eohhs children's services reorganization

Impr ovin g the Commonwealth's Services fo r Children and F ' a m i ' lies A Fra mework to Better Serv e Chil dren and Families Febr uary 24,20 11

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8/7/2019 EOHHS Children's Services Reorganization

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Improving the Commonwealth'sServices for Children andF 'ami 'lies

A Framework to BetterServe Children and Families

February 24,2011

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A broad range of stakeholders, including families, have called for an

integrated system that offers:• Ease of access via a single point of entry.

• Optimal responsiveness - Families' needs are not isolatedto categorical eligibility; families want services that respond

. to their evolving needs.• Continuity of Care through integration and coordination of

services and treatment approaches.

• Service optimization through monitoring outcomes in aholistic manner.

• Resource maximization through a single management,accountability and oversight structures and processes

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Strengthening families through a respectful approach that is:Holistic - Views the child/families' needs simultaneouslyacross multiple human service and health domainsStrengths Based - Addresses families' needs by includingth·eir strengths as integral to the intervention strategy.

Responsive to Needs - Provides families with access tospecific services, supports and expertise needed to strengthenoverall family capacity. .Promotes Healthy Development - Promotes positive growth,change and well-being. : .

Community Focused - Provides community supports,including referrals to appropriate private services, to help .families safely nurture and raise their children within their owncommunities.

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Suggested Plan Components

New Department - Establish a new department responsible for overall:• Governance• Management• Service Delivery

Three . Divisions - The Department includes three (3) divisions:• Child Wellness, Development and Behavioral Health• Juvenile Justice• Child Welfare

Family Access Centers - Establish local Family Access Centers throughout theCommonwealth to function as a community-based front door to information and referral

Advisory Commission - Create an Advisory Commission, consisting of a broad array ofstakeholders, to

• Help craft the implementation plan• Recommend "best fit" solutions for certain specialty services .'• Guide the first two years of the implementation

Shared Administrative Services & Operational Supports - Administrative servicesand operational supports will be shared across divisions.

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All Child Welfare ServicesAll Current DYS Juvenile Justice ServicesMental Health Services for Children (Inpatient & IRTP will be reviewed by AdvisoryCommission for inclusion)Development Disabilities Services for Children, Including AutismChildren with Special Health Care Needs:

• Pediatric Palliative Care Program• Family . Ties• MassCare (Pediatric AIDS/HIV)• Medical Review Teams• Care Coordination• Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund

Bureau of Substance Abuse Services:• Youth Treatment Services• Youth Stabilization Services• Youth Residential Services

• Recovery High School• Youth Outpatient Services will be review by Advisory Commission for inclusion

Early Intervention will be reviewed by Advisory Commission for inclusionHome Visiting Services will be reviewed by Advisory Commission for inclusion

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Pot ential Concept for Agency

EOHHS St ructu re and Initial Scope

Child WelfareDivision

• Protective S e rvices• Fo ster Car e & Adoption Services• Voluntary S e rvices• Do mesti c Vio lence Prog ra ms• Tr a nsition A ge You th Se rvices

Departmeht of Children, .

Youth and Families ..

Ch ild Wal ine ss ; Development &

Behavior a l Health Division Juvenile JusticeDi isio

• Residential Care for DetainedYouth

• Resident ial Care for CommittedYouth

,; Reentry

Wellr iess :.• F=amilysuppor tS e rvites-Special Heal th ~are S e rvices

.; Ca semanagementlhomeless preventio nDevelopmental Se rvices:• Autism Waiver Serv ices ..• Childhobd Develop men t P rogra ms,; Developmen tal Se rvices & S upportsBeha vioral Heal th Se rvices :,; Beha Vioral He a lth Treatm ent Se rvice s• Be ha vioral He a lth Ca re Coord inatio n