eo as i b d it now pai or - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53dzs9p/data/0059.pdf ·...

The Interior Journal Eo c WALTON CHARLES A HARDIN- of Mercer county U n candidate for Corn ludlclal democratic party JOHN SAM OWSLEY JR It a candidate for circuit judge of lath district subject to orthe Democratic party MC SAUFLEY Is a candidate for circuit Judge of this thl lath Judicial district subject to the nctlon of the Democratic par- tyDemocratic Ticket For State Senator R L HUDDLE of Lincoln county For Itcprcscntatlvo W H SHANKs For County Judge JAMES P BAILEY For County Court Clerk GEORGE B COOPER For Superintendent of Schools GARLAND SINGLETON fJ For Magistrate Stanford District J JAMES McKECHNIE A BILL was introduced Saturday in E the House by Representative Volstead of Minnesota which provides a pension of 12000 annually for every President after he leaves the White House No duties will be required of the retired chief executive but if he should again be elected to the highest office in the gift of the people his pension would cease during his term of office The bill does not provide however that the pension will cease if the exPresident elftuld accept the office of United States Senator or anyother Federaloffice THE prohibitionists of Texas do not seem discouraged by the refusal of the House to pass the bill submitting State- wide prohibition to a vote of the people and say they will keep up the fight They claimjthat the failure of a demo- cratic Legislature to provide for the submission of a constitutional amend ¬ ment after a majority democrats had declaredfor it in the primary will be a distinct advantage to the cause of pro ¬ hibition when the tight comesup again THE corpses of 5000 Chinese will leave Brooklyn tomorrow for China to find their last resting places The bodies of the dead Celestials were dis ¬ interred from burying grounds all over the United States and placed in sealed caskets which in turn were inclosed in pine boxes each labeled with the name and history of its silent occupant WIZEN Mr Taft becomes President he will ride in an automobile furnished by the Government That question was settled by the adoption by the Senate of the report of the conferees on the urgent deficiency bill which carries an item of12000 for the purchase care + andmaintenance of automobiles for the use of the President A DELAWARE man died while taking a bath and a New Jersey man shuffled oil whiled reading his Bible This should notfput a stop lo either bathing or reading the book of books but there are some who will use it na an excuse to quit either or both IN a speech at TampaiFJa Mr Bryan said the chances of Democratic victory in 1912 look good Truly does hope spring eternal in the breast of the great Commoner and he is not by him ¬ self in believing that democracy is yet very much alive BELL county Negroes in convention assembled instructcdJforAllen Gibson a Pineville Negro for assessor but well wager the white rads in that re ¬ publican strongnold will take no Negro jn theirn Gov WILLSON says positively he will not call bn extra sessionof the Legis ¬ lature for the consideration of the coun ¬ ty unit bill and the temperance people had just as well let him alone WAYNE county Ind voted wet by a majority of nearly 1000 Wayne was the 13th county in Indiana that has voted on the whisky question and the first to go wet HON HENRY WATTEKSON will make no more public addresses having re ¬ tired from public life This is unwel ¬ come news to the legion of admirers of the great rnanr POLITICAL Although more than 16000 veter k ansof the Civil War died last year the pension roll increased Hon Hugh Mahin the present rep- resentative of Jessamine county has announced his candidacy for reelection The Anti Saloon League law known as the county option billwas over ¬ whelmingly defeated by the Minnesota LegislatureJudge H Phillips who has been county judge of Jessamine for 35vears has announced for the democratic nomination again probablylock 17 branch pension agencies one of which is located in a approprfaItlon about eleven and a half millions of dollars was passed by the Senate I The statehood bill admitting Arizona and New Mexico seporately to the Union probably will be brought up for consideration in the House next week James R Dowdell for ten years on the Alabama Supreme bench as an As sedate Justice was appointed Justice vice JohnRTyson resigned The Texas House by a vote of 85 to std defeated the resolution to submit Statewide prohibition to a popula vote The Prohibitionists lacked two votes of a neccessary two thlyds major- ity Jessamine county democrats will nom mate candidates for county offices by a primary April 10 The Senatorial pri mary will be held the same day All of the threelcandidates for Senator are Jessamine county men Representative Heflln of Alabama has introduced a bill appropriating 100000 for the purpose of sending in to Japan China and other Eastern ceunl tries agents who will inquire into relations and urge the use of American cotton goods Representative Swager Sherleys bill amending the national bankruptcy act In important particulars was passed by the House Representative Clayton of Alabama led a minority in a futile ef fort ro repeal tho present bankruptcy law Congress has passed finally the bill to appropriate 50000 or as much there- of as shall be needed for a survey of the Lincoln Way from Washington I to Gettysburg as one of the many methods of honoring the memory of the great President Representative Heflin of Alabama Introduced a joint resolution instructing the director of the census to ascertain from the manufactures of cotton in the United States every 60 days the amount of cottbn that has been purchased and manufarctured during the previous 60 daysThree important election bills were introduced in both houses of the Ten ¬ nessee Legislature one of which takes the appointment of election commis ¬ sioners from the governor and submits their election to a joint session of the two Houses Another provides for the publication 30 days before election of all election officers CHURCH MATTERS f Rev R R Noel Is holding protract ¬ ed meeting at Flat Lick Pulaski coun ty Mrs J V Logan of Danville has gone to Korea as a missionary of the Presbyterian church Two missionaries took steerage pas ¬ sage to their port in the Bahama Is ¬ lands in order to practice humility and travel as Christ would have done MATRIMONIAL The records show that 500000 cou ¬ ples have been married in Chicago in 38 years Hanley Bohon of Harrodsburg and Miss Katherine Cluke of Nashville will be married in March Dont drugS or stimu ¬ late the Heart or Kidneys That is wrong It is tho weak nerves that are crying out for help Vitalize these Weak inside controlling nerves with Dr Shoops Restorative and see how quickly good health will come to you again Test it and sec I Soldbr Pen ¬ nys Drugstore REDUCED RATES VIA QUEEN CRES ¬ CENT ROUTE To New Orleans and Mobile Tickets on sale February 17th to 22nd inclusive Return limit March 1st with extension privilage March 13th 1909 For particulars ask Ticket Agents or address H C King G P A Lex ¬ ington Ky One of the drivers of the trains on the Berlin elevated railway which col tided on Sept 26 last resulting in the death and injury of many people was sentenced to 21 months imprisonment The other driver was acquitted Col CorkrIghtMajuh Bludd had some trouble with a nigguh last night didnt ho suh 7 Col GoreNo sub He just shot the nigguh thats allPuck A Winchester bank has filed suit in the Brcatbitt circuit court against the estate of the late Judge James Hargis for 20000 on two promisory notes giv en by him about a year ago A tickling or dry cough can be quickly loosened with Dr Shoops Cough Remedy No opium no chloro form nothing unsafe or harsh Sold > by Pennys Drug Store The record for hanging will be estab- lished at Baton Rouge La next Fri- day ¬ when tight men will be hanged at the state prison All will be hanged at tho same time I I One bad thing about paste jewelry Whats that 7 I CityTimes I Eight thousand people witnessed the launching of the big battleship Dela ¬ ware at Newport New VaI AN average crowd was in town nt court yesterday and business generally I was eoodi FOR SALE I I war boiler and engine find iw mill for sale Will sell either or both OH AS KNSSLIS Ottcnhelm Ky Poatofflce Wnynesburg Ky B D CARTER i Now Llvorv Streetf 06- 8TANFOfcDKENTUCKY CONCRETING IWo are In position to do nil kInd of con- creting ¬ as Work Pavements and In fact we can make any thing from n house down to a fence post We can serve you promptly Dud guarantee nrtcla work and material Coil and got our prices before you buy your material at least PHILLIPS BROS Stanford Ky SEEDS Wo ship best quality fold and garden seeds direct to farmers at lowest wholesale pricesWe sell clovers grasses seed oats seed corn coos seed millet cow pcaisoja beans p0Into ¬ beans garden peas all garden Held and flower seeds land plaster and fertilis ers Wrtto us for prlcos and samples Htato what you want NAHlIVILLKBREItOO 216 Nashville Ttnn Notice to Contractors S Stanford Ky Jun 11000 the Fiscal Court of Lincoln county Ky Invite sealed pro¬ posals for tho erection and completion of a- new county court house on tho square In the city of Htanford agreeable to tans and specifications prepared by Archi- tects ¬ Frank P Mllburn t Co Washington D0lisns will ix on file 11 h the Archl tects and with IheCountr Clerk atHtanford Each Contractor will with his bid a certified check mtide payable to J H Ows ley County Judge for Viu as evidence of good faith on his part and 1f his bid Is ac ¬ cepted that he Into contract at once and give nn acceptable guarantee com panys bond payable to the county for W per cent of the contract price for the faith fill performance of the contract The con ¬ tractor will be paid M per cent as the work progresses retaining S per cent until final completion be sealed and filed with the- Countvolerk2norbefore 10A x February The Fiscal Court reserves tho right to re ¬ ject any or all bids J H OWHLYJIt County Judge OKOIU1E UOOOlKKCHerk PUBLIC SALE Wo will nt public auction at 10 oclock sharp o- nTUESDAY FEB 9 1909 at the O T Wallace farm near Point Leav ell Garrard following personalty Oneiourtnrolll combluetl gelding l good brood and work mare 1 yearling filly by Nnboth Jr 4 EXTRA WORK MULES- all It hands high three of which are mares 2 extra Jersey milk cows 6 years old 1 year ¬ ling Jersey heifer 1 share In Lancaster creamery 1 wagon > buggies sot black ¬ smith tools tanning toots OJ chickens Householdand Kitchen Furniture Terns mode known on day of tale HIIKAUKU llltOS Lancaster Ky- A M Bourne Auctioneer Mahony Rank- inINSURANCI3 Fire Life Accident and Tornado Farm Property a Spe- cialty ¬ Eight of the lending companies of tho world represented n with Losspaylog ¬ suit In the history of this agency tosses promptlypaid and without discount No waiting CO days for your money Before In ¬ suring call o- nMAHONY G RANKIN- The Insurance Men of Stanford Stop That Cold To check or Qrlppo with PreTentlct means sure defeat for Pneumonia To stop a cold with Pmentlai Is safer than to let It run and be obllred to cure It afterwards To be sure Pre venucs will cure even a deeply seated bat taken earlyat the sneeze stagethey break or head off these early colds Thats surely better called Prerentlcs Pnveanysntattle Candy Cold Cures No Qnln Ine no phjilc nothing sickening Nice for the chi drenand tboroabl safe too If you feel chilly If you sneeze ityou ache all over think of ITaventlcs Promptness may also save half your usual sickness And dont fonret your child 11 there Is feverUhness nlihtor day Herein prob¬ DIy lies rerentlcs greatest efflclencr Bold In- C boxes for the pocket also In 25o boxes of 48 Prtrentlcs Insist on your druggists giving y- ouPrcvcntics PENNYS DRUG STORE a If You Want To Crow Corn Alfalfa hogs and cattle come to Butler Co Send for list of Improved tarps Address J K WKBT Augusta Kas MASONS MEET Lincoln Lodge No O F AA M will meet In stated communication on each not sad third Monday nights of each month nt 730 oclock In their hall on Main street Stanf- ord Ky Member of sister lodges ore fra ternally invited to be present U L Penny WMT W PmnlngtonBec NOTICEI Notice U hereby given that all Lincoln I county tends of series 11 Issued March 1WO redeemable In IB years with privilege of I lit pai lIre tlnt lou to lIank and that Interest on sauna will stop SliIDJThIs Hlurch NEW ILACKSMITH AND RE PAIR SHOP I have opened n blacksmith nod general repair shop at my home the old tollgate property on the Mtanford pike near flue and ask w stiuro 0 public pa I troimge PAULJESRNllustonv111oKyPos whose names appear below strictly torbiui bunting tuning or any kind of tres passing on our places und will prosecute vi olators to the full extent of tho law Mrs Walter Warren Mrs Mottle White PW Carter lien P Martin M K Lawrence Tlnsley Hpoonamor JH Hocker JM Pottus T A nice Halloo J Li Holtzclaw HastyIt MrsJK Pulllam Messer A Paxton Mss U L James N Cash JNevluCarter M II Mrs Jan llalnes nOorpenterTllOnlalltrlll LThontpsonM Mlsx Mottle llewvs Itelcbenbach Ilroi Fred Itaurnann A T Trnylor Illtmrn Oooch N H Plummvr NunnelleyJ J K Bruce I > + vldHtevens JohnOamenlicb WmCordler lan M D Elmore OotllbOllck Fed llandorf JJThompson 1111 Anderson J K Moser Mr anti Mrs Jas II End A Klbasa Mrs N J 1 1 or tun IolflnW Itev Father Leo DGO1Perry 11 WUnlnetMIIIIu1bmnn Mrs Margaret Oooch Jacob lander leoOllvuni W HTraylor Ham llohvrts John Jufer t Amend Schaefer M JMofmann- K T Ileasley A IL Matheny UwslcyM HT Harris It O Wntkln- sJC llunUluy IL H Crow Mrs Nannie H load U K McClure Anderson Carr Anton Itonccker VanOruenlganT CarpenterW HENRY WATTERSONSPAPER Weekly Courier Journal AND The journall BOTH ONE YEAR FOR II ONLY 150 Few people In the United States have not beard of the CourierJournal Democratic In all things fair In all things cleao In nil things U Is essentially a family paper By a special arrangement we are enabled to of- fer ¬ the WEEKLY COUHIEROUHNAL one fear and this paper for the price named above Send your subscription for the com ¬ bination to uspot tc the Courler Jour- gaCommissioners Sale I Boyle Circuit Court K M 11111s Administrator IMalntlff vs amos Hlllutc Defendant Iursuant to a Judgment of sale herein rcn tiered at the January term 11W of the Iloyle Hrcult Court the undersigned Commission erwlll on TUESDAY KKBHUAHY Id 1WS At or about the hour of S oclock p M In front of the storehouse on the lands here natter described In JrenChersVlliolLIncoln county Kentucky test nt public outcry the following described realestate towlt That certain tract of land situated In Lin coIn county State of Kentucky on the wnt ers of Dix and In the village of 1reach leading froti- lancastertollrsbOrchard and consisting of dwelling house u store house und about Ji acres of land and being snore particular- ly ¬ described and bounded us follows towltt Beginning In the center of tho turnpike thence n now line NICI degrees ULUbf poles to a stake corner to JH Pettus thence with Inoof IertusHWK degrees KtH8 poles to- n stake In the North ode of the County road thence with the said road H UTdegreea W III poles H2 degrees W 370 polos H n degrees Khpolen H 70 degrees W UJl pointin with line of church lot und inyiia N UK de ¬ grees K7 W 77 poles to center polesthence with center of pike N84 degrees U1621 ales N K degrees W M a poles to the beginning and contalii lug t95i acres and being the snmo tract of laud conveyed to FJt Hill deceased b M llntchlns by deed of record In the An ¬ coin County Court Clerks olllce Bald real estate and Improvements will Ixi sold as n whole upon it credit of six and 12 months equal payments for which lands will be given payable to thu Commissioner bearing Interest from unto of sale until paid at the rate of 0 per cent per nnilum with approved personal security to be approved COIum loloner IInd said bonds the force and effect of a Judgment tad to retain n lien on said lands sold- The mount to be raised by this sale Is es ¬ coslH the sum of j6ar1o It McDOWKLL- UOM B yU Olrcmlt Ceara- S BACBY AtUraty k oJir DRY ftT1F- or Less Moneyi I I Hocker Bootees you all know them leather linedlfrom top to toe one dollar off the I pairnow 400 Honest Mike Boots the oldfashioned tanned leather always soft 75 Cents off the pair now 325 The Standard the best hightop ever made one dollar less than regular price now 400 Storm King one of J T Woods best 10inch high top shoes double lined now 325 been 400 all the season Honest Mike high toplkip shoes reduced from 400 to 300I Boys high top tan a goodone worth 350 1 every day 5 in the year but now 250 to close Of course these are x Cash Prices + Dont ask us to charge them 4 H J McROBRTS STANFORD KENTUCKY tJCIEri EE f < ac m I mt 1 J I m i In Great Variety of Styles and Prices 4 mJS1 n xjGenerally mJ mm r BS BBBBBBBB 17EB1 PiT sf Wafonal fllankt I iStanforctf JtyO- rfantxict S32 Capital Stock SSO 000 Surplus and ftWWoW Profits f OOI J JFfas paid in Dividends sinco Oryanfaatton 21 500r mule 9out jfceounts on Our Wienr t OFFICERS J S Hocker President S T Harris VicePresident John J McRoberts Cashier II C Baughman Asst Cashr WWSaundersBookkeep r DIRECTORS I F Reid J II Daoghman M D Elmore J M Pettusa H C Haughman J F SrT Harris Jno W B OBannon J S Cumminst C E Highest Market Prices Paid For I Eggs Hides Furs Hens 9 to 9 l2c- Roosters J 4 to 4 12cy Chickens 9 to lOcI Ducks 8 to 9c t Geese 6 to 6 l2c- Turkeys I 1O to 12c Scrap Iron Guineas 2 Per Dozen Rubber y- t H NORTHCOTT Stanford Ky I t I I

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The Interior JournalEo c WALTON

CHARLES A HARDIN-of Mercer county U n candidate for Cornludlclaldemocratic party

JOHN SAM OWSLEY JRIt a candidate for circuit judge oflath district subject to ortheDemocratic party

MC SAUFLEYIs a candidate for circuit Judge of this thllath Judicial district subject to the nctlonof the Democratic par-

tyDemocratic TicketFor State SenatorR L HUDDLEof Lincoln county

For ItcprcscntatlvoW H SHANKs

For County JudgeJAMES P BAILEY

For County Court Clerk


For Superintendent of SchoolsGARLAND SINGLETON

fJ For Magistrate Stanford District


A BILL was introduced Saturday inE the House by Representative Volstead

of Minnesota which provides a pensionof 12000 annually for every Presidentafter he leaves the White House Noduties will be required of the retiredchief executive but if he should againbe elected to the highest office in thegift of the people his pension wouldcease during his term of office Thebill does not provide however that thepension will cease if the exPresidentelftuld accept the office of United StatesSenator or anyother Federaloffice

THE prohibitionists of Texas do notseem discouraged by the refusal of theHouse to pass the bill submitting State-wide prohibition to a vote of the peopleand say they will keep up the fightThey claimjthat the failure of a demo-cratic Legislature to provide for thesubmission of a constitutional amend ¬

ment after a majority democrats haddeclaredfor it in the primary will be adistinct advantage to the cause of pro ¬

hibition when the tight comesup again

THE corpses of 5000 Chinese willleave Brooklyn tomorrow for China tofind their last resting places Thebodies of the dead Celestials were dis ¬

interred from burying grounds all overthe United States and placed in sealedcaskets which in turn were inclosed inpine boxes each labeled with the nameand history of its silent occupant

WIZEN Mr Taft becomes Presidenthe will ride in an automobile furnishedby the Government That question wassettled by the adoption by the Senateof the report of the conferees on theurgent deficiency bill which carries anitem of12000 for the purchase care

+ andmaintenance of automobiles forthe use of the President

A DELAWARE man died while takinga bath and a New Jersey man shuffled

oil whiled reading his Bible Thisshould notfput a stop lo either bathingor reading the book of books but thereare some who will use it na an excuseto quit either or both

IN a speech at TampaiFJa MrBryan said the chances of Democraticvictory in 1912 look good Truly doeshope spring eternal in the breast of thegreat Commoner and he is not by him ¬

self in believing that democracy is yetvery much alive

BELL county Negroes in conventionassembled instructcdJforAllen Gibsona Pineville Negro for assessor butwell wager the white rads in that re ¬

publican strongnold will take no Negrojn theirn

Gov WILLSON says positively he willnot call bn extra sessionof the Legis ¬

lature for the consideration of the coun¬

ty unit bill and the temperance peoplehad just as well let him alone

WAYNE county Ind voted wetby a majority of nearly 1000 Waynewas the 13th county in Indiana thathas voted on the whisky question andthe first to go wet

HON HENRY WATTEKSON will makeno more public addresses having re¬

tired from public life This is unwel ¬

come news to the legion of admirers ofthe great rnanr


Although more than 16000 veterk ansof the Civil War died last year the

pension roll increasedHon Hugh Mahin the present rep-

resentative of Jessamine county hasannounced his candidacy for reelection

The Anti Saloon League law knownas the county option billwas over ¬

whelmingly defeated by the MinnesotaLegislatureJudge

H Phillips who has beencounty judge of Jessamine for 35vearshas announced for the democraticnomination again

probablylock17 branch pension agencies one ofwhich is located in


approprfaItlonabout eleven and a half millions ofdollars was passed by the Senate I

The statehood bill admitting Arizonaand New Mexico seporately to theUnion probably will be brought up forconsideration in the House next week

James R Dowdell for ten years onthe Alabama Supreme bench as an Assedate Justice was appointedJustice vice JohnRTyson resigned

The Texas House by a vote of 85 tostd defeated the resolution to submitStatewide prohibition to a populavote The Prohibitionists lacked twovotes of a neccessary two thlyds major-

ityJessamine county democrats will nom

mate candidates for county offices by aprimary April 10 The Senatorial primary will be held the same day Allof the threelcandidates for Senator areJessamine county men

Representative Heflln of Alabamahas introduced a bill appropriating

100000 for the purpose of sending into Japan China and other Eastern

ceunltries agents who will inquire intorelations and urge the use of Americancotton goods

Representative Swager Sherleys billamending the national bankruptcy actIn important particulars was passed bythe House Representative Clayton ofAlabama led a minority in a futile effort ro repeal tho present bankruptcylaw

Congress has passed finally the billto appropriate 50000 or as much there-of as shall be needed for a survey ofthe Lincoln Way from Washington I

to Gettysburg as one of the manymethods of honoring the memory of thegreat President

Representative Heflin of AlabamaIntroduced a joint resolution instructingthe director of the census to ascertainfrom the manufactures of cotton in theUnited States every 60 days the amountof cottbn that has been purchased andmanufarctured during the previous 60

daysThreeimportant election bills were

introduced in both houses of the Ten ¬

nessee Legislature one of which takesthe appointment of election commis ¬

sioners from the governor and submitstheir election to a joint session of thetwo Houses Another provides for thepublication 30 days before election ofall election officers


Rev R R Noel Is holding protract ¬

ed meeting at Flat Lick Pulaski county

Mrs J V Logan of Danville hasgone to Korea as a missionary of thePresbyterian church

Two missionaries took steerage pas ¬

sage to their port in the Bahama Is ¬

lands in order to practice humility andtravel as Christ would have done


The records show that 500000 cou ¬

ples have been married in Chicago in38 years

Hanley Bohon of Harrodsburg andMiss Katherine Cluke of Nashvillewill be married in March

Dont drugS or stimu ¬

late the Heart or Kidneys That iswrong It is tho weak nerves that arecrying out for help Vitalize theseWeak inside controlling nerves withDr Shoops Restorative and see howquickly good health will come to youagain Test it and sec I Soldbr Pen ¬

nys Drugstore


CENT ROUTE To New Orleans andMobile Tickets on sale February 17thto 22nd inclusive Return limit March1st with extension privilage March 13th1909 For particulars ask Ticket Agentsor address H C King G P A Lex ¬

ington Ky

One of the drivers of the trains onthe Berlin elevated railway which coltided on Sept 26 last resulting in thedeath and injury of many people wassentenced to 21 months imprisonmentThe other driver was acquitted

Col CorkrIghtMajuh Bludd hadsome trouble with a nigguh last nightdidnt ho suh 7

Col GoreNo sub He just shot thenigguh thats allPuck

A Winchester bank has filed suit inthe Brcatbitt circuit court against theestate of the late Judge James Hargisfor 20000 on two promisory notes given by him about a year ago

A tickling or dry cough can bequickly loosened with Dr ShoopsCough Remedy No opium no chloroform nothing unsafe or harsh Sold >

by Pennys Drug Store

The record for hanging will be estab-lished at Baton Rouge La next Fri-


when tight men will be hanged atthe state prison All will be hanged attho same time I


One bad thing about paste jewelryWhats that 7 ICityTimes


Eight thousand people witnessed thelaunching of the big battleship Dela ¬

ware at Newport New VaIAN average crowd was in town ntcourt yesterday and business generally I



war boiler and engine find iwmill for sale Will sell either or bothOH AS KNSSLIS Ottcnhelm Ky

Poatofflce Wnynesburg Ky


Now LlvorvStreetf06-



are In position to do nil kInd of con-creting


as Work Pavementsand In fact we can make any thing from nhouse down to a fence post We can serveyou promptly Dud guarantee nrtclawork and material Coil and got our pricesbefore you buy your material at least


SEEDSWo ship best quality fold and garden

seeds direct to farmers at lowest wholesalepricesWe

sell clovers grasses seed oats seedcorn coos seed millet cow pcaisoja beansp0Into ¬

beans garden peas all garden Heldand flower seeds land plaster and fertilisers Wrtto us for prlcos and samples Htatowhat you want


Nashville Ttnn

Notice to Contractors


Stanford Ky Jun 11000 the Fiscal Courtof Lincoln county Ky Invite sealed pro¬

posals for tho erection and completion of a-

new county court house on thosquare In the city of Htanford agreeable to

tans and specifications prepared by Archi-tects


Frank P Mllburn t Co WashingtonD0lisns will ix on file 11 h the Archltects and with IheCountr Clerk atHtanfordEach Contractor will with his bid acertified check mtide payable to J H Owsley County Judge for Viu as evidence ofgood faith on his part and 1f his bid Is ac ¬

cepted that he Into contract atonce and give nn acceptable guarantee companys bond payable to the county for Wper cent of the contract price for the faithfill performance of the contract The con ¬

tractor will be paid M per cent as the workprogresses retaining S per cent until finalcompletion

be sealed and filed with the-Countvolerk2norbefore 10A x February

The Fiscal Court reserves tho right to re ¬

ject any or all bidsJ H OWHLYJIt County Judge


PUBLIC SALEWo will nt public auction at 10 oclock

sharp o-

nTUESDAY FEB 9 1909at the O T Wallace farm near Point Leavell Garrard followingpersonalty Oneiourtnrolll combluetlgelding l good brood and work mare 1

yearling filly by Nnboth Jr4 EXTRA WORK MULES-all It hands high three of which are mares2 extra Jersey milk cows 6 years old 1 year ¬

ling Jersey heifer 1 share In Lancastercreamery 1 wagon > buggies sot black ¬

smith tools tanning toots OJ chickens

Householdand KitchenFurniture

Terns mode known on day of taleHIIKAUKU llltOS Lancaster Ky-

A M Bourne Auctioneer

Mahony Rank-


Fire Life Accidentand Tornado

Farm Property a Spe-cialty


Eight of the lending companies of thoworld represented n withLosspaylog ¬

suit In the history of this agency tossespromptlypaid and without discount Nowaiting CO days for your money Before In ¬

suring call o-

nMAHONY G RANKIN-The Insurance Men of Stanford

Stop That ColdTo check or Qrlppo with PreTentlct

means sure defeat for Pneumonia To stop a coldwith Pmentlai Is safer than to let It run and beobllred to cure It afterwards To be sure Prevenucs will cure even a deeply seated battaken earlyat the sneeze stagethey break orhead off these early colds Thats surely better

called PrerentlcsPnveanysntattle Candy Cold Cures No QnlnIne no phjilc nothing sickening Nice for thechi drenand tboroabl safe too If you feelchilly If you sneeze ityou ache all over think of

ITaventlcs Promptness may also save half yourusual sickness And dont fonret your child 11

there Is feverUhness nlihtor day Herein prob¬

DIy lies rerentlcs greatest efflclencr Bold In-

C boxes for the pocket also In 25o boxes of 48Prtrentlcs Insist on your druggists giving y-



If You Want To Crow CornAlfalfa hogs and cattle come to Butler CoSend for list of Improved tarps Address

J K WKBT Augusta Kas


Lincoln Lodge No O F A A M will meetIn stated communication on each not sadthird Monday nights of each month nt 730oclock In their hall on Main street Stanf-ord Ky Member of sister lodges ore fraternally invited to be present U L PennyWMT W PmnlngtonBec

NOTICEINotice U hereby given that all Lincoln

I county tends of series 11 Issued March1WO redeemable In IB years with privilege of

I litpai lIretlnt lou tolIank and that Interest on sauna will stop



I have opened n blacksmith nod generalrepair shop at my home the old tollgateproperty on the Mtanford pike near flue

and ask w stiuro 0 public pa



whose names appear below strictlytorbiui bunting tuning or any kind of trespassing on our places und will prosecute violators to the full extent of tho law

Mrs Walter Warren Mrs Mottle WhiteP W Carter lien P MartinM K Lawrence Tlnsley HpoonamorJH Hocker JM PottusT A nice HallooJ Li Holtzclaw HastyItMrsJK PulllamMesser A Paxton Mss U LJames N Cash JNevluCarterM II Mrs Jan llalnesnOorpenterTllOnlalltrlllLThontpsonMMlsx Mottle llewvs Itelcbenbach IlroiFred Itaurnann A T TrnylorIlltmrn Oooch N H PlummvrNunnelleyJJ K Bruce I > + vldHtevensJohnOamenlicb WmCordlerlan M D ElmoreOotllbOllck Fed llandorfJJThompson 1111 AndersonJ K Moser Mr anti Mrs Jas II EndA Klbasa Mrs N J 1 1 or tunIolflnWItev Father Leo DGO1Perry11 WUnlnetMIIIIu1bmnnMrs Margaret Oooch Jacob landerleoOllvuni W HTraylorHam llohvrts John Jufer t

Amend Schaefer M JMofmann-K T Ileasley A IL MathenyUwslcyMHT Harris It O Wntkln-sJC llunUluy IL H CrowMrs Nannie H load U K McClureAnderson Carr Anton ItoncckerVanOruenlganTCarpenterW



Weekly Courier Journal




ONLY 150Few people In the United States have not

beard of the CourierJournal DemocraticIn all things fair In all things cleao In nilthings U Is essentially a family paper Bya special arrangement we are enabled to of-




fear and this paper for the price namedabove Send your subscription for the com ¬

bination to uspot tc the Courler Jour-

gaCommissioners Sale I

Boyle Circuit Court

K M 11111s Administrator IMalntlff vsamos Hlllutc DefendantIursuant to a Judgment of sale herein rcn

tiered at the January term 11W of the IloyleHrcult Court the undersigned Commissionerwlll on


At or about the hour of S oclock p M Infront of the storehouse on the lands herenatter described In JrenChersVlliolLIncolncounty Kentuckytest nt public outcry the following

described realestate towltThat certain tract of land situated In Lin

coIn county State of Kentucky on the wnters of Dix and In the village of 1reach

leading froti-lancastertollrsbOrchard and consistingof dwelling house u store house und aboutJi acres of land and being snore particular-


described and bounded us follows towlttBeginning In the center of tho turnpike

thence n now line NICI degrees ULUbf polesto a stake corner to JH Pettus thence withInoof IertusHWK degrees KtH8 poles to-

n stake In the North ode of the Countyroad thence with the said road H UTdegreeaW III poles H2 degrees W 370 polos Hn degrees Khpolen H 70 degrees W UJlpointinwith line of church lot und inyiia N UK de ¬

grees K7 W 77 polesto center polesthence with center of pikeN84 degrees U1621 ales N K degreesW M a poles to the beginning and contaliilug t95i acres and being the snmo tract oflaud conveyed to FJt Hill deceased bM llntchlns by deed of record In the An ¬

coin County Court Clerks olllceBald real estate and Improvements will Ixi

sold as n whole upon it credit of six and 12

months equal payments for which landswill be given payable to thu Commissionerbearing Interest from unto of sale until paidat the rate of 0 per cent per nnilum withapproved personal security to be approved

COIum loloner IInd said bondsthe force and effect of a Judgment tad toretain n lien on said lands sold-

The mount to be raised by this sale Is es ¬

coslH the sum ofj6ar1o It McDOWKLL-UOM B yU Olrcmlt Ceara-




DRY ftT1F-or Less Moneyi


Hocker Bootees you all know themleather linedlfrom top to toe one dollar off the

Ipairnow 400 Honest Mike Boots theoldfashioned tanned leather always soft

75 Centsoff the pair now 325 The Standardthe best hightop ever made one dollar lessthan regular price now 400 StormKing one of J T Woods best 10inch hightop shoes double lined now 325 been400 all the season Honest Mike high

toplkip shoes reduced from 400 to 300IBoys high top tan a goodone worth 350 1

every day 5 in the year but now 250 toclose Of course these are x

Cash Prices+

Dont ask us to charge them 4


tJCIEri E E f <ac m Imt 1




In Great Variety of Styles and Prices 4

mJS1 n

xjGenerally mJmmrBS BBBBBBBB 17EB1PiTsf Wafonal fllankt I

iStanforctf JtyO-

rfantxict S32 Capital Stock SSO 000Surplus and ftWWoW Profits f OOI J

JFfas paid in Dividends sinco Oryanfaatton 21500rmule 9out jfceounts on Our Wienr tOFFICERS

J S Hocker PresidentS T Harris VicePresident

John J McRoberts Cashier

II C Baughman Asst CashrWWSaundersBookkeep r

DIRECTORS IF Reid J II DaoghmanM D Elmore J M PettusaH C Haughman J FSrT Harris JnoW B OBannon J S Cumminst


Highest Market Prices Paid For I

Eggs Hides FursHens 9 to 9 l2c-


4 to 412cyChickens 9 tolOcIDucks 8 to 9c tGeese 6 to 6 l2c-


1O to 12cScrap Iron

Guineas 2 Per Dozen Rubber y-


