ethics in dentistry


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here i made it for my community presentation but i hope, you people will get some good from it.


Page 1: Ethics in Dentistry


Page 2: Ethics in Dentistry



Presented By: Intikhab Alam(08)

BDS 2nd Year

Presented To: Dr.Manzar Anwar

Dr.Shakeel Ahmad

Dr.Shazia Makhdum

Page 3: Ethics in Dentistry

3 Objective

At the end of my presentation all the fellows of 2nd year BDS will be able to know about ethics, morality and ethics in dentistry.

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4 Contents

Ethics Meaning

Ethics Definition

Personal Ethics(morality)

Dental Ethics

Principles of Dental Ethics

Hippocratic Oath

Codes of Ethics

Unethical Practices


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6 Ethics

Derived from Greek word ethos meaning “character or conduct”.

Used interchangeably with moral which is derived from Latin word mores meaning “customs or habits”.

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7 Ethics Definition

Ethics, as a branch of philosophy, is the systematic study of what is right and good with respect to character and conduct.

OR simply

Branch of philosophy, which deals with the examination of human conduct.

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8 Personal Ethics

Personal ethics might also be called morality, since they reflect general expectations of any person in any society, acting in any capacity.

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9 Dental Ethics

Dental ethics is defined as:

“The moral duties and obligations of a dentist towards his/her patients, professional colleagues and society”.

Dental ethics applies moral principles and virtues to the practice of dentistry.

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10 Principles of Dental Ethics These principles help in choosing the right course

of actions in certain difficult decision making situations.

The principles of ethics are as under:

To do good

To do no harm





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11 To do Good (Beneficence)

Attributes to Hippocrates.

Beneficence refers to the principle of promoting or doing good.

Should always think about the welfare of the patient.

Put the patient’s best interests as priority.

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12 To do no Harm (Non-maleficence) Hippocrates has laid an emphasis

on it.

The dentist has a duty to refrain from harming the patient.

Keeping knowledge and skills current.

Should inform the patient who may have been exposed to blood borne pathogen or other infectious disease.

Use of unsterilized instruments, under-filling or overfilling, carelessness in handling hard and soft tissues can harm the patients.

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13 Autonomy(Self Governance)

The dentist should educate the patient to his/her best regarding treatment.

Treat the patient according to patient’s desire.

Information given should be easily understood.

In case of minors, parents or guardians can grant the consent for care.

Respect the patient’s right to self-determination and confidentiality.

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14 Justice(Fairness)

Dealing with people justly and delivering dental care without prejudice.

Treating people fairly without discrimination of socio-economic status, race, creed, color, sex or national origin.

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15 Truthfulness or Veracity

Patient doctor relationship based on mutual trust.

The dentist has a duty to communicate truthfully.

Dentists shall not represent the care being rendered to their patients in a false or misleading manner.

Patient expect the dentist to be truthful about the information given , treatment rendered and the prognosis.

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16 Confidentiality

There should be understanding b/w dentist and patient.

Any information revealed by the patient to the dentist will not be divulged without the patient’s consent.

Except the situation where disclosure is needed to protect others, the patient itself and community.

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17 Hippocratic Oath

To consider dear to me, him who taught me this art, and to consider my goods with him;

I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment and I will do no harm or injustice to them.

I will pass my life and practice my art with full purity and holiness.

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18 Cont’d

I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners/specialist in this art.

I will give no deadly medicine to anyone, nor suggest any such counsel.

In every house where I come I will only enter for the good and benefit of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill doing and all seduction.

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19 Cont’d

Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private.

If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it, may the reverse be my lot.

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20 Codes of Ethics

Primarily developed for patient’s benefit.

Represents principles of professional conduct, rules and responsibilities by which the dentist must aspire to fulfill their responsibilities to patients, colleagues and society.

Vary from country to country or within the same country.

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21 Duties Towards Colleagues

Cherish a proper pride in your colleagues and treat them as brothers and sisters.

Should not make disparaging comments of the procedures or qualification of colleagues.

Honor mutual arrangements made regarding remuneration.

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22 Duties Toward Colleagues On no account do anything harmful to the interest of

the members of fraternity.

Retire in favor of the regular dentist, after the emergency is over.

Institute correct treatment at once with the least comment.

Regard it as a pleasure and privilege to render gratuitous services to another dentist, his immediate family members.

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23 Duties Toward Patients

The best recommendation for a dentist should be his/her personal reputation, professional ability and fidelity.

The welfare of the patient should be the top priority.

Be courteous, sympathetic, friendly and always be ready to the call of patients.

Observe punctuality in fulfilling appointments.

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24 Duties Toward Patients

Race, Religion, Nationality or Relation should not interfere in providing the best available services.

Provide high quality of care to the patient.

Keep knowledge current and strive for new for better treatment of patient.

maintain accurate dental and medical records of patients

Keep all personal information regarding a patient confidentiality.

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25 Duties Towards Community

To participate in community affairs

Educate the public in promotion of health

To be trustworthy and honest

To provide for his needs/welfare

To honor his parents

To respect the property of others

To follow community laws

To use the social services provided

To take a leadership role in community and

Elevate the esteem of profession

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26 Unethical Practices

Practice by unregistered persons employed by the dentists.

Represent itself in a manner that is false or misleading and representing their fees in deceptive manner.

Issuing any certificate signed by the dentist which is untrue, misleading or improper.

Use of bogus diplomas, allowing or accepting commissions.

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27 Unethical Practices(cont’d)

Non referral, in case treatment beyond the dentist skill.

Performing unnecessary services for purpose of monetary gain.

Emerging consultation during temporary absence of patient’s dentist, and patient is not sent back.

Dentist advertising whether directly or indirectly, for purpose of obtaining patients.

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28 Difficult Terms

Cut for Stone: means surgical removal of stones i.e gallstone, kidney stone etc.

Regimens: Any regulation or remedy which is intended to produce beneficial effects by gradual operation.

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30 References



SS Hiremath

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