evaluation question 04

Who would be the audience for our media product? Evaluation Question 4 Harry Helyar

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Page 1: Evaluation question 04

Harry Helyar

Who would be the audience for

our media product?

Evaluation Question 4

Page 2: Evaluation question 04

Harry Helyar

Our group undertook some research before deciding on what would be the most suitable age group to target, we looked at previous thrillers such as Inception and Shutter Island and used these as a guide to help us decide.

Page 3: Evaluation question 04

Harry Helyar

We also used the BBFC to help see which age certificate our piece would be, as this would affect our result. After reviewing their rules and regulations we felt our piece would be rated 15.

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Harry Helyar

The main audience for our product would be the age 15-25 male group. This is the typical audience of any thriller film, but we think after reviewing the contents of our piece, that the male age group of 15-25 is the one we will target. This is due to the things that are included in this film, especially the conventions such as technology and violence, these should attract the 15-25 audience.

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Harry Helyar

Our piece has a sub-genre of Political thriller. The audience would be interested in most thriller films, ours would hopefully be no different to that. Most thriller films would be watched by this age range, meaning that we feel this would be the appropriate age for our piece.

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Harry Helyar

Overall The Hunt is a very conventional political thriller, we know that the main target audience for these films is the 15-25 male range. That is why we are targeting them as our audience.