estebo tpd- lesson plan nº 1 secondary - resubmission

Taller de Práctica Docente 2015 Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain Co-tutora: Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Estebo, Cynthia Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Escuela Secundaria “Benito Angel Facetti” Dirección: Villanueva 277 – Punta Alta, provincia de Buenos aires Sala / Grado / Año : 6to 3ra (orientación Ciencias Sociales)– Turno Mañana Cantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio Tipo de Planificación: clase Unidad Temática: El cuento fantástico Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: 23/ 10/2015 Hora: 9.30-11.40 Duración de la clase: 120´ • Teaching points: Fantastic short story • Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to… * Revise speaking skills by describing their classmates´personality * Develop reading skills through a fantasy short story. * Develop writing skills by creating a short fantasy story. • Language focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Personality Adjectives: ambitious, hard working, reserved, open, organized Describing someone´s personality -So ambitious , he is such an open person - Dipthongs vs short vowels: So /sə / ʊ Such /s t/ ʌʃ

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Page 1: Estebo tpd- lesson plan nº 1 secondary - resubmission

Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain Co-tutora: Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur


PRACTICANTE: Estebo, Cynthia

Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario

Institución Educativa: Escuela Secundaria “Benito Angel Facetti”

Dirección: Villanueva 277 – Punta Alta, provincia de Buenos aires

Sala / Grado / Año : 6to 3ra (orientación Ciencias Sociales)– Turno Mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 26

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: El cuento fantástico

Clase Nº: 1

Fecha: 23/10/2015

Hora: 9.30-11.40

Duración de la clase: 120´

• Teaching points: Fantastic short story

• Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to…

* Revise speaking skills by describing their classmates´personality

* Develop reading skills through a fantasy short story.

* Develop writing skills by creating a short fantasy story.

• Language focus:



PersonalityAdjectives: ambitious, hard working, reserved, open, organized

Describing someone´s personality

-So ambitious , he is such an open person

- Dipthongs vs short vowels:So /sə /ʊSuch /s t /ʌ ʃ

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Fantasy, space, orbit, bedroom, home

Telling a fantasy short story

- swimming, making, to get home

Nasal velar sound / ŋ/Swimming /sw m ŋ/ˈ ɪ ɪ

• Teaching approach: I’ll use the Communicative Approach through the PPP model.

• Materials and resources: 2 rolls of toilet paper, booklet, fantasy short story taken from , board, marker, picture, set of bingo cards

• Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in rows during the first part of the lesson and in groups for group work.

• Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students are experienced at learning English as they are attending their last year at secondary school. But any issue they may find difficult to solve on their own, I´ll be open to their questions and offer them my support.

• Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may encounter difficulties with understanding instructions in English. I´ll mime, draw on the board, eliciting and paraphrasing to help them understand them.

• Assessment: I´ll check students’ comprehension through their participation. If I notice they do not understand, I´ll mime, model the language or ask a partner or the class to model the activity.

Routine: 10’

I’ll get into the classroom and greet students:

“Hello!, how are you today?” “I´m Cynthia and I´ll be with you for some classes”

“I want you to know me a little better. Let´s play a game!”

I will write on the board some words. (30, 24, JANE AUSTEN, NOVEMBER 22ND, NEW YORK)

I´ll tell students that those words are connected with me. They will have some minutes to have a look at them. I´ll explain that they can only ask yes/no questions.

Student: Are you 24?

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Teacher: No, I´m not

Student: Are you from New York?

Teacher: No, I´m not

We will play until they have learnt how all these information is connected to me.

30: my age

24: the amount of years I have been studying English

Jane Austen: my favourite writer

New York: my favourite city

November 22nd : my birthday

Transition: Well done! Ok, Have a look at this picture.

Warm-up 20’:

In order to revise personality vocabulary and activate some previous knowledge students may have, I will show them the following picture:

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What’s the source of these images?

I will ask them. “Do you identify with any of these?” “Can you describe yourself Tamara?”

Student: “I´m an outgoing person”

Teacher: “Great!” “My sister is such a tidy person!” (I will write this phrase on the board as I say it) Can you describe your sister, Rocio?”

Student: “She is such a bad-tempered person!”

Teacher: Great!!

I will take a pile of colour square papers similar to “post-it” but without the sticky part. I will give it to students and I will ask them to take as much pieces as they want. I will allot some time for this. When they are ready, I will ask them to count how many they have taken. They will comment the amount of paper they have. I will explain to them that now, they have to write on each piece of paper a personality adjective. (Those who have taken many will complain!). When they are ready, I will ask them to give a piece paper to a classmate and explain why they are qualifying him/her in this way. For example: Tamara is such a friendly person, she is always outgoing

When everyone has participated, we will have a feedback session on how they felt about this. The purpose of this activity is that students reactivate prior knowledge seen in previous classes in a communicative way. This vocabulary may be used by the students to do the writing activity.

Presentation 10’:

I will tell students that we are going to read a short story. I will write on the board the title of the short story: “Wrong side of the bed”. I will ask students to explain to me what this phrase means to them. I will guide them so as for them to use the language effectively for the task purpose . I will elicit their answers by identifying words that are familiar to them. For instance, the word “bed” is known for them. I will look for synonyms and antonyms to help them grasp the meaning from context. For example, the antonym of “wrong· is “right”. In this way, students will be able to infer the content of the story from the title, generate interest in the topic and use the language to express their predictions. All opinions will be heard and respected. Then, I will ask them to make inferences on what the story they are going to read about based on this title. I will write down ideas on the board for later use.

Then, I will pre-teach some vocabulary by eliciting and drawing on the board to help them with comprehension.

Transition: “Can somebody help me to hand these out?”

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Development 65’:

Activity 1-30’: Reading

I will give each student a copy of the story. In turns, students will read aloud:

Wrong Side of the Bed

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed sent me swimming in space—literally. Really! You see, my bed sits tight in a corner of my bedroom. The head of the bed butts up against a wall and so does the right side. I woke up on the right side of the bed, which means I went right through my bedroom wall and into an alternate universe. Suddenly, I felt as weightless as a twoounce guppy in a huge fish tank. My arms and feet began to move involuntarily as I began to sink. Looking down, I realized that I wasn’t treading water—I was treading air! Then I realized that I was drifting past the hazy rings of Saturn. I grabbed one of the rings and held on until I could figure out how to quickly get home. A comet shot past me, but I was able to reach out and grab its tail. The speeding comet dropped me off 500,000,000 miles from home. That left only 2,569,838,008 miles to go! I was too close to an undiscovered planet and got pulled into its orbit. Burned by the sun and then bitten by the cold, I spun around that hot and cold planet for hours and hours. Fortunately, a shuttle ship from another galaxy stopped and plucked me out of the planet’s orbit. Watching Earth from the shuttle’s window was fun, but then the sight made me homesick. I made a whispered wish: I wish I were home in bed. Then I was! Don’t ask me to tell you how. I wonder how much money I owe for that shuttle ride? . . .

Taken from:

When we finished reading, I will ask them to answer the following questions in pairs to check comprehension:

* What is the story about?

* How many characters are there?

* What is the conflict?

* Where does the story take place?

* How does the character feel?

* How is the conflict solved?

As they are doing so, I will walk along the classroom and act as a facilitator, walking around the classroom solving doubts or assisting whenever they needed help with vocabulary or sentence formation.

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When they finish will check the answers orally as a whole group activity .Next, we have a look at the notes taken during the pre-reading activity. “Where your predictions correct? Why/why not?” I will allow open responses.

Then, we will focus on the structure. I will ask the students to have a look at the phrases in bold. “Do you understand their meaning?” We will discuss it as a whole group activity and construct the meaning together if they do not know what the word means. We will take advantage of the text to provide the context to introduce the grammatical topic “gerunds and infinitives”. From these phrases in bold with instances of gerunds and infinitives, I will ask students to reflect upon them and try to guess whether they were verbs or nouns. Together we will construct meaning and I use this fertile ground to explain the topic. Once we reach an agreement on their semantical meaning, we will analyse its word class. I will ask them “ Are these nouns or verbs?” In pairs, they will complete the following chart:

Gerunds (Nouns) Infinitives (verbs)

When they finish, we will check it orally as a whole group activity. I will take advantage of this to give the grammatical explanation. I will explain to them that gerunds are formed by a verb + ing but they have a nominal function, so they can be the subject of a sentence. But also, they can be after a prepositions. Infinitives are preceded by the preposition “To” and they are the complement of some verbs. Since they have the text as a support and reference of how gerunds and infinitives works in context, they will easily understand their function.Also, they can go after adjectives or adverbs or objective pronouns. As I am explaining, I will make a mind map on the board similar to the following:

Gerunds (Nouns) Infinitives (verbs)* nominal function * verbs* subject position * after adv, adj or objective pronouns. Ej Alan told me to call him* after prepositions

I will ask them if they have any doubts and I will allot some minutes to copy the explanation from the board in their folders.

Activity 2: Working on grammar 15´

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Then, I will ask them to open their booklets on page 22. (This is taken from the booklet prepared by the teacher. It is a selction of photocopies from different books)

We will reflect on the grammar through exercise 6. As a whole group activity, we will read and revise the concepts on gerunds and infinitives.

In pairs, they will do exercise 7 where they have to select the best option in each sentence. We will correct it as a whole group activity. We will solve doubts and clarify meaning if necessary.As we will do it orally as a whole class acticity, students will participate to construct knowledge and apply it as a collaborative activity.

I will take advantage of exercise 8 for personalization. This activity connects the grammar with the students’ immediate context as they have to choose a word to their partners. They will do it individually. Once they have finished, they will read a sentence aloud and the rest have to guess which partner is being described.

Reviewer, 22/10/15
What’s the source of this page?
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Activity 8 is at the end of the same page in the picture included above. This activity consists on using gerunds or infinitives to talk about a partner. As they will do it in pairs, they will need to ask each other questions in order to complete it. When they have finished, they will share it to the rest of the class orally.

Transition: Great!,

Activity 3 -20’: Writing

I will tell the students to imagine they were asked to write a short fantasy story for a writing competition. You were given the title “Wrong side of the bed”. I will divide the class into four groups. First, I will ask them to think about the following elements:






When they are ready, they will share their answers. As a whole group activity, we will agree on these elements. I will write the answers on the board.

Within the groups, they will write, edit and reach a final draft the story. When they finish, each group will read aloud their version. Students will vote the best story. The activity will be carried out in small groups ( in this class, we will have 4 groups of ¾ members each). First, they will discuss orally the stylistic elements above and imagine what the story will be about. When they are ready, they will share it to the rest of the class. Next, they will work within the same groups to write a draft. I will explain to them that they have the freedom to write it as they like since they are fantasy stories, so they do not need to be rational. Also, I will tell them that they have the story we have read as a model. I will act as a monitor and facilitator to aid them in whatever doubt or difficult they may encounter in the writing process.

Transition: Great!, “I need a secretary, who can help me to hand in these?”

Closure - 15’: Bingo

I will give out a bingo cards. Half of the class will have card A and the other half will have card B. I will explain to students that we will play Bingo but in a different way. I will ask them to have a look at the card given and I will ask “What words are in the card?” Students will tell me gerunds and infinitives. I will explain to them that I will read aloud some sentences, but I will make a pause where they will fill with a verb from the card provided. If the word they say is

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correct, they will cross it out. The first student who crosses out four words in a row will be the winner. I will model the activity by reading the first sentence and show them in a card where and how to cross it the word out.

As a follow up activity, I will ask them to choose one word from their card and make up a sentence.

Activity adapted from: I have changed this activity and written the new version in lesson plan 2 ;)

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correct, they will cross it out. The first student who crosses out four words in a row will be the winner. I will model the activity by reading the first sentence and show them in a card where and how to cross it the word out.

As a follow up activity, I will ask them to choose one word from their card and make up a sentence.

Activity adapted from: I have changed this activity and written the new version in lesson plan 2 ;)