european comenius reecipe book comnpart

RECIPE BOOK TRADITIONAL FOOD Dimotiko Scholeio Mathiati, Cyprus Kose-Uuemõisa Lasteaed-Kool, Estonia Istituto Comprensivo "Rocco Montano", Italy Dimotiko Scholeio Ormylias, Greece Szkola Podstawowa w Sobolach, Poland Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.62, Romania

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European recipes book inherent Comenius project 2013. Pupils from Cyprus, Estonia, Italy, Greek, Romenia and Poland organized these activities and Romanian Teacher developped this PPT presentation about traditional food


  • 1. RECIPE BOOK TRADITIONAL FOOD Dimotiko Scholeio Mathiati, Cyprus Kose-Uuemisa Lasteaed-Kool, Estonia Istituto Comprensivo "Rocco Montano", Italy Dimotiko Scholeio Ormylias, Greece Szkola Podstawowa w Sobolach, Poland Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.62, Romania

2. RECIPE BOOK TRADITIONAL FOOD Book created by collecting recipes, as a part of the COMENIUS MULTILATERAL PROJECT HAVING CULTURE AS A KITE, WE TRAVEL EUROPEAN SKIES 2012 - 2014 1 3. CONTENTS PREFACE . 3 PARTNERS .. 4 CYPRIOT RECIPES ... 5 ESTONIAN RECIPES .. 20 ITALIAN RECIPES .......... 36 GREEK RECIPES . 50 POLISH RECIPES 65 ROMANIAN RECIPES ........ 79 FINAL WORD ...... 94 2 4. PREFACE This book is a part of the common effort of our six schools from six different countries to make a success out of our Comenius Multilateral project : Having culture as a kite, we travel European skies implemented during the period of two years, 2012 2014. Our project aims to promote cultural and intercultural awareness between European schools as well as the awareness that the existence of diversity between European countries is important and unifies, rather than separates, countries. Six schools from Cyprus, Italy, Greece, Estonia, Poland and Romania collaborate in carrying out activities that deal with various aspects of cultural heritage such as: traditional food, music, songs, dances, costumes, arts and crafts, celebrations, fairytales/legends/myths. 1545 students between 6-15 years old, regardless of origin, gender, ability, religion and socio-economic background and 129 teachers are actively involved in the project developing communication and friendship. This recipe book is the result of the work of students and teachers from Dimotiko Scholeio Mathiati - Cyprus, Kose-Uuemisa Lasteaed-Kool - Estonia, Istituto Comprensivo "Rocco Montano" Italy, Dimotiko Scholeio Ormylias Greece, Szkola Podstawowa w Sobolach Poland and Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.62 Romania. The students of each school collected three traditional recipes of main course and three traditional recipes of dessert of each country and they cooked them. These recipes together form our common traditional recipe book and so we achieve one of the objectives of our Comenius project. And thus we have a clear picture of what cooking traditions of our six European countries : Cyprus, Estonia, Italy, Greece, Poland and Romania can offer us all. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 3 5. PARTNERS Dimotiko Scholeio Mathiati, - Cyprus Kose-Uuemisa Lasteaed-Kool, - Estonia Istituto Comprensivo "Rocco Montano", - Italy Dimotiko Scholeio Ormylias, - Greece Szkola Podstawowa w Sobolach, - Poland Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 62, - Romania COMENIUS MULTILATERAL PROJECT HAVING CULTURE AS A KITE, WE TRAVEL EUROPEAN SKIES 2012 - 2014 4 6. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S 5 CYPRIOT TRADITIONAL FOOD 7. INTRODUCTION 4 CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Just take a glance at Cyprus history and you will see how various empires, invasions, foreign settlers and traders over the past 3,000 years have brought their influence to the island. They have also brought their recipes and many of these have been introduced into Cypriot cooking, the main ones coming from Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Lebanon, Syria, Italy, France and latterly Britain. These foreign flavors have been combined with the food produced on the island to give Cyprus its own traditional cuisine. Cyprus cuisine is rich in flavours, healthy and tasty. Enjoy it! 6 8. Ingredients: 250 gr trahanas 4 cups water 1 chicken cube salt gr halloumi cheese, in cubes Method: Soak trahanas in a bowl of fresh water (room temperature) overnight. Put water in a casserole or large pot to warm up and then drop in the chicken cube, while the water is still cold. Add the trahanas as soon as the water begins to warm up and start to stir. Add the salt to the mixture. Let the soup cook for a while and when it is almost ready, add the halloumi cheese and stir. Trahanas soup is now ready and best served in bowls. 7 CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Trahanas soup with haloumi cheese (Cream of wheat soup) 9. Cypriot children making Trahanas soup 8 CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Trahanas soup is a favorite traditional plate in cypriot cuisine. Trahanas, made of wheat and yogurt, was a must in the traditional peasants diet. For every cypriot household, trahanas was a way of preserving milk in which the cracked wheat is steamed, mixed with sour milk, dried, and stored. Small amounts reheated in water or broth provide a nourishing and tasty meal, trahanas soup, especially with added cubes of aged halloumi. 10. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Sieftalies Ingredients: 1 kilo pork minced 4 onions finely chopped 2 slices wet bread or cup dried bread crumbs Parsley finely chopped Salt Pepper Cinnamon powder optionally Caul fat Wash the caul fat with water and lemon juice. Mix the meat, onion, parsley, cinnamon, dried bread crumbs, salt and pepper in a deep bowl and knead. Form the mixture into small oblong meatballs and wrap each one in a small piece of caul fat. Grill over charcoal or broil. Serve with pitta bread and fresh finely chopped vegetables. In Cyprus usually sieftalies are accompanied with souvlaki (pork meat) served inside pitta bread. In this situation the food is called mix pitta. Method: 9 11. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Cypriot children making Sieftalies Sieftalies is a popular cypriot food. It is a type of crpinette, a sausage without skin, that uses caul fat, or omentum, the membrane that surrounds the stomach of pig, to wrap the ingredients rather than sausage casing. They are typically stuffed into a pitta bread pocket, accompanied with a salad of cabbage, parsley, and raw mild onions, tomatoes and sliced cucumber. In Cyprus it is very common to find kebab or souvlaki restaurants that also sell sheftalies. In fact, it is so common that nearly every neighborhood has at least one souvlitzidiko as the kebab restaurant is called in Greek. 10 12. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Afelia Ingredients: 1 kg pork meat, in cubes 1 cup red dry wine cup coriander, ground cup olive oil Salt Pepper Method: Wash and strain the meat. In a deep bowl, mix the wine with the coriander and allow the meat to soak in this mixture (marinate) for a few hours (overnight if possible). Then, strain the meat, and keep the marinade for later. Heat the oil in saucepan and gently fry the meat. In low heat turn the meat upside down in order to get red in all sides. Pour over the marinade and enough cold water to just cover the meat. Cook gently until the meat is tender. Season with salt and pepper, stir and cook gently until the meat is tender. Almost all of the liquid should have evaporated to leave a thick sauce. Serve hot, topped with the cooking sauce. Accompany with bulgur wheat pilaf, yogurt and salad. Afelia (pork in red wine and coriander sauce) with pourgouri (bulgar wheat pilaf) Pourgouri (bulgar wheat pilaf) Ingredients: 1/3 cup olive oil 2 onions, finely shopped cup vermicelli, coarsely crushed 1 cup tomato juice 1 cube vegetable stock 5 cups hot water 2 cups bulgur wheat 1 teaspoon sugar Salt Method: Heat the oil in a saucepan and saut the onion. Add the vermicelli and stir until golden brown. Add the tomato juice, stir for a little and then add the sugar. Add the water and the vegetable stock. When the water gets hot, add the bulgur wheat to the simmering mixture. Add the salt. Cook over low heat, for approximately 20 minutes, until all the liquids have been absorbed. Then, remove from the heat, cover the saucepan with a towel, place the lid on top of the towel and set aside for 10-15 minutes before serving. Serve hot, as a main dish or as a side dish for meat (afelia) accompanied with yogurt and salad. 11 13. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Cypriot children making afelia and pourgouri Afelia is a traditional Cypriot recipe for a classic stew of belly pork cooked in a spiced red wine and coriander seeds. Pork meat was one of the most favorite types of meat used in Cyprus in the older years, since every family raised its own pig. This classic plate was accompanied with pourgouri (bulgar wheat pilaf) or potatoes and vegetables also produced by each household since every family in the island was self-sufficient. 12 14. alvas katsarolas (Semolina pudding) Ingredients for syrup: 5 glass water glass flower blossom water 2 cups sugar 1 cinnamon stick 4 carnation cloves Cinnamon Other Ingredients: 2 cups dry wheat semolina cup cooking oil half cup of almonds, cut in pieces Cinnamon Method: Removal of almond skin Place almonds in a large pot/casserole and put in heat to warm up. Then lower the fire and let them boil for another 2-3 minutes. Dispose of water. Remove the almond skins using a knife. Then cut the almonds in pieces. Syrup Place all the ingredients for the syrup into a large casserole and put it to warm up. When they start to boil, let them warm- up for another 5 minutes until the syrup mixes well. Cooking the Semolina pudding Put the cooking oil into a large casserole and roast the almonds for 1- 2 minutes. Add the semolina and cinnamon. Let them all roast for another 1-2 minutes, and stir well. Remove the casserole from the cooker and add the syrup to bur mixture without the carnation gloves, and stir well. We place our casserole back to the cooker and continue to stir using a large wooden spoon, unti it warms up well. Remove from cooker after 2-3 minutes. Empty the mixture into a platter. Garnish with the almonds and sprinkled with a little cinnamon. Our halva is now ready to be served warm or cold. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S 13 15. Cypriot children making xalva (semolina pudding) Halvas Katsarolas means pot halva to distinguish from the one we bake in the oven. Halva is a semolina pudding that is sweetened with syrup and studded with nuts (almonds and pine nuts). It is a dessert that has Arabic origins but has been adopted into the cypriot cuisine and is widely served during fasting periods because there are no eggs or dairy in the recipe. Thus, halvas is a popular Lenten recipe in Cyprus and it is usually prepared on Kathara Deftera (Green Monday). CY PR I OT RE C I PE S 14 16. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Daktila kirion (ladies fingers) Ingredients: For the pastry: 8 cups flour 1 tsp salt 1 cup vegetable oil 2 cups of water For frying: oil For the filling: 3 cups almonds (skin on), coarsely ground 6 tbsp sugar 1-2 tbsp cinnamon powder 8 tbsp flower blossom water Cup dried ground bread crumbs For the syrup: 4 cups sugar 4 cups water 3-4 cinnamon sticks cinnamon wood 6-8 drops of lemon juice 4 spoons rose water For garnishing: cup almonds, ground Method First prepare the syrup. Mix sugar with water, add the cinnamon sticks and lemon drops and let it boil on high heat. As soon as it boils, low the heat and boil for another 5-7 minutes until it becomes a thin syrup. Turn the heat off. Add the flower blossom water and take out the cinnamon sticks. Allow it to cool. Mix the flour and the salt in a deep bowl, shape the mixture into a mount and form a hole in the middle. Pour in the oil and work the mixture with the tips of your fingers until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add in the water gradually, knead into a soft ball and cover with a towel. Allow to rest for about half an hour. Mix almonds, dried ground breadcrumbs, sugar and cinnamon. Pour as much flower blossom water needed to tie up the ingredients. Roll out the dough into thin large sheets thick. Spread 1 tsp of the filling on the edge of the sheet and roll up lengthwise. Using a fork, press down and seal the edges of the daktila. Transfer them in a floured serving tray. Fry them in hot oil on both sides until golden brown, frying only a few at a time. Remove from the pan using a slotted spoon, hold them up in the spoon for a while to drain and add them in the cold syrup for a couple of minutes. Transfer them into a serving tray and allow to cool. Before serving, garnish with the ground almonds. 15 17. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Cypriot children making daktila (ladies fingers) Daktila is a favorite sweet in Cyprus. The word means fingers because it is shaped like ladies fingers filled with ground almonds and cinnamon sugar. It is a traditional sweet served during fasting periods. Cypriots love syrup soaked pastries and daktila is one of the most popular traditional desserts. 16 18. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Mbourekia me anari (anari cheese pies) Ingredients: For the dough: 4 cups of flour cup vegetable oil -1 cup water, lukewarm For the filling: 1 kg fresh anari cheese cup white sugar 1 tbsp cinnamon powder 3-5 tbsps flower blossom water Method: In a deep bowl, mix the flour and salt, shape the mixture into a mount and form a hole in the middle. Pour in the oil and work the mixture with the tips of your fingers until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Then, add in the water, little by little and knead into soft dough. Cover the bowl with a clean cloth and allow the dough to rest. In a separate bowl, mash the anari cheese using a fork, add the sugar, cinnamon and flower blossom water and mix well. Using a dough rolling machine or a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a thin sheet. Spoon 1 tablespoon of the anari mixture over the surface of half the sheet at equal spaces and then cover up with the other half. Using a cup or a glass or a knife, cut the stuffed sheet into round or rectangular pieces. Using a fork, press and seal their edges and deep fry the pies in hot oil until golden brown. Mbourekia can be served either hot or cold, sprinkled with a little cinnamon and icing sugar. 17 19. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S Cypriot children making mbourekia Mbourekia are small, rectangular or half-moon pastries, filled with a mixture of anari, sugar and cinnamon, deep-fried and sprinkled with granulated sugar. Anari or mizithra is a soft white cheese made from whey. Bourekia are similar to turnovers, empanadas, calzone, borek, samosa and can also be made savory as well with other kind of salty cheese, such as halloumi or feta but also with minced meat, mushrooms, potatoes or other fillings. 18 20. CY PR I OT RE C I PE S 19 Children from 1st and 2nd grade with their teacher Despina Charalambous made Trahanas soup with haloumi and Halvas Katsarolas. Children from 3rd and 4th grade with their teacher Maria Nicolaou made Sieftalies and Daktila Kirion. Children from 5th and 6th grade with their teacher Soteroula Marathefti made Afelia with pourgouri and Mbourekia with anari cheece. The headmistress of Mathiatis Primary School, Elli Hatzipapa Parpa, helped in the preparation of all the recipes. Mothers and grandmothers helped in the preparation of Daktila kirion and Mpourekia with anari cheece. Photos and videos were taken by Soteroula Marathefti. 21. ESTONIAN TRADITIONAL FOOD E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 20 Photos by S.Lepik 22. Shrove Tuesday Shrove Tuesday Vastlapev - is a very important day in Estonia. We don`t eat pancakes on that day- we eat lenten buns instead. We also have pea or bean soup, salted beans and pig`s trotters on that day and go sledging. For the last few years it has been a wonderful winter with lots of snow, perfect for vastlaliug- sledging downhill. In olden days it was believed that he who went the longest distance would grow the longest flax. It was also believed that if you cut your hair at Vastlapev your hair would grow very nice and thick. And you were supposed to comb your hair seven times on that day. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 21 23. PEA SOUP 250 g dried peas 150 g pearl barley 3 l water 1 kg smoked meat (pork) 1 big onion 2 big or 4 smaller potatoes 2-3 big carrots salt Put the pearl barley and peas into cold water to soak for one day (put them into a big bowl, pour over with cold water so that peas and barley are all covered). Put the smoked meat and water into a big pot and heat slowly up to boiling. Remove the scum. Add the soaked peas and pearl barley. Heat again up to boiling, lower the heat, cover the pot with a lid and boil it for about one hour. Chop the onion, carrots and potatoes. Add the vegetables to the soup. Boil for half an hour, until vegetables and meat are soft. Take the meat out of the soup. Remove the bones, cut the meat into smaller pieces and add again to the soup. Add salt. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 22 24. LENTEN BUNS For 30 buns: 5 dl warm milk 50 g yeast 1 teaspoon of salt 200 g melted butter 2 eggs 800 g wheat flour 0,5 1 teaspoon of cardamom 3 tbsp. sugar Melt yeast with sugar and add it to the warm milk. Add half of the flour. Mix and let to stay in a warm place covered with a towel until small bubbles appear on the surface. Add salt, cardamom, cooled melted butter, whipped eggs and rest of the flour. Mix until the dough is shiny. Put it again into a warm place to rise. Form buns. Put them on the baking tray and let them rise for a while. Brush with milk or egg and bake at 200-225 degrees for 10- 15 minutes, until the buns are golden. Take them out of the oven and let them cool down. Cut a small piece from top of the bun, cover with whipped cream and put the piece back. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 23 25. St.Michaels Day September 29 By St. Michaels Day the rape had to be in the cave and the womenfolk in the chamber, i.e. the field labour had to be done and the womens housework started. Animals were killed for food, and peasant household got better food to eat. It was the most widespread lamb-killing and beer-making date. It was a kind of leave-taking day since the rent contracts were concluded for the period covering the interval between St. Georges Day and St. Michaels Day. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 24 26. MUTTON SOUP 500 g mutton 3 l water 1-2 carrots 1 onion 4-5 potatoes salt For dumplings: 1 egg - glass of milk 1 glass of barley wheat Put the meat into cold water and bring it to boil, remove the scum. Add the chopped carrots and onion and 15-20 minutes before the end of boiling the diced potatoes. Season with salt. Take the meat out of the soup. Mix the dumpling dough, put the dumplings into the boiling soup and boil until they rise to the surface. Cut the meat into small pieces and add to the soup. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 25 27. CUMIN BARLEY BREAD 1 egg 1 teaspoon of salt 3 dl barley flour 1,5 dl wheat flour 0,5 teaspoon of baking soda 3 dl sour milk 2 teaspoon of cumin 2 tbsp. oil Whip the egg with baking soda. Add cumin and flour mixed with soda, sour milk and oil. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 40-45 minutes. You can use small baking moulds. Serve hot with honey or jam. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 26 28. St Martins Day November 10 For centuries Mardipev (Martinmas) has been one of the most important and cherished days in the Estonian folk calendar. It remains popular today, especially among young people and the rural population. Martinmas celebrates the end of the agrarian year and the beginning of the winter period. On the eve of St Martins Day children disguise themselves as men and go from door to door, singing songs and telling jokes to receive sweets. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 27 29. PEA AND POTATO MASH 6 potatoes 3 dl fresh green peas 3, 5 - 4 dl cream fresh parsley salt Peel the potatoes and boil in the water, seasoned with salt. Boil the peas in a separate pot. Strain the peas and mash them with parsley and warm cream. Add the potatoes and mash into a porridge. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 28 30. ST MARTINS GOOSE goose pepper salt Wash the goose, dry it and cover with the mixture of salt and pepper. Tie up the wings and legs to the body. Put on the baking tray. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees, from time to time pour it over with the grease. If necessary cover the goose with tin foil at the end of baking. Baking time is one hour per 1 kilo of the bird. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 29 31. APPLE AND BARLEY BREAD 0,5 l sour milk 1 egg 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 tablespoon of oil 250 g barley flour 300 g apples 1 dl raisins 1 dl sugar Clean and gut the apples into pieces. Wash and soak the raisins. Put the dry ingredients into a big bowl and mix them. Add egg, sour milk and oil and mix. Then add apples and raisins and mix well. Pour the dough into a baking tray covered with baking paper. Bake at 200 degrees for 35 minutes. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 30 32. Christmas Old Estonians celebrated winter solstice - the birthday of the Sun. Starting from winter solstice, the days grew longer and the sun rose higher in the sky. Julud was celebrated from St. Thomas's Day (December 21) until Epiphany (January 6) long before Christianity reached the region. Julud, which involved excessive eating and prohibitions on several types of work, was seen as a period of rest in the middle of the long dark winter. Now Christmas is a mixture of the traditional, the modern, the secular, and the religious. Like in other Nordic states, Estonia's celebration of Christmas mostly falls on Christmas Eve, however, Christmas season starts from Advent with people buying Advent calendars or lighting Advent candles. On Christmas Eve, people had to eat for 7, 9, or even 12 times. These were magic numbers and the excessive eating would make sure that the next year would be rich in food. If men ate seven times during Christmas night, they were supposed to have the strength of seven men the following year. Each year on December 24, the President of Estonia declares Christmas Peace and attends a Christmas service. The tradition was initiated by the order of Queen Kristina of Sweden in the 17th century. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 31 33. BARLEY SAUSAGES 1 kg streaked bacon 0,5 kg white onions 3 dl pearl barley 8 dl milk or water 1 teaspoon of salt 0,5 teaspoon of grinded white pepper 1-2 teaspoon of salt marjoram 6-8 m pork bowels Put the pearl barley into cold water to soak for one day. Pour the liquid used in soaking away and boil the pearl barley in clean water for 3-4 minutes and then let to cool down. Chop the onions, mince the bacon and add salt, pepper and marjoram with pearl barley and the water they were boiled in. Mix everything and let to stay in a cool place for two hours. Fill in the bowels with the mixture (not too full). Heat the sausages in 80 C water for 20 minutes and then bake in the oven at low heat. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 32 34. GINGER BREAD 250 g treacle or honey 100 g sugar 50 g butter some salt 2 tsp gingerbread spices (cinnamon, clove, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg) 1 egg 300 - 500 g flour 2 tsp baking powder Bring the treacle, sugar, and butter to boil, stir constantly. Add the spices and cool it by whipping. Add whisked egg and flour mixed with baking powder. Knead the mixture into solid dough. Keep it in a cool place. Roll the dough. Butter the baking sheet, mould cakes and put them on the sheet. Bake. Decorate after cooling if you wish. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 33 35. KAMA Kama is a traditional Estonian finely milled flour mixture. The kama powder is a mixture of roasted barley, rye, oat and pea flour. Kama does not require baking. Mix 1-2 teaspoons of kama powder with butter milk and some sugar. It is a healthy and cold food on a hot summer day. Nowadays it is used for making some desserts. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 34 36. Customs Estonian peasants did not start preparing desserts until the beginning of the last century. Earlier few desserts were prepared (for instance beer soup, cottage cheese crumbs) for holidays and family celebrations. E S T O N I A N RE C I PE S 35 Estonians sitting down to eat say May your bread last! to which one answers We it will! Recently, the expression Bon appetit has become more usual. The first cookbooks intended for widespread use appeared at the end of the 19th century, although the first Estonian-language cookbook was already published in Tallinn in 1781. This was the Kki ja Kokka Ramat, mis Rootsi Kelest Eesti-ma Kele llespandud on, which was translated from Swedish. 37. ITALIAN TRADITIONAL FOOD I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 36 38. INTRODUCTION There are truly lots of Italian recipes. We wanted to show you in this brief presentation of some traditional Italian dishes that adorn our tables especially during some major holidays such as Christmas, Carnival and Easter. I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 37 39. GLIUMMRIILL Ingredients: Ovine entrail (heart,liver,lung,intestine) Hot pepper Salt Garlic Lemon Vinegard Method: Wash intestine with water, salt, lemon and vinegard. Cut the entrails into small pieces. Take one piece of the all interiors add hot pepper and garlic then bind it with the intestine. Put it on the pot with the other species and bake or grill. I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 38 40. Italian children making Gliummriill Breading of the ovine and goaties that bring up is a very important aspect of the local economy.The meat is an excellent dish and people usually cook it in the all big occasions. I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 39 41. Hand made pasta Ingredients: Wheat flour Water Patience Method: -Sift the flour and form a well in the center -Add water -Work until it will not be smooth -Give the desired shape: orecchiette. maccheroni - Drizzle with tomato sauce and enjoy I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 40 42. Italian children making hand made pasta The homemade pasta is a typical product is very popular and used in southern Italy. Even today in our homes especially on Sundays we use to do and eat pasta made by hand. There are many types of hand-made pasta, noodles, macaroni, but the orecchiette triumph on the boards of the South of Italy every Sunday with the famous rag! I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 41 43. Peppers and oranges or potatoes salad Ingredients: Dried peppers Potatoes Oranges Olive oil Salt Method: Cut the peppers, divide them and fry in boiling olive oil Boil the potatoes, peel them and cut them in small pieces Peel the oranges and slice them Put the peppers with the oranges or the potatoes together. Add the salt I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 42 44. Italian children making peppers and oranges or potatoes salad When our grandparents were growing up, the life of almost every family revolved around agriculture. Everyone got up very early so that they were in the fields by sunrise. A cold lunch was eaten in the fields and consisted to eat this dish! I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 43 45. PASTATEDD Mixture about pasta: Eggs Flour Sugar Oil White wine Stuffing: Flour of chestnut Sugar Flour of almonds Chocolate Liqueur Cinnamon Method: Mix puff pastry. Distribute the stuffing on the puff pastry and cover it with the other puff pastry. Cut ravioli and fry with boiling oil or roast it. I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 44 46. Italian children making pastatedd Pastatedd are a typical Christmas sweet. We usually make this sweet using chestnuts, typical fruit of the Christmas time. I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 45 47. Rafanata Ingredients: Horseradish 8 eggs 250gr greated cheese 1 potato Salt Oil milk Method: Wash and grate the horseradish. Beat in the bowl eggs with grated cheese, grated horseradish,greated potato,salt and milk. Mix the ingredients well and pour in a tin with hot oil and roast for twenty minutes or fry. I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 46 48. Italian children making rafanata The Rafanata, symbol of rural culture, horseradish, magical as its healing properties, spicy-bitter taste, which is grated when you "hurts" the nose and makes your eyes water given its powerful scents, flavors have always dishes of Basilicata. Although it is a root of a perennial plant, it is during the Carnival period that is collected and used. Its sprinkling, for example, accompanies and enriches the underwire sauce or topped with breadcrumbs and becomes the main element Rafanata. I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 47 49. ALMONDS BISCUITS (MASTACCIUOLI) Ingredients 800 gr. of flour 700 gr. of almonds 600 gr. of sugar 10 eggs Grated lemon peel 1 vanillin Method Crumble the almonds. Grate the peel of lemon. In a bowl, put the flour, sugar , almonds, grated lemon peels and vanillin. Mix all together. Mix all the eggs. Add eggs before mixing them. Mix them until they become smooth and homogenous. Put the oven paper on the baking. Then, put the pasta on the baking in a straight shape. The shapes should be 5-6 cm large. Put them in the oven 15 minutes. The heat of oven is 180 C. When they are warm, cut them into small pieces. Put them again in the oven for 15 minutes. I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 48 50. Italian children making almond biscuits Cookies with almonds is a sweetness typically used during Easter. Enjoy your dessert! All together we can taste them. Hmmm, delicious!!! I TA L IA N RE C I PE S 49 51. GREEK TRADITIONAL FOOD G R E E K R EC I PE S 50 52. Bean soup (Fassolada) Ingredients: kilo beans 2 carrots celery one onion tomato sauce 3 lt water olive oil Salt and pepper to taste Method: Day 1: Soak the beans overnight in lukewarm water. Day 2: Drain, rinse the beans, and place in a soup pot with 1,5 lt water. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, and drain. Place the beans in a clean pot with 1,5 lt water. Add olive oil, salt, pepper, tomato sauce, sliced carrots, celery and onion. When full boil resumes, reduce heat, cover, and simmer on low heat for about 2 hours. The beans should be soft and creamy, but not to the point of disintegrating. G R E E K R EC I PE S 51 53. Greek children making fassolada G R E E K R EC I PE S 52 54. CUTTLEFISH WITH SPINACH Ingredients: 1 kilo cuttlefish 1 chopped onions 4 green onions 2 small tomatoes 1 bunch dill chopped 1 pound of spinach 1 cup oil 1 cup water 2 tablespoons salt teaspoon red pepper Method: Clean the cuttlefish and cut into small pieces Put them in a pot with water. Allow to boil on low heat for 40 minutes. Wash the spinach and leave it in hot water for 10 minutes. Then strain. Finely chop the onions and dill. Grate the tomato. Add oil, onions and Simmer for another 20 minutes with the lid closed. Add the spinach, grated tomato, dill, water and stir. Continue to boil for 25-30 minutes. Serve warm. Enjoy! G R E E K R EC I PE S 53 55. Greek children making cuttlefish with spinach G R E E K R EC I PE S 54 56. CHICKEN TRACHANA Ingredients: 4 pieces of chicken 1 and cup trachana cup oil 1 onion chopped 1 cup grated tomato Salt and pepper 1 chicken broth diluted in warm water (3 cups) Method: Saute the onion in oil until wilted. Put the chicken pieces and saut until golden brown. Pour the tomatoes and broth salt and pepper into the pot, stir and cover to cook for 45 minutes. Then add the frumenty and continue cooking for 20 minutes, until thickened. Finally serve as soup. G R E E K R EC I PE S 55 57. Greek children making chicken trachana G R E E K R EC I PE S 56 58. SWEET ORANGE Ingredients: 3 oranges 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 teaspoon of citric acid Syrup 4 cups of sugar 3 cups of water Method: Grate the oranges at the grater Put water in a saucepan and boil the oranges for 35- 40. Trough away the water Boil the oranges again in fresh water for 20-25. Put the baking soda in the boiling oranges and when it bubbles take the saucepan away from the heater. Pour in the water with the sugar (syrup). Boil the oranges until its ready (it shouldnt be left with a lot of water in the pot). Finally before we turn off the heater, we add the citric acid. G R E E K R EC I PE S 57 59. Greek children making sweet orange G R E E K R EC I PE S 58 60. Nuts pie Ingredients: 250 gr sugar 3 or 4 eggs 300 ml milk 300 ml sunflower oil 1 small nutmeg 200-250 gr clean nuts 1 teaspoon soda 450 gr flour Sugar syrup: 800 gr sugar 350 ml water glucose vanilla powder juice of one orange juice of one lemon Method: Whip the sugar and the eggs together in a bowl. Break the nuts, mix with some sugar and pour them into the mixture Add the sunflower oil and the grated nutmeg. Add the flour and the cooking soda powder. Spread some butter in a pan and pour the mixture. Place it into a preheated oven at 180oC for 40 minutes When it is baked, pour the sugar syrup. G R E E K R EC I PE S 59 61. Greek children making nuts pie G R E E K R EC I PE S 60 62. Halvas Ingredients: Halvas 2 cups of semolina 1 cup olive oil Syrup 4 cups of water 3 cups of sugar 1 lemon scrap or vanilla powder 1 cinnamon stick Method: Boil the water in a pot with the cinnamon for 2-3 minutes. At the end add the vanilla powder or the lemon scrap. Semolina Mixture Procedure Pour into a pot the olive oil and wait until it gets hot Pour the semolina and saute until it gets goldie brown Pour the syrup into the mixture and turn the heat to the minimum Stir until the mixture starts to get off the pot edges. G R E E K R EC I PE S 61 63. Greek children making halvas 62 G R E E K R EC I PE S 64. TRACHANAS 63 Ingredients: 2 Kg milk 1 kg coarse bulgur and semolina A little salt Method: Boil the milk in a large saucepan until it starts steaming. Put the bulgur and salt and stir with a wooden spoon until it thickens. Close the heat and let the pot aside, covered with a towel to rise. G R E E K R EC I PE S 65. Greek children making trachanas 64 G R E E K R EC I PE S 66. POLISH TRADITIONAL FOOD 65 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 67. Few words of introduction to traditional Polish food Poland is an European country with a difficult history lasting more than 1000 years. In imagination, it is partially possible to go back to the distant times of the first princes and Kings of Poland, to look at the Polish state in the Middle Ages, since a general image of some culinary customs and early Polish food traditions have partly survived throughout the centuries. Some aspects of a modern Polish cuisine are similar. A willingness to keep with the tradition has always been present. However, a notable part of the traditional Polish food culture was changing by means of evolution. With a development of trade various Polish foods and products naturally influenced one another within a neighboring nations or according to arriving ethnic group traditions. Polish food culture, as we know it today, has formed. Admittedly, over three hundred years later we can assess it empirically, and with a pleasure :) Nowadays, some courses and meals that are a base of modern and traditional Polish cuisine, are common for the West Slavonic and Central- European nations. E.g. various national kinds of beetroot borscht or dumplings are well-known not only in Poland, but also in Czech Republic, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. On the other hand one of the most popular, simple and not time consuming Polish food kotlet schabowy is completely similar to a schnitzel known very well in Austria and Germany. It is worthwhile adding that Polish foods grouped in 5 categories - Polish soups, first courses, appetizers & ingredients, drinks, desserts & sweets - and listed at right, constitute the typical Polish menu up to this days. Hence, during travel to Poland one will certainly come across many of them (e.g. pierogi).. We wish you good luck with your exploration of Polish tastes and Smacznego! 66 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 68. urek Ingredients: Sourdough White sausage cream marjoram, salt, pepper Hard -boiled eggs 1. Boil some water in the pot. 2. Slice the sausage and put it into water, boil it together 3. Add the sourdough 4. Mix flour and cream in a bowl and then put the mixture into water 5. Add some salt and pepper 6. Add some marjoram and in the end put urek into bread. 7. Add an egg (cut on halves) 67 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 69. How to prepare: 68 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 70. Kotlet schabowy pork chop Ingredients for 4 servings * 4 slices of boneless pork loin * 1 egg * 1 tablespoon of flour * 1 cup of breadcrumbs * oil for frying * Salt * Pepper 69 Recipe: -Rinse meat in the water. -Pound each slice of meat, so that it will increase twice its size. -Prepare two plates:first with lightly beaten raw egg and the second with breadcrumbs mixed with flour, salt and pepper. -First soak meat in the egg and then coat it with flour and breadcrumbs. -Fry them 2 minutes on both sides (watch out, the fat can spray!), When the cutlets are fried and are gold, you can reduce the flame and cover with pan lid (but look under it from time to time to prevent burning them). After 4 -5 minutes of frying pork chops are ready to serve! The best are with boiled potatoes and cabbage. PO L I SH R EC I PE S 71. How to prepare: 70 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 72. Dumplings with sauerkraut and mushrooms Ingredients: Cake: 0,5 of flour 1 glass of warm water an egg (yolk) pepper salt Filling: 0,5 kilo of sauerkraut 10 dag of mushrooms an onion olive oil salt, pepper Recipe: 1. Sift some flour on a pastry board, add an egg, oil, salt, hot water and knead a dough. 2.Roll the dough to a thickness of about 40 millimeters. 3.Carve out circles using a glass, put the stuffing inside dumplings. 4. Boil dumplings (about 7 minutes). 5. Chop an onion and fry it with some oil. 6. Put boiled dumplings on the plate and pour them with oil and onion. 71 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 73. How to prepare: 73 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 74. Pczki - doughnuts Ingredients: Filling: flour marmalade yeast warm milk eggs butter salt oil Recipe: Mix 1 /3 of flour, yeast and milk. When it grows up, add eggs, sugar, oil, the rest of flour, salt and melted butter. Knead a dough. When it rises, form small balls from the dough and fill them with marmalade. Leave the doughnuts for next 10 minutes to grow and then fry them in hot oil. After frying you can sprinkle them with powdered sugar. 73 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 75. How to prepare: 74 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 76. Faworki (Chrust) - made for Tuesday before Ash Wednesday Ingredients: 2 cups of flour 2-3 egg yolks 2 TBS soft butter 2 TBS of confectioners sugar 1/3 cup of sour cream 1 TBS of 6% white vinegar or alcohol 2 TBS of rum lard or oil for fryimg Mix butter, egg yolks, sugar and alcohol or vinegar together. While mixing, slowly add flour. Knead the dough. Keep beating and kneading the dough for 15 minutes. When ready, put it in a bowl, cover, and let stand in a cool place for an hour. Roll dough on the board till it is very thin. Cut 2x7 inch strips, make a slit in the middle and pull one end through it. In a deep frying pan heat the lard (oil). To test readiness of oil, put a small piece of dough in it, if it immediately comes to the surface the temperature is right. Put 4-5 strips at a time and deep fry on both sides. Take out and place on a paper towel. Sprinkle with confectioners sugar. 75 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 77. How to prepare: 76 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 78. Yeast-cake with crumble Ingredients: Yeast-cake flour yeast warm milk eggs butter salt oil for frying Crumble flour butter Sugar Recipe: Mix 1 /3 of flour, yeast and milk. When it grows up, add eggs, sugar, oil, the rest of flour, salt and melted butter. Knead a dough. When it grows up, put the dough into a cake tin. Bake the cake in the oven. Make the crumble mix flour, butter and sugar together (when you finish it should be loose) Put the crumble on the baked cake and leave in the oven for next 10 minutes. Now its ready! 77 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 79. How to prepare: 78 PO L I SH R EC I PE S 80. ROMANIAN TRADITIONAL FOOD 79 81. INTRODUCTION One of the aims of our project Having culture as a kite, we travel European skies is to carry out activities that deal with our traditional food. This recipe book is one of the final products of the partnership. Reading this book will give you a clear picture of what food can tell you about the history, customs and traditions of our countries. This is not a simple cookbook, its also an incursion through our history, ancient customs and traditions because for us, the Romanians, all the great traditional celebrations are linked to food rituals. In most of the regions of our country, there is specific traditional food, whose secrets were handed down from generation to generation. We are trying to offer you all some of the secrets of cooking traditional Romanian food as well as some of our secret ingredients. This way you will see that our cooking tradition is based on the old peasant cuisine and that cooking only in those ancient pots and using wood fire is the best way to obtain delicious food. So, accept our invitation to this adventurous and exciting journey through the Romanian cuisine and taste some of our best recipes with us! 80 82. Hot maize shepherds ball filled with cheese Ingredients: 1 kilo of maize flour 3 liters of water 1 spoon of salt fat salted cheese Method: Put the water and the salt in a cast-iron kettle in order to boil, scatter a handful of maize above the water; When the water starts boiling, add the maize all of a sudden: it will form a kind of little hill washed by the hot waves; Now, there is enough time for the maize flour to boil slowly, for about an hour, in order for the maize flour to swell up and to get very hot; After an hour has passed, mix it with force, for a long time (the shepherds do it the same way: one of them holds tight the cast-iron kettle, the other one mixes the pot stick); If the maize pudding got solid and the pot stick cannot be moved anymore, the maize pudding is pushed towards the bottom of the cast-iron kettle and it is levelled. Then, put the cast-iron kettle again on a strong fire just for a little time, in order for the composition to unstuck from the bottom of the cast-iron kettle. (there will be some vapors, the maize pudding will start hissing and growing). Overthrow the maize pudding on a trencher (faceplate), it is a perfect hemisphere. How to make it: The pieces of maize pudding will be filled with fat salted cheese. The pieces of maize pudding must be stretched on a board and greased with oil. After rolling the maize pudding, the pieces will look like some dumplings, that will have no more than a half of kilo, including the 150 grams of cheese for each piece. The new obtained pieces must not have morsels of cheese mixed with the maize pudding. The maize pudding must cover all the cheese. The pieces will be introduced in live coals that must not be very hot. The hot maize shepherds ball filled with cheese must be baked almost in hot ash. The hot maize shepherds ball filled with cheese is ready when it has a crust. 81 83. Romanian children making hot maize shepherds ball filled with cheese Winter and cold came and what could be better than a steaming hot maize shepherds ball filled with cheese? Weve been dreaming of it since summer! An ancient Romanian shepherds food, reminding us that we were once a country of peasants and shepherds. 82 84. Forcemeat rolls of cabbage with coarsely ground maize Ingredients: 500 grams of coarsely ground maize 500 grams of pig brisket 2 onions 1 spoon of paprika 1 bunch of savory 1 pickled cabbage 500 grams of smoked-dried pig neck 1 sausage 50 milliliters of lard (or 100 milliliters of oil) 200 grams of mushrooms Salt, pepper to taste 1 liter of cabbage pickle (or sour bran and water) Method: The coarsely ground maize is made of little pieces of maize, which once in Romania, replaced the rice. The coarsely ground maize can be obtained at home: the maize is smashed in a vessel. Wash the coarsely ground maize in several cold waters. The cut onion is fried on slow fire. After few minutes, add the coarsely ground maize, the minced meat the pig brisket, the smoked-dried pig neck, the mushrooms, the paprika, the salt, the pepper, the savory (well pounded). Wash gently the cabbage leaves with warm water, dry them. A part of the cabbage, the middle, is cut very small. After a quarter of an hour of staying on fire (while you mix continually the ingredients), the composition is taken from the fire and the oil is drained. The lard or the oil is drained in the pot in which the forcemeat rolls of cabbage will be boiled. Fill the leaves of cabbage with meat and coarsely ground maize, not too much because the coarsely ground maize will swell more than the rice. Roll the leaves or fold them in four On the bottom of the pot in which you pour oil, put, first of all, a layer of cabbage cut very small, then cabbage rolls , then pieces of pig brisket, smoked-dried pig neck , cabbage again and so on, until you fill the pot. The last layer must be of cabbage. Scatter paprika and savory on the last layer. Fill the pot with cabbage pickle mixed with water. Cover the pot and boil the ingredients in an oven on a slow fire. In order to be perfect, the forcemeat rolls of cabbage must be boiled very slowly for about 4-5 hours. They are served with sour cream and red pepper. 83 85. Romanian children making forcemeat rolls of cabbage with coarsely ground maize Try a festive holiday atmosphere with our traditional recipe of cabbage rolls. Christmas and New Years Eve dinners have a special significance for everyone. We, the Romanians, cannot even think of our winter holidays without the "home-made" cabbage rolls, like our grandmothers used to cook. These special, healing gems of pork, wrapped in a robe of sour cabbage are a treat anytime, but on Christmas and on New Years Eve are great! When we are happy and our kitchens smell like heaven! 84 86. THE STEW OF THE OUTLAWS Ingredients: 500 g mushrooms 500 g pork 200 g smoked bacon 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup of clear soup 1 tablespoon flour 500 g veal (beef) 2 kidneys any kind you have 2 tablespoons lard 1 cup sour cream 3 onions salt Method: Meat, kidneys, onions are cut thin slices with great care. Place onion in butter and lard on low heat, covered When softened, add the veal (beef) for about fifteen minutes Then add the pork, for another quarter of hour Loosen the flour in a little hot water Next the kidneys and flour, for 5 minutes Add water or clear soup and leave to boil for a half an hour Cut thin slices of bacon, put them in another frying pan. Then take care of the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices When the bacon has browned and left some gravy, put the mushrooms in, for 10 minutes. Then add the mushrooms and the bacon to the stew, add some salt, and let it boil for 15 minutes. Take the stew off the heat, place the cream, and mix it a bit longer, so this way it will be delicious, with polenta and pickles. 85 87. Romanian children making stew of the outlaws The Dacian harsh winters forced us to eat more meat, so we could do nothing else but eat this delicious stew. This is heavy food, the foundation of peasant cuisine in Gorj, a mountainous place with thick and mysterious forests with the millenary tradition of shepherds bringing their sheep up and down the mountains. The best stew of the outlaws is made on the stove, on the wood fire, in a peasant pot. 86 88. Romanian walnut panettone or sponge cake Ingredients: 1.200 kg of fine flour 1 cup of honey 200 g raisins 2 cups of milk 50 g yeast 2 sachets of vanilla sugar 1 teaspoon of salt 500 g of nuts 15 eggs 2 cups of butter + 50 g to grease the tray 400 g sugar lemon peel 1 teaspoon of rum essence 87 Method: The milk is mixed with sugar and allowed to warm up, but only for a little while , on the cooker. Put the butter in a warm place, to melt. Separate the whites and the yolks of the eggs; beat the egg whites really well, mix the egg yolks with a little sugar. Sift the flour on the battlefield(in a bowl). Loosen the yeast in a little warm milk. Place the milk and the eggs and start the brutal war of kneading. After a while, the dough starts to bind, so add the butter, the rum essence, the raisins, the vanilla and the lemon peel. The battle of kneading continues a quarter of an hour, and then the dough rests in the warm kitchen. Chop the nuts and mix them with honey. After an hour, the dough grew enough, so we divide it in trays and we stretch it, piece by piece. Sprinkle the nuts on the sheets of dough, as fits, roll. Grease the trays with butter and coat with flour, place the cakes and leave them to rise. Brush the cakes with egg yolks and place them in the oven to brown. Place a teaspoon of honey with a little water to warm up. When the cakes have browned, brush them with scented fluid honey. Christmas or Easter can start and especially end again, and again, and again with our Romanian sponge cakes. 89. Romanian children making walnut panettone 88 This is a light and sweet Romanian favorite. It is traditionally served at Christmas and Easter and a few other celebrations. The Romanians have a huge variety of recipes for sponge cake. Each region of our country has a historic recipe, just as every family has one, handed down from generation to generation. In terms of form, this cake may be straight or round, simple or braided. In terms of filling, we distinguish cakes with no filling or filled with walnuts, poppy seeds, dried fruit, or mixed. Easter sponge cake is traditionally filled with cheese (so-called cheese sponge cake). In Moldovia there are specific round and tall cakes (called old women), with no filling, whose composition contains up to 20 eggs, butter, lemon peels and / or oranges and raisins. In Transylvania they prepare especially the cakes with poppy seeds. 90. Cakes with julfa - LITTLE LORDS CLOTH DIAPERS or THE SWEET CLOTH DIAPERS OF JESUS, THE HOLY INFANT Dough Ingredients: 500 g flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup hot water Method: Mix all and knead well, then beat until the dough gets tired . The obtained dough is left to rest for an hour. Break small pieces of dough and, with a rolling pin, stretch quite thin sheets, round-shaped, which are baked on the stove or in a pan (preferably thick as not to burn) on both sides. It is good to be prepared the day before. They are kept covered with a towel, and on Christmas Eve, you have to soak with syrup. The syrup is made from warm water slightly sweetened with honey or sugar, plus essences and flavors. Filling Ingredients: 100 g honey 300 g Crushed nuts other spices: cinnamon, rum Method: Put on a round tray each dipped patty. Over each round sheet add the crushed nut mixture with honey or sugar to taste. Place several layers of dipped patties or sheets, alternating with sweetened nut filling until you make a kind of cake (may have ten layers). Allow an hour or two to soak in syrup and then cut into squares or diamonds, as desired. In Brgan, the filling is made of boiled wheat mixed with honey or sugar and flavors, without nuts. 89 91. Romanian children making Cakes with julfa Ritual or festive, pelincile or cakes with julfa are as old as Romania. Romanian tradition surrounding Christmas, attesting piety, Little Lord's cloth diapers, cake with Julfa are different names of a cake that is prepared especially in rural areas, on Christmas Eve. The recipe varies slightly from region to region of the country, most are similar and have the same ritual meaning: the pious awaiting of Child Jesus. Pious women of old have probably felt the need to do something special on Christmas Eve when everybody hears carolers everywhere saying that Mary, the Lords Mother "Has no diapers, / Nor-clothes to put on, / The Holy Virgin, for the Holy Son "Then, symbolically, this cake, which is made to be eaten as the only food in the house that day, but also to be given away, is called Little Lords diapers, having the shape of thinner diapers. In Moldovia, the preparation is called cake with Julfa (Julfa the composition of hemp seed). 90 92. OPEN-TOPPED FLAT PIE DOUGH Ingredients: 500 grams of flour 50 grams of sugar 15 grams of yeast 3 eggs 500 milliliters of milk 50 grams of butter (in order to grease the baking tin and the faceplates) 200 grams of butter Salt (as much as it is necessary) Method: The yeast is put in a jug with warm water, then it is mixed with a spoon of flour and a tea spoon of sugar; leave it to rise for half an hour. Separate the yellow yolks of the eggs. On the flour that remained pour the yeast, the warm milk, the yellow yolks of the eggs, the salt and the sugar; knead for a half an hour. Then, add the warm melted butter, little by little. Leave it to rise, covered, 1 or 2 hours. FILLING Ingredients: 500 grams of cheese (Cheese mixed with salt) 2 eggs Method: Mix the cheese with the eggs After the dough has risen, roll it and cut it in pieces with a dimension of a small apple. Grease the faceplate with butter Put each piece of dough on the faceplate and fill it with a spoon of cheese. Put the dough above the cheese and stick them; leave them there for half an hour. Grease a baking tin with butter, put the pie, smear them with the egg white and put them in an oven, on a moderate fire, for about half an hour. 91 93. Romanian children making Open-topped flat pie Open-topped flat pies are so good that its impossible not to lick your fingers after you eat them! They are the pies of our childhood! 92 94. RECIPES OFFERED BY STUDENTS AND TEACHERS OF SCHOOL NO 62, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA , AS A PART OF THE MULTILATERAL COMENIUS PROJECT HAVING CULTURE AS A KITE, WE TRAVEL EUROPEAN SKIES : STUDENTS FROM IVB AND TEACHER ALINA ONCESCU COOKED CABBAGE ROLLS STUDENTS FROM IVB, TEACHERS PETRUTA NICOLETA MOCAN AND ALINA ONCESCU COOKED SPONGE CAKE MOTHERS AND GRANDMOTHERS HELPED IN THE PREPARATION OF CABBAGE ROLLS AND SPONGE CAKE STUDENTS FROM VIII A , TEACHERS ELENA LILIANA DONA AND PETRUTA NICOLETA MOCAN COOKED HOT-MAIZE SHEPHERDS BALL FILLED WITH CHEESE AND CAKES WITH JULFA STUDENTS FROM VII A , TEACHERS PETRUTA NICOLETA MOCAN AND LUMINITA THEODORESCU COOKED THE OUTLAWS STEW STUDENTS FROM VII C , TEACHERS PETRUTA NICOLETA MOCAN AND LUMINITA THEODORESCU COOKED OPEN-TOPPED FLAT PIES PHOTOS AND VIDEOS WERE TAKEN BY THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS: SLATARU EDUARD(VIII A),LEAHU ANDREI(VIII A),MIHALEA ANDREI(VII C), NEAGU ALEXANDRU(VII C). 93 95. FINAL WORD This is our book. Its not just a book, its also a story of cooking the recipes of our ancestors. We are grateful to all the teachers and children from our six schools involved in this delicious process. We hope youll enjoy cooking the recipes as much as we did. The kids from these six schools involved in a common Comenius project have one confession to make: the most enjoyable part of any cooking is..the eating afterwards. So, enjoy cooking our traditional food and enjoy eating it! ! HEAD ISU! BUON APPETITO! SMACZNEGO! POFT BUN! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 94 96. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.