fall rally manual 2013-2014

Fall Rally Fall Rally Fall Rally MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL

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Fall Rally Fall Rally Fall Rally


Hello my fellow Kiwiners! This Novem-

ber, we will be having our annual, su-

per festive, cheer-filled Fall Rally! For

those of you newer members out

there, Fall Rally is a day dedicated to

raising awareness of and supporting

Pediatric Trauma Prevention, one of

three of our district projects. This is a

day when all 9 divisions unite as a

whole like pieces of a puzzle coming

together to not only focus on raising

awareness of PTP, but also to show

what each division is made of

through events such as Penny Wars,

Trivia, and more! So make sure you’re

there to represent not only your club,

but also your division!

What is Fall Rally?What is Fall Rally?What is Fall Rally?

Why do we have Fall Rally?Why do we have Fall Rally?Why do we have Fall Rally?

Now you may be asking yourself, why do we have Fall

Rally in the first place? Well, as i stated before, we

make sure that we have a Fall Rally every year to raise

awareness of PTP and it also gives every division a

chance to show their machismo. One of the other

reasons we think its important is because it reinvigor-

ates the KIWIN’S spirit in some folks whose spirit begins

to sort of drift away in a sense. Because of the long

summer break, there lies dormant activity within cer-

tain clubs and Fall Rally gives those clubs a boost like

how Harry feels every time he sees his parent’s spirits.

Fall Rally is capable of doing so because of how wild

and crazy it naturally is.

What exactly is Pediatric Trauma


What is PTP?What is PTP?

PTP can affect those from infancy to age 19. It is a result of

motor vehicles accidents, physical abuse, drowning acci-

dents, falls, and animal bites , making it the leading cause

of death of children in the United States. Every year, up to

16 million emergency visits and 20,000 deaths occur. That is

why since 1992, KIWIN’S has made PTP one of its main focus-

es to educate those who are unaware of this and to help

fund PTP so that these accidents can be reduced.

What to expect?What to expect?What to expect?

At Fall Rally, there are going to be tons

of activities to participate in, laugh at,

and listen to! So don’t worry if you feel

like you won’t be able to do much.

Some of the things you can expect



This is an extremely hectic, yet exhilarating competi-

tion among the divisions to see who can fill their con-

tainer the most with pennies. Now, Penny wars is infa-

mous for people getting injured because of the na-

ture of how competitive it is. So we will be monitoring

this year’s Penny Wars closely and if we see anyone

punching, kicking, shoving, using laserbeams, using

ninjustu, he/she will receive punishment. So make sure

to keep it FRIENDLY. All proceeds will of course go to-

wards PTP.


Every year at Fall Rally, we make sure that our guest

speakers are up to caliber and this year, it’s no differ-

ent. One of our guest speakers will be Mr. Kiner, who

will be talking about PTP. So look forward to it!

Immense CheeringImmense CheeringImmense Cheering

The amount of cheering at Fall Rallies is in-

credibly monstrous. Because we all support

one another so much in almost everything

we do, the cheers and screaming is going to

be so wild this year.

Icebreakers Icebreakers Icebreakers

Now we all know each pretty well right? Nope.

We all may be working towards one goal, but

we are still separated in divisions. So we’ll have

easy, fun, ice breakers for ya’ll to get to know

one another in every division.


Pie here, Pie

there. The event

where you get

to Pie the peo-

ple you love!

Trivia games Trivia games

Questions about our KIWINER’S

and their dirty secrets will be re-


Embarrassing moments

Moments where you just want

to point and laugh

When is Fall Rally?When is Fall Rally?When is Fall Rally?

Every year, Fall Rally, both North and South, is held in the

month of November. This year, Fall Rally South will take

place on November 23rd while Fall Rally North will occur

on November 9th! So mark your calendars and get ready

to experience the immense spirit and cheering because we

have great things planned to make sure you guys have the

times of your lives!

What To BringWhat To BringWhat To Bring

Divisional Wear

Money (especially pennies )Money (especially pennies )Money (especially pennies )
