fams-user manual new

Fixed Asset Management System User Guidance Version 2.0 Prepared by Software Engineering Team Central Finance Company PLC. - Page 1

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Fixed Asset Management System

User Guidance

Version 2.0

Prepared by Software Engineering Team

Central Finance Company PLC.


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Tables of Contents

Tables of Contents.............................................................................................................................2Introduction.......................................................................................................................................3How to use?.......................................................................................................................................4Logging Details..................................................................................................................................6Navigate through the menu..............................................................................................................8

1. Reference........................................................................................................................92. Asset Tracking...............................................................................................................143. Purchasing.....................................................................................................................154. Payments.......................................................................................................................195. Transfers.......................................................................................................................206. Disposal.........................................................................................................................217. Miscellaneous Charges.................................................................................................228. Inquiry...........................................................................................................................239. Month End Process.......................................................................................................2410. Reports..........................................................................................................................25


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This document is intended to guide users in the Fixed Asset Management System Module of the Central

Finance Company PLC. Current use of the system would expedite the process and also provide customer

satisfaction. Further it should ensure uniformity of all users and thereby minimize errors. The language

used is simple and could be understood those with basic of English.

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How to use

This section is going to explain how to get the knowledge about common user interface (UI) methods

where used by the system. The following common UI controls will explain how to use them.

1. Read only grid view

This kind of grid views can identify easily, the view has only the “Select” command. Use can click

on the Select command, and then system executes next operation according to the selected row


2. Read and write grid view

When using this kind of grid view, user needs to be care of the following rules.

I. Using the “Edit” command, system allows user to change the provided writable data

fields. If user confirm entered data is correct user must click on the “Update” command.

If user not accepts with the changes done, click on the “Cancel” command. Then the

system re allocates the previous value to the field.

II. Using the “Delete” command, selected row will be deleted.

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Logging Details

The system requests login information via the “System Login”. Refer the Figure 1.

Figure 1

1. Type the User Name

2. Type your User Name followed by Password.

3. Click on the “Log In” button. The Branch and Division will be populated with the default Branch Code

and Division Code.

4. Click on the Button at “Branch”. Select the appropriate branch from the collection of branches.

5. Click on the Button at “Division”. Select the appropriate division from the collection of divisions.

6. Click on the Button “Go”.

The system popup the User Groups detail. The system menu is organized according to the selected

user group. Refer Figure 2.

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Figure 2

1. Select the appropriate User Group from the group list

2. Click on the “OK, Apply Settings” button

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Navigate through the menu

1. Click on the “Menu Item” at the uppermost menu.

2. Follow the directions on the menu to get the appropriate window. Refer Figure 3.

The system logs in providing a menu at the uppermost. Then click on the appropriate menu item to

start. For Refer the Figure 3.

Figure 3: The menu uppermost and home page

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1. Reference

Figure 4

1.1 Sub Ledger Items

Figure 5

1. Click on the down arrow at the “Select Ledger”. To view Ledger Items detail, select a Ledger

category from the list. System will display all the Items registered to the selected Ledger Code

2. To add a new Item under the selected Ledger, click on the “New” button.

3. See the “Save” button is activated. Provide the item details to be saved. (Item Name, Item

Description). Then the system generates a Item Number.

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4. To modify an Item detail, click on the “Select” command in the items list. Then the system

will appear the item detail to the user input controls. User can change the item details (Item

Name, Item Description).

5. To update changed data, click on the “Save”.

6. Update data will be saved.

7. Click on the “Save” button.

1.2 Supplier Details

Figure 6

1. To view all Supplier details, Click on the “View All”.

2. To modify a supplier details, click on the “Select” command on suppliers list. Supplier details

will appear in the user input fields. To modify user can change the supplier details.

Ex: Contact Person, Email etc.

3. To update modified data, click on the “Save” button.

4. To clear and cancel current view, click on the “Cancel” button.

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1.3 VAT Recoverable Rate

Figure 7

1. To add new recoverable rate, Click on the “New” button. The system allows user to enter

rate details.

Ex: Effective date from, Effective date to, effective rate

2. To save new VAT recoverable rate, click on the “Save” button.

3. To cancel current activity, click on the “Cancel” button.

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1.4 Depreciation Rates

Figure 81. To add new depreciation rate, Click on the “….” Button to get the appropriate ledger account

from the ledger account list.

Figure 9

System allows user to enter other details of the entry. Ex: Effective Date, Expire Date, Rate

2. Click on the “Add” button to add entered data into the list to be saved. Then the list shows

recently added data frequently.

3. To Save entered data, click on the “Save” button.

4. To View depreciation rate details, click on the “View” button.

Figure 10

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1.5 Assign Email

Figure 11

1. To add new email address of the branch in-charge, enter the email details into the Email

input field and click on the “Save” button.

2. To view the branch in-charge email details, Click on the “View” button. The system displays

current email address of the branch in-charge.

3. To change the email address of the branch in-charge, change the current email add click on

the “Save” button.

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2. Asset Tracking

Figure 12

2.1 Asset Detail Entry

Figure 131. To view registered asset details of the logged branch/division, click on the “View” button.

The system displays all the asset details into the asset list

2. To get the asset details for a selected asset from the list, click on the “Select” command. The

system displays asset details of the selected asset.

3. The system allows changing following details of an asset. Click on the “Save” button to save

changed data.

Ex: Manufac. Serial No, Warranty Expire Date, Owner etc.

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3. Purchasing

Figure 143.1 Purchase Order Entry

Figure 151. To add a new purchase order, click on the “New” button.

2. Input supplier from the list. See figure 16. User can navigate more suppliers by clicking on the

“Next” command. And also user can search a particular supplier by providing ID or name.

Figure 16

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3. Input the PO date at the “PO Date”. User can select the date by clicking on the button.

4. Click on the down arrow at the “Required date” and select the appropriate option.

5. System gets the Branch and Division automatically into the “Branch” and “Division”.

6. Input the PO remarks at the “PO Remarks”.

7. Click on the “Next” button, to go to the next part of the PO entry called PO detail entry form.

See figure 17.

Figure 17

8. Provide items to be purchased. To get item into the “Item”, click on the button, then system displays

all the registered items. User can select the appropriate item from the list. See figure 18. And also user

can search an item by providing item name and get the item.

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Figure 189. Provide the price of the unit to be purchased at the “Unit Price” input area.

10. Provide the quantity at the “Quantity” input area.

11. Select the applicable VAT percentage at the “VAT”. If not applicable select the “None”


12. Select the option “Yes” or “No” of “1% BTT” if the BTT is applicable for the selected item.

13. To add the selected item to the PO details, click on the “Add” button. Then system frequently

adds selected item detail into the grid view. And the system calculates total amounts

according to the added items.

14. System allows user to modify the added items details of the grid view.

15. To delete a selected item from list, click on the “Delete” command.

16. To modify the row data, click on the “Edit” command. Then user can change the editable

field of the row. After confirming entered data, click on the “Update” command. If user not

accepts the changed value, click on the “Cancel” command.

17. To Save the completed purchase order, click on the “Save” button. Then the new PO

generated. System automatically generate the PO reference number and displays it at the

“PO No.”.

18. To clear or reset the entered data before save, click on the “Clear” button.

19. To print the generated PO, click on the “Print PO” button. See figure 19.

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Figure 19

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3.2 Goods Received Note

Figure 191. To add a new good receiving note, click on the “New” button.

2. Click on the drop down arrow at the “To Branch” to select the destination Branch Code

where goods to be issued. Then the branch description show automatically.

3. Click on the drop down arrow at the “To Division” to select the destination Division Code

where goods to be issued. Then the division description show automatically.

4. The system get the GRN officer code and officer name from the logging details.

5. Provide the GRN origination date at the “GRN Origination Date”. User can select the date by

clicking on the button.

6. System gets the VAT recoverable rate from the General Ledger system registered to the

entered date.

7. Provide the PO details, user need to supply PO Number of which Order details to be received.

8. Click on the Button next to the PO No., and screen will appear to sear the appropriate PO



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10. Payments

Figure3.3 Payment Advice

3.4 Payment Details

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4. Transfers

Figure4.1 Goods Issue Note

4.2 Goods Issue Confirm

4.3 Goods Received Note

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5. Disposal


5.1 Disposal Request Note

5.2 Disposal Approval

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6. Miscellaneous Charges


6.1 Invoice Entry

6.2 Asset Additions Entry

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7. Inquiry


7.1 Asset Inquiry

7.2 Stock Inquiry

7.3 Print PO

7.4 Print GRN

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8. Month End Process


8.1 Stop Depreciation

8.2 Process Depreciation

8.3 Asset Revaluation Entry

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9. Reports


The FAMS System contains a wealthy set of reports. Those help users to get an idea on the current situation in stocks, dealers, branches etc. The section below summarizes the each report in the order as on the menu (Refer the Figure 24).


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