evaluation of first draft


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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation of first draft


Ryan Goldsmith

Page 2: Evaluation of first draft

What is going well?

I think that so far the colours are working well together and I have found a good balance between the powerful colours like orange and blue. The font that I have chosen for my design is very different to the ones that I had initially selected, however I feel that it works well in the context of the other surrounding factors which make up the can. I think that the layout of the design works quite well and allows the viewers eye to look right through the design in its entirety taking it all in.

Page 3: Evaluation of first draft

What is going well?

These images are being used to show the way in which all of the colours interact. I think that using a mixture of three colours has helped to balance it out rather than having two colours for the entire design which could potentially over power the can losing some of the focus from what I was initially trying to promote and sell.

Page 4: Evaluation of first draft

What is not going so well?

I feel that the effect that I have used to try and emulate the look of fire is not as strong as it should be. I think I will try to find a template of some flames from a source like Google images to use to create my flame pattern.As you can see in this

image of my flat layout the flames are very two dimensional and lifeless. However on the can they do look slightly better, this is still a concern of mine though.

Page 5: Evaluation of first draft

What could you improve on the next draft?

I think that on my next draft I will try to implement more detail into the design in order to give it a more professional look. Another thing I want to do is ensure that I have the sizes of the text to their most effective size for the needs or requirements of those pieces of copy, e.g. title 48.pt. slogan 20.pt. etc. This will again give a more professional and well rounded finish to the product. I think that I could alter the colours slightly so that they are more of a subtle mix rather than being harsh and hard on the eyes because although it is good for getting peoples attention it is not necessarily aesthetically pleasing.