english today-vol-12

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Page 2: English today-vol-12

M lnternutksnatEnglish Todoy12. Lower inlermediole level book four

O 2010 E-ducotion.ii S.p.A., Florenfo, llolioAll rights reserved

Director editoriol: Cinzio CoiozzoRedoctor-;ef: Meri Borlolocci, Filippo MelliRedociori: Frqncesco Bionchi, Borboro Boddi, Giulio Ricci

Aceostd edifie 2010 peniru Ediluro Literoopore sub licenfo E-ducotion.it S.p.A., Florenfo, llolioToote drepturile rezeryole

Edifie originold@ 2006 English [email protected]


il;:i,",.'O. P.53; C.P.212, sector4, Bucuregti, Romdnioiel.: 031 425 16'19; e-moil: [email protected]

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Troducere: Morino Loghin

Editor: Vidrogcu qi fiiiCoordonqre proiecl: llieg CdmpeonuCopertd: Vlodimir Zmeev, Vlod PonfilovTehnoredcctore 9i prepress: Anco Suciu

Descriereo CIP o Bibliotecii Nofionole o RomdniciEnglish Todoy / irod.: Morino Loghin - Bucurcpti:

Lilero lniernofionql, 20,l 0.22 vol.tsBN 978-973-675-9 44-4Vol. l2 . - ISBN 978-606-600-010-9

l. Loghin, Morino (trod.)


rsBN 978-606-600-0 r 0-9

Tipdrit lo G.Conole, Bucuregli






Page 3: English today-vol-12





Lecfio 9

Thot's life! Are you reolly sisters?7 Sceno l: Two sislers meons twice the work!9 Sd infelegem

l0 Focus

Recopiluloreo com porolivului20 Exercifii

22 Scenq 2: You two ore completely different!24 Sd infelegem

25 Focus

Recopituloreo superlotivului3l Exercifii

33 Vocqbulqr

Lecfio l0Thot's life! One of those doys35- Sceno l: You've been in there for over on hour!

37 Sd infelegem

38 Focus

,,Presenl Perfecft47 Exercifii

49 Sceno 2: Who knows whol hqs chonged since then?

5l Sd infelegem

52 Focus

Folosireo,,Presenl Per{ecl"58 Exercifii

50 Vocobulor

Television Progrompes

Let's tolk63 The City of London

66 Sd infelegem

57 Focus

City of London: ou gi melropolele o inim671 Exercilii

Let's tolk75 Migrotion

78 Sd infelegem

79 Focus

Volizo in mdnd... se pleoc6!

83 Exercifii

87 Solufiile exerci;iilor




Page 4: English today-vol-12

Lecfio 9

Thot's life!Are you reolly sisters?Anne primegle o telegrom6: soro ei Kimberly sosegte in orog.Tofi se inlreobd docd surorile sunl lo fel gi... cu oceleogimonii.in porteo de gromoticd focem recopituloreo comporotivuluigi o superlotivului.

Two sislers meons twice lhe work!


Alice (vorbepfe dinfr-o oltd comerd): Good morning. Oh,thonk you! (lntrd in bucdtdrie, unde se ofld Anne core igi iomicul deiun ) Anne, ihere's o telegrom for you!Anne: Oh, for me? I wonder who il's from... (ludndfelegromo) Oh, it's from ltoly...

Alice: Come on, Anne, tell me who il is from... You knowl'm dying of curiosity!Anne (citind): lt's from my sister Kimberly... She soys she'scoming to visit me. She's orriving on Thursdoy.

Alice: Todoy is Thursdoy!Anne: Oh, my God. lt is!Whot... Oh... Whot, now 1... I hoveto tidy up ond do the shopping (uitdndu-se in iur) ond... Thehouse needs o good cleoning os well!






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Alice: Slow down, qnd colm down, Anne! We've gol time...So who is older, you or your sisler?Anne: lom.

Alice: And ore you similor or different?Anne: Well... We're quite different... She's shorter thonI om ond she's gol blue eyes.

(Sosegte Jock.)

Jock: Hey, whot ore you tolking obout?Alice: About Anne's sister, Kimbedy... She's orriving thisofternoon.

Jock: Greot! I con'l woit to meel her. ls she qs cute os you,Anne?Anne: Slop being silly, Jock! You're the biggest iokerI know... I hove to get going now... Remember, don'i leoveihe house in o mess! (lese.)

Alice: ls ihot oll she thinks oboui when someone is coming?Cleoning, vocuuming, ridying up ond dusting? Do you thinkKihrberly is worse thon Anne? lf so, we're going to hoveq lot of work to do!Jock: Thot's right! Two sislers meons twice the work!

So infelegem(Solufii lo pog. 87)

Verificd docd oi infeles diologul onterior, rdspunzdnd lointrebdrile core urmeozd. Docd oi dificultdli, pofi revedeoepisodul video pe DVD sou pofi consuho vocobulorul delo sfdrgitul lecfiei.

ll When is Kimberly orriving?tr o) This ofternoontr b)Tomorrow morningtr c) The doy ofter tomorrow

H Anne is younger ihon her sister.E Truetr Folse

E Whot is Kimberly like?tr o) Toller thon Annetr b) Prettier lhon Annetr c) Shorter lhqn Anne

h Whot does Anne osk Jock qnd Aiice before she goesoul?tr o) To cleon the houseD b) To ridy lhe housetr c) Not to leove the house in o mess




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Recopitulqreq comporqtivuluiFolosim formo de comporotiv pentru o foce o comporofie inlredoud (grupuri de) lucruri, persoone sou ocfiuni. Comporofioprivegle odiective sou odverbe, dor gi subslonlive gi verbe.Formele de comporoliv pentru odiective 9i odverbe sunt trei:de superioritole, de egolitote 9i de inferioritote. 56 revedemrepede loote cele irei forme.


Pentru o formo comporolivul de superioritote ol odiectivelorgi ol odverbelor se odougd ori sufixul ,,-er" ori odverbul

,,more". Cel de ql doileo termen ol comporofiei se introduceprin odverbul ,,ihon".in cozul odiectivelor sou ol odverbelor monosilobice gi olodieciivelor gi ol odverbelor bisilobice core se termind in ,-y",,-owt' , ,,-e" , ,,-er" , rr-|e", comporotivul se formgozd oddugdndsufixul ,,-er":

fost (rapid/d)

lucky (norocos/oosd)

slow (lent/d)

My cor is fosterlhon yours

Shoron is luckierlhon Anne

+ -er ) foster (moi ropid/d)

+ -er ) luckier (moi norocos/oosd)

+ -er ) slower (moi lenf/dl

Mogino meo este moi ropidddecdt o tq

Shoron este rnoi norocoosddecdt Anne

Your computer is slower Colculolorul tdu este moi lenfthon mine decdt ol meu

fine minte urmdioorele voriofii orlogrofice:

. odiectivele core se lermind in o-y" precedol de consoondformeozd comporotivul oddugdnd sufixul ,,-ier" (gi nu ,,-er"):

pretty (drdgul/61 -y * -ier ) pretlier (moi drdguf/d)

. odiectivele monosilobice core se termind in ,,vocold+ consoond" formeozd comporolivul dubl6nd ultimoconsoond gi oddugdnd sufixul ,,-er":

thin (slobld) + -n + -er ) thinner (moi slab/d)

With thor skirt onyou look prettier

She's thinner lhonshe should be

Egti moi drdguldcu fuslo oio

Eo esfe moi slobd decdt orlrebui

Ne vedem moi lirziu

. odiectivele monosilobice core se termind cu un ,,-e" mulformeozd comporotivul oddugdnd numqi ,,-r" (fi nu ,,-er"):

lote (tdrziu) +r)loter (moi tdrziu\

See you loter

Fii otent:- odiectivele bisilobice core se termind in ,-e", ,,-er" gi ,,-ow",precum gi unele odiective - dintre core /,common" (comun),

,pn)el" (crud),,,pleosont" (pldcut) gi ,,quiet" (linrgtrt) - pol formocomporolivul de superioritote otdt cu sufixul ,,-e/', cdt gi cuodverbul ,,more" (exemplu: Jock is more clever/cleverer thonhis brolher ) Jock e moi inleligenl decdt frolele lui);






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- in cozul comporotivelor unor odiective de origine lolind,cum sunt,,superior" sou ,rinferior", lermenul de comporofiee introdus de ,,1o" in loc de ,,lhon" (exemplu: This poper isinferior to thot one ) Aceostd hlrfie e de colitofe inferioordfold de oceeo).

Celelolte odiective pi odverbe bisilobice (dintre coreodverbele core se lermind in ,-y"l gitoote celelolte odiectiveformeozd comporotivul de superioriiote pundnd inoinleoodjectivului sou o odverbului in chesliune, core rdmdneneschimbot, odverbul,,more" (rnoi):

useful (util/6)

corefully (orefi/6)

difficult (greu)

Words ore more usefullhon weopons'People

should lislen morecorefully lo eoch oiher

h's more difficult thonit seems

) more useful (moi util/dl

) more corefully (moi ofent/d)

) more difficult (moi greu)

Cuvinfele sunt moi ulile decdtormele

Oomenii or frebui sd se

oscuhe moi olenl unii pe ollii

Esfe moi greu decdl se pore

Co 9i in cozul odiectivelor gi ol odverbelor, substonlivele,otdi lo singulor cdt gi lo plurol, formeoz6 comporoiivulpundnd inoinie odverbul ,,more".

I reod more booksthon you

Citesc moi multe cdrlidecdl tine

in cozul verbelor, comporotivul se formeozd cv expresio

,,more thon" (moi mull decdt) pusd chior imediot dupd verb.

Cdnd ocfiuneo despre core se vorbegte este identicd cu

o celui de ol doileo lermen ol comporofiei, deci cdnd este

vorbo s6 foci o comporofie intre dou6 modolitali de cexeculo oceeogi ocfiune, verbul celui de ol doileo termen ol

comporofiei se inlocuiegte cu ouxiliorul corespondent, o9o

incdt sd se eviie repetifiile, cu un nume propriu de persoond

sou cu un pronume complement obieci:

You eol more lhon Mdndnci moi mult decdtyou should or lrebui


Urmdloorele odiective gi odverbe formeozdin mod neregulol:





sood (bun/d) well (bine) better (mqi bun/6, bine)

bod (rdu/reo) bodly (rdu) worse (moi rdu/reo)

little (micld, pufin) less (moi mic/d, putinl

much (multld), mony (mulli/mullel more (moi mult/mulli)

fun (dislrocfiv/d) more fun (moi distrqcliv/d)

for (deporfe)furnher/forther (rnoi

deporle; ulterior)

old (bilrAn/d) older/elder (mai bdtrdn/d,moi mqre co vdrsfd)

Todoy my heodoche is

worse thon yeslerdoy

Don't wolk further thonlhe crossroods

Azi md doore copul mairdu decdl ieri

Nu fe duce mc,i departede intersecfie

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Jine minte diferenfo dinire,,furlher" 9i ,,forther": omdndoudinseomnd ,,moi deporle", insd door,,furlher" poole fi folositgi cu semnificofio ,,ulterior".,,Older" gi ,,elder" inseomnd ,,moi bdlrdn". insd ,,elder"pooie fi folosit doqr cu substqnlive core exprimd grode derudenie.


inointeo formelor de comporotiv se poi pune ,,ony" gi ,,no".Observd exemplele:

I will woit for you no longer Nu le voi ogfepfo moi mult dethon 1 5 minuies 15 minule

Yeslerdoy Ben hod o fever. Ieri, Ben o ovul febrd. Se

Does he feel ony better simte cevo moi bine ostdzi?todoy?

Se poole dublo comporolivul pentru o ordto cd o colilote segchimbd continuu. Acest uz corespunde expresiilor,,din ce

in ce moi mult/pulin".

She's becoming more ond Eo devine din ce in ce moimore onxious temdloare





Coll me if you need furtherinformolion

My elder brolher is

older thon you

Sund-md docd oi nevoie deinformolii ullerioore

Frolele meu moi more esfemoi more (mai in vdrstd)decdt tine

irurAnr REA coMPARATtvELoR

Comporotivul odiectivelor, ol odverbelor, ol verbelor gi olsubslontivelor lo singulor poote fi precedot de formele deintdrire,,much" (mult), ,,lor" (mult), ,,olol" (mulf, foarle mulf,o grdmodd), ,,o bit" (un pic/pufin), ,a little" (un pic/pufinlgi ,,slightly" (ugor).

Your English is gettingbrlter qnd better

Englezo lo se imbundfdfegtedin ce in ce moi mult/continuu

ln ltoly wine is for/much/o lot cheoper thonin Englond

l'd like lo be on holidoyo bit/o little more oftenThol troin is slightlyfosler thqn this one

in ltolio, vinul esfe mult moiieftin decdt in Anglio

Mi-or pldceo sd fiu in voconlipufin moi des

Trenulocelo e pulin moi ropiddecdl oceslo

Substontivele lo plurol, in schimb, sunt precedole de formode ?nt6rire ,,mony" qi ,,for" , cu sensul de ,,mult":

Heleno hos mony/for more Heleno ore mult moi mul1i

friends thon Andrew prieteni decdl Andrew

Putem pune in corelofie doud comporolive pentru o indicofoptul cd un eveniment depinde de oltul (comporofie demdsu16 progresivd). [n oceosld siluofie, comporolivelelrebuie precedote ?nlotdeouno de orticolul hoidrdt ,,lhe"i

The more you study, Cu cdf invefi moi mult,lhe cleverer you gel cu atdl devii moi inleligent

The fosler you run, Cu cll alergi moi repede,lhe sooner you'll orrive cu otdl oiungi moi curdnd

The less you sleep, Cu cdt dormi moi pufin,lhe weoker you feel cu atdt fe simli moi sldbif

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Un coz speciol il reprezinid folosireo corelotivului cu ,,beller" ,

core corespunde cu ,re moi bine".Penlru subslontive, comporolivul de egolilole se formeozdostfel:

Ac much t substontiv non-numdrqbil + osAs mony + substontiv plurol + ns

You buy os mqny CDs os Cumperi lot oldteo CD'uriI do/me cdfe curnpdr eu

She drinks os much wqler Eo beo lol ol6to opd cdl elor he does

$i in cozul ocesto formo negolivd poole inlocui sdeseoperfecl comporoiivul de superioriiole sou de inferioritote.

Not os/nol so much t subslontiv non-numdrqbil + osNol oslnol so mony + substontiv plurol + cs

I don'l hove os pony doys Nu orn ollfeo zile libere cdleoff os I would like of vreo

= I hove less doys off ihon : Am moi puline zile liberel'd like decdl og vreo

in sfdrgit, pentru verbe,formeozd osffel:

Vcrb + qs much os

He works os much os I do(-")

comporolivul de egolitote se

El muncegfe cdl/tot otdl cdlmine







Folosim comporotivul de egolitole pentru o indico egolitoteodintre doud (grupuri de) lucruri sou persoone. Pentru

odiective gi penlru odverbe se folosegte urmdlooreo form6:

As + odiecliv/odverb + ss

She's os clever os he is /him Eo este c6f el de inteligenfd

Anne is qs cute qs her sister Anne e tot atdt de drdguldco gi soro ei

Lo formo negotivd, comporotivul de egolitote poole inlocuiodeseo perfect comporolivul de superioritole sou deinferioritote:

Not oslnot so + odiectiv/qdverb + os

The sooner you leovethe better

Henry is not so hoppyos Louro (is): Louro is hoppierthon Henry

Cu cdf pleci moi devreme,cu ol6t (e) mai bine

Henry nu esfe. tot ol6t defericil cdt Louro: Loure este moi fericitddecdt Henry

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in propozifiile negotive, comporolivul de egolitote se

construiegte pundnd verbul lo formo negoliv6 urmot de,,os

much os"; chior giin cozul ocesto, comporotivul de egolitote

esie un inlocuitor perfect ol comporotivului de superioritote

sou de inferioritoie.

Formd negolivd s verbului * os much ss

They didn't ptoy os much Ei/ele nu s-ou jucot ol6t cdt

os they wonled qr fi vrul

Fii otent: in fofo comporotivului de egoliiote se pot folosi

numerolele odverbiole de contitoie ,,twice" (de doud ori),

,,three limes" (de trei ori) etc. in cozul ocesto, se schimb6

,ensul, devenind o formd de comporotiv de superioritote

(exemplu: This house is twice os big os thot one ) Coso

oceoslo este de doud ori moi more decdt oceeo)'


in englezd, comporotivul de inferiorilote este pufin folosit,ior Tn locul lui se preferd formo negotivd o comporotivuluide egolitote (,,nol os/so os").in cozul odiectivelor, ol odverbelor gi ol substontivelor lo

singulor, comporotivul de inferioritole se forrneozd pundnd

inointe ,,less" (moi pufinl. Cel de ol doileq lermen ol

comporofiei este inlrodus de odverbul ,,lhon" (decdf).

Lsss + odiectiv/odverb/substanliv non-numdrabil +lhon

I om less selfish lhqn him Eu sunf mai pulin egoisf

. decdt el

She drinks less coffee thon Eo beo moi pulind cofeoI dolme decdt mine

Cu substoniivele lq plurol, comporotivul de inferioriloie se

formeozd pundnd inoinle ,,fewer" (moi pufini/el:

Fewer + substonliv plurol * thun

I hove fewer clothes thon Am moi puline haine decdlmy sister soro rneo

Cu verbele, comporotivulostfel:


You speok less thqn I do(.")

de inferiorilote se formeozd







Tu vorbeSlimine



pufin decdl

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Exercifii(Solufii lo pos. 87)

Acum inceqrcd sd exersezi din nou formele comporolivuluipe core locmoi le-oi recoPituloi.


Completeozd propozifiile, introducdnd formq corecld de

comporoliv o odiectivelor dintre poronteze.

8Romeis............... London'


E But it is olso . London.


H Probobly life in London is............ .. in Rome'


E But, in generol, life in Rome is .............. in London'(good)


Completeozd propozifiile, troducdnd corect formocomporotivului din romdnd, oflold intre poronleze.

EAnne...... ... Kimberly.(nu e drdgufd co)

EShe is............... Kimberly.(pufin moi inoltd decdi)

E Ann" is getting(din ce in ce moi lemdloore)

E Kimberly is ..............(mult moi reloxotd)






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You lwo ore comPletelY differenl!


E seord. Jock gi Alice sunl in sufrogerie' Inlrd Anne 9i soro

ei, Kimberly.

Jock: Hi Anne. So you must be Kimberly..' h's o pleosure'

l'm Jock!Kimberly: Hello, Jock, Anne hos told me so much oboul


Alice: Hi, l'm Alice. You live in Rome, don't you? So, how

is life in ,,bello" ltoly?Kimberly: Wonderful! My fother roised me in Americo,

ihough, but ltoly is the mosl foscinoting country in lhe world, os

for. o's llm concerned! lts history, the ort'.' And, of course, lhe

best food in the world! Whot else con onyone osk for? And, of

course, the ltoliqns ore lhe most likeoble people in the world!

Jqck: You ore ,l00%

right! Just look ot me"' l'm originolly

from Bologno, which is one of the best cities in the world

when it comes to eoting well!Kimberly: I know Bololno well. ll's o beoutiful city, even if

I do prefer Rome. Rome is much bigger ond more exciting'

So, how does London comPore?

Alice: London isn't ihot bod... Aporl from lhe weother"'

It certoinly is much colder thon in ltoly!

Jock: And the British ore... Well... How should I soy this?

They're... Less clever ihon the ltoliqns!

Kimberly: Woich yourseff, Jock! Woich whot you're

soying...Anne-: Yes! You know Kimberly ond I ore both Britishl Well,

l'm more British thon she is'..




Jock: You're right! Well... I wos tolking obout British men,

of course,

(Soresc Shoron 9i Pefer.)

Annr: Kimberly, this is Peter ond Shoron. They live in theopodment nexl door.Klmbtrly: h's o pleosure to meet you!

Shqron: So, Kimberly, Anne told us thot you're ottendingArl School in Rome... You know, I wonled to study ortwhen I wos o little girl... But in the end, I decided to study

orchoeology, insteod.Klmbrrly: Thol's interesting! And Peter, whot do you do?

Prlrr: l'm on octor... And I do o little singing... l'm ociingin o musicol ot the moment.Klmberly: Whot o greol coreerl

Anne: Yes, but il's certoinly less stressful thon Jock's line ofwork... He works o lot horder thon Peter... Acluolly, he's lhehordest working person in the house!Alice: And l'm the person lhot hos ihe most fun!

Klmberly: Speoking of fun, whot sholl we do this evening?I would love lo go outl h's been so long since I losl comelo London!Anne: Well, why don'l we go io the cinemo?

Kimberly: Come on, Anne, lhol's so boring! Why don'l wedo something more exciting? I don't know... We could goto lhe pub ond get something to eol... And, ond ofter thot,why don't we go lo o disco?Alice: Wow, whot o surprisel You two ore completelydifferentl

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5d Tnfelegem(Solufii lo pos.88)

Verific6 doc6 oi infeles sceno, r6spunzdnd lo urmdtoorele


E Where did Kimberly grow up?

tr o) ln llolytr b) ln Americotr c) ln Englond

H Kimberly likes Rome becouse:E o) lt's big but quiettr b) You eol well theretr c) lt's big ond there's lots to do

E Anne thinks thot Peler's work is os stressfull os Jock's one'

E Truetr Folse

E Kimberly wonts to go:tr o) To lhe cinemo ond lhen to the Pubtr b) To the pub, lhen o discotr c) Somewhere quiet


Recopitu lqreo su perlqtivu I ui

3e folosegle superlotivul penlru o confrunto un singur obiecttou o singurd persoond cu un grup inireg sou pentru oaxprimo o colilote ori o corocleristicd dusd lo grodul moximlou lo grodul minim. Se foce dislincfie inlre superlotivulrololiv gi superlotivul obsolul. Primul exprimd grodul moxim(ruperlotiv relotiv de superioritote) sou minim (superlotivrelotiv de inferioritote) ol unei colitAli fofd de un lermen decomporofie. Se vorbegle, in schimb, de superlotiv qbsolut

c0nd grodul moxim ol unei onumite colitAli este exprimotfird nici un fel de comporofie. Sd revedem cele trei formeolc superloiivului:


Superlotivul reloliv de superiorilole se formeozd qstfel:

. in cozul odieciivelor gi ol odverbelor monosilobice gi olodieclivelor bisilobice core se lermin6 in u-y", ,,-ow", ,,-e",,,-et" , ,r-le" se odougd sufixul ,r-est". Superlotivul reloiivc precedotinlotdequno de orticolul hotdndl ,,lhe":

young (tdndr/d) + -est ) youngesl (cel mai ldndr)

lucky (norocos/oosd) + -esl ) luckiest (celmoi norocos)

slow (tenl/d) + -esl ) slowest (cel moi lent)

Louis is lhe youngest ofmy flotmotes

Louis esle cel moi tdndrdintre colegii mei deoportomenl






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Chontol is the luckieslperson I know

The seo horse isthe slowest fish in lhe seo

Chontol este ceo moi

norocoosd persoond Pe core

o cunosc

Cdlulut de more este cel rnoi

lent pegfe de more




. in cozul odiectivelor gi ol odverbelor monosilobice core ,

se termind in u'y" precedot de consoond, se elimind u'Y"

gi se odougd sufixul ,,-iesi":

hoppy (fericit/d\' y + -iesl ) the hoppiest (cel moi fericil)

They ore lhe hoppiest Sunt ceo moi fericitd pereche

couple I know Pe core o cunosc

. in cozul odiectivelor gi ol odverbelor.monosilobice core

se iermind Tn ,vocold * consoond", se dubleozd consoono

finold inointe de o od6ugo sufixul ,,-esl":

hot (cold/d) + -t + 'est t the hottesl (celmoi cold)

Augusl is the holtesl month August esfe. luno ceo

of the yeor coldd o onului

. in cozul odiectivelor gi ol odverbelor monosilobice core se

iermind cu un ,,-e" mut, se odougd door consoonele "-st":


nice (drdguf/d\ +

Mory's the nicest girlin my town

-st ) lhe nicest (celmoi drdguf)

Mary esle ceo moi drdguldfotd din oro9ul meu

r tn cozul celorlqlte odiective gi odverbe bisilobice 9i olluluror odiectivelor 9i ol odverbelor de lrei sou de moi multerllobe, se pune Tnoinleo odiectivului squ q qdverbului inchcrtiune,,lhe most"(cel /ceo moil:

enlertoin ing (di stroctiv / d)

rpcciol (speciol/6)

Tctris is still one of themotl entertoininggomes in the world

) lhe most (cel moienlertoining distroctiv)

) the mosl (cel moispeciol speciol)

Tetrisul?ncd esle utnul dinlrecele moi disfroctive iocuri dinlume

Lo ruperlotivul relotiv, cel de ol doileo lermen ol comporofiei!c inlroduce cu uno dinlre urmdtoorele prepozifii:

ln (tn, de lo): docd ql doileo lermen ol comporofiei se referdlo un grup sou lo un loc

of (dintre): docd se referd lo un onumil numdr de persoonerou de lucruri, ori lq o perioodd de tirhp

Omong (dintre): docd se referd lo un onumit numdr depgrsoone sou de lucruri

lhot (core/pe core): inointeo unei propozifii relotive. Adeseo

olhol" esie omis.

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Urmdtoorele odiective gi odverbe ou lo superlotiv forme


The Sun is lhe neoresl stor

to Eorth

Soorele este sleouo ceo moi

opropiotd de Pdmdnt

Nu uito diferenfo dintre ,,furthest" 9i ,,fodhest": omdndoud

inseomn6 ,,cel moi deporle, indepdrtot", insd numoi

,,furthest" poote fi folosit 9i cu sensul de ,,extrem"'',,Old.r'gi

,,elder" inseomnd ,,cel moi bdlr6n"' Tnsd numoi',,.ti"r'" pootu fi folosit cu substqntive core exprim6 grode

de rudenie.,,The lofest" inseomnd ,,cel moi recenl, ceo moi recent6"'

odi.a ultl-ul Tn succesiune cronologicd. ultimul in funcfie

de o enumerore esle, in schimb, ,,lhe losl"'


Supcrloiivul relotiv de inferiorilote se foloseqle pufin gi se

preferd inlocuireo lui cu superlotivul relotiv de superioriloteol odiectivului opus co sens.

ln cozul odiectivelor gi ol odverbelor, superlolivul reloliv delnferioritote se formeozd pundnd inoinieo lor,,lhe leost" (cel

moi pulinl. Al doileo termen ol comporofiei este introdusda uno dinlre prepozifiile ,,of", ,,in" gi ,,omong", cum se

lntdmpld lo superlolivul reloiiv de superiorilote.

Jock is the leost politeof my friends

Do you know lhe leostllprnsive wcy to collSpoin?

Jock esfe cel moi pufinpoliticos dintre prielenii mei

$t,i modolifoteo ceo moipufin costisitoore de o vorbicu Sponio?

eu substontivele lo plurol, superlotivul de inferioritole se

formcozd pundnd inoinleo qcestuio ,,ihe fewesl" (cei moipvlini /cele moi pulinel.

He mode the fewestmirlokes of oll

El a fdcut cele moi pulinegregeli dinlre toli






good (bunlo) well (bine)the besl (cel moi bun, cel mqi


bod (rdu) bodly (rdu) lhe worsl (cel moi rdu)

little (micld) lhe leqsl (cel moi mic, miniml

much (multld) mony (mul1i/

multe)lhe mosl (cel moi mult, moximl

for (deporte)the furthest/forlhesf (cel mqi

depsrte, exfrem)

old (b'#rAnld)the oldesl/eldest (cel moi bdtrdn,cel moi more, cel moi in etote)

neqr (l6ngd)lhe neqresl (cel moi oProoPe) lhenext (succesiv)

lote (tdrziu)the lqtest (cel moi recenl, ultiml

the lost (ultimul)

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in unele limbi, formo de superlotiv obsolui se obline Tn mod

sintetic, cu diverse sufixe gromqticole. in englezd, lo fel co

in romdnd, ocesl concept se poote exprimo onolitic, pundnd

inoinleq odiectivelor gi o odverbelor ,,very" (foorte) sou olte

odverbe, printr" core ,,reolly" (cu odevdral, inlr-odevdrl'

,,quite" (mai curdnd\, ,,foirly" (destul).

in englezo britonicd, otunci cdnd ,,mosl" se pune Tnoinleo

odieclfvelor poote oveo semnificofio de ,,very":

Mery is very loll

He is reolly clever

Children ore moslvulneroble

You qre by for thesweetest person I know

Mery este foarte?noltd

El esfe foqrle inleligent/cu odevdrol inteligent

Copiii sunt foartevulnerobili

Egri de deporte ceq moi dulce

persoond pe core o cunosc

i.rurAnl REA su PE RLATIvE LoR

superlotivul relotiv (de superioritole sou de inferioritote)

poote fi intdrit de expresio ,,by tor" (desigur, de deporte):

Exercif ii($olulii lo pos. 88)

E momenlul sd exersdm pufin. Fd exercifii cu formeleluparlolivului pe core iocmoi le-om recopiiulot.

lxcRctTtur 3

€ompleteozd propozifiile, olegdnd formq corectd o super-lstivului.

tr Piro University is one of ... the world.El o) older inEl b) the oldest inEl c) the eldest in

E th" Leoning Tower is ... monument in Piso.

tr o) the mosl well-knowntr b) the well-knownestEl c) most well-known

I Piro is ... oll the towns in ihe Province.tr o) the interestingest oftr b)the most interesling omongE c) the most interesting in

E Piso isn't ... lown in Tuscony.E o) the most oldtr b) the eldesttr c) the oldest

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Arot6 docd propozifiile sunl corecte (right) sou gregile

(wrong) gi rescrie-le corecl cdnd e necesor'

ll Peter is the oldestthe friends.

RWof tr tr

HAll.e is mosl iniereslingof oll of them.

fl Shoton is the prettYest

of the girls.

E Jock is ihe mosl hord-working in oll of them.





tporl from oporte, door,eu excepfiotporlmant oportomentItthotology orheologielrhlrh britonic/6:olm down (to) o se colmo,e ra linigtiaonar corierdtboning cur6feniellWlr inleligent/d; isief/rel6, ingenios,/oosdSOmPqro (to) o comporo,€ confrunloFunlry ford, stol, nofiune;tol, mediu rurolCurlolity curiozilolelUli grofios f oos6, drdguf/6dh (ro) o muridurt (to) o gterge profullnd sfdrgitloreinoting foscinoni/6,mlnunot/d, incdnfdtor/oorelolhrr totolood hrona, oliment;mdncorehlrtory islorie

lokrr coroghios/oosd,comic/dllkrqble simpotic/d,pl6cul/dllnc zond de octivilote,gpclor de ofoceri, ocupofie

originolly de origine,lo originequite moi curdnd, destul;chior o9o; complet; exoct,precisroise (to) o cregte,o indrumoRome Romoschool gcool6similqr qsemdndlo r / oore,omolog/oogd; ocelogi,similorsince din, de cdndstressful stresqnlstudy (to) o studio, o invdfotelegrom telegrom6lhough (odv.)totugi,.dordmite, oricum; cu toqtec6 (loc. coni.)Thursdoy ioitwice {e doud ori, dubluvisit (to) o vizito, o se ducein vizild, o frecvenlo

Page 18: English today-vol-12

Lrcfio l0

Thot's life!One of those doysln episodul din ,,Thol's life!", iinerii se pregdlesc sd se ducdlE munc6. Jock este pufin nervos pentru cd e in ?ntdrziere,lgr boio e mereu ocupotd de Alice. ln porteo de gromoiicdlnvifdm un nou timp verbol: Present Perfect. Este un timpmoi curdnd complicot gi se folosegle pentru o exprimoocliuni din lrecut core qu incd efect in prezent.

You've been in there for over on hour!

lcrnl I

Jmk (bote lo ugo bdii): Hove you finished yet? Alice?!lllcr (din spotele ugii): No, Jock, I hoven't finished my

lhowerl Could you osk Anne to come in here, pleose?

Jtok: She's iust left! Come on, I omAllcc, l'm lote!Allcr (deschizdnd ugo): Okoy, okoy,Ccwn, the bothroom's oll yours!

pleoding wilh you,

l've finished. Colm

Jmk: Finolly! You've been in ihere for over on hour!

($und telefonul mobil ol lui Jock.\

Jotk: Yes... Yes, ihis is Jock. No, I hoven't seen John sinceycrlardoy, Why? Oh, ihe report... Uhh... Yes. No, I hoven'tflnhhed it yet. Yes, yes, I know it's importont. Anywoy, l'veelrcody storted writing it... Yes, yes, l'll send it to you os soonar il's finished. Excuse me? Listen, l'll coll you loler. Okoy.





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(Jock, dupd ce lermind convorbireo, inceorcd sd deschidd

ugo bdii, dor igi dd seomo cd esle din nou ocupof')

Jqck: Alice, if you don'i open this door, l'm going to knock

il down!Kimberly: Actuolly, it's Kimberly, l've iust come in"' ls

everything okoy, Jock?

Jock: Yes... No! l've been woiling to use the bothroom for',

over on hour! I musl gel to the office!Kimberly (deschizdnd ugo): Okoy Jock, il's oll yours! l'll use

the bothroom loier.

Jock: Thonks Kimberly, thot's very kind of you... Sorry! (Jock

inlrd in boie.l

(Pufin moi ldrziu, Alice se infdlnepte cu Jock pe cdnd el iese

din boie.)

Alice: Hey Jock, hove you seen my wotch? l've probobly

left it in there.Jqck: Here you go! Hove you forgotten onything else?

Alice: We're rolher neryous, todoy, oren't we?

Jock: Bye, I hove to get going. (Pleocd)

Alice (observdnd cd Jock gi-o ldsot mobilulin boie): Hey,

Jock, woit! Jock, your mobile! (odres6ndu-i-se lui Kimberlyl

Oh... He's olreody gonel So, whol ore you doing todoy

Kimberly? Hove you ever been to Portobello morkel?

Kimberly: No, l've never been there!

Alice: Would you like to come olong ond browse qround

the stonds?Kimberly: Oh, yes, il's been monlhs since I lost visited

o fleo morket!

56 inlelegeml3elulll lo pos.8e)

lGUm lnccorcd sd vezi cdt oiinfeles din diolog, rdspunzdndh lnlrebarile core urmeozd. Docd e difici[ te pofi uitodfn nsu lo episodul video de pe DVD sou pofi


€Gsbulorul de lo sf6rqitul lecfiei.

E Wnof does Jock soy on the telephone?El Cl Thot he hos begun ihe reportE b) Thot he hos finished the reportEl cl Thot he hosn't yei storted the report

I JEct roys thot if Alice doesn'f open the bothroom door:El ol Ho'll open it onywqyEl bl He'll knock it downElcl Hc'll leove the house

I Wtry doesn't Alice give Jock his mobile?Ei a) Bacouse he is too upseiEi b) Becorse she is going to sell it ot the fleo morketEl gl Bocouse he went out ond didn't hqor her

! Kmberty doesn't often go to the fleo mqrket.El ?rueEl Folrc





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,rPresenl Perfecl"

Present Perfect este un iimp verbol folosit pentru o -vorbi

;"*" ocliuni din lrecui core inc6 nu s-ou incheioi ori core

,-o, inta-ploi intr-un moment nedeterminot din lrecut ori

ot" .aror consecinfe continud s6 se focd simfite in prezent'

i.t-"f, .or"rprnju cu perfectul compus din romdn6: co

,io."rio, este formqt din ouxiliorul "hove" (o oveo) 9i din

i*.*uif ir".ur ol verbului principol' Cu- toote ocesteo' in

!"gf"ta se folosegte sensibil iiferit de romdnd 9i de olte limbi

;;.0"^", fiindc6, spre deosebire de ocesteo' tn englezd

este vorbo despre un timp core exprimd efectul octiunilor

;;; ;i;;nimentelor din trecut osupro prezenfului' Vom

;;;.i";" contextele de utilizore in ceo de o douo porte

o'lec1iei. Acum sd ne ocupdm de coniugoreo lui'

Hg h€| donr his homework El si-o fdcut lecliile

Se hgr bought o used cor Ea o cumpdrot o mo;indu/atd

F hft blrn o hord tosk ! fost o freobd dificild

tte hgvr mrl before Sloi ne-om moi intdlnil




TCg hevr trovrllcd o lor loi oli cdldlorit muh

frry hqvr gone to Woles Ei/ele s-ou dus in foroQolilor

ln llffibo vorbitd giin formulels 6olocviole se folosesc moi des

lArmrla conlrose, identice 6u {ormele conirose de Presenl

timpb olc verbului ,,lo hove". 5d vedem exemplele:


Lo formo ofirmotivd, Present Perfect se construiegte cu

;;-ilb;"i ,,hou"" (formo ,,hos" penlru Persoono o treio

;;;b; d",hove" pentru loote celelolte persoone) urm.ot

J""p.,ti.ipiul trecut ol verbului principol' Vei gdsi regulile

oenlru consirui reo porticipi ul ui trecut in po ginile urmdtoo re'

icu; observd schemo de moi ios:

Subiecl + hos/hove * participiu trecut sl verbului +

delermindri uherioore

hl nodVggtva hornt

Hdr nlqxrd

SE I workcd

Ft nlnrdWEtw llrtrned

YegtYr tolked

Thrytvr loten

lu om cilit

fu oi invdlol

EI s-o odihnit

la o muncil

y', plouat "

1./oi om oscuhol

loi oli vorbit

Ei/ele ou mdncot

I hove been to Turin

mony times

You hove lived in Belgium

Am fost de multe oriIo Torino

Ai trdilin Belgio

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Formo negotivd o Present Perfeci se obline oddug-dnd

negofio ,,not" imediol dupd ouxiliorul ,,hos/hove"' $i in


coiul'ocesto, in vorbireo curentd se prefer6 formele

,,hosn't" gi ,,hoven't". Observd schemo 9i exemplele


Subiect + hqs/hqve + nol (sou hssn't/haven't)porticipiu trecul ulverbului + determindri ulterioore

I hqve not (hoven't) senlmy CV yet

You hove nol (hoven'l) left

He hqs nol (hosn't) been El nu o fosf in Austrolio

to Austroliq

She hos not (hosn'l) come Eoincd nu s-o infors

bock yet

It hqs not (hosn'l) stopped incd nu oincetol sd ploud

roining yet

We hove not (hoven't) Noi incd nu om mdncot

eolen yet

You hove not (hoven't) Voi nu oli vdzul filmul ocelo

seen thot film

They hove not (hoven't) Ei/ele nu s-ou dus lo Bolh

gone to Both





incd nu mi-om lrimiscurriculum

Tu nu ai plecot


b brme inlerogotivd, ouxiliorul ,,hove" precede subieclul,ffFREt fllnd lo r0ndul lui de porticipiul trecul ol verbului,d-gpa eum pofi observo fn schemo urmdtoore:

HEr/hnvr * rubiecl + porricipiu trecul sl verbulul +Itllrnlnirl uhcrioore + ?

HWf I donr enough? Am fdcul eu destul?

Hnn yeu olwoys lived here? Ai lrdit lu oici inloldeouno?

l g he gon.lo Milon? S-o dus el Io Milono?

Hil:hs nollcrd lhe mistoke? A observot eo gregeolo?

lb tt rlorltd snowing? Aincepul sd ningd?

F} wn brcn lhere before? Am fosl noi ocolo gi oltd dotd?

Ffti yo, trrn my coi? Aiii vdzut voi pisico meo?

Hnf thuy olwoys worked Au muncit ei/eleinlotdeounofiel much? otdt de mult?

h, galul lntrebdrilor introduse de o porticuld inlerogotivd,

FFtlruefio esle urmdtooreo:

hlculd inlerogotivd + hos/hsve + subiecl + poriicipiuFcut ol varbului + determindri ulterioqre + ?

hove I

Whmhove you





Unde om fost eu?

Unde oi lucrol lu?

Ce o citil el?

Ce a pierdut eo?

hos he

Whol hos she

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hqs it chonged? Ce s-o schimbot?

hove we ployed with? Cu cine om iucol noi?

Who hove you seen? Pe cine oli vdzul voi?

hove they worked with? Cu cine au lucrot ei/ele?


h elul verbolor regulote, porticipiul trecul ore oceeogi

bmg ee gi Simple Posl: se construiegte oddugdnd desinenfo

r+€* lc formo de bozd o verbului (infinitiv fdrd ,,to"):

Fii otent: lo rdspunsurile scurle (cele core cer un ,,do"un ,,nu") se repeld numoi ouxiliorul ,,hove" precedol



t-ifif r y


(o munci) + -ed

(o osculto) + -ed

(o trdi) + -d(o spero) + -d

) worked

) listened

) lived

) hoped

subiecl. Formo ofirmotivd nu poole fi conlrosd, ci

ceo negoiivd (exemplu: Hove you ever ployed golf? Y

I hove/No, I hoven'l ) Ai jucof vreodotd golf? DolNu)'


trecut ol verbului. Ast6zi, Tn limbo curentd se folosesc numo

formele controse.

Propoziliile inlerogotiv-negolive se conslruiesc cu ouxilioru

,,hoye" , urmot de negofio ,,nol" , de subiect 9i de porticipiu

Hoven'l lworked?

Hoven'l you worked?

Hqsn'l he worked?

Hosn'l she worked?

Hosn'f ii worked?

Hqven'l we worked?

Hqven'l you worked?

Hoven'l they worked?

Nu om lucrot eu?

Nu oi lucrof tu?

Nu o lucrot el?

Nu o lucrol eo?

Nu o funcfionof?

Nu orn lucrol noi?

Nu ofi lucral voi?

Nu ou lucrol ei/ele?

(ose grdbi) -y + -ied ) hurried

(o se cdsdfori) -y + -ied ) morried

(o (se) iuco) + -ed ) ployed

k fgl eo in romdnd, gi ?n englezd porticipiul lrecul pooie

f fAlsrtt eu funcfie de odieciiv, door cd in englezd este

hbldeouno invoriobil dupd gen gi numdr.

€A ln eorul Simple Posl, gi porticipiul lrecul ol verbelor

EgUleta oro voriofii ortogrofice Tn unele situofii. Sd vedem

C€E runt ocesteo:

I v:rbale core se termind in ,,e" formeozd porticipiul trecut

Ed€ugdnd lo formo de boz6 o verbului door desinenfo



I varbcle core se termind in ,,y" precedot de consoond pierdlc porlicipiul lrecut ,,y" gi odougd desinenfo ,,-ied" . Docd ,,y"E ptecodot de vocold, oceqstd schimbore nu intervine:

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. verbele core se lermind cu ,,vocol6 * consoond" dubl

consoono fino16 (cu excepfio verbelor core se lermind

,-x" gi in ,,-w"):


legule rs selrirrrbd cu verbele neregulole core, lo fel copenlru Sirrrple Posl, formeozd poriicipiul trecul fiecore ?n

Elgl lui $i irr ocost coz, singuro modolitole de o cunoogle

FgFlElpiul hecul ql verbelor neregulole esle oceeo de o lehrep pe dc rosl pe fiecore in porle.lgtg e liqtn cu principolele verbe neregulote englezegti,€rere li se da intreogo porodigmd, odicd formo de bozd

{lefinilivul vcrbului fdrd ,,1o"), formo de Simple Post gi oceeo€ pelliripiului lrecut:

rc (o_deveni)

1n [q lqepe(o eiduce

(o construr)

(,, ,g.rlgq.g)

(n veni)

{o fcrce)


FEt (rr rndnco)

flrrd (rr sdsi)

fly (o rburg)

gel (rr o_blilg

glve (c*dd

gn (o plec,o)

(o opri) + -p + -ed ) stoPPed

(o plonifico) * -n * -ed ) plonned

(o se pleco) + -ed ) bowed

(o prefera) + -r + -ed ) preferred

(o regreto) * -l + -ed ) regretled







. verbele bisilobice dubleozd consoono finole docd ulti

silobd esle occentuold:



. verbele core se termind in ,,-ic" odougd consoonoinoinle de desinenf e ,,-ed"

picnic (o iegi lo iarbd verdel + -k + -ed ) picnicked

Irirvn (o oveo)

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keep (o fine) kept kept EI€r€ lf t I

lSelcfil lo pog. 89)

tGgm lrrccorcd sd exersezi cu formele de Presenl

fi de perlicipiu trecut pe core tocmoi le-oiinvdfot.

Ef:rclTlut I

AfAl€ doc6 propozifiile sunt corecte (right)

{*rcng) gi rescrie-le corect cdnd e necesor.

RWtrtr! Hutu you ever spoke

€ hrrl

I I hevan't even met her.

I Hur she olwoys liveher:l

! Nu, she hosn't. tr

moke (o confecfiono) mode mode

meet (o inr6lni) mel met

poy (o plati) poid poid

put (o pune) pul put

reod (o cifi) reod reod

soy (o spune) soid soid

see (o vedeo) sow seen

sell (o vinde) sold sold

send (o trimite) senl sent

speok (o vorbi) spoke spoken

spend (o petrece) spent spent

tell (o povesti) iold told

think (o s6ndi) thoughi ihought

write (o scrie) wrote written

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Completeozd propozifiile, olegdnd formq verbol6

il Jock ... <l new soles compoign.tr o)wos plonnedtr b) hos plonnedtr c) is plonned

E tte ... his report yet.tr o) hosn't writtentr b) hosn'i wrotetr c) didn't write

EAlice ... to slqrl korqle lessons.tr o) is decidedtr b) hos decidedtr c) hove decided

E She ... koroie before.tr o) hos never tryedtr b) hos never triedtr c) never tryed

lcroutr whd hos chcnged since then?

tKmbsrly sunt'in suf rogerie gi se uifd lo nigfe fotogrofii.

I lhlPgrcc ocosd de lo serviciu.

HlJqckl Whol's lhe mqtter?! You look qwful!

ItfF g wrcckl And l've lost my mobile!

ldJndu-i-l): No, Alice told me you forgot it when you

oPorlmenl this morning!thel'r where il is! l've looked everywhere... I mustItvt bcen o little distrocled lolely... I guess I need

EfJ, You know, I hoven'l hod o holidoy since lheYmc to London!

Oh,., Okoy, well... Relox o little now... Kimberly is

m! 3ome photos of o porty they hod oi universityl've never seen such funny photos!

la fofogrofii): Hey, this is o piciure of thearf Economics... l've been there for o seminorl

Flyt Reolly?! When did you ottend thot?Wfll, I wos only lhere for four doys, but il wos reolly


Hoy guys, l've '1usi got off ihe phone to Peler. And he

lo know if they con come over in o bit... He wonls us

Fnvlnce Shoron to move lo Jopon with him! She hosn'lyet if she wonls to go.

To Jopon?l li's o greol country! Hove you everlhgre?

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Jqck: No... And,lo tell you the truth, l'm not reolly i

tell Shoron ond Peter... Pleose give Shoron ond Peter rfl

regords. l'm reolly not in the mood lo chot this evening


lnfelegemff le Fag' 9ol

fuc€ ol tnfcles sceno, rdspunzdnd lo urmdtoorele

Jock: Do you mind if I go io my room? Todoy wos qwful"

l'm deod iired qnd I hoven't hod onything to eol! Pleosl lhol ha is;

E*aC ilrldAgry wilh AliceYbry thlruty

Frrdr:A ntw mobileTo hovr o portyTr hqva o holidoy

lr looking ot phoios of:A nmlnor thot Jock went loA psry ot universityJapen

vl:ltad Jopon:I 995

ln 1995Afor 1995

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Folosireo,,Presenl Perfiecl"

in secfiuneo onlerioord om spus cd Present Perfect este,

esenfd, un timp prezent core semnoleozd cd un eveni

sou o ocfiune din trecul conlinud s6 oibd un efect in

Simplificdnd lucrurile, s-or puteo spune cd Presenl


Presenl Perfect exprimd ocfiuni sou evenimenie core

inceput intr-un momenl din trecul 9i continud in

rerbel erlc insofil odeseori de referiri temporole introdusede prepruifiile ,,for" (pentrul, ,,since" (din, de cdnd) gi depg**leulrr irrlerogotivd ,,how long" (de cdnd). Prezenfo ocestorer€re€ll nF vu roominli cum sd olegem timpul corecl. ,,For"€ fekraeTle pontru o perioodd de timp, o duroid. ,,Since"idenllften rrrr rrromenl precis din lrecut. Lo o intrebore coreFneepe r.rr ,,lrow long" se poole rdspunde cu o propozifie core* errfinfi o expresie lemporold inlrodusd fie de,,for", fie de







=oJexprimd concepiul de ,,inointe", ,,pdnd ocum". 56 veder

moiindeoproope diferitele utilizdri ole ocestui limp verbol Haw lcng lrtrvo theyb€clr rnlrnotl?

De cdt limp sunt eicdsdtorifi?

(gi vor continuo probobil gi in viitor). Agodor, ceeo ce

exprimd este un fel de ,,lrecui nelerminot": se vorbegle des

duroto unei ocfiuni, din momentul trecui in core o inpdnd in momeniul prezenl in core se vorbegle.

f've known Soroh since O cunosc pe Soroh de cdnd

I wos 18 oveom 18 ani

My porents hqve been Pdrinlii mei sunl cdsdtorifi

morried for 32 yeors de 32 de oni

iFrey lrrrvr lreorr mqrried Sunf cdsdtorili de 32 de onifur tl yiort-hry lr.rv= lrecrr morried Sunf cdsdforifi din 1973ilFtr 1973

EeE vcrh,r rlespre doud rdspunsuri dole oceleiogi intrebdri

fl eare rprrrr ereclogi lucru: perecheo in couz6 s-o cdsdtoril inItF-3, Fr,,l,,rrifio core confine ,,for" pune occent pe duroto€€leriei (.oo cu ,,since", in schimb, occenlueozd onul in5gfe c Evrrl lpc cdsdlorio. line minle schemo ce urmeoz6:

How long hove youworked lhere?

De cdtd vreme rnuncegliocolo?

Utilizoreo oceoslo o Present Perfect este de muhe

greooie pentru cine invofd englezo, din momenl ce

romdnd ocelogi concept de durotd se exprimd odeseo 6

intermediul prezenlului indicotiv gi nu ol perfectul comp

Cu loole ocesteo, poote fi util sd-fi omintegti cd ocesl ti


E.*.-.'l:itrtheura (lreri ore) December (decembrie)

! deya (r ft rrrcr zile) __

wcchE (rr?plCirndnj)

g rrre,t rll i+ (lol"gJgIC*

a l;:irg hrrre (rrruh fimp)

rygee (ter o/e)

Fridoy (vineri)

5 o'clock (oro 5.001

2OO3 (20031

I wos o young girl(erom o felifd)

the 2nd of June (2 iunie)

Page 28: English today-vol-12






Presenl Perfect se folosepte 9i pentru o vorbi despre o

intdmplotd intr-un lrecul recent, ole cdrei consecinfe se

simfite giin prezent. Observd exemplele urmdtoore:

Chontolfocmoi s-o dus sd


Rguf Ferfer I ee furlerrogle cdnd vrem sd vorbim despre unEr:irnertl *uu rlespre o ocfiune din lrecut, fdrd o specificoi€€l refertrerr lerrr;rorol6. Acliuneo o ovut loc inointe deRemenli.il f,ire:errl ol vorbirii 9i este posibil sd continue$ Fr viller

FCtrru Atl{tAnFl A r






Chontol's iust goneto brush her teeth

Whot hove you doneto your hoir?

spele pe dinli (= deci nu

oici in ocesf moment)

Ce fi-oi fdcut Io pdr?(: in clipo osto ore un

ospecl ciudot)

?*re har rrhoscdffi5ss t.[lc

ltE llrrd itr lLrrt-.ttcekr I llr.,rrllrs

I lired tl I l.r'nceigl I ln,,rillrr

Eo o lonsot trei CD-uril^(: pond ocum, insd or puleos6 lonseze oltele in viitor)

Eu om trdit lo Florenlo vremede noud luni (: incd lrdiescocolo gi esle probobil cd voilrdi in continuore)

Am trdit noud luni Io Florenlo(= ocum nu moi irdiesc ocolo,om schimbot orogul)

in ocest sens, Present Perfect esle folosit 9i pentru oonunfuri, moi oles cdnd cel core vorbegte inlenlioneoz6

pund in evidenfd evenimentul. Citegte propozifiile

Nicky hos hod her boby! Nicky o ndscuf!

They hove lost the elections Ei/ele ou pierdul olegerile

Cdnd se folosegte Presenl Perfect cu oceostd occepfie,

tipic6 folosireo odverbelor ,,yet" (chior, incd) ,,iusl"tocmoi, cu pulin timpin urmd) 9i ,,olreody" (deio).

,,yel", folosit otdtin propozifii negotive (cu semnificofio

moi") cdl giin propozifii interogotive (cu semnificofio ,,deio"se pune de obicei lo sfdrgitul propoziliei 9i semnoleozd

vorbilorul se ogleoptd co evenimentul respectiv sd se

intdmplot deio sou sd se inldmple in viitor.

I hqven'l bought the Nu om cumpdrot incdskoles yel potinele (?nsd o voi foce)

Hove you hod o breok yel? Ai fdcul deio o pouzd?

John hqs iust tokenhis exom

John locmoi o dof exomenul

E€nd vr-rrr rrr cl6m referinfo lemporold, esle necesor5 €ehtnrlrrrrrr lirrrpul verbol gi sd trecem lo Simple Post,

E EEtui ftrlo:iro sugereozd c6 ocfiuneo esle definiiivtHghelefc ( urrrpord exemplele urmdtoore:

*e Felrg:ed llrree CDs in 2003eo o lonsof I rei CD-uriiF EEO: (: door in onul ocelo, insd e

posibil sd fi lonsqt oltele inolte perioode diferite)

l've qlreqdy seen thot film Am vdzut deio acelfilm

Page 29: English today-vol-12








present Perfect, Tn cele din urm6, poote fi folosit Pentru,

uorLi J"rpr" experienfe din proprio vio!6 core s-ou intdmpl

;;il 1fi d" doro osio, un moment neprecizoi) in lre

Nu inlereseozd sd se gtie cdnd s-o Tnt0mploi ocfiu

,"rp".tiuA, ci door sd se comunice cd ocliuneo o ovut loc

s-o incheiqt in irecut, ior consecinfele ei suni incd relevon

in prezent. Citegte urmdtoorele exemple:

tfc heYr mot bcfore Ne-orn intdlnit deio inointe

heg e dulfi, docd vrem sd ddm ori sd cerem o referinfdFperela, esle necesor sd schimbdm timpul verbol 9i sE

E€nr ltr Siniple Posl.






llg mrt wlrerr I wos l6

Itten dld he goE Argenltrrtr?

Ne-om inlllnit cdnd euoveam 16 oni

Cdnd s-o dus el in Argentina?

l've been to Londonmony times

Hove you ever melVincent?

Anne's never cometo visit me

You hove olwoYs livedin the some Ploce

Am fost de multe ori

Io Londro

L-oi inlilnil vreodofdpe Vincent?

Dup6 cum poli observo deio din exemplele

.a,iJ t" folosegle Present Perfeci pentru o vorbi

"ip"ru"f" ain proprio vio!6 se 1e5u1se,.odeseo

lo o

;;;;r; ("r"odord),,,never' (niciodotd)"j:l*tY::i;;"J;;;)-;i ,L"'i.'"" (inointe)'

'EY?.'" se folosetre

oropozilii interogoiive sou in propoztftt cu sens negqr

i;rJ;;;ritoiorrno ofirmotiv6; 9i ,,never" se foloselte

propozifii cu sens negoliv, dor cu verb lo formo ofirmoti

Hove you ever seenthe roin?

Ai vdzul vreodotd Plooio?

Nobody's ever come here Nci nu o venil nimeni'


Anne nu a veni! niciodotdsd md vodd

Ai trdil intofdeouno /mereu?n oceloti loc


Page 30: English today-vol-12





Exercifii(Solufii lo Pos. 90)

E momenlul s6 exers6m pufin cu Present Perfect'


Arot6 docd propoziliile suni corecte (right) sou

(wrong) gi rescrie-le corect cdnd e necesor'


I YesterdoY Jock's ount E]

hos come to visit.

E Ali.e is gone to buY trsome wine.

E Alice ond Jock hos E

often spoked obout her'

H ttls ouni hos lived in trItoly oll her life.









llHt rpropozifiile, olegdnd formo verbold corecld.

lFd Pttor ... in London for 3 yeors.


ri, ln Conqdo before she come lo London.

hu futhcr since losl yeor.


rhr .., lo him on lhe phone.


Page 31: English today-vol-12

Vocsbulsrqs soon os numoi ce, doorce, obio; de indotd ceottend (lo) o frecvenlo,o urmo; o ?ngriii; o seocupo deowful oribil/6,i ngrozilor / oo re, le ri bi l/d,insp6imdntdlor/oorebrowse (to) o-9i bdgonosul, o-gi potolicurioziloteo; o novigo(pe internei)colm down (to) o (se)

colmo, o (se) liniilichot (ro) o pdldvrdgi;o slo de vorbd cu cinevq(pe internet)come olong (lo) o urmo,o venicome over (to) o veni, oveni sd vezi pe cinevo/cevoconvince (to) o convinge,o fi persuosiv; o indupleco,o deierminodeod tired obosit/6 mort,epuizo/deconomics economie(Foculty of Economics:Focultoleo de $tiinleEconomice)ever vreodotd; niciodotd(in propozifii inlerogolivegi negotive)

everywhere pesle tol,oriundefleq morkel tqlciocforgel (to) o uito; o nu-piominlifunny coroghios/oosd,distroctiv/dget off the phone (to)o inchide telefonul, opune receptorul in furcd,o intrerupe o convorbiretelefonicdguoss (lo) o presupune;o crede, o g0ndiholidoy petrecere, zi

festivd; holidoys: voconf6,concediukind omobil/6knock down (to) o dobori,o do ios, o demolololely recent, in ultimul .

timp, de cur0ndmorkcl piof6, t0rgmind (lo) q provoconepldcere, o deronio; o fiimpotrivd, de oltA pdreremobilc telefon mobilmonlh lundmood store de spiritoffice biroupleod (to) o imploro,o suplicorother moi curOnd

regords soluldri, felicit6ri,complimenle, urdri de binerepod relofieresl odihndseminor seminor (cursuniversilor)shower dug (to hoveq shower: o foce dug)slond torobd; chiogc,gheretdtronsfer (to) o tronsferouniversity universitotewotch ceos, orologiu(to wotch: o se uito,o observo)wreck relicv6; zdreonf6,vechiturd, robl6 (9i fig.)

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Television Programmes

Let's tolk:The City of London





Londra, cq moi loofe orogele mori din lume, ctre un centru

finoncior unde lucreozd mii de oomeni: este ogo-nurniful

,,Cily" gi un loc frumos de vizilol... insd nu oricdnd!

Eric: Hello ond welcome to ihis week's edition of ,,Lel's

lolk", the discussion progromme with our commentotorsTom ond Morie.Morie: Good evening everyone.Tom: Good evening.

Eric: Tom you wenl to London losl week, didn't you? You told

me you hod o meeting with on imporloni businessmon.

Tom: Yes, I did! I interviewed the chief executive of o moiorUK finonciol group. He works in the City.

Morie: So you visited the heort of internolionol high finonce,

interesting.Tom: Yes, it wos inleresting octuolly. You know, the City

is very smoll, but very importonl in the world of finonce.

I meon, did you know ihol the City of London, thot's its fullnome, is iust one squore mile or 2.6 kilometres? And thotonly 7,000 people live there?

Eric: Reolly? So few peoPle?Tom: Yes, only 7,000 people live there, but more thon

32O,OOO people o doy commute into the City to workthere.


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{ v






Eric: Wow, o ihird of o million commulers every doy. Conwe exploin to our viewers iust why this port of London is soimportont?Tom: Of coursel The City is o globol finonciol cenirewith hundreds of bonks, finonciql exchonges, insuroncecomponies ond inveslment componies. you know there oremore lhon 500 componies in the City.

Morie: Thot's righi! And it olso hos severol imporrontcommodity morkets. The City,s the ploce lo buy commoditiessuch osoil, gold ond silver. ln the City people corry out ollkinds of finonciol trqnsqclions, they borrow money, sovemoney, invest money, buy ond scll commodilies, buy ondsell insuronce for oll kinds of lhingr, from oil tonkers toskyscropers!Tom: Exoctly, Morie! Togelhar with Toltyo qnd Ncw york thecity is one of ihe world's molt impgrtonr finonciol cenrres.It's situoted between the timc zontt of fulo ond Americo. lnfoct, offices in the City don,t hqvr lurt enl clock, they hoveol leost four, with clocks rhowlng lhr tlmr for Tokyo,'Zurichond New York.

Eric: So, the City's open for burlnrn 14 houru o doyl Well,do only people from the world d flngns work there?Tom: No, nol Lots of othcr highly rkllbd Frcplt work there.For exomple mony lowyrrr, gGsufiFnil ond computerexperts work there. Thcy hrlp thr bgnkl qnd insuioncecomponies to work smoothly,

Morie: lt's worth remembcring toc lhd th: ehy,l o beoutifulploce to visit. lt con be ultro-modtm €rlc mediavql ot thesome time' There ore somc ba€urlfulelc bulldlngr, aspecioilythe churches, ond some innovotlvr nrtr bslldlngr su.h osihe Lloyd's insuronce building gnd hr lwlcc RE Building,or the ,,gherkin" os il's now known,

Tom: But remember: don't visit the Ciiy ol weekends!There's nobody there! And most of the shops ond pubs oreclosed.

Eric: Thonks for thot iip! Well, the City's the finonciol heortof the UK ond perhops of Europe. But it is olso on intereslingploce to visit with mony interesiing buildings. Thonks lo ourcommentotors.Morie: Goodbye.Tom: Goodbye.

Eric: Goodbye everyone ond see you ogoin soon for o nextinteresting oppointment wilh ,,Lei's tolk".






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Sd tnfelegem(Solufii lo pos. 91)

Verificd docd oi infeles, rdspunzdnd lo urmdtoorele?nirebdri:

ll Tom is going to London next week.E TrueE Folse

E Only 700 people live in the City of London.E Truetr Folse

El third of o million people commute to the Ciiy every doy.E Truetr Folse

E You con buy oil in the Ciiy of London.E Truetr Folsb

E There oren'f ony churches in lhe City of London.E TrueE Folse


City of London:qu ti melropolele o inimd

Orogele importonte ole lumii ou un centru finoncior

(o inimd) foorte dezvohol, unde zilnic vin mii 9i mii de

oomeni lo muncd. Dor, ogo cum ou explicot Morie 9i Tom,

este gi un loc unde pofi foce cumpdrdluri' Sd vedem moiinom6nunt.

To be lhe finonciol heorl ol Afi inimo finonciord o

The City of London is the Cily din Londro este centrul

finonciol heort of rhe UK financior ol Morii Brilonii

Sd vedem ce octivitdfi ,,pun in migcore" zono qceqslo 9i sd

incercdm sd invdfdm termeni core ne pot fi de folos in viofo

de zi cu zi:

Insurqnce compony Componie de osigurdri

ln the City of London in Cily din Londro exisf6

there ore mony insuronce multe componii de asigurdri

componies to insure people penlru o osiguro persoone

or properties sou ProPrieldli

To insure

Cor insuronce

Most people hove corinsuronce which theY PoY

every yeor. So if you hove

on occident, your insuronce

compony poys for thedomoges

A osigurcri o ocoperi cu osigurore

Asigurore oulo

Mojoritoleo oomenilor ou

o osigurore oulo Pe core opldtesc in fiecore on. $odor,in coz de occidenf, comPonio

de osigurdri pl6teg+e dounele

Page 35: English today-vol-12








lnvestmenl componyBonk

To corry outTo invest

Bonks corry ouifinonciol tronsoclions

Sociefofe de investilii



Verbul ,,o imprumuto" se troduce in doud feluri, dupd cumsemnificofio lui este ,,o luo cu imprumul", ,,lo borrow",sou ,,o do imprumut", core se redd prin verbul ,rlo lend"sou ,,lo loon", oceslo din urmd folosit moi mult Tn englezoomericond decdt in ceo briionicd.Observd exemplele:

Shores AcliuniProfit profit, beneficiu

lf-:t:"ll:mponies buy Sociefdfi/e de invesfifiisnores ot other componies cumpdrd ocfiuni ole'ohorto moke profit intreprinderi pentru a ob1ine

beneficiiVezi cdte cuvinle utile? Acum s6 conlinudm cu termeniide boz6 otunci c6nd se vorbegte Jerpr"'ironro.tii.

A efecfuo (o tronzocfie)

A investi

Bd ncile ef ccl ueozd o per oli u n icomerciole

He lenl her doughlersome money;she borrowed somemoney from her fother

lf o bonk lends Docd o boncd ili imprumutdyou money, you musl boni, lrebuie sd-i inopoiezipoy il bock with inlerest cu dobdndd

Dupd cum om invdfol din text lnsd, in Cify of London nusuni numoi bdnci gi componii de osigurore, de exemplu:

El i-o imprumutol (dat) banifiicei lui; eo o imprumutol(luot) boni de lo toldl ei

Fii otent: verbul ,to sove,, (o cconomisi) poote oveosemnificofie dubld. Obseryd difircnfo: -

I would like to go to Spoin AS vrca fi m6 duc ?n Sponionexf yeor, so I need to sova onul viitor, ogo cd trebuiesome money sd econorflircs c (ra -iu,daoportc) nigta boni

Her brother soves money Frofclc cj aconomisegte (1ine)in o bonk aorii tnir.J ion.o

Commodity mqrkel


Piol6 de m1fruri

Morfd ongro

Commodities ore things Termenul ,,morfd ongro"lhot you con buy ond sell indicd tof ce pofi vinde giin lorge quonlities cumpdro in contitdli mori

The City's the best ploce Cily e cel moi bun loc dinin London to buy Londro de unde sd cumpericommodiiies morfd

Page 36: English today-vol-12







$i, co sd incheiem, un verb gi subsfontivul derivot pe core,cu siguron!6, nu ne vo fi greu sd le folosim ?n orice conlexlde lucru:

Exercilii(Solufii lo pos. 91)


Alege rdspunsul corect Tn ocest exercifiu.

ll A person who trovels from ouiside o city into the cenlre

every doy lo work is colled...tr o) o trovellertr b) o commuter

E Products thot you con buy qnd sell in lorge quontities

ore colled...E o) commoditiesE b) insuronces

E lf you keep money secure in o bonk, you ... money.

tr o) borrowft b) sovetr c) invest

E lf you buy shores in o compony to moke more money,

you...tr o) borrowtr b) sovetr c) invesl

H lf you toke money from o bonk ond poy it bock loier,

you ...money.tr o) borrowtr b) sovetr c) invest

To commule

CommulerA fi novefisl, o foce noveta


A lot of people hove io in fiecore zi, mulyi oomenicommule lo work trebuie sd focd noyefo celevery doy, which tokes pulin o ord co sd ojungdthem ot leqsl on hour lo lucru

Page 37: English today-vol-12








E I om hungry. Will you ... me some money to buysomeihing to eoi?tr o) borrowtr b) lend


Completeozd propozifiile cu formo verbold corecl6'

E When I wos ol school I used to '.. footboll every week'

tr o) ployingtr b) ploy

E Oia you ... work in o bonk?

tr o) used iotr b) use to

El You're English, ...tr o) ore you?tr b) oren't you?

E Sne doesn't smoke, ...tr o) does she?

tr b) doesn'i she?

E I don't hove o cor ... . I will hove to poy for the domogesmyself.tr o) inleresltr b) insuronce

E I hove to poy very high ... to my bonk.tr o) inieresttr b) interests

E Bonks ... finonciol tronsoctions.tr o) corry outD b) moke

E the City of London is the ... heort of London.tr o)finoncetr b)finonciol





Page 38: English today-vol-12

Let's tolk:MigrotionFenomenul imigrdrii genereozd pdreri foorle diferife: Tomcrede cd e ulil pentru economio fdrii ,,gazdd", in timp ceMorie considerd cd ocesfo oduce cu sine consecinfe negofrVe.Sd vedem core sunf molivele core stou lq bozo pdrerilor celordoi comenfotori din ,,Lel's folk".

Eric: Good evening lo oll viewers ond welcome lo thisweek's edition of ,,Let's tolk", our discussion progrommewilh our expert commenlotors Tom ond Morie.Morie: Good evening, Eric.Tom: Good evening.

Eric: Well, occording to the doto from the lotest Europeonconference on migrotion, lhe number of migronts orrivingin Europe hos increosed enormously over the losi five yeors.EU politicions ore divided on this issue. Some of thembelieve lhot migrotion is o bod thing ond couses lots ofproblems. On the other hond, other politicions mointointhol migronls conlribute to lhe developing of the economy.Could I osk whot you think oboul this issues?

Morie: Well, in my opinion migronls don'l help oureconomy. On the conirory, ihey toke iobs from locol peopleond push down poy rotes for both unskilled ond skilledworkers. ln foct, migronts ore often poid less ihon the legolminimum woge.

Tom: l'm ofroid I don'l ogree with you, Morie. Monyemployers use immigrotion to plug lobour shortoges, forexomple in ogricuhure. Formers employ thousonds of



Page 39: English today-vol-12







Eosiern Europeon workers lo pick lheir crops os lhey con'ffind locol workers to do the work.

Eric: Thot's lrue. ln oddition, there ore low bi*h roles inmosl Europeon counlries, porticulorly in Spoin ond ltoly. Theeconomies of lhese counlries need more workers, especiollyfor difficult iobs thol locol people don't wont io do.Tom: Exocllyl And il's importont lo remember thot migrontworkers conlribule io the economy becouse ihey poy toxes.

Eric: Well, this only hoppens if migronts work legolly!Unfortunotely mony migronls come into Europe illegolly.Morie: You're right, Eric! They come in illegolly ond theyoften form on undercloss lhol doesn't hove occess toheqlthcore ond educqlion. Thot's why they somelimes getinvolved in criminol ocliviiies. I lhink some immigrotionis ok, especiolly if the immigronls ore osylum seekers orrefugees who con't relurn to lheir home countries. Aportfrom this I think Europeon governments should put o stopto immigrotion.

Eric: How-do you suggest they do this?Morie: Well, the EU should do more to help develop theeconomies of North ond Wesl Africo. This would helpeconomic migronis, migronts who come lo Europe towork, to stoy ol home, find o iob ond develop their locoleconomies.

Tom: Come on Morie, todoy the world's o ,,globol villoge".People hove olwoys moved oround lhe world. Don't forgelfor exomple the millions of Europeons who migroted toNorth Americo ol the beginning of the lost century. Theyexperienced ihe some problems thot the Africons oreexperiencing todoy.

Eric: Thql's right, Tom! Migrotion is os old os lhe humon

roce. People hove olwoys moved to where ii's possible lomoke o living. Moybe we should get used to the ideo thot

our society is becoming more ond more multirociol. Ok,this discussion hqs been very interesting but unfortunotely

it is time to soy goodbye lo Tom ond Morie.

Morie: Goodbye, Eric.

Tom: Goodbye.

Eric: Goodbye ond see you ogoin soon for our nexl

instollment of ,,Lel's tolk"!



Page 40: English today-vol-12







Sd Tnlelegem(Solufii lo pos. 92)

Verificd docd - oi infeles, rdspunzdnd lo urmdlooreleintrebdri:

ll the number of migronts thot come to Europe hosdecreosed.D Truetr Folse

E nt fU politicions ogree thot immigrotion is o bod ihing.E Truetr Folse

E Morie thinks migronis toke iobs from locol people.lJ lruetr Folse

E Tom thinks migronls conlribuie to lhe economy ofo counlry.-F Truetr Folse

H Morie thinks rhe EU should help immigronis in their owncountries.lJ lruetr Folse


Vqlizq in mdnd... se pleocd!

Ce crezi despre ceeo ce tocmoi qi citit? Egri de ocord cu

Morie, ori g6ndegti co Tom? Sd onolizdm ocum cdievocuvinte pe core le-oi gdsit in text gi oltele toi despre ocesl











According to dotq from theEU, the number of migronlsorriving in Europe hosincreosed enormously






Conform dotelor UE,

numdrul de emigronli coresosesc in Europo o crescufenorm

Fii olent: obreviereo ,,Uniunii Europene" in englezd nu este

UE, ci EU (de lo ,,Europeon Union").

Economic migronl Refugiof economic

Economic migronls come Refugiofii economic vin dinfrom poor countries ond fdri sdroce gi coutd de luuulook for work where in'loro in core se ducthey go

Asylum seeker Azilont/Cel core coul6 ozil

Page 41: English today-vol-12








Sd onolizdm ocum ospectul strict economic ol fenomenuluide emigrofie, plecdnd de lo cuvintele de bozd:


Asylum seekers ondrefugees must leove lheirhome country becouse theirlives ore in donger there


Azilonlii 9i refugiolii trebuiesd-gi pdrdseoscd foro debogfind, fiindcd ocolo viofolor esfe in pericol

Alte cuvinle:

To poy loxes

To plug lqbour shortoges

To push down poy rotes

Other EU politicions thinkimmigrotion is o bod thingbecouse migronlspush down poy rotes

Legol minimum woge

Migronts push down poyroles becouse they ore oftenpoid less thon lhe legolminimum woge




Some migronls work illegolly,but some work legollybecquse they poy toxes

A pldti toxe

,,A lompono" lipso de forldde muncd

A micaoro soloriile

Alli politicieni din UE cred cdimigroreo este un lucru rdu,deoorece emigronlii sunlcouze unei scdderi de solqrii

Soloriu minim gorontof delege

Emigronfii foc sd scoddsoloriile fiindcd odeseo sunfpldtili moi pulin decdt soloriulminim goronlot de lege



Unii emigronfi muncescilegol, dor ollii lucreozdlegol fiindcd pldfesc toxe



Some poliiicions thinkmigrotion is o good thingbecouse migronts conlribuleto the developmenl ofEuropeon economies



Unii politicieni cred cdemigrolio esfe un lucrubun, deoorece emigronfiiconlribuie lo deuoltoreoeconomiilor europene

Angoiolorii se folosescde emigronli penlru a,,fempone" lipso de mdndde lucru, fiindcd lipsescoomenii (din locul respecfiv)co sd presleze muncs

Mu ncitorii ongoiofi pldtescfoxe

Fii otenl: nu confundo termenii ,,employer" (ongoiatorlgi,,employee" (omplooiol, ongojaf\:

Employers use migrontsto plug lobour shortogesbecouse lhere ore nolocol people lo dothe work

Employees poy toxes




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Existd diferite moduri de o denumi compensofiile ce se

primesc pentru munco prestotd. Sd le vedem:

Pqy Plold, relribulie(generic, pentru o indicobonii ce se cdgtigd regulotpentru muncq prestoi6)

Rernunerore /ciglig(se referd moi mult loconlitoteo de bqni corese primegte pentru muncoprestotd)

Relribulie / rem u nerolie / sol ori u

(indicd retribufios6ptdmdnold sou pe zi, boniTn mdnd)

Leofd/solqriu(plotit lunor, direct in boncd)




Observd urmdioorele exemple core ie vor oiuto sd


Exercifii(Solulii lo pog.92)


Alege rdspunsul corecl in ocesl exercifiu.

I A troveller who moves from one country lo qnolher

is colled ...tr o) o migronttr b) on immigroni

E Tl.re movement of people into o country lo live thereis colled ...tr o) migrotiontr b) immigrotion

E A person from o poor country who comes to work in

Europe is colled ...tr o) on osylum seekertr b) on economic migront

E People who give iobs to olher people ore colled ...tr o) employerstr b)employees

E th" lowesl legol solory is colled ,,the legol minimum ... "O o) poytr b) woge

Our woges ore poidevery Fridoy

I hove io poy the cqrinsuronce oui of mywqges

Whol's the overogewqge in this country?

Lefurile noosfre se pldfescin fiecore vineri

Trebuie sd pldtesc osiguroreooulo din leofo meo

Core-i soloriul mediu in laroaslo?




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E One of the problems with migronts is thot theyrotes.D o) push downtr b) press

E Woges ore poid ...tr o) weekly or doilytr b) monihly

EI Solories ore poid ...tr o) monthlytr b)weekly

E People who ore in politics ore colled ...tr o) policiestr b) politicions

Et lmmigrotion ... in the lost five yeors.tr o) hove increosedtr b) hos increosed

... poy EXERCTTTUL 2

Completeozd propoziliile cu formo verbold corecl6.

I I live in London. I ... here for two yeors.t1 o) hove livedtr b) live

E How long ... worked here?tr o) hove youtr b) do you

E ... here since September.tr o) l've workedtr b) lwork

8... Alice on Mondoy.E o) l've seentrb)lsow





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Scens l: Two sislers meuns twice lhe work!

56 infelegem (pog. 9)1) o; 2) Folse; 3) c; 4) c

Exercilii (pos. 20)

EXERCITIUt I1) more crowded ihon2) more beoutifulthon3) livelier thon4) better ihon

EXERCTTTUL 21) is not os pretty/cuie os

2\ o bit/o little toller thon3) more qnd more onxious4) much/o lot more reloxed


Page 45: English today-vol-12

ScenE 2: You two qre complelely different!

Sd infelegem (pos. 24)1) b; 2) c; 3) Folse; 4) b

Exercilii (pog. 31)

EXERCTTTUL 3'l) b; 2) o; 3) b; 4) c

EXERCTTtUt 4I ) Risht2) Wrong (Right; Alice is lhe most interesiing of oll of them)3) Wrong (Right; Shoron is the prettiest of the girls)4) Wrong (Right; Jock is the most hord-working of oll of them)


Scenc l: You've been in there for over on hour!

Sd infelegem (pog. 37)1) o; 2l b; 3) c; 4) True

Exerci;ii (pog. 47)

EXERCTTTUL 1'l) Wrong (Right; Hove you ever spoken io her?)2) Rishl3)Wrong (Right; Hos she olwoys lived here?)4) Risht

EXERCTTTUL 2l)b;2)o;3)b;4)b

Page 46: English today-vol-12

ScEno 2: Who knows whot hos chonged since then?

Sd infelegem (pog. 5'l)1)o;2)c;3)b;4)b

Exercilii (pog. 58)

EXERCTTTUt 31) Wrong (Right; Yesterdoy Jock's ounl come to visit)2) Wrong (Right; Alice hos gone to buy some wine)3)Wrong (Right; Alice ond Jock hove often spoken oboui her)4) Risht

EXERCtTtUt 41lc;21 b;3)c;4)o

Television ProgrsmmesLET'S TAIK

The City of London

Sd infelegem (pog. 66)1) Folse; 2) Folse; 3)True; 4lTrue; 5) Folse

Exercilii (pog. 71)

EXERCTTTUt r'l) b; 2) o; 3) b; 4) c; 5) o; 6) b; 7) b; 8) b; 9) o; 10) b

EXERCTTTUT 2llb; 2l b 3) b; 4) o

Page 47: English today-vol-12

Television ProgrommesLET'S TALK


Sd infelegem (pog. 78)1) Folse; 2) Folse; 3) True; 4) True; 5) True

Exerci;ii (pos. 83)

EXERCtTtUt I1) o; 2) b; 3) b; 4) o; 5) b; 6) o; 7) o; 8) o; 9) b;

EXERCtTtUT 21lo;2lo;3)o;4)b

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Structura cursului

incepitori nivel unu (2 incepatori nivel doi O incepdtori nivel trei @ incepatori

nivel patru Cli) El"rn.ntur nivel unu (l El.-"ntur nivel doi @ Ei.rrr.rltur nivel trei

(.! Elementar nivel parm @ Intermediar 1 nivel .rno @ Interrnediar 1 nivel doi

@ Ir.t..*"diar 1 nivel tr.i @ Interrnecliar 1 nivel patru @ Ir-rte.-.diar 2 nivel unu

@ Int.r-ediar 2 nivel aol @ Intermediar 2 nivel trei @ I.tt.r-.diar 2 nivel patru

@ Inte .mediar 2 nivel cinci @ Avansali nivel .rnn 6D Alru,tsatri nivel doi

€E Avansali nivel trei @ Avun.utri nivel patru €EAvansa-ti nivel cinci

In acest aolumLec{ia 9 - That's life! Are you really sisters?

Rec a.pi.tulare a comp aratiu ului' Rec aPi tularea s uperhti.u uluiLecfia 10 - That's life! One of those daJs

,,Present PerJect" . Iblosi,rea,,Present Perfect"

Proqrame TV - Let's talk The City of LondonPrograme TV - Let's talk: Migration