envi discussion august 2

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  • 8/12/2019 Envi Discussion August 2


    ELAINE F. FALLARCUNA Environmental Law Saturday, August 2, 2!"

    1. PD 1151 Philippine Environmental Policy

    2. PD 1586 Environmental Impact Statement System

    Section 2 - Environmental Impact Statement System

    There is hereby established an Environmental Impact Statement System o!nded and based on the

    environmental impact statement re"!ired# !nder Section $ o Presidential Decree %o. 1151# o all a&encies

    and instr!mentalities o the national &overnment# incl!din& &overnment'o(ned or controlled corporations#

    as (ell as private corporations# irms and entities# or every proposed pro)ect and !nderta*in& (hichsi&niicantly aect the "!ality o the environment.

    Section 4 - Presidential Proclamation of Environmentally Critical Areas and Projects

    The President o the Philippines may# on his o(n initiative or !pon recommendation o the %ationa

    Environmental Protection +o!ncil# by proclamation declare certain pro)ects# !nderta*in&s or areas in the

    co!ntry as environmentally critical. %o person# partnershipor corporation shall !nderta*e or operate any

    s!ch declared environmentally criticalpro)ect or area (itho!t irst sec!rin& an Environmental +ompliance

    +ertiicate iss!ed byPresident or his d!ly a!thori,ed representatives. -or the proper mana&ement o said

    critical pro)ect or area# the President may by his proclamation reor&ani,e s!ch &overnment oices

    a&encies# instit!tions# corporations or instr!mentalities incl!din&the re'ali&nment o &overnment personnel

    and their speciic !nctions andresponsibilities.

    -or the same p!rpose as above# the inistry o /!man Settlements shall0

    prepare the proper land or (ater !se pattern or said critical pro)ects or areas3

    establish ambient environmental "!ality standards3

    develop a pro&ram o environmental enhancement or protective meas!res a&ainst calamito!s

    actors s!ch as earth"!a*e# loods# (ater erosion and others# and

    perorm s!ch other !nctions as may be directed by the President rom time to time.

    Section 5 - Environmentally Non-Critical Projects

    4ll other pro)ects# !nderta*in&s and areas not declared by the President as environmentally critical shall be

    considered as non'critical and shall not be re"!ired to s!bmit an environmental impact statement. The

    %ational Environmental Protection +o!ncil# thr! the inistry o /!man Settlements may ho(ever re"!ire

    non'critical pro)ects and !nderta*in&s to provide additional environmental sae&!ards as it may deem


    Section 9 - Penalty for Violation4ny person# corporation or partnership o!nd violatin& Section $ o this Decree# or the terms and conditionsin the iss!ance o the Environmental +ompliance +ertiicate# or o the standards# r!les and re&!lationsiss!ed by the %ational Environmental Protection +o!ncil p!rs!ant to this Decree shall be p!nished by the

    s!spension or cancellation o hisits certiicate andor a ine in an amo!nt not to eceed -ity Tho!sandPesos P57#777.777 or every violation thereo# at the discretion o the %ational Environmental Protection+o!ncil.

    . PD 98$ The Poll!tion +ontrol :a(

    SECI!N 2" #efinitions"As $sed in t%is #ecree& a ;Poll$tion'means any alteration o the physical

    chemical and biolo&ical properties o any (ater# air andor land reso!rces o the Philippines# or any

    dischar&e thereto o any li"!id# &aseo!s or solid (astes as (ill or is li*ely to create or to render s!ch (ater

    air and land reso!rces harm!l# detrimental or in)!rio!s to p!blic health# saety or (elare or (hich (il

  • 8/12/2019 Envi Discussion August 2


    ELAINE F. FALLARCUNA Environmental Law Saturday, August 2, 2!"

    adversely aect their !tili,ation or domestic# commercial# ind!strial# a&ric!lt!ral# recreational or other

    le&itimate p!rposes.

    $. P# 9(9 ) *overnin+ ,arine Poll$tion

    SECI!N " #efinition of erms"< -or the p!rposes o this Decree0

    a. ;Dischar&e; incl!des# b!t is not limited to# any spillin lea*in p!mpin po!rin emittin emptyin& or

    d!mpin& b!t does not incl!de dischar&e o el!ents rom ind!strial or man!act!rin& establishments# or milo any *ind. cdt

    b. ;D!mpin&; means any deliberate disposal at sea and into navi&able (aters o (astes or other matter

    rom vessels# aircrat# platorms or other man'made str!ct!res at sea# incl!din& the disposal o (astes or

    other matter directly arisin& rom or related to the eploration# eploitation and associated o'shore

    processin& o sea bed mineral reso!rces !nless the same is permitted andor re&!lated !nder this decree

    Provided# That it does not mean a disposition o any el!ent rom any o!tall str!ct!re to the etent that

    s!ch disposition is re&!lated !nder the provisions o =ep!blic 4ct %!mbered Three Tho!sand %ine

    /!ndred Thirty'>ne# nor does it mean a ro!tine dischar&e o el!ent or other matter incidental to the

    prop!lsion o# or derived rom the normal operations o vessels# aircrat# platorms or other man'made

    str!ct!res at sea and their e"!ipment.

    SECI!N 4" Pro%i.ited Acts. < Ecept in cases o emer&ency imperillin& lie or property# or !navoidable

    accident# collision# or strandin& or in any cases (hich constit!te dan&er to h!man lie or property or a real

    threat to vessels# aircrat# platorms# or other man'made str!ct!re# or i dampin& appears to be the only (ay

    o avertin& the threat and i there is probability that the dama&e conse"!ent !pon s!ch d!mpin& (ill be lees

    than (o!ld other(ise occ!r# and ecept as other(ise permitted by re&!lations prescribed by the %ationa

    Poll!tion +ontrol +ommission or the Philippine +oast ?!ard# it shall be !nla(!l or any person to