fabric-a pages 18-19 - fabric-a magazine; 'imagination' london, england


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Post on 13-Jun-2015




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I was very kindly invited to be interviewed for a the 'Imagination Edition' of London's uber-cool creative publication, 'Fabric-a Magazine'. It ended up being a first-up, fourteen page feature exploring many aspects of me and my most recent work. I hope it gives some background as to who I am and what I'm all about. It was certainly a very humbling experience and I am am very grateful to Creative Director Andrea Horne, and Editor In Chief Edyta Michalska for the more than flattering opportunity to share my work and outlook.


Page 1: Fabric-a Pages 18-19 -  Fabric-a Magazine; 'Imagination' London, England


being good enough, what ever that means anyway. So many who have started later in life have become seminal in forming our worldview. A psychologist might say it is our socialisation that informs everything that we are and become in life. I would say yes, but I’d rather wonder if our brains are merely different shapes, some mathematics-shaped, some art-shaped, some business-shaped.

An ambiguous concept I know, but how much do we really know about all those synapses in our brains, all I know is, doing creative things consistently has mine light up like a Christmas tree, and that’s how, mostly from my experience’s of things I had to do out of necessity, I know I must seek the life that will keep those lights ever twinkling. Without giving away all of your secrets, how do you create these graphic images?Well I guess initially it’s like a painting, thoughts and ideas and imagery and the myriad of ways that I can manipulate those things are like my palette. Using that mind palace again, I take a base image (or a few) and outline the composition, draft it out, and then it’s a process of merging other images, as they are, or manipulated in there own way, or how might be advantageous to the underlying layers. As you can imagine, as with paints and pigments, you develop an increasingly intimate understanding of what compliments, what detracts,

what enriches, or basically, ‘what works’ given the outcome you want. With regards to imagery, it’s mostly about colour and texture and shapes and lines and light and dark and forms and effects. Where do you stop I guess is the next question? My answer to that, has been in my previous answers, like I said, I think it’s informed from my previous works, and what I haave picked up along the way. I suppose my fascination in Art, film and photography lies in the never-ending balance and portrayal of all these elements, and their impact on us both emotionally and intellectually. I hope that if the end result has my head lit up, it is likely to have the heads of others lit up too when I strike the right imagery for them. Instagram’s ‘liking phenomena’ is an excellent barometer for this; I love to have such rapid feedback to my creations.

When I was at school, it troubled me greatly in my quiet moments whether my art was to be created in a hole in isolation purely for my own gratification, or purposefully

designed to exist in a gallery for commercial reasons. As with many things I’ve come up against in life, generally, when I can’t figure whether something I one thing or another, it is generally a combination of the things I’m trying to distinguish. Who’d have thought it, with Instagram, I’ve realised, my creativity is in a worldwide hole, everyone is invited, and there’s an amazing party going on!

How do you want to be remembered?I more concerned with how I exist in peoples minds now, I can do something about that. People are a good mirror to hold up at your self sometimes. I’d hope a caring and loving person with integrity to match. He did more than he could ever have conceived possible and took as many people as possible along with him as far as he could. What is the easiest way for readers to contact you?At email; [email protected] I love to hear from them and do my very best to steal a moment to reply, by hiding behind a sofa or otherwise, I am grateful that someone would read my ramblings, and in some way connect with me or my work in some way and care to join me on my journey, or invite me to join them on theirs! It’s been a daunting request for me to answer many of these questions. It has been terrifying, cathartic and intensely enjoyable to be graciously given the opportunity!

I rarely afford myself the time to meditate on such matters. I really must work on this; and touch back with you in the future at some point. Thank you all at Fabric-A Magazine, a brilliant concept and fabulous outlet for creative souls in the challenging times we face!

Michael I. Robbiem i c h a e l r o b b i e @ m e . c o m