existing Great Australian







Dog Fence Beach

D'entrecasteaux Reef

WahgunyahConservation Park

Great Australian Bight MarineNational Park

132° 0.083' E

132° 0.083' E

131° 27.160' E

131° 27.160' E

131° 55.138' E

131° 55.138' E



Yalata Aboriginal Reserve

Great Australian BightAquatic Reserve




































South AustralianMarine Park

ZoningBoundary Definition

Far West Coast Marine Park(1 November to 30 April inclusive)

Map 03Sanctuary Zone 3

Habitat Protection Zone 2

DE H S ta n da rd

Marine Park ZoningSanctuary ZoneHabitat Protection Zone

TopographicExisting Reserves under other ActsAboriginal LandsMarine Park BoundaryDCDB ParcelCoastal Waters of the State Coastline (median high water)Vehicular Track

Explanatory Notes:1. The coastal boundary of the park is the median high water mark (including the median high water mark of any estuaries), except where- (a) the boundary extends inland from median high water mark to include in the park the areas specified in Schedules 1 and 2 of Rack Plan 936; and (b) the boundary extends seaward from median high water mark to exclude from the park the areas specified in Schedule 3 of Rack Plan 936.2. Unless otherwise specified, the seaward boundary of the park is the seaward boundary of the coastal waters of the State.

DEH MapID: 2012-6321

Scale Bar is approximate only

0 5

Nautical Miles

0 5




© Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2012.All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. Forthe reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth)written permission must be sought from the Department.Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed,the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either expressor implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expresslydisclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed.

Produced by

Data Source

Compiled Projection Datum

Marine Parks ProjectDepartment of Environment, Water and Natural ResourcesGPO BOX 1047 Adelaide SA 5001www.marineparks.sa.gov.auMarine Parks, NPWSA, Topographic Data,Coastline (median high water) - DEWNR (dataset #807, Topography - Coastline, lastupdated April 2011)DCDB - DPTIAboriginal Lands, Aquatic Reserves - PIRSACoastal Waters of the State - Geoscience Australia(dataset #319, Australian Maritime Boundaries, last updated February 2006)2 November 2012GeographicGeocentric Datum of Australia, 1994