english funny 2011

THE TIME is very marvelous and famous in the world In April 20 th of 2011 will be in a concert Ozzy Osbourne the god of the darkness. Present song like Let Me Hear You Scream, the concert will be in Simon Bolivar Park in Bogota. I invited students who likes this music to enjoy for a while. The Music has advanced In the Year 2011. The new songs in this year has been played in different genres for example, pop, hip-hop, rock n’ roll, dance, and others. Black Eyed Peas released an album with a song very famous song name`s is NEWSPAPER In April 20 th of 2011 will be in a concert Ozzy Osbourne the god of the darkness. ¡Music! By. Sebastian Herrera 1002 ENGLISh´S FUNNY INTERNATIONAL THE WOMAN´´ DAY RODRIGO ARENAS BETANCOURT celebrated in march 18,2011 the International woman´ day , with many special celebrations. in each one of the classrooms of the college, we could observe the young men preparing different activities in honor to all women. Tenth and eleventh courses offered honor's streets, flowers and serenates to their dear pears. Thank you for theirs affect demonstrating 1001

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Page 1: english funny 2011

THE TIME is very marvelous and

famous in the world

In April 20th

of 2011 will be in a

concert Ozzy Osbourne the god

of the darkness. Present song

like Let Me Hear You Scream, the

concert will be in Simon Bolivar

Park in Bogota. I invited students

who likes this music to enjoy for

a while.

The Music has advanced In

the Year 2011. The new

songs in this year has been

played in different genres

for example, pop, hip-hop,

rock n’ roll, dance, and


Black Eyed Peas released

an album with a song very

famous song name`s is


In April 20th of 2011 will be in a concert Ozzy Osbourne

the god of the darkness.

¡Music! By. Sebastian Herrera 1002




march 18,2011 the International woman´ day ,

with many special celebrations. in each one of the

classrooms of the college, we could observe the

young men preparing different activities in honor to

all women.

Tenth and eleventh courses offered honor's streets,

flowers and serenates to their dear pears.

Thank you for theirs affect demonstrating


Page 2: english funny 2011

Regarding educational purposes

about I read some days ago, I

proved the great importance that family (dad and mom) has in the children integral education proc-


The responsibility to develop this task is not exactly of the teachers, in spite of their efforts. Teachers should be clear about their role which is the education, not the

breeding of children.

In our country, Education is on politics hands, however, their per-sonal interests are other quite dif-ferent. So, it must be solved by the family. Parents have to be closer to their children, they must guide,

support and help them.

It would be better if they don´t leave children alone because kids and even the older guys, actually don´t know how to face the world with drugs and violence. children

P Á G I N A 2



. The supervisors have to be the parents and the teachers who

should keep children in line.

On the other hand, it´s not easy to educate the huge groups we

have. If a student has just become into a number in a list, it´s very difficult to educate him/her as a human being. Parents and teach-ers must to be brave and strong to apply the coexistence manual

with authority but respectfully.

It´s very important that parents, teachers and students look for

maintaining dignity and respect

together and to each others.

Another important aspect in edu-cation is the evaluation. If you are a teacher you are supposed to do a plan, apply, check it over and evaluate each one of your actions at school, I think this is the way you know how to improve and do

it better day by day.

We will succeed at peda-gogical practice through-out the evaluation prac-tice. Don´t be frightened if someone compares you, take it easy if somebody thinks that you are not the best teacher at school.

Never mind. Be sure teachers and students learn together with hits and misses or faults. This is the way human beings


Since this work, education is a public service we

should be accountable to the community and the country, so it is our respon-sibility (of the government, parents and teachers) to provide a high quality of education with exigency

and love.

from Ruth’s book of riddles

Students from tenth and eleventh grade, are designed a virtual magazine which content is focused on the most important activities carried out at Rodrigo arenas Betancourt . It has some articles about Environment, Sexual Education, Prevention and disasters, Leo project and some interesting topics. This is an opportunity to improve English communicative abilities and the use of

the Tics at school.

Fabiola Guaqueta B J.T.