external uniqueness presented by nir atias

External Uniqueness Presented by Nir Atias Dave Clarke Tobias Wrigstad Encapsulation Seminar 2006

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External Uniqueness Presented by Nir Atias. Dave Clarke Tobias Wrigstad. Encapsulation Seminar 2006. What are we doing here. What is uniqueness? Problems with current approaches Forming a solution External Uniqueness Samples & patterns Conclusions Beyond External Uniqueness. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


External Uniqueness Presented by Nir Atias

Dave ClarkeTobias Wrigstad

Encapsulation Seminar 2006

What are we doing here

What is uniqueness? Problems with current approaches Forming a solution External Uniqueness Samples & patterns Conclusions Beyond External Uniqueness


Problem We want to ensure only one reference to an

object exists (no aliasing) Solution

Annotate a reference as unique and restrict operations on that reference

Introduce a mechanism to work with the reference (borrowing)


Abstraction Changes to the implementation of an object require

changes in its interface

Orthogonality The operations on borrowed unique references are limited

Definitional What happens when an object is borrowed


In existing proposals: Methods are annotated with respect of consuming

unique pointers Islands Effects systems

Changes in implementation requires changes in signature

Change is propagated in the program


Borrowing mechanism places restrictions on the borrowed reference Don’t want the original object to loose its

uniqueness property after borrowing has ceased This implies that borrowed references have

their own rules


What happens when a reference is borrowed? Allow both borrowed reference and unique

reference, thus weakening reasoning power Nullify the original reference during borrowing, risk

race conditions and NullPointerException Ensure that when unique reference is used, all

aliases and borrowed references are dead.

The Main Idea

Introduce a new type of uniqueness: External Uniqueness

A reference is externally unique if it is the only external reference to an object

Internal aliasing is allowed

Forming a solution

Use ownership types to determine aggregate scope Ownership types distinguish between the inside

and the outside of an object Ownership types allow reasoning about

aggregates Nullify unique reference while borrowing


Ownership Types

Are you in or out? Distinction between the inside and outside of an object An object cannot be accessed from outside of its owner

Owner as permission to access an object

Owners-as-dominators property owners are on all paths from the root to an object in

the object graph

Ownership Types – cont.

Parameterize classes by owners Additional owner parameters are allowed

(owner <* pi ) this can be used as an owner for owned objects

(this <* owner) An object may refer only to

objects it owns objects that are owned by its parameters

External Uniqueness

A reference is externally unique if it is the only external reference to an object

In object graph representation, we have dominating edge property Refine the owners-as-dominators property The edge is on all paths from the root to an object in the

object graph Allow to move aggregates

Dominating Edge

In red we have the ownership tree

In blue we have the object graph

If a reference is unique then we have dominating edge

Ownership and Uniqueness

unique is part of the type A unique reference has a movement bound

that acts as an owner If p is the movement bound of a unique reference

we will depict the reference as uniquep

Movement bound can change While regular owner is invariant

Movement bound can be declared by the programmer

Externally Unique References

Movement Allow destructive read operation Possibly loosing uniqueness Cannot assign owner with not enough permissions

Externally Unique References

Borrowing Unique references can be treated as ordinary

references (temporarily) Type system ensures that when the borrowing has

finished no additional references remain The original reference (or other) is restored to the

place from where it was borrowed

Borrowing Operation

So what do we have?

Only one of the following One active reference

Dominating edge property ensures that there is only one active reference to an object

Internal references are active only while borrowing Many references with limited scope

Borrowing is limited in scope Original unique reference is invalidated

Some more info

Constructors are viewed as (almost) regular method calls Parameters cannot have owner in the type (except as a

movement bound) As a result: this cannot be assigned to an external (pre-

existing) object Methods can be parameterized by owners

Cannot capture argument whose owner is a parameter


Common scenarios & Addressing known issues


Borrowing Accessing methods and

fields requires borrowing External Uniqueness

The bus is externally unique but have multiple references from owned Clients

class Server { unique Bus bus; this ServerSocket ss; void accept() { while (true) { unique Socket s = ss.accept(); borrow bus as <bo> b { b.add(new unique Client(s--)); } } } }

class Client { owner Bus bus; unique Socket s;

Client( unique Socket s ) { this.s = s--; } }

class Bus { this ClientList clients;

void add( unique Client c ) { this Client current = c--; clients.add(current); current.bus = this; } }

Simulating Borrowing

Owner-polymorphic methods (guarantees not to create heap-level aliases) can be called with unique references

class Printer {

static <o <* world> void print(o Printable p ) { ... }}

unique B b; // implements Printableborrow b as <a> b1 { Printer.print<a>(b1); }

Orthogonality Scoped regions enables

construction of temporary heap objects, that referes to existing objects Existing objects might be

unique No aliasing outside of scope

because of deep-ownership

class Printer {

static <o <* world> void print(o Printable p ) { (a) { // temporary owner a LayoutManager<o> lm; lm = new a LayoutManager<o>(p); lm.addBorder(); lm.print( "....." ); } }}

unique B b; // implements Printableborrow b as <a> b1 { Printer.print<a>(b1); }

External Initialization

Problematic with ownership types (static owners)

The movement bound changes (downwards in the object graph)

class Lexer { this InputStream stream;

Lexer( unique InputStream s) { stream = s--; } }

void lexerClient() { unique InputStream stream; unique Lexer l; stream = new FileInputStream(file); l = new Lexer(stream--);}

Transfer of Ownership

Important pattern in concurrent programming

Movement-bound of B is D, so no references to A are allowed in B

B can be a complex aggregate

class TokenRing { owner TokenRing next; unique Token token;

void give() { next.recieve(token--); }

void recieve(unique Token tkn) { token = tkn--; }}

Merging Representations

Merging (without copying) linked data structures

Without breaking encapsulation

In the sample: bh can change while


class Link<data> { data Object data; owner Link<data> next, prev;}

class List<data> { unique Link<data> head;

void append( owner List<data> other ) { borrow head as <ho> bh { ho Link<data> ohead = other.head--; if( bh==null ) { bh = ohead; } else if( ohead!=null ) { ho Link<data> h = bh; while( h.next != null ) { h = h.next; } h.next = ohead; h.next.prev = h; } } }}


Abstraction All classes can be used as unique references

Regardless of class declaration Methods are not annotated with reference

consumption information


Orthogonality Using several mechanism:

Borrowing Owner polymorphic methods Scoped regions

After borrowing, a unique reference can be used as a regular reference No restrictions on borrowed references No concept of borrowed reference in the language


Definitional Original reference is nullified Reinstatement of borrowed value adds power Prone to race conditions

A better solution Exists but much more complicated (invalidate the borrowed

references when the original is accessed)

Anything else?

Reentrancy Once borrowed, a unique object can only be

reentered from a local (nested) object Therefore it cannot be reentered from an external

object An object referred to uniquely can only be entered

by one thread

Some more…

Object model Ownership types model IS-PART-OF relationship

All references to an owned object are confined within it owner

Lifetime management Further work required

Beyond External Uniqueness

Iterator Pattern Or how to publish an object with knowledge of

implementation Break the encapsulation in a given scope

Inner classes Package

Primary owners Exception Handling

How does it fit with ownership types languages? Static methods

The End

Hope you had some fun