evening world. (new york, n.y.) 1903-05-29 [p...

r c Jj Wi t HI S lyc3W T t i v tr5 THE WORLD FRIDAY EVENING AlA Y 211 1903 tills WILLIS A If STORY or LOVE I I I Honest Old Louis Jackson in i Giving Away His Little For 4 tune Tells of a Wifes Life of V Devotion WE BEGS FOR PRAYERS lius All of Hla Children but Re L minds Them that They Have at Time Caused Him Much Grief I and Shame Tbs heart of old Louis Jadoora once t famous Bowery tailor must have full to buratlng when he wrote b will wtilch wa Iliad today by aoob J Aroneon of No 05 Wall street cfcoon died at Ms home No 2 West toe CESizndred MId Twelfth atreert on Uay S The will was dated May 8 190- 1ft II the beginning and May 12 at the end rlien It was signed by three witnesses and ts a quaint document In part It i- su follows j Zdem It my duty and make my regu atton as according to the will of God un but mortal and desire to have my wn wishes followed without strife and palousy 1 bare aJwar tried my utmost 9 co lIYe that you could honor your Too Honest to He lUeh 01 baTe not left you muoh money be ioua I tried to kad an honest life and tBtotd you must be satisfied with the- e bun your parents left you My dear children the oad calamlty of irldoiwhood led me to contract a second oszriafo and I thank the Almighty Boat my choice of a second wife IMS esn fortunate It is not Trtthln my I r power to describe all her rood qualities May God bless her for U and I- pet of I1 ever to hooor her Thon follow bequests of 12800 to the IwMow fl100 to Henry JJttB to Max f jfcad KSO to Bams sons and only 10 J c1 to two married daughters There 1 bequests to several grandchildren fetoo Then follow this 1 r r di fcii considered erery thing IU- ldFi wtIl with an open and clear I am ready to ro irtien the f ty calls me I Trlbat to His Wife 1 You my rood wife I thank for your Kflme and devoted love as long aa you I lived with me you devoted your life to DM God bless you for It at all times 1 wlH ever pray for your Jwupplness f You my betored children I tortfve 0u for the path and shame you caused un auone wo devoUd to me you all as well as all my F- e 11d1en so herewith I give you I Trlihes From your true fathsr- 1OUIfi bea JAOlCBOJf- w w M A sort of codicil dated March U 1903 II ton Jsmd signed by Louis Jackson and by a of aotary public tells of the death of his 1k1t best beloved eon S r Since It was lads wish that my son I 00- n 8am Jackson should predecease me I herewith change my orders I Then Jackson wrote that all hhad bequeathed to his eon Sam should So to 1 Henry rid Max In equal shares Bbut II the nexT of kin of my son Sam hull It receive S1 and the bequest of 2oO lodge Goldie Jackson U recalled the ft legacy To go H60 to Clara another randchlld and the soninlaw of my I wife Henry Hall shall receive I1M He hould In duty bound say prayers for L I It Is estimated that Jackson left only personal estate of 6000 f 1 i FLANIGAN TO DIE NEXT TUESDAY I jl That IB If Gov Odell Does Not In I terefere Again and Postpone the Negros Execution OSSININO N Y May 9rthur iTlanlgan the colored man who killed IKeevr Hugh Mcdovern In the prison I adjoining the West Fiftyfourth street court buildIng In Manhattan Is to lIe in the electric chair In Sing Sins Prison Tuesday morning unlese Oov Odcll agutu Interferes In his behalf Sheriff Johnson today sent out Inrt- Itatlons to those whose presence he de sired at the execution I World Wants Never Fail To Win Paid Help Wants in I 784 this mornings World BUT r Paid Help Wants la the 13 other V4 New York papers combined r- J I 4AOZNTS 7 llOU51oflKI- JAKIBB i6 2 lRorns 6- flAflTNDPflS 6 JASITOflq 6 I VDOOKOINDERS 6 JoIITRF8SES 3 t floOKKElIlEflS 3 RLTCllKNVO1K 8 JlQTS 5I MACItlNISTS 4 I n1tAsSWORCIlttS 2 MMItLJRES 3 jOIlSIIEUlEoI 14 MCN 4 25 ounSpR- ANASSERS 4 f 9 OlBlATOfl5 22 CAIlfEoIT nS 4 PAINTERS 10 D1IAMURMAIDS 16 PAItflIIANGrRL 3 OLL11CTOR8 4 lIIOTOORAPHBILR 3 UPOSlTORS 7 poltrElts 6 COOKS 29 Pfla3sEfta 4 I cltTrBns Z SALESLADIEs 7 DENTISTS 3 SALESMEN 26 E0Io4Ena 3 SIIOeMA1CI6R8 6 isnwAsirmt3 13 SUWPAINT 3- I2ESSUAKaI1B 6 SKIIIT ILANDa 3- OIIV8S If SPINNE 3- mvu cuc8 I syuxitXE- CTIUC1ANS J- TIoI811111S 5 4 I VATOfl RUN uetrt 1IZ- fj 6 WAIST JI 3 MoTUzNT WAITEII8 15 AQENe8 7 W4IT2tEIE3 14 1 eozane 4 WATQIDlIIN 2 IrL6D 4 UIIJOIIILLANEOtIS 2U- 4 pam 4 TOTAL i i74- it T tS lj s 1 7jIQ I1 tio S ft J l l II tr M HELP 2000 MORE LAWYERS Another Army of Young Expo ¬ nents of Blackstone About to Swoop Down on the Benighted- City of New York HUNGRY DAYS FACE THEM- At the Present Rate of Increase In Ranks of the ProfessIon It WII Soon Become a Spencerlan Ques tlon of Survival of the Fittest In a few days 2000 young men will take the bar examinations that will ad- mit ¬ them to the practice of law In this city The large majority ot this number hare been fitted In the different big law schools in Manhattan lhe others will come from the outoftown colleges and law schools or from the offices where they have been studying and scrlng clerkships Professional men ministers pti > slclans and Instructors In all the great univer- sities ¬ are calling to the attention of the student the conditions In the varioUs professions they have chosen This Is brought home to them by the number of young men who are forced to abandon all hope of practicing their clioaen pro- fession ¬ each year The figures are certainly appalling At present tiler are 15000 lawyers regis- tered ¬ and at practice In New York City That Is about one attorney to every 2001 Inhabitants Including men women and children With the 2000 who will soon pour down on us we will have 18000 ut torreys who expect to make their lIving I out of all sorts of litigation But thi- ns not figuring in those wlu vrlll take the examinations at the other appointed times during the yearat least 100 more Some Poluteil Slntltitlci Here is where the figures weigh alv- In according to statistics of natural Increase COO more students who will take the bar examinations In each suc ¬ ceeding year we shall have 3000 going- up for their certificates next year men- we will have 18500 lawyers at practice j In the greater city Adding In the 3000 we will have 21500 or one to every 140 of the population Should this Increase continue for ten years there wilt be some 70000 lawyers In the greater city or one to every forty inhabitants Even the most optimistic of the legal fraternity cannot help but see liard times ahead for the profession If this Increase In their number continues for a quarter of a century Not even the most fractious community could support them and about the only thing left for the battalions of barristers will be to get out j and stir up all the discord they can un i tit tile municipality Is a seething cal- dron of dispute and contention Police courts and civil courts of all grades will hae to spring up as mushrooms In the night until there are more temples of justice Uiun churches schoolhouses theatres and police stations The entire foundations of the city would tremble with the thunder of legal argument Plenty of Warning Every day there comes a warning from the pulpit and bar to the young man about to chuose his profession warn- ing ¬ of the tremendous struggle that awaits him In the even now closely packed arena This warning Is well founded too for every month Bees young lawyers who a few years ago I started upon their studies with dreams of the bright laurels and golden fortunes they were mine to win forced to aban ¬ don the law and turn their hands to almost anything that presents Itself The law journals are tilled with advertise- ments ¬ of young yes and middleaged lawyers who are willing to take up almost an kind of office work- Men well along In years who have- to lei for decades to gain an accurate knowledge of the Intricacies of the law are offering their services dolly at from J10 to J15 a week Of course there are some lawyers who are making an much money as that by the minute but they are as grains of gold in the sand to the many The younger menwho are not yet cov- ered ¬ with the mould that long associa- tion ¬ with the calfskin gives are starting In on other paths that but a few years before they would not have considered for a moment In fact have been compelled to accept Uio humblest of situations In order to make a living A canvass of the great army of motormen- and conductors employed In the big trac- tion ¬ companies of this city would reveal that hundreds of members of the bar are collecting fares and handling the lever Others have been compelled to the drudgery of counterjumping In the big department ntores If all was known there are few If employments that the young lawyer of today who hts been driven to the wall has not been forced to seek MRS ROOSEVELT HELD BACK BY TRAIN BREAK- Wife of the President Delayed an Hour on Railroad Journey to See Her Sons BOSTON Mass May 29Mrs noose xHt wife of the President accompanied by her sister Mrs W S Cowles and a maid arrived here on the Federal Ex ¬ press today The train was nearly an hour late owinor to the breaking down or another train near Providence Mm Roosevelt and her sister breakfasted at the South Station restaurant where Sec- retary ¬ of the Interior Hitchcock who came through on the same train enroute for Maine met them After breakfast Mrs Roosevelt and her party were conveyed to the North Bts where they took a Boston and Maine train for Oroton where Mrs Roosevelt Is to visit her two sons at school ACTRESS AGNES ETHEL CREMATED IN BUFFALO- A Few Intimate Friends at the Brief Services Held Before In ¬ cln r tlon- rnrPpALO May OrtebOdyof Mrs Agnes Ethel Tracy arrived In this city from New York tcdsy and was taken to the Buffalo K Crematory vrh re Jt was nclnerated Drlef senlets were held Only a fe w Intloute Jrlenda of the 4a d actreai were nvt- J > < r t I 1 Jt T d BOY SLAYER IS- STILLDEFIANT I Willie James Is Not Sorry that He Killed Little Tessie Wat ¬ son Who Foolishly Cried and Caused Him to Shoot Her HE IS FOND OF THE JAIL Likes the Notoriety He Has Earned and Is Tickled Because One of the Neighboring Cells Harbors A HorseStealer- In the Somervllle Jail with the tneve < trumps drunkards and men of hardened character generally ilttle Willie James the boy slayer of There Watson of Ncrth Plain Held has decided that he llkes Jail life I Today this product of the dimenovel Industry Is being petted and fondled by the men In jail who say he la a bright kid He likes the notoriety and the fact that the man In the next cell Is a home thief like one of Ma heroes In a realization of hIs fondest hope ills great disgust Is that when he leaves the jail It will be for the re- form ¬ school where Mi associated will be mere boys who never have stolen any horses killed any girls or robbed inv banks No I aint sorry that I killed Tea- plc he said to an Evening World re- porter ¬ but I did not kill her on pur- pose ¬ 1 shut her by accident Since going to jail tills boy of ten who boasted that he shot the girl be cause sho cried has met criminals and his defense has been fixed up for him Men In the jail who have talked with him have > told him to say he shot the child by accident and he accepted their advice Wide Range of Literature Im ten years old continued the tioy I have been going to the Moun- tain ¬ avenue school for four years and I was In the second class 1 wanted to learn to read good so I could rend the novels 1 have read Deadnouu Dick Fearless Jack the Renegade of the Sioux Slmon Herty Daniel Boone The Life of Jesse James The Younger Brothers and the Clfo of Blllv the ItU I studied hard at school and at night I read novels My father was a cowboy but he died of fits when I was too little to re- member ¬ much about him He was taken tram a life on the plains and came to Plalnlield and died Then my stepfather read novels and I got them when he left them around- I like It hero In jail The men are all nice fellows and they treat me well One of them said he would teach me to chew tobacco but he was afraid the keeper would not like It Id like to stay In jail always Its nice here You get plenty to eat and the fellows have stories to tell just like they have In the novels One fel ow wu telling me about stealing two horses in Arkansas and carrying them Into Mlaoourl right over the trail the James boys used to take You know my name Is James Maybe I am related to the James brothers Hates the Reform School What do I think they will do with 007 Well I guess I am In for It No they aint going to hong me They cant do that I will get sent to the reform school tor eleven years until I am twentyone years old But there wont be nothln there but boys that got rested for stealing coal off the rail ¬ road track There wont be any Billy the Kids there When I get out I am going West and be a cowboy like my father was and 1 aint coming bock here Will I be a bandit Well I might If I can meet some of the men out there and get ac- quainted ¬ when I get bigger maybe I I willDe3Uty Bhoilff Anderson who has taken a great Interest In the boy says the lad Is Infatuated with dime novels and the tact that he Is In prison with men who are criminals has so excited him that he Is beyond himself wfth pleasure The boy Is kept away from the men as much as possible under the conditions prevailing In a county jail but when the circumstances permit he Is near them asking thorn to tell him atones about their looting of banks and holding up stage cosohes KlSiBIthefarFy ot the boy a tramp < a bicycle from a farmer has posed as a man who has held up a stage coach and has told the boy tales of harrowing escapes from the rangerll of Texas after killing a band 0LlndlftI3B that Ittoodln his way The be taken to the reform school as soon as the authorities can bring It about OIRL IS KILLED BY RUNNING INTO DESK Jane H Leslie Stumbled as She Went to the Platform to Speak to the Teacher Jane If Leslie the elevenyearolds daughter of Henry Leslie of No 6S West One Hundred and Twentyfifth- street died today from InjurIes re- ceived ¬ In running against a corner oC- her schoolteachers desk on Tuesday last She had gone to the platform to speak to the teacher and tumbled falllngi heavily against the edge of the table The blow pained the little thing for the moment but she bravely remained until the end of the session Upon reaching home Jane complained to her mother During the tthe childs suffer- ing ¬ became lntne and Dr Elmer A- JoUller or No 1137 Madison avenue was culled lIe pronounced It a carp of traumatic peritonitis Dr Miller said that cnaen of the kInd were rare yet more common among adults than children A kick or sharp blow of any kind In the abdominal re ¬ gion wee likely to produce the con- dition ¬ which killed the Leslie child nouhmter Stock Exchange to Onm ROCHESTER N Y May 29After many meetings of brokers the Rochester Stock Exchange has been formed and It is expected will be open business early next wsflc The following officers have been elected President J A Uurges- sVicePresident W E Moore Treasurer H I > QKlnby Secretary A n Knot The ovfrn1n board will be composed ofthe president and treasurer exofflclo and O Lunt A M McDonnel and- S A B Ef > f l WILLIE JAMES WHO KILLED GIRL FROM PHOTO TAKEN IN JAIL TODAY I i KTB Ill- BOYSRESCUER AT II Little TwelveYearOld Saves a Comrade from Drowning in the River After a Heroic Struggle- Charles Brown a twelveyearold Brooklyn boy whoso home Is at No 426 Hicks street proved himself a hero this afternoon when he rescued from drowning Thomas Stead six years old A crowd of lads were playing on the pier at the foot of Baltic street when the little Stead boy fell Into the water Drown who Is a veritable water rat scrambled out of his clottuw In a Jiffy and dived down where his playmate had difapp rwl Presently he came to the surface with one arm about the strugglinG urchin alr > iuly halfdrowned and dangerous from tear The child kept clasping the neck of his preserver but after nearly five min- utes ¬ of hard work and when hit was al ¬ most In a late of rollapsu the brnvo little Brown managed to drug his bur- den ¬ ashore with the aid of a rope which was thrown to him Just as the situation Wu becoming crille- alMILLIONAIRES WIFE SECURES DIVORCE- Mrs Robert White Butler Gets a Decree on Charges Brought Against Husband lyleut Robert White Butler a nephew Fannie Chester White Hartley widow of Jklarcellai Hartley who left ttOOOO 000 to his family loses his young and beautiful wife today through a decree absolute divorce signed by Supreme Court Justice Lovontrltt In favor of Louise St John Butler Mrs Butler was a belle In upper west- side society The marriage of Miss- St John to Robert White huller at St Olalthows Church In WIt Eighty fourth street on Oct 4 1893 was a society event Th couple Ived In Vest Ninetythird street and enter tnlnod irayly for a time Then trouble came upon them and finally Mrs But ¬ ler applied for a divorce through RIch- ard T Greene ilieglnff certain visits by her husband to the lintel Monument with an unknown woman Butler put In an answer through Ford Tuttlo and Randolph Hurry was appointed referee Justice Lcen trltt confirmed Referee Hurrys find lags The pipers were scaled FRENC COASTER WRECKED Finding of SaIlors Hotly Con nrninIVnm n > to Vessels Pate CirERBOURQ Prance May 23Tho body of a sailor belonging to thi coast- ing steamer the Vllle de Cherbourg with ten passengers anti a army nf eleven on board which was due to ar- rive ¬ here from Havre lnit Monday has been picked up oft Cape la Keve thus confirming the fears that the vteiel- had ben wrecked A VETERAN FOUND DEAD Came from Soldier Illiino tn lake Port In Mrmitrlnl flay SIT lorn Eugene PollyjH civil war veteran who came from the Soldiers Home at nil 111 N toipartlclpatc In Memorial Day observance was fi und doad In his room at the FninWln Hotel Brooklyn to ¬ day Ho suffered from heart dlriMi- Ha lervtddurlnB tho war n > a member nf theOnc Hundred and Thlrteontb New York Volunteer t JL OfffRm 10000- I fOR USE Of 200O Roundsman Maher of Capt Pipers Staff Answered Adver tisement Then Played Sleuth Roundsman William T Maher of Capt Plper staff answered an advertisement In a mbrnlng paper on May 17 In which- a return of 10000 In a few weeks was promised on an Investment of JIOOO Maher got Into communication with the advertisers anti as a result the men called at hH house several diys ago An appointment was made at the Astor House for yesterday noon Maher met one of the men and with him visited the Postal Telegraph Build Ing tile stranger on the way unfolding a scheme whereby the returns of the races to the pool rooms could be beaten seven tnlnutps by fixing the wires On the eleventh floor of the Postal Building Maher and hU guide met a man rushIng along with a bundle of tele- grams who said he was too busy to talk business Another appointment for the evenIng was made Maher went to Headquarters end got- DetectIeSwKi ant CronIn anti Hen nessy who went with him to the Veo dome Hotel in the evening There WUI IIam Greene of Xo 2IG Vet Fortysixth- street Matters original guide and James Cohen were arrestol In Jefferson Market Court today Greene was held for examination Moo ¬ tiny us a suspicious person while Co¬ hen was dlscluifKed Between now and Monday the detectives will try to formu- late ¬ a charge nt some port uealrat the prisoner Greene gave statlonhoUae ball and It was continued by Magistrate Cornell New Yorker Honored in nrUn BERLIN May 23The University of Marburc has conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy upon Mr George F Kunr of New York City THIRTY YEARS AWAKE Then He Quit Coffee and Found Ke Irciklne Sleep Coffee causes Insbninli and phyal dana arc agreed that this Is one of tile most dUticsslnK of nil nervous complaints It Is seldom Indeed that- a man who lbs reached tho advanced age of 81 years Is entirely cured of Insomnia of 30 years standing An old gentleman of Phlla says I have boon a great sufferer for many years from Insomnia 1 am 81 years of ago and can truthfully say that until I quit coffco anti commenced the use of Postum Food Coffee I had not known real refreshing sleep for more than 30 years Postum was prescribed for me by my doctor who made me quit cot tee I have now used Postum for more than 2 years and Its good ef feet are both wonderful anti perma- nent ¬ I regard It oa a good friend not only as a remedy for coffee Ills but as a pleasant anti nourishing food drink with a fine flavor Several of my friends arc uslp it lo great adyantago and think it much supe- rior ¬ to coffee When tho directions for making It are followed closely It cannot taU to give satisfaction Name given by ostum Co hattie Creek Mich Such evidence supports tho scion lc theory on which Pdatum is rased There Is B rewon- t j I ITAUANClRlS SOLO TO SHAME Respectable Residents of Little Italy Complain of Band of Miscreants Who Do Not Hesi ¬ tate at Abduction They Say NEIGHBORHOOD TERRORIZED- It Is averted bv resj ectabln irrldents- of the Harlem Italian colony on the east nlilo that tilt trnlllc In young girls con itiKtoil hv cadets Is morn flagrant ninl horrible In tile Eat One Hundred 1I11l1 Fourth street privlnot than It ever ails In the ml light district So thor- oughly ¬ organized tirE the proMirers thit- piicnM I of Klrli enticed from their home nn afraid to report to the pollcr anti iipt Smith hairs err little nf the true oo nlltlim ot affairs- I Loll UUInUto nn s kid its POetI It Is sail from the front stoop of her home at Xo < 11 lust One Hundred nOd Fit twnth street last Saturday night No truce of her has been obtained since HIT mother reported the care to the po Hop but detectUes have been unable to llnil any one nllllnt to my tin saw the girl carried oft The Ulvlnlero girl Is lxteen years old I tall and well developed and very pretty nhe wa a consistent attendant at church and Sundi school mil hall i wurkisi In various factories anti latin dries for Lwn years previous to her dls appearance She did not return from her place of employment on May 31 until early In the nioniing almost daylight She was In hysterics nod for twcntjfour hours wat unable to give any account of her sflf Finally she said that she hid been Uxlucted In Second avenue and taken- to a plate front which she had sucreed- e e In making her escape She would not tell us where the hou e was wilil the mother of the I mlculiiR girl ioila > She said she was afraid she would be killed Since then we liar hall warning that we would lte klllcil If we tried to trace her move- ment ¬ iih nent Jon on the trout stoop SaturJiy evening attired In a loose wrapper and Uppers She wore no hat It In said that two men came along grabbed her and hu < tlrd her away threatening to kJl tier If site made any outcry Not a week goes bv sild 1asquale- Orl < ti > fori the girls Htepfatlier that Home girl U Slot taken from her home In thIs section nf the cdty All trace of them li lost ami their relatives get wtinlng that they w 11 be killed If they etll the polliv 8oii tlme i tile girls are rtcovered through the serviced of for- tunetellers ¬ who charge from Jlu to SO Dozen of girls have been kidnapped and never heard of again In the last year apt Mojrnihun was formerly In com- mand ¬ of the Kant One Hundred and Kiiurth street station and was dlnmltied from the department on charges that Iw- ha been bribed by the procurers In Liltl Italy It wan thought that his lemoviU would break up tile practice of iibduetlon but If the most con- cerned are to be believed It ii more prevalent than ever LIEN ON TRUNKS OF DEAD COUPLE Mrs Guernseys Mother and Mr Walkers Widow Call at Cor ¬ oners Office for Property Taken from Hotel Navarre LAWYER THERE WITH BILL Irnrxrtr of Mrs Gertrude Guernsey will committed iiilclde a slOrt time ago III the lintel Niivnrre and of John lloyd Walker who wai with her when Hhe died ninl who died Inter of pneumonia wn cl ilmed at the Cor- oner ¬ nillee tndav by Mrs Sarah Oiifn ey or Stamford Conn mother of OerlruJc nnd Mrs Walker widow of the dead man The pevull rolitorw existing Ix- tnefn the persons Inlerestal In tie tragedy continue today Walker loft ili trite for the Guernsey woman and lived with her for months Tnen he threatened to go back to his wife and she killed herself Mr Walker In slated upon her luiitximl ruing to the funeral of the woman who hail broken up her home Wnlker wont to the funeral nnd then ucccrnpnnleil the mother of the dead woman to the Cor- oners ¬ Office to make ntcrsuiary ar- rangements ¬ for tilt inquest Kxposure and dlnlpatlon brought on the attack that kllert Walker When Gertrude Guerniey cJed the baggage of tile couple woe take i to tbe Coroners Offlcw and Mrs Guernsey and Mrs WiUker called for It today together Mm Guernsey olnlmed two trunks ix suit mao anti a valise Mm Walker claimed two trunk an English handbag- and two smaller bags When their claims had been formally filed they were confronted by Jacob Shatter a lawyer appearing for the Hotel Navarre with n bill for 1125 owed by Walker and Ocr tnulu Guernsey By permission of Mrs Walker the trunks of her husband were sent to the liotcl us security for the bill Shaffer announced that he would Mle Mrs Guernsey as executrix of her daughters estate Gertrude Guernsey left about 2000 worth of Jewels which lire In charge of tha Public Administrator A Good Friend Is the Telephone and a good servant It works for you quickly and cheaply In warm weather It saves many annoying little trips and a great deal of worry Low Raton Efficient Service Fee full information oil the Coatrct Dprtmnl SOlO CrilsiidL NEW YORK TELEPHONE OO 15 Dey St 111 Wet 38th St S20 Welt 12tth St C16 Eat 1dOUi St KIDNEY OEA IUS LEAD Alcoholic Kidney Reme- dies Much to Blame 4 I Greatest Stress bn Urine Test by InsuranceT- he overwhelming demand for Kidney Wort Tablets over that for all other kid- ney ¬ remedies at all the large drug stores shows that kidney sufferers have waked o up to the great danger of taking liquid remedies that contain Ask one who has attempted In Insurance examination and he will tell you that the greatest possible stress Is ma on the urine examination 4 If ones kidneys are against him IS the says three out of five per ¬ sons refused he Is a bad risk And It Is not surprising when the monthly death reports of New England I cities give kidney troubles as account ¬ able for more fatalities than any other disease not excepting consumption Before trying for Insurance test your urine yourself- And at any time If at all suspicious your kidneys satisfy yourself of their condition Nothing is easier Put some morning urine In a bottle let It stand a twentyfour hours If a reddish sedi- ment ¬ I settles at the bottom or the urine Is cloudy or milky your kidneys are L> diseased You should lose no In making them well Nothing can be more suicidal at such- a time than to take any liquid remedy that has alcohol added to enable It to keep Kidney Wort Tablets is the one remedy that may be taken with perfect assurance that it contains no trace of alcohol or mineral drugs The Tablets will positively cure that frequent desire to urinate pains In the legs and over the kidneys swelling of the feet and ankles retention- of urine scalding pain in the bladder wetting the bed and such rheumatic af- fections as sciatica lumbago due to uric acid poisons left In the blood by the tick kidneys THIS BAD NOSE- I MADE PERFECTW- ITHOUT CUTTING 1 straighten a humped or crooked nose build up a flat or dished nose shorten a long nose and nar- row a broad note I set back- outatandloc or lopped ears correct baggy imtly eyelid < mdcutt- lonB wrinkle tiea furrowshi tact all ImputeG of the safely and s llsfactorllyvcorrect3 and made to artttlcallr and harmoniously with their surround DS My experience of thirty years 10 of great value to you Contulta tlon Is free and the strictest privacy red Call or write to John H Woodbury 0 I JS Vest S3d St ygw York iit tt Sunday World Wants Work Monday Morning Wonder I h J Home ComfortIt- s > t wii 4 in the home the Petti daily and t perplexing problem A 4 Johnnys shine Their quickly pre- pared food wholesome palatable eco ¬ dainty and delicious break ¬ nomical easily and quickly fasts are known far and wide cooked is demanded What shall I U What to eat is the housewifes it be pettiiOhns naked reakFz Ji odh- as answered this question for thousands of housewives It meets at once the demands of the modern home methods and successfully ministers to the physical wellbeing of the family It makes delicious desserts Quickly cooked At all grocers A Ccrcta coupon in every package Write for our illustrated recipe booklet sent free upon request ADDRESS TIm AMERICAN CEREAL co DEPARTMENT P CHICAGO- I i jt 1 J I Iar i4i i Lil

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r c Jj Wit

HI S lyc3W T t

i v


tills WILLIS A



I Honest Old Louis Jackson in

i Giving Away His Little For4

tune Tells of a Wifes Life of



lius All of Hla Children but Re

L minds Them that They Have atTime Caused Him Much Grief

I and Shame

Tbs heart of old Louis Jadoora oncet famous Bowery tailor must have

full to buratlng when he wroteb will wtilch wa Iliad today byaoob J Aroneon of No 05 Wall street

cfcoon died at Ms home No 2 Westtoe CESizndred MId Twelfth atreert onUay S The will was dated May 8 190-

1ftII the beginning and May 12 at the endrlien It was signed by three witnesses

and ts a quaint document In part It i-su follows

j Zdem It my duty and make my reguatton as according to the will of Godun but mortal and desire to have my

wn wishes followed without strife andpalousy 1 bare aJwar tried my utmost9 co lIYe that you could honor your

Too Honest to He lUeh01 baTe not left you muoh money be

ioua I tried to kad an honest life andtBtotd you must be satisfied with the-

ebun your parents left youMy dear children the oad calamlty of

irldoiwhood led me to contract a secondoszriafo and I thank the AlmightyBoat my choice of a second wife IMS

esn fortunate It is not Trtthln myI r power to describe all her rood qualities

May God bless her for U and I-

pet of I1 ever to hooor herThon follow bequests of 12800 to the

IwMow fl100 to Henry JJttB to Maxf jfcad KSO to Bams sons and only 10

J c1 to two married daughters There1 bequests to several grandchildren

fetoo Then follow this1 r r di fcii considered erery thing IU-

ldFiwtIl with an open and clear

I am ready to ro irtien thef ty calls me

I Trlbat to His Wife1

You my rood wife I thank for yourKflme and devoted love as long aa you


lived with me you devoted your life toDM God bless you for It at all times1 wlH ever pray for your Jwupplness

f You my betored children I tortfve0u for the path and shame you caused

un auone wo devoUd to meyou all as well as all my


11d1en so herewith I give you

I Trlihes From your true fathsr-1OUIfibea JAOlCBOJf-

ww M A sort of codicil dated March U 1903

II ton Jsmd signed by Louis Jackson and by aof aotary public tells of the death of his1k1t best beloved eonS r Since It was lads wish that my son

I 00-


8am Jackson should predecease me Iherewith change my orders

I Then Jackson wrote that all hhadbequeathed to his eon Sam should So to

1 Henry rid Max In equal shares BbutII the nexT of kin of my son Sam hull

It receive S1 and the bequest of 2oO lodgeGoldie Jackson U recalled theft legacy To go H60 to Clara another

randchlld and the soninlaw of myI wife Henry Hall shall receive I1M He

hould In duty bound say prayers forL I It Is estimated that Jackson left only

personal estate of 6000

f 1



I jlThat IB If Gov Odell Does Not In

I terefere Again and Postponethe Negros Execution

OSSININO N Y May 9rthuriTlanlgan the colored man who killed

IKeevr Hugh Mcdovern In the prisonI adjoining the West Fiftyfourth street

court buildIng In Manhattan Is to lIein the electric chair In Sing Sins PrisonTuesday morning unlese Oov Odcll agutuInterferes In his behalf

Sheriff Johnson today sent out Inrt-

Itatlons to those whose presence he desired at the executionI

World Wants

Never Fail To WinPaid Help Wants in

I 784 this mornings World


r Paid Help Wants la the 13 otherV4 New York papers combined




i62 lRorns 6-

flAflTNDPflS 6 JASITOflq 6I




25 ounSpR-

ANASSERS4f 9 OlBlATOfl5 22




UPOSlTORS 7 poltrElts 6COOKS 29 Pfla3sEfta 4


E0Io4Ena 3 SIIOeMA1CI6R8 6

isnwAsirmt3 13 SUWPAINT 3-



mvu cuc8 I syuxitXE-CTIUC1ANS


TIoI811111S5 4I VATOfl RUN uetrt 1IZ-

fj 6 WAIST JI 3



4pam 4 TOTAL i i74-

it T tSlj s1 7jIQ I1 tio S ft J l l II tr M

HELP 2000


Another Army of Young Expo ¬

nents of Blackstone About toSwoop Down on the Benighted-

City of New York


At the Present Rate of Increase In

Ranks of the ProfessIon It WII

Soon Become a Spencerlan Questlon of Survival of the Fittest

In a few days 2000 young men willtake the bar examinations that will ad-


them to the practice of law In thiscity The large majority ot this numberhare been fitted In the different big lawschools in Manhattan lhe others willcome from the outoftown colleges andlaw schools or from the offices wherethey have been studying and scrlngclerkships

Professional men ministers pti > slclansand Instructors In all the great univer-sities


are calling to the attention of thestudent the conditions In the varioUsprofessions they have chosen This Isbrought home to them by the number ofyoung men who are forced to abandonall hope of practicing their clioaen pro-


each yearThe figures are certainly appalling At

present tiler are 15000 lawyers regis-


and at practice In New York CityThat Is about one attorney to every 2001

Inhabitants Including men women andchildren With the 2000 who will soonpour down on us we will have 18000 uttorreys who expect to make their lIving I

out of all sorts of litigation But thi-ns not figuring in those wlu vrlll take theexaminations at the other appointedtimes during the yearat least 100 more

Some Poluteil SlntltitlciHere is where the figures weigh alv-

In according to statistics of naturalIncrease COO more students who willtake the bar examinations In each suc ¬

ceeding year we shall have 3000 going-up for their certificates next year men-we will have 18500 lawyers at practice j

In the greater city Adding In the 3000we will have 21500 or one to every 140

of the population Should this Increasecontinue for ten years there wilt be some70000 lawyers In the greater city or oneto every forty inhabitants

Even the most optimistic of the legalfraternity cannot help but see liardtimes ahead for the profession If thisIncrease In their number continues for aquarter of a century Not even the mostfractious community could support themand about the only thing left for thebattalions of barristers will be to get out j

and stir up all the discord they can un i

tit tile municipality Is a seething cal-

dron of dispute and contention Policecourts and civil courts of all grades will

hae to spring up as mushrooms In thenight until there are more temples ofjustice Uiun churches schoolhousestheatres and police stations The entirefoundations of the city would tremblewith the thunder of legal argument

Plenty of WarningEvery day there comes a warning from

the pulpit and bar to the young manabout to chuose his profession warn-ing


of the tremendous struggle thatawaits him In the even now closelypacked arena This warning Is wellfounded too for every month Beesyoung lawyers who a few years ago I

started upon their studies with dreamsof the bright laurels and golden fortunesthey were mine to win forced to aban ¬

don the law and turn their hands toalmost anything that presents Itself Thelaw journals are tilled with advertise-ments


of young yes and middleagedlawyers who are willing to take upalmost an kind of office work-

Men well along In years who have-to lei for decades to gain an accurateknowledge of the Intricacies of the laware offering their services dolly at fromJ10 to J15 a week Of course there aresome lawyers who are making an muchmoney as that by the minute but theyare as grains of gold in the sand to themany

The younger menwho are not yet cov-ered

¬with the mould that long associa-


with the calfskin gives are startingIn on other paths that but a few yearsbefore they would not have consideredfor a moment In fact have beencompelled to accept Uio humblest ofsituations In order to make a living Acanvass of the great army of motormen-and conductors employed In the big trac-tion


companies of this city would revealthat hundreds of members of the barare collecting fares and handling thelever Others have been compelled tothe drudgery of counterjumping In thebig department ntores If all was knownthere are few If employments thatthe young lawyer of today who htsbeen driven to the wall has not beenforced to seek



Wife of the President Delayed anHour on Railroad Journey to

See Her Sons

BOSTON Mass May 29Mrs noosexHt wife of the President accompaniedby her sister Mrs W S Cowles and amaid arrived here on the Federal Ex ¬

press today The train was nearly anhour late owinor to the breaking downor another train near Providence MmRoosevelt and her sister breakfasted atthe South Station restaurant where Sec-retary ¬

of the Interior Hitchcock whocame through on the same train enroutefor Maine met themAfter breakfast Mrs Roosevelt and herparty were conveyed to the North Bts

where they took a Boston andMaine train for Oroton where MrsRoosevelt Is to visit her two sons atschool



A Few Intimate Friends at the BriefServices Held Before In ¬

cln r tlon-

rnrPpALO May OrtebOdyof MrsAgnes Ethel Tracy arrived In this cityfrom New York tcdsy and was taken tothe Buffalo K Crematory vrh re Jt wasnclnerated Drlef senlets were held

Only a few Intloute Jrlenda of the4ad actreai were nvt-


< r tI 1Jt T d




Willie James Is Not Sorry thatHe Killed Little Tessie Wat ¬

son Who Foolishly Cried and

Caused Him to Shoot Her


Likes the Notoriety He Has Earnedand Is Tickled Because One of

the Neighboring Cells Harbors A


In the Somervllle Jail with the tneve <

trumps drunkards and men of hardenedcharacter generally ilttle Willie Jamesthe boy slayer of There Watson ofNcrth Plain Held has decided that he

llkes Jail lifeI Today this product of the dimenovelIndustry Is being petted and fondled bythe men In jail who say he la a

bright kid He likes the notorietyand the fact that the man In the nextcell Is a home thief like one of Maheroes In a realization of hIs fondesthope ills great disgust Is that when heleaves the jail It will be for the re-


school where Mi associated willbe mere boys who never have stolenany horses killed any girls or robbedinv banks

No I aint sorry that I killed Tea-

plc he said to an Evening World re-


but I did not kill her on pur-pose


1 shut her by accidentSince going to jail tills boy of ten

who boasted that he shot the girl because sho cried has met criminals

and his defense has been fixed up forhim Men In the jail who have talkedwith him have> told him to say he shotthe child by accident and he acceptedtheir advice

Wide Range of LiteratureIm ten years old continued the

tioy I have been going to the Moun-


avenue school for four years and Iwas In the second class 1 wanted tolearn to read good so I could rend thenovels 1 have read Deadnouu DickFearless Jack the Renegade of the

Sioux Slmon Herty Daniel BooneThe Life of Jesse James The YoungerBrothers and the Clfo of Blllv theItU I studied hard at school and atnight I read novels

My father was a cowboy but hedied of fits when I was too little to re-


much about him He wastaken tram a life on the plains andcame to Plalnlield and died Then mystepfather read novels and I got themwhen he left them around-

I like It hero In jail The men areall nice fellows and they treat me wellOne of them said he would teach me tochew tobacco but he was afraid thekeeper would not like It Id like tostay In jail always Its nice here Youget plenty to eat and the fellows havestories to tell just like they have In thenovels One fel ow wu telling meabout stealing two horses in Arkansasand carrying them Into Mlaoourl rightover the trail the James boys used totake You know my name Is JamesMaybe I am related to the Jamesbrothers

Hates the Reform SchoolWhat do I think they will do with

007 Well I guess I am In for It Nothey aint going to hong me Theycant do that I will get sent to thereform school tor eleven years until Iam twentyone years old But therewont be nothln there but boys that gotrested for stealing coal off the rail ¬

road track There wont be any Billythe Kids there

When I get out I am going West andbe a cowboy like my father was and1 aint coming bock here Will I be abandit Well I might If I can meetsome of the men out there and get ac-quainted


when I get bigger maybe II

willDe3Uty Bhoilff Anderson who hastaken a great Interest In the boy saysthe lad Is Infatuated with dime novelsand the tact that he Is In prison withmen who are criminals has so excitedhim that he Is beyond himself wfthpleasure The boy Is kept away fromthe men as much as possible under theconditions prevailing In a county jailbut when the circumstances permit heIs near them asking thorn to tell himatones about their looting of banks andholding up stage cosohes

KlSiBIthefarFy ot the boy a tramp< a bicycle from afarmer has posed as a man who hasheld up a stage coach and has told theboy tales of harrowing escapes fromthe rangerll of Texas after killing aband 0LlndlftI3B that Ittoodln his way

The be taken to the reformschool as soon as the authorities canbring It about



Jane H Leslie Stumbled as SheWent to the Platform to Speak

to the TeacherJane If Leslie the elevenyearolds

daughter of Henry Leslie of No 6S

West One Hundred and Twentyfifth-street died today from InjurIes re-ceived


In running against a corner oC-

her schoolteachers desk on Tuesdaylast

She had gone to the platform to speakto the teacher and tumbled falllngiheavily against the edge of the tableThe blow pained the little thing for themoment but she bravely remained untilthe end of the session Upon reachinghome Jane complained to her mother

During the tthe childs suffer-ing


became lntne and Dr Elmer A-

JoUller or No 1137 Madison avenue wasculled lIe pronounced It a carp oftraumatic peritonitis

Dr Miller said that cnaen of the kIndwere rare yet more common amongadults than children A kick or sharpblow of any kind In the abdominal re ¬

gion wee likely to produce the con-dition


which killed the Leslie child

nouhmter Stock Exchange to OnmROCHESTER N Y May 29After

many meetings of brokers the RochesterStock Exchange has been formed and Itis expected will be open business earlynext wsflc The following officers havebeen elected President J A Uurges-sVicePresident W E Moore TreasurerH I> QKlnby Secretary A n KnotThe ovfrn1n board will be composedofthe president and treasurer exofflcloand O Lunt A M McDonnel and-


A B Ef >

f l



i KTB Ill-



Little TwelveYearOld Saves aComrade from Drowning in

the River After a Heroic


Charles Brown a twelveyearoldBrooklyn boy whoso home Is at No426 Hicks street proved himself a herothis afternoon when he rescued fromdrowning Thomas Stead six years old

A crowd of lads were playing on thepier at the foot of Baltic street whenthe little Stead boy fell Into the water

Drown who Is a veritable water ratscrambled out of his clottuw In a Jiffyand dived down where his playmatehad difapp rwl Presently he came tothe surface with one arm about thestrugglinG urchin alr > iuly halfdrownedand dangerous from tear

The child kept clasping the neck ofhis preserver but after nearly five min-utes


of hard work and when hit was al ¬

most In a late of rollapsu the brnvolittle Brown managed to drug his bur-den


ashore with the aid of a rope whichwas thrown to him Just as the situationWu becoming crille-



Mrs Robert White Butler Gets aDecree on Charges Brought

Against Husbandlyleut Robert White Butler a nephew

Fannie Chester White Hartley widowof Jklarcellai Hartley who left ttOOOO

000 to his family loses his young andbeautiful wife today through a decreeabsolute divorce signed by SupremeCourt Justice Lovontrltt In favor ofLouise St John Butler

Mrs Butler was a belle In upper west-side society The marriage of Miss-St John to Robert White huller at StOlalthows Church In WIt Eightyfourth street on Oct 4 1893 was asociety event Th couple Ived InVest Ninetythird street and entertnlnod irayly for a time Then troublecame upon them and finally Mrs But ¬

ler applied for a divorce through RIch-ard T Greene ilieglnff certain visits byher husband to the lintel Monumentwith an unknown woman

Butler put In an answer throughFord Tuttlo and Randolph Hurrywas appointed referee Justice Lcentrltt confirmed Referee Hurrys findlags The pipers were scaled


Finding of SaIlors Hotly ConnrninIVnm n> to Vessels PateCirERBOURQ Prance May 23Tho

body of a sailor belonging to thi coast-ing steamer the Vllle de Cherbourgwith ten passengers anti a army nfeleven on board which was due to ar-rive


here from Havre lnit Monday hasbeen picked up oft Cape la Keve thusconfirming the fears that the vteiel-had ben wrecked



Came from Soldier Illiino tn lakePort In Mrmitrlnl flay SIT lorn

Eugene PollyjH civil war veteran whocame from the Soldiers Home at nil 111

N toipartlclpatc In Memorial Dayobservance was fi und doad In his roomat the FninWln Hotel Brooklyn to ¬

day Ho suffered from heart dlriMi-Ha lervtddurlnB tho war n > a membernf theOnc Hundred and Thlrteontb NewYork Volunteer t JL

OfffRm 10000-


fOR USE Of 200O

Roundsman Maher of Capt

Pipers Staff Answered Adver

tisement Then Played Sleuth

Roundsman William T Maher of CaptPlper staff answered an advertisementIn a mbrnlng paper on May 17 In which-a return of 10000 In a few weeks waspromised on an Investment of JIOOO

Maher got Into communication with theadvertisers anti as a result the mencalled at hH house several diys ago Anappointment was made at the AstorHouse for yesterday noon

Maher met one of the men and withhim visited the Postal Telegraph BuildIng tile stranger on the way unfoldinga scheme whereby the returns of theraces to the pool rooms could be beatenseven tnlnutps by fixing the wires

On the eleventh floor of the PostalBuilding Maher and hU guide met a manrushIng along with a bundle of tele-grams who said he was too busy totalk business Another appointment forthe evenIng was made

Maher went to Headquarters end got-

DetectIeSwKi ant CronIn anti Hennessy who went with him to the Veodome Hotel in the evening There WUI

IIam Greene of Xo 2IG Vet Fortysixth-street Matters original guide and JamesCohen were arrestol

In Jefferson Market Court todayGreene was held for examination Moo ¬

tiny us a suspicious person while Co¬hen was dlscluifKed Between now andMonday the detectives will try to formu-late


a charge nt some port uealrat theprisoner Greene gave statlonhoUaeball and It was continued by MagistrateCornell

New Yorker Honored in nrUnBERLIN May 23The University of

Marburc has conferred the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy upon Mr GeorgeF Kunr of New York City


Then He Quit Coffee and Found KeIrciklne Sleep

Coffee causes Insbninli and phyaldana arc agreed that this Is one oftile most dUticsslnK of nil nervouscomplaints It Is seldom Indeed that-a man who lbs reached tho advancedage of 81 years Is entirely cured ofInsomnia of 30 years standing Anold gentleman of Phlla says Ihave boon a great sufferer for manyyears from Insomnia 1 am 81 yearsof ago and can truthfully say thatuntil I quit coffco anti commencedthe use of Postum Food Coffee I hadnot known real refreshing sleep formore than 30 years

Postum was prescribed for me bymy doctor who made me quit cottee I have now used Postum formore than 2 years and Its good effeet are both wonderful anti perma-nent


I regard It oa a good friendnot only as a remedy for coffee Illsbut as a pleasant anti nourishingfood drink with a fine flavor Severalof my friends arc uslp it lo greatadyantago and think it much supe-rior


to coffeeWhen tho directions for making It

are followed closely It cannot taU togive satisfaction Name given byostum Co hattie Creek MichSuch evidence supports tho scion

lc theory on which Pdatum isrased There Is B rewon-t j I



Respectable Residents of Little

Italy Complain of Band of

Miscreants Who Do Not Hesi ¬

tate at Abduction They Say


It Is averted bv resj ectabln irrldents-of the Harlem Italian colony on the eastnlilo that tilt trnlllc In young girls conitiKtoil hv cadets Is morn flagrantninl horrible In tile Eat One Hundred1I11l1 Fourth street privlnot than It everails In the ml light district So thor-oughly


organized tirE the proMirers thit-piicnMI of Klrli enticed from their homenn afraid to report to the pollcr antiiipt Smith hairs err little nf the trueoo nlltlim ot affairs-

I Loll UUInUto nn s kid its POetI It Is

sail from the front stoop of her homeat Xo < 11 lust One Hundred nOd Fittwnth street last Saturday night Notruce of her has been obtained sinceHIT mother reported the care to the poHop but detectUes have been unable tollnil any one nllllnt to my tin sawthe girl carried oft

The Ulvlnlero girl Is lxteen years oldI tall and well developed and very prettynhe wa a consistent attendant atchurch and Sundi school mil hall

i wurkisi In various factories anti latindries for Lwn years previous to her dlsappearance

She did not return from her place ofemployment on May 31 until early Inthe nioniing almost daylight She wasIn hysterics nod for twcntjfour hourswat unable to give any account of hersflf Finally she said that she hid beenUxlucted In Second avenue and taken-to a plate front which she had sucreed-ee In making her escape

She would not tell us where thehou e was wilil the mother of the I

mlculiiR girl ioila > She said she wasafraid she would be killed Since thenwe liar hall warning that we wouldlte klllcil If we tried to trace her move-ment


iih nent Jon on the trout stoopSaturJiy evening attired In a loosewrapper and Uppers She wore no hatIt In said that two men came alonggrabbed her and hu < tlrd her awaythreatening to kJl tier If site made anyoutcry

Not a week goes bv sild 1asquale-Orl < ti > fori the girls Htepfatlier thatHome girl U Slot taken from her homeIn thIs section nf the cdty All trace ofthem li lost ami their relatives getwtinlng that they w 11 be killed If theyetll the polliv 8oii tlme i tile girls arertcovered through the serviced of for-tunetellers


who charge from Jlu to SODozen of girls have been kidnapped andnever heard of again In the last year

apt Mojrnihun was formerly In com-mand


of the Kant One Hundred andKiiurth street station and was dlnmltiedfrom the department on charges that Iw-ha been bribed by the procurers InLiltl Italy It wan thought that hislemoviU would break up tile practice ofiibduetlon but If the most con-cerned are to be believed It ii moreprevalent than ever



Mrs Guernseys Mother and Mr

Walkers Widow Call at Cor¬

oners Office for PropertyTaken from Hotel Navarre


Irnrxrtr of Mrs Gertrude Guernseywill committed iiilclde a slOrt timeago III the lintel Niivnrre and of Johnlloyd Walker who wai with her whenHhe died ninl who died Inter ofpneumonia wn cl ilmed at the Cor-oner


nillee tndav by Mrs SarahOiifn ey or Stamford Conn motherof OerlruJc nnd Mrs Walker widowof the dead man

The pevull rolitorw existing Ix-

tnefn the persons Inlerestal In tietragedy continue today Walker loftili trite for the Guernsey woman andlived with her for months Tnen hethreatened to go back to his wife andshe killed herself Mr Walker Inslated upon her luiitximl ruing to thefuneral of the woman who hail brokenup her home Wnlker wont to thefuneral nnd then ucccrnpnnleil themother of the dead woman to the Cor-


Office to make ntcrsuiary ar-rangements


for tilt inquestKxposure and dlnlpatlon brought on

the attack that kllert Walker WhenGertrude Guerniey cJed the baggage oftile couple woe take i to tbe CoronersOfflcw and Mrs Guernsey and MrsWiUker called for It today together

Mm Guernsey olnlmed two trunks ix

suit mao anti a valise Mm Walkerclaimed two trunk an English handbag-and two smaller bags When theirclaims had been formally filed they wereconfronted by Jacob Shatter a lawyerappearing for the Hotel Navarre with nbill for 1125 owed by Walker and Ocrtnulu Guernsey

By permission of Mrs Walker thetrunks of her husband were sent to theliotcl us security for the bill Shafferannounced that he would Mle MrsGuernsey as executrix of her daughtersestate Gertrude Guernsey left about2000 worth of Jewels which lire Incharge of tha Public Administrator

A Good FriendIs the Telephone and agood servantIt works for you quickly andcheaply In warm weather Itsaves many annoying littletrips and a great deal of worry

Low Raton Efficient Service

Fee full information oil theCoatrct Dprtmnl SOlO CrilsiidL

NEW YORK TELEPHONE OO15 Dey St 111 Wet 38th StS20 Welt 12tth St C16 Eat 1dOUi St


Alcoholic Kidney Reme-dies Much to Blame 4


Greatest Stress bn UrineTest by InsuranceT-

he overwhelming demand for KidneyWort Tablets over that for all other kid-ney


remedies at all the large drug storesshows that kidney sufferers have waked o

up to the great danger of taking liquidremedies that contain

Ask one who has attempted InInsurance examination and he will tellyou that the greatest possible stress Isma on the urine examination 4

If ones kidneys are against him ISthe says three out of five per ¬sons refused he Is a bad risk

And It Is not surprising when themonthly death reports of New England

I cities give kidney troubles as account ¬able for more fatalities than any otherdisease not excepting consumption

Before trying for Insurance test yoururine yourself-

And at any time If at all suspiciousyour kidneys satisfy yourself of theircondition Nothing is easier Put somemorning urine In a bottle let It stand atwentyfour hours If a reddish sedi-ment


I settles at the bottom or the urineIs cloudy or milky your kidneys are L>diseased You should lose no Inmaking them well

Nothing can be more suicidal at such-a time than to take any liquid remedythat has alcohol added to enable It tokeep Kidney Wort Tablets is the oneremedy that may be taken with perfectassurance that it contains no trace ofalcohol or mineral drugs

The Tablets will positively cure thatfrequent desire to urinate pains In the

legs and over the kidneysswelling of the feet and ankles retention-of urine scalding pain in the bladderwetting the bed and such rheumatic af-

fections as sciatica lumbago due to uricacid poisons left In the blood by thetick kidneys



ITHOUT CUTTING1 straighten ahumped or

crooked nosebuild up a flator dished noseshorten a longnose and nar-row a broadnote I set back-outatandloc o rlopped earscorrect baggyimtly eyelid < mdcutt-


tiea furrowshi tact all ImputeGof thesafely and s llsfactorllyvcorrect3and made to artttlcallr andharmoniously with their surroundDS My experience of thirty years

10 of great value to you Contultatlon Is free and the strictest privacyred Call or write to

John H Woodbury 0 IJS Vest S3d St ygw York


ttSunday World Wants

Work Monday Morning Wonder

Ih J

Home ComfortIt-


> t


in the home the Petti daily andtperplexing problem A 4

Johnnys shine Their quickly pre-pared

food wholesome palatable eco¬

dainty and delicious break ¬ nomical easily and quicklyfasts are known far and wide cooked is demanded What shall IU What to eat is the housewifes it be

pettiiOhnsnaked reakFz Ji odh-

as answered this question for thousands of housewives It meets at oncethe demands of the modern home methods and successfully ministers tothe physical wellbeing of the family It makes delicious dessertsQuickly cooked

At all grocers A Ccrcta coupon in every package

Write for our illustrated recipe booklet sent free upon requestADDRESS TIm AMERICAN CEREAL co DEPARTMENT P CHICAGO-


i jt

1 J

I Iar i4i i Lil