evidence for early cretaceous oceanic crust trapped in the ... · evidence for early cretaceous...

Evidence for Early Cretaceous oceanic crust trapped in the Philippine Sea Plate A. Deschamps a; *, P. Monie ¤ a , S. Lallemand a , S.-K. Hsu b , K.Y. Yeh c a Laboratoire de Ge ¤ophysique, Tectonique et Se ¤dimentologie, UMR 5573, Universite ¤ Montpellier II, Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France b Institute of Geophysics, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, PR China c Geology Department, National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan, PR China Received 24 January 2000; accepted 20 April 2000 Abstract The Huatung Basin is a small oceanic basin located east of Taiwan. Previous age estimates from magnetic lineation studies indicated an Eocene age for the basin, and formation from the Central Basin Spreading Center of the West Philippine Basin during the last phase of spreading in Middle Eocene. New Ar/Ar ages obtained on gabbros dredged on oceanic basement highs of the Huatung Basin are Early Cretaceous. These old ages are consistent with Early Cretaceous ages determined on radiolarian assemblages from Lanyu Island (Luzon Arc). We have performed magnetic anomalies modeling for an Early Cretaceous oceanic crust. Our results are in good agreement with new Ar/Ar ages determinations. The best fit is indeed obtained with an opening of the Huatung Basin during the Early Cretaceous from 131 to 119 Ma, with a half spreading rate varying between 25 and 30 mm/yr. The spreading center appears to be located south of the actual basin. The abnormal depth (5500 m instead of 5900 m) and thickness (V12 km instead of 6 km) of the crust beneath the basin indicate that there was probably an excess supply of magma during its formation. We propose that the basin is a fragment of the former ‘proto-south China Sea’ or possibly the ‘New Guinea Basin’ that has been trapped by the Philippine Sea Plate. ß 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Taiwan; oceanic crust; Ar-40/Ar-39; Philippine Sea Plate; magnetic anomalies 1. Introduction The Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) is a small plate sandwiched between the converging Eurasian and Paci¢c plates. The PSP consists of three back-arc basins which have been tectonically inactive since the Oligocene^Miocene : the West Philippine Ba- sin (WPB), the Shikoku Basin and the Parece Vela Basin. These basins are dated, respectively, 56^33 [1], 23^15 and 29^15 Ma [2]. The Mariana Trough has been opening for 6 Ma [3]. The PSP is converging towards the Eurasian plate at a rate of 68 mm/yr in a direction of 309‡N near Taiwan [4]. In this region, the oceanic crust of the WPB is subducting along the Ryukyu Trench. The ocean- ic nature of the crust is attested to by its depth and the existence of magnetic lineations [1,5,6], seismic-refraction data [7] and deep sea drilling [8]. 0012-821X / 00 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0012-821X(00)00136-9 * Corresponding author. Fax: +33-4-67-52-39-08; E-mail: [email protected] Earth and Planetary Science Letters 179 (2000) 503^516 www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl

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Page 1: Evidence for Early Cretaceous oceanic crust trapped in the ... · Evidence for Early Cretaceous oceanic crust trapped in the Philippine Sea Plate A. Deschampsa;*, P. Monie¤ a, S

Evidence for Early Cretaceous oceanic crust trapped in thePhilippine Sea Plate

A. Deschamps a;*, P. Monie a, S. Lallemand a, S.-K. Hsu b, K.Y. Yeh c

a Laboratoire de Geophysique, Tectonique et Sedimentologie, UMR 5573, Universite Montpellier II, Place E. Bataillon,34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

b Institute of Geophysics, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, PR Chinac Geology Department, National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan, PR China

Received 24 January 2000; accepted 20 April 2000


The Huatung Basin is a small oceanic basin located east of Taiwan. Previous age estimates from magnetic lineationstudies indicated an Eocene age for the basin, and formation from the Central Basin Spreading Center of the WestPhilippine Basin during the last phase of spreading in Middle Eocene. New Ar/Ar ages obtained on gabbros dredged onoceanic basement highs of the Huatung Basin are Early Cretaceous. These old ages are consistent with Early Cretaceousages determined on radiolarian assemblages from Lanyu Island (Luzon Arc). We have performed magnetic anomaliesmodeling for an Early Cretaceous oceanic crust. Our results are in good agreement with new Ar/Ar ages determinations.The best fit is indeed obtained with an opening of the Huatung Basin during the Early Cretaceous from 131 to 119 Ma,with a half spreading rate varying between 25 and 30 mm/yr. The spreading center appears to be located south of theactual basin. The abnormal depth (5500 m instead of 5900 m) and thickness (V12 km instead of 6 km) of the crustbeneath the basin indicate that there was probably an excess supply of magma during its formation. We propose thatthe basin is a fragment of the former `proto-south China Sea' or possibly the `New Guinea Basin' that has been trappedby the Philippine Sea Plate. ß 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Taiwan; oceanic crust; Ar-40/Ar-39; Philippine Sea Plate; magnetic anomalies

1. Introduction

The Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) is a small platesandwiched between the converging Eurasian andPaci¢c plates. The PSP consists of three back-arcbasins which have been tectonically inactive sincethe Oligocene^Miocene: the West Philippine Ba-

sin (WPB), the Shikoku Basin and the PareceVela Basin. These basins are dated, respectively,56^33 [1], 23^15 and 29^15 Ma [2]. The MarianaTrough has been opening for 6 Ma [3]. The PSP isconverging towards the Eurasian plate at a rate of68 mm/yr in a direction of 309³N near Taiwan [4].In this region, the oceanic crust of the WPB issubducting along the Ryukyu Trench. The ocean-ic nature of the crust is attested to by its depthand the existence of magnetic lineations [1,5,6],seismic-refraction data [7] and deep sea drilling[8].

0012-821X / 00 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 0 1 2 - 8 2 1 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 3 6 - 9

* Corresponding author. Fax: +33-4-67-52-39-08;E-mail: [email protected]

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The Huatung Basin located east of Taiwan con-stitutes the westernmost part of the PSP. It isbordered by the Luzon volcanic arc to the westand by the Gagua Ridge to the east (Fig. 1). Itextends from latitude 20³30PN to 23³30PN, andfrom longitude 121³30PE to 123³E, and coversan area of about 22 300 km2.

The ages of the volcanic rocks in the northernLuzon arc range between 29 Ma [9] and present[10]. Nevertheless the occurrence of Upper Creta-ceous to Eocene volcanic rocks in Luzon and inthe eastern Philippines is well-known [11,12]. Re-cent studies have suggested that the Gagua Ridgebounding the Huatung Basin to the east formedduring the Eocene, soon after the creation of theadjacent WPB crust [13].

Since no deep sea hole has been drilled in theHuatung Basin, the identi¢cation of the magneticanomalies provide the most important constrainton the age of the sea£oor. Hilde and Lee [1] ini-tially recognized E^W trending magnetic linea-tions. They identi¢ed magnetic anomalies 19 to16 indicating an age for the sea£oor of the Hua-tung Basin ranging between 44 and 39 Ma oldwhen using the reversal time scale model of La-Brecque et al. [14] or between 41 to 36 Ma ac-cording to the new time scale of Cande and Kent[15]. Hilde and Lee [1] combined analyses of themagnetic lineations and sea£oor structures of theWPB. They found that the WPB formed byspreading from the Central Basin Spreading Cen-ter in two distinct spreading phases. From 60 to45 Ma, spreading was NE^SW (relative to presentorientation), and from 45 to 35 Ma, spreadingwas N^S. They correlated the magnetic anomaliesin the Huatung Basin with the E^W lineationscreated during the last spreading phase of theWPB during the Late Eocene.

Recently, ages for the Huatung Basin have beendeduced from magnetic anomalies studies, con-¢rming its Eocene age but with slight variationsin the age window: 45 to 35 Ma for Kao et al.[16], 43 to 38 Ma for Lee et al. [17]. These authorsassume that the basin formed at the Central BasinSpreading Center of the WPB in the southernhemisphere, is in good accordance with paleomag-netic data [18]. On the other hand, based on theassumption that the Huatung Basin formed in the

northern hemisphere at 23³N, Sibuet et al. [19]assigned chrons 20 to 23 to the anomalies in thebasin. They a¤rm that the basin belongs to adi¡erent plate than WPB, the Taiwan Sea Plate.This plate would have formed in two di¡erentspreading episodes between 51 and 15 Ma, butits youngest portion is considered to have alreadybeen subducted beneath the Ryukyu Trench, ex-

Fig. 1. Geodynamic setting of the Huatung Basin. The base-map is made with bathymetric data of [44]. The three blackcircles correspond to the location where early Cretaceousrocks have been discovered. A and B mark the location ofthe two N^S vertical sections with hypocenter locationsshown on Fig. 7. C is the location of the seismic re£ectionpro¢le shown on Fig. 5. D corresponds to the location ofthe crustal velocity model (Fig. 6). Black areas correspond toEarly Cretaceous ophiolites.

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plaining why only its oldest part (51 to 43 Ma) iscurrently observed. However, the correlation ofobserved pro¢les with a magnetic model is non-unique because the width of the basin is less than150 km and the number of available N^S mag-netic pro¢les is therefore restricted. Moreover,although the E^W orientation of the magneticlineations in the Huatung Basin is well determined[20], the number of magnetic polarity reversals isnot su¤cient to determine reliable ages, as shownby the various attempts at age determination fromthe magnetic lineations. The origin and age of theHuatung Basin are therefore still controversial.The goal of this paper is to examine the implica-tions of new dating of rocks which have beendredged in the basin.

2. 40Ar/39Ar and K^Ar dating of gabbros from theHuatung Basin

Gabbros were dredged in the Huatung Basin attwo sites from the western £ank of the GaguaRidge during the R/V Vema cruise V3609 in1980 [21,22]. The location of the two sites is :20.40³N/121.47³E (site RD19) and 21.49³N/122.69³E (site RD20) (Fig. 1). Among the variousgabbros collected at these sites, two samples fromsite RD19 and one sample from site RD20 wereselected after careful microscopic examinationand elimination of altered rocks. Single grains ofamphibole from these three samples were ana-lyzed by the 40Ar/39Ar laser-probe dating tech-nique.

2.1. 40Ar/39Ar laser-probe experimental procedure

After coarse crushing, clean single grains ofamphibole were separated under the binocularand rinsed with methanol and distilled water.They were packed in aluminum bags and irradi-ated for 70 h in the McMaster nuclear reactor(Canada) with di¡erent £ux monitors includingMMHb-1 (520.4 þ 1.7 Ma) and HD-B1 (24.21 þ0.32 Ma). The following factors for nuclearisotope interference corrections were used:(36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.000254; (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.000651;(40Ar/ 39Ar)k = 0.0156. After irradiation, the sam-

ples were placed on a Cu-holder inside a UHV gasextraction system and baked for 48 h at 200³C.Step-heating and total fusion experiments wereconducted on single grains using a laser probeoperating in the continuous or semi-pulsed mode[23]. The analytical device consists of: (a) a multi-line continuous 6 W argon-ion laser; (b) a beamshutter for selection of exposure times, typically30 s for individual steps; (c) divergent and con-vergent lenses for selection of the beam diameter;(d) a small inlet line for the extraction and puri-¢cation of gases and (e) a MAP 215-50 noble gasmass spectrometer. The gain between the Faradaycup and electron multiplier at 2 kV is close to200. Mass discrimination on the multiplier wascalculated on the basis of a 40Ar/36Ar ratio of292.0 þ 1.7 measured on an atmospheric argon ali-quot. Each analysis involves 5 min for gas extrac-tion and cleaning and 15 min for data acquisitionby peak switching from mass 40 to mass 36. Sys-tem blanks were evaluated every three experi-ments and ranged from 2U10312 cc for 40Ar to5U10314 cc for 36Ar. Age and error calculationswere made according to McDougall and Harrison[24]. Results are reported in Table 1 and repre-sented as age spectra (Fig. 2). The quoted errorsrepresent one sigma deviation and do not includeuncertainty on the monitor age and its 40Ar/39Arratio. This uncertainty is only introduced in theerrors reported on the plateau and total ages.Ca/K ratios are evaluated according to the rela-tion: Ca/K = 1.82U37Ar/39Ar.

2.2. Results

For each sample dated with the 40Ar/39Ar laser-probe method, both step-heating and total fusionof single grains were performed to better con-strain the validity of each age determination(Fig. 2). Two grains of amphibole from siteRD19 yield plateau dates of 116.2 þ 4.2 and121.2 þ 4.6 Ma, respectively, for samples RD19Dand RD19H. Both samples display evidence ofdiscordant and mainly younger ages in the ¢rstheating steps related to low Ca/K and high Cl/Kratios compared to those associated with theplateaus. The Ca/K plateau ratios are signi¢cant-ly di¡erent for the two amphiboles, respectively,

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Table 140Ar/39Ar laser probe results

Temperature 40Ar*/39Ar 36Ar/40ArU1000 39Ar/40Ar 37Ar/39Ar 39Ar Age þ 1S.D.(³C) (%)

RD19D amphibole J = 0.016844430 4.775 3.282 0.0063 5.666 0.8 139.6 þ 89.5540 4.036 2.813 0.0416 6.343 1.6 118.7 þ 68.5610 2.65 2.904 0.0534 3.908 2.1 78.8 þ 74.3720 1.761 3.035 0.0585 5.349 3.5 52.7 þ 42.3850 2.651 1.639 0.1944 17.058 20.0 78.8 þ 4.1855 3.363 0.55 0.2489 18.895 25.0 99.4 þ 13.5885 3.107 0.336 0.2898 18.811 28.1 92.0 þ 34.0920 3.343 1.206 0.1923 18.501 39.5 98.8 þ 11.61000 3.956 0.751 0.1966 17.846 67.5 116.4 þ 7.21025 3.862 1.007 0.1817 18.229 79.2 113.7 þ 7.81250 3.999 1.459 0.1421 19.633 100.0 117.6 þ 4.6

Total age = 105.7 þ 8.5Fusion 4.226 1.672 0.1196 17.724 100.0 124.1 þ 2.5RD19H amphibole J = 0.016844500 2.676 3.321 0.0068 10.462 0.4 79.6 þ 298.3625 4.794 2.795 0.0363 11.209 1.6 140.1 þ 87.1785 5.001 3.059 0.0192 16.348 2.2 145.9 þ 168.2825 2.627 1.731 0.1859 31.234 3.7 78.1 þ 55.5855 4.259 1.584 0.1248 37.548 23.0 125.0 þ 7.4900 4.026 1.103 0.1673 38.450 45.5 118.4 þ 11.6925 3.768 0.964 0.1897 39.685 49.7 111.0 þ 33.9955 3.985 0.678 0.2006 37.017 53.5 117.2 þ 30.41000 4.218 0.612 0.1940 36.578 60.1 123.8 þ 10.51050 4.057 0.713 0.1944 33.353 67.4 119.3 þ 14.01250 4.182 0.638 0.1939 37.096 100.0 122.8 þ 6.6

Total age = 120.8 þ 4.9Fusion 3.898 1.508 0.1422 28.328 100.0 114.7 þ 4.0RD20 amphibole (1) J = 0.0145481 332.967 1.951 0.0012 29.563 0.3 3185 þ 3972 28.927 3.041 0.0034 21.451 0.9 634 þ 3503 29.389 2.725 0.0066 26.974 1.4 642 þ 2974 3.401 3.163 0.0190 16.139 2.9 87 þ 1955 7.371 2.542 0.0337 14.225 3.9 184 þ 1616 3.898 2.832 0.0416 65.831 15.3 99.5 þ 16.47 4.009 2.393 0.0730 88.789 27.4 102.3 þ 16.58 4.108 2.078 0.0939 78.337 45.0 104.7 þ 13.29 4.392 1.739 0.1106 60.421 65.4 111.7 þ 14.510 4.856 1.822 0.0950 76.749 100.0 123.2 þ 7.8

Total age = 145.8 þ 8.0RD20 amphibole (2) J = 0.0145481 22.345 3.187 0.0026 26.444 1.3 508 þ 1002 11.567 2.846 0.0137 16.695 1.9 281 þ 893 5.907 2.745 0.0319 34.310 4.4 149 þ 454 3.185 2.756 0.0582 72.228 22.7 81.7 þ 12.75 2.925 2.408 0.0985 78.199 30.9 75.2 þ 19.06 3.761 2.065 0.1035 61.879 50.3 96.1 þ 8.77 4.125 2.060 0.0947 68.612 100.0 105.2 þ 8.7

Total age = 104.9 þ 7.3Fusion 4.124 2.437 0.0678 80.134 100.0 105.1 þ 13.6

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close to 33 and 68, which suggests that thedredged gabbros show some chemical variations.A plot of the isotopic data in a 36Ar/40Ar versus39Ar/40Ar correlation diagram yields interceptages, respectively, of 114.3 þ 2.3 and 121.8 þ 2.7Ma with atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar initial ratios.The complete fusion of single grains gives agesof 124.1 þ 2.5 Ma and 114.7 þ 4.0 Ma. For samplesite RD20, two grains of amphibole have beensuccessively step-heated. The corresponding agespectra displays similar trends characterized by aprogressive increase of apparent ages during in-cremental heating. Minimum ages are in the range80^100 Ma and reach a maximum of 123.2 þ 7.8Ma for the oldest sample. Ca/K ratios are highcompared to samples RD19, in the range 113^149. The high Ca contribution in these amphi-boles has resulted in a large nuclear interferencecorrection on the 36Ar measured by mass spec-trometry, and by consequence in a signi¢cant er-ror margin on the age. A third single grain from

this gabbro has yielded a direct fusion age of105.1 þ 13.6 Ma which remains compatible with40Ar/39Ar dates.

These new 40Ar/39Ar ages on two gabbro sitesdredged in the Huatung Basin indicate the exis-tence of Early Cretaceous oceanic crust east ofTaiwan. The di¡erent amphibole age spectra arepartially discordant, probably as a result of somehydrothermal alteration on the oceanic £oor. Thise¡ect is more pronounced in amphiboles fromRD20 that do not display any plateau date, butdiscordant ages in the range 80^123 Ma. How-ever, there is no record of younger dates whichcould suggest an Eocene age for the Huatungoceanic crust as supposed up to now. In addition,it must be stressed that the present data do notallow a distinction in cooling ages between thetwo sampling sites for which ages in the range115^125 Ma can be retained. These ages are in-terpreted to record cooling of the gabbros at atemperature of 500^550³C [25,26].

Fig. 2. Age spectra obtained on single amphibole grains from samples RD19 and RD20.

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3. Paleontological ages on radiolarian assemblagesfrom the Luzon Arc

Radiolarians have been discovered in severalred chert £oat samples in an area located northof the Yehyu Creek, northern Lanyu Island (Lu-zon Arc) (Fig. 1). The size of the samples rangesfrom a few centimeters to tens of centimeters.They are mostly red in color due to the oxidiza-tion of hematite inclusions. Each piece of £oatcan be a single fragment from one bedded chert,or a breccia with disordered bedded cherts. About

50 species of radiolarians have been recognized(Yeh and Cheng, Early Cretaceous Radiolariansfrom the Philippine Plate, Bulletin of NationalMuseum of Natural Science, in preparation).Eleven representative species are shown in Plate1. The co-occurrence of these forms indicates thatthe Lanyu red cherts were deposited in the EarlyCretaceous, and have a Barremian age of about115 Ma according to the time scale of IUGS 1989.

The cherts are found isolated from the othervolcanic rocks (Tungchin andesites) which coverthe northern part of the island. The relationship

Plate 1. Representative Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria from Lanyu Island, Taiwan. Length of scale bar, upper right, equals num-ber of micrometers cited for each illustration. Range of each species is cited from previous studies. (1) Pseudodictyomitra carpati-ca (Lozyniak) (scale = 66 Wm). Range: upper Tithonian to Barremian. (2) Dictyomitra koslovae Foreman (scale = 70 Wm). Range:Barremian to Santonian. (3) Archaeodictyomitra lacrimula (Foreman) (scale = 70 Wm). Range: lower Berriasian to lower Aptian.(4) Dictyomitra duodecimcostata (Squinabol) (scale = 88 Wm). Range: Barremian to Santonian. (5) Pantanellium masirahense Du-mitrica (scale = 44 Wm). Range: Hauterivian to lower upper Barremian. (6) Clavaxitus sp. A (scale = 51 Wm). Range: Valanginianto Barremian. (7) Pseudocrolanium £u«geli Jud (scale = 66 Wm). Range: Barremian. (8) Archaeodictyomitra leptocostata (Wu andLi) (scale = 94 Wm). Range: upper Valanginian to lower upper Barremian. (9) Thanarla pulchra (Squinabol) (scale = 70 Wm).Range: upper Berriasian to lower Aptian. (10) Pseudodictyomitra lanceloti Schaaf (scale = 66 Wm). Range: lower to lower upperBarremian. (11) Xitus normalis (Wu and Li) (scale = 94 Wm). Range: Hauterivian to Barremian.

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between these cherts and the other rocks is there-fore not clear but we believe that they may havebeen carried out during the eruption of TungchinAndesite, probably during the Cenozoic. Radio-larians are the only fossils found in pelagic sedi-mentary rocks, such as mudstones and cherts,which have been deposited in basins at low lati-tudes and below Carbonate Compensation Depth.There is no doubt that radiolarian cherts are oce-anic in origin and very possibly from basins ofgreat depth. We believe that these Cretaceouscherts are fragments of the former oceanic plateon which the Luzon Arc was built since Late Oli-

gocene time [9]. The presence of these assemblagessupports the Early Cretaceous ages revealed byAr/Ar measurements for the oceanic crust of theHuatung Basin.

4. Geophysical study of the Huatung Basin

4.1. Magnetism

The geomagnetic data shown on Fig. 3 wereacquired mainly during the ACT cruise in 1996[27] and the EW9509 cruise in 1995 [28]. These

Fig. 3. (A) Magnetic map of the Huatung Basin with the location of the N^S magnetic pro¢le (in red) which is used to performmagnetic identi¢cations in our study. Major tectonic features have been localized. Black circles correspond to sampling sites.(B) Trends of the positive magnetic anomalies and fracture zones. (C) Ship tracks of all magnetic surveys that have been con-ducted in this area.

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data were completed with data acquired between1967 and 1997 during several other cruises [20].More recently (1997) a N^S magnetic pro¢le wasacquired during the cruise ORI495 across thewhole length of the Huatung Basin. It runs in adirection parallel to the major fracture zones. Weused this pro¢le corrected in its northern part bythe stack of N^S ACT magnetic lines to identifymagnetic anomalies in the basin and to date moreprecisely the spreading phase.

On the magnetic anomaly map (Fig. 3), theHuatung Basin presents several E^W trendingwell-de¢ned magnetic polarity reversals betweenlatitudes 21.7³N and 23.6³N. The existence oftwo N^S trending fracture zones at longitudes

121.8³E and 122.4³E is con¢rmed by seismic re-£ection pro¢les [13,20]. The absence of E^Wtrending magnetic anomalies south of 21.7³N isprobably due to the lack of data in this area sincea recent N^S magnetic pro¢le acquired between25³N and 20.5³N reveals well-marked magneticanomalies (Fig. 4A1). The NW^SE positive mag-netic anomaly observed between latitudes 21.5³and 22.5³ does not seem to be a signi¢cant fea-ture, since on seismic-re£ection pro¢les (Fig. 5), itdoes not correlate with any feature of the base-ment in the Huatung Basin. We suppose that thisNW^SE anomaly is due to the dextral o¡set of anE^W positive anomaly by two N^S fracture zones[20] (Fig. 3). Moreover, this anomaly is not well-

Fig. 4. Identi¢cation of the magnetic lineations. (A) Spreading rate = 49 mm/yr: (A1) original data; (A2) 60³ phase-shifted origi-nal pro¢le; (A3) 60³ phase-shifted original pro¢le, stacked with N^S magnetic pro¢les acquired during the ACT cruise in theHuatung Basin; (A4) synthetic pro¢le with a spreading rate of 4.9 cm/yr; (A5) 125 to 133 Ma time scale (see Table 1).(B) Spreading rate range between 25 and 30 mm/yr: (B3) same as A3; (B4) synthetic pro¢le with a spreading rate varying be-tween 25 and 30 cm/yr; (B5) 118.5 to 133 Ma time scale (see Table 1).

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constrained since it lies at the limit between anorthern domain of the Huatung Basin wheremagnetic data are abundant and a southern do-main where data are scarce.

We present a new magnetic anomaly identi¢ca-tion of the magnetic polarity reversals observedon this pro¢le (Fig. 4). As a ¢rst step, we haveexamined an extensive set of magnetic anomalymodels generated with various spreading ratesand times of spreading onset and cessation withinthe Cretaceous. We assume a 3 km-thick magne-tized layer with a top at 6.2 km below sea levelwhich is the average depth of the oceanic base-ment in the Huatung Basin. Magnetization is setto þ 8 A/m. The geomagnetic polarity time scaleof Kent and Gradstein [29] is used throughoutthis study (Table 2). We consider that the basinopened in a N^S direction, parallel to the fracturezones and perpendicular to the magnetic anoma-lies. More than 50 synthetic pro¢les were com-puted using spreading ages ranging from 140 to118 Ma (the beginning of the `Cretaceous LongNormal-Polarity Chron'). The observed pro¢lecollected in the Huatung Basin was phase-shiftedin 20³ increments based on the theory of Schoutenand McCamy [30]. Phase shifting of the anomaliescan remove the e¡ects of the depth, thickness,scale and the skewing e¡ect of the magnetizationand of the earth's ¢eld direction for easier com-parison and identi¢cation of anomalies. The re-

sulting observed pro¢les were ¢nally comparedwith each synthetic pro¢le.

We found two good ¢ts. The ¢rst model (Fig.4A) suggests that the basin formed between 132and 126 Ma with a constant half spreading rate of4.9 cm/yr. The ages of the basin inferred from this¢rst model are a little older than ages revealed bythe Ar/Ar measurements. The second model (Fig.4B) seems to indicate that the basin formed be-tween 131 and 119 Ma with a half spreading rateof 3 cm/yr between 131 and 127 Ma and of 2.5cm/yr between 127 and 119 Ma. We favor this

Fig. 5. N^S ACT seismic pro¢le across the Huatung Basin (Fig. 1C). The vertical arrow indicates the boundary between a north-ern domain where E^W magnetic anomalies are well expressed and a southern domain where E^W anomalies do not appear (seeFig. 3).

Table 2Magnetic reversal time used in this study after Kent andGradstein [29]

Normal polarity intervals Anomaly (reversed polarity)(Ma)

118.7^121.81 M0122.25^123.03 M1125.36^126.46 M3127.05^127.21 M5127.34^127.52 M6127.97^128.33 M7128.60^128.91 M8129.43^129.82 M9130.19^120.57 M10130.63^131.00131.02^131.36131.65^132.53 M10N133.03^133.08 M11

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second solution which is in better accordance withAr/Ar and paleontological ages. In both cases, wefound that the age of the basin increases towardsthe north, which means that the spreading centerwas located south of the actual basin. The best ¢tsare obtained when the observed pro¢le is phase-shifted by about 60³, which suggests that the ba-sin formed in the northern hemisphere.

4.2. Depth and thickness of the oceanic basementin the Huatung Basin

From the analysis of the seismic re£ection pro-¢les, the oceanic basement in the Huatung Basinappears to be 6.2 km deep on average [13,20]. Thebasement is overlain by sediments with an averagethickness of 1.4 km (Fig. 5). If we take account ofthe 700 m subsidence of the basement due to thesediment load, the original depth of the oceanicbasement in the basin (free of sediments) wasprobably about 5500 m. The relation: depth(m) = 640033200e�3t �Ma�=62:8� of Parsons andSclater [31] for ocean £oor older than 70 Ma givesa theoretical depth of about 5900 m for theroughly 125^130 Ma-old oceanic basement ofthe Huatung Basin. The basement of the basintherefore displays a mean depth which is 400 mshallower than the calculated depth.

Furthermore, the crust of the Huatung Basin has an abnormal thickness. A NW^SE OBS(ocean bottom seismometers) line across the Hua-tung Basin has revealed a thickness of about 10km for the crust [32]. Another E^W line of OBSdata acquired beneath the Ryukyu forearc basins(Figs. 1 and 6) shows that the subducting platethickens signi¢cantly towards the west [33]. Thevelocity model (Fig. 6) shows that the subductingoceanic crust east of the Gagua Ridge is unusu-ally thin (about 5 km) in good agreement withprevious refraction studies on the PSP [7], andby contrast is unusually thick (about 10^15km)west of the Gagua Ridge.

4.3. Analysis of the seismicity

We have examined the intraplate seismicity inthe Ryukyu region in order to visualize the seis-mic slab which is subducting northward beneaththe Ruykyu Arc. Earthquake data in the study

Fig. 6. Crustal velocity model around latitude 23³50PN fromMcIntosh and Nakamura [33]. (section D, Fig. 1). Layers Srepresents sediments. Layers C1 (v = 5^5.8 km/s) and C2(v = 6^6.6 km/s) represent the seaward extension of the Ryu-kyu Arc crust. The nature of crustal layer C3 is not well de-termined but on the basis of intersecting N^S velocity mod-els, it likely represents the subducting PSP [33]. Black circlesare the location of OBS stations. The heavy lines mark re-£ection points for arrivals used to constrain the top and bot-tom of C3.

Fig. 7. N^S vertical sections with relocated ISC [34] hypocen-ters. (A) N^S section made west of the Gagua Ridge.(B) Section performed east of the Gagua Ridge. See Fig. 1for locations.

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area were obtained from Engdahl et al. [34], whohave improved the hypocenter locations from theInternational Seismological Centre (ISC) Catalog.This database was used to calculate the depth ofthe Wadati^Benio¡ zone beneath the RyukyuTrench. Two di¡erent regions, with distinct pat-terns of seismicity, are observed west and east ofthe Gagua Ridge at longitude 123³E. Two N^Scross-sections based on the seismicity illustrate thesigni¢cant di¡erence of the dip of the slab in thesetwo regions (see Fig. 1, sections A and B).

The N^S section west of the Gagua Ridge (Fig.7A) shows a steep 65³-dipping Wadati^Benio¡zone down to a depth of about 300 km, in goodagreement with earlier seismological results [35].The section east of the Gagua Ridge (Fig. 7B)shows a more moderate 50³-dipping Wadati^Be-nio¡ zone down to a depth of about 280 km.

These seismological observations could be sim-ply explained by a westward increase of the den-sity of the lithosphere being subducted beneaththe Ryukyu Trench. This density variation couldre£ect the di¡erence in age of the subductinglithosphere. West of the ridge, the steep-dippingWadati^Benio¡ zone might characterize the sub-duction of an Early Cretaceous slab whereas thegently-dipping Wadati^Benio¡ zone observed eastof 123³E would re£ect the subduction of a MiddleEocene oceanic plate.

4.4. Details of the basement from seismic re£ectionpro¢les

Numerous N^S seismic-re£ection pro¢les wereacquired during the ACT cruise [27] in the Hua-tung Basin. One pro¢le is shown on Fig. 5. Theoceanic basement appears to be generally smooth,except near the Taitung Canyon where a depres-sion of the top of the basement has been de-scribed by Schnurle et al. [36]. The height of theabyssal hills does not exceed 250 m, with an aver-age value of 50 m. The overall relief of abyssalhills can be related to sea£oor spreading rates:large relief or rough topography is associatedwith slow spreading rates and smooth topographywith faster spreading rates [37,38]. We thereforesuggest that the regular topography of the base-ment and its relatively smooth relief is related to a

fairly fast and relatively constant spreading rate,which is entirely consistent with the full spreadingrate of about 5 to 6 cm/yr deduced from ourmagnetic anomalies model.

4. Discussion

40Ar/39Ar dating of gabbros collected in theHuatung Basin suggests that the oceanic crust ofthe basin could be Early Cretaceous in age (115^125 Ma). These results are in good agreementwith Early Cretaceous (115 Ma) radiolarian as-semblages from the Lanyu island which probablyindicate an Early Cretaceous oceanic basementunderlying the volcanic Luzon Arc.

Fig. 8. Diagram showing the possible extension of the EarlyCretaceous crust, based on the sections with hypocenter loca-tions and the geology of the area.

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Our analysis of the magnetic polarity reversalsin the Huatung Basin di¡ers from previous anal-yses. We favor ages between 131 and 119 Ma forthe basin crust. These ages are in accordance withages revealed by geochronological and paleonto-logical data. The best ¢t for our model of mag-netic anomalies corresponds to an opening of thebasin at an average full rate of 5^6 cm/yr from aspreading center which would have been locatedto the south of the current basin. This suggeststhat the oceanic crust £ooring the Huatung Basinconstituted a larger basin than currently observed(Fig. 8) and that only a piece of its northern parthas been trapped by the PSP.

From these observations, the N^S Gagua Ridgeappears to represent a suture between two litho-spheres of di¡erent age. The WPB east of theridge is Middle Eocene in age [8] and the HuatungBasin west of the ridge is Early Cretaceous in age.This di¡erence of age is supported by a signi¢cantvariation in the dip of the subducting slab be-neath the Ryukyu Trench, probably related tothe increase of the density of the subducting litho-sphere with increasing age.

The old age of the Huatung Basin versus ayounger age of the WPB could be con¢rmed bystrain patterns observed in the downgoing slab.Kao et al. [39] have indeed noted that a changeof strain patterns within the subducting slab oc-curs in a very narrow zone between 123³E and124³E, in the vicinity the Gagua Ridge. Surpris-ingly, west of the Gagua Ridge, extensional eventsat depths between 80 and 120 km and downdipcompression at 270 km within the subductingplate have been observed, in contrast to observa-tions made along the rest of the Ryukyu Arc.Within a given segment, such a co-existence ofdowndip extensional strain and downdip com-pressional events can be correlated with eitheran older age of the downgoing slab or a slowerrate of convergence [40]. As there is no variationof the rate of convergence across the GaguaRidge, it seems likely that the abnormal strainpatterns observed within the subducting platewest of the Gagua Ridge are the consequence ofthe greater age of the Huatung Basin (Kao, per-sonal communication).

The depth of the Huatung Basin appears to be

shallower than the theoretical depth. However,OBS data have shown that the crust of the basinis 10 to 15 km thick, which is greater than anormal oceanic crust (V6 km). A high supplyof magma could explain the abnormal thicknessand depth of the basin crust.

Finally, our results show that the Huatung Ba-sin is a trapped piece of an Early Cretaceousocean or back-arc basin. If so, the Gagua Ridgeacted as a plate boundary. Strike-slip deformationhas occurred along it, as shown by the set of N^Slinear ridges and troughs [13]. The WPB is con-sidered to have formed in the southern hemi-sphere [1] and has recorded strong northward mo-tion (20³) and clockwise rotation (s 80³) since itsformation [41]. We suggest that because of itsimportant northward motion, the WPB cameinto contact by the way of strike-slip motionalong what would become the Gagua Ridgewith an old ocean £oor created in the northernhemisphere. The possible extent of the Early Cre-taceous crust is shown on Fig. 8. A good candi-date for this old crust could be the proto-southChina Sea (PSCS) [42] that would have beentrapped by the Manila subduction zone. ThePSCS is indeed supposed to have formed in thenorthern hemisphere during the Mesozoic, whichis in good agreement with our results. Anothercandidate for the origin of the Huatung Basincould possibly be the Mesozoic `New Guinea Ba-sin' (NGB) [43]. The ophiolitic substratum of var-ious ages from the Late Jurassic to the Early Cre-taceous that extends from the Northern SierraMadre (Luzon) to Eastern Halmahera [12] (Fig.1) could also be relicts of the NGB and thereforehave the same origin as the Huatung Basin. How-ever, the NGB [43] as well as the ophiolites ofEastern Philippines [42] are considered to havebeen formed near the equator or in the southernhemisphere during the Mesozoic, which is notcompatible with our magnetic anomalies model-ing results.

5. Conclusion

Ar/Ar dating, micropaleontological data andgeophysical study of the Huatung Basin show

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that the basin crust is Early Cretaceous in age.However, some points remain unclear. We haveno constraint on the time of the onset and cessa-tion of spreading in the Huatung Basin: thenorthern part of the basin has indeed been sub-ducting beneath the Ryukyu Trench for severalmillions years. The Luzon arc has developed onthe southern part of the Huatung Basin, trappingonly a small part of the Cretaceous sea£oor.Thus, the initial shape of the basin remains un-known. Moreover, the old age of the basin needsto be con¢rmed with ocean drilling in the north-ern part of the Huatung Basin, dredges on both£anks of the northern part of the Gagua Ridge orthrough heat £ow measurements in the centralpart of the basin. Acquisition of paleomagneticdata in the basin could contribute to understand-ing its behavior with respect to the other majorplates since the Early Cretaceous time. Finally,geochemical studies on the gabbro samples fromthe Huatung Basin will be done in order to deter-mine whether the Early Cretaceous crust formedin an ocean or in a back-arc context.


Many thanks to Steve Lewis and Cindy Evansfor their help in obtaining the samples which weredredged during the Vema cruise and for providingus their previous K/Ar results. Support for thecurating facilities of the Lamont^Doherty Geo-logical Observatory Deep-Sea Sample Repositoryis provided by the National Science Foundationthrough Grant OCE97-11316 and the O¤ce ofNaval Research through Grant N00014-96-1-0186. Thanks to Philippe Schnu«rle and YvonneFont for processing seismic pro¢le. Discussionof the results with Chao-Shing Lee, Tan KinWang, Honn Kao and Jean-Claude Sibuet werevery helpful. The manuscript was improved byreviews from C. Evans, R. Hall and J. Malod.Figs. 1, 2 and 5 were produced using Wesseland Smith's GMT software.[AC]


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