ensayito de ingles

Upload: marvinpazgal

Post on 05-Mar-2016




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Ensayo personal de un día


One Marvins common day. My name is Marco Vinicio Pazmio GaleasJosehp. Im a teacher, and I work at APCH UNACH high school. I describe you a day of my life according to three stagesIn the morning, my alarm usually rings at 6 oclock. I always get up slowly because I Im very lazy to wake up early. Then I take a shower and I go to my job. I never eat at my home. I rarely eat at the scholar bar when this happens I only buy to eat a fruit salad and bottle water. My academic activity begins at 8 oclock. First, I review the students homework. Second, everybody practice a motivational dynamic or a smart game. Third, I always teach a new topic of Math. Finally I rarely forget to send another homework because I have six classes for week.In the afternoon, I often come back at 3 oclock at home. My babysitter gives me back to my daughter, called Somer, because she finishes her work. I have an extra job. I sometimes teach Math to other students because they have low grades in their institutions.In the evening, my princess and I are never boring. We always go to walk to the park. She sometimes plays football with me. I enjoy to take a lot of photos of these activities I do it with my daughter. We often eat pizza a soda. We returns at home at 9 oclock with my wife because she always finishes her work in this time. Between 11 to 12 oclock I usually study some academic component of the UTPL.So this is my tired daily routine, its full of activities between the professional and familiar.