evaluation lo4

Evaluation Hannah Sewell

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EvaluationHannah Sewell

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PostersI’ve created a advertisement poster that has fitted well with the project and the meaning of SASH. I’ve done this by using the themed colours that have originally been used in there leaflets and posters. I thought by keeping it’s originality it means the public will recognize that it’s the same company but has a different campaign and focus. When picking the colour scheme for these posters I didn’t want to exact colour of the company because then it would look plain and normal. Through my research I found that top charities around great Britain uses a darker shade for there posters. Shelter has started to use a dark red and black setting which makes the posters look miserable. Whilst centre point has used a darker shade of orange. At this point I realised that it was important to have a darker shade of green so that it fits the company theme but it gives a negative vibe. The fact that these posters are so simple helps to get the message across. The big titles and image really fit together to give a sense of mystery and imagination. I used a lot of techniques on these images because I wasn’t sure how the faces would look when merging them together. At first I cropped there faces with one side smiling and other sad. This didn’t work as the shaping's were wrong and not symmetrical. Then I cropped one original face and then did an opacity effect which gave a ghostly feel. This wasn’t good enough because the line in the middle was to obvious for the public and looked unprofessional. This prevented the message from getting across. Then finally after getting some peer information I found that using this method Lasso Tool>Filter>Gaussian Blur>Radius helped to create a person going into the air, like they were going invisible. I found this method the best as it fitted perfectly with the title so the public could have a better understanding of the poster.

I have found that my original idea for these posters have drastically changed. At first I was going to attach a male and female together to give a community feel to the posters. Then I realised that merging two genders would make the posters look to complicated and scary. By using two posters for two genders means I can produce more posters that can fit into the mainstream market like shopping centre's and bus stops. I chose a different font from ‘Couture’ to ‘American Purpose’, these fonts were from www.dafont.com. In comparison you can tell that ‘American Purpose’ is more bold, eye catching as looks very similar to a newspaper article title. This is how I wanted the message to come across. Whilst ‘Couture’ is still bold, you would rather look at the image instead of the text. I’ve used the same font throughout the poster because then it links better and has a constant theme throughout. I’ve kept the logo in the same position because I didn’t want it to contrast with the text and image so putting it in the right hand corner was the best place. The overall issue with these posters is that they don’t have a strong colour theme, this is a negative because the audience might just ignore it, instead of noticing the colour and then reading the information.

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Through my research I found a company that tried to prevent people from drinking milk. There layout was really influential with my posters because I thought it looked clear, sharp and sophisticated. The title, image, then a subtitle made it easier to read and more understandable, this is because you can read the title, understand what the image is saying, and then read the information. Naturally the human eye reads from the top to the bottom and because that is the natural way then it would make sense to have my poster in the same layout. What I thought let the poster down was that the two sentences had to be covered in a box. I chose the box because the green would fit with the theme and the it would help the words to look clearer. Instead the layout does look like it’s in sections without you doing anything, it’s not very discrete like the first poster. I should have picked a font colour that would fit in well with the theme but also the image. It was important to make the text as clear as possible.

Extra for the posters

The target audience for these posters are from 16-19 years old. Through my questionnaire I found that people at that age are most likely to be homeless and alone, this is why I have taken images of people around that age so that they can connect easily to the target audience. I feel the words ‘you’re an individual, not invisible’ these are strong statements that would be used by teenagers. I thought the language really fitted with the target audience. I asked for peer feedback from class friends and I found they they understood the concept and they liked the fact that the images and text are so strong together and collaborate well.

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When producing the sticker I wanted it to be very positive because then the public would enjoy wearing them for event days or charities donations in the street. I got influenced massively when I looked at the SASH leaflet. This house shape was at the front of the leaflet which meant I could still keep the theme going, it also shows that the shape is a big importance within advertising. Having a teenager within a home gives comfort and happiness. I thought this would be very important because that what I wanted the audience to feel for when they have my stickers. The audience for this sticker can be any age from 16+ because it connects with the homeless youth but also the volunteers that want to join in and help. In Photoshop I created a simple layout of a box with a green roof. I wanted it to be green because it meant it can still be the same theme throughout and that green means nature and hope and that’s what I wanted to put across. When creating a sticker I thought it was a good source to use as I can place them anywhere and they are enjoyable for everyone. Stickers are used in doctors and dentists organisations, this is because it’s supposed to make someone happy. By having a positive sticker means people will enjoy wearing them all the time. This raises awareness and more people will notice them on the street.

The techniques that I have used for the sticker was the ‘Magic Tool’ and ‘Polygonal Lasso Tool’. I used the ‘Magic Tool’ because it made the background of the images white which fitted well within the sticker. This showed that whatever background they came from then they can be together and enjoy being in a home. I used a ‘Polygonal Lasso Tool’ because this helped to produce the roof and walls around the image and text, this made it look neat and really captured the homely feel of the sticker. Even though this sticker is really simple it helps to capture both genders and the smiles really bring out happiness in the audience. The negative side of the sticker is that there are two white youths on it, this isolates the fact that there isn’t a mixture of culture on the sticker. SASH is a company that welcomes everyone so I should have done one person that was from one culture and another person from a complete opposite culture. This would add vibrancy and equality to the sticker. I like the fact that the sticker mostly goes out to new volunteers, telling them that homeless teenagers do look normal and they are as nervous as you when entering a home. I tried to make the sticker very relaxed so that the volunteers would feel to same so that they are more likely to donate or help. The font used is quirky and looks like it has come out of a comic book, this gives a youthful theme that fits well with the images. I like the fact that I placed the font within the two images because then it means it all fits and it’s clear to read. The font is large and bold which is good because you can read the title and information instead of just looking at the images.

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This sticker is dedicated to the youth, it was created like this through the image of the youthful person, the bubbles and the quirky font. Throughout the posters, stickers etc I have made sure that there is a large title for the public so that they can understand the concept before looking at other parts of the sticker. I used in circle tool in the sticker because I thought by using a cartoon effect then it will make the sticker look modern and fun. The bubbles are normally shown through comic books which fits my audience perfectly as this is a hobbies where they collect comic books and magazines etc. The bubbles fit perfectly with the font because it’s eye catching and looks pointy and bold like the font would be in a comic book.

The intention for my images was to have the happy one brightly colour and the miserable one in a shadow effect. This works as it brings out the colour and happiness whilst the other image looks boring and plain. I have used a magic tool for the boy image so that it merges into background which is always white. I chose white as it goes with anything as is normally known to be a calming, sophisticated colour. If I had to go back on it and improve it I would try and make the hair of the boy to look more realistic like it’s on the page in reality. Instead it has been used with a brush so it’s pointy and not very realistic.

The impact of the advertising is to tell the public about what’s right from wrong when it comes to homeless children, it’s making them think instead of ignoring it. This might wake them up and think I wouldn’t have my child homeless so why should other children be in that position. This helps to bring in volunteers because the message shows that the teenagers are normal and that helping them would make a huge difference.

My main technique for this sticker is to keep it very simple, by stripping it back it helps each component to be shown neatly so that they all have space and meaning towards the sticker. I thought it would be a good idea to have the sticker in a square shape because it’s unique and very easy to enlarge so that it can fit nicely on your top etc. I believe that it has communicated well to the public because the layout is very young, exciting and fun which is what you want your audience to feel when they want to help. It also makes the charity look more exciting and uplifting. By having that layout and then a title that says ‘please help the homeless youth to have a home!’ you realise that it is connected to the older generation, this will help to boost the volunteer amounts. By having a mixture of youthfulness and then a title asking for volunteers it means it can connect to a mainstream audience which is 16+.

The advert fits my theme by using greens, blacks and having the SASH logo in the right hand corner. I think it fits the purpose because it’s happy, quirky and it makes you think which is very important. Every component on the sticker has it’s use which is what you want from a charity. I warped the boys face so that it looked like it was coming from the bottom and you can only see what he is thinking.

I got my influence from the SASH booklet, the use of circles looked professional and also fun like the circles in my sticker. It looked good because it was another way of getting your information across and I thought that by using a mind bubble meant more people will understand the meaning. This looks more exciting then just having the image on the page. I should have used a brighter colour e.g. a lighter green to make the sticker look more colourful and elegant instead of having dark grey bubble which has made the sticker look dull.

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When making this sticker I thought it was important to bring people together in the community and the charity. When doing this I went on goggle images to look at groups of people smiling to see if that would fit well with the sticker. Then I realised that the outfits were very formal for the young audience that I was trying to reach out to. The adult audience that I need to connect to would dress formally but I want the younger audience to get more involved. Then I started looking at hands, this gave a more loving approach that would suit any age group. I found this drawing on the left and it had really good detail so that I could Rotoscope it on Photoshop. When Rotoscoping it I use ‘colour overlay’ this helped to find the correct skin colour. If the colour was to pale then it would isolate other colours are a mainstream audience. By using a tanned colour it really brought out the detail of the hands and made them look elegant.

This sticker communicates the message very well because the image and text both say the same thing and our trying to bring across a community and loving feel. The more people wear the stickers the more people will naturally come together and work on this charity. The fact that this sticker is a circle is a much better shape as it can go on any clothing and will stick on perfectly. The target audience for this sticker would be 16+, I believe people at this age will understand this statement and would would to get involved in it. It’s appropriate because it’s simple, the image suits everyone’s needs and it will raise awareness for homeless people that are 16-24 years old. The impact of having this sticker for the campaign is big, this will raise awareness as you can put stickers anywhere, they are easy and you can put them on other posters and walls in busy places. The main reason is to have as many resources as possible to get more people aware the issue of homelessness. The cartoon effect on the hands is very effective, people from all ages enjoy cartoon pictures, videos and films. To have this on a sticker adds more of a comic theme, this fits really well with the font because that looks nice a newspaper title and a comic vibe like the picture. I think the sticker is very simple which is a good element for think because it’s neat and it has a good size logo which is what you want from a sticker. The message is clear and everything on that sticker is a right size for the audience to read. What was difficult was trying to find a good place where the SASH logo could be noticed, in this I don’t think it fits very well. From asking peers they said ‘I would put the SASH logo below the hands so that your eyes see you first then the text and the image. This would grasp the attention better’. This makes much more sense as it looks like the SASH logo is located in an awkward place. If I could improve that I would move it under the hands. I thought of highlighting the word ‘youth’ because young people are important in growing and being better people for the future etc. This is an important word that people will look up on because people do care about young people and how they should never be homeless.

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T-shirt 1

This t-shirt was very simple to make. When researching SASH, homeless charities e.g. Shelter I realised that they missed resources like T-shirts as they can make a statement probably more effectively than a poster might do. I made sure that the title ‘SASH’ was large so the audience knew the name before they looked at anything else. The technique that I wanted to do with the images was I wanted them to go into another world, I’ve put the images opposite each other because it looks like they are disappearing into this invisible place which is the whiteness of the t-shirt. This gives a ghostly feel that is mysterious but also true life when it comes to homeless teenagers. This gives the message out really well and works well with what the text is saying, ‘invisible’ is used often throughout my sources to give out another theme but also another reason in why we need volunteers and help for the youth. People should notice homeless youths and help them instead of ignoring them, I have used a strong theme because it shocks them and really shows what homeless people go through. Instead of writing that text I should have said something like this ‘homeless youths should be visible not invisible’ this shows both side of the image, one half is a person but the other half is going. This would make more sense then just telling people that they shouldn’t be disappearing. When producing the title, images and text I realised that it was all black and quite depressing, it look different to my other work and it didn’t have any green in. Due to this issue I realised that the outline of the short sleeves and the bottom of the top had outlines on them, this would be perfect to put the green in because it’s fashionable but also fits with the purpose of the colour scheme. I did this by using the ‘polygonal lasso tool’ which helped me to produce the certain shapes around the sleeves as they are difficult to shape. Producing a rectangle shape would be good enough but it would be to straight and not fitted. The impact that this top will have on the charity and the public will be that most of the staff will wear them, the staff that go out and talk about SASH will wear them so it’s a bonus that they can raise there awareness through there voice on there streets and with what they are wearing.

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Front Back

T-shirt 2When making these t-shirts I got a lot of inspiration by the British company ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’. They have been a massive influence on the Great British public which is why I used it so more people can like our t-shirts. Have the ‘KEEP CALM’ at the front of the top will interest the audience because they will not know what it is until they read the back of the top. I’ve done it double sided so the audience will not lose any interest when looking at the tops. I’ve kept it in the colour theme throughout all the products so it helps to connect them with SASH but also with my design. Instead of having the crown on top of the box I’ve used the SASH logo which looks great and also quirky compared to the original. It could have been more a like with the keep calm theme, by having ‘and help the homeless youth’ but I thought it would be to many words so I improved it so that it’s just ‘help the homeless youth’ which looks better on the back. I’ve kept the SASH logo on both the boxes so that they are symmetrical.

I did a photo-shoot with both a male and female, I made sure I did pictures that had different expressions so that it would fit the purpose of the advertising. I made sure I took a lot of images so that I could pick out which main images I could use for this t-shirt. When researching I found that SASH wanted a happy looking product that would entice the volunteers, this is what I’ve tried to do, involving two young people from both genders and having them happy. This helps to brighten up the t-shirt because when the audience looks at it they will smile and have more of a community feel towards it.

I created the boxes out of the frame that I made on my billboard. I went through many ideas of what colour they should be, I went for a green background with a white font, this look really good on the front but it didn’t work well with the images. By improving it I made it the white background and black frames as they go with both there clothing and hair colour. The main idea for the t-shirts was the make it very positive and I think I did that well. The negative side of it is that the layout is quite boring, the company ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ are only popular because of there vibrancy and constant colouring. If I had to improve it would be to keep the front but to express more with the colours and change the saturation of the images so that it goes well with the bright colours.

This top would fit perfectly with my target audience as it’s fun and young looking. The fashion element of having ‘keep calm and carry on’ is great because people always have it and it’s an on going rend that doesn’t really stop. I believe teenagers would wear this to help there friends if they were homeless, just to raise awareness. I also believe adults would wear this and I was trying to make it suitable for the staff to wear as uniform because it’s fun and lively. I could improve this t-shirt by not having the ‘keep calm’ at the front. This is because the audience will not have a clue about what the T-shirt is about. This is bad because I wanted to grab the audience in straight away and tell them that it is a homeless charity. If someone walks past you then they will see the front, normally people do not turn around to look at the back unless they are talking to each other so that’s a big negative.

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Stop Youth Homelessness

When first creating the billboard I though that the blue background would be suitable as it was light and was neutral in both genders. Then I realised that if I had blue throughout all the advertisements then it would take it completely away from the SASH theme in the first place. Then I produced a white background and designed a green frame to put on the outside. Each section was made in Photoshop which was good software as it helped to create an equal shape frame all the way round the billboard. I created the frame by making a white box and using the shape tool, after this I edited the stroke of the shape which gave a thick outer line which created the frame. This gave a sophisticated look, I got influenced by many billboards with a frame around the outside. From a distance it looked like a picture frame which stood out for me as it made the billboard quirky and modern. I moved the URL and the sub title to the bottom left of the billboard because I wanted the image on it’s own so the text would makes sense. This will help to communicate the message clearly to the audience. I wanted my audience to read the text and then they realise that they did forget that boy and made him invisible. This makes them shocked and they actually learn what happens to homeless people on a daily basis. This billboard can really connect to the target audience because it helps adults to understand what the homeless youth go through which wakes them up. This helps to produce more volunteers for the company which is what they need as they have high demand. The youth that are homeless will take comfort when looking at the billboard because they know that SASH understands them which is the main importance.

I searched on Google images to get a simple sourced image of a homeless youth. I used the eraser tool and the magic tool, these really helped me to take away the background of the image so that it was clear that the person was alone. The technique used to create a lonely look means that he looks vulnerable on the billboard, so when people read the text they will realise that that boy should be in a home and warm, instead of being lonely and wearing a lot of layers. The image was originally in black and white which really helped to set the tone of the billboard. I changed the colour of his clothing so that he looked darker and more mysterious, this helped to outline his facial expression and the state of his clothing. The method I used is Image>adjustments>exposure>offset, this helped me to work out how dark I wanted the character.

I used a picture frame method because these are household objects that stay there for a long time, by having this it shows that the boy is stuck in the same problem for a long time instead of getting anything done about it. Pictures are normally in the same room and the same frame, they never change. I made the font large so that it would take over most of the billboard, this would get the message across quicker before they could look at anything else on the billboard. When I researched billboards I found that most of them had one main background colour, one large sentence and then maybe a little image. This is what I wanted to put across because of it’s simplicity and how you can easily get your message across and it’s easy to understand.

This shows how different the colours are between the two pictures and how effective it is to make the cloths darker. By having the teenager in the streets with darker clothes is trying to resemble what the stereotype shows of an old man that smells and wears darker clothing. It looks mysterious and wrong. By showing a younger person in this situation it will help the audience to understand that it’s not right for a teenager to be on the street instead they should be in education and a happy home.

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Information PosterI think this advert fits the purpose of the SASH charity because the use of colours and fonts fit really well and they are very similar to the original. When researching about SASH I found that the information and titles were worded really well, because of this I used this for my poster. This means I have used the same titles as SASH so it’s not different which is important. I believe the target audience for this poster can be for 20+ this is because this poster will be in business buildings like dentist and doctors waiting rooms. In theory people always read what’s on the walls because they are trying to find something to do. I think this poster would be suitable for business because homelessness is in every city and towns around Great Britain I think it’s important to raise awareness and for people to get involved in the charity. I have made sure that the Charity name is right at the top and visible so people can remember and recognise that name for when they want to contact the charity. When creating a green box on Photoshop I think it was clever to put all the information in there so it looks like it’s tightly fitted into a box. I’ve created a visualisation of a line that goes between the two objectives, this is trying to show that they are separate but still information that link well together. Putting the left information in a slant format makes the wording unique and young looking, the issue with it might be that the audience will find it hard to read it if the sentences get shorter and shorter. Whilst the writing on the right hand side looks like stairs going up to the image which is what the human eye will do. For the audience to look at the images is important because they are both positive looking which makes the SASH charity look happy and welcoming. I’ve put the boy in a circle because he looks like the sun and it makes him stand out of the crowd a bit more, whilst the girl is there to be located next to the information. Technically I made the circle on Photoshop where I used the Eclipse tool, this helps to give a nice shape around the boy. Then I put the image of the boy above the circle and use the ‘clipping mask’ method, this helps to make the picture of the boy into a circle which looks professional. I got inspiration for making the circles of the SASH leaflet that was professionally made and looked really smart. I warped the girl so that her body would fit well with the information, at first she has straight lines around the bottom which cut of important parts. It was important that I warped her left hand side so it didn’t look to obvious. This in the end looked much nicer. The impact of the campaign will really help the public to understand what they do and how they work. People might just think it’s a homeless charity but they need to know how it works and how many they do help. I thought by having an information section about what they do and then having one saying ‘what you can do’ can really give the audience the opportunity to work together and to get involved in events and fund raising.