enterprise)mobility,) devops)and)iot)enabler) · ©smartcloud | | confidential ! ! !! blood glucose...

Enterprise Mobility, DevOps and IoT Enabler

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Enterprise  Mobility,  DevOps  and  IoT  Enabler  

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q  5  Year  old  “Friendly  Startup”  posi>oned  as  Enterprise  Mobility,  DevOps  and  IoT  Enabler  for  Startups  and  large  enterprises!!  

q  50+  Clients,  100+  Mobile  Applica>ons,  3  Loca>ons,  50+  Employees  

q  SmartCloud  Infoservices  LLC  has  presence  in  3  states  in  USA  -­‐  Delaware,  NJ  and  CA.  

q  Our  DevOps  Centers  in  Pune,  India  have  experienced  teams  working  on  Mobile,  IoT,  Web  and  Cloud.  

q  We  follow  a  Framework  and  Solu>on  based  approach  for  On  Time  and  High  Quality  delivery.  

q  Red  Herring  100  Global  Winner  2013  !!!  1  


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IoT  (Internet  of  Things)  

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Client  List,  Past  Work  Done  

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SmartCloud  Client  List  

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! ! !!

Blood Glucose

Blood Pressure


Menstruation Pain Reliever

Skin Care


Urine Routine

Air Quality Sensor : Asthma

Smart  Home  Health  Care  –  SmartHomeHealthCare  is  a  comprehensive  healthcare  system  with  an  ability  to  connect  mul>ple  IoT  (Internet  Of  Things)  devices  for  measuring  vital  parameters  and  recording  pa>ent’s  health  at  home.    The  solu>on  includes  appointment  scheduler  and  predic>ve  data  analy>cs.  

SmartHomeHealthCare  –  IoT  Solu>on  for  Home  Healthcare  

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Stay  Connected  –  Efficient  Messaging  System  Stay  Connected  –  It    provides  daily  updates  tailored  to  you!  Receive  daily  health  updates  and  messages  about  your  loved  one  and  learn  about  the  latest  Health  Center  news,  ac>vi>es,  and  menus  along  with  customized  messaging    

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SmartDoc  –  Appointment  Scheduler

SmartDoc  –  An  easy  to  use  Appointment  Scheduler  for  pa>ents  for  scehduling  appointments  with  Doctors,  Pathology  Labs,  Pharmacies,  Home  Health  Care  Providers  etc.  This  solu>ons  comes  with  an  integrated  online  and  on-­‐mobile  plaaorm  for  Healthcare  Providers  to  manage  appointments,  pa>ent’s  history,  post  discharge  care  etc.  

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Secured Messaging HIPPA Compliant Solution SecureMessagingSystem  –  This  mobile  based  solu>on  allows  healthcare  providers  to  exhange  meaningful  data  with  pa>ents,  caregivers  and  with  insurance  providers  in  a  secure  and  HIPAA  compliant  way.  

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CardCash – Gift Card Exchange Solution CardCash  –  Card  Cash  is  the  largest  gib  card  exchange  in  the  world.  With  this  mobile  app,  users  can  turn  unused  gib  cards  into  cash  or  buy  discount  gib  cards  with  the  safety  and  security  of    45  day  card  balance  guarantee.  It  pays  cash  for  unwanted  gib  cards  and  then  sells  those  cards  at  a  discount.  Thus  proves  to  be  an  amazing  app  to  make  money  out  of  unused  gib  cards.  

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Startup Success – Podcast Broadcasting Framework Startup  Success  –    It’s  a  media  player  for  audio  and  video  podcasts.  It  features  a  mul>media  file  that  shows  list  of  episodes  fetched  from  RSS  feeds  using  SAX  parser.  App  provides  streaming  support  for  the  episodes  that  are  not  downloaded.  

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SmartCloud  Leadership  Team  

Avery  Kornbluth,  Board  Advisor  

Avery  Kornbluth  is  based  in  NJ  and  is  currently  Chief  Informa>on  Officer  at  Zeno  Radio  LLC.  Avery    is  the  former    CTO/CIO,    of  CardCash.com.  Previously  Avery  has  worked  with  Alaris  Health,  Amplifica>on  Tech.  IDT  Telecom,  Lehman  Brothers.    

Gajanan  Sakhare,  Director,  India  OperaPons  

Sandeep  Marathe,  Director  Engineering    

ArundhaP  Gore,  Director  Sales,  North  America  

Dr.  Pankaj  Gupta,  Advisor  Healthcare  

Dr.  Gupta  has  2  decades  of  Healthcare  industry  experience  which  enabled  process  improvements,  IT  cost  reduc>on,  organiza>on  change  management,  and  business  transforma>on  through  implementa>on  of  Healthcare-­‐IT  solu>ons.  


Ashutosh  Sathe,  ExecuPve  Director,  CEO  Ashutosh  has  over  15+  years  experience  with  leading  FMCG,  Retail  Companies.  Ashutosh  has  worked  with  ICICI  Bank,  ITC,  Godrej,  Future  Group.  Ashutosh  is  a  Science  graduate  holds    masters  degree  in  Marke>ng  and  Finance.  Ashutosh  is  managing  SmartCloud  team  from  incep>on.  

Gajanan  comes  with  over  16+  years  of  experience  with  startups  and  Fortune  100  companies  Previously  Gajanan  has  worked  with  Electronic  Arts  (EA  Sports),  GlobalLogic  and  Selec>ca.    Gajanan  is  a  MBA  from  IMT  Ghaziabad  and  holds  a  Bachelor  Of  Engineering  degree  in  Computer  Science  from  COE  Pune.  

Sandeep  has  over  20+  years  experience  with  leading  Enterprise  Sobware  Development,  Technology  Innova>on  and  Implementa>on  Projects.  Sandeep  has  successfully  managed  large  Enetrprise  Mobility  projects  worth  several  million  dollars  Sandeep  has  done  Masters  in  Computer  Management.  As  a  process  champion,  Sandeep  manages  sobware  engineering  teams  and  delivery  func>ons  of  SmartCloud  India  with  a  keen  eye  for  details.  

Arundha>  is  based  in  Bay  Area  and  heads  SmartCloud’s  sales  opera>ons  for  North  America.  Arundha>  has  9+  years  of  experience  into  opera>ons,  Human  Resources  and  Program  Management.  Previously  Arundha>  has  worked  with  PlayerX  Mobile  Entertainment  India  and  with  SAAMA  technologies  India.  

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Strategic  Partners  

Systems  Plus  Transforma>ons  is  a  global  bou>que  Informa>on  Technology  Solu>on  and  Services  Provider  with  customers  in  Europe,  North  America  and  Asia  Pacific.  Their  presence  in  India,  UK,  US  enables  SmartCloud  to  help  establish  an  onshore  and  offshore  delivery  model  globally.  Systems  plus  has  established  large  scale  cap>ve  units  in  India  and  is  well  placed  to  help  SmartCloud  set  up  large  specialized  teams  across  EU  and  US  on  a  short  no>ce.  

Exponen>a  DataLabs  is  a  global  provider  of  advanced  analy>cs  solu>ons  that  enable  organiza>ons  to  beoer  align  their  businesses  and  exponen>ally  grow  by  unleashing  the  power  of  data.  Their  dedicated  research  labs  allow  SmartCloud  provide  it’s  customers    specialized  exper>se  in  areas,  such  as  business  intelligence,  data  warehousing,  sta>s>cal  models  and  decision  sciences.    

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 SmartCloud  Infoservices  LLC    16192,  Coastal  Highway,  Lewes,  Delaware  19958,  USA    Write  to  us  at  :  [email protected]      
