fabrication of cmos integrated circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/courses... · cmos...


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Page 1: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press



Dr. Mohammed M. Farag

Page 2: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Overview of CMOS Fabrication Processes

The CMOS Fabrication Process Flow

Design Rules


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 2

Page 3: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer

Lithography process similar to printing press

On each step, different materials are deposited or


Easiest to understand by viewing both top and

cross-section of wafer in a simplified manufacturing


CMOS Fabrication

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 3

Page 4: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Typically use p-type substrate for nMOS transistors

Requires n-well for body of pMOS transistors

Inverter Cross-section

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 4


p substrate


n well



n+ p+


n+ diffusion

p+ diffusion



nMOS transistor pMOS transistor

Page 5: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Substrate must be tied to GND and n-well to VDD

Metal to lightly-doped semiconductor forms poor

connection called Shottky Diode

Use heavily doped well and substrate contacts / taps

Well and Substrate Taps

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 5


p substrate


n well





substrate tapwell


n+ p+

Page 6: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Transistors and wires are defined by masks

Cross-section taken along dashed line

Inverter Mask Set

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 6




substrate tap well tap

nMOS transistor pMOS transistor

Page 7: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Six masks



n+ diffusion

p+ diffusion



Detailed Mask Views

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 7




n+ Diffusion

p+ Diffusion

n well

Page 8: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Overview of CMOS Fabrication Processes

The CMOS Fabrication Process Flow

Design Rules


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 8

Page 9: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Chips are built in huge factories called fabs

Contain clean rooms as large as football fields


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 9

Courtesy of International

Business Machines Corporation.

Unauthorized use not permitted.

Page 10: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Start with blank wafer

Build inverter from the bottom up

First step will be to form the n-well

Cover wafer with protective layer of SiO2 (oxide)

Remove layer where n-well should be built

Implant or diffuse n dopants into exposed wafer

Strip off SiO2

Fabrication Steps

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 10

p substrate

Page 11: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Grow SiO2 on top of Si wafer

900 – 1200 C with H2O or O2 in oxidation furnace


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 11

p substrate


Page 12: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Spin on photoresist

Photoresist is a light-sensitive organic polymer

Softens where exposed to light


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 12

p substrate



Page 13: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Expose photoresist through n-well mask

Strip off exposed photoresist


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 13

p substrate



Page 14: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Etch oxide with hydrofluoric acid (HF)

Seeps through skin and eats bone; nasty stuff!!!

Only attacks oxide where resist has been exposed


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 14

p substrate



Page 15: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Strip off remaining photoresist

Use mixture of acids called piranah etch

Necessary so resist doesn’t melt in next step

Strip Photoresist

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 15

p substrate


Page 16: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

n-well is formed with diffusion or ion implantation


Place wafer in furnace with arsenic gas

Heat until As atoms diffuse into exposed Si

Ion Implanatation

Blast wafer with beam of As ions

Ions blocked by SiO2, only enter exposed Si


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 16

n well


Page 17: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Strip off the remaining oxide using HF

Back to bare wafer with n-well

Subsequent steps involve similar series of steps

Strip Oxide

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 17

p substrate

n well

Page 18: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Deposit very thin layer of gate oxide

< 20 Å (6-7 atomic layers)

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) of silicon layer

Place wafer in furnace with Silane gas (SiH4)

Forms many small crystals called polysilicon

Heavily doped to be good conductor


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 18

Thin gate oxide


p substraten well

Page 19: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Use same lithography process to pattern polysilicon

Polysilicon Patterning

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 19


p substrate

Thin gate oxide


n well

Page 20: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Use oxide and masking to expose where n+ dopants

should be diffused or implanted

N-diffusion forms nMOS source, drain, and n-well


Self-Aligned Process

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 20

p substraten well

Page 21: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Pattern oxide and form n+ regions

Self-aligned process where gate blocks diffusion

Polysilicon is better than metal for self-aligned gates

because it doesn’t melt during later processing


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 21

p substraten well

n+ Diffusion

Page 22: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Historically dopants were diffused

Usually ion implantation today

But regions are still called diffusion

N-diffusion cont.

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 22

n wellp substrate

n+n+ n+

Page 23: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Strip off oxide to complete patterning step

N-diffusion cont.

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 23

n wellp substrate

n+n+ n+

Page 24: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Similar set of steps form p+ diffusion regions for

pMOS source and drain and substrate contact


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 24

p+ Diffusion

p substraten well

n+n+ n+p+p+p+

Page 25: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Now we need to wire together the devices

Cover chip with thick field oxide

Etch oxide where contact cuts are needed


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 25

p substrate

Thick field oxide

n well

n+n+ n+p+p+p+


Page 26: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Sputter on aluminum over whole wafer

Pattern to remove excess metal, leaving wires


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 26

p substrate


Thick field oxide

n well

n+n+ n+p+p+p+


Page 27: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Overview of CMOS Fabrication Processes

The CMOS Fabrication Process Flow

Design Rules


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 27

Page 28: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Chips are specified with set of masks

Minimum dimensions of masks determine transistor

size (and hence speed, cost, and power)

Feature size f = distance between source and drain

Set by minimum width of polysilicon

Feature size improves 30% every 3 years or so

Normalize for feature size when describing design


Express rules in terms of l = f/2

E.g. l = 0.3 mm in 0.6 mm process


EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 28

Page 29: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Design rules (DRs) are a set of geometrical specifications that dictate the design of the layout masks

Such rules provide numerical values for minimum dimensions, line spacing, and other geometrical quantities

DRs are derived from the limits on a specific processing line and must be followed to insure functional structures on the fabricated chip

There are given numerical values in the DR listing; violating these values may lead to failure. In our notationw = minimum width specifications

s = minimum spacing value

d = generic minimum distance

Design Rules

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 29

Page 30: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

DRs have units of length (usually µm)

DRs change with the fabrication technology

The popularity of VLSI fabrications has introduced the concept of the silicon foundry

A foundry allows designers to submit designs using a state-of-the-art process

Most foundry operations allow the submission of designs using a simpler set of design rules that can be easily scaled to different processes

These are called lambda design rules where all DRs

are expressed in terms of lambda (𝜆 =1


Design Rules (2)

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 30

Page 31: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Why do VLSI technology have Design Rules

fabrication process has minimum/maximum feature sizes that

can be produced for each layer

alignment between layers requires adequate separation (if

layers unconnected)or overlap (if layers connected)

proper device operation requires adequate separation

“Lambda” Design Rules

lambda, λ, = 1/2 minimum feature size, e.g., 0. 6μm process ->


can define design rules in terms of lambdas

allows for “scalable” design using same rules

Why Design Rules

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 31

Page 32: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Basic Rules

minimum width

minimum spacing



Design Rule Types

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 32

Page 33: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Example of minimum spacing and width rules (poly)

Spacing and Width Design Rules

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 33

Page 34: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Example of a surround rule (an active contact)

This rule guards against a misaligned contact cut

patterns during the lithographic exposure setup

Surround Design Rules

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 34

Page 35: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

The accuracy of photolithography is the main factor

that can lead to misalignment problems

Figure shows a potential problem with active

contacts due to misalignment

Surround Design Rules (2)

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 35

Page 36: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Extension-type design rules also rend to be based on

misalignment problems

Figure shows the extension distance rule for

polysilicon gate and a potential misalignment failure

Extension Design Rules

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 36

Page 37: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Some geometrical design rules originate from physical

considerations such as

The linewidth limitation of an imaging system

The reticle shadow projected to the surface of the photoresist does

not have sharp edges due to optical diffraction

For example, a lightwave with an optical wavelength of 𝜆 cannot

accurately image a feature size much less than 𝜆

The etching process introduces another type of problem as

shown in Figure

Physical Limitations

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 37

Page 38: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Conservative rules to get you started

Simplified Design Rules

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 38

Page 39: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

Transistor dimensions specified as Width / Length

Minimum size is 4l / 2l, sometimes called 1 unit

In f = 0.6 mm process, this is 1.2 mm wide, 0.6 mm long

Inverter Layout

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 39

Page 40: Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuitseng.staff.alexu.edu.eg/~mmorsy/Courses... · CMOS transistors are fabricated on silicon wafer Lithography process similar to printing press

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University

The lecture notes are developed using the Uyemura

VLSI book and Harris lecture notes of the CMOS

VLSI Design book.

About these Notes

EE 432 VLSI Modeling and Design 40