fall 2013 final exam info

Fall 2013 Final Exam Study Guide 1. During her psychology test, Kelsey could not remember the meaning of the term “proactive interference.” Surprisingly, however, she accurately remembered that the term appeared on the fourth line of a left-hand page in her textbook. Her memory of this incidental information is best explained in terms of: 2. Compulsive gamblers frequently recall losing less money than is actually the case. Their memory failure best illustrates: 3. When people are asked to recall a list of words they had earlier memorized, they often substitute synonyms for some of the words on the original list. This best illustrates the effects of: 4. Elaine's memory of her Paris vacation is more positive today than it was last year just after she went. This best illustrates: 5. The discovery that words heard underwater are later better recalled underwater than on land best illustrates the value of: 6. Sigmund Freud emphasized that the forgetting of painful experiences is caused by a process that involves: 7. Compared to adults, children are more susceptible to: 8. In an effort to remember how to spell “rhinoceros,” Samantha spells the word aloud 30 times. She is using a technique known as: 9. When asked to recall their attitudes of 10 years ago regarding marijuana use, people offer recollections closer to their current views than to those they actually reported a decade earlier. This best illustrates: 10. The next-in-line effect best illustrates: 11. Lewis cannot remember the details of the torture he experienced as a prisoner of war. According to Freud, Lewis's failure to remember these painful memories is an example of: 12. The first thing Karen did when she discovered that she had misplaced her keys was to re-create in her mind the day's events. That she had little difficulty in doing so illustrates: 13. Walking through the halls of his high school 10 years after graduation, Tom experienced a flood of old memories. Tom's experience showed the role of: 14. Which of the following is not a measure of retention? 15. After finding her old combination lock, Janice can't remember its combination because she keeps confusing it with the combination of her new lock. She is experiencing: 16. Which of the following was not recommended as a strategy for improving memory? Page 1

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Fall 2013 Final Exam Info


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Fall 2013 Final Exam Study Guide

1. During her psychology test, Kelsey could not remember the meaning of the term “proactive interference.” Surprisingly, however, she accurately remembered that the term appeared on the fourth line of a left-hand page in her textbook. Her memory of this incidental information is best explained in terms of:

2. Compulsive gamblers frequently recall losing less money than is actually the case. Their memory failure best illustrates:

3. When people are asked to recall a list of words they had earlier memorized, they often substitute synonyms for some of the words on the original list. This best illustrates the effects of:

4. Elaine's memory of her Paris vacation is more positive today than it was last year just after she went. This best illustrates:

5. The discovery that words heard underwater are later better recalled underwater than on land best illustrates the value of:

6. Sigmund Freud emphasized that the forgetting of painful experiences is caused by a process that involves:

7. Compared to adults, children are more susceptible to:

8. In an effort to remember how to spell “rhinoceros,” Samantha spells the word aloud 30 times. She is using a technique known as:

9. When asked to recall their attitudes of 10 years ago regarding marijuana use, people offer recollections closer to their current views than to those they actually reported a decade earlier. This best illustrates:

10. The next-in-line effect best illustrates:

11. Lewis cannot remember the details of the torture he experienced as a prisoner of war. According to Freud, Lewis's failure to remember these painful memories is an example of:

12. The first thing Karen did when she discovered that she had misplaced her keys was to re-create in her mind the day's events. That she had little difficulty in doing so illustrates:

13. Walking through the halls of his high school 10 years after graduation, Tom experienced a flood of old memories. Tom's experience showed the role of:

14. Which of the following is not a measure of retention?

15. After finding her old combination lock, Janice can't remember its combination because she keeps confusing it with the combination of her new lock. She is experiencing:

16. Which of the following was not recommended as a strategy for improving memory?

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17. When Gordon Bower presented words grouped by category or in random order, recall was:

18. Complete this analogy: Fill-in-the-blank test questions are to multiple-choice questions as:

19. Which of the following is the best example of a flashbulb memory?

20. To help him remember the order of ingredients in difficult recipes, master chef Giulio often associates them with the route he walks to work each day. Giulio is using which mnemonic technique?

21. Darren was asked to memorize a list of letters that included v, q, y, and j. He later recalled these letters as e, u, i, and k, suggesting that the original letters had been encoded:

22. The disruption of memory that occurs when football players have been knocked out provides evidence for the importance of:

23. Memory for skills is called:

24. Although you can't recall the answer to a question on your psychology midterm, you have a clear mental image of the textbook page on which it appears. Evidently, your ________ encoding of the answer was ________.

25. Visual sensory memory is referred to as:

26. The three steps in memory information processing are:

27. Studies demonstrate that learning causes permanent neural changes in the ________ of animals' neurons.

28. Which area of the brain is most important in the processing of implicit memories?

29. Repression is an example of:

30. Memory researchers are suspicious of long-repressed memories of traumatic events that are “recovered” with the aid of drugs or hypnosis because:

31. Automatic processing occurs without:

32. Peterson and Peterson demonstrated that unrehearsed short-term memories for three consonants almost completely decay in as short a time as:

33. Explicit memory is to long-term memory as iconic memory is to ________ memory.

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34. Austin can't remember Jack Smith's name because he wasn't paying attention when Jack was formally introduced. Austin's poor memory is best explained in terms of:

35. Peterson and Peterson asked people to count aloud backward after they were presented with three consonants. This study finds that ________ memories have a limited duration without active processing and rehearsal.

36. When first introduced to someone, Marcel effectively remembers the person's name by repeating it to himself several times. Marcel makes use of a strategy called:

37. Jamille performs better on foreign language vocabulary tests if she studies the material 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if she crams for 2 hours the night before the test. This illustrates what is known as:

38. The tendency for distributed study to yield better long-term retention than massed study is known as:

39. Which of the following poses the greatest threat to the credibility of children's recollections of sexual abuse?

40. The process of getting information out of memory is called:

41. Psychologists on both sides of the controversy regarding reports of repressed and recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse agree that:

42. Acronyms are to chunking as the method of loci is to:

43. As a child, Andre dreamed that he was chased and attacked by a ferocious dog. Many years later, he mistakenly recalled that this had actually happened to him. Andre's false recollection best illustrates:

44. Your ability to immediately recognize the voice over the phone as your mother's illustrates the value of:

45. The process of retrieval refers to:

46. The title of a song is on the tip of Gerard's tongue, but he cannot recall it until someone mentions the songwriter's name. Gerard's initial inability to recall the title was most likely caused by:

47. When Hailey told her roommate about the chemistry exam she had just completed, she knowingly exaggerated its difficulty. Subsequently, her memory of the exam was that it was as difficult as she had reported it to be. This best illustrates:

48. Rephrasing text material in your own words is an effective way of facilitating:

49. The letters Y, M, O, M, R, E are presented. Jill remembers them by rearranging them to spell the word “MEMORY.” This provides an illustration of:

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50. An attorney uses misleading questions in an attempt to distort a court witness' recall of a previously observed crime. This best illustrates:

51. For a moment after hearing his dog's high-pitched bark, Mr. Silvers has a vivid auditory impression of the dog's yelp. His experience most clearly illustrates ________ memory.

52. The organization of information into meaningful units is called:

53. Although Arturo has looked at his watch thousands of times, he is unable to recall whether the watch features Arabic or Roman numerals. This is most likely due to a failure in:

54. The psychologist Jean Piaget constructed a vivid, detailed memory of being kidnapped after hearing his nursemaid's false reports of such an event. His experience best illustrates:

55. After learning the combination for his new locker at school, Milton is unable to remember the combination for his year-old bicycle lock. Milton is experiencing the effects of:

56. By creating an outline in which specific facts and theories are located within the larger framework of major topics and subtopics, Jasmine can remember much more of what she reads in her college textbooks. This best illustrates the benefits of:

57. Participants in one experiment were given entirely fabricated accounts of an occasion in which they had been lost in a shopping mall during their childhood. Many of these participants later falsely recollected vivid details of the experience as having actually occurred. This experiment best illustrated:

58. The misinformation effect best illustrates the dynamics of:

59. The inability to recall which numbers on a telephone dial are not accompanied by letters is most likely due to:

60. When memory researcher Elizabeth Loftus was an adolescent, her uncle incorrectly insisted that as a child she had found her own mother's drowned body. Loftus herself later falsely recollected finding the body. This best illustrates:

61. The method of loci is to imagery as acronyms are to:

62. Rehearsal is to encoding as retrieval cues are to:

63. Shortly after you see a missing-child poster you are more likely to interpret an ambiguous adult-child interaction as a possible kidnapping. This best illustrates the impact of:

64. The relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system is called ________ memory.

65. The inability to remember how Lincoln's head appears on a penny is most likely due to a failure in:

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66. Mood-congruent memory refers to the effect of emotional states on the process of:

67. One reason adults typically recall little of their first three years of life is that during infancy they were unable to verbally label most of their experiences. This best illustrates that the formation of long-term memories often requires:

68. Explicit memory is to ________ as implicit memory is to ________.

69. Chunking refers to:

70. Although Mr. Yanagita has recently learned to play poker quite well, he cannot consciously remember ever having played poker. It is likely that he has suffered damage to his:

71. Bandura's experiments indicate that ________ is important in the process of learning.

72. The removal of electric shock is to the receipt of good grades as ________ is to ________.

73. Without any explicit training from adults, many 8-year-old children know how to turn the ignition key in order to start their parents' cars. This best illustrates the importance of:

74. By learning to associate a squirt of water with an electric shock, sea snails demonstrate the process of:

75. After receiving a painful shot from a female nurse in a white uniform, 3-year-old Vaclav experiences fear of any woman wearing a white dress. Vaclav's reaction best illustrates:

76. Like European Christians who risked their lives to rescue Jews from the Nazis, civil rights activists of the 1960s had parents who:

77. Last year, Dr. Moritano cleaned Natacha's skin with rubbing alcohol prior to administering each of a series of painful rabies vaccination shots. Which of the following processes accounts for the fact that Natacha currently becomes fearful every time she smells rubbing alcohol?

78. Two-year-old Philip was recently clawed by the neighbor's cat. Philip's newly developed tendency to fear all small animals demonstrates the process of:

79. Toddlers taught to fear speeding cars may also begin to fear speeding trucks and motorcycles. This best illustrates:

80. Jacqueline is sexually aroused by the sight of her handsome boyfriend but not by the sight of her equally handsome brother. This best illustrates the value of:

81. For the most rapid acquisition of a CR, the CS should be presented:

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82. A learned association between a response and a stimulus is to ________ as a learned association between two stimuli is to ________.

83. On Monday, Johnny's mother gave him cookies and milk after he had played quietly for 10 minutes. On Tuesday, she required 20 minutes of quiet play before treat time, and on Wednesday, the cookies were given to him only after a full half hour of quiet play. Johnny was taught to play quietly for extended periods through:

84. An allergy attack triggered by the sight of plastic flowers best illustrates the process of:

85. Some of Pavlov's dogs learned to salivate to the sound of one particular tone and not to other tones. This illustrates the process of:

86. Which of the following provides the clearest indication of a drug addiction?

87. Unconscious information processing is more likely than conscious processing to:

88. Deep sleep appears to play an important role in:

89. Consciousness is to unconsciousness as ________ is to ________.

90. Which of the following drugs is classified as a stimulant?

91. After sleeping for about an hour and a half, José enters a phase of paradoxical sleep. He is likely to:

92. Forty-year-old Lance insists that he never dreams. Research suggests that he probably:

93. Consciousness is:

94. Shane, a straight-A student, remembers dreaming that he failed an important chemistry test. According to Freud, Shane's account represents the ________ content of his dream.

95. The organizational principles identified by Gestalt psychologists best illustrate the importance of:

96. Lightness constancy is most clearly facilitated by:

97. Felix was so preoccupied with his girlfriend's good looks that he failed to perceive any of her less admirable characteristics. This best illustrates the dangers of:

98. After hearing rumors about the outbreak of an infectious disease, Alyosha began to perceive his normal aches and pains as diseaserelated symptoms. His reaction best illustrates the impact of:

99. The organization of two-dimensional retinal images into three-dimensional perceptions is called:

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100. A bank teller was so distracted by the sight of a bank robber's weapon that she failed to perceive important features of the criminal's physical appearance. This best illustrates:

101. Our inability to consciously perceive all the sensory information available to us at any single point in time best illustrates the necessity of:

102. Although a few keys on the piano were broken, Shana couldn't prevent herself from mentally filling in the missing notes of the familiar melodies. This best illustrates the principle of:

103. The impact of experience on perception is most clearly illustrated by:

104. It wasn't until Clara heard some of her classmates laughing loudly during history class that she began to perceive the professor's ongoing lecture to be very funny. This provides an illustration of:

105. Humans experience the longest visible electromagnetic waves as:

106. The fact that fear may increase your sensitivity to an almost imperceptible pain stimulus is of most relevance to:

107. If Jared watches a nurse give him an injection, he experiences more pain than if he closes his eyes during the procedure and thinks about his favorite food. This illustrates the value of ________ for pain control.

108. Which of the following pain control techniques is emphasized in the Lamaze method of childbirth training?

109. If we see a speaker mouthing day while actually hearing someone else saying may, we may perceive a third syllable bay that blends both inputs. This phenomenon is known as:

110. Ms. Shields, a recent stroke victim, cannot consciously perceive the large book on the coffee table in front of her. Yet, when urged to identify the book, she correctly reads aloud the printed title on the book cover. Her response best illustrates:

111. The amount of light entering the eye is regulated by the:

112. Certain stroke victims report seeing nothing when shown a series of sticks, yet they are able to correctly report whether the sticks are vertical or horizontal. This best illustrates:

113. The phenomenon of color constancy best demonstrates that:

114. Diminished sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus is known as:

115. The fact that many happy and well-adjusted adults were once rebellious and unhappy as adolescents is most relevant to the issue of:

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116. The best evidence that 4-month-old infants possess visual memory capabilities comes from research on:

117. If research suggested that a pregnant mother's use of an artificial sweetener caused harm to the fetus, the artificial sweetener would be considered a(n):

118. Three-year-old Zara calls all four-legged animals “kitties.” Her tendency to fit all four-legged animals into her existing conception of a kitten illustrates the process of:

119. A belief that adult personality is completely determined in early childhood years would be most relevant to the issue of:

120. The process by which certain birds form attachments during a critical period very early in life is called:

121. For several months following a sudden and unexpected divorce, Henry was excessively preoccupied with thoughts of his ex-wife. His reaction resulted from the disruption of:

122. The symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome demonstrate that alcohol is a:

123. Four-year-old Jennifer mistakenly believes that her mother would like to receive a toy doll as a Christmas present. This best illustrates Piaget's concept of:

124. Eighteen-month-old Justin follows his mother around the house, clinging tightly to her when he is frightened. This best illustrates:

125. The paternal deprivation experienced by many young children with divorced or unmarried parents is likely to put them at increased risk for:

126. Erik Erikson suggested that children with a secure attachment to their parents are especially likely to experience:

127. As members of the human family, we all share a common:

128. Female children are most likely to act like tomboys if they were exposed to excess ________ during their prenatal development.

129. The prenatal development of the external male sex organs is stimulated by:

130. A willingness to switch jobs and move from one part of the country to another best illustrates one of the consequences of:

131. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that travel across the:

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132. Which brain structure relays information from the eyes to the visual cortex?

133. Nerves are neural cables containing many:

134. The nineteenth-century theory that bumps on the skull reveal a person's abilities and traits is called:

135. Which endocrine gland regulates body growth?

136. The cortical regions that are not directly involved in sensory or motor functions are known as:

137. In a recent car accident, Tamiko sustained damage to his right cerebral hemisphere. This injury is most likely to reduce Tamiko's ability to:

138. The association areas are located in the:

139. Hormones are the chemical messengers of the:

140. The best way to detect enlarged fluid-filled brain regions in some patients who have schizophrenia is to use a(n):

141. After he suffered a stroke, Mr. Santore's physical coordination skills and responsiveness to sensory stimulation quickly returned to normal. Unfortunately, however, he began to experience unusual difficulty figuring out how to find his way to various locations in his neighborhood. It is most likely that Mr. Santore suffered damage to his:

142. Research on left-handedness suggests that:

143. The slowdown of neural communication in multiple sclerosis involves a degeneration of the:

144. Which region of your brainstem plays a role in arousing you to a state of alertness when someone nearby mentions your name?

145. In an experiment designed to study the effectiveness of a new drug, research participants who receive a placebo are participating in the ________ condition.

146. The most commonly reported measure of central tendency is the:

147. The belief that weather conditions signal the onset of arthritis pain best illustrates:

148. If college graduates typically earn more money than high school graduates, this would indicate that level of education and income are:

149. The healing power of positive expectations is best illustrated by:

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150. Evelyn wants to know how consistent her bowling scores have been during the past season. Which of the following measures would be most relevant to this specific concern?

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